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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demand Response in the Future Swedish Electricity Market : A typology based on cost, volume and feasibility

Mökander, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
The power balance of an electrical power system is crucial to the quality of the delivered electricity as well as the security of supply. In a scenario where Swedish nuclear power plants are being phased out and replaced by renewable energy sources new constraints are added to the power balance equation since the production of many renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, are intermittent by nature. This leads to a situation where the currently available regulating power might have difficulties to manage the increasing frequency fluctuations in the power grid. One possible solution to the problem is to build gas turbines for the purpose of peak power generation capacity. An alternative option would be to increase customer flexibility; that is Demand Response. This master thesis investigates how the market for Demand Respond can be designed and which potential Demand Response volumes different policy programs might release. This is done through a mixed approach. Firstly, a scientific review of previously documented Demand Response experiences compares and categorizes different Demand Response programs in a typology based on the parameters cost, volume and feasibility. Subsequently an interview series with different market agents, predominantly through interviews with the Swedish energy intensive industry, identifies the existing Demand Response potential in Sweden and offers the paradigm needed to transfer the results to a future hypothetical situation. The typology of Demand Response programs and estimation of the future industrial Demand Response potential in Sweden are the main new knowledge contributions of this master thesis. The scope however is limited to the Swedish market geographically and focuses on the time horizon 2020-2050. It is also assumed that only existing technologies are likely to be implemented on a large scale over the given time horizon. The results of this master thesis suggest that a Real Time Pricing model would realize the largest potential of Demand Response and to a relatively low cost. This solution however requires actions and further development of both the pricing model and in technology. Firstly, all market agents must have free access to real time price information, something that is lacking today. Secondly, a smart grid with hourly meters is required. If policymakers consider security of supply to be more important than a low system cost, Direct Control or a continuation of the Strategic Reserve is to be preferred according to the conclusions of this report. Previous studies have placed the existing potential for industrial Demand Response in Sweden between 600 and 900 MW. This report suggests that the available volume is in the upper region of the mentioned interval already today and has potential to rise significantly in the future as industries become more aware of the concept and the transmission grid is becoming more flexible. Another driving force for increased Demand Response volumes are the increased price fluctuations which are expected as a consequence of a greater share of renewable energy sources. For the future Demand Response potential, a cost perspective is introduced and a distinction between different response durations is made. More specifically the results indicate that the potential industrial Demand Response volume will be about 1,500 MW in 2030, given a response duration time of 4 h and a spot price on 2,000 SEK/MWh. If 1,500 MW of peak generation capacity could be avoided through active Demand Side Management, it would reduce the system cost with about 350 Million SEK annually. Consequently, there is a business case for Demand Response and the issue is likely to be subject to further investigation and discussion in the future. On the long term however industrial Demand Response must be compared with other flexibility options, e.g. as import/export or energy storages but also residential Demand Response, and is in such case likely to be outcompeted due to its relatively high variable cost of providing capacity.

Spain's electricity market design : A case study

Bennerstedt, Patrik, Grelsson, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Spain’s rapid implementation of renewable energy has been described as a success but thegovernmental cost associated to this rapid implementation has grown significantly. The purposeof this report is to investigate Spain’s electricity market, its current situation and present it, usingthe Swedish system as a reference.The report commences with a presentation of the Spanish and the Swedish electricity markets,followed by a chapter where they are compared. The renewable electricity production and theassociated development during the last decade is one focus of the comparison. The other focus ishow the costs of the subsidy systems have evolved and how they are connected to the differentenergy sources. Two sources, wind and solar, receives a higher interest than the others.Wind power shows a strong development in electricity production and contributes to asignificant part of the Spanish electricity mix. The costs of subsidies connected to the windpower reflect the produced electricity. Wind power in Sweden has had a rapid development overthe last two years and the subsidies costs are aligned with the electricity production through theuse of a quota system.There are great differences between the two countries regarding solar power. Sweden has hardlyany, while Spain has a noticeable contribution of electricity from solar power to its electricitymix. Solar power has an even more noticeable share in the Spanish subsidy system. The highsubsidies to solar power, which have not followed the reduced investment costs of equipment inrecent years, have led to a high degree of participation which has led to soaring costs for thesystem. Spain’s subsidy system is based on fixed earnings and variable costs and in combinationwith higher than expected costs, an annual deficit between the earnings and cost has been createdfor the government. This yearly deficit has increased and the Spanish government is now in debtto the five largest energy suppliers. The Swedish subsidy system carries its own costs and theSwedish government does not have a financial risk associated with the system.This study shows that the Spanish subsidy system has been too generous towards solar powerwhich is a large part, but not the only one, to the country’s huge deficit and debt. Sweden, withits quota system constructed without fixed earnings, does not risk creating a debt similar toSpain’s. Spain’s large part of wind power and how the volatile power is regulated could be ofinterest for Sweden which aims to increase its share of wind power in the future. This study findthe answer to how Spain copes with its high share of intermittent power production in that itaccepts a lower efficiency in its gas turbines in order to regulate the power output. Sweden, acountry without a large share of gas in its electricity mix, but with a large share of hydro power,uses its hydro capacity to regulate volatility in electricity system. Prior studies have already beenmade in this area with the result that 30 TWh of electricity from wind power, more thanSweden’s goal for 2020 regarding wind power, would be possible to regulate with the presentsystem each year.

Analyse quantitative des architectures des marchés électriques : illustration des dynamiques de court et long termes / Quantitative assessment of electricity market designs : illustrations of short-term and long-term dynamics

Hary, Nicolas 28 March 2018 (has links)
Suite aux réformes des marchés électriques, la question du market design, c’est-à-dire l’étude des nouveaux marchés destinés à remplacer l’ancien monopole, est devenue centrale dans la littérature économique. Toutefois, les caractéristiques techniques de l’électricité rendent cette tâche complexe et l’intervention des pouvoirs publics est souvent nécessaire pour établir les règles du jeu efficaces que les acteurs de marché devront suivre. Cela explique pourquoi le market design demeure un sujet d’actualité. Cette thèse contribue aux discussions actuelles en étudiant plusieurs architectures de marché à mettre en place afin d’assurer la fiabilité du système électrique de la façon la plus efficace.La fiabilité est d’abord étudiée sous sa dimension de court terme, appelée sûreté. Pour garantir un équilibre en temps réel, l’opérateur du système doit s’assurer de disposer d’un niveau suffisant de réserves: c’est l’objectif du modèle de sûreté. Dans cette thèse, les impacts économiques induits par un changement de modèle de sureté pour le système électrique français sont évalués. Une modélisation de type Agent-Based est développée pour simuler les décisions des acteurs sur plusieurs marchés de court terme. Les résultats montrent que le modèle de sureté français actuel conduit à des coûts inférieurs à ceux du modèle alternatif mis en œuvre dans d’autres pays européens. Le maintien du modèle actuel en France apparait donc justifié.La dimension long terme de la fiabilité, à savoir l’adéquation, est ensuite étudiée. Les performances économiques d’un marché de capacité et d’un mécanisme de réserve stratégique, deux solutions conçues pour résoudre le problème d’adéquation, sont comparées. Afin de considérer la nature cyclique des investissements, ces mécanismes sont étudiés d’un point de vue dynamique par l’intermédiaire d’une modélisation de type System Dynamics. Celle-ci simule les décisions d'investissements et de fermetures prises par les acteurs de marché, en considérant leurs comportements imparfaits. Les principaux résultats montrent que le marché de capacité résout la question de l'adéquation à un coût moindre. / Following power market reforms, market design, i.e. the study of new markets to replace efficiently the previous monopoly, becomes central in the economic literature. However, due to several technical characteristics of electricity, this task is complex. A third party is then required to help design these markets in an efficient way and to set the rules under which private decentralized market players will interact. This complexity explains why market design remains a work in progress. This thesis contributes to the current discussions by giving insights on the most efficient market designs to implement to ensure the reliability of power systems.A first focus is made on the short-term dimension of reliability, i.e. the security of power systems. To maintain a balanced system, the system operator has to ensure the availability of a sufficient level of reserves in real time: this is the aim of the security model. In this thesis, a quantitative assessment of the economic impacts that a transition to a different security model would have for the French power system is carried out. An agent-based modelling is developed to simulate the decisions of profit-maximizing players on several short-term markets. Simulations show that the current French security model results in lower costs than the alternative one implemented in several European countries, and should therefore be maintained for the French power system.A second focus is made on the long-term dimension of reliability, i.e. the adequacy. The economic performances of a capacity market and a strategic reserve mechanism, two mechanisms designed to solve the adequacy issue, are compared. In order to capture the cyclical nature of investments, these mechanisms are studied from a dynamic point of view. To this end, a long-term model is developed based on a System Dynamics approach. It simulates the investment and shutdown decisions made by market players considering their imperfect behaviours. Main results show that the capacity market solves the adequacy issue at a lower cost than the strategic reserve mechanism.

Architectures des marchés de l'électricité pour la sécurité d'approvisionnement à long terme dans un contexte de transition énergétique / Electricity market design for long-term capacity adequacy in a context of energy transition

Ousman Abani, Ahmed 24 June 2019 (has links)
La transition énergétique, en partie caractérisée par le déploiement massif des énergies renouvelables, a relancé un débat de longue date sur les architectures de marché fournissant les meilleures incitations aux investissements dans les marchés libéralisés de l’électricité. Ces incitations sont essentielles pour garantir la sécurité d’approvisionnement à long terme. Pour choisir l’architecture de marché adéquate, les décideurs publics doivent évaluer et comparer les performances économiques des solutions disponibles. La présente thèse complète la littérature sur les incitations aux investissements et la sécurité d’approvisionnement en étudiant trois aspects importants : (i) le comportement des marchés de l'électricité en présence d’acteurs averses au risque, (ii) la compatibilité entre les incitations des acteurs à mettre leurs actifs sous cocon et les objectifs de sécurité d’approvisionnement et (iii) les performances économiques de différentes architectures de marché dans un contexte de forte pénétration des énergies renouvelables. Pour ce faire, une modélisation de type System Dynamics est utilisée pour représenter les dynamiques de long terme résultant des décisions des acteurs dans un marché libéralisé. La thèse est organisée en trois chapitres correspondant à chacun des points mentionnés ci-dessus. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants : Premièrement, les mécanismes de capacité sont nécessaires pour faire face aux effets néfastes de l’aversion au risque des investisseurs. Ce phénomène affecte de manière significative les marchés de l’énergie de type energy-only, qui subissent alors une baisse des investissements et des pénuries plus importantes. Les marchés de capacité résistent mieux à l’aversion au risque des investisseurs. Cependant, cette résilience dépend du plafond des prix dans les enchères de capacité. Pour qu'une telle architecture de marché donne des résultats satisfaisants en termes de sécurité d’approvisionnement, ce plafond de prix doit tenir compte du risque d'investissement supporté par les acteurs. Deuxièmement, si les acteurs du marché en ont la possibilité, leurs décisions de mettre leurs actifs sous cocon peuvent modifier les dynamiques d'investissement et de fermeture à long terme. En outre, dans un monde caractérisé par des actifs indivisibles, cette possibilité augmente le niveau de coordination nécessaire pour assurer la sécurité d’approvisionnement. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les marchés de type energy-only, dans lesquels la mise sous cocon augmente le niveau des pénuries, au point de contrebalancer les économies de coûts qu’elle génère. En revanche, les marchés de capacité peuvent fournir la coordination nécessaire pour assurer la sécurité d’approvisionnement même lorsque les acteurs ont la possibilité de mettre leurs actifs sous cocon. Troisièmement, parmi les architectures de marché proposées dans la littérature, les marchés de capacité apparaissent comme la meilleure solution du point de vue du surplus social. Néanmoins, du point de vue des investisseurs, et dans certaines conditions liées à une forte pénétration des énergies renouvelables, les marchés de capacité avec des contrats annuels ne suppriment pas entièrement le problème dit de "missing money". Les résultats indiquent que l'attribution de contrats de capacité pluriannuels atténue le problème. / The ongoing energy transition, partly characterized by the massive deployment of renewables, has reignited a long-lasting debate on the best market design options to provide adequate investment incentives and ensure capacity adequacy in liberalised electricity markets. To choose the appropriate market design, policymakers need to assess and compare the economic performances of available solutions in terms of effectiveness and cost-efficiency. This dissertation complements the existing literature on market design for long-term capacity adequacy by focusing on three research topics: (i) understanding how electricity markets perform under different assumptions regarding investors’ risk preferences, (ii) analysing the compatibility of private agents’ incentives to mothball capacity resources with security of supply objectives and (iii) assessing the economic performance of different market designs in a context of a high penetration of renewables. To this end, the System Dynamics modelling framework is applied to represent long-term dynamics resulting from private agents’ decisions in liberalised electricity markets. The dissertation is organised in three chapters corresponding to each of the topics mentioned above. The main results are outlined below. Firstly, capacity remuneration mechanisms are necessary to deal with the detrimental effects of investors’ risk aversion. Energy-only markets are significantly affected by this phenomenon as they experience reduced investment incentives and higher levels of shortages. Capacity markets are more resilient to private investors’ risk aversion. However, this resilience depends on the level of the price cap in the capacity auctions. For such a market design to provide satisfactory outcomes in terms of capacity adequacy, this price cap should account for the investment risk faced by market participants. Secondly, when market participants have the possibility to mothball their capacity resources, these mothballing decisions can potentially modify investment and shutdown dynamics in the long run. Furthermore, in a world with capacity lumpiness (i.e. indivisibilities), mothballing increases the level of coordination needed to ensure capacity adequacy. This is especially true in energy-only markets, where mothballing increases the level of shortages to an extent that seems to overweigh the cost savings it generates at system level. Capacity markets can provide the required coordination to ensure capacity adequacy in a world with mothballing. Thirdly, among proposed market designs in the literature, capacity markets appear as the preferable solution to ensure capacity adequacy from a social welfare point of view. Nevertheless, from a private investor’s perspective and under certain conditions related to high penetration of renewables, capacity markets with annual contracts do not entirely remove the so-called “missing money” problem. The results indicate that granting multiannual capacity contracts alleviates the problem.

Functions And Viability Of Turkish Wholesale Electricity Trading And Contracting Company (tetas) In The Short, Mid And The Long Term.

Ketencioglu, Sinan 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the necessity for the establishment, main functions and the viability of the Turkish Wholesale Electricity Trading and Contracting Company, TETAS in the short, mean and the long term. In order to understand the necessity for the establishment of TETAS, Turkish Energy Policies such as the state-led energy policies and the competition based market orientation are put under scrutiny. The thesis also discusses whether Turkish Government has carried out a comprehensive, deterministic and effective &ldquo / Liberalization Policy&rdquo / in the electricity sector by looking at the present situation and the principles outlined in Laws No: 4628, 5654 and 5686 and the Strategy Paper. The dissertation then examines the life span of TETAS by looking at the impacts of the strategy paper, liberalization procedure of the overall electricity market and newly enacted laws such as Law No: 5654 and 5686 in the short, mean and the long term. In addition, TETAS is examined whether it is a &ldquo / monopoly&rdquo / or not in Turkish Electricity wholesale market by calculating the supply concentration of TETAS using the Herfindahl Hirschman Index. Despite the studies on the establishment of the liberal market such as the envisagement of Law No: 4628 and the strategy paper, this thesis study envisages that it is still not possible to talk about a liberal electricity market. In addition, it is also concluded that the statements outlined in Laws No: 5654 and 5686 hinder the overall liberalization efforts since these laws are postponing the liberalization of electricity sector and making the life span of TETAS longer. As a result, liberalization efforts on the electricity market are unsuccessful in the mean term and TETAS seems to hold its dominance position in the wholesale market as a state-owned wholesale trading company in the long run.

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