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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variabilité intra-annuelle de l’efficacité de production de biomasse aérienne (aBPE) d’une forêt : comparaison avec une prairie soumise aux mêmes conditions climatiques / Intra-annual variability of the aboveground biomass production efficiency (aBPE) of a forest : comparison with a grassland under the same climatic conditions

Heid, Laura 06 December 2017 (has links)
L’étude du cycle du carbone (C) dans les écosystèmes terrestres est fondamentale afin de comprendre leur rôle dans le cycle du carbone ainsi que les répercussions du changement climatique sur ces écosystèmes. L'objectif général de la thèse qui est de faire un suivi intra-annuel de l’allocation du C au sein de différents écosystème terrestre (forêt et prairie), se place dans ce contexte. Dans un premier temps les efficiences de production de biomasse aérienne (aBPE, rapport entre les quantités de carbone stockées dans la biomasse aérienne et absorbées) sont calculées pour des intervalles de temps réduits, du mois à la semaine selon l’écosystème (forêt et prairie). Dans un second temps, une estimation plus précise de l'allocation du carbone en forêt a été effectuée, en suivant la formation de certains composés structuraux (hémicelluloses et cellulose+lignine). Un possible lien entre la variation de cette allocation selon les conditions climatiques a été étudiée. Les efficiences correspondantes ont également été calculées mensuellement pour avoir une idée plus précise du stockage durable du C dans cet écosystème. Une comparaison avec la prairie a été réalisée en termes d’aBPE afin d'analyser les capacités respectives des 2 écosystèmes à s'adapter aux changements climatiques et à jouer un rôle dans la mitigation des gaz à effet de serre. Dans le cadre de l'Observatoire Pérenne de l'Environnement, deux écosystèmes voisins situés en Meuse (55) ont été instrumentés dans le but de mesurer en continu les échanges de CO2 à l’interface couvert‐atmosphère, ainsi que les conditions micrométéorologiques dans lesquelles ces échanges se produisent. De plus, un suivi régulier du développement des écosystèmes a également été réalisé / The study of the carbon (C) cycle is important in terrestrial ecosystems (forest, grassland) in order to understand their behavior, their role in the C cycle and also the impact of climate change on them. The general study of this thesis which is to monitor the intra-annual allocation of C into different terrestrial ecosystem (forest and grassland), lays within this context. Firstly we calculated aboveground biomass production efficiencies (aBPE, ratio between the quantity of C stored into the aboveground biomass and absorbed) intra-annually, weekly or monthly depending on the ecosystem (grassland and forest respectively). Secondly a more precise assessment of the C allocation in forest was made by analyzing the formation of structural C compounds (hemicelluloses and cellulose + lignins). A possible link between the variability of these allocations and climate was studied. The corresponding efficiencies were then calculated monthly in order to have a better idea of the sustainable C storage in this ecosystem. A comparison with a grassland in term of aBPE was then realized in order to analyze the adaptation capacity of each ecosystem to climate change and to play a role in the mitigation of GHG. Two neighboring ecosystems located in Montiers-sur-Saulx and Osne-le-Val were equipped, as part of the Observatoire Pérenne de l’Environnement (OPE), to measure continuously the CO2 exchange between land cover and atmosphere and the micrometeorological conditions in which these exchanges happen. A regular monitoring of those ecosystems development (biomass, leaves area, senescence) was also made


ARTHUR, FRANK January 2018 (has links)
River, lakes and   streams account for more carbon dioxide emissions than all other freshwater   reservoirs together. However, there is still lack of knowledge of the   physical processes that control the efficiency of the air-water exchange of   CO2 in these aquatic systems. In the more turbulent water sections   of a river, the gas transfer is thought to be governed by the river’s   morphology such as bottom topography, slope and stream flow. Whiles for wider   sections of the river, the gas transfer could potentially be influenced by   atmospheric forcing (e.g. Wind speed). The main purpose of this project is to   study the fluxes of carbon dioxide and how (wind speed and stream discharge)   influence the CO2 fluxes in the river. In this study, direct and   continuous measurements of CO2 emission was conducted for the   first time in a controlled boreal river in Kattstrupeforsen (Sweden) from   18th April to 10th May 2018. A unique measurement setup which combines eddy   covariance techniques, general meteorology and in situ water variables (for   high accuracy emission measurements) was used. The results show that   in the late winter, an   upward directed CO2 fluxes measured in the river was approximately   2.2 μmol m−2 s−1. This value agrees with many other small and   large rivers where CO2 fluxes has been studied. The river can be   said to serve as source of CO2 to the atmosphere in the day due to   the dominant upward fluxes recorded during the daytime. The results also show   that carbon dioxide fluxes increase with increasing wind speed notably at   wind speed above 2 m s-1. There   was no relation between CO2 fluxes and stream discharge. This   indicates that wind speed could be one principal factor for air- river gas   exchange. The findings in this work on river gas exchange will provide   a basis for a regional estimate and be applicable for many river systems on a   global scale. / <p>2018-07-09</p>


Valente, Fabíola Carolina Pereira 25 January 2016 (has links)
This work took place a procedure for processing the data fluxes measured by a system eddy covariance in an experimental site with representative vegetation of the Pampa biome in conjunction with measures of a meteorological station for the period 2013-11-20 to 2015-09-07. From this set of data was performed an analysis of the seasonality of surface energy fluxes and meteorological variables. The results showed that the application of different methods of corrections for the calculation of energy fluxes produces fluxes with different quality levels in relation to the energy balance closure (EBC). The slope varies up to 20% due to different combinations of corrections applied in the processing of data for calculating the average within a 30 minute interval. The correction options that showed greater sensibility were the time constant and the method of removing the turbulent fluctuations. By the diagnosis EBC has found that the change of IRGA closed path to open path improved to about 12% of the EBC, indicating a deficiency of IRGA closed path. It was also verified that the soil term (flow and storage) increased by ~ 4% EBC, indicating its importance for the natural pasture energy balance. Due to non-closure of the energy balance observed in most studies, and this also, a new method of post-closure of the energy balance was proposed, simple but careful because it is based on the quality of classification of energy fluxes (H and LE). The objective of the method is to generate a corrected series of fluxes, it is important for the calibration and validation surface models. In relation to energy partition, evapotranspiration (ET) was the predominant component, with a Fev = 61% of the available radiation and β = 51%. It varies from ~ 4 mm d-1 in the summer to ~ 1 mm d-1 in winter and is mainly controlled by atmospheric forcing (Rn, DPV, Tar) which determined its seasonal variation. In winter, its reduction was also associated with low photosynthetic activity of the vegetation. The daytime average albedo of natural grasslands of Rio Grande do Sul was 18%, with little seasonal variation. Finally, it is here suggested the inclusion of the procedures carried out in this work for the processing of data from the experimental sites SULFLUX. / Neste trabalho realizou-se um procedimento para o processamento dos dados de fluxos medidos por um sistema de covariância dos vórtices turbulentos em um sítio experimental com vegetação representativa do bioma Pampa, em conjunto com medidas de uma estação meteorológica para o período de 20/11/2013 a 07/09/2015. A partir deste conjunto de dados foi realizada uma análise da sazonalidade dos fluxos superficiais de energia e das variáveis meteorológicas. Os resultados mostraram que a aplicação de diferentes métodos de correções para o cálculo dos fluxos de energia produz fluxos com diferentes níveis de qualidade em relação ao fechamento do balanço de energia (FBE). O coeficiente angular (CA) variou até 20% em razão das diferentes combinações de correções aplicadas no processamento dos dados para o cálculo das médias num intervalo de 30 minutos. As opções de correção que mostraram maior sensibilidade foram a constante de tempo e o método de remoção das flutuações turbulentas. Pelo diagnóstico do FBE constatou-se que a mudança de IRGA caminho fechado para caminho aberto melhorou cerca de 12% o FBE, indicando alguma deficiência do IRGA caminho fechado. Também foi verificado que o termo de solo (fluxo e armazenamento) aumentou ~4% o FBE, indicando sua importância para o balanço de energia de pastagem natural. Em virtude do não fechamento do balanço de energia observado na maioria dos estudos, e neste também, foi proposto um novo método de pós-fechamento do balanço de energia, simples, mas criterioso, pois se baseia na classificação de qualidade dos fluxos de energia (H e LE). O objetivo do método é gerar uma série de fluxos corrigidas, importante para a calibração e validação de modelos de superfície. Em relação à partição da energia, a evapotranspiração (ET) foi a componente predominante, com uma Fev = 61% da radiação disponível e β = 51%. Ela variou de ~4 mm d-1 no verão para ~1 mm d-1 no inverno, sendo controlada principalmente pelas forçantes atmosféricas (Rn, DPV, Tar) que determinaram a sua variação sazonal. No inverno, a sua redução foi associada também a baixa atividade fotossintética da vegetação. O albedo médio diurno da pastagem natural do Rio Grande do Sul foi 18%, com pouca variação sazonal. Por fim, fica sugerido aqui a inserção dos procedimentos realizados neste trabalho para o processamento de dados dos sítios experimentais da SULFLUX.

Air emissions measurements at cattle feedlots

Baum, Kristen A. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Jay M. Ham / The potential environmental impact of animal feeding operations on air quality has created the need for accurate air emissions measurements. Of particular concern are ammonia emissions from cattle feedlots, operations that contribute a large portion of the agricultural ammonia emissions inventory. Micrometeorological methods are ideal for emissions measurements from large, open-source areas like feedlot pens; however, theoretical assumptions about the boundary layer must be made, which may not hold true above the heterogeneous, fetch-limited surface of the feedlot. Thus, the first objective of this work was to characterize the surface boundary layer of an open-air cattle feedlot and provide insight into how micrometeorological techniques might be applied to these non-ideal sites. Eddy covariance was used to measure fluxes of momentum, heat, water, and carbon dioxide from a commercial cattle feedlot in central Kansas. Data supported the use of eddy covariance and similar methods (i.e., relaxed eddy accumulation) for flux measurements from both cattle and pen surfaces. The modeled cumulative source area contributing to eddy covariance measurements at a 6 m sample height was dominated by just a few pens near the tower, making the characteristics of those pens especially important when interpreting results. The second objective was to develop a system for measuring ammonia fluxes from feedlots. A new type of relaxed eddy accumulation system was designed, fabricated, and tested that used honeycomb denuders to independently sample ammonia in up-moving and down-moving eddies. Field testing of the relaxed eddy accumulation system at a feedlot near Manhattan, KS showed fluxes of ammonia ranged between 60 and 130 μg m-2 s-1 during the summer of 2007. Even in the high ammonia environment (e.g., 300-600 μg m-3), the honeycomb denuders had enough capacity for the 4-hour sampling duration and could be used to measure other chemical species that the denuders could be configured to capture. Results provide a foundation for emissions measurements of ammonia and other gases at cattle feedlots and help address some of the challenges that micrometeorologists face with any non-ideal source area.

Site Water Budget: Influences of Measurement Uncertainties on Measurement Results and Model Results

Spank, Uwe 22 October 2010 (has links)
The exact quantification of site water budget is a necessary precondition for successful and sustainable management of forests, agriculture and water resources. In this study the water balance was investigated at the spatial scale of canopies and at different temporal scales with focus on the monthly time scale. The estimation of the individual water balance components was primarily based on micrometeorological measurement methods. Evapotranspiration was assessed by the eddy-covariance (EC) method, while sap flow measurements were used to estimate transpiration. Interception was assessed by a combination of canopy drip, stem flow and precipitation (gross rainfall) measurements and soil moisture measurements were used to estimate the soil water storage. The combination of different measurement methods and the derivation of water balance components that are not directly measurable e.g. seepage and soil evaporation is a very complex task due to different scales of measurement, measurement uncertainties and the superposition of these effects. The quantification of uncertainties is a core point of the present study. The uncertainties were quantified for water balance component as well as for meteorological variables (e.g. wind speed, temperature, global radiation, net radiation and precipitation) that served as input data in water balance models. Furthermore, the influences of uncertainties were investigated in relation to numerical water balance simulations. Here, both the effects of uncertainties in input data and in reference data were analysed and evaluated. The study addresses three main topics. The first topic was the providing of reference data of evapotranspiration by EC measurements. Here, the processing of EC raw-data was of main concern with focus on the correction of the spectral attenuation. Four different methods of spectral correction were tested and compared. The estimated correction coefficients were significantly different between all methods. However, the effects were small to absolute values on half-hourly time scale. In contrast to half-hour data sets, the method had significant influence to estimated monthly totals of evapotranspiration. The second main topic dealt with the comparison of water balances between a spruce (Picea abies) and a beech (Fagus sylvatica) site. Both sites are located in the Tharandter Wald (Germany). Abiotic conditions are very similar at both sites. Thus, the comparison of both sites offered the opportunity to reveal differences in the water balance due to different dominant tree species. The aim was to estimate and to compare all individual components of the water balance by a combination of the above mentioned measurement methods. A major challenge was to overcome problems due different scales of measurements. Significant differences of the water balances between both sites occurred under untypical weather conditions. However, under typical condition the sites showed a similar behaviour. Here, the importance of involved uncertainties deserved special attention. Results showed that differences in the water balance between sites were blurred by uncertainties. The third main topic dealt with the effects of uncertainties on simulations of water balances with numerical models. These analyses were based on data of three sites (Spruce, Grass and Agricultural site). A kind of Monte-Carlo-Simulation (uncertainty model) was used to simulate effects of measurement uncertainties. Furthermore, the effects of model complexity and the effect of uncertainties in reference data on the evaluation of simulation results were investigated. Results showed that complex water balance models like BROOK90 have the ability to describe the general behaviour and tendencies of a water balance. However, satisfying quantitative results were only reached under typical weather conditions. Under untypical weather e.g. droughts or extreme precipitation, the results significantly differed from actual (measured) values. In contrast to complex models, it was demonstrated that simple Black Box Models (e.g. HPTFs) are not suited for water balance simulations for the three sites tested here. / Die genaue Quantifizierung des Standortswasserhaushalts ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Wäldern, Äckern und Wasserressourcen. In dieser Studie wurde auf der Raumskala des Bestandes und auf verschieden Zeitskalen, jedoch vorrangig auf Monatsebene, die Wasserbilanz untersucht. Die Bestimmung der einzelnen Wasserbilanzkomponenten erfolgte hauptsächlich mit mikrometeorologischen Messmethoden. Die Eddy- Kovarianz- Methode (EC- Methode) wurde benutzt zur Messung der Evapotranspiration, während Xylem- Flussmessungen angewendet wurden, um die Transpiration zu bestimmen. Die Interzeption wurde aus Messungen des Bestandesniederschlags, des Stammablaufs und des Freilandniederschlags abgeleitet. Messungen der Bodenfeuchte dienten zur Abschätzung des Bodenwasservorrats. Die Kombination verschiedener Messmethoden und die Ableitung von nicht direkt messbaren Wasserhaushaltkomponenten (z.B. Versickerung und Bodenverdunstung) ist eine äußerst komplexe Aufgabe durch verschiedenen Messskalen, Messfehler und die Überlagerung dieser Effekte. Die Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten ist ein Kernpunkt in dieser Studie. Dabei werden sowohl Unsicherheiten in Wasserhaushaltskomponenten als auch in meteorologischen Größen, welche als Eingangsdaten in Wasserbilanzmodellen dienen (z.B. Windgeschwindigkeit, Temperatur, Globalstrahlung, Nettostrahlung und Niederschlag) quantifiziert. Weiterführend wird der Einfluss von Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit numerischen Wasserbilanzsimulationen untersucht. Dabei wird sowohl die Wirkung von Unsicherheiten in Eingangsdaten als auch in Referenzdaten analysiert und bewertet. Die Studie beinhaltet drei Hauptthemen. Das erste Thema widmet sich der Bereitstellung von Referenzdaten der Evapotranspiration mittels EC- Messungen. Dabei waren die Aufbereitung von EC- Rohdaten und insbesondere die Dämpfungskorrektur (Spektralkorrektur) der Schwerpunkt. Vier verschiedene Methoden zur Dämpfungskorrektur wurden getestet und verglichen. Die bestimmten Korrekturkoeffizienten unterschieden sich deutlich zwischen den einzelnen Methoden. Jedoch war der Einfluss auf die Absolutwerte halbstündlicher Datensätze gering. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte die Methode deutlichen Einfluss auf die ermittelten Monatssummen der Evapotranspiration. Das zweite Hauptthema beinhaltet einen Vergleich der Wasserbilanz eines Fichten- (Picea abies) mit der eines Buchenbestands (Fagus sylvatica). Beide Bestände befinden sich im Tharandter Wald (Deutschland). Die abiotischen Faktoren sind an beiden Standorten sehr ähnlich. Somit bietet der Vergleich die Möglichkeit Unterschiede in der Wasserbilanz, die durch unterschiedliche Hauptbaumarten verursacht wurden, zu analysieren. Das Ziel was es, die einzelnen Wasserbilanzkomponenten durch eine Kombination der eingangs genanten Messmethoden zu bestimmen und zu vergleichen. Ein Hauptproblem dabei war die Umgehung der unterschiedlichen Messskalen. Deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Standorten traten nur unter untypischen Wetterbedingungen auf. Unter typischen Bedingungen zeigten die Bestände jedoch ein ähnliches Verhalten. An dieser Stelle erlangten Messunsicherheiten besondere Bedeutung. So demonstrierten die Ergebnisse, dass Unterschiede in der Wasserbilanz beider Standorte durch Messunsicherheiten verwischt wurden. Das dritte Hauptthema behandelt die Wirkung von Unsicherheiten auf Wasserbilanzsimulationen mittels numerischer Modelle. Die Analysen basierten auf Daten von drei Messstationen (Fichten-, Grasland- und Agrarstandort). Es wurde eine Art Monte-Carlo-Simulation eingesetzt, um die Wirkung von Messunsicherheiten zu simulieren. Ferner wurden auch der Einfluss der Modellkomplexität und die Effekte von Unsicherheiten in Referenzdaten auf die Bewertung von Modellergebnissen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass komplexe Wasserhaushaltsmodelle wie BROOK90 in der Lage sind, das Verhalten und Tendenzen der Wasserbilanz abzubilden. Jedoch wurden zufriedenstellende quantitative Ergebnisse nur unter üblichen Wetterbedingungen erzielt. Unter untypischen Wetterbedingungen (Dürreperioden, Extremniederschläge) wichen die Ergebnisse deutlich vom tatsächlichen (gemessenen) Wert ab. Im Gegensatz zu komplexen Modellen zeigte sich, dass Black Box Modelle (HPTFs) nicht für Wasserhaushaltssimulation an den drei genannten Messstandorten geeignet sind.

Carbon Fluxes and Pools in a Montane Rainforest in Sulawesi, Indonesia

Heimsch, Florian 25 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Submicrometre aerosol emissions from sea spray and road traffic

Mårtensson, Monica January 2007 (has links)
<p>The uncertainty of the climate and health effects of aerosols is still large, one important reason being lack of knowledge of the primary emissions. This thesis combines laboratory and field experiments, and process modelling in an effort to better quantify the submicrometre aerosol emissions and to understand some of the processes in the atmosphere.</p><p>A parameterisation was derived for the source flux of sea salt particles (particles m<sup>-2 </sup>s<sup>-1</sup>) in the size range 0.02-2.8 µm dry diameter (D<sub>p</sub>), it is the first parameterisation to almost cover two full decades of the submicrometre sea salt aerosol production, and to include the effect of water temperature. This sea salt parameterisation was validated for temperate water in the 0.1-1.1 μm D<sub>p</sub> range using in situ size resolved emissions of marine aerosol particles, which were measured with the eddy covariance (EC) method. For periods sampled air was heated to 300ºC in order to evaporate semi-volatile organics and isolate the sea salt fraction. Comparisons with the total aerosol emissions suggest that in these emissions organic carbon and sea salt are internally mixed in the same particles. Finally an aerosol dynamics model was modified for marine conditions. In the model parameterised emissions of sea salt was included together with aerosol dynamics, chemistry and clouds representative for the marine boundary layer. The sea salt emissions are together with secondary sulphate, and cloud processing able to reproduce a typical marine aerosol size distribution and cloud condensation nuclei population.</p><p>Measurements with the EC method of the road traffic related aerosol source number flux for D<sub>p</sub>>0.011 µm show that the major part of the aerosol fluxes is due to road traffic emissions. Both an emission factor for the whole fleet mix in Stockholm (1.4x10<sup>14</sup> vehicle<sup>-1</sup> km<sup>-1</sup>) and separate emission factors for light- and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) were deduced. The result shows that during weekdays 70-80% of the emissions come from HDV.</p>

Submicrometre aerosol emissions from sea spray and road traffic

Mårtensson, Monica January 2007 (has links)
The uncertainty of the climate and health effects of aerosols is still large, one important reason being lack of knowledge of the primary emissions. This thesis combines laboratory and field experiments, and process modelling in an effort to better quantify the submicrometre aerosol emissions and to understand some of the processes in the atmosphere. A parameterisation was derived for the source flux of sea salt particles (particles m-2 s-1) in the size range 0.02-2.8 µm dry diameter (Dp), it is the first parameterisation to almost cover two full decades of the submicrometre sea salt aerosol production, and to include the effect of water temperature. This sea salt parameterisation was validated for temperate water in the 0.1-1.1 μm Dp range using in situ size resolved emissions of marine aerosol particles, which were measured with the eddy covariance (EC) method. For periods sampled air was heated to 300ºC in order to evaporate semi-volatile organics and isolate the sea salt fraction. Comparisons with the total aerosol emissions suggest that in these emissions organic carbon and sea salt are internally mixed in the same particles. Finally an aerosol dynamics model was modified for marine conditions. In the model parameterised emissions of sea salt was included together with aerosol dynamics, chemistry and clouds representative for the marine boundary layer. The sea salt emissions are together with secondary sulphate, and cloud processing able to reproduce a typical marine aerosol size distribution and cloud condensation nuclei population. Measurements with the EC method of the road traffic related aerosol source number flux for Dp&gt;0.011 µm show that the major part of the aerosol fluxes is due to road traffic emissions. Both an emission factor for the whole fleet mix in Stockholm (1.4x1014 vehicle-1 km-1) and separate emission factors for light- and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) were deduced. The result shows that during weekdays 70-80% of the emissions come from HDV.

Air-Sea Fluxes of CO2 : Analysis Methods and Impact on Carbon Budget

Norman, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important greenhouse gas, and the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased by more than 100 ppm since prior to the industrial revolution.  The global oceans are considered an important sink of atmospheric CO2, since approximately one third of the anthropogenic emissions are absorbed by the oceans. To be able to model the global carbon cycle and the future climate, it is important to have knowledge of the processes controlling the air-sea exchange of CO2. In this thesis, measurements as well as a model is used in order to increase the knowledge of the exchange processes. The air-sea flux of CO2 is estimated from high frequency measurements using three methods; one empirical method, and two methods with a solid theoretical foundation. The methods are modified to be applicable for various atmospheric stratifications, and the agreement between methods is good in average. A new parameterization of the transfer velocity (the rate of transfer across the air-sea interface), is implemented in a Baltic Sea model. The new parameterization includes also the mechanism of water-side convection. The impact of including the new parameterization is relatively small due to feedback processes in the model. The new parameterization is however more representative for flux calculations using in-situ measurement or remote sensing products. When removing the feedback to the model, the monthly average flux increases by up to 20% in some months, compared to when water-side convection is not included. The Baltic Sea carbon budget was estimated using the Baltic Sea model, and the Baltic Sea was found to be a net sink of CO2. This is consistent with some previous studies, while contradictory to others. The dissimilarity between studies indicates the difficulty in estimating the carbon budget mainly due to variations of the CO2 uptake/release in time and space. Local variations not captured by the model, such as coastal upwelling, give uncertainties to the model. Coastal upwelling can alter the uptake/release of CO2 in a region by up to 250%. If upwelling would be included in the model, the Baltic Sea might be considered a smaller sink of CO2.

Greenhouse gas emissions (CH4, CO2 and N2O) from a newly flooded hydroelectric reservoir in subtropical South Asia : The case of Nam Theun 2 Reservoir, Lao PDR

Deshmukh, Chandrashekhar 28 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'augmentation de l'intérêt concernant la part des réservoirs hydroélectrique dans l'augmentation de la concentration atmosphérique des Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES) a amené à mesurer les émissions nettes d'un réservoir hydroélectrique, Nam Theun 2 (NT2) dans la région subtropicale de la République Démocratique Populaire du Laos, Asie. Ce travail est la première évaluation de l'empreinte carbone des GES (c'est à dire : les émissions après ennoiement moins les émissions avant ennoiement) en relation avec la création d'un réservoir hydroélectrique. C'est le résultat d'une étude à grande échelle qui s'est déroulée pendant cinq ans (2008-2012). Nous avons tout d'abord quantifié les sources et les puits majeurs des GES des composants terrestres et aquatiques du paysage avant ennoiement (Mai 2008). Ensuite, à partir d'Avril 2009, cette étude similaire a été réalisée au niveau du réservoir, sa zone de marnage et son aval. C'est en Octobre 2009 que le réservoir hydroélectrique NT2 a, pour la première fois, atteint son niveau maximal et c'est huit mois plus tard, en Mars 2010, que les turbines ont fonctionnées pour la première fois. En se basant sur un suivi bimensuel et sur cinq missions de terrain couvrant toutes les saisons, les émissions des principaux GES (c'est à dire l'oxyde nitreux (N2O), le méthane (CH4) et le dioxyde de carbone (CO2)) ont été mesurées d'Avril 2009 à Décembre 2011. Les émissions ont été déterminées à la surface du réservoir (flux diffusifs et ébullitifs) ainsi que dans les sols de la zone de marnage, qui peut atteindre 370 km2 pour une surface totale de réservoir de 450 km2.

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