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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomiska och tekniska möjligheter med batterilager : En lönsamhetsstudie av batterilager i solcellsförsedda kontorsbyggnader

Häger, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
The ability to store energy becomes even more important as the proportion of intermittent and local energy production increases. The growing electric car industry is dependent on batteries and because of this, battery storage technologies are emerging rapidly. This project analyses how a real estate company can take advantages of a battery storage installed in office buildings equipped with a photovoltaic system. The results are based on simulations on two test facilities where three saving opportunities were analysed. These opportunities are; peak shaving, transfer charge and store surplus from the photovoltaic system. A local battery storage combined with a smart control software can facilitate an opportunity for actors to capitalize on the varying electricity prices. This study shows that one of the main issues with battery storage is how to formulate a strategy around charge and discharge of the battery. The challenge is to find a balance between having enough energy stored to enable peak shaving and to be prepared to store potential surplus energy. The electricity surplus is generally higher during weekends due to less activity in office buildings, which means that a battery storage with higher capacity is required during weekends in comparison to workdays. This study’s net present value calculation over the time of 15 years, with a 5 % discount rate and assumed 3 % increase of electricity price and peak cost, indicates that the investment cost of a battery storage needs to decrease by 50 % to become financially sustainable.

Undersökning av kombinerade lönsamhetsstrategier för ett batterilager / Analysis of combining profitability strategies to increase profitability of a battery storage

Bouveng Sellin, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
The increasing electricity production from intermittent energy sources creates both challenges and possibilities in the future energy system. When the controllability in the production of electricity deteriorates, the flexibility of the electricity consumption must increase for the energy system to work. The study examines the possibilities for the profitability strategies load smoothing, peak shaving, participation on the flexibility market and its combinations to reduce the electricity bill for Vasakronan’s office building at Sperlingens Backe 47 in Stockholm using a nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery storage. The results indicated participation on the flexibilitymarket to be the most profitable strategy although none of the strategies nor their combinations managed to reduce the electricity bill of the office building. For an installation of a NiMH battery in the office building to become profitable, the price of NiMH batteries must decrease by approximately 80 %.

Flexibilitetsresurser för effektutjämning vid Brunna butikslager : En studie av samverkan mellan solenergi, energilager och smart laddning av en elektrifierad fordonsflotta

Bergkvist, David January 2023 (has links)
Due to the ongoing climate crisis there is a need for a transition of energy usage. The transition is dependent on electricity as an energy carrier which puts pressure on the electricity grid to develop at the same rate as the electricity demand increases. However, the process of building new transmission lines is expensive and drawn out. By adjusting the demand side of power usage with flexibility resources, it is possible to lower the peak power usage. This both reduces the risk of congestion on the electricity grid as well as lower the costs for the user.  This report investigates how energy storage and smart charging of electric vehicles can synergize with solar electricity production to reduce the monthly peak power usage at Brunna distribution center. A peak shaving energy management system (EMS) is created and put in a simulation of four different scenarios of the system. The scenarios consist of two different sizes of the electric vehicle fleet and solar electricity production. The capacity of the energy storage is varied in each scenario.  The results show that the flexible charging of the vehicle fleet can lower the monthly peak power consumption by 10-32 % depending on which month and scenario, with energy storage it decreased even further in three out of four cases. With the largest investigated energy storage the monthly peak power consumption could be reduced with 14-44 % depending on which month and scenario. For the scenarios with a small vehicle fleet the yearly peak power consumption decreased with an increasing energy storage capacity. The monthly peak power consumption decreased most in the summer and especially if there was more solar electricity production. For the scenarios with a large vehicle fleet, the yearly peak power consumption did not decrease with increasing capacity of the energy storage. For the monthly peak power consumption to lower, a steady production of solar electricity was needed.  With the smaller vehicle fleet an energy storage can be useful to lower the monthly peak power consumption all year around. However, in the scenarios with a larger fleet the smart charging is sufficient to lower the peak power consumption to a level which needs more electricity generation for it to reduce further. In this case the energy storage is primarily used to save excess solar energy from the day to the evening. Saving solar energy for later increases the self-consumption and self-sufficiency in the system. More solar electricity production and more flexibility resources results in a system less reliant on the electricity grid.

Analys av lönsamhetstrategier för elnätsanslutet batterilager i en kommersiell fastighet : En fallstudie med fokus på effekttoppskapning, låglastutnyttjande och anslutning till balansmarknaden

Lernstål, Ellinor January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis examines the economical profitability of integrating a battery storage system with the commercial property Pyramiden 19. The model is developed in Matlab and analyses three different profitability strategies for utilizing the battery storage: peak shaving, time of use arbritage and the grid supporting service FCR-D up. The modeling of these scenarios involves numerous parameters, with uncertainties surrounding factors such as battery price and characteristics, electricity prices, and the actual activation of grid-supporting services. Results indicate that only minor savings can be modeled through the electricity contracts, leading to both peak shaving and time-of-use arbitrage generating additional costs than previously when factoring in battery investment expenses. Although peak shaving and time of use arbritage are innovating strategies to redistribute consumption with, they are not suitable to reduce costs with all types of electricity contracts and cannot cover largely added investment costs. Looking at the third strategy, the flexibility market appears to hold a significant potential for economical profitability. The model shows that the grid supporting service FCR-D up, with a 2000 kW battery, reduces the initial annual electricity costs by 36%. This can mainly be explained by the fact that, in the model, the battery is activated for only 2% of the total hours in a year, and the fact that the service is compensated based on called bids rather than activated bids. Connection to the balance market would therefore not only generate revenues for the property but would also result in relief for the local electricity grid. Due to the uncertain future regarding compensation levels in the flexibility market, an early connection is recommended to ensure timely reimbursement for the battery.

Effekttoppskapning med styrsystem från Enequi : En analys av effektavgiftbesparing och produktprestanda / Peak power shaving with control system from Enequi : An analysis of power fee savings and product performance

Oskarsson, Ebba, Lönnqvist, Tim January 2024 (has links)
I takt med ökad elektrifiering i samhället står elnätet inför en problematik med kapacitetsbrist. Med anledning av detta finns ett behov av att utveckla en mer flexibel och effektiv användning av elnätet. En del i detta är införandet av effekttariffer, vilket ska skapa incitament för elkunder att sprida ut sin elanvändning och på så sätt avlasta elnätet. Företaget Enequi tillhandahåller ett system med smart styrning och batterilagring vilket kan utföra effekttoppskapning i syfte att reducera effektavgiften. I denna studie granskas två bostäder, belägna i Partille och Sollentuna, vilka båda har ett styrsystem från Enequi installerat. Syftet är att undersöka hur styrningen bidrar till en förändring i effektavgiften hos de båda bostäderna, samt att bedöma systemets prestanda. Resultatet från Partille visar att ägaren under de åtta månaderna systemet varit i drift sparar 259 kronor på effektavgiften, medan ägaren i Sollentuna under tolv månader sparar 865 kronor. Analysen av systemets prestanda visar också att systemet presterar mest optimalt när egenproducerad el är tillgänglig. Systemet bidrar till nätnytta genom att flytta lasten i bostaden från högt belastade timmar till lågt belastade. Brister som har identifierats i prestandan inkluderar problematik med förhöjda effektavgifter under vissa månader. Slutsatsen är att systemet presterar funktionellt trots vissa brister och att det är möjligt att göra besparingar på effektavgiften över tid.

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