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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wordmongers : post-medieval scribal culture and the case of Sighvatur Grímsson /

Ólafsson, Davíð. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of St Andrews, April 2009.

Problems of textual transmission in early German books on mining "Der Ursprung Gemeynner Berckrecht" and the Norwegian "Bergkordnung" /

Connolly, David E., January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 663-677).

Τα διηγήματα από τα Κείμενα Νεοελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας της Α΄ Γυμνασίου σύμφωνα με τη δομική αφηγηματολογία του Claude Bremond

Σταυρογιαννοπούλου, Ευθυμία 24 October 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία επικεντρώνει το ενδιαφέρον της στην προσέγγιση των διηγημάτων που περιέχονται στα Κείμενα Νεοελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας της Α΄ τάξης του Γυμνασίου. Η προσέγγιση αυτή γίνεται με βάση τη «στρουκτουραλιστική εκδοχή» της Αναγνωστικής Θεωρίας και συγκεκριμένα τη θεωρία του Γάλλου σημειολόγου/αφηγηματολόγου Claude Bremond. Γίνεται μια προσπάθεια ανάδειξης της σύνδεσης ανάμεσα στην Αφηγηματολογία και στην ερμηνεία κειμένων που διδάσκονται στο Γυμνάσιο. Η εργασία οργανώνεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο του πρώτου μέρους εκτίθεται η προβληματική της έρευνας, οι στόχοι και η μέθοδος που ακολουθείται. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο εκτίθεται αναλυτικά το θεωρητικό μοντέλο που προτείνει ο Bremond για την ανάλυση κάθε είδους αφηγηματικών κειμένων. Βασικές έννοιες του μοντέλου του είναι οι ρόλοι δρώντων και πασχόντων υποκειμένων και οι διαδικασίες, οι οποίες συνδέονται μεταξύ τους αλλά και με τους ρόλους. Στο δεύτερο μέρος γίνεται η ανάλυση του λογοτεχνικού υλικού, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει δέκα διηγήματα, σύμφωνα με το θεωρητικό μας εργαλείο. Τέλος, με αφορμή τα συγκεκριμένα διηγήματα γίνονται κάποιες προτάσεις για τη διδακτική αξιοποίηση του μοντέλου του Bremond στο Γυμνάσιο. / The present work focuses on the approach of short stories contained in the Texts of Modern Greek Literature taught at the first class of the Greek High School. This approach is based on the “structuralist version” of the Reader-Response Theory and, specifically, on the theory of the French semiologist/narratologist Claude Bremond. An effort has been made to show the connection between Narratology and the interpretation of texts taught at the Greek High School. The work consists of two parts. In the first chapter of the first part the research problems, the objectives and the used methodology are analyzed. In the second chapter, Bremond’s theoretical model for the analysis of all kinds of narrating texts is examined thoroughly. The basic concepts of his model are the roles of the agents, the roles of the patients and the processes, which are connected with each other as well as with the roles. The second part includes the analysis of the Literature material, which consists of ten short stories, using the theoretical tool. Finally, having in mind these particular short stories, certain suggestions for the educational use of Bremond’s model at the Greek High School are made.

Ανίχνευση πρακτικών γραμματισμού μαθητών Ε΄ και ΣΤ΄ Δημοτικού σε κείμενα μαζικής κουλτούρας και το ισχύον διδακτικό υλικό

Τσάμη, Βασιλική 28 February 2013 (has links)
Η προοδευτική στροφή των σχολικών προγραμμάτων έχει αναδείξει τη σημασία αξιοποίησης των κειμένων μαζικής κουλτούρας στη γλωσσική διδασκαλία (Alvermann et al. 1999˙ Stevens 2001˙ Morrell 2002). Στην παρούσα εργασία θα διερευνηθεί σε ποιο βαθμό μαθητές/τριες της Ε’ και ΣΤ’ Δημοτικού έχουν πρόσβαση σε μέσα (τηλεόραση, ραδιόφωνο, υπολογιστής κ.ά) τα οποία είναι φορείς κειμένων μαζικής κουλτούρας και σε ποιο βαθμό προτιμούν δραστηριότητες που εμπεριέχουν κείμενα μαζικής κουλτούρας (ακρόαση τραγουδιών, παρακολούθηση τηλεοπτικών προγραμμάτων, πλοήγηση στο διαδίκτυο, ανάγνωση εξωσχολικών εντύπων, παρακολούθηση θεατρικών παραστάσεων και κινηματογραφικών ταινιών). Παράλληλα, θα μελετηθεί αν και σε ποιο βαθμό οι προτιμήσεις των παιδιών επηρεάζονται από διάφορους κοινωνικούς παράγοντες, καθώς και αν σχετίζονται με τις σχολικές επιδόσεις του/της μαθητή/τριας στο γλωσσικό μάθημα. Επιπλέον, διερευνάται αν και σε ποιο βαθμό οι προτεινόμενες διδακτικές πρακτικές από το ισχύον αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα και το διδακτικό υλικό για το γλωσσικό μάθημα στο δημοτικό σχολείο αξιοποιούν και βρίσκονται σε αντιστοιχία με τις προτιμήσεις και τις καθημερινές εμπειρίες των μαθητών/τριών από τον ευρύτερο κοινωνικοπολιτισμικό τους χώρο. Τέλος, γίνεται σύγκριση των όσων καταδεικνύουν τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνάς μας με τις ισχύουσες διδακτικές πρακτικές στην Ελλάδα, όπως περιγράφονται σε σχετικές έρευνες. H συλλογή των δεδομένων πραγματοποιήθηκε με τη συμπλήρωση ερωτηματολογίων από τους/τις μαθητές/τριες. Η έρευνα διεξήχθη σε πέντε δημόσια σχολεία του νομού Αχαΐας, τα οποία λειτουργούν σε περιοχές με διαφορετικό κοινωνικό επίπεδο. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα, τα παιδιά της Ε’ και ΣΤ’ Δημοτικού φαίνεται να δίνουν ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην οπτική και ακουστική διάσταση των κειμένων μαζικής κουλτούρας. Φαίνεται να προτιμούν λιγότερο τα έντυπα κείμενα μαζικής κουλτούρας, τα οποία έχουν τη δυνατότητα να συνδυάζουν μόνο τον γραπτό λόγο και την εικόνα, ενώ υπάρχει η τάση να προτιμούν τραγούδια και κείμενα της τηλεοπτικής μαζικής κουλτούρας, τα οποία έχουν τη δυνατότητα να συνδυάζουν σύγχρονους σημειωτικούς τρόπους της ψηφιακής τεχνολογίας, όπως εικόνα, κίνηση και ήχο. Το γεγονός αυτό μας οδηγεί στο συμπέρασμα ότι ανάμεσα στο ισχύον διδακτικό υλικό και τις εξωσχολικές πρακτικές γραμματισμού των παιδιών υπάρχει μια σημαντική αναντιστοιχία (Luke 2004). / -

Experiencia de aplicación del ABP para la redacción de textos argumentativos en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes / A PBL application experience in the preparation of argumentative texts of students at The National Universitiy in Tumbes

Miranda Ynga, Diana Milagro 28 August 2014 (has links)
El presente trabajo investiga la aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) como metodología didáctica innovadora, que propicia, como logro, la producción de textos argumentativos. El experimento se aplicó en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. El ABP se sustenta en los principios del aprendizaje activo y colaborativo, caracterizándose por fomentar, al mismo tiempo, la adquisición de conocimientos y actitudes. Asimismo, promueve la investigación para solucionar problemas, la creación de productos, el pensamiento crítico, el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación y la tolerancia. En esta investigación, se aplicó una prueba de desarrollo de la producción textual a una muestra de 75 alumnos de primer ciclo de la Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Al medir dicha capacidad, se comparó la diferencia entre dos grupos (experimental y de control), aplicando la metodología, en ambos, al iniciar sus estudios (pre-prueba) y al finalizar el experimento (postprueba). Los resultados confirmaron la hipótesis del trabajo: la aplicación del ABP incidió en la producción de textos argumentativos. La post-prueba determinó que el grupo experimental mejoró significativamente dicha competencia (en 28 por ciento respecto a su rendimiento inicial, y en 23 por ciento respecto al grupo de control). El estudio evidenció que el ABP, frente al tradicional, constituye un método más adecuado para desarrollar la capacidad de producir textos. / Revisión por pares

The coronation ceremony during the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt : an analysis of three "coronation" inscriptions

Belekdanian, Arto Onnig Arto Onnig January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides a detailed interpretation of three key texts described in Egyptological research as "coronation inscriptions:" the Historical Inscription of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III's Texte de la jeunesse, and Horemheb's Turin inscription. Similarities and differences between these texts, as well as other sources, both textual and pictorial, are discussed. A clear terminology is laid out, distinguishing between accession (the royal heir becoming king at the death of their predecessor), crowning (the action of placing the crowns on the new king's head), and coronation ceremony (following the accession by some time on which occasion the new ruler would have been bestowed with the crowns and regalia of his office, perhaps for the first time). The main aim of this thesis is to determine whether it would be accurate to label the discussed texts as coronation inscriptions and, if not, how they can best be described. It is determined that the evidence supports the earlier conclusion reached by Redford, that it would be incorrect to speak of a “coronation ceremony” in the dynastic period, for new kings would have been crowned at their accessions in a palace setting, soon after the death of their predecessors, this followed some time later by a public “appearance ceremony” in a temple festival setting. While it is determined that Thutmose III's inscription describes the time when kingship was predicted to him, it is concluded that the Hatshepsut and Horemheb texts narrate exceptional events on which occasion their accessions in a palace and public "appearance ceremonies" intersected.

Henri Thomas et le récit réticent / Henri Thomas and the reticent narrative

Ungureanu, Dana-Maria 08 July 2017 (has links)
Parue entre 1940 et 1993, l’œuvre d’Henri Thomas se remarque par sa qualité et par sa profusion. L’auteur a abordé les différents champs de la création littéraire (romans, récits, nouvelles, poésies) mais aussi la critique, la traduction et le domaine autobiographique. Il reste pourtant un écrivain quasiment inconnu pour le grand public et cela en grande partie parce que son œuvre résiste à la lecture et ne se laisse pas facilement intégrer dans les canons littéraires. Limpides au premier abord, ces textes nous donnent pourtant la vive sensation d’un mystère innommable que le lecteur ne peut approcher que par détours. La thèse ci-présente interroge dix récits de l’auteur – des romans et des nouvelles écrits dans de différentes périodes de sa vie –, et part de l’hypothèse que la réticence est la figure dominante de ces textes qui oscillent en permanence entre le dit et le non-dit, entre le montré et le caché, entre la précarité et la surabondance discursive. Dans la première partie, nous analysons deux situations occurrentes dans lesquelles la réticence apparaît (l’épiphanie et la disparition) et l’inscription paradoxale de la réticence dans l’œuvre sous la forme d’un discours lacunaire ou d’un discours digressif. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la dialectique du plein et du vide qui est repérable notamment au niveau de la conception sur l’image et la mémoire. Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée à la dimension performative de la réticence. Elle s’inscrit textuellement dans le récit par les points de suspension, les tirets et l’italique, donne lieu à une identification problématique des instances narratives et implique un rapport particulier entre l’auteur et le lecteur. / Published between 1940 and 1933, Henri Thomas’ work stands out for its quality and quantity. The author approached different spheres of the literature (novels, short novels, poems) but also critic, translations or autobiographies. Despite all this, Henri Thomas remains a writer almost unknown to the large public, mostly because his works resist reading and are not easily integrated in the literary canons. Transparent at a first sight, his texts give us the strong sensation of an unnamable mystery that the author can only approach indirectly. Our thesis starts from the hypothesis that reticence is the dominant figure of these texts – which are permanently oscillating between told and untold, between revealed and unrevealed, between austerity and discursive superabundance. The analyzed corpus consists of 10 narrative texts – novels and short novels written by the author in different periods of his life – that allow us to have a wider view of his narrative creation. In the first part of the thesis, we describe 2 occurrence situations in which we find the reticence (epiphany and disappearance) and the paradoxical ways in which this appears in the form of an incomplete speech or a digressiv speech. The second part is dedicated to the dialectics of the full and the empty, two faces of the reticence, especially when it comes to the conception of image and memory. Finally, the third part is dedicated to the performative dimension of reticence: beyond its textual characteristics such as the ellipsis, the hype or the italics, the reticence determines o problematic identification of the narrative instincts and a special relation between the author and the reader.

A construção do sentido na escrita de alunos universitários : uma proposta de ensino fundamentada nos princípios cognitivos de adaptação e complexidade /

Mendonça, Maria Eunice Barbosa Vidal. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio Suárez Abreu / Banca: Maria do Rosário de Fátima Valencise Gregolin / Banca: Eliana Izabel Scurciatto / Banca: Maria Flávia de Figueiredo Pereira Bollela / Banca: Iracema Aparecida Wada Papa / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi encontrar novos direcionamentos para o ensino de língua, na dinâmica complexa da ordenação de ideias em textos escritos por alunos universitários. Nossa hipótese básica é de que um número considerável de jovens ingressantes no ensino superior não redige com clareza por falta do necessário domínio das estruturas sintáticas e suas funções, o que decorre, a nosso ver, de um equívoco na concepção de língua e de escrita sob a qual eles foram educados. Com o intuito de compreender as estratégias linguísticas utilizadas por alunos recém-admitidos em faculdade, para organizar com clareza as suas ideias, recorremos à perspectiva funcionalista e aos postulados da Linguística Cognitiva, uma vez que esses modelos teóricos partilham a mesma noção de que a língua é parte da cognição humana, devendo, pois, ser estudada em função do contexto sociocomunicativo. O corpus desta pesquisa é constituído por um conjunto de textos escritos por ingressantes em Direito, visto que deles - mais do que outros profissionais - serão exigidas habilidades linguísticas capazes de corresponder, de forma clara, aos anseios de seus clientes. Nossa amostra resultou de atividades de reescrita de textos confusos ou ambíguos que foram oferecidos aos alunos em sala de aula. A proposta de refacção textual foi baseada no paradigma dos Sistemas Complexos, que entende que tanto a parte está no todo, como o todo está nas partes de que se compõe. Desse modo, os alunos foram levados a buscar soluções de clareza para seus textos, trabalhando intuitivamente, procurando orientação de reescrita somente no princípio da complexidade de passar da desordem (caos) para a ordem sem receberem instruções gramaticais explícitas. Os resultados permitiram a valiosa possibilidade de ensinar questões de língua confiando na reordenação de estruturas pelos próprios alunos / Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to find new issues for language teaching, in the complex dynamics of ordering ideas in written texts by college students. Our hypothesis is that a considerable number of students entering college do not write in a clear way, for lacking the necessary mastery of syntactic structures and their functions. From our point of view, this is due to the development of a failing conception of both language and writing during their education. Aiming at understanding linguistic strategies employed by college freshmen for organizing their ideas with clarity, we called on the functionalist viewpoint and the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, since those frameworks share the same notion of language as part of human cognition and thus must be studied in the social and communicative context. The corpus of this research is composed by an amount of texts written by Law freshman students, because inasmuch for them - more than others professionals - it will be requested language skills apt for corresponding, in a clear way, to the aspirations of their clients. Our sample is the result of the rewriting activity of bewildered or ambiguous texts presented to the students in classrooms. The text rewriting proposal is based on the Complex System paragon, which states that the part is in the whole as much as the whole is in its component parts. Thereby, the students were guided to look for clarity solutions for their texts, working intuitively by finding the rewriting guidance only under the complexity principle of passing from disorder (chaos) to order, without explicit grammatical instructions. The results worthily contributed to a possibility of teaching language issues by trusting the own students to reordering structures / Doutor


CHRISTIAN NUNES ARANHA 25 June 2007 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa onde é proposto um novo modelo de pré-processamento para mineração de textos em português utilizando técnicas de inteligência computacional baseadas em conceitos existentes, como redes neurais, sistemas dinâmicos, e estatística multidimensional. O objetivo dessa tese de doutorado é, portanto, inovar na fase de pré- processamento da mineração de textos, propondo um modelo automático de enriquecimento de dados textuais. Essa abordagem se apresenta como uma extensão do tradicional modelo de conjunto de palavras (bag-of-words), de preocupação mais estatística, e propõe um modelo do tipo conjunto de lexemas (bag-of-lexems) com maior aproveitamento do conteúdo lingüístico do texto em uma abordagem mais computacional, proporcionando resultados mais eficientes. O trabalho é complementado com o desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema de préprocessamento de textos, que torna automática essa fase do processo de mineração de textos ora proposto. Apesar do objeto principal desta tese ser a etapa de préprocessamento, passaremos, de forma não muito aprofundada, por todas as etapas do processo de mineração de textos com o intuito de fornecer a teoria base completa para o entendimento do processo como um todo. Além de apresentar a teoria de cada etapa, individualmente, é executado um processamento completo (com coleta de dados, indexação, pré-processamento, mineração e pósprocessamento) utilizando nas outras etapas modelos já consagrados na literatura que tiveram sua implementação realizada durante esse trabalho. Ao final são mostradas funcionalidades e algumas aplicações como: classificação de documentos, extração de informações e interface de linguagem natural (ILN). / [en] This work presents a research that proposes a new model of pre-processing for text mining in portuguese using computational intelligence techniques based on existing concepts, such as neural networks, dinamic systems and multidimensional statistics. The object of this doctoral thesis is, therefore, innovation in the pre-processing phase of text-mining, proposing an automatic model for the enrichment of textual data. This approach is presented as an extension of the traditional bag-of-words model, that has a more statistical emphasis, and proposes a bag-of-lexemes model with greater usage of the texts' linguistic content in a more computational approach, providing more efficient results. The work is complemented by the development and implementation of a text pre-processing system that automates this phase of th text mining process as proposed. Despite the object of this thesis being the pre- processing stage, one feels apropriate to describe, in overview, every step of the text mining process in order to provide the basic theory necessary to understand the process as a whole. Beyond presenting the theory of every stage individually, one executes a complete process (with data collection, indexing, pre-processing, mining and postprocessing) using tried-and-true models in all the other stages, which were implemented during the development of this work. At last some functionalities and aplications are shown, such as: document classification, information extraction and natural language interface (NLI).

The use of sacred texts as tools to enhance social research interviews

Zakher, Maged Sobhy Mokhtar January 2018 (has links)
Background – Enhanced social research interviews seek to engage interviewees in extended conversation-like dialogues where they are empowered to produce output by discussing themes of relevance to them. Photos, videos, vignettes and other enhancing tools have been used before in social sciences research interviews to contextualise the interview interaction. Initial Assumption – Sacred texts (such as excerpts from the Bible and the Quran) enjoy some features that make them potential tools to enhance research interviews. This study set out to answer the Research Question: ‘What are the benefits and challenges of using sacred texts as tools to enhance social research interviews?’ Methodology – Selected Biblical and Quranic verses were used in three sets each, to start social discussions with fifteen Christian and thirteen Muslim participants, respectively, in semi-structured interviews. Findings – The findings of this empirical study show that using sacred texts was perceived favourably by the participants, enhanced the dynamics of the interviews and provided a platform to produce data that are rich, varied and nuanced. Conclusion – This research points out the usefulness of sacred texts – as enhancing tools – when used in social research interviews to produce natural conversations that, in turn, lead to rich, nuanced data. This suggests that sacred texts can be added to the qualitative research interview-enhancing toolbox especially with exploratory studies that are open for emerging themes during interview settings. Research areas where sacred texts can be used in interviews include: ethics, social relations, gender roles, psychology, moral choices, cultural studies and spirituality, among other social sciences disciplines. Researchers as well as participants will be expected to have a degree of familiarity with the sacred book or texts to make both interviewers and interviewees interested enough in discussing it in an open and respectful setting.

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