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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza počítačové gramotnosti obyvatel středního věku a možnosti jejího zvyšování / Analysis of computer literacy of the middle-aged population and the possibilities of its increasing

Holzbauer, Milan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of computer literacy of the middle-aged population. There are analyzed the basic terms related to this issue. There is also presented the information society development. Just the term information society is closely related to computer literacy, through which people are able to access new information sources. The level of knowledge varies with age and education of the population. The middle-aged people who are subject of this thesis could not acquire computer skills during their school education, and therefore they are at risk of information divide. This thesis outlines the possibilities of increasing computer literacy including its certification. The practical part deals with the field survey in which respondents answered the questions derived from the ECDL tests, so it was possible to decide on level of their knowledge. Computer literacy is important for the economic prosperity of society, and therefore it is necessary to analyze its status and look for possibilities of its improvement.

A compact mode-locked diode laser system for high precision frequency comparison experiments

Christopher, Heike 11 March 2021 (has links)
Optische Frequenzkämme (OFC) haben eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen in den angewandten Wissenschaften und der Grundlagenforschung, die auf der Bestimmung von absoluten Frequenzen und Frequenzdifferenzen beruhen, revolutioniert. Für letzteres wird nur die Stabilisierung des spektralen Abstandes der individuellen Kammlinien des OFCs benötigt, was erlaubt, den OFCG auf die Anwendung anzupassen und die Systemkomplexität zu reduzieren. Eine solche Anwendung ist der Quantentest der Universalität des Freien Falls (UFF) im Rahmen der Experimentserie QUANTUS. Mit diesem Test soll der Freie Fall zweier atomarer Spezies, Rubidium (Rb) und Kalium (K), in Mikrogravitation vergleichen werden. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war die Entwicklung eines hochkompakten, robusten, und weltraum-tauglichen diodenlaser-basierten OFCG mit einem modengekoppelten optischen Spektrum im Wellenlängenbereich um 780 nm. Es wurde ein diodenlaser-basierter OFCG entwickelt, der mit einer spektrale Bandbreite von mehr als 16 nm bei 20 dBc, einer optischen Leistung der Kammlinien > 650 nW (bei 20 dBc), einer Pulswiederholrate von 3.4 GHz, und einer RF-Linienbreite der frei-laufenden Pulswiederholrate < 10 kHz die Anforderungen übertrifft. Um ein Proof-of-Concept Demonstratormodul zu realisieren, wurde der diodenlaser-basierte OFCG in eine weltraum-taugliche Technologieplattform, die für die Anwendung in zukünftigen QUANTUS-Experimenten entwickelt wurde, hybrid-integriert. Der Nachweis einer ausreichend hohen RF-Stabilität des OFCGs wurde durch Stabilisierung der Pulswiederholrate auf eine externe RF Referenz erbracht. Dies ermöglichte eine stabilisierte Pulswiederholrate mit einer RF-Linienbreite von weniger als 1.4 Hz (auflösungsbegrenzt), was die die Anforderung übertrifft. Der entwickelte diodenlaser-basierten OFCG ist wichtiger Schritt in Richtung eines verbesserten Vergleichs des Freien Falls von Rb- und K-Quantengasen innerhalb der QUANTUS-Experimente in Mikrogravitation. / Optical frequency combs (OFC) have revolutionized various applications in applied and fundamental sciences that rely on the determination of absolute optical frequencies and frequency differences. The latter requires only stabilization of the spectral distance between the individual comb lines of the OFC, allowing to tailor and reduce system complexity of the OFC generator (OFCG). One such application is the quantum test of the universality of free fall within the QUANTUS experimental series. Within the test, the rate of free fall of two atomic species, Rb and K, in micro-gravity will be compared. The aim of this thesis was the development of a highly compact, robust, and space-suitable diode laser-based OFCG with a mode-locked optical spectrum in the wavelength range around 780 nm. A diode laser-based OFCG was developed, which exceeds the requirements with a spectral bandwidth > 16 nm at 20 dBc, a comb line optical power > 650 nW (at 20 dBc), a pulse repetition rate of 3.4 GHz, and an RF linewidth of the free-running pulse repetition rate < 10 kHz. To realize a proof-of-concept demonstrator module, the diode laser-based OFCG was hybrid-integrated into a space-suitable technology platform that has been developed for future QUANTUS experiments. Proof of sufficient RF stability of the OFCG was provided by stabilizing the pulse repetition rate to an external RF reference. This resulted in a stabilized pulse repetition rate with an RF linewidth smaller than 1.4 Hz (resolution limited), thus exceeding the requirement. The developed diode laser-based OFCG represents an important step towards an improved comparison of the rate of free fall of Rb and K quantum gases within the QUANTUS experiments in micro-gravity.

Internetinių darbų sekų, jungiančių įvairias laiko zonas, tyrimas / Analysis of internet workflows connecting various time zones

Danielienė, Renata 28 May 2004 (has links)
The practice of ECDL testing system analysis in the Intitute of Information Technologies is presented in this work. By analyzing modelling methods, LAP (Language/Action Perspectyve) was chosen for the system analysis. The main feature of Language/Action method is process loop, i.e. beginning of process is linked to process ending or emerged problem is linked to solution results. By analyzing the system using another methods, information flows are optimized according to chosen criteria, however these methods doesn’t take into account user convenience. In Language/Action method every communication is treated as four phases loop: preparation, negotiation, performance, acceptance. Every phase can be divided into smaller phases, which in turn can be treated as independent communication loops. After system modelling using LAP method, some workflows where decided to improve.

U3V VŠE a počítačová gramotnost v systému celoživotního vzdělávání

Hnilička, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
V poslední době se vedle klasické gramotnosti mluví o počítačové gramotnosti. Tato problematika zasahuje každého z nás, ale hlavně lidi v post-produktivním věku, kteří během svého života neměli příležitost se seznámit s informačními technologiemi. Národní program počítačové gramotnosti byl velkou příležitostí jak tuto negramotnost odbourat, ale bohužel zanikl i koncem působnosti Ministerstva informatiky ČR. Zarážející je postoj státu, který připravuje projekty v oblasti e-Governmentu , elektronického sčítání lidu a elektronických voleb bez jakékoliv koncepce na rozvoj uživatelů těchto ambiciózních projektů. Jednou možností jak se zdokonalovat i po ukončení kariéry je studium na Univerzitě třetího věku VŠE, kde se studenti seznamují s prací na počítači, ale i multimedii v Grafické a multimediální laboratoři. Bohužel tato univerzita není přístupná pro každého. Tato omezení spočívají především v podmínce ukončeného středoškolského vzdělání, ale i z kapacitních důvodů. Volbou skutečně pro všechny tedy zůstává komerční sektor, který nabízí širokou škálou kurzů. Tyto kurzy jsou buď z nabídky softwarových firem nebo z konceptu ECDL (Evropský řidičák na počítač).

University of the Third Age and Computer literacy / U3V VŠE a počítačová gramotnost v systému celoživotního vzdělávání

Hnilička, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
Computer literacy has recently emerged as a new topic, complementing traditional literacy. While this issue affects every one of us, it is particularly important for people of post-productive age, who have not been able to become acquainted with information technology during their professional life. The National Computer Literacy Program provided a great opportunity to eliminate this illiteracy; unfortunately it came to an end together with termination of the Ministry of Informatics of the Czech Republic. It is striking that the State has been preparing projects in the area of e-Government, electronic census and electronic elections without having any developmental strategy for users of these ambitious projects. An opportunity to improve personal skills after the end of a professional career is provided by the University of the Third Age at the University of Economics, where students learn to use not only computers, but also the multimedia in the Graphic and Multimedia Laboratory. Unfortunately, this university is not accessible to everyone. The limitations consist particularly in the precondition of completed secondary education, but also in the available capacity. Thus, an option that is really available to everyone lies in the commercial sector, which offers a wide range of courses. These courses are provided either by software companies or by the ECDL (European Computer Driving License).

Uždavinių generavimas ir jų sprendimo automatinis tikrinimas / The tasks generating and their answers automatic checking

Karosas, Rolandas 31 May 2004 (has links)
The tasks generating and their answers automatic checking problems of web-based assessment and testing systems was formulated in this document. The main tasks for thesis were set. The similar systems were analyzed and possible solutions reviewed. In this case, was decided to design the tasks generating and automatic checking software, which will resolve the tasks, brought to user’s recurrence, improve the skills checking. The technologies for this project realization were choused. The created software system was tested and the quality analysis was made. Finally, the experimental research was accomplished. All the research results showed that the raised problems were resolved.

Carbon Nanotubes: Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis and Application in Electrochemical Double Layer Supercapacitors

Turano, Stephan Parker 08 March 2005 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have become a popular area of materials science research due to their outstanding material properties coupled with their small size. CNTs are expected to be included in a wide variety of applications and devices in the near future. Among these devices which are nearing mass production are electrochemical double layer (ECDL) supercapacitors. The current methods to produce CNTs are numerous, with each synthesis variable resulting in changes in the physical properties of the CNT. A wide array of studies have focused on the effects of specific synthesis conditions. This research expands on earlier work done using bulk nickel catalyst, alumina supported iron catalyst, and standard chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis methods. This work also investigates the effect of an applied voltage to the CVD chamber during synthesis on the physical nature of the CNTs produced. In addition, the work analyzes a novel nickel catalyst system, and the CNTs produced using this catalyst. The results of the effects of synthesis conditions on resultant CNTs are included. Additionally, CNT based ECDL supercapacitors were manufactured and tested. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis reveals that catalyst choice, catalyst thickness, synthesis temperature, and applied voltage have different results on CNT dimensions. Nanotube diameter distribution and average diameter data demonstrate the effect of each synthesis condition. Additionally, the concept of an alignment parameter is introduced in order to quantify the effect of an electric field on CNT alignment. CNT based ECDL supercapacitors testing reveals that CNTs work well as an active material when a higher purity is achieved. The molarity of the electrolyte also has an effect on the performance of CNT based ECDL supercapacitors. On the basis of this research, we conclude that CNT physical dimensions can be moderately controlled based on the choice of synthesis conditions. Also, the novel nickel catalyst system investigated in this research has potential to produce bulk quantities of CNT under specific conditions. Finally, purified CNTs are recommended as a suitable active material for ECDL supercapacitors.

A sensor for combustion thermometry based on blue diode lasers

Burns, Iain Stewart January 2006 (has links)
Spatially-resolved measurements of flame temperature have been demonstrated with diode lasers for the first time. The technique is based on the use of blue diode lasers to perform laser-induced fluorescence on indium atoms seeded to the flame. Temperature measurements have been carried out in laminar flames both by the two-line atomic fluorescence technique, and also by a novel line-shape thermometry method that requires the use of only a single diode laser. The first part of this work involved the development of blue extended cavity diode lasers with favourable tuning properties. Two custom-designed extended cavity diode lasers (ECDL) have been built, emitting at wavelengths of around 410 nm and 451 nm respectively. These devices are capable of mode-hop free tuning over ranges greater than 90 GHz. The performance of these devices exceeds that of commercially available systems and a patent application has been filed. High resolution fluorescence spectroscopy has been performed on both the 52P1/2→62S1/2 and 52P3/2→62S1/2 transitions of indium atoms seeded at trace quantities into atmospheric pressure flames. In both cases, the spectra obtained show excellent agreement with a theoretical fit based on the individual hyperfine components of the transition. The two ECDLs have been used to build a sensor for the measurement of temperature in combustion systems. It is much simpler, more compact, less expensive, and more versatile than any previously existing device. The two lasers were used sequentially to probe indium atoms seeded to the flame. The ratio of the resulting fluorescence signals is related to the relative populations in the two sub-levels of the spin-orbit split ground state of indium, and thus to the temperature. Temperature measurements have been successfully performed in a laminar flame and the data thus obtained do not need to be corrected by any ‘calibration constant’. This novel thermometry technique offers a robust alternative to traditional methods involving bulky high power lasers. A further development has been made by demonstrating a fluorescence line-shape thermometry technique requiring only a single diode laser excitation source. Progress has been made towards the goal of rapid temperature measurements appropriate to the study of turbulent flames. This involved the development of a simple technique for actively locking the wavelength of the blue diode laser to a resonance line of the tellurium molecule. A high-speed thermometry system would work by rapidly switching between the two locked laser beams using an optical modulator.

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