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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza úrovně výživy a vybraných ukazatelů produkce mléka

PLACKOVÁ, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The subject of my thesis was an analysis that deals with the level of nutrition of holstein cattle, witch evaluates feeding, drinking, silage quality techniques and optimalization of the feed ration in 2017 and 2018. In 2017 the feed ration used for dairy cows contained more PDIE. In 2018 the feed ration contained lower amount of energy (6MJ NEL/ 1kg of dry matter) and NL (138,6 g NL/kg of dry matter). After comparing of these two diets for dairy cows with nutrient need, there was recommended an increase of dry matter content in feeding ration. In the milk productivity assessement, the fat and protein content, SC, total aerobic microbial count, was reviewed. The statistic shows the impact of the season of the year on the fat and protein content, SC, total aerobic microbial count in milk. From ecomomy point of view, costs per litre of selled milk was 7,69 Kč in 2017, which was lowered to 7,28 CZK per litre of selled milk. Both years was profitable, and in comparing the economy from 2017 with Czech republic average, tracked stable was more profitable 3 662 CZK per dairy cow.

Legislativní proces v EU během a po Brexitu. / EU legislative process during and after Brexit.

JAKUBCOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is description of the EU legal process during and after Brexit. The thesis includes description of functioning of European Union institutions. Also, there is a description of the legislative process, a description of the course of the referendum on Brexit and a summary of the impacts, especially the economic ones. One of main themes of the practical part is the analysis of changes that will occur in institutions after the departure of Great Britain - what will be the new composition and what specific changes will happen here. In the practical part, the research question was set: How will the failure of the British mandate influence the course of voting in the EU Council? For finding answer on the research question, was made an analysis of legal acts which was approved by the ordinary legislative procedure 2014-2018. There is a special focus on the UK position during the vote analysis. The analysis is based on data that comes from the EU portal, which allows access to EU law - Eur-lex.europa.com. Data was collected and divided by reference years and by the country's position.

Dopady přímých zahraničních investic na hostitelskou ekonomiku - Případová studie společnosti TRCZ / The Impact of FDI on Host Economy - A Case Study of TRCZ

Vazač, Adam January 2012 (has links)
This study deals with foreign direct investments and their impacts on regional labour market and on domestic firms through spillover effects. The main goal was to find out if the foreign presence has positive influences on the host regional economy. This study has two important parts - quantitative and qualitative researches. The result of quantitative research based on multiple regression comes with no relevant empirical evidence of spillover effects. The qualitative research as a case study of TRCZ allows a trying to solve possible FDI-impacts on regional economy of Lovosice region. Keywords: foreign direct investment, multinational enterprises, impact of FDI, host economy, spillover effects

Vybrané aspekty sdílené ekonomiky s důrazem na Airbnb a Uber / Selected Aspects of Sharing Economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber

Zábranský, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Selected aspects of sharing economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber Abstract This paper focuses on the legal regulation of digital platforms which are used to arrange short-term accommodation (the most popular representative is Airbnb) and passenger transport (where Uber is the best-known platform). In the introduction the author explains why he considers it inappropriate to say these platforms are part of "sharing economy", although this term is currently widely used. In addition, the author examines the benefits of Airbnb and Uber platforms in general, such as user comfort, a rating system that allows quality control of provided services, lower prices for the customer than with traditional service providers and a simple way to earn some extra money. At the same time, the author mentions negative aspects of these platforms, such as lower collection of taxes and fees, poor protection of employees and potentially also customers, or reduction of availability and quality of housing. In the next part of the paper the author focuses on each of the mentioned platforms and evaluates the regulation of these platforms, or rather service providers that use these platforms, in the light of both Czech and European case law. The author concludes that the use of apartments for the continuous provision of accommodation...

ES informacijos visuomenės programos žinių ekonomikos kontekste / EU's Information Society Programmes in the Context of Knowledge Economy

Aleksiūnas, Tomas 04 March 2009 (has links)
Globalizacija, labai sparti informacijos ir ryšių technologijų, elektroninių ryšio paslaugų bei Interneto plėtra ir išplitimas lėmė, kad šiuolaikinis pasaulis susiduria su nuolatiniais aplinkos pokyčiais. Permainos vyksta taip greitai, kad tai, kas šiandien yra nauja, rytoj gali būti antikvaras, todėl toks dinamiškas ir intensyvus gyvenimo tempas lėmė, kad informacijos ir žinių faktoriaus vaidmuo tampa lemiamas visose sferose. Informacijos ir ryšių technologijų raida leidžia vis labiau efektyviai ir greitai skleisti informaciją bei žinias. Jas priimti, apdoroti ir perduoti, turint tinkamus įgūdžius, tampa labai paprasta ir efektyvu, nes informacijos ir žinių tinkamas naudojimas suteikia konkurencinio pranašumo. Toks spartus gyvenimas, nepastovumas ir greiti pokyčiai skatina dinamiškumą ir permainas socialinėje bei ekonominėje aplinkoje, todėl atsiranda poreikis kurti naują Informacijos visuomenę, kuri sugebėtų efektyviai veikti tokioje dinamiškoje aplinkoje ir tinkamai išnaudoti informacijos bei IRT potencialą. ES supratimu informacijos visuomenės terminas apibūdina ekonominius, socialinius pokyčius, kuriuos sukelia IRT plėtra ir intensyvus jų naudojimas Nuolatinė IRT plėtra leidžia pastoviai kurti naujas elektronines paslaugas ir produktus, bei sudaro sąlygas naujiems informacijos ir žinių naudojimo ir pritaikymo būdams, kurie užtikrina konkurencingumą ir skatina ekonomikos augimą. Kiekviena valstybė privalo to siekti ir investuoti į inovacijas IRT sektoriuje, tačiau turėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY: EU's Information Society Programmes in the Context of Knowledge Economy Globalization and rapid Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development are main reasons for information and knowledge becoming of a great importance. In the present day market scenario of intense competition, every country needs to know what they know and be able to leverage on its information and knowledge base to gain competitive advantage. Because of the rapid information use in the society’s everyday life, every country has to create new information society, which is able effectively use information and ICT. One of the European Union (EU) objectives is to make sure that Europe's business, governments and citizens continue to play a leading role in shaping and participating in the global knowledge and information based economy The world economy is moving from a predominantly industrial society to a new set of rules - the information society. What is emerging is often referred to as the new economy. It has tremendous potential for growth, employment and inclusion. Yet Europe is not fully exploiting this potential as it is not moving fast enough into the digital age. The underpinning dynamics of the new economy are strong. Digital technologies make accessing, processing, storing and transmitting information increasingly cheaper and easier. The sheer scale of information available creates huge opportunities for its exploitation through the development of new products and services... [to full text]

Gerovės valstybės koncepcija ir jos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / Conception of the welfare state and implementation of conception in Lithuania

Pėstininkas, Marius 07 February 2008 (has links)
Atkūrus valstybingumą Lietuvai buvo pakankamai lengva nuosekliai pereiti prie kokio nors Europinio ar jam artimo gerovės modelio, tačiau šalis kūrė laisvosios rinkos ekonomiką. Gerovės valstybės kūrimas buvo atidedamas „geresniems laikams“ motyvuojant tuo, kad būtina mažinti vyriausybės išlaidas socialinėms reikmėms siekiant sukurti ekonominės erdvės atvirumą verslui. Dabar, nepaisant daugelio teigiamų pasiekimų, Lietuvoje vis dar nei ryškių gerovės valstybės formavimosi požymių, nei pastangų racionaliau rinktis tam tikrą socialinės politikos modelį beveik nėra, tuo tarpu socialinės problemos Lietuvoje vis aštrėja, valstybės išlaidų dalis yra viena mažiausių visoje Europoje. Tad ar egzistuoja tarp ekonomikos laisvės ir santykinių valstybės išlaidų tiesioginė tarpusavio priklausomybė? Darbo eigoje buvo paržiūrėtos laisvesnių šalių valstybės išlaidos, lyginamos visų Europos ir pasaulio šalių valstybių išlaidos su tų šalių ekonomine laisve, patikrinta tiesioginė priklausomybė tarp valstybės ekonominės laisvės indekso ir santykinio valstybės išlaidų dydžio. Darbe buvo aptariama Lietuvos ekonominė-socialinė politika, valstybės strateginių dokumentų prioritetai bei dabartinis Lietuvos makroekonomikos rodiklių prioritetas. Taip pat buvo atskleidžiamas valstybės vaidmuo bei funkcijos, nagrinėjamos prielaidos, kurios lemia valstybės dalyvavimą ekonomikoje, gilintasi į socialiai orientuotos rinkos esmę, apžvelgti įvairūs veikiantys valstybių modeliai: monetarinis liberalusis ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In study “Conception of the welfare state and implementation of conception in Lithuania” was analysed conception of the welfare state and explored the possibility to implement whole or essential parts of welfare state model in Lithuania. Herein was used linear model of regression analysis to describe the relationship between size of government spending and index of economic freedom – the correlation coefficient indicated relatively weak relationship between the variables. In this study discussed a question of further state economy development and problem of the welfare state model choice in Lithuania.

Finanční podpory v zemědělství po vstupu do Evropské unie / FINANCIAL SUBSIDIES IN AGRICULTURE AFTER EU ENTRANCE

MIŠKEI, Petr January 2007 (has links)
The thesis handles the topic ``Financial subsidies in the agriculture after the entrance into EU{\crqq}. It focuses on the subsidies and their analysis in the company ``A{\crqq} in years 2003 {--} 2006. The theoretical part describes what the subsidies are, their types, system, alternations and the institutions which ensure them. The practical part is composed as a financial analysis. Two situations were compared. The first situation describes the company{\crq}s economy without subsidies and the second describes the company{\crq}s economy with the subsidies. In the next part the structure of costs on chosen growths was summed up.

Zaměstnanecká politika ve vybrané organizaci / The employee policy in a selected organisation

MAJEROVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to analyse the employee policy tools in a selected organisation and, if necessary, propose possible changes leading to the desired condition. The work is divided into two parts. In the practical part was the synthesis of scientific publications on the topic of Human Resource Management. The practical part contains the analysis of the activities covered by employee policy in the chosen company and suggestions for changes to improve its condition.

Vliv stresu na pracovní výkonnost ve vybraných podnicích / Influence of stress on work performance in selected companies

ŽIDOVÁ, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of diploma thesis, which called Influence of stress on work performance in selected companies, is to explore stress factors in the workplace and their influence on work performance. In the theoretical part of this thesis were summarized issues of stress, symptoms of stress, stress and healthy, types of stressors, stress factors in the workplace, stress management, work performance and pathological situations in the workplace, such as bossing, mobbing and sexual harassment.

Ekonomická analýza nákladů na péči o opuštěná zvířata / An economic analysis of the costs of caring for abandoned animals

KOUTNÍKOVÁ, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the economic analysis of the costs of abandoned animals. It focuses on the costs of shelters in the South Bohemian Region. The work alludes to changes in legislation and innovations in it. The main objective of this work was to determine what costs are associated with caring for abandoned animals. Cost compa-rison of selected shelters regard to the structure and size of the city for which it was built shelter. Also take into account the number of dogs who have passed refuge, shelter locations in houses etc. Then a comparison was made on the basis of specific criteria and a summary of the results. The work was compiled based on information provided by the representatives of the shelters. The obtained data were then statistically evaluated in graphs and tables.

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