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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-paslaugų koncepcinis modelis bei viešosios paslaugos “Gyvenamosios vietos deklaravimas” realizacijos elektroniniu būdu galimybės ir sprendimas / Public e-services framework and realization opportunity of the public service “announcement of moving ” in an electronical way

Sakalauskas, Tomas 02 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama dabartinė viešųjų paslaugų teikimo Lietuvoje situacija. Išdėstomos priemonės bei koncepcija, skirtos pagerinti viešųjų paslaugų teikimo elektroniniais kanalais kokybę. To pasekoje aprašomi e-Paslaugų portalo, skirto teikti elektronines viešąsias paslaugas funkciniai reikalavimai bei viešosios paslaugos „Gyvenamosios vietos deklaravimas“ elektroniniu būdu realizacijos sprendimai. Sukuriamos priemonės, skirtos identifikuoti e-Paslaugų portalo vartotojus per elektroninės bankininkystės sistemas bei vidinis web servisas, kuriame realizuojamos funkcijos, reikalingos „Gyvenamosios vietos deklaravimo“ paslaugą teikti elektroniniu būdu. Šio darbo metu pagrindinis dėmesys sutelkiamas į vieno langelio e-Paslaugų teikimo principą, kuris reikalauja, kad visos viešojo administravimo įstaigos būtų tarpusavyje susietos ir vartotojas galėtų pasiekti bei pasinaudoti viešomis paslaugomis iš vienos vietos, net jei šios paslaugos yra teikiamos skirtingų valstybinių ar privačių institucijų. / We start analyzing issues concerning the present situation of public services in Lithuania in this scientific work. There are listed means of production and the way how to improve the supply of the public services in an electronical way. In this case the possible solution of how to realize the public service – “Announcement of moving” and the functional requirements for the e-Service Portal are described. The tools are developed to identify the customers of e-Service Portal using e-banking systems. The internal Web Service which is used to provide our public service in an electronical way is created as well. The main goal of this work is to define the concept of One Stop Services which provides face-to-face access to all government services under one roof.

Elektroninių viešųjų paslaugų modelis ir jo teisinė aplinka / The Model of Electronic Public Services and its Legal Environment

Valančiauskas, Rytis 18 May 2005 (has links)
At the turn of the XX and XXI centuries many countries adopted special acts which expressed aspiration to deliver public services by using information and telecommunication technologies (ITT). Despite huge attention to electronic public services form the academic society and the Government, only separate aspects of the electronic public services were analysed in Lithuania. That is why the main goal of this paper was to define a model of electronic public services by formulating a definition of the electronic public services and pointing out the main signs of them, also by showing and describing the main elements of the model of electronic public services and finally by analysing current legal environment and formulating a desired model of legal regulation. Electronic public services is the activity of public administration subjects which is regulated by laws and the main purpose of which is to help legal subjects to execute their rights and obligations at a distance using information and telecommunication technologies by gathering form them and presenting to them data, information and documents. There are four main elements of the model of electronic public services: subjects, technologies, procedures and services. Taking into consideration a fact that procedures play the key role we can formulate three kinds of electronic public services model: “Traditional model”, “Coordination model” and “Transformation model”. All governments start realization of the model of... [to full text]

Elektroninių viešųjų paslaugų įgyvendinimas Šiaulių apskrities savivaldybėse / Implementation of Public Electronic Services in the Municipalities of Šiauliai District

Čepulienė, Giedrė 18 May 2005 (has links)
In the final master‘s paper of public administration some problems are analyzed which are related to electronic public services and their implementation. The object of the research – the public electronic services in the municipalities of Šiauliai district. The purpose of the research – to substantiate the model of implementation of the public electronic services, which tally with the Šiauliai district residents’, municipality employees’ and business subjects’ requirements and to set chances for its practical implementations. The objectives of the research: 1. To define the concept of the public electronic services, their types and regulation in the law regulations of Lithuania and EU. 2. To induct the employees’, residents’ and business subjects’ knowledge about the public electronic services and their demand. 3. To determine the opportunities of implementation model of the public electronic services in the municipalities of Siauliai district. 4. To find out the possibilities of using the electronic public services of the electronic public services consumers’ and suppliers��. The analysis of some laws and scientific literature is set in the theoretical part of this paper. The researched questions are related to the concept of the electronic public services (further – EPS), their demand, significance, necessity, their level of maturity and analysis of distribution. The demand and importance of the electronic public services is researched in the municipalities of... [to full text]

Elektroninės valdžios diegimas Panevėžio miesto savivaldybėje / Implementation of Electronic Governance in the Municipality of Panevezys

Dragašienė, Olga 17 May 2005 (has links)
Master’s work theme is the deployment of electronic government in the Municipality of the Panevezys. Master’s work object is analyzing of necessary conditions to evolve the electronic government deployment in the Municipality of the city Panevezys and offer the suggestions what could forward the electronic power deployment in this institution. In the first parts of work there are discussed the reasons of electronic government coming, the deployment necessity and utility in Lithuania and in the world, there are gave the e. government definitions found in the literature and introduced models. In the second part it is introduced legislations of Lithuanian Republic fine-tuning electronic government area. The third part of master’s work is up to assessing the electronic power level in the Municipality of the city Panevezys. In this part it is made analysis of offered electronic public service at his moment, there are gave entered services by digital technologies, offering predictions, it is discussed the applying of electronic power in the managing of the Municipality. In the fourth part is discussed the problems what are stopping the electronic government deployment in this institute. It is researching the necessity of integral register system, discussing the problem of user’s identification and confirmation; it is introduced inculcated services user’s identification system in the Municipality of the Jurbarkas district and there are analyzing the possibilities to inculcate the... [to full text]

Elektroninės paslaugos Lietuvos bausmių vykdymo sistemoje / Electronic Services in the Penitentiary System of Lithuania

Augulytė, Laura 17 May 2005 (has links)
The penitentiary system in Lithuania and European Union is in progress for the present. Attention is giving not for the supervision and surveillance of offenders and treatment control, but for the effective rehabilitation and reintegration back to the society. The main intention of penitentiary system is the contribution for offenders to rehabilitate to the society with paying high attention enable them to use modern information society technologies (IST). Offenders being in closed and opened prisons are separated from society and virtual world, and this is the reason they can not acquire abilities to fill there requirements. The goal of this research is to evaluate facilities of specialisation and offering of e.services for offenders. In this work under consideration are external factors, contributing the implementation and installation of SESFO, presented singularities and differences of them in compare with public e.services. With reference to the EU experience and after the estimation of SESFO utility, 13 e.services for offenders are marked. SESFO are divided according to the national priorities to the four levels of implementation and installation. Investment to the IT of Prison department will give possibilities to equip the internet and intranet access points. For the best results is necessary to create the Programme of motivation and briefing of offenders. An information society technology project is exploring new ways of rehabilitating offenders through the use of... [to full text]

Elektroninės valdžios projektų diegimo etapai ir galimi modeliai / The implementation stages of electronic government projects and possible models

Šiugždaitė, Ilona 19 December 2006 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami e. valdžios projektai, jų rengimo etapai, e. valdžios projektų savybės, specifika, e. valdžios projektų modeliai. Darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti e. valdžios projektų specifiką, rengimo metodiką; aprašyti būtinus bei galimus e. valdžios projektų diegimo etapus, remiantis sėkmingais ir nesėkmingais jau įvykdytais e. valdžios projektais tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienyje; išnagrinėti teorinį projekto modelį, jį pritaikyti e. valdžios projektams. Darbo objektas: e. valdžios projektai, e. valdžios projektų diegimui reikalingi etapai, e. valdžios projektų valdymo metodika. / The objectives of the work is to explore the specifics of e-government projects, methods of arrangement, manner of records and potential stages of e-government project implementation, on the ground of already implemented successful or unsuccessful e-government projects in Lithuania and abroad; to look at the theoretical model, apply it for e-government projects. The target is: e-government projects, necessary stages of e-government projects, management methodology of e-government projects.

Lietuvos interneto bankininkystės plėtra 2000-2008 m / Development of lithuanian internet banking (2000-2008)

Juodelis, Deividas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Informacinių technologijų plėtra verčia Lietuvos bankus reaguoti į išorinę aplinką ir joje vykstančius pokyčius, atitinkamai transformuoti savo veiklą, keisti organizacines struktūras, kurti ir diegti naujus produktus bei paslaugas. Technologinės naujovės bankuose siejamos su kompiuterių bei kitos elektroninės įrangos diegimu, smarkiai pakeitusių bankų paslaugų pristatymo ir atlikimo būdus. Magistro baigiamajame darbe atliekama Lietuvos interneto bankininkystės raidos analizė ir pateikiami reikalavimai efektyviai plėtrai. Atliekant praktinį tyrimą siekiama paneigti arba patvirtinti hipotezes: • Lietuvoje daugėja vyresnio amžiaus asmenų, kurie naudojasi internetine bankininkyste; • Respondentų lytis neturi įtakos interneto bankininkystės paslaugų vartojimo dažnumui. Tyrimo objektas – interneto bankininkystės paslaugomis besinaudojantys Vilniaus, Kauno, Klaipėdos ir Panevėžio gyventojai. Darbą sudaro šios dalys: turinys, santraukos (lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis), įvadas, 3 skyriai, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Pirmajame skyriuje atliekama literatūros šaltinių, nagrinėjančių interneto bankininkystės ypatumus, analizė. Antrajame skyriuje analizuojama interneto bankininkystės raida ir situacija Lietuvoje 2000-2008 m. Trečiajame skyriuje atliekama tyrimo rezultatų analizė. / The broadening of information technologies makes Lithuanian banks react to external environment and its changes; respectively transform its activity, change its organization structures, create and spread new products and services. Technological innovations in banks are linked with computer and other electronic equipment spread, which strongly changed the presentation and fulfilment ways of bank services. The final master degree paper analyses the development of internet banking in Lithuania and presents requirements for effective broadening. The carried out research tries to confirm or deny the hypotheses: • The number of older persons using the internet banking in Lithuania is increasing; • The sex of the respondents has no influence to the frequency of the usage of internet banking services. Object of the research – citizens of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Panevėžys using internet banking services. The paper consists of these parts: content, summaries (in Lithuanian and English languages), introduction, 3 parts, conclusions and suggestions, the list of literature. Part one presents an analysis of literature sources which examine the peculiarities of internet banking services. Part two analyses the development of internet banking and its situation in Lithuania in 2000-2008 years. Part three analyses the results of the research.

Elektroninės komercijos reglamentavimo problemos ir praktika / Main Problems of Electronic commerce Regulation and its Practical Implementation

Mazurkevičiūtė, Aidė 18 May 2005 (has links)
Electronic commerce is on the rise today. Along with that, there is a necessity of regulation efforts which would not only create legal framework, but also promote digital shopping and other areas in practice. This thesis deals with the main problems of electronic commerce regulation and practice, and with the accordance with the inferences drawn, important proposals are put forward to the national legislator and webtraders. In order to achieve the said purpose, a full-scale analysis of the most essential legislation of international and European Union level is made. UNCITRAL Model law on electronic commerce is a substantial contribution to the creation of legal standards promoting international trade, meanwhile this role in the European Union in fulfiled by the Directive on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the internal market. Nevertheless, the dinamic characteristics of the electronic commerce is conditioned by the necessity of appropriate arrangements. The current electronic commerce legislation in Lithuania faces particularly big problems. Despite the fact that there is a certain legislation regulating this sphere (Civil Code and Electronic commerce regulation, adopted by the Ministry of economy in 2002), it is not providing suitable measures for effective and flexible regulation. The author is of the opinion that Civil Code requires appropriate corrections and complements, meanwhile Electronic commerce... [to full text]

Elektros ir elektroninės įrangos atliekų tvarkymo Lietuvoje analizė / Analysis of management of electric and electronical waste equipment in lithuania

Diliautas, Andrius 08 September 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Nors formaliai 2002/96/EB direktyvos nuostatos yra perkeltos ir Lietuva apie tai yra pateikusi notifikaciją ES institucijoms, nebuvo įvertinta, ar kokybiškai ir tiksliai perkeltos direktyvos normos. Taip pat nebuvo įvertinta, kaip įgyvendinamos perkeltos nuostatos ir ar pasiekiami direktyvoje numatyti tikslai. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama EEĮ atliekų tvarkymo situacija Lietuvoje, vertinama 2002/96/EB direktyvos perkėlimo kokybė, identifikuojamos EEĮ atliekų tvarkymo problemos. Analizė parodo kokie nacionaliniai teisės aktai yra keistini ir kokias problemas reikia spręsti norint pasiekti direktyvoje nustatytus tikslus. IŠVADOS 1. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos Direktyvos 2002/96/EB „Dėl elektros ir elektroninės įrangos buvo perkelta į Lietuvos nacionalinę teisinę bazę skubotai, siekiant laikytis numatytų terminų, todėl didelė dalis nuostatų perkelta pažodžiui, atkartojant direktyvos nuostatas, bet neužtikrinant jų įgyvendinimo priemonių. Yra nuostatų, kurios visai nebuvo perkeltos ar perkeltos netiksliai; 2. Dauguma Direktyvos 2002/96/EB esminių nuostatų yra perkeltos į Atliekų tvarkymo įstatymą ir Vyriausybės nutarimais, o juose nustatyti pagrindiniai reikalavimai yra tik detalizuoti kitais poįstatyminiais teisės aktais. 3. Siekiant pasiekti 2008 m. nustatytą minimalią 4 kg EEĮ atliekų surinkimo iš privačių namų ūkių užduotį būtina 28 procentais padidinti esamą surinkimą iš privačių namų ūkių, kuris šiuo metu yra apie 3,12 kg/ gyventojui. Reikia tobulinti teisinį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) along with the complementary Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) seeks to reduce the environmental impacts of WEEE throughout all stages of the equipment’s lifecycle. The setting up of efficient collection schemes In Lithuania is necessary to ensure the achievement of the targets set in the Directive. Lithuania, as well as all others new members of EU, have not developed WEEE management systems and is developing new one in order to comply with the Directive. Lithuania have chosen to apply market based approach with multiple providers of take back services, apart from the collective single compliance scheme models being used in the countries with already existing systems. In this study the legal and operational approach of WEEE management system in Lithuania was analized. The mistakes made in transposition of the WEEE Directive was identified, as well as the problems arising out of implementation of the Directive requirements. The Directive states that each Member State should collect 4 kg of WEEE per capita – this target is not reached in Lithuania yet. In year 2006 the collection level of WEEE was 3.12 kg per capita. The recommendations were proposed to change the existing system in order to fulfill all requirements of the Directive.

Elektroninės informacijos panaudojimas civiliniame procese / Usage of Electronic Data in Civil Cases

Petkevičius, Ernestas 17 May 2005 (has links)
During last 10-20 years communication between people has changed significantly. New technologies empowered us not only to communicate faster and better, but also to create new business branches. Every day millions of digital messages and documents are sent through the global network or telecommunication systems. Everyone wants to be sure that if some disputes regarding his interest violation arise, he would be able to defend himself using electronic data or electronic documents which were made for or during the relationships with other parties. Unfortunately the litigation of these processes is not so fast as it should be. Internet as a global communication and information centre has very many problems regarding its internationality, anonymity and insecurity. The information can be accessed from everywhere and be displayed everywhere. Thus we must have the possibility to use this information in the court to prove what has happened or should have happened. Many counties and international organizations have their positions regarding the usage of electronic evidences gained from digital relationships. But still this practice is not world wide, it dose not have the unified norms which could be used despite the borders of the countries. Many countries do not have any litigation regarding usage of electronic evidences in civil cases. The main arguments for this are uncertainty of the security of electronic information, its liability, problems of identification of author... [to full text]

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