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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soil respiration, microbial respiration and mineralisation in soils of montane rainforests of Southern Ecuador: influence of altitude

Iost, Susanne 07 December 2007 (has links)
Impacts of land use and climate change in tropical forests on the global carbon budget are of principal interest in the recent research, as these forests amount to about 48 % of the world’s forested area. Interest has been focused on lowland tropical forests mainly, but tropical montane forests occupy about 20 % of all tropical forests. Soils of tropical montane forests are frequently waterlogged and characterised by high soil organic carbon stocks. Furthermore, along altitudinal gradients, changes in stand structure and net primary production can be observed that have not been fully explained yet. As causes reduced microbial activity and nitrogen turnover in soils of tropical montane forests have been suggested. Against the background of climate change, carbon turnover mechanisms in soils of these forests are of special interest. The present study therefore aimed at determining and quantifying relevant carbon and nitrogen pools as well as nitrogen mineralisation potentials. Furthermore, size, activity, and structure of microbial biomass were characterised. The collected data was supposed to provide basic knowledge on carbon and nitrogen cycling in tropical montane forest soils. Thus, evaluation of the susceptibility of their carbon stocks for climate change as well as nitrogen and carbon limitation of microbial organic matter decomposition was possible. Field work of this study was conducted during 2003–2005 at an altitudinal transect that in- cluded five study sites between 1 050 and 3 060 m amsl. Total soil respiration was recorded biweekly over two years, the contribution of roots to total soil CO2 efflux over one year. Soils of the study sites were sampled twice and biochemical and microbial parameters were determined.

State and dynamics of the innovative performance of medium and large firms in the manufacturing sector in emerging economies: the cases of Perú and Ecuador

Murrieta Oquendo, María Elena 22 August 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the current state and dynamics of the innovative behavior of medium and large manufacturing firms in Peru and Ecuador. It has been shown that the factors that enhance or enable the possibilities of innovation in organizations can be internal or external. This study took a quantitative approach, and regression models were applied to samples composed of firms. The relationships between external factors and business resources following the implementation of innovation were analyzed, as was the impact that these factors had on sales performance, considering the effect of the size and age of the firms. The innovations most implemented in firms in Ecuador were processes, and in Peru, organizational innovations were predominant. There were no external factors orbusiness resources statistically related to these types of innovation for each country. For Peruvian firms,the age of the firm presented an inverse relationship to its performance. The study confirms the results of other studies conducted in Peru, and for Ecuador, these findings represent one of the first contributions on this topic. This study contributes to the discussion of the effects, in emerging Latin American countries, of a firm’s age on its ability to innovate. This research contributes to the discussion on the effects in emerging Latin American countries, which are characterized by a weak regulatory infrastructure, inadequate support for market transactions and intellectual property rights. / El propósito de esta investigación doctoral fue analizar el estado actual y las dinámicas del comportamiento innovador de las medianas y grandes empresas manufactureras de Perú y Ecuador. En estudios recientes se ha demostrado que los factores que potencian o habilitan las posibilidades de innovación en las organizaciones pueden ser internos o externos. Esta investigación adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo y se aplicaron modelos de regresión a muestras compuestas por empresas. Se analizaron las relaciones entre los factores externos y los recursos empresariales tras la implementación de la innovación, así como el impacto que estos factores tuvieron en el desempeño de las ventas, considerando el efecto del tamaño y la antigüedad de las firmas. Las innovaciones más implementadas en las empresas de Ecuador fueron las de procesos, y en Perú predominaron las innovaciones organizacionales. No hubo factores externos o recursos empresariales estadísticamente relacionados con estos tipos de innovación para cada país. Para las empresas peruanas, la edad de la empresa presentó una relación inversa con su desempeño. La investigación confirma los resultados de otros estudios realizados en Perú, y para Ecuador, estos hallazgos representan una de las primeras contribuciones sobre este tema. Este estudio contribuye a la discusión sobre los efectos, en países emergentes de América Latina, de la edad de una empresasobre su capacidad de innovar. Este estudio contribuye a la discusión sobre los efectos, en países emergentes de América Latina, estas economías son caracterizadas por una infraestructura regulatoria débil, un inadecuado apoyo a las transacciones de mercado y derechos de propiedad intelectual.

Estado, proyectos binacionales y criterios para su implementación en el Perú: dificultades en la implementación de los ejes de interconección vial Perú – Ecuador 1999 - 2014

Roque Hidalgo, Edwin Ronal 07 March 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfoca en el estudio de las capacidades estatales para la implementación de políticas y proyectos binacionales orientados al desarrollo territorial en zonas de frontera. Así, el objetivo principal es analizar las dificultades que se presentan en los procesos de implementación de proyectos binacionales cuyos componentes nacionales deben ser ejecutados dentro de sus respectivos países. Para esto se toma como estudio de caso la implementación del Proyecto Binacional “Ejes de Interconexión Vial Perú – Ecuador”, entre los años 1999 – 2014. Proponiendo tres objetivos específicos: primero, se busca describir las características principales que presento la Política Binacional de Desarrollo e Integración Fronteriza peruano – ecuatoriana, durante su proceso de formulación. Segundo, se busca determinar las principales dificultades suscitadas en el proceso de implementación de los Ejes de Interconexión Vial Perú – Ecuador, dentro del territorio peruano. Tercero, se busca determinar cuáles han sido las consecuencias derivadas de tales dificultades, tanto para el Estado peruano, como para las poblaciones fronterizas. Desarrollando una metodología cualitativa, a través de la revisión de diversas fuentes y documentos institucionales nacionales e internacionales vinculadas al proceso, se establece que la formulación de la política binacional peruana ecuatoriana se caracterizó por privilegiar el desarrollo de las dinámicas socio económicas transnacionales, por sobre las transfronterizas, lo que repercutió en el avance de los proyectos. También se establece que el Estado peruano presenta una débil capacidad burocrática para articular adecuadamente a las instituciones locales, nacionales e internacionales, inmersas en los procesos de implementación de proyectos binacionales. La priorización en la ejecución de estos proyectos en zonas de frontera, responden a criterios institucionales basados en el uso excesivo de la racionalidad técnica por parte de sus respectivas burocracias, las cuales privilegian sus agendas institucionales por sobre los compromisos binacionales. / The present investigation it focuses in the study of state capacities for the implementation of binational policies and projects orientated to territorial development in border areas. Thus, the main objective is to analyze the difficulties that they present in the implementation processes of binational projects which national components must be executed within their respective countries. For this there taken as a study of case the implementation of the Binational Project "Axes of Road Interconnection Peru - Ecuador", between the years 1999 - 2014. Proposing three specific objectives: first, it seeks to describe the principal characteristics presented by the Peruvian-Ecuadorian Binational Development and integration border Policy, during its process of formulation. Second, it seeks to determine the principal difficulties raised in the process of implementation of the of the Axes of Road Interconnection Peru - Ecuador, inside the Peruvian territory. Third, it seeks determine which have been the consequences derived from such difficulties, so much for the Peruvian State, as for the frontier populations. Developing a qualitative methodology, across the review of diverse sources and national and international institutional documents linked to the process, it is established that the formulation of the Ecuadorian Peruvian binational policy was characterized by privileging the development of transnational socio-economic dynamics, over and above cross-border, which affected the progress of the projects. It also establishes that the Peruvian State presents a weak bureaucratic capacity to adequately articulate the local, national, international institutions immersed in the processes of implementation of binational projects. The prioritization in the execution of these projects in border areas, responds to institutional criteria based on the excessive use of technical rationality by their respective bureaucracies, which privilege their institutional agendas over binational commitments.

"The president hates the media and we don’t like him either" : -Experiences concerning the freedom of the press among Ecuadorian journalists.

Hjertstrand, Matilda, Ekberg, Malin January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this BA-thesis was to do a qualitative study of the Ecuadorian journalists' personal experiences of their work conditions in relation to freedom of the press. The aim has been to analyze their personal opinions regarding censorship, the media climate and if they feel there is press freedom for journalists in Ecuador. The material has been analyzed and then complemented by theories and earlier research. Among other theories we have been using Denis McQuail's freedom principle and view of structural influences together with Graeme Burton's view of censorship. Together with earlier research about censorship and the status of freedom of the press in Ecuador we were able to put the interviewees' answers in relation to both theories and research. Our analysis showed that the interviewed journalists felt there were many obstacles when it came to the freedom of the press. One obstacle was the strain on the relationship between the government and the press which affected the media climate in a negative way. The majority of the interviewees stated that there was no complete freedom of the press in Ecuador while the ones who opposed to this still felt there were difficulties. Some even questioned whether freedom of the press was possible anywhere in the world, which also shows the complexity of the subject.

Discourse forms and social categorization in Cha'palaa

Floyd, Simeon Isaac 08 October 2010 (has links)
This dissertation is an ethnographic study of race and other forms of social categorization as approached through the discourse of the indigenous Chachi people of northwestern lowland Ecuador and their Afro-descendant neighbors. It combines the ethnographic methods of social anthropology with the methods of descriptive linguistics, letting social questions about racial formation guide linguistic inquiry. It provides new information about the largely unstudied indigenous South American language Cha’palaa, and connects that information about linguistic form to problems of the study of race and ethnicity in Latin America. Individual descriptive chapters address how the Cha’palaa number system is based on collectivity rather than plurality according to an animacy hierarchy that codes only human and human-like social collectivities, how a nominal set of ethnonyms linked to Chachi oral history become the recipients of collective marking as human collectivities, how those collectivities are co-referentially linked to speech participants through the deployment of the pronominal system, and how the multi-modal resource of gesture adds to these rich resources supplied by the spoken language for the expression of social realities like race. The final chapters address Chachi and Afro-descendant discourses in dialogue with each other and examine naturally occurring speech data to show how the linguistic forms described in previous chapters are used in social interaction. The central argument advances a position that takes the socially constructed status of race seriously and considers that for such constructions to exist as more abstract macro-categories they must be constituted by instances of social interaction, where elements of the social order are observable at the micro-level. In this way localized articulations of social categories become vehicles for the broader circulation of discourses structured by a history of racialized social inequality, revealing the extreme depth of racialization in human social conditioning. This dissertation represents a contribution to the field of linguistic anthropology as well as to descriptive linguistics of South American languages and to critical approaches to race and ethnicity in Latin America. / text

Criterios del Consejo de Evaluación, Acreditación y Aseguramiento de la Calidad de Educación superior y su influencia en la calidad de la educación de las extensiones universitarias de la provincia de Manabí - Ecuador

Villacis Zambrano, Lilia Moncerrate January 2017 (has links)
Determina el cómo influye la acreditación que otorga el Consejo de Acreditación y Aseguramiento de la Calidad de Educación Superior (CEAACES) en la calidad de las universidades. Para ello se utiliza encuestas, muestreo, método de expertos Kendall, diagramas causa-efecto, diagramas de flujo y análisis. Para el procesamiento y análisis de la información se utiliza el software SPSS, Microsoft, Excel, Word y otros. Los resultados de esta investigación sirve de base para proponer una serie de acciones que contribuyan al desarrollo del modelo del CEAACES y que ayuden en la mejora de la calidad de las universidades, siguiendo las tendencias actuales, que son manejar procesos no solo puntuales del modelo de acreditación, sino evaluar periódicamente para la satisfacción de los involucrados, lo que garantiza la calidad continua. / Tesis

A Spectre in Polished Obsidian

Leger, Travis 20 May 2011 (has links)
The author joins the Peace Corps in the hopes that he will discover who he really is yet he only finds frustration. Upon returning to the States he has a daughter and finds peace. Within this peace, as he types up the life history of a friend, he finally makes a breakthrough, yet the answer he finds is not to his liking.

Imagerie sismique de la structure de la marge convergente d’Équateur central : relations avec les variations de couplage intersismique / Seismic imaging of the structure of the central Ecuador convergent margin : relationship with the inter-seismic coupling variations

Sanclemente Ordońez, Eddy 28 May 2014 (has links)
L’interprétation structurale de sections de Sismique Réflexion Multitrace-2D acquises pendant la campagne SISTEUR sur la marge de l’Équateur Central et migrées en profondeur avant sommation (PSDM) a été combinée avec la bathymétrie multifaisceaux, des modèles tomographiques de sismique grand-angle OBS, un modèle d’inversion GPS, et 13 années de sismicité relocalisée, afin de déchiffrer les causes de la variabilité de la sismicité et du Couplage Inter Sismique (CIS) le long de la subduction. La partie marine de cette marge est étroite et érosive. Elle chevauche vers l’Ouest, à 4.7 cm/an, la Ride de Carnégie. Le segment nord de la zone d’étude est bloqué, et aucun chenal de subduction n’est identifié. Ce segment révèle la présence d’un important (50 X 40+ km) massif océanique (MO) subduit, haut de ~2.5 km, et dont le flanc arrière plonge vers le continent de 2-4°, et coïncide avec la zone de CIS bloquée, et avec le socle océanique résistant (Vp= 5 km/s) de la marge. Le flanc avant du MO déduit de notre étude coïncide avec une zone de CIS partiel et des essaims de séismes chevauchant déformant le socle de la marge. A l’inverse, le segment sud est découplé, et affiche une pente sous-marine très perturbée avec des escarpements abrupts. Le contact interplaque plonge de 6-7° sous le continent et porte des monts sous-marins isolés séparés par un chenal de subduction de ~1km d’épaisseur qui agit comme lubrifiant. Un scénario en 3 étapes est proposé pour la subduction d’un MO de forme émoussée sous la marge résistante de l’Ile La Plata. Un modèle cinématique est proposé pour rendre compte de la surrection de l’île de La Plata en réponse au MO au cours des derniers 1.3-1.4 Ma. / The structural interpretation of 2D-Pre-stack Depth Migrated Multichannel Seismic Reflection sections collected during the SISTEUR cruise across the Ecuadorian margin was combined with multibeam bathymetry, OBS wide-angle tomographic models, a GPS inversion model, and 13 years of relocated seismicity to decipher the causes of the along-trench variability of the seismicity and Inter-Seismic Coupling (ISC). The margin submarine part is narrow and dominated by subduction erosion. It is underthrust eastward at 4.7 cm/yr by Carnegie Ridge, and figures a decoupled subduction centered over La Plata Island region. Our study shows that the Central Ecuador margin divides in two contrasting segments with dissimilar long-lived physical properties that may account for their specific ISC and seismicity patterns. The locked northern segment shows a smooth outer-wedge slope scalloped by a gentle re-entrant. No subduction channel is detected across this segment that reveals a broad 50 X 40+ km, ~2.5-km-high subducted Oceanic Massif (OM), which dips landward 2-4°, which coincides with the strong (Vp= 5 km/s) oceanic margin basement. In contrast, the decoupled southern segment shows a highly disrupted outer-wedge seafloor. The plate interface dips landward ~6-7°, and is spotted by isolated seamounts separated by a ~1 km-thick subduction channel that may act as a lubricant favoring inter-plate decoupling. A 3-step scenario is put forward for the subduction of a low-drag shaped OM beneath the resistant margin wedge of La Plata Island. Moreover, a kinematic model accounting for the uplift history of La Plata Island is proposed as a result of the OM subduction over the last 1.3-1.4 Myr.

Modélisation de l'interaction surface – souterrain du système aquifère Tumbaco - Cumbayá en Equateur, avec une approche hydrodynamique et géochimique / Modelling of surface and groundwater interaction of Tumbaco - Cumbayá aquifer in Ecuador

Manciati, Carla J. 07 July 2014 (has links)
L'aquifère Tumbaco – Cumbayá, sujet de la présente étude, se situe dans le contexte typique des aquifères volcano-sédimentaires. Cet aquifère se localise dans la Vallée Interandine, à 15 Km à l'Est de Quito. L'aquifère principal est la formation volcano-sédimentaire Chiche. Il est limité par la rivière Chiche et San Pedro, la faille de Quito et le volcan Pasochoa. Le volcan Ilaló se trouve au milieu de la zone d'étude. Il forme un second aquifère essentiellement volcanique soumis à un géothermalisme lié au volcan, dont la partie enterrée du cône est apparemment au-dessous de la formation Chiche. La couche géologique en surface est appelée Cangahua. Elle recouvre toute la zone et elle est imperméable. L'exploitation des aquifères Chiche et Ilaló a été théoriquement suspendue à partir de 2006, quand des teneurs en arsenic supérieures à la norme de 10 microg/l ont été détectées. Notre objectif est d'améliorer la connaissance du fonctionnement intégral de ce système aquifère en utilisant trois axes principaux de recherche : i) l'hydrodynamique, ii) la géochimie et, iii) les isotopes stables, 18O et 2H, et radioactifs, 3H et 14C.L'hydrodynamique montre que le système aquifère a une saisonnalité très faible. Par ailleurs, les aquifères sont actuellement exploités par un usage industriel et domestique, contrairement à ce qui a été pensé au début. Le volcan sépare les parties Sud et Nord de l'aquifère Chiche et il fonctionne comme une barrière hydraulique du flux. Les rivières Chiche et San Pedro sont des axes de drainage de l'aquifère, au Nord et au Sud.L'analyse des paramètres physiques de l'eau ont mis en évidence deux aquifères bien différenciés : l'aquifère Chiche avec des CE et des températures plus basses que l'aquifère Ilaló. La chimie des ions majeurs a révélé un faciès de l'eau qui évolue d'un pôle Mg-HCO3 à un pôle Na-HCO3, dans l'aquifère Chiche et aussi dans l'aquifère Ilaló, alors que l'aquifère Chiche Sud est plus Mg-HCO3. Les teneurs en As sont plus élevées dans l'aquifère Ilaló que dans l'aquifère Chiche, où les teneurs baissent au fur et à mesure que l'on s'éloigne du volcan. Cet élément est d'origine naturelle, mais aucune corrélation significative n'a pas été trouvée pour l'aquifère Chiche. Cependant, dans l'aquifère Ilaló, une corrélation de 57% a été trouvée avec le fer, suggérant une interaction avec les oxydes de fer de la formation géologique.L'isotope radioactif 3H n'a pas été détecté dans l'eau des aquifères, à exception d'une source au Nord de la zone d'étude, dans la formation Chiche. Cette infiltration probable d'eaux récentes a été confirmée par le 14C, qui a des teneurs supérieures à 100%. Le reste des points de l'aquifère Chiche ont des activités 14C entre 45,4 et 87,4 pmc. Pour l'aquifère Ilaló les activités 14C sont < 20 pmc. L'âge de l'eau a été calculé et corrigée à partir du 13C qui montrait une contamination par le CO2 profond, qui donne des âges plus anciens qu'en réalité. Malgré la correction, les âges de l'eau continuent à se montrer très élevés, pour Chiche entre 400 et 4000 ans et Ilaló entre 11000 et 44000 ans. Les isotopes stables ont été utilisés pour identifier les zones de recharge. L'eau de l'aquifère Chiche a montré un comportement isotopique en 18O et 2H sous la droite météorique locale, avec une pente de 3,5, signal d'un fractionnement isotopique d'échange avec la roche chaude qui n'a pas été observé dans l'aquifère Ilaló. Le calcul de l'altitude de recharge a montré que l'aquifère Chiche s'alimente au pied du volcan Ilaló au Nord et au pied du volcan Pasochoa au Sud, en considérant des conditions climatiques similaires aux conditions actuelles. Pour l'aquifère Ilaló, la zone de recharge se trouverait sur les flancs du volcan, en supposant des conditions climatiques de recharge plus froides que les conditions actuelles. Mais cette zone ne serait plus fonctionnelle dû au dépôt de Cangahua.Les résultats suggèrent que les eaux de l'Ilaló se mélangent avec l'aquifère Chiche. / The Tumbaco – Cumbayá aquifer is found in the context of volcano-sedimentary aquifers. This aquifer is located in the Interandean Valley, 15 km to the east of Quito. The principal aquifer is the volcano-sedimentary formation Chiche. It is limited by the Chiche and San Pedro rivers, the Quito fault and the Pasochoa volcano. The Ilaló volcano is in the middle of the study zone and constitutes a second essentially volcanic aquifer, and is therefore subject to geothermal influences. This volcanic formation appears to be below the Chiche formation. The geologic layer on the surface is called Cangahua, it covers the entire zone and is impermeable. The exploitation of the Chiche and Ilaló aquifers was theoretically suspended in 2006, when arsenic concentrations > the WHO standard of 10 microg/l were found. Our objective is to improve the knowledge of the functioning of this aquifer system using three main research methods: i) hydrodynamics, ii) geochemistry and iii) stable isotopes, 18O - 2H, and radioactive isotopes, 3H - 14C.Hydrodynamics showed that the aquifer system has a low seasonality. We revealed that the aquifers are currently exploited for industrial and domestic uses, contrary to what was known at the beginning. The Ilaló volcano divides the south and north parts of the Chiche aquifer, with the volcano apparently acting as a hydraulic barrier for flows. The Chiche and San Pedro rivers are the drainage axes of the Chiche aquifer in the north and south.The analyses of the waters' physical parameters differentiated the two aquifers, Chiche aquifer having lower EC and temperature than the Ilaló aquifer. Major ions analysis revealed waters that vary between Mg-HCO3 pole and a Na-HCO3 pole in both the Chiche and Ilaló aquifers. As concentrations are higher in the Ilaló aquifer than in the Chiche aquifer. In the Chiche aquifer, As concentrations also decrease as the distance from the volcano increases. Arsenic is of natural origin, but no significant correlations were found for the Chiche aquifer. In the Ilaló aquifer a 57% correlation with Fe was found, which suggests an interaction between As and Fe oxides present in the geologic formation.Radioactive isotope 3H was not detected in groundwater from either aquifer, except in one spring in the north of the study area in the Chiche formation. The likely infiltration from recent waters was confirmed by 14C analysis this spring, which showed concentrations > 100 pmc. Other sampling points in the Chiche aquifer have 14C activities between 45.4 - 87.4 pmc. The Ilaló aquifer has 14C activities < 20 pmc. Water ages were calculated and corrected using 13C, which reveal a contamination from geogenic CO2, making water seem older than it is in reality. Despite the age correction, groundwater ages remain very old: Chiche groundwaters are between 400 - 4,000 years old and Ilaló groundwaters are between 11,000 - 44,000 years old. Stable isotopes were used to identify recharge areas. Groundwaters from Chiche aquifer show an isotopic 18O and 2H signature below the Local Meteoric Water Line (slope=3.5). This was interpreted as isotopic fractionation from hot rock and water interactions, which was not observed in the Ilaló aquifer. Recharge altitude calculations show that the Chiche aquifer is fed on the Ilaló and Pasochoa volcano piedmonts, if we consider that climatic conditions over the recharge period are close to current conditions. However, for the Ilaló aquifer, recharge areas appear to be located on the flanks of the volcano, assuming colder recharge climatic conditions than today. This recharge area should no longer be functional because of the Cangahua deposits during the last volcanic events.Results suggest that Ilaló groundwaters are being mixed with Chiche groundwaters. This research is the first to have been done with this level of detail in Ecuador on this type of aquifer and will provide new opportunities for projects in others volcano-sedimentary aquifers in the country.

Modelo de gestión de calidad para hospitales

Chacón Cantos, Javier Stalin January 2018 (has links)
El documento digital no refiere asesor / Determina la influencia de la gestión de calidad en el desempeño hospitalario en el Hospital del Niño Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante de la ciudad de Guayaquil, Ecuador. Determina la influencia de las dimensiones mejoramiento continuo de la gestión de la calidad y gestión por procesos de la gestión de la calidad en la productividad y satisfacción del usuario del Hospital del Niño Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante. Para poder analizar las influencias, se diseñó un modelo teórico-matemático de gestión de calidad, basado en la aplicación de indicadores de desempeño, que fueron validados a través de un Tablero de Mando Integral en el Hospital del Niño Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante, donde se estableció un estudio comparativo del antes y después de la aplicación de dicho modelo de calidad, y se verificó la influencia de variables en los resultados obtenidos. / Tesis

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