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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RONALD BEYNER MEJIA SANCHEZ 29 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho de pesquisa buscou desenvolver eletrodos que apresentem uma alta resistência à corrosão, baixa atividade eletroquímica, fáceis de fabricar e economicamente viáveis. No decorrer do trabalho experimental desenvolveram-se eletrodos poliméricos através de três procedimentos distintos. O primeiro procedimento envolveu a sintetização de óxido de cobre em escala nanométrica. O segundo procedimento envolveu a síntese do cobre puro em escala nanométrica. E finalmente, o terceiro procedimento empregou filamentos de latão que é uma mistura de cobre e zinco cujo filamentos foram incorporados a uma matriz polimérica para a obtenção dos eletrodos. O eletrodo utilizando filamentos de latão misturado com resina epóxi exibiu o melhor desempenho por apresentar boa condutividade elétrica, menor custo e fácil fabricação. Os eletrodos de polímero ofereceram boa resistência à corrosão em ambientes agressivos causados pela variação do pH no decorrer do processo de eletro-drenagem. O programa experimental buscou comparar o comportamento do eletrodo com filamentos de latão imerso em uma matriz de resina epóxi com eletrodos de cobre. Verificou-se que os eletrodos de cobre sofrem uma rápida corrosão que gera uma taxa de perda de massa muito elevada, gerando óxidos que são depositados na superfície do eletrodo, diminuindo sua capacidade de condução. Já os eletrodos desenvolvidos na presente pesquisa apresentaram uma perda de massa inexpressiva. Em relação ao consumo de energia no decorrer do processo de eletro-drenagem, observou-se que os ensaios com eletrodos de cobre apresentam uma maior demanda energética. / [en] This research aimed to develop electrodes that have high resistance to corrosion, low electrochemical activity, ease of manufacturing and economically viable. The experimental work was focused on the development of polymeric electrodes through three different procedures. The first procedure involved the synthesis of copper oxide at the nanometric scale. The second one involved the synthesis of pure copper at the nanometric scale. Finally, the last one used commercial alloys obtained from a mixture of copper and zinc. Their filaments were incorporated into a polymer matrix to obtain the electrodes. The brass wire electrode mixed with epoxy resin presented the best performance due to its high electrical conductivity, low cost, and ease of manufacturing. These polymer electrodes presented good corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, which are caused by pH variation during the electro-drainage process. The experimental setup aimed the comparison of the behavior between the electrode with bass filaments immersed in an epoxy resin matrix and copper electrodes. The comparison has shown that copper electrodes undergo rapid corrosion with higher rate of mass loss generating oxides. These oxides are deposited on the surface of the electrode reducing its electrical conduction capacity. On the other hand, the electrodes developed in the present study showed a low loss of mass. In relation to energy consumption during the electro-drainage process, it was observed that the tests with copper electrodes present higher energy demand than the developed electrodes.


Guo, Xin 07 May 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, microelectrode arrays of micropumps have been designed, fabricated and characterized for transporting microfluid by AC electro-osmosis (ACEO). In particular, the 3D stepped electrode design which shows superior performance to others in literature is adopted for making micropumps, and the performance of such devices has been studied and explored. A novel fabrication process has also been developed in the work, realizing 3D stepped electrodes on a flexible substrate, which is suitable for biomedical use, for example glaucoma implant. There are three major contributions to ACEO pumping in the work. First, a novel design of 3D “T-shaped” discrete electrode arrays was made using PolyMUMPs® process. The breakthrough of this work was discretizing the continuous 3D stepped electrodes which were commonly seen in the past research. The “T-shaped” electrodes did not only create ACEO flows on the top surfaces of electrodes but also along the side walls between separated electrodes. Secondly, four 3D stepped electrode arrays were designed, fabricated and tested. It was found from the experiment that PolyMUMPs® ACEO electrodes usually required a higher driving voltage than gold electrodes for operation. It was also noticed that a simulation based on the modified model taking into account the surface oxide of electrodes showed a better agreement with the experimental results. It thus demonstrated the possibility that the surface oxide of electrodes had impact on fluidic pumping. This methodology could also be applied to metal electrodes with a native oxide layer such as titanium and aluminum. Thirdly, a prototype of the ACEO pump with 3D stepped electrode arrays was first time realized on a flexible substrate using Kapton polyimide sheets and packaged with PDMS encapsulants. Comprehensive experimental testing was also conducted to evaluate the mechanical properties as well as the pumping performance. The experimental findings indicated that this fabrication process was a promising method to create flexible ACEO pumps that can be used as medical implants and wearable devices. / Thesis (Ph.D, Mechanical and Materials Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-05-06 10:57:48.077

Développement d'une méthode de séparation électrocinétique de biomarqueurs de la polyneuropathie amyloïde familiale à transthyrétine : vers une miniaturisation de l'analyse / Development of an electrokinetic separation method of biomarkers of transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy : towards a miniaturization of the analysis

Korchane, Sonia 19 May 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche s’intéressent à la conception de nouvelles méthodologies analytiques destinées à mesurer le bénéfice d’une transplantation hépatique ou bien encore à l’évaluation de nouvelles voies thérapeutiques à l’essai pour des patients atteints de la polyneuropathie amyloïde familiale à transthyrétine (TTR). Cette maladie rare se caractérise par une déstabilisation structurale du tétramère de TTR qui aboutit à l’agrégation de fibrille dans les tissus du système nerveux autonome, au niveau des nerfs périphériques et autour de certains organes dont le cœur. Dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre hospitalo-universitaires, chimistes analystes, électrochimistes, physico-chimistes et technologues, nous nous sommes attachés à développer des séparations en électrophorèse capillaire couplée avec une détection optique de peptides natif et muté qui sont directement associés à une variente de cette maladie rare. La difficulté première de cette recherche concerne le choix même de ces biomarqueurs qui s’est finalement révélé pertinent grâce de la réalisation de cartes peptidiques à partir du sérum. Ensuite deux voies ont été explorées : une séparation électrocinétique avec une détection spectrométrique d’absorbance dans l’ultra-violet et l’autre nécessitant le marquage préalable de peptides par des molécules fluorophores ou fluorogènes pour ensuite faire une séparation en électrophorèse couplée LIF (laser induced fluorescence). Dans les deux cas le critère principal de séparation, la résolution, autorise une quantification et surtout les validations analytiques associées montrent une réelle robustesse des méthodologies développées. L’autre signe encourageant pour la transposition des ces méthodes à l’analyse de prélèvements issus de patients, concerne la limite de quantification qui est inférieure à celle couramment mesuré dans le sérum. La spectrométrie de masse, moyen d’investigation physico-chimique puissant à permis de suivre et de comprendre d’un point vue plus fondamental le produit des réactions de chimie organique de dérivation des peptides par trois marqueurs fluorescents : le TAMRA-SE, le NDA et le FQ. La possibilité de proposer un outil d’analyse miniaturisé et simple d’utilisation pour le monde hospitalier a également été étudiée. Un poste d’analyse sur puce microfluidique permettant l’analyse quantitative et qualitative a été installé pour permettre la réalisation de premiers essais expérimentaux de séparations électrocinétiques sur puce microfluidique. Ces travaux jettent les bases d’une nouvelle voie analytique pour séparer et quantifier les différents biomarqueurs caractéristiques de la polyneuropathie amyloïde familliale à TTR. / The purpose of our work was the development of new analytical methodologies to measure the benefit of liver transplantation and also the evaluation of new therapeutic approaches under testing on patients with Transtyretin (TTR) familial amyloid polyneuropathy. This rare disease is characterized by a structural destabilization of TTR tetramer leading to it’s aggregation into amyloïd fibrils that accumulate in the tissues of the autonomous nervous system, peripheral nerves and around certain organs, including the heart. As part of a collaboration between university, hospital, analytical chemists, electrochemist, physical chemists and technologists, we are committed to develop separations in capillary electrophoresis coupled with optical detection of native and mutated peptides that are directly associated with a variant of this rare disease. The first challenge of this research is the choice of these biomarkers that ultimately proved relevant with the realization of peptide maps from the serum. Then two approaches have been explored: electrokinetic separation with absorbance spectrometric detection in the ultraviolet and the other requiring the prior labeling peptides with fluorescent molecules and then to a separation on electrophoresis coupled with LIF (Laser induced fluorescence). In both cases the main criterion of separation, resolution, allows quantification and especially analytical validations show actual strength associated methodologies developed. Another encouraging sign for the transposition of these methods to the analysis of samples from patients regarding the quantification limit is lower than commonly measured in serum. Mass spectrometry, using physico-chemical investigation powerful allowed to follow and understand a more fundamental viewpoint the product of organic chemistry reactions bypass peptides by three fluorescent dyes: TAMRA-SE, the NDA and FQ. The ability to provide a miniaturized analysis and easy to use tool for the hospital environment was also studied. A post analysis on microfluidic chip for quantitative and qualitative analysis was installed to allow the realization of the first experimental tests of electrokinetic separations on microfluidic chip. These studies lay the foundation for a new analytical way to separate and quantify the different characteristics biomarkers family TTR amyloid polyneuropathy.

Estudos termodinâmicos da incorporação de terpenos em micelas aquosas por cromatografia eletrocinética micelar / Thermodynamics studies of terpenes incorporation into aqueous micelles by micelar electrokinetic chromatography

Picossi, Carolina Raíssa Costa 07 June 2018 (has links)
Terpenos são os principais constituintes dos óleos essenciais e vêm sendo explorados há mais de 3500 anos pela humanidade. Por conta das suas propriedades flavorizantes, são amplamente empregados na indústria de cosméticos e perfumaria. Apresentam ainda uma infinidade de funções biológicas, como promoção de polinização nas plantas, e proteção contra pragas e animais. Além dessas funções, muitos compostos possuem ainda atividade antimicrobiana, anti-inflamatória, antifúngica, entre outras. Tendo em vista a simplicidade estrutural dos terpenos e a alta hidrofobicidade que sugere fracas interações intermoleculares, é difícil de se imaginar como esses compostos conseguem desempenhar funções tão específicas e diversas. É de se esperar que quanto mais complexa a estrutura do composto, mais fácil seja seu reconhecimento pelo organismo. Isso mostra o grande poder de reconhecimento do meio biológico. Nesse trabalho, os parâmetros termodinâmicos de transferência da fase aquosa para a fase micelar de 10 terpenos (carvona, cânfora, cumeno, t-anetol, eugenol, limoneno, citronelal, linalol, terpineol e verbenona) e cumarina em dois sistemas, SDS 30 mmol.kg-1 + TBS 20 mmol.kg-1 e SDS 30 mmol.kg-1 + TBS 20 mmol.kg-1 + 10% v/v de etanol foram determinados buscando elucidar a incorporação micelar desses compostos. Micelas apresentam compartimentos com diferentes polaridades e podem servir como modelo para mimetizar as diferentes interações no meio biológico. Dessa forma, a utilização da cromatografia eletrocinética micelar (MEKC, do inglês Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography) na determinação dos coeficientes de partição e dos parâmetros termodinâmicos de transferência entre as fases aquosa e micelar desses solutos pode contribuir para o entendimento da distribuição bem como auxiliar na compreensão das funções que os mesmos desempenham na natureza. A hipótese de que os parâmetros termodinâmicos podem elucidar detalhes da incorporação micelar foi ainda testada através da busca de relações lineares de energia de solvatação (LSER, do inglês Linear Solvation Energy Relashionships) com o intuito de evidenciar as principais características moleculares que contribuem para o processo detransferência. Os modelos LSER foram estudados através de regressão múltipla e análises multivariadas de PLS, SPLS, PLS-DA e SPLS-DA, com o objetivo de verificar as propriedades dos terpenos que explicam sua incorporação nas micelas. Outras análises estatísticas multivariadas, como análise de agrupamentos e PCA, foram utilizadas para estudar a variabilidade estrutural dos compostos selecionados, bem como, determinar se os descritores teóricos calculados conseguem descrever as características estruturais dos terpenos. O estudo da termodinâmica de transferência de solutos neutros da fase aquosa para a fase micelar demonstrou que mesmo pequenas diferenças estruturais das moléculas contêm informação sobre a distribuição dos compostos nos compartimentos micelares. Também podese inferir sobre o efeito do etanol nas partições e sobre a própria estrutura micelar. Os resultados para o limoneno mostraram a complexidade envolvida nas partições, levando a ideia de restrição de volume nas micelas modificadas por álcool. Resultados de LSER mostraram que a transferência da fase aquosa para a fase micelar desses compostos é governada principalmente pela interação hidrofóbica onde Vx (Volume de McGowan) foi selecionado como um dos descritores mais importantes para explicar lnP. A análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos pelos dois métodos (estudo dos parâmetros termodinâmicos e LSER) indicou similaridade de resultados. Isso demonstra a grande confiabilidade dos resultados e, então, que estudos similares usando outras soluções micelares e outras classes de compostos (hormônios, flavonoides, aminas, etc.) podem ser muito promissores. / Terpenes are the main constituents of essential oils and have been explored for more than 3,500 years. Because of their flavoring properties, terpenes are widely used in the cosmetics and perfumery industry. They also exert a multitude of ecological functions, such as the promotion of plant pollination and protection against pests and animals. In addition, many compounds have antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory activities and others. Given the structural simplicity of terpenes and the high hydrophobicity that suggests weak intermolecular interactions, it is difficult to imagine how these compounds can perform such specific and diverse functions. It is expected that the more complex the structure of the compound, the easier it is its recognition by the organism, which does not seem to be true for this class showing the great power of recognition of the biological system. In this work, the thermodynamic parameters of aqueous and micellar phase transfer of ten terpenes (carvone, camphor, cumene, t-anethol, eugenol, limonene, citronellal, linalool, terpineol, and verbenone) and coumarin in two systems, 30 mmol.kg-1 of SDS + 20 mmol.kg-1 of TBS and 30 mmol.kg-1 of SDS, 20 mmol.kg-1 of TBS, and 10% v/v of ethanol were determined to elucidate the micellar distribution of these compounds. Micelles have compartments that possess different polarities and might be a model to mimic the different interactions that terpenes may have in the biological environment. Thus, the use of micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) in the determination of the partition coefficients and the thermodynamic parameters of transfer of the aqueous phase to the micellar phase of these solutes can contribute to the understanding of the distribution, as well as help in the understanding of the functions they perform in nature. The hypothesis that the thermodynamic parameters can elucidate details of the micellar incorporation was further analyzed through the search of Linear Solvation Energy Relashionships (LSER), in order to highlight the main molecular characteristics that contribute to the transfer process. The LSER models were studied through multiple regression and other multivariate analyzes, such as PLS, SPLS, PLS-DA and SPLS-DA, in order to verify the properties of terpenes that explain their incorporation into micelles.Other multivariate statistical analysis, such as cluster analysis and PCA were used to study the structural variability of the selected compounds, as well as to determine if the calculated theoretical descriptors can describe all the structural characteristics of the terpenes. The study of thermodynamics of transfer of neutral solutes from the aqueous phase to the micellar phase has shown that even small structural differences of the molecules contain information about the distribution of the compounds in the micellar compartments. It was also possible to infer about the effect of ethanol on the partitions and on the micellar structure. The results for limonene showed the complexity involved in the partitions, showing that occurs volume restriction in alcohol-modified micelles. Results from LSER showed that the transfer of these compounds is mainly governed by hydrophobic interactions where Vx (McGowan volume) was selected as one of the most important descriptors to explain partition. The comparative analysis of the results obtained by the two methods (thermodynamic parameters studies and LSER) indicated similarity of results. This demonstrates the great reliability of the methods, and that similar studies using other micellar solutions and other classes of compounds (hormones, flavonoids, amines, etc.) might be very promising.

Desenvolvimento de metodologias alternativas para o controle de qualidade de anti-retrovirais em medicamentos utilizando eletroforese capilar / Development of alternative methods for the quality control of antiretroviral drugs by capillary electrophoresis

Zanolli Filho, Luiz Antonio 29 June 2007 (has links)
Atualmente cerca de 38,6 milhões de pessoas estão infectadas pelo vírus da síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS) em todo mundo. O único modo de tratamento para esta doença é através da utilização de medicamentos responsáveis por atuarem em diferentes pontos do ciclo replicativo do vírus. No Brasil esta doença é tratada como de calamidade pública, sendo seu tratamento feito através do programa nacional DST/AIDS, o qual distribui gratuitamente os medicamentos necessários para o tratamento. Tendo em vista que vários desses medicamentos são formulados pela indústria local, esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos passiveis de aplicação na rotina farmacêutica para a qualificação de matérias primas, bem como o controle de qualidade dos produtos acabados. As determinações nas formulações de nevirapina e lamivudina foram realizadas por CZE, em eletrólitos ácidos com pH < 2,5. Para a lamivudina a determinação foi realizada em um eletrólito de 0,5 % de TEA, 20 mmol.L-1 de TRIS, pH = 2,5, ajustado com ácido fosfórico, com um tempo de análise inferior a 4 minutos. O método desenvolvido para a nevirapina foi conduzido em um eletrólito de 10 mmol.L-1 de fosfato de sódio (pH =2,5), com um tempo de análise de 3 minutos. Um outro método foi desenvolvido permitindo a determinação de efavirenz, estavudina e ritonavir por MEKC, utilizando-se um planejamento fatorial 23 com ponto central, um tempo inferior a 9 minutos em um eletrólito consituído de 20 mmol.L-1 de tetraborato de sódio, 20 mmol.L-1 de SDS e 30 % de acetonitrila. Os métodos desenvolvidos foram validados de acordo com os protocolos oficiais, mostrando que estes métodos apresentam características adequadas para a análise de formulações farmacêuticas. Outra abordagem foi feita utilizando o acoplamento da eletroforese capilar à espectrometria de massas, onde amostras de urina fortificadas foram analisadas. As análise foram conduzidas utilizando 400 mmol.L-1 de ácido fórmico e líquido auxiliar constituído de 0,5 % de ácido fórmico diluído com uma solução metanol:água (1:1), permitindo a identificação inequívoca dos fármacos. / There are approximately 38.6 million people infected by the immunodeficiency acquired virus (AIDS) over the world. The only way of treatment for this illness is administrating drugs that act in different points of the replicative cycle of the virus. In Brazil this illness is dealt as public calamity, being its treatment made through the national program DST/AIDS, which distributes free of charge necessary medicines for the treatment. Considering that many of these drugs are formulated by the local industries, this thesis has as objective the development of analytical methods to be applied in the pharmaceutical routine for the qualification of raw materials, as well as the quality control of the finished products. The analysis of drug formulations of nevirapine and lamivudine were carried by CZE, in acid electrolytes with pH < 2.5. For lamivudine the analysis was carried using an electrolyte composed of 0.5 % of TEA, 20 mmol.L-1 of TRIS, pH = 2.5, adjusted with phosphoric acid, with an analysis time less than 4 minutes. The method developed for the nevirapine, was lead in an electrolyte composed of 10 mmol.L-1 of phosphate buffer (pH = 2.5), with a time of analysis of 3 minutes. Another method was developed for efavirenz, estavudine and ritonavir by MEKC, using 23 a factorial design with central point, with an analysis time less then 9 minutes in an electrolyte of 20 mmol.L-1 of sodium tetraborate, 20 mmol.L-1 sodium dodecyl sulfate and 30 % acetonitrile. The developed methods were validated in accordance with official protocols, showing that these methods can be advantageously used in the analysis of pharmaceutical formulations. Another approach was to use the coupling of capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry, where fortified samples of urine had been analyzed. The analysis were performed using 400 mmol.L-1 formic acid and liquid sheath consisting of 0.5 % of formic acid diluted with a solution of (1:1) methanol:water, allowing the unequivocal identification detection of the drugs in the samples.

Estudo da separação de glicocorticoides e aplicações em formulações farmacêuticas utilizando eletroforese capilar / Study of the separation of glucocorticoids and application in pharmaceutical formulations using capillary electrophoresis

Morais, Máicon de 26 October 2018 (has links)
Estudos envolvendo os glicocorticoides merecem destaque devido a serem hormônios responsáveis pela transferência de informações e instruções às células, desta forma regulando o metabolismo, desenvolvimento, crescimento, função imune e também auxiliam no controle das funções tanto reprodutivas quanto tecidual. Estes também são sintetizados e amplamente utilizados com finalidade terapêutica processos alérgicos, tratamento de doenças autoimunes, em transplantes no pré-operatório e/ou pós-operatório-, devido a sua eficiente ação como imunossupressores e anti-inflamatórios. Os dois primeiros capítulos deste trabalho exibem uma revisão da literatura com foco em considerações gerais sobre os glicocorticoides, metodologias empregadas na análise destes hormônios e fundamentos da eletroforese capilar. Na sequência, o quarto capitulo, mostra a otimização da separação de 17 glicocorticoides utilizando cromatografia eletrocinética micelar devido a alto grau hidrofóbico dos analitos. Para tal, a composição do eletrólito consistiu em 20mM de tetraborato de sódio (pH=9.3) e 30 mM de dodecil sulfato de sódio (como surfactante), e a interação soluto-micela e, portanto, retenção do soluto, foi manipulada com a adição (volume/volume) de solventes orgânicos na composição de até 20% acetonitrila (ACN), 20% etanol (EtOH) e 1% tetrahidrofurano (THF), a qual se baseia num modelo de desenho de misturas (totalizando dez diferentes eletrólitos), e através desta abordagem um ótimo de separação foi obtido (13,3% EtOH, 3,3% ACN e 0,17% THF). A melhor condição de separação foi testada qualitativamente numa amostra de urina de um voluntário que faz uso contínuo de prednisona como terapia corticoidal. As misturas de solventes estudadas neste trabalho afetam a solubilidade dos hormônios na fase aquosa e a estrutura micelar também sofre grande impacto,principalmente na camada de solvatação. O quarto capítulo busca racionalizar tais efeitos através da obtenção de descritores, e as informações contidas nos descritores hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos são sempre relevantes e contribuem nas correlações encontradas. Obteve três grupos de comportamento distinto, onde a capacidade doadora e aceptora de prótons para a realização de ligações de hidrogênios foram as interações consideradas as mais relevantes para o comportamento observado da separação. E o capítulo final, apresenta possibilidades de aproveitamento no controle de qualidade na indústria farmacêutica, métodos baseados na injeção e tensão inversas foram propostos a fim de ganho de tempo de análise (máximo de 5 minutos), estes foram validados seguindo o protocolo preconizado pela ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) nos parâmetros: precisão, exatidão, seletividade, linearidade, limites de detecção e quantificação e robustez; e aplicados na quantificação de quatro (diferentes formulações comerciais contendo glicocorticoides (prednisona 20 mg, betametasona 4 mg, furoato de mometasona 200 mcg e dipropionato de beclometasona 200 mcg). / Studies involving glucocorticoids deserve to be highlighted because they are hormones responsible for the transfer of information and instructions to cells, thus regulating metabolism, development, growth, immune function and also assist in the control of both reproductive and tissue functions. These are also synthesized and widely used for therapeutic purposes - allergic processes, treatment of autoimmune diseases, in preoperative and/or postoperative transplants - due to their efficient action as immunosuppressants and anti-inflammatories. The first two chapters of this paper present a review of the literature focusing on general considerations about glucocorticoids, methodologies used in the analysis of these hormones and fundamentals of capillary electrophoresis. Subsequently, the fourth chapter shows the optimization of the separation of 17 glucocorticoids using micellar electrokinetic chromatography due to the high hydrophobic degree of the analytes. To this end, the electrolyte composition consisted of 20 mM sodium tetraborate (pH = 9.3) and 30 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (as a surfactant), and the solute-micelle interaction and therefore solute retention was manipulated with organic solvent in the composition of up to 20% acetonitrile (ACN), 20% ethanol (EtOH) and 1% tetrahydrofuran (THF), which is based on a mixture design model (totaling ten different electrolytes), and through this approach an optimal separation was obtained (13.3% EtOH, 3.3% ACN and 0.17% THF). The best separation condition was qualitatively tested in a urine sample from a volunteer who makes continuous use of prednisone as corticosteroid therapy. The solvent mixtures studied in this work affect the solubility of the hormones in the aqueous phase and the micellar structure also has a great impact, especially on the solvation layer. The fourth chapter seeks to rationalize these effects by obtainingdescriptors, and the information contained in the hydrophobic and hydrophilic descriptors is always relevant and contributes to the correlations found. It obtained three groups of distinct behavior, where the donor and acceptor capacity of protons for the realization of hydrogen bonds were the interactions considered the most relevant for the observed behavior of the separation. And the final chapter presents possibilities of use in quality control in the pharmaceutical industry, methods based on injection and reverse voltage were proposed in order to gain analysis time (maximum of 5 minutes), these were validated following the protocol recommended by ANVISA (Brazilian National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance) in the parameters: precision, accuracy, selectivity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification and robustness; and applied in the quantification of four different commercial formulations containing glucocorticoids (prednisone 20 mg, betamethasone 4 mg, mometasone furoate 200 mcg and beclomethasone dipropionate 200 mcg).

Estudo da separação de glicocorticoides e aplicações em formulações farmacêuticas utilizando eletroforese capilar / Study of the separation of glucocorticoids and application in pharmaceutical formulations using capillary electrophoresis

Máicon de Morais 26 October 2018 (has links)
Estudos envolvendo os glicocorticoides merecem destaque devido a serem hormônios responsáveis pela transferência de informações e instruções às células, desta forma regulando o metabolismo, desenvolvimento, crescimento, função imune e também auxiliam no controle das funções tanto reprodutivas quanto tecidual. Estes também são sintetizados e amplamente utilizados com finalidade terapêutica processos alérgicos, tratamento de doenças autoimunes, em transplantes no pré-operatório e/ou pós-operatório-, devido a sua eficiente ação como imunossupressores e anti-inflamatórios. Os dois primeiros capítulos deste trabalho exibem uma revisão da literatura com foco em considerações gerais sobre os glicocorticoides, metodologias empregadas na análise destes hormônios e fundamentos da eletroforese capilar. Na sequência, o quarto capitulo, mostra a otimização da separação de 17 glicocorticoides utilizando cromatografia eletrocinética micelar devido a alto grau hidrofóbico dos analitos. Para tal, a composição do eletrólito consistiu em 20mM de tetraborato de sódio (pH=9.3) e 30 mM de dodecil sulfato de sódio (como surfactante), e a interação soluto-micela e, portanto, retenção do soluto, foi manipulada com a adição (volume/volume) de solventes orgânicos na composição de até 20% acetonitrila (ACN), 20% etanol (EtOH) e 1% tetrahidrofurano (THF), a qual se baseia num modelo de desenho de misturas (totalizando dez diferentes eletrólitos), e através desta abordagem um ótimo de separação foi obtido (13,3% EtOH, 3,3% ACN e 0,17% THF). A melhor condição de separação foi testada qualitativamente numa amostra de urina de um voluntário que faz uso contínuo de prednisona como terapia corticoidal. As misturas de solventes estudadas neste trabalho afetam a solubilidade dos hormônios na fase aquosa e a estrutura micelar também sofre grande impacto,principalmente na camada de solvatação. O quarto capítulo busca racionalizar tais efeitos através da obtenção de descritores, e as informações contidas nos descritores hidrofóbicos e hidrofílicos são sempre relevantes e contribuem nas correlações encontradas. Obteve três grupos de comportamento distinto, onde a capacidade doadora e aceptora de prótons para a realização de ligações de hidrogênios foram as interações consideradas as mais relevantes para o comportamento observado da separação. E o capítulo final, apresenta possibilidades de aproveitamento no controle de qualidade na indústria farmacêutica, métodos baseados na injeção e tensão inversas foram propostos a fim de ganho de tempo de análise (máximo de 5 minutos), estes foram validados seguindo o protocolo preconizado pela ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) nos parâmetros: precisão, exatidão, seletividade, linearidade, limites de detecção e quantificação e robustez; e aplicados na quantificação de quatro (diferentes formulações comerciais contendo glicocorticoides (prednisona 20 mg, betametasona 4 mg, furoato de mometasona 200 mcg e dipropionato de beclometasona 200 mcg). / Studies involving glucocorticoids deserve to be highlighted because they are hormones responsible for the transfer of information and instructions to cells, thus regulating metabolism, development, growth, immune function and also assist in the control of both reproductive and tissue functions. These are also synthesized and widely used for therapeutic purposes - allergic processes, treatment of autoimmune diseases, in preoperative and/or postoperative transplants - due to their efficient action as immunosuppressants and anti-inflammatories. The first two chapters of this paper present a review of the literature focusing on general considerations about glucocorticoids, methodologies used in the analysis of these hormones and fundamentals of capillary electrophoresis. Subsequently, the fourth chapter shows the optimization of the separation of 17 glucocorticoids using micellar electrokinetic chromatography due to the high hydrophobic degree of the analytes. To this end, the electrolyte composition consisted of 20 mM sodium tetraborate (pH = 9.3) and 30 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (as a surfactant), and the solute-micelle interaction and therefore solute retention was manipulated with organic solvent in the composition of up to 20% acetonitrile (ACN), 20% ethanol (EtOH) and 1% tetrahydrofuran (THF), which is based on a mixture design model (totaling ten different electrolytes), and through this approach an optimal separation was obtained (13.3% EtOH, 3.3% ACN and 0.17% THF). The best separation condition was qualitatively tested in a urine sample from a volunteer who makes continuous use of prednisone as corticosteroid therapy. The solvent mixtures studied in this work affect the solubility of the hormones in the aqueous phase and the micellar structure also has a great impact, especially on the solvation layer. The fourth chapter seeks to rationalize these effects by obtainingdescriptors, and the information contained in the hydrophobic and hydrophilic descriptors is always relevant and contributes to the correlations found. It obtained three groups of distinct behavior, where the donor and acceptor capacity of protons for the realization of hydrogen bonds were the interactions considered the most relevant for the observed behavior of the separation. And the final chapter presents possibilities of use in quality control in the pharmaceutical industry, methods based on injection and reverse voltage were proposed in order to gain analysis time (maximum of 5 minutes), these were validated following the protocol recommended by ANVISA (Brazilian National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance) in the parameters: precision, accuracy, selectivity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification and robustness; and applied in the quantification of four different commercial formulations containing glucocorticoids (prednisone 20 mg, betamethasone 4 mg, mometasone furoate 200 mcg and beclomethasone dipropionate 200 mcg).

Desenvolvimento de métodos cromatográfico e eletroforético para determinação simultânea de delapril e manidipino em comprimidos / Development of the chromatographic and electrophoretic methods for the simultaneous determination of delapril and manidipine in tablets

Todeschini, Vítor January 2010 (has links)
A combinação entre o delapril (DEL), um inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina e o manidipino (MAN), um antagonista dos canais de cálcio, produz um efeito anti-hipertensivo sinérgico, podendo ser considerado um ótimo tratamento para pacientes com hipertensão essencial leve e moderada. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos e validados métodos cromatográfico e eletroforético para avaliação simultânea de DEL e MAN em produto farmacêutico. As análises por cromatografia líquida em fase reversa (CL-FR) foram executadas utilizando coluna C8 (250 mm x 4,6 mm), mantida a 35 oC. A fase móvel foi constituída por acetonitrila e solução de trietilamina 0,3%, pH 3,0 (55:45; v/v), eluída na vazão de 1,2 mL/min com detecção a 220 nm. Paralelamente, desenvolveu-se método por eletroforese capilar, utilizando modo de separação por cromatografia eletrocinética micelar (MEKC) e ácido salicílico como padrão interno. Foi utilizado capilar de sílica fundida (comprimento efetivo de 72 cm) mantido a 35 °C, com solução eletrolítica composta de tampão borato 50 mM e dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) 5 mM, pH 9,0. Voltagem de 25 kV foi aplicada e a injeção foi de 50 mbar durante 5 s, com detecção a 208 nm. A especificidade e a capacidade dos métodos serem indicativos de estabilidade foram demonstradas através de estudos de degradação forçada dos fármacos e pela não interferência dos excipientes nas análises. Além disso, o desenho experimental Plackett-Burman foi utilizado para a avaliação da robustez, observando-se resultados adequados para ambos métodos. Os procedimentos foram validados de acordo com guias aceitos internacionalmente, observando-se resultados em uma faixa aceitável. Os métodos propostos foram aplicados com sucesso na determinação quantitativa simultânea de DEL e MAN em comprimidos, não havendo diferença significativa dos resultados (P>0,05), contribuindo, portanto, para aprimorar o controle da qualidade, assegurando a eficácia terapêutica. / The combination of delapril (DEL), an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and manidipine (MAN), an antagonist of calcium channels, produces a synergic antihypertensive effect and may be regarded as an optimal antihypertensive drug treatment in mild to moderate essential hypertensive patients. The chromatographic and eletrophoretic methods for the simultaneous evaluation of DEL and MAN in pharmaceutical product were developed and validated in the present work. The reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) method was carried out on a C8 column (250 mm x 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm), maintained at 35 ºC. The mobile-phase consisted of acetonitrile and a solution of triethylamine 0.3% pH 3.0 (55:45; v/v), running at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min, with detection at 220 nm. The capillary electrophoresis method was developed using the micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) as the separation mode, and salicylic acid as internal standard. The analysis were performed on a fused-silica capillary (effective length of 72 cm) maintained at 35 °C, with 50 mM of borate buffer and 5 mM of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at pH 9.0 as background electrolyte. The separation was achieved at 25 kV applied voltage and the injection was performed at 50 mbar for 5 s, with detection at 208 nm. The specificity and stability-indicating capability of the methods were demonstrated through forced degradation studies, which also show that there is no interference of the excipients in the analysis. Moreover, the Plackett- Burman experimental design was used for robustness evaluation, giving acceptable results for both methods. The procedures were validated according to Internationals guidelines, giving results within the acceptable range. Therefore, the proposed methods were successfully applied for the simultaneous quantitative analysis of DEL and MAN in the tablet dosage form, showing non-significant difference (P>0.05), contributing to improve the quality control and to assure the therapeutic efficacy.

Studies of Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography as an Analytical Technique in Pharmaceutical Analysis - an Industrial Perspective

Stubberud, Karin January 2002 (has links)
<p>Studies have been performed to evaluate the use of micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), one mode of capillary electrophoresis (CE), as an analytical technique in industrial pharmaceutical analysis. The potential for using chemometrics for the optimisation of MEKC methods has also been studied as well as the possibilities of coupling MEKC with mass spectrometry (MS). </p><p>Two methods were developed, one for the determination of ibuprofen and codeine and another for pilocarpine, together with their degradation products and impurities in both cases. MEKC was found to be the most suitable mode of CE for the methods. Both methods were optimised by means of experimental design. Valuable information was gathered and optimum conditions were defined which resulted in fast systems with baseline-separated peaks. The ibuprofen-codeine method was validated according to the recommended validation procedures of the International Conference of Harmonisation. The validation was performed on a commercially available tablet formulation to verify the suitability of the method, i.e. for quantification of the two main compounds and to determine the degradation products and impurities in area% of each main peak. The following parameters were determined: selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, detection limit, quantitation limit, robustness and range. The results confirm that the method is highly suitable for its intended purpose, i.e. as a routine method for assay and impurity determination. The MEKC method for ibuprofen-codeine was coupled to a mass spectrometer in order to evaluate the potential of partial filling (PF)-MEKC-MS for identification of impurities in pharmaceutical substances and products. The so-called partial-filling technique was used to prevent the non-volatile micelles from entering the MS and was shown to fulfil its purpose of providing detection limits of about 10 pg. </p><p>The study clearly shows that micellar electrokinetic chromatography is well-suited as an analytical technique in industrial pharmaceutical analysis. </p>

Aspects of Optimisation of Separation of Drugs by Chemometrics

Harang, Valérie January 2003 (has links)
<p>Statistical experimental designs have been used for method development and optimisation of separation. Two reversed phase HPLC methods were optimised. Parameters such as the pH, the amount of tetrabutylammonium (TBA; co-ion) and the gradient slope (acetonitrile) were investigated and optimised for separation of erythromycin A and eight related compounds. In the second method, a statistical experimental design was used, where the amounts of acetonitrile and octane sulphonate (OSA; counter ion) and the buffer concentration were studied, and generation of an α-plot with chromatogram simulations optimised the separation of six analytes.</p><p>The partial filling technique was used in capillary electrophoresis to introduce the chiral selector Cel7A. The effect of the pH, the ionic strength and the amount of acetonitrile on the separation and the peak shape of R- and S-propranolol were investigated.</p><p>Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC) is a technique similar to micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), except that the microemulsion has a core of tiny droplets of oil inside the micelles. A large number of factors can be varied when using this technique. A screening design using the amounts of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), Brij 35, 1-butanol and 2-propanol, the buffer concentration and the temperature as factors revealed that the amounts of SDS and 2-propanol were the most important factors for migration time and selectivity manipulation of eight different compounds varying in charge and hydrophobicity. SDS and 2-propanol in the MEEKC method were further investigated in a three-level full factorial design analysing 29 different compounds sorted into five different groups. Different optimisation strategies were evaluated such as generating response surface plots of the selectivity/resolution of the most critical pair of peaks, employing chromatographic functions, simplex optimisation in MODDE and 3D resolution maps in DryLab™.</p><p>Molecular descriptors were fitted in a PLS model to retention data from the three-level full factorial design of the MEEKC system. Two different test sets were used to study the predictive ability of the training set. It was concluded that 86 – 89% of the retention data could be predicted correctly for new molecules (80 – 120% of the experimental values) with different settings of SDS and 2-propanol.</p><p>Statistical experimental designs and chemometrics are valuable tools for the development and optimisation of analytical methods. The same chemometric strategies can be employed for all types of separation techniques.</p>

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