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Usages pédagogiques des médias, des images et des technologies de l'information et de la communication (MITIC) et leurs effets sur la réussite éducative des étudiants / The educational uses of Media and Images and Information Technologies and Communication (MIITC) and videos and their effects on the educational success of students / الاستخدامات التعليمية لوسائل الإعلام والصور وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات وآثارها على النجاح التعليمي للطلابIbrahim, Maha 20 November 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche vise à décrire, dans le contexte universitaire toulousain, les différents usages pédagogiques des étudiants en MITIC et en vidéos, et à mieux comprendre s’il peut exister un lien favorable entre MITIC et vidéo et réussite éducative afin de pouvoir mettre les MITIC et les vidéos à contribution pour améliorer significativement les niveaux d’études universitaires des étudiants. Cette recherche est tout spécialement importante dans notre contexte où les MITIC et les vidéos font de plus en plus leur apparition en pédagogie d’enseignement supérieur et où les étudiants fréquentent les MITIC et les vidéos dans leurs pratiques plus que les enseignants. Le cadre de référence retenu pour la recherche est structuré autour des concepts de l’intégration des MITIC et vidéo en enseignement, de l’apprentissage lié aux MITIC et aux vidéos, de facteurs de la réussite éducative. Pour atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons opté pour une démarche quantitative. Nous avons mené une enquête par questionnaire auprès de 554 étudiants. Il ressort des résultats que la majorité des étudiants ont une opinion en général positive sur l’apport des MITIC et des vidéos pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage actif. D’où, un avis en général favorable sur le lien entre l’usage des MITIC et des vidéos et la réussite éducative. La conséquence logique de ces résultats est qu’il existe un lien significatif entre MITIC et vidéos et réussite éducative en contexte universitaire toulousain. / The objective of this research is to describe, in the context of university in Toulouse, the different educational uses of students in MIICT, in videos, and to better understand whether there can be a positive relationship between MIICT, video and educational success in order to be able to put the MIICT and video to contribute to improve significantly the levels of academic study of students. This research is especially important in our context where the appearance MIICT and the videos are more and more in pedagogy of higher education and where students are attending to the MIICT and videos in their practices more than teachers. The research framework is therefore structured around the concepts of the integration of MIITC and video in teaching and learning with MIICT, and factors of the educational success.To achieve our objectives, we used a quantitative approach. We administered a survey questionnaire to 554 students. It is clear from the results that, in general, the majority of students have an agreement in general positive of the contribution of MIICT and videos for teaching and active learning. Hence, an agreement, in general, favorable of the link between the use of MIICT and videos and educational success. The logical consequence of these results is that there is a significant relationship between MIICT/videos and educational success in university of Toulouse II. / يهدف البحث الحالي إلى وصف مختلف الاستخدامات التعليمية للطلاب في الإعلام والصور وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات mitic والفيديو، ضمن سياق جامعة تولوز 2، وإلى فهم أفضل ما إذا كان هناك صلة مواتية بين mitic والفيديو والنجاح التعليميّ، وذلك من أجل إمكانية وضع الـ mitic والفيديو للمساهمة في تحسين مستويات النجاح الدراسيّ الجامعيّ بشكل أكبر. يكتسب هذا البحث أهمية خاصة في سياق الدراسة حيث تظهر الـ mitic والفيديو بصورة متزايدة في طرق التّعليم الجامعيّ وحيث أنّ الطلاب يميلون بشكل ملحوظ لاستخدام أدوات التكنولوجيا في تطبيقاتهم وأنشطتهم التّعليمية بشكل أكتر من الأساتذة. يتمحّور إطار البحث حول مفاهيم دمج الـ mitic والفيديو في التدريس، والتّعليم ذات الصلة بتكنولوجيا الإعلام والمعلومات والاتصالات والفيديو، وعوامل النجاح التعليميّ. ولتحقيق أهدافنا، اتّبعنا المنهج الكميّ. حيث أجرينا استبيان ل 554 طالب جامعي. وتظهر النتائج أنّ غالبية الطلاب لديهم اتفاق إيجابي بالعموم حول مساهمة تكنولوجيا الإعلام والصور والاتصالات والمعلومات والفيديو من أجل تعلّم فعّال. هذا الاتفاق مواتٍ بالعموم للربط بين استخدام الـ mitic والفيديو وبين النجاح التعليميّ للطلبة. النتيجة المنطقية لهذه النتائج هي أنّ هناك علاقة كبيرة بين استخدام الـ mitic والفيديو وبين النجاح التعليميّ في سياق جامعة تولوز2.
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Integração e auto-eficacia na formação superior na percepção de ingressantes : mudanças e relações / Freshmen's integration and self-efficacy in higher education : changes and relationsGuerreiro, Daniela Couto 10 March 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Soely Aparecida Jorge Polydoro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T13:32:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo : O conceito de Integração ao Ensino Superior é fundamental para o sucesso do estudante. O primeiro período do curso constitui um processo de transição, repleto de desafios em aspectos acadêmicos, pessoais, sociais e vocacionais. Ao se ajustar às novas posturas, requeridas pela educação superior, o estudante pode integrar-se ao referido nível de ensino à medida que compartilhar das atitudes normativas e dos valores de seus colegas e do corpo docente da instituição, respeitando as exigências formais e informais da mesma. Outro constructo que tem sido relacionado ao sucesso acadêmico dos estudantes é a Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior. Entendida sob a perspectiva da Teoria Social Cognitiva, a Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior refere-se às crenças de um estudante em sua capacidade de organizar e executar cursos de ações requeridos para produzir certas realizações referentes aos aspectos compreendidos pelas vivências acadêmicas. Partindo-se desse referencial, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar a crença de Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior e a Integração ao Ensino Superior de estudantes ingressantes, suas mudanças ao longo do primeiro ano do curso e as relações entre as mesmas. Foi realizada em uma instituição de ensino superior particular, localizada na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Teve como participantes os estudantes ingressantes (n = 189) dos cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Letras e em Matemática, Tecnologia em Informática, Administração de Empresas. Constitui-se como uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva, realizada no início do primeiro e do segundo semestres letivos. Essas fases foram dedicadas à coleta de dados coletivos, por meio de questionário de caracterização, da Escala de Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior (likert:1-10) e do Questionário de Vivências Acadêmicas (likert:1-5). Os dados permitiram verificar: (1) Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior com média 8,08 (dp = 0,984) e Integração ao Ensino Superior com média 3,80 (dp = 0,459) na primeira fase; (2) Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior com média 7,87 (dp = 1,070) e Integração ao Ensino Superior com média 3,72 (dp = 0,458) na segunda fase; (3) diferença negativa significante entre a Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior da primeira para a segunda fase (Z = -3,329, p < 0,0001); (4) diferença negativa e significante da Integração ao Ensino Superior da primeira para a segunda fase (Z= - 2,985, p = 0,003); (5) correlação positiva significativa entre Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior e Integração ao Ensino Superior, sendo forte na primeira fase (rs = 0,706, p < 0,0001) e moderada na segunda (rs = 0,674, p = 0,002). Esses resultados evidenciam percepção dos estudantes em relação aos constructos pesquisados mais próxima à realidade pessoal e ambiental. Por meio destes, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de ações pedagógicas, de gestão e de orientação, que visem possibilitar o desenvolvimento da Integração e da Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior vivenciada pelos estudantes no ingresso à graduação / Abstract : The concept of integration to higher education is fundamental for the student¿s success. The first semester constitutes a transition period, full of personal, educational social and vocational challenges. By adjusting to their newly required behaviour, in which they share normative attitudes, the values of both peers and the educational institution¿s professors¿, and respect the formal and informal requirements, the student is then able to integrate themself to their freshman year. Self-efficacy belief in higher education, according to the perspective of Social Cognitive Theory, is another construct that has been evidenced as necessary in the student¿s behaviour. Self-efficacy belief in higher education refers to the student¿s belief in his capacity to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances of academic experiences. Starting form this reference point, this research piece identified and analyzed the self-efficacy belief in higher education and the integration of freshman students, their changes during their first year and the relationship between them. The research was conducted in a private higher education institution located in metropolitan Sao Paulo. The participants of the sample (n=189) were freshmen Bachelor degree candidates majoring in Portuguese, Mathematics, Information Technology and Business Administration. The research was descriptive and the collective data was collected through a characterization questionnaire, the Scale Higher Education Self-Efficacy (Escala de Auto-eficácia na Formação Superior, likert:1- 10) and the Academic Experience Questionnaire (Questionário de Vivências Acadêmicas, likert:1-5). The data collection sample, for the same students, was collected in two distinct opportunities: the beginning of the first and second semesters. The data was analyzed statistically and it was verified that: (1) Self-efficacy in Higher Education with median of 8.08 (sd= 0.984) and Integration to Higher Education with a median of 3.80 (sd= 0.459) for the first opportunity; (2) Self-efficacy in Higher Education with median of 7.87 (sd= 1.07) and Integration to Higher Education with a median of 3.72 (sd= 0.458) for the second opportunity; (3) a significant and negative difference between Self-efficacy in Higher Education for the first and second opportunity (Z = -3.329, p<0.0001); (4) a significant and negative difference for Integration to Higher Education between the first and second opportunity (Z= -2.985, p = 0.003); (5) a significant and positive correlation between Self-efficacy in HigherEducation and Integration to Higher Education, being strong in the first opportunity (rs = 0.706, p<0.0001) and moderate in the second one (rs = 0.674, p= 0.002). The results evidenced more accurate perceptions by freshmen students¿ in relation to Self-efficacy in Higher Education and Integration to Higher Education after experiencing their first year. By the results of this study, it is advisable to develop psychopedagogical actions of administration and orientation that maintain and stimulate the perception demonstrated from commencement to graduation / Mestrado / Ensino, Avaliação e Formação de Professores / Mestre em Educação
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Reformas do ensino superior brasileiro e seu impacto nas demandas do Cone Sul: a questão do reconhecimento de diplomas de pós-graduação obtidos na região / Reforms in high education and its impact on the Southern Cone demands: the question of recognition of postgraduate diplomas obtained in the region.Muniz, Antônio Walber Matias 24 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar os impactos causados no ambiente da integração regional, com a opção feita pelo governo brasileiro de promover reformas na educação superior a partir de 1995. Em vista disso, analisa-se o dilema criado pela dificuldade de qualificar de imediato no Brasil quase 40 mil docentes com a titulação de mestres e doutores, e as repercussões advindas de um modelo de pós-graduação criado em instituições de ensino superior da Argentina e do Paraguai não equiparado ao modelo brasileiro. Como consequência, observam-se os entraves que impedem o reconhecimento pelo Brasil dos diplomas lá obtidos por docentes em busca obrigatória de qualificação. Busca-se, também demonstrar que essas reformas contribuíram para melhorar os níveis de ensino e a qualidade dos docentes na pós-graduação; que há diálogo entre os sistemas de pós-graduação do Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai; que as exigências da CAPES são, em boa parte, equiparadas com as exigências ou critérios utilizados pela CONEAU e ANEAES; e que a questão do reconhecimento de diplomas obtidos em países do cone sul tem gerado discussão em todo o país. A metodologia utilizada assenta-se nas estratégias de investigação: análise bibliográfica e documental e pesquisa de campo. Esta tese classifica-se como pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, centrada na análise das respostas às entrevistas e questionários aplicados com estudantes, professores e autoridades públicas em universidades. As respostas obtidas revelam questões regionais, administrativas, jurídicas e políticas vinculadas ao problema do reconhecimento dos diplomas de pós-graduação em análise. / The aim of this research is to study the impacts on regional integration environment, from the choice made by the Brazilian government to promote reforms in higher education since 1995. From there, the dilemma created by the difficulty to qualify immediately in Brazil almost 40,000 teachers with the titration of masters and doctors, and events resulting from a graduate model created in higher education institutions in Argentina and is analyzed Paraguay, not equivalent to the Brazilian model. As a result, it is observed the barriers to the recognition by Brazil of diplomas Obtained there by teachers in compulsory search for qualification. Specifically, we seek to demonstrate that these reforms helped to improve levels of education and the quality of teachers in graduate school; there is dialogue between graduate systems in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay; that the requirements of CAPES are largely comparable with those requirements or criteria used by CONEAU and ANEAES; and that the question of recognition of diplomas obtained in the Southern Cone countries has generated discussion across the country. The methodology is based on the forms of bibliographic research, documentary and field research. The interviews and questionnaires reveal regional, administrative, legal and political issues linked to the problem of recognition of postgraduate diplomas. This thesis is classified qualitative research, whose analyzes are more dissertational, although not exempt from the explanation of the phenomena and quantitative results, as well as the help of primary sources for its enrichment.
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Reformas do ensino superior brasileiro e seu impacto nas demandas do Cone Sul: a questão do reconhecimento de diplomas de pós-graduação obtidos na região / Reforms in high education and its impact on the Southern Cone demands: the question of recognition of postgraduate diplomas obtained in the region.Antônio Walber Matias Muniz 24 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar os impactos causados no ambiente da integração regional, com a opção feita pelo governo brasileiro de promover reformas na educação superior a partir de 1995. Em vista disso, analisa-se o dilema criado pela dificuldade de qualificar de imediato no Brasil quase 40 mil docentes com a titulação de mestres e doutores, e as repercussões advindas de um modelo de pós-graduação criado em instituições de ensino superior da Argentina e do Paraguai não equiparado ao modelo brasileiro. Como consequência, observam-se os entraves que impedem o reconhecimento pelo Brasil dos diplomas lá obtidos por docentes em busca obrigatória de qualificação. Busca-se, também demonstrar que essas reformas contribuíram para melhorar os níveis de ensino e a qualidade dos docentes na pós-graduação; que há diálogo entre os sistemas de pós-graduação do Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai; que as exigências da CAPES são, em boa parte, equiparadas com as exigências ou critérios utilizados pela CONEAU e ANEAES; e que a questão do reconhecimento de diplomas obtidos em países do cone sul tem gerado discussão em todo o país. A metodologia utilizada assenta-se nas estratégias de investigação: análise bibliográfica e documental e pesquisa de campo. Esta tese classifica-se como pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, centrada na análise das respostas às entrevistas e questionários aplicados com estudantes, professores e autoridades públicas em universidades. As respostas obtidas revelam questões regionais, administrativas, jurídicas e políticas vinculadas ao problema do reconhecimento dos diplomas de pós-graduação em análise. / The aim of this research is to study the impacts on regional integration environment, from the choice made by the Brazilian government to promote reforms in higher education since 1995. From there, the dilemma created by the difficulty to qualify immediately in Brazil almost 40,000 teachers with the titration of masters and doctors, and events resulting from a graduate model created in higher education institutions in Argentina and is analyzed Paraguay, not equivalent to the Brazilian model. As a result, it is observed the barriers to the recognition by Brazil of diplomas Obtained there by teachers in compulsory search for qualification. Specifically, we seek to demonstrate that these reforms helped to improve levels of education and the quality of teachers in graduate school; there is dialogue between graduate systems in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay; that the requirements of CAPES are largely comparable with those requirements or criteria used by CONEAU and ANEAES; and that the question of recognition of diplomas obtained in the Southern Cone countries has generated discussion across the country. The methodology is based on the forms of bibliographic research, documentary and field research. The interviews and questionnaires reveal regional, administrative, legal and political issues linked to the problem of recognition of postgraduate diplomas. This thesis is classified qualitative research, whose analyzes are more dissertational, although not exempt from the explanation of the phenomena and quantitative results, as well as the help of primary sources for its enrichment.
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Les facteurs influençant l’intégration socioscolaire des adolescents immigrants nouvellement arrivés à Sherbrooke du point de vue d’intervenants socioscolairesLabranche, Marie-Ève 01 1900 (has links)
Les adolescents immigrants récemment arrivés au Québec, bien qu’ils constituent un groupe hétérogène, vivent des changements, des pertes et des aventures liés à l’immigration. L’intégration socioscolaire des jeunes nouvellement immigrés a donc un impact dans leur processus migratoire, car ils doivent intégrer le réseau scolaire dès leur arrivée au pays tout en s’adaptant à de nouveaux référents culturels. L’école doit ainsi leur offrir une structure d’accueil pour les encourager à s’adapter aux modes de vie socioculturels québécois. Différents facteurs peuvent alors influencer positivement ou encore négativement le jeune immigrant dans son processus d’intégration.
Cette recherche qualitative vise à identifier les facteurs qui favorisent et ceux qui nuisent à l’intégration socioscolaire des adolescents immigrants nouvellement arrivés à Sherbrooke, une ville qui vit depuis quelques années des transformations sur le plan de l’immigration, en tenant compte des expériences et des constats des intervenants scolaires. Les données ont été recueillies lors d’entrevues semi-structurées réalisées auprès de sept professionnels en milieu scolaire, aux statuts différents, qui oeuvrent auprès des jeunes immigrants dans les écoles secondaires publiques. Le cadre théorique lié à la perspective écologique et utilisé en complémentarité avec l’approche structurelle a été utilisé dans l’analyse qualitative des données collectées. Les résultats de cette recherche ont permis de mettre en lumière des facteurs qui facilitent et des facteurs qui nuisent à l’intégration socioscolaire de ces adolescents immigrants. Ces facteurs d’opportunité et de risque se rattachent notamment à l’individu même, à sa famille, à ses pairs et à son établissement scolaire. / Immigrant teenagers who just arrived in Quebec, even though they form a diverse group, live upheavals, losses and adventures related to their immigration. As they must integrate the school system upon their arrival while adapting to new cultural referents, the socio-educational integration of immigrant teens has an impact in their migration process. Schools must offer a structure of reception to encourage them to adapt to Quebec’s socio-cultural life. Various factors can influence positively or negatively immigrant teenagers in their integration process.
This qualitative research aims to identify the factors that promote and those that negatively affect the socio-educational integration of immigrant teenagers newly arrived in Sherbrooke, a city that has been through transformations for several years in terms of immigration. It takes into account the experiences and the findings of the school staff. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with seven professionals from the education system, with different status, who work with immigrant teenagers in the public high schools of Sherbrooke. The theoretical framework, related to the ecological perspective and used in tandem with the structural approach, was used in the qualitative analysis of the data collected. The results of this research shed light on the factors that facilitate and factors that negatively affect the socio-educational integration of immigrant teenagers. These factors of opportunity and risk are related to the individual himself, his family, his peers, his school as well as the structures at play in the process.
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L’expérience socioscolaire d’élèves montréalais originaires de l’Asie du Sud : dynamiques familiales, communautaires et systémiquesBakhshaei, Mahsa 06 1900 (has links)
La recherche explore les dynamiques influençant la réussite scolaire des élèves montréalais originaires de l’Asie du Sud (Inde, Pakistan, Sri Lanka et Bangladesh) à l’école secondaire publique de langue française. En effet, au Québec, à cet ordre d’enseignement, parmi tous les élèves immigrants de différentes origines ethniques, ces élèves présentent le plus fort taux de décrochage et ce, même si l’on tient compte de leur départ élevé de la province avant l’âge de 15 ans et de leur fréquentation importante du secteur de l’éducation des adultes.
Cette recherche vise, d’une part, à fournir une meilleure connaissance des dynamiques familiales, communautaires et scolaires qui influencent l’expérience socioscolaire et plus particulièrement, la réussite scolaire de ces élèves et, d’autre part, à identifier les moyens les plus appropriés et les plus efficaces pour amoindrir leurs difficultés.
Les données ont été recueillies par le biais d’une méthode mixte, consistant en des entretiens approfondis auprès d’élèves d’origine sud-asiatique et de différents acteurs du paradigme éducatif (les parents, les intervenants scolaires et communautaires), et en un questionnaire anonyme adressé exclusivement aux parents sud-asiatiques. Les données ont été analysées selon un cadre où l’élève d’origine immigrée réussit plus ou moins à l’école sous l’influence de cinq types de facteurs : socioéconomiques, linguistiques, culturels, sociostructurels et systémiques. Les résultats de la recherche soulignent le rôle de l’élève comme acteur de sa réussite, tout en insistant sur l’impact des différents milieux qu’il fréquente. La famille est particulièrement interpellée quant à son projet migratoire, ses valeurs et ses pratiques, ainsi que ses ressources linguistiques, socioéconomiques et relationnelles. La communauté ethnique est aussi interpellée quant à son niveau de complétude institutionnelle. La recherche souligne également l’influence du système scolaire quant à ses politiques, programmes et encadrements éducatifs, mais aussi quant aux pratiques et dynamiques au sein de l’école. L’impact du contexte d’accueil et d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants et du climat des relations interethniques au sein de la société d’accueil sont également mis en relief. « Ça prend tout un village pour éduquer un enfant »! Plus précisément, selon les résultats de notre recherche, les défis des parents sud-asiatiques face à l’insertion au marché de l’emploi, leur méconnaissance du français et le fait que certaines valeurs sud-asiatiques soient parfois en contradiction avec les valeurs québécoises sont les principales dynamiques familiales qui nuisent à la réussite scolaire des élèves d’origine sud-asiatique à l’école québécoise de langue française. En ce qui concerne les dynamiques communautaires, la faiblesse institutionnelle de la communauté sud-asiatique et le petit nombre d’organismes à vocation scolaire ont également un impact important à cet égard. De plus, le classement problématique des élèves à leur arrivée dans le système scolaire québécois, les relations presque inexistantes entre l’école et les parents ainsi que certaines pratiques inadaptées à la réalité des élèves (liées aux services d’accueil et d’orientation) sont les principales dynamiques systémiques qui défavorisent l’intégration socioscolaire des élèves d’origine sud-asiatique, mais aussi celle de l’ensemble des élèves issus de l’immigration. / This study explores dynamics that influence educational achievement among Montreal students of South Asian origin (e.g. from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh) in public, French-language high schools. At the secondary level in Quebec, compared to other immigrant students of diverse ethnic origins, these students have the highest drop-out rate. This remains the case even when we take into account student departure from the province prior to fifteen years of age, and when we recognize this group’s significant attendance in the adult education sector.
This study aims, on the one hand, to provide a deeper understanding of familial, community, and school dynamics that influence the socio-educational experience of these students, and on the other hand to identify the most appropriate and efficient means for diminishing their difficulties.
Data were gathered according to a mixed method approach, consisting of in-depth interviews with students of South Asian origin and with different actors holding educational roles (parents, as well as school and community practitioners), and an anonymous questionnaire addressed exclusively to South Asian parents. Data were analysed according to a framework evaluating the schooling achievement or failure of immigrant origin students according to five types of factors: socio-economic, linguistic, cultural, socio-structural, and systemic.
Research results highlight the role of the student as an actor in his or her achievement, all the while emphasizing the impact of diverse milieus that students occupy. The family plays a notable role in shaping their migratory project, values and practices, as well as their linguistic, socio-economic, and relational resources. The ethnic community also plays a role at an institutional completeness level. The study underscores the influence of the educational system in terms of its politics, educational programs and frameworks, including in terms of practices and dynamics within the school. Finally, the impact of the context in which new arrivals are welcomed and integrated, and the climate of inter-ethnic relations within the host society are addressed. After all, “it takes a village to raise a child!” Specifically, the study’s results indicate that challenges faced by South Asian parents entering the job market, their limited knowledge of French, and the fact that certain South Asian values sometimes conflict with Quebecois values are the main familial dynamics that undermine the educational success of students of South Asian origin in French-language schools in Quebec. With regards to community dynamics, the institutional weakness of the South Asian community, as well as the small number of organizations dedicated to education, have an important impact. Furthermore, the problematic classification of students upon arrival in the Quebec schooling system, nearly non-existent relationships between schools and parents, and certain services that are maladapted to student realities (with relation to welcoming and orientation services) are the main systemic dynamics that diminish the socio-educational integration of South Asian students, but also students of immigrant origin more generally.
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L’expérience socioscolaire d’élèves montréalais originaires de l’Asie du Sud : dynamiques familiales, communautaires et systémiquesBakhshaei, Mahsa 06 1900 (has links)
La recherche explore les dynamiques influençant la réussite scolaire des élèves montréalais originaires de l’Asie du Sud (Inde, Pakistan, Sri Lanka et Bangladesh) à l’école secondaire publique de langue française. En effet, au Québec, à cet ordre d’enseignement, parmi tous les élèves immigrants de différentes origines ethniques, ces élèves présentent le plus fort taux de décrochage et ce, même si l’on tient compte de leur départ élevé de la province avant l’âge de 15 ans et de leur fréquentation importante du secteur de l’éducation des adultes.
Cette recherche vise, d’une part, à fournir une meilleure connaissance des dynamiques familiales, communautaires et scolaires qui influencent l’expérience socioscolaire et plus particulièrement, la réussite scolaire de ces élèves et, d’autre part, à identifier les moyens les plus appropriés et les plus efficaces pour amoindrir leurs difficultés.
Les données ont été recueillies par le biais d’une méthode mixte, consistant en des entretiens approfondis auprès d’élèves d’origine sud-asiatique et de différents acteurs du paradigme éducatif (les parents, les intervenants scolaires et communautaires), et en un questionnaire anonyme adressé exclusivement aux parents sud-asiatiques. Les données ont été analysées selon un cadre où l’élève d’origine immigrée réussit plus ou moins à l’école sous l’influence de cinq types de facteurs : socioéconomiques, linguistiques, culturels, sociostructurels et systémiques. Les résultats de la recherche soulignent le rôle de l’élève comme acteur de sa réussite, tout en insistant sur l’impact des différents milieux qu’il fréquente. La famille est particulièrement interpellée quant à son projet migratoire, ses valeurs et ses pratiques, ainsi que ses ressources linguistiques, socioéconomiques et relationnelles. La communauté ethnique est aussi interpellée quant à son niveau de complétude institutionnelle. La recherche souligne également l’influence du système scolaire quant à ses politiques, programmes et encadrements éducatifs, mais aussi quant aux pratiques et dynamiques au sein de l’école. L’impact du contexte d’accueil et d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants et du climat des relations interethniques au sein de la société d’accueil sont également mis en relief. « Ça prend tout un village pour éduquer un enfant »! Plus précisément, selon les résultats de notre recherche, les défis des parents sud-asiatiques face à l’insertion au marché de l’emploi, leur méconnaissance du français et le fait que certaines valeurs sud-asiatiques soient parfois en contradiction avec les valeurs québécoises sont les principales dynamiques familiales qui nuisent à la réussite scolaire des élèves d’origine sud-asiatique à l’école québécoise de langue française. En ce qui concerne les dynamiques communautaires, la faiblesse institutionnelle de la communauté sud-asiatique et le petit nombre d’organismes à vocation scolaire ont également un impact important à cet égard. De plus, le classement problématique des élèves à leur arrivée dans le système scolaire québécois, les relations presque inexistantes entre l’école et les parents ainsi que certaines pratiques inadaptées à la réalité des élèves (liées aux services d’accueil et d’orientation) sont les principales dynamiques systémiques qui défavorisent l’intégration socioscolaire des élèves d’origine sud-asiatique, mais aussi celle de l’ensemble des élèves issus de l’immigration. / This study explores dynamics that influence educational achievement among Montreal students of South Asian origin (e.g. from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh) in public, French-language high schools. At the secondary level in Quebec, compared to other immigrant students of diverse ethnic origins, these students have the highest drop-out rate. This remains the case even when we take into account student departure from the province prior to fifteen years of age, and when we recognize this group’s significant attendance in the adult education sector.
This study aims, on the one hand, to provide a deeper understanding of familial, community, and school dynamics that influence the socio-educational experience of these students, and on the other hand to identify the most appropriate and efficient means for diminishing their difficulties.
Data were gathered according to a mixed method approach, consisting of in-depth interviews with students of South Asian origin and with different actors holding educational roles (parents, as well as school and community practitioners), and an anonymous questionnaire addressed exclusively to South Asian parents. Data were analysed according to a framework evaluating the schooling achievement or failure of immigrant origin students according to five types of factors: socio-economic, linguistic, cultural, socio-structural, and systemic.
Research results highlight the role of the student as an actor in his or her achievement, all the while emphasizing the impact of diverse milieus that students occupy. The family plays a notable role in shaping their migratory project, values and practices, as well as their linguistic, socio-economic, and relational resources. The ethnic community also plays a role at an institutional completeness level. The study underscores the influence of the educational system in terms of its politics, educational programs and frameworks, including in terms of practices and dynamics within the school. Finally, the impact of the context in which new arrivals are welcomed and integrated, and the climate of inter-ethnic relations within the host society are addressed. After all, “it takes a village to raise a child!” Specifically, the study’s results indicate that challenges faced by South Asian parents entering the job market, their limited knowledge of French, and the fact that certain South Asian values sometimes conflict with Quebecois values are the main familial dynamics that undermine the educational success of students of South Asian origin in French-language schools in Quebec. With regards to community dynamics, the institutional weakness of the South Asian community, as well as the small number of organizations dedicated to education, have an important impact. Furthermore, the problematic classification of students upon arrival in the Quebec schooling system, nearly non-existent relationships between schools and parents, and certain services that are maladapted to student realities (with relation to welcoming and orientation services) are the main systemic dynamics that diminish the socio-educational integration of South Asian students, but also students of immigrant origin more generally.
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