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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El impacto de mecanismos binacionales de cooperación sobre políticas públicas en zonas de frontera: El caso del ‘Plan Binacional: Capítulo Perú’ en el territorio limítrofe peruano-ecuatoriano en materia de salud (2013-2019)

Ramos Camero, Bella Rosario 12 July 2022 (has links)
El cierre de conflictos y disputas bélicas entre países vecinos en América Latina ha permitido en el siglo XXI la creación de mecanismos de cooperación encargados de afrontar las precariedades de las zonas fronterizas. En ese contexto, esta tesis propone analizar los factores que explican el limitado impacto de este tipo de instituciones internacionales fronterizos a partir del estudio de caso del ‘Plan Binacional: Capítulo Perú’ (PBP) en el límite peruano-ecuatoriano en materia de salud. En el estudio se empleó una metodología cualitativa basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas, documentos técnicos, evaluaciones y diagnósticos en la zona de frontera. Por un lado, se encuentra que la carencia de un plan estratégico y operativo, así como la falta de inclusión del enfoque territorial e intercultural ha generado que los proyectos dependan principalmente de alcaldes locales/regionales y que no se tome en cuenta las cosmovisiones de los diversos pueblos indígenas en las iniciativas. Por otro lado, el nivel de articulación del PBP no ha sido alcanzado a su máxima capacidad debido a la ausencia de incentivos por promover un trabajo conjunto con su contraparte, buscar mayores recursos internacionales para disminuir la dependencia a las decisiones políticas del Estado y la poca preocupación por socializar a la entidad entre los habitantes de la frontera. Estos factores técnicos y políticos aparte de explicar el desempeño del PBP, proveen un conjunto de enseñanzas para próximas iniciativas fronterizas.

Planeamiento estratégico para el distrito metropolitano de Quito

Baño Narváez, Verónica Paulina, Esteves Castillo, Jimmy, Mera Shugulí, Kléver Alejandro, Zúñiga Villanueva, Fernando Uriel 13 September 2018 (has links)
El presente Plan Estratégico del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (DM Quito) ha sido desarrollado en base a la metodología de D´Alessio (2015) y pretende lograr que para el 2028 el DM Quito se ubique entre las primeras diez ciudades de América Latina para hacer negocios y turismo de manera que llegue a cumplir este propósito impulsado por el crecimiento de la producción de bienes y servicios, optimización de recursos, emprendimiento, creación de centros de enseñanza técnica, mejora del sistema de atención y cobertura de salud, inversión extranjera, explotación del sector turístico, cuidado del medio ambiente, y protección del patrimonio cultural. Los aspectos mencionados entregarán al DM Quito fuentes de ingresos y posicionamiento de marca que aporten hacia la competitividad, lo cual contribuirá a la mejora de las condiciones y calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, nacionales y extranjeros dentro de un marco de respeto al ambiente, de forma que se promueva el emprendimiento y la sostenibilidad. En la actualidad el DM Quito, desde un punto de vista externo, enfrenta amenazas como un Gobierno Nacional sin una política clara de desarrollo, dependencia del precio del petróleo, migración, incremento del riesgo país y la apreciación del dólar; no obstante, también se visualizan importantes oportunidades tales como su ubicación geográfica, concentra a la mayoría de empresas multinacionales, Gobierno Nacional con apertura al diálogo, reducción de las tasas de crédito, economía dolarizada y en crecimiento, incentivo al emprendimiento en la industria del turismo y potencial de convertirse en un clúster tecnológico. Desde un punto de vista interno el DM Quito muestra debilidades como alto índice de mortalidad materna infantil, poder de marca, capital de innovación, dependencia de proveedores externos y dinamismo económico. Sin embargo, muestra también interesantes fortalezas entre las cuales están las atracciones turísticas, cede de instituciones educativas, cooperación internacional, desarrollo tecnológico y eliminación de barreras arancelarias. En base a este análisis se han definido cinco objetivos de largo plazo, siete estrategias, dieciocho objetivos a corto plazo y siete políticas de gestión. El organismo encargado de la ejecución del plan es el Municipio del DM Quito. Representa una enorme responsabilidad que requiere compromiso de gestión estratégica, gestionar los recursos necesarios, evaluar el plan de manera periódica, actualizar y motivar al recurso humano para finalmente alcanzar la visión planteada. / The Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan District of Quito (DM Quito) has been developed based on the methodology of D'Alessio (2015) and aims to achieve that by 2028 the DM Quito will be among the first ten cities in Latin America to do business and tourism, which will be reached by driving the growth of the production of goods and services, optimizing the resources, developing entrepreneurship, creating technical education centers, improving the health care and coverage system, promoting foreign investment, exploiting tourism, caring for the environment, and protecting the cultural heritage. The aspects mentioned will offer DM Quito with sources of income and brand positioning that contribute towards competitiveness, which will contribute to the improvement of the conditions and quality of life of citizens, national and foreign, within a framework of respect for the environment, promoting entrepreneurship and sustainability. Currently, the DM Quito, from an external point of view, faces threats such as a National Government without a clear development policy, dependence on the price of oil, migration, increased country risk and the appreciation of the dollar, but also there are important opportunities like the geographic location, concentration of multinational companies, National Government with openness to dialogue, reduction of credit rates, dollarized and growing economy, incentive to entrepreneurship in the tourism industry and potential to become a technological cluster. On the other hand, the DM Quito shows weaknesses for instance, high infant mortality rate, brand power, innovation capital, dependence on external suppliers and economic dynamism. However, it also shows interesting strengths for example, tourist attractions, transfer of educational institutions, international cooperation, technological development and elimination of tariff barriers. Based on this analysis, it has been defined five long-term objectives, seven strategies, eighteen short-term objectives and seven management policies. The organism responsible for the execution of the plan is the Municipality of DM Quito, a big responsibility that requires a commitment to strategic management, resources management, constant evaluation of the strategic plan, and update and motivate the human resources to finally reach the proposed vision.

Structured equations to assess the socioeconomic and business factors influencing the financial sustainability of traditional Amazonian Chakra in The Ecuadorian Amazon

Luna Murillo, Marcelo Vicente 29 May 2024 (has links)
Este estudio investiga las dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y su influencia en la sostenibilidad financiero económica (SFE) en sistemas agroforestales tradicionales (SAFT) utilizando el caso de la Chakra Amazónica. Los objetivos principales fueron analizar las dimensiones de sostenibilidad y establecer las relaciones causales entre estas dimensiones y la SFE. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se seleccionaron 330 hogares en la provincia de Napo que utilizan el sistema de Chakra Amazónica para cultivar cacao, con el fin de analizar la relación entre las diferentes dimensiones de sostenibilidad y la SFE en este contexto único. Los resultados del estudio muestran que las prácticas relacionadas con la seguridad alimentaria (SA) y los factores empresariales (FE) impactan positiva y significativamente la SFE de los hogares productores de cacao en el sistema de Chakra Amazónica. Estos hallazgos respaldan la importancia de garantizar la disponibilidad y calidad de los alimentos y promover prácticas empresariales responsables en estos entornos. En contraste, las dimensiones de resiliencia ambiental (RA) y conservación de la biodiversidad (CB) impactaron negativamente la SFE, destacando un desequilibrio económico financiero en relación con las acciones de conservación y resiliencia ambiental en la Chakra Amazónica. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento necesario para promover prácticas agrícolas que incluyan un enfoque equitativo en la SFE, la conservación de la biodiversidad y la resiliencia ambiental en un área de importancia global, proporcionando información valiosa para el diseño de políticas y prácticas agrícolas sostenibles en la Chakra Amazónica. / This study investigates the dimensions of sustainability and their influence on financial economic sustainability (FES) in traditional agroforestry systems (TAFS) using the case of the Amazonian Chakra. The main objectives were to analyze the sustainability dimensions and establish the causal relationships between these dimensions and the FES. To carry out this research, 330 households in Napo Province that use the Amazonian Chakra system to grow cocoa were selected to analyze the relationship between the different dimensions of sustainability and FES in this unique context. The study results show that practices related to food security (FS) and business factors (BF) positively and significantly impact the FES of cocoa producing households in the Amazonian Chakra system. These findings support the importance of ensuring the availability and quality of food and promoting responsible business practices in these environments. In contrast, the dimensions of environmental resilience (ER) and biodiversity conservation (BC) negatively impacted FES, highlighting an economic financial imbalance in relation to conservation and environmental resilience actions in the Amazonian Chakra. This study contributes to the knowledge needed to promote agricultural practices that include an equal focus on FES, biodiversity conservation, and environmental resilience in a globally significant area, providing valuable information for designing sustainable agricultural policies and practices in the Amazonian Chakra.

Oswaldo De La Torre Villacreses: la construcción de un oficio

Bonilla Montenegro, Xavier Hernan 11 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] Oswaldo de la Torre Villacreses nació en Machachi en 1926 y murió en Quito en 2012. Durante su vida, De la Torre abordó la profesión de arquitecto desde diversas facetas, y fue uno de los arquitectos que formó parte de la tercera promoción de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Quito. Esta tesis examina la práctica proyectual de Oswaldo De la Torre intentando indagar en las claves de su oficio como arquitecto constructor. La parte inicial del documento aborda la labor de investigación realizada, así como su metodología que consiste principalmente en el uso de fuentes primarias recogidas del archivo particular del arquitecto De la Torre. Esta labor se complementa con entrevistas realizadas a familiares y colegas que le acompañaron o fueron testigos de su hacer. También se hace un recorrido por el contexto arquitectónico en el que ejerció De la Torre, exponiendo acontecimientos que sucedieron en Quito, particularmente durante la década de los años sesenta, y que permiten conocer las condiciones de su práctica profesional. Este periodo fue un momento clave tanto por la introducción de un nuevo lenguaje como por la utilización de materiales como el hormigón, el acero y el vidrio. A continuación, se hace una reflexión sobre su manera de proyectar y construir edificios, apoyándose en la tectónica entendida como el resultado de las cualidades espaciales que se desprenden de la estructura y la construcción. También se contextualiza su obra poniéndola en relación con el trabajo de sus coetáneos y contemporáneos, detectando posibles influencias. En este estudio se ha decidido profundizar sobre la construcción de los proyectos que hizo en la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, donde diseñó las facultades de Ingeniería Mecánica (1965), Laboratorio de Hidráulica (1965), y el edificio Administrativo y Teatro Politécnico (1965). En los tres edificios, se analiza el criterio de su implantación, la forma, y sobre todo se profundiza en la parte constructiva, dirigiendo la mirada a la estructura, los detalles y ensambles que permiten aproximarse a entender el oficio constructivo de De la Torre. / [CA] Oswaldo de la Torre Villacreses va néixer a Machachi el 1926 i va morir a Quito el 2012. Durant la seva vida, De la Torre va abordar la professió d'arquitecte des de diverses facetes, i va ser un dels arquitectes que va formar part de la tercera promoció de l'Escola de Arquitectura de Quito. Aquesta tesi examina la pràctica projectual d'Oswaldo De la Torre intentant indagar a les claus del seu ofici com a arquitecte constructor. La part inicial del document aborda la tasca de recerca realitzada, així com la metodologia que consisteix principalment en l'ús de fonts primàries recollides de l'arxiu particular de l'arquitecte De la Torre. Aquesta tasca es complementa amb entrevistes realitzades a familiars i col·legues que el van acompanyar o van ser testimonis de fer-ho. També es fa un recorregut pel context arquitectònic en què va exercir De la Torre, exposant esdeveniments que van succeir a Quito, particularment durant la dècada dels anys seixanta, i que permeten conèixer les condicions de la seva pràctica professional. Aquest període va ser un moment clau tant per la introducció d"un nou llenguatge com per la utilització de materials com el formigó, l"acer i el vidre. A continuació, es fa una reflexió sobre la seva manera de projectar i construir edificis, recolzant-se en la tectònica entesa com a resultat de les qualitats espacials que es desprenen de l'estructura i la construcció. També es contextualitza la seva obra posant-la en relació amb el treball dels seus coetanis i contemporanis, detectant-hi possibles influències. En aquest estudi s'ha decidit aprofundir la construcció dels projectes que va fer a l'Escola Politècnica Nacional, on va dissenyar les facultats d'Enginyeria Mecànica (1965), Laboratori d'Hidràulica (1965), i l'edifici Administratiu i Teatre Politècnic (1965). Als tres edificis, s'analitza el criteri de la seva implantació, la forma, i sobretot s'aprofundeix en la part constructiva, dirigint la mirada a l'estructura, els detalls i els assemblatges que permeten aproximar-se a entendre l'ofici constructiu de De la Torre. / [EN] Oswaldo de la Torre Villacreses was born in Machachi in 1926 and died in Quito in 2012. During his life, De la Torre approached the architectural profession from various facets, and was one of the architects who formed part of the third graduating class of the Quito School of Architecture. This thesis examines Oswaldo De la Torre's design practice in an attempt to investigate the keys to his profession as an architect and builder. The initial part of the document covers the research work carried out, as well as its methodology, which consists mainly of the use of primary sources collected from the private archives of the architect De la Torre. This work is complemented by interviews with family members and colleagues who accompanied him or witnessed his work. It also takes a look at the architectural context in which De la Torre practised, describing events that took place in Quito, particularly during the 1960s, and which provide an insight into the conditions of his professional practice. This period was a key moment both for the introduction of a new language and for the use of materials such as concrete, steel and glass. This is followed by a reflection on his way of designing and constructing buildings, based on tectonics, understood as the result of the spatial qualities arising from structure and construction. It also contextualises his work by relating it to the work of his contemporaries and peers, detecting possible influences. In this study, it has been decided to study in depth the construction of the projects he did at the National Polytechnic School, where he designed the faculties of Mechanical Engineering (1965), the Hydraulics Laboratory (1965), and the Administrative Building and Polytechnic Theatre (1965). In the three buildings, we analyse the criteria for their implantation, the form, and above all, we delve into the constructive part, looking at the structure, the details and assemblies that allow us to understand De la Torre's constructive craft. / Bonilla Montenegro, XH. (2024). Oswaldo De La Torre Villacreses: la construcción de un oficio [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206133

Indians and underdogs: notions of identity and the symbolic language of resistance in coastal Ecuador

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis examines identity as a process, how it is a reflection of, or reaction to, social, economic, and political circumstances. Identity is examined, through an ethnographically informed analysis, as it is represented, contested, and focused in the visual discourse of a small population. The research suggests that identity manifests at specific and strategic moments within the symbolic practices of resistance in coastal Ecuador. Grievances to economic and political power structures are acted out in clear-cut identity terms, or motifs, and function to organize diverse interests into social action. The study illustrates two identity motifs that are commonly asserted in the local context: depictions of being indigenous and of being the underdog. Using local examples, this thesis addresses the complexities of identity formation, examines the strategic capacity of identity, and offers insight into the relationships between identity, resistance, and power. / by Sarah Anne Nohe. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2008. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Paleopathology of human remains from the Plaza San Marcos, Quito, Ecuador

Unknown Date (has links)
Skeletal remains provide an exceptional opportunity to document the biological adaptations that a population undergoes in response to environmental, political and economic changes (Perry, 2007). For over 35 years, bioarchaeological analyses have documented such changes indigenous Ecuadorians. In 2007, Victoria Dominguez excavated remains at the Plaza San Marcos in Quito, Ecuador. I analyzed these remains, documented evidence of pathologic conditions and trauma, and compared this native population to other indigenous populations and to European cohorts. My analyses revealed increased violence and pathologic conditions in the Plaza San Marcos population when compared to populations occupying Quito prior to colonization and during Spanish control. Indigenous remains also exhibited more pathologic conditions and trauma than European remains. Historic accounts of life in Quito describe increased violence and hardships for natives following emancipation from Spain. My analyses did not reveal increased interpersonal violence, but did demonstrate evidence of increased general pathologies following independence. / by Ronda R. Graves. / Thesis M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Factors determining the spatio-temporal distribution of ants in an Andean tropical forest / Facteurs déterminant la distribution spatio-temporelle des fourmis dans une forêt tropicale andine

Jacquemin, Justine 26 March 2013 (has links)
In tropical forests, ants are numerous, diversified and ecologically important, being present from forest floor to upper canopy and exploiting a wide variety of diets. Nearly half of the ant species are directly in contact with the ground stratum, including the leaf-litter and the underlying soil, for nesting or foraging. The main factors known to influence ant distribution and abundance can be environmental (e.g. heterogeneous distribution of microhabitat size, nutrient availability, microclimate, soil properties) or biotic (e.g. inter- and intraspecific competition, prey availability). Some of these factors, such as leaf-litter volume or prey availability, may also vary seasonally. Also, the Ecuadorian Andes are known as being a hotspot of biodiversity for a large array of organisms, but it was not documented until now if this is also the case for ants.<p><p>The general aim of the PhD project was to identify, by both descriptive and experimental approaches, the factors determining the structure of a ground-dwelling ant assemblage at a small-spatial scale and its temporal variation in an evergreen premontane tropical forest of the Ecuadorian Andes.<p><p>In the descriptive part of the project, we studied both horizontal (along a transect) and vertical (across ground layers) species diversity and distribution of ground-dwelling ants. To attempt to explain the observed patterns, we measured a series of environmental factors varying at small spatial scale and/or seasonally: canopy openness, leaf-litter quantity, slope, and a series of soil physico-chemical properties (e.g. texture). The ant assemblage richness appeared to be at least as high as in the Amazonian Basin, with up to 33 species per m². The heterogeneity of species spatial distribution at small spatial scale was high, with distinct species composition (average Jaccard index = 0.2 ± 0.08 SD) and abundance (up to 40 fold) in contiguous plots. We observed a strong seasonal effect on the ant assemblage structure. The higher ant diversity and abundance found at the surface and in the mineral soil during the dry season suggested a seasonal peak of activity on the ground surface and the seasonal migration of drought-sensitive species downwards in the soil. Ant diversity was related to distinct environmental factors according to the ground layer considered. We found strong correlations between litter amount and dominant ant distribution in the leaf-litter layer, while we found no correlation with any factor in the soil layer. The low amount of negative association between dominant species suggested a low interspecific competition.<p><p>In the experimental part of the project, our aim was to identify experimentally the relative importance of habitat size vs. prey availability in structuring the leaf-litter ant assemblage. We studied the response of various ant trophic groups to an increased nutrient availability which boosted the decomposition of their leaf-litter habitat and enhanced the abundance of their prey. Bottom-up effect on the ant fauna (and other predaceous arthropods) regarding species composition and dominance was also studied. Stable isotope analysis was used to distinguish trophic groups among ants and mesofauna. Ants responded differentially according to their trophic group: despite increased prey availability, predatory species were negatively affected by nutrient supply, while other ant trophic group densities did not change. Our results showed that predatory ants are limited by habitat size rather than by prey availability, and that these ants are more affected by habitat loss than their prey, other ant trophic groups and other macrofauna taxa. Furthermore, a taxonomic shift occurred within each ant trophic group, leading to the replacement of dominant genera in fertilized plots.<p><p>As a conclusion, our results emphasize the importance of distinguishing layers among the ground matrix, since both ant faunas and their response to environmental factors vary vertically and seasonally. The distribution of ground-dwelling ants was only weakly explained by both the environmental factors measured and by biotic interactions, at a small spatial scale. Also, our results emphasize the importance of distinguishing trophic groups among the ant assemblage, since the response of these groups under changing conditions was different. In this regard, stable isotope analysis was a useful tool for investigating the trophic ecology of various leaf-litter taxa, and it was successfully used for the first time to assess the diet of leaf-litter ants and their position in the Brown Food Web relative to other taxa. Also, the isotopic approach allowed us to increase the knowledge about the biology of a rare and cryptic ant species, by revealing its top-predatory position. The outstanding local species richness that we observed confirms that the Ecuadorian Andes are also a biodiversity hotspot for ants. / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Más allá del fútbol: La Bomba, the Afrochoteño Subaltern, and Cultural Change in Ecuador’s Chota-Mira Valley

Ruggiero, Diana Mabel 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Fine root dynamics and resource uptake in a South Ecuadorian mountain rainforest as dependent on elevation / Feinwurzeldynamik und Ressourcenaufnahme in einem Südecuadorianischen Bergregenwald in Abhängigkeit von der Meereshöhe

Graefe, Sophie 04 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A política das obras e as obras da política : um estudo sobre as relações bilaterais Brasil-Bolívia e Brasil-Equador na dimensão da infraestrutura nos governos Lula da Silva (2003-2010) /

Honório, Karen dos Santos. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Flavia de Campos Mello / Resumo: Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar a dimensão da infraestrutura nas relações bilaterais Brasil Bolívia e Brasil Equador durante os governos Lula (2003 2010). Argumenta se que a infraestrutura foi um dos eixos centrais da política regional brasileira e a análise das dinâmicas bilaterais nesse tema permite observar a art iculação entre os objetivos Sul Sul e o projeto neodesenvolvimentista de ação indutora do Estado com agentes econômicos privados. Parte se da hipótese de que o ativismo político de alto nível na agenda bilateral em relação à dimensão da infraestrutura, p ossibilitou a negociação das obras pelo governo beneficiando setores privados brasileiros, as empresas de construção civil. Nesse sentido, concluiu se que a projeção dos interesses de atores privados ocorreu articulada à política regional brasileira. A rec onstrução dos processos de negociação bilateral e implementação das obras na Bolívia e no Equador permitiu a compreensão dos conflitos que envolveram as empresas brasileiras e esses governos bem como os impactos dessas crises no âmbito diplomático. A expa nsão do capitalismo brasileiro sob orientação política, na dimensão da infraestrutura, problematiza os resultados e limites da cooperação para o desenvolvimento e as diretrizes solidárias do Sul Sul na ação governamental brasileira dos governos Lula na América do Sul. / Abstract: This thesis aims to analyze the infrastructure dimension in the bilateral relations Brazil Bolivia and Brazil Ecuador du ring the Lula Governments (2003 2010). It is argued that infrastructure was one of the central axes of the Brazilian regional policy and the analysis of the bilateral dynamics of the theme allows to observe the articulation between the South South objectiv es and a neodevelopmental project of state inducing action with private economic agents. It is the hypothesis that the high level political activism on the bilateral agenda in relation to the infrastructure dimension allowed the government to negotiate the projects benefiting Brazilian private sectors, the construction companies. In this sense, it was concluded that the projection of the interests of private actors was articulated to the Brazilian regional policy. The reconstruction of the bilateral negotiat ion processes and the implementation of the projects in Bolivia and Ecuador allowed an understanding of the conflicts that involved the Brazilian companies and these governments and the impacts of these crises in the diplomatic field. The expansion of Braz ilian capitalism under political orientation in the infrastructure dimension questions the results and limits of development cooperation and the South South solidarity guidelines in the Brazilian government action of the Lula governments in South America. / Resumen: Esta tesis tiene como objetivo analizar la dimensión de la infraestructura en las relaciones bilaterales Brasil Bolivia y Brasil Ecuador durante los gobiernos Lula (2003 2010). Se argumenta que la infraestructura fue uno de los ejes centrales de la política regional brasileña y el análisis de las dinámicas bilaterales del tema permite observar la articulación de l os objectivos Sur Sur y un proyecto n eodes arollista de acción inductora del Estado con agentes económicos privados . Se parte de la hipótesis de que el activismo político de alto nivel en la agenda bilateral en relación a la dimensión de la infraestructura, posibilitó la negociación de las obr as por el gobierno beneficiando sectores privados brasileños, las empresas de construcción civil. En ese sentido, se concluyó que la proyección de los intereses de actores privados ocurrió articulada a la política regional brasileña La reconstrucción de l os procesos de negociación bilateral e implementación de las obras en Bolivia y Ecuador permitió la comprensión de los conflictos que involucraron las empresas brasileñas y esos gobiernos y los impactos de esas crisis en el ámbito diplomático. La expansión del capitalismo brasileño bajo orientación política, en la dimensión de la infraestructura, problematiza los resultados y límites de la cooperación para el desarrollo y las directrices solidarias del Sur Sur en la acción gubernamental brasileña de los gob iernos Lula en América del Sur. / Doutor

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