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Analys och förbättring av containerhantering inom ett hamnområde : - en fallstudie hos Gävle Hamn ABLidbom, Sebastian, Olsson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Utvecklingen mot globala marknader kräver kostnadseffektiva och smidiga godstransporter, för vilket syfte frakt med containrar kan användas. Denna typ av frakt har de senaste åren följaktligen fått en allt viktigare roll inom internationella sjötransporter, vilket ökat pressen på effektivitet i containerverksamheter då konkurrensen inom området ökat. Gävle Hamn AB utgör en viktig del av en flödeskedja, med syfte att leverera virke utvunnet ur svensk skogsindustri till distributörer världen över. Den del av flödet som utgörs av Gävle Hamn AB innefattar lastning, även kallat stuffning, av virket i containrar. Företaget har problem med effektiviteten i containerverksamheten och har bett om hjälp att utforma förbättringsförslag för att höja denna. Arbetet handlar således om analys av containerhantering inom ett hamnområde. Faktorer som påverkar effektiviteten i en flödeskedja samt inom en containerverksamhet har identifierats. I en flödeskedja kan sådana faktorer vara sammansättningen av aktörer och hur väl dessa kommunicerar med varandra. Effektivitetsfaktorer inom en containerverksamhet utgörs bl. a. av container-, kommunikations- och transporttyper. För att möjliggöra vetenskapligt grundade analyser av Gävle Hamn ABs verksamhet har en modell för analys och förbättring av containerhantering inom ett hamnområde utformats, där även det totala flödet från råvaruleverantör till slutkund beaktas. Modellen har delats upp i externa- och interna flöden. Externa flöden innefattar aktörer och kommunikation mellan dessa och interna flöden bl. a. interna transporter, containrar, intern kommunikation, eliminering av slöserier samt beräkning av logistikkostnader. Gävle Hamn ABs verksamhet har kartlagts och problemområden identifierats. De metoder som använts för att samla in empiriskt material under kartläggningen är intervjuundersökningar, observationer, insamling av sekundärdata och benchmarking. Den utformade modellen har tillämpats på Gävle Hamn AB och följaktligen rekommendationer till företaget utformats. Exempel på rekommendationer till företaget är att investera i ett truckdatasystem, öka antalet ordrar, eliminera slöserier, utreda möjligheten att flytta verksamheten till ett annat område och införa en ny strategi för prissättning (se 7 Rekommendationer till Gävle Hamn AB). Modellen är även tänkt att kunna tillämpas av andra företag för att effektivisera containerhantering. / The trend towards global markets requires cost effective and flexible freight, for which purpose shipping with containers can be used. This type of freight has thus in recent years acquired an increasingly important role in international maritime transport, which has increased the pressure of effectiveness in container operations, as competition in the area has grown tougher. Gävle Hamn AB is an important part of a supply chain, with the purpose to deliver timber extracted from Swedish forest industry to distributors worldwide. The part of the chain which is represented by Gävle Hamn AB includes loading of the timber in containers. The company has a problem with the effectiveness of container operations and has asked for help to design proposals for improvements to raise this. This thesis is therefore concerning analysis of container handling inside of a port area. Factors affecting the efficiency of a supply chain as well as in a container business have been identified. In a supply chain, such factors can be the composition of operators and how well they communicate with each other. Efficiency factors in a container business comprise among others of the types of containers, communication and transportation. To enable a science-based analysis of Gävle Hamn AB's operations, a model for analysis and improvements of container handling inside of a port area has been developed, which also includes the total flow from raw material supplier to the final customer. The model has been divided into external and internal flows. External flows include operators and the communication between them and internal flows include, among other things, internal transportation, containers, internal communication, elimination of waste and calculation of logistics costs. Gävle Hamn AB's operations have been mapped and problem areas identified. The methods used to collect empirical data for the mapping are surveys, observations, collection of secondary data and benchmarking. The designed model has been applied to Gävle Hamn AB and consequently recommendations to the company formulated. Examples of recommendations to the company is to invest in a computer system for vehicles, increase the number of orders, eliminate waste, investigate the possibility of moving the business to another area and introduce a new pricing approach (see 7 Recommendations to Gävle Hamn AB). The model can also be applied by other companies to improve their container handling.
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Effektivare elanvändning på avfallskraftvärmeverk : Förslag till handlingsplan för minskad elanvändning på Renovas anläggning i GöteborgNolhag, Richard January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has identified and studied measures to allow for reduced use of electricity in a waste incineration plant in western Sweden. The energy extracted from the waste at the powerplant is utilized and sold in form of electricity and heat. Technical and environmentally the combined heat and power plant is by today's standards among the leading waste incineration plants in the world. The owners are constantly striving to improve the efficiency of the waste incineration plant. They have seen the opportunities for savings in reducing internal usage of electricity. The delivery from the plant in 2012 was ~1.3 TWh heat and ~0.2 TWh of electricity. Of the total generated amount of electricity, about 29% was used for internal needs, a quota referred to decline by means of this thesis. In the search for ways to achieve a reduction in electricity usage, the plants energy systems was separated into subsystems such as: electric power, heating, ventilation, compressed air, fluid systems, lighting, and two additional categories, administrative and other measures. Efficiency measures were identified through literature reviews, visits at the facility, study of process data and routines as well as interviews and discussions. After analyzes using data and estimated values these measures was quantified in both estimated reduction in electricity usage and in economic measures which resulted in a compilation of several substantial efficiency improvements. With the implementation of these, the electricity usage can be reduced by 4.7 GWh per year, which represents 5.9% of the internal electricity usage. Repayment periods range between zero and 5.3 years. Based on the substantial efficiency potentials, administrative potentials emerged that may contribute to a future energy-wise management of the waste incineration plant. / Detta examensarbete har identifierat och utrett åtgärder som möjliggör en minskad elanvändning på ett avfallskraftvärmeverk i Västsverige. Energin som utvinns ur avfallet tillvaratas och saluförs i form av el och fjärrvärme. Teknik- och miljömässigt är kraftvärmeverket med dagens mått bland de främsta avfallskraftvärmeverken i världen. Ägarna strävar ständigt efter att effektivisera avfallskraftvärmeverket och har sett möjligheter till, och besparingar i att minska den interna elanvändningen. Under 2012 levererades 1,3 terawattimmar värme och 0,2 terawattimmar el. Av den genererade mängden el avgick omkring 29% till intern användning, en kvot som avses minska med hjälp av detta examensarbete. I sökandet efter möjligheter att uppnå en minskad elanvändning delades anläggningens energisystem upp i separata delsystem för elkraft, värme, ventilation, tryckluft, fluidsystem, belysning samt ytterligare två kategorier; administrativa och övriga åtgärder. Genom litteraturgranskning, studerande av driftsinformation och rutiner, intervjuer och diskussioner samt platsbesök i anläggningen har effektiviseringsmöjligheter identifierats. Dessa har efter analyser med hjälp av mätdata och/eller uppskattningar kvantifieras i såväl beräknad minskad elanvändning som i ekonomiska mått och mynnat ut i en sammanställning av flera substantiella effektiviseringspotentialer. Med implementering av dessa kan elanvändningen minska med 4,7 gigawattimmar per år, vilket utgör 5,9% av den interna elanvändningen. Återbetalningstiderna varierar mellan noll och 5,3 år. Med utgångspunkt i de substantiella effektiviseringspotentialerna har även administrativa potentialer utkristalliserats som kan verka för ett energiklokt framtida förvaltande av kraftvärmeverket.
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Effektivisering av arbetsplats : Effektivisering av monteringsplats vid Wigells AB / Increase the assembly efficiency : Streamlining of the assembly area at Wigells ABJarlö, Marcus, Holmgren, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
The work presented in this report is written at IEIs department on Linköping Institute of Technology. The report aims to increase the assembly efficiency at Wigells AB. The report shall be used as a guide for the implementation of changes at other workstations in the company. Together with Träcentrum in Nässjö, Wigells AB has identified the needs of this study and contacted IEI at Linköping Institute of Technology. In order to implement an efficient assembly line at the company, studies on lean production have been made. This theory has been studied and together with our own views and findings at the company we have analyzed the assembly area. Wigells is a small company that manufactures wood furniture. A major problem for the assembly of the pin seats is that the company has a wide range of different models and designs. In order to identify problems and possible improvements we first carried out a current state analysis of the assembling area. The current state analysis shows that there are many operations in the manufacture of pin seats which are routine. Production consists today of manual operations and no automatic equipment. The company does not wish to acquire any automatic equipment. The assembly location is perceived by outsiders and employees of the company as disorganized. After the current state analysis was conducted and compiled, problems were identified in order to enable improvements. Identified difficulties in assembly: Difficult to get an overview of the assembly area, it is perceived disorganized and cluttered assembly area No documentation for assembly Defective components from external suppliers Defective components from internal machines In order to create solutions to problems discovered we had to link theory and our own views together to suggest new proposals. The major problem requiring a solution is how to pass on the existing craftsmanship and knowledge.To enhance the efficiency of the assembly area many small changes that are suggested must be implemented. The company should get the staff involved in the changes proposed in this work to get best result.
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Utveckling av hanteringsmaskin för IKEA-påsar / Development of handling machine for IKEA bagsAlm, Christoffer, Mehari, Amanuel January 2012 (has links)
Det här examensarbete handlar om att ta fram en ny maskin, en hanteringsmaskin, till TEXO Application i Älmhult. Syftet med maskinen är att den ska vika IKEAs kundpåsar, hanteringsmaskinen ska användas på samtliga IKEA varuhus världen över. Utvecklingen av hanteringsmaskinen går från enkla skisser av flera koncept till val av koncept och utveckling en denna till en fullständig ritning som det sedan byggs en prototyp utfrån. Effektiviseringen bland samtliga varuhus beräknas att öka då denna lösning ger de anställda mer tid till annat arbete.
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Effektivisering : En utredning om åtgärder på en industrifastighetRahmström, Marie, Andersson, Kii January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Delta Terminal owns an outdated industrial building which they now rent out to businesses. This property currently has a high energy con-sumption and therfore it is desirable to improve the efficiency. In ordet to reduce the energy consumption within the industrial building enve-lope, the heating systems and lighting are being investegated. A good building envelope emits less heat and thus reduces the energy consump-tion. An energy audit is a tool used to determine the energy loss. A good working environment is essential for customer satisfaction when indus-trial buildings are used as offices. The investigation was carried out through a literature review, oral sources and interviews with tenants. In order to improve the condition of the industrial building from its current situation, a poll based on the View Capture model has been implemented. The model is based on open questions put to the tenants. Worke has been conducted with regards to the problems and sugges-tions for improvement have been developed in appropriate and profita-ble actions. Using regression analysis, the internal rate of return and break-even method has been developed for energy efficiency measures. To implement a new pellet system, a ventilation system and the re-placement of both the lighting and interior windows will provide an industrial building with a more efficient standard. To increase customer satisfaction, new sealing stripes and a refreshment of the common spaces is also recommended. The investigation shows that certain investments meet both energy efficiency and customer satisfaction. The investigation regarding the recommended measures for industrial property was relevant. The objectives of the investigation have been met. Keywords: Efficiency, customer satisfaction, energy
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Energieffektiva åtgärder för flerbostadshus / Energy efficient measure for apartment buildingsEdlund, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Energy is a hot topic in today's society. Both businesses and individuals are trying to reduce their spending costs by saving kWh. There are many various saving measures to reduce energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption leads to a reduced carbon footprint as less fuel is burned in facilities that generate emissions. This report will focus on heat pumps, solar technologies and interventions in the building envelope for a multi-dwelling house. How much energy can be saved from a measure? What impact does it have on the climate? Is it economically viable to invest in the measure? These issues are of importance both for the investor and future generations. In the report, these questions are answered and applied in a multi-dwelling house in Karlstad built in the 1960's with an energy consumption of 129 kWh/m2 and year. The study is a collaboration with HSB. The building was recreated in a simulation program, VIP-Energy, for a basic case to start from. Then the measure were simulated both individually and in combination to see how effective they are in the building. These measures may lead to an increased electricity consumption, which was taken into account in the calculations of the climate impact if it led to an increased or decreased amount of CO2 emissions. All these measures are designed to reduce energy consumption, leading to a decrease in energy cost. The results showed that these measures lead to a saving of energy consumption in all cases. The resulting reduction in energy consumption varies between 5-50% on the various measures individually, but the savings do not differ as much. The reason for this is the technical lifetime of the measures, which means that the total savings do not reflect the reduction in energy savings. Reduced CO2-emissions is much more difficult when the building is connected to a district heating plant that also produces electricity, known as a combined heat and power plant, which makes the reduced heat generation leads to reduced power generation. This means that the electricity has to be generated from another source, for Sweden this means imports of electricity from a coal condensing power plant. Electricity from the power plant is in this case CO2-compensated, which means that the fuel comes from a renewable source. In order to have reduced CO2-emissions, it requires that you have your own production of electricity from CO2-compensated or renewable sources.
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Utvärdering av ett värmepumpsystems prestanda till en HWC-tvättmaskin : Med fokus på fläktvarvtal och köldmedieflöde / Evaluation of a heat pump performance to a HWC-washing machine : Focus on fan speed and refrigerant flow rateOumar, Kifilo January 2014 (has links)
This report was performed in order to evaluate a new technological measure and focuses generally on a heat pump system to a HWC-washing machine. The client is Asko Appliances AB, a company well known for its environmentally friendly products. The goal of this study was to improve the energy efficiency of a washing machine by combining a heat pump device to the heater of the wash water, in order to reduce the energy consumed for heating the water. Besides reducing the energy consumption in heating the water, the washing machine was required to meet low noise and short operating time specifications. For that purpose, nine trials in three test series have been carried out. In each of those trials, airflow has been combined with the refrigerant flow and the energy consumption measured. The comparison of the results shows that the energy efficiency is the highest when the flow rates of both the air and the refrigerant are low. Further, the energy consumption in terms of electricity used in heating the water has been lowered by 71% in comparison to a refernce washing machine using no heat pump device. The paper also discusses possible improvement actions related to this technological mesure. This technological measure can be applied on HWC-washing machines and can replace conventional electrically heated washing machines.
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Sänkning av returtemperatur : Identifiering av kundanläggningar som påverkar returtemperaturen negativtPettersson, Joel January 2014 (has links)
Sandviken Energi producerar ungefär 220 GWh fjärrvärme och 20 GWh el varje år vid sin produktionsanläggning i Björksätra Sandviken. För att effektivisera denna produktion är en av de bättre lösningarna en sänkning av returtemperaturen. En sänkt returtemperatur innebär effektivare rökgaskondensering, mindre förluster till mark, sänkt pumpdrift och ökad leveranskapacitet. På uppdrag av Sandviken Energi så har denna utredning gjorts med syftet att påvisa hur mätvärden kan användas till mer än debitering och framförallt hur mätvärden kan användas för att identifiera anläggningar som påverkar returtemparaturen negativt. Anläggningar har identifierats beroende av returtemperatur, avkylning och storlek. Dessa faktorer har valts för att bäst identifiera de anläggningar som påverkar kollektivets returtemperatur på negativast sätt. En granskning har gjorts av de fem värst anläggningarna för att få en uppfattning om vilken typ av anläggningar som påverkar returtemperaturen negativt. Ytterligare en analys har sedan gjorts där en sänkning av returtemperaturen på 10˚C beräknas på de 50 första identifierade anläggningarna. Denna sänkning innebär att kollektivets returtemperatur sänks med ungefär 2,4˚C. En LAVA-kalkyl har sedan använts för att beräkna hur denna sänkning på 2,4˚C påverkar produktionen och distributionen av fjärrvärme i Sandviken. Resultatet blir en vinst med 1 498 754 kr/år vilket ger ett investeringspotential på ungefär 11 miljoner kronor. En rad åtgärdsförslag som kan användas för att genomföra en sänkning av returtemperaturen på kundernas anläggningar presenteras. / Sandviken Energi produces around 220 GWh district heating and 20 GWh electricity every year at their production facility in Björksätra Sandviken. To make this production more efficient one of the best solutions is a lowering of the return temperature. A lowering of the return temperature means a more efficient flue-gas condensation, less heat loss to ground, lowered pump activity and increased delivery capacity. On behalf of Sandviken Energi this investigation has been seen through with the purpose of demonstrating how measured values can be used for more than billing and foremost how measured values can be used to identify facilities that negatively affect the return temperature. Facilities have been identified based on their return temperature, cooling, and size. These factors have been chosen to best identify the facilities that affect the collective return temperature in the most negative way. A study has been done of the five worst facilities to get an idea of what kind of facility that negatively affects the return temperature. Another analysis was then done where a lowering of the return temperature by 10˚C was calculated on the first 50 facilities identified. This drop resulted in a lowered collective return temperature by 2,4˚C. A LAVA-calculation was then used to calculate how this lowering of 2,4 ˚C affects the production and distribution of district heat in Sandviken. The result was an increased profit of 1 498 754 kr/year which gives an investment potential of about 11 million Swedish kronor. A set of proposed measures that can be used to lower the return temperature of the customer’s facility is presented.
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Effektivisering av mindre lagerEngström, Erika, Nilsson, Linn January 2015 (has links)
The project was conducted during a period from November 2014 to January 2015 at the company Westermo Teleindustri AB (WTE). The subject of the project was to make an inventory more efficient. The inventory was located at WTE, but was owned by the subsidiary Westermo Sverige (WSE). The inventory had a high amount of tied up capital. This was due to products that hadn’t been sold. After a while, some of these products became obsolete and defected and had to be scrapped. WSE wanted to increase the size of the inventory while WTE wanted to decrease both the size of the inventory and the amount of tied up capital by half. The purpose of the project was to investigate the possibility of reducing the amount of tied up capital, the size of the inventory, sustain the service level to the customers and improving the forecasts of the demand. The tools that have been applied are: Ishikawa diagram, 5S and 7+1 wastes (muda). These tools have contributed to information that was used in further work such as calculations and suggestions for improvements. Calculations and studies have been applied to the forecasts, the processes and to the layout. Studies have been made on the ABC-classes and the safety stock as well. By implementing forecasts, the group thinks that the size of the inventory could be smaller. If the products that haven’t been sold were to be removed from the inventory, the tied up capital could be reduced. The size of the inventory could also be smaller if these products would to be removed. The group was not able to tell if these reduces was by half or not. The group thinks that if WSE would update their ABC-classes, they could use the same system as WTE uses to calculate their forecasts. The service level will not be affected negatively by this system, since it takes consideration to the company’s desired service level. The inventory should be structured to make it easier to handle. The sorting should be made, based on how the employees think is the most logic way to handle the products. A proposition for how the inventory should be sorted have been suggested. The suggestion is that the products and product accessories are sorted separately. After that, all of these products should be sorted by part number, so that they will be easier to find. This will ease the process of placing a new product into the inventory. To sustain a solution that will last, the group thinks that the company should optimize the order handling, implement 5S, calculate the ABC-classes for the products in the inventory, calculate which products that should have a safety stock, communicate and keep working with continuous improvements.
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Effektivisering med avseende på buffertreducering / Efficiency for reducing bufferSvensson, Kalle, Andersson, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Examensarbetet är utfört på företaget Scandinavian Business Seating i Nässjö som tillverkar kontorsstolar, mötes- och konferensmöbler. I dagsläget är företaget inte nöjd med hur materialflödet mellan ett biflöde och huvudflöde ser ut. Buffertlager uppkommer på grund av de olika takterna som flödena har.
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