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Functions And Viability Of Turkish Wholesale Electricity Trading And Contracting Company (tetas) In The Short, Mid And The Long Term.Ketencioglu, Sinan 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the necessity for the establishment, main functions and the viability of the Turkish Wholesale Electricity Trading and Contracting Company, TETAS in the short, mean and the long term. In order to understand the necessity for the establishment of TETAS, Turkish Energy Policies such as the state-led energy policies and the competition based market orientation are put under scrutiny.
The thesis also discusses whether Turkish Government has carried out a comprehensive, deterministic and effective &ldquo / Liberalization Policy&rdquo / in the electricity sector by looking at the present situation and the principles outlined in Laws No: 4628, 5654 and 5686 and the Strategy Paper.
The dissertation then examines the life span of TETAS by looking at the impacts of the strategy paper, liberalization procedure of the overall electricity market and newly enacted laws such as Law No: 5654 and 5686 in the short, mean and the long term. In addition, TETAS is examined whether it is a &ldquo / monopoly&rdquo / or not in Turkish Electricity wholesale market by calculating the supply concentration of TETAS using the Herfindahl Hirschman Index.
Despite the studies on the establishment of the liberal market such as the envisagement of Law No: 4628 and the strategy paper, this thesis study envisages that it is still not possible to talk about a liberal electricity market. In addition, it is also concluded that the statements outlined in Laws No: 5654 and 5686 hinder the overall liberalization efforts since these laws are postponing the liberalization of electricity sector and making the life span of TETAS longer.
As a result, liberalization efforts on the electricity market are unsuccessful in the mean term and TETAS seems to hold its dominance position in the wholesale market as a state-owned wholesale trading company in the long run.
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Management of thermal power plants through use values / Drift av termiska kraftverk med hjälp av användningsvärdenAssémat, Céline January 2015 (has links)
Electricity is an essential good, which can hardly be replaced. It can be produced thanks to a wide rangeof sources, from coal to nuclear, not to mention renewables such as wind and solar. In order to meetdemand at the lowest cost, an optimisation is made on electricity markets between the differentproduction plants. This optimisation mainly relies on the electricity production cost of each technology.In order to include long-term constraints in the short-term optimisation, a so-called use value (oropportunity cost) can be computed and added to the production cost. One long-term constraint thatEDF, the main French electricity producer, is facing is that its gas plants cannot exceed a given numberof operation hours and starts between two maintenances. A specific software, DiMOI, computes usevalues for this double constraint but its parameters needs to be tested in order to improve thecomputation, as it is not thought to work properly.DiMOI relies on dynamic programming and more particularly on an algorithm called Bellman algorithm.The software has been tested with EDF R&D department in order to propose some modellingimprovements. Electricity and gas market prices, together with real plant parameters such as startingcosts, operating costs and yields, were used as inputs for this work, and the results were checkedagainst reality.This study gave some results but they appeared to be invalid. Indeed, an optimisation problem wasdiscovered in DiMOI computing core: on a deterministic context, a study with little degrees of freedomwas giving better profits than a study with more degrees of freedom. This problem origin was notfound precisely with a first investigation, and the R&D team expected the fixing time to be very long.The adaptation of a simpler tool (MaStock) was proposed and made in order to replace DiMOI. Thisproject has thus led to DiMOI giving up and its replacement by MaStock. Time was missing to testcorrectly this tool, and the first study which was made was not completely positive. Further studiesshould be carried out, for instance deterministic ones (using real past data) whose results could becompared to reality.Some complementary studies were made from a fictitious system, in order to study the impact of someparameters when computing use values and operations schedules. The conclusions of these studiesare the little impacts that changes in gas prices and start-up costs parameters have on the global resultsand the importance of an accurate choice in the time periods durations used for the computations.Unfortunately these conclusions might be too specific as they were made on short study periods.Further case studies should be done in order to reach more general conclusions.
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Управление региональным электроэнергетическим рынком: проблемы и перспективы : магистерская диссертация / Management of the regional electricitymarket: problems and prospectsПищало, А. А., Pischalo, A. A. January 2015 (has links)
The theme of master's thesis deals with problems of management of the regional energy market. Relevance of the research topicis caused by an infrastructure imbalance of electric energy of the Sverdlovsk region, the absence of the transfer mechanism of ownerless electric grid facilities and the necessity to ensure the reliability and electrical safety of electricity transmission facilities in the area.
The object of the dissertation research - the regional electricity market. The subject - management system of electricity market of the Sverdlovsk region. The purpose of research - development of optimization mechanism of the electricity market infrastructure of the Sverdlovsk region.
Theoretical and practical significance of the research is determined by its relevance to the formation of a system of sustainable development and reliable functioning of the regional energy market.
The theoretical principles and practical guidelines can be used to improve the management system of the electricity business infrastructure in Sverdlovsk region. Dissertation materials recommended for use in the implementation of the master's program "technology and mechanisms of sectoral management in system of state and municipal management" in the direction 38.04.04 "Public and municipal administration".
The novelty of the thesis consists in the theoretical-methodological basis of the study and the status and prospects of development of the electric power complex of the Sverdlovsk region, the development of the project on the formation an optimal infrastructure of the regional electricity market. / Тема магистерской диссертации посвящена проблемам управления региональным энергетическим рынком. Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена несбалансированностью инфраструктуры электрической энергии Свердловской области, отсутствием механизма передачи бесхозяйных объектов электросетевого хозяйства и необходимостью обеспечения надежности и электробезопасности объектов электросетевого хозяйства области.
Объектом диссертационного исследования является региональный электроэнергетический рынок. Предмет — система управления электроэнергетическим рынком Свердловской области. Цель исследования — разработка механизма оптимизации инфраструктуры электроэнергетического рынка Свердловской области.
Теоретическая и практическая значимость исследования определяется его актуальностью для формирования системы устойчивого развития и надежного функционирования регионального энергетического рынка.
Выдвинутые в диссертации теоретические положения и практические рекомендации могут быть использованы при совершенствовании системы управления инфраструктурой электроэнергетического бизнеса Свердловской области. Материалы диссертации рекомендуется использовать в процессе реализации магистерской программы «Технологии и механизмы отраслевого управления в системе государственного и муниципального управления» по направлению 38.04.04 «Государственное и муниципальное управление».
Новизна диссертационной работы заключается в теоретико-методологическом обосновании и исследовании состояния и перспектив развития электроэнергетического комплекса Свердловской области, разработке проекта по формированию оптимальной инфраструктуры регионального рынка электрической энергии.
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Parametric sensitivity study for wind power trading through stochastic reserve and energy market optimizationMenin, Michel January 2015 (has links)
Trading optimal wind power in energy and regulation market offers possibil-ities for increasing revenues as well as impacting security of the system in apositive way[33]. The bidding in both energy and regulation markets can bedone through stochastic optimization process of both markets.Stochastic optimization can be possible once the probabilistic forecst is avail-able through ensemble forecast methodology. For stochastic optimization, thepost-processing of the ensembles to generate quantiles that will be used in op-timization can be accomplished by employing different methodology. In thisstudy, we will concentrate on the impact of post-processing of ensembles onthe stochastic optimization.Generation of quantiles needed for stochastic optimization used herein formarket optimization will be the main focus of the investigation. The impactof price ratios between energy and reserve market will be also investigated toanalyse the impact of said ratios on the revenues. Furthermore this analysiswill be performed for both US and Swedish markets.
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Market-based demand response integration in super-smart grids in the presence of variable renewable generationBehboodi Kalhori, Sahand 25 April 2017 (has links)
Variable generator output levels from renewable energies is an important technical obstacle to the transition from fossil fuels to renewable resources. Super grids and smart grids are among the most effective solutions to mitigate generation variability. In a super grid, electric utilities within an interconnected system can share generation and reserve units so that they can produce electricity at a lower overall cost. Smart grids, in particular demand response programs, enable flexible loads such as plug-in electric vehicles and HVAC systems to consume electricity preferntially in a grid-friendly way that assists the grid operator to maintain the power balance. These solutions, in conjunction with energy storage systems, can facilitate renewable integration.
This study aims to provide an understanding of the achievable benefits from integrating demand response into wholesale and retail electricity markets, in particular in the presence of significant amounts of variable generation. Among the options for control methods for demand response, market-based approaches provide a relatively efficient use of load flexibility, without restricting consumers' autonomy or invading their privacy. In this regard, a model of demand response integration into bulk electric grids is presented to study the interaction between variable renewables and demand response in the double auction environment, on an hourly basis. The cost benefit analysis shows that there exists an upper limit of renewable integration, and that additional solutions such as super grids and/or energy storage systems are required to go beyond this threshold.
The idea of operating an interconnection in an unified (centralized) manner is also explored. The traditional approach to the unit commitment problem is to determine the dispatch schedule of generation units to minimize the operation cost. However, in the presence of price-sensitive loads (market-based demand response), the maximization of economic surplus is a preferred objective to the minimization of cost. Accordingly, a surplus-maximizing hour-ahead scheduling problem is formulated, and is then tested on a system that represents a 20-area reduced model of the North America Western Interconnection for the planning year 2024. The simulation results show that the proposed scheduling method reduces the total operational costs substantially, taking advantage of renewable generation diversity.
The value of demand response is more pronounced when ancillary services (e.g. real-time power balancing and voltage/frequency regulation) are also included along with basic temporal load shifting. Relating to this, a smart charging strategy for plug-in electric vehicles is developed that enables them to participate in a 5-minute retail electricity market. The cost reduction associated with implementation of this charging strategy is compared to uncontrolled charging. In addition, an optimal operation method for thermostatically controlled loads is developed that reduces energy costs and prevents grid congestion, while maintaining the room temperature in the comfort range set by the consumer. The proposed model also includes loads in the energy imbalance market.
The simulation results show that market-based demand response can contribute to a significant cost saving at the sub-hourly level (e.g. HVAC optimal operation), but not at the super-hourly level. Therefore, we conclude that demand response programs and super grids are complementary approaches to overcoming renewable generation variation across a range of temporal and spatial scales. / Graduate / 0791 / sahandbehboodi@gmail.com
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Market power in power markets in Europe : the Cases in French and German woholesale electricity markets / Pouvoir de marché dans les marchés électriques en Europe : Les cas dans les marchés de gros de l'électricité français et allemandPham, Thao 28 May 2015 (has links)
Les deux derniers siècles ont connu une révolution exceptionnelle dans l'organisation des marchés électriques dans le monde entier. Ainsi, traditionnellement organisé autour de monopoles verticalement intégrés et soumis à la régulation, le secteur électrique connait un processus de réforme et évolue vers une organisation décentralisée qui favorise les mécanismes du marché. Le passage des tarifs régulés à des prix du marché, compte tenu des structures concentrées et les caractéristiques particulières de l'industrie électrique, accroît la possibilité que certaines entreprises puissent manipuler les prix du marché en exerçant leur pouvoir de marché. Les questions de "pouvoir de marché" dans un secteur donné ont été abondamment étudiées dans la littérature de l'économie Industrielle depuis la fin des années 1970, mais des études théoriques et empiriques de "pouvoir de marché dans les marchés électriques" n'ont été développées que récemment. Dans cette thèse, nous essayons de mener une recherche approfondie autour des questions de pouvoir de marché sur les marchés de gros de l'électricité en Europe. Nous conduisons des études empiriques dans deux des plus grands marchés européens: la France (sur des données 2009-2012) et l'Allemagne (sur des données de 2011), en utilisant des méthodes économétriques et des modèles de simulation des marchés électriques. Le sujet semble pertinent dans la période de transition énergétique en Europe. / The two last centuries have witnessed an exceptional revolution in the organization of electric power markets worldwide. The industry's organization has changed from vertically integrated monopolies under regulation to unbundled structures that favor market mechanisms; known as reform process in Europe. The shift to reliance on market prices, given concentrated structures and particular characteristics of electricity industry, raises a possibility that some firms could influence the market prices by exercising their market power. The issues of "market power" in a given industry have been abundantly employed in the literatureof Industrial Organization since the late 1970s but theoretical and empirical studies of "market power in electricity markets" have only been developed recently. In this thesis, we attempt to carry out an insight research around market power questions in deregulated wholesale electricity markets in Europe, as regarding the way of defining and measuring it. We carry out empirical studies in two of the biggest liberalized electricity markets in Europe: France (2009-2012's data) and Germany (2011's data), using econometric regressions and electricity simulation models as main methodologies. The subject is particularly relevant inthe context of energy transition in Europe (transition energetique in France and Energiewende in Germany).
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Análise dos impactos de políticas de resposta da demanda na formação do preço da liquidação das diferenças no mercado de energia elétrica brasileiroSouza, Rafael Valim Xavier de January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Thales Sousa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2014. / No Brasil a taxa de crescimento de demanda é elevada por se tratar de um
país em desenvolvimento. No entanto, em alguns períodos, a capacidade
elétrica instalada não acompanha esse ritmo de crescimento. Tal fato resulta
em problemas como redução da segurança do sistema e dificuldades em
manter a energia a preços baixos nos períodos de maior consumo. A resposta
da demanda é um conceito que pode ser aplicado a fim de minimizar esses
impactos. Nesse sentido, foi proposto um estudo de como a resposta da
demanda pode ser aplicada em mercados de energia elétrica e quais são os
impactos no preço de curto prazo nesse tipo de mercado. Além disso, foi
discutida a importância do preço de curto prazo na tomada de decisões de
diferentes classes de agentes do setor elétrico brasileiro. Os modelos
DECOMP e NEWAVE foram apresentados e analisados de forma abrangente.
Foram analisados os impactos da implantação da modalidade tarifária branca
no preço de curto prazo. Por fim, foi proposta uma política de resposta da
demanda de maneira que os impactos na formação do preço de curto prazo
fossem avaliados. / In this study, it has been a presented detailing of the electric energy demand
and the expectations of the demand evolution in the Brazilian electric system as
it is predicted by the system planner. The rate of growth of demand in Brazil is
high, since it is a developing country, nevertheless, the installed electrical
capacity do not follow this rate of growth. This fact results in problems such as
the reducing of the security of the system and difficulties in keeping the low
prices of energy in peak period. The demand response is a concept that can be
applied in order to minimize these impacts. It has been studied how the demand
response can be applied in electric market and what are the impacts in the short
term price in this type of market. Besides, it has been discussed the importance
of the short term price in decision-making of different classes of electric sector
agents. The models to be used in DECOMP and NEWAVE were presented and
analysed in a comprehensive manner. It has been analysed the impacts of the
implementing of the Brazilian white tariff in the short term pricing. Finally, it has
been proposed a demand response policy in a manner that the impacts in the
short term pricing were analysed.
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Optimal Operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems in Radial Distribution NetworksBehnood, Aref January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, power systems are facing with various challenges arising from the increased share of renewable energy systems. Among all sections of power systems, distribution grids are affected the most since the majority of renewable energy sources are connected to distribution grids. As the penetration of Variable Energy Sources increases in electric grids, energy storage systems have become more influential. In this context, this thesis presents a new algorithm for the optimal operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems in distribution grids. The proposed algorithm aims to define the optimal operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems considering the network topology, the output power of Variable Energy Sources and the electricity prices from the one-day ahead electric market as well as real time control of the batteries through smart appliances. In order to do this, firstly a comprehensive study on the existing Optimal Power Flow methods is carried out. Then, AR-OPF which is a novel Optimal Power Flow method for radial distribution systems is presented and the required mathematical constraints, equations and parameters of Battery Energy Storage Systems for modelling in distribution systems are described. Then, the problem formulation and the proposed algorithm are discussed in detail. Further to energy storage as the main function of Battery Energy Storage Systems, the impact of the proposed method on other functions of Battery Energy Storage Systems such as voltage control, grid support and loss reduction will be investigated. In order to do so, the proposed algorithm is applied to the IEEE 34 node test system as a case study. This will be carried out through defining several different scenarios. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is performed on the size of the existing batteries and the electricity price. The thesis will be concluded by the findings and possible future works.
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Analyse quantitative des architectures des marchés électriques : illustration des dynamiques de court et long termes / Quantitative assessment of electricity market designs : illustrations of short-term and long-term dynamicsHary, Nicolas 28 March 2018 (has links)
Suite aux réformes des marchés électriques, la question du market design, c’est-à-dire l’étude des nouveaux marchés destinés à remplacer l’ancien monopole, est devenue centrale dans la littérature économique. Toutefois, les caractéristiques techniques de l’électricité rendent cette tâche complexe et l’intervention des pouvoirs publics est souvent nécessaire pour établir les règles du jeu efficaces que les acteurs de marché devront suivre. Cela explique pourquoi le market design demeure un sujet d’actualité. Cette thèse contribue aux discussions actuelles en étudiant plusieurs architectures de marché à mettre en place afin d’assurer la fiabilité du système électrique de la façon la plus efficace.La fiabilité est d’abord étudiée sous sa dimension de court terme, appelée sûreté. Pour garantir un équilibre en temps réel, l’opérateur du système doit s’assurer de disposer d’un niveau suffisant de réserves: c’est l’objectif du modèle de sûreté. Dans cette thèse, les impacts économiques induits par un changement de modèle de sureté pour le système électrique français sont évalués. Une modélisation de type Agent-Based est développée pour simuler les décisions des acteurs sur plusieurs marchés de court terme. Les résultats montrent que le modèle de sureté français actuel conduit à des coûts inférieurs à ceux du modèle alternatif mis en œuvre dans d’autres pays européens. Le maintien du modèle actuel en France apparait donc justifié.La dimension long terme de la fiabilité, à savoir l’adéquation, est ensuite étudiée. Les performances économiques d’un marché de capacité et d’un mécanisme de réserve stratégique, deux solutions conçues pour résoudre le problème d’adéquation, sont comparées. Afin de considérer la nature cyclique des investissements, ces mécanismes sont étudiés d’un point de vue dynamique par l’intermédiaire d’une modélisation de type System Dynamics. Celle-ci simule les décisions d'investissements et de fermetures prises par les acteurs de marché, en considérant leurs comportements imparfaits. Les principaux résultats montrent que le marché de capacité résout la question de l'adéquation à un coût moindre. / Following power market reforms, market design, i.e. the study of new markets to replace efficiently the previous monopoly, becomes central in the economic literature. However, due to several technical characteristics of electricity, this task is complex. A third party is then required to help design these markets in an efficient way and to set the rules under which private decentralized market players will interact. This complexity explains why market design remains a work in progress. This thesis contributes to the current discussions by giving insights on the most efficient market designs to implement to ensure the reliability of power systems.A first focus is made on the short-term dimension of reliability, i.e. the security of power systems. To maintain a balanced system, the system operator has to ensure the availability of a sufficient level of reserves in real time: this is the aim of the security model. In this thesis, a quantitative assessment of the economic impacts that a transition to a different security model would have for the French power system is carried out. An agent-based modelling is developed to simulate the decisions of profit-maximizing players on several short-term markets. Simulations show that the current French security model results in lower costs than the alternative one implemented in several European countries, and should therefore be maintained for the French power system.A second focus is made on the long-term dimension of reliability, i.e. the adequacy. The economic performances of a capacity market and a strategic reserve mechanism, two mechanisms designed to solve the adequacy issue, are compared. In order to capture the cyclical nature of investments, these mechanisms are studied from a dynamic point of view. To this end, a long-term model is developed based on a System Dynamics approach. It simulates the investment and shutdown decisions made by market players considering their imperfect behaviours. Main results show that the capacity market solves the adequacy issue at a lower cost than the strategic reserve mechanism.
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Price Based Unit Commitment With Reserve ConsiderationsOkuslug, Ali 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In electricity markets of modern electric power systems, many generation companies, as major market participants, aim to maximize their profits by supplying the electrical load in a competitive manner. This thesis is devoted to investigate the price based unit commitment problem which is used to optimize generation schedules of these companies in deregulated electricity markets. The solution algorithm developed is based on Dynamic Programming and Lagrange Relaxation methods and solves the optimization problem for a generation company having many generating units with different cost characteristics. Moreover, unit constraints including ramp-rate limits, minimum ON/OFF times, generation capacities of individual units and system constraints such as total energy limits, reserve requirements are taken into account in the problem formulation. The verification of the algorithm has been carried out by comparing the results of some sample cases with those in the literature. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been tested on several test systems. Finally, the possible utilization of the method by a generation company in Turkish Electricity Market to develop bidding strategies is also examined based on some case studies.
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