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On the superconducting critical temperature in Eliashberg theory / Om den supraledande kritiska temperaturen i Eliashberg teoriOliveberg, Max January 2021 (has links)
This thesis presents a brief synopsis of the derivations of the BCS and Eliashberg equations. An analytic formula for the critical temperature $T_c$ in Eliashberg theory is derived, which contains a sum of iterative integral corrections. These iterative integral corrections are the result of an iterative expression for the gap quotient $\Delta(\iw, T)/\Delta(0,T)$, which is derived. At the critical temperature this expression contains no reference to the critical temperature itself due to the gap approaching zero in this limit, $\lim_{T \rightarrow T_c} \Delta(\iw, T) = 0$. This enables explicit calculation of the critical temperature through the aforementioned iterative expression.\\ \\The behaviour of the iterative expression and its corrections are explored numerically with a toy spectral function $\sF$. Through these numerical experiments, this formula is found to be consistent with, though not equal to the successful McMillan formula for the coupling parameter $\lambda$ in the range $0.3 \leq \lambda \leq 1.5$. Below this value, the McMillan formula is found to approach zero critical temperature $T_c$ more rapidly, raising the future question of which of the two expressions is most successful in predicting the critical temperature $T_c$ in this range. \\ \\ For a toy spectral function with a single mode, the zeroth order correction of the iterative expression for the critical temperature $T_c$ is found to be adequate for most practical purposes due to the magnitude of measurement errors in real life measurements of model parameters. / Detta examensarbete går igenom en kort derivation av BCS och Eliashberg ekvationerna. En analytisk formel för den kritiska temperaturen $T_c$ i Eliashbergteori ges. Denna formel innehåller en summa av iterativa integraler som resulterar från ett uttryckt för energigapets kvot. Vid den kritiska temperaturen så kan man explicit lösa ut denna och på så sätt få ett analytiskt uttryck. Den uttrycket för den kritiska temperaturen utforskas numeriskt med en leksaks-spektralfunktion. Genom dessa numeriska experiment visas det hur det iterativa uttrycket sammanstämmer med McMillans formel för kopplingsparametern $0.3 < \lambda < 1.5$, även om dem ej är lika. Under detta intervall så närmar sig McMillans uttryck noll snabbare, vilket höjer frågan vilken utav dem två uttrycken som fungerar bäst i denna gräns. För en leksaks-spektralfunktion med ett läge så räcker den nollte korrektionen i det iterativa uttrycket för att få godtagbara resultat, med bakgrund av dem relativt stora mätfelen för riktiga parametrar.
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Electromagnetic properties of 2-dimensional D(x(2)-y(2)) symmetry superconductors.Arberg, Peter Neil. Carbotte,J.P. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--McMaster University (Canada), 1995. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 57-03, Section: B, page: 1866. Adviser: J. P. Carbotte.
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Augmentations and Rulings of Legendrian LinksLeverson, Caitlin June January 2016 (has links)
<p>For any Legendrian knot in R^3 with the standard contact structure, we show that the existence of an augmentation to any field of the Chekanov-Eliashberg differential graded algebra over Z[t,t^{-1}] is equivalent to the existence of a normal ruling of the front diagram, generalizing results of Fuchs, Ishkhanov, and Sabloff. We also show that any even graded augmentation must send t to -1.</p><p>We extend the definition of a normal ruling from J^1(S^1) given by Lavrov and Rutherford to a normal ruling for Legendrian links in #^k(S^1\times S^2). We then show that for Legendrian links in J^1(S^1) and #^k(S^1\times S^2), the existence of an augmentation to any field of the Chekanov-Eliashberg differential graded algebra over Z[t,t^{-1}] is equivalent to the existence of a normal ruling of the front diagram. For Legendrian knots, we also show that any even graded augmentation must send t to -1. We use the correspondence to give nonvanishing results for the symplectic homology of certain Weinstein 4-manifolds.</p> / Dissertation
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Electron-phonon Coupling in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Correlated SystemsJohnston, Steven Sinclair 07 June 2010 (has links)
Over the past 20 years a great deal of progress has been made towards understanding the physics of the high-temperature (high-Tc) cuprate superconductors. Much of the low- energy physics of these materials appears to be captured by two-dimensional Hubbard or t-J models which have provided significant insight into a number of properties such as the pseudogap, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity itself. However, intrinsically planar models are unable to account for the large variations in Tc observed across materials nor do they capture the electron-phonon (el-ph) interaction, the importance of which a number of experimental probes now indicate.
This thesis examines the el-ph interaction in cuprates using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. Starting from the microscopic mechanism for coupling to in-plane and c-axis polarized oxygen phonons, the theory of el-ph coupling is presented. The el-ph self-energy is derived in the context of Migdal-Eliashberg theory and then applied to understanding the detailed temperature and doping dependence of the renormalizations observed by Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The qualitative signatures of el- boson coupling in the density of states of a d-wave superconductor are also examined on general grounds and a model calculation is presented for el-ph coupling signatures in the density of states. Following this, the theory is extended to include the effects of screening and the consequences of this theory are explored. Due to the quasi-2D nature of the cuprates, screening is found to anomalously enhance the el-ph contribution to d-wave pairing. This result is then considered in light of the material and doping dependence of Tc and a framework for understanding the materials variations in Tc is presented. From these studies, a detailed picture of the role of the el-ph interaction in the doped cuprates emerges where the interaction, working in conjunction with a dominant pairing interaction, provides much of the materials variations in Tc observed across the cuprate families.
Turning towards numerical techniques, small cluster calculations are presented which examine the effects of a local oxygen dopant in an otherwise ideal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ crystal. Here, it is demonstrated that the dopant locally enhances electronic properties such as the antiferromagnetic exchange energy J via local el-ph coupling to planar local oxygen vibrations. Finally, in an effort to extend the scope of this work to the underdoped region of the phase diagram, an examination of the properties of the single-band Hubbard and Hubbard-Holstein model is carried out using Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo. Here focus is placed on the spectral properties of the model as well as the competition between the the antiferromagnetic and charge-density-wave orders. As with the small cluster calculations, a strong interplay between the magnetic and lattice properties is observed.
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Electron-phonon Coupling in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Correlated SystemsJohnston, Steven Sinclair 07 June 2010 (has links)
Over the past 20 years a great deal of progress has been made towards understanding the physics of the high-temperature (high-Tc) cuprate superconductors. Much of the low- energy physics of these materials appears to be captured by two-dimensional Hubbard or t-J models which have provided significant insight into a number of properties such as the pseudogap, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity itself. However, intrinsically planar models are unable to account for the large variations in Tc observed across materials nor do they capture the electron-phonon (el-ph) interaction, the importance of which a number of experimental probes now indicate.
This thesis examines the el-ph interaction in cuprates using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. Starting from the microscopic mechanism for coupling to in-plane and c-axis polarized oxygen phonons, the theory of el-ph coupling is presented. The el-ph self-energy is derived in the context of Migdal-Eliashberg theory and then applied to understanding the detailed temperature and doping dependence of the renormalizations observed by Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The qualitative signatures of el- boson coupling in the density of states of a d-wave superconductor are also examined on general grounds and a model calculation is presented for el-ph coupling signatures in the density of states. Following this, the theory is extended to include the effects of screening and the consequences of this theory are explored. Due to the quasi-2D nature of the cuprates, screening is found to anomalously enhance the el-ph contribution to d-wave pairing. This result is then considered in light of the material and doping dependence of Tc and a framework for understanding the materials variations in Tc is presented. From these studies, a detailed picture of the role of the el-ph interaction in the doped cuprates emerges where the interaction, working in conjunction with a dominant pairing interaction, provides much of the materials variations in Tc observed across the cuprate families.
Turning towards numerical techniques, small cluster calculations are presented which examine the effects of a local oxygen dopant in an otherwise ideal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ crystal. Here, it is demonstrated that the dopant locally enhances electronic properties such as the antiferromagnetic exchange energy J via local el-ph coupling to planar local oxygen vibrations. Finally, in an effort to extend the scope of this work to the underdoped region of the phase diagram, an examination of the properties of the single-band Hubbard and Hubbard-Holstein model is carried out using Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo. Here focus is placed on the spectral properties of the model as well as the competition between the the antiferromagnetic and charge-density-wave orders. As with the small cluster calculations, a strong interplay between the magnetic and lattice properties is observed.
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Reprezentace Chekanovových-Eliashbergových algeber / Reprezentace Chekanovových-Eliashbergových algeberPoppr, Marián January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, we study modern invariants of Legendrian knots on R3 with a standard contact structure. We introduce the notion of Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra (DGA) and Legendrian contact homology. Then we consider representa- tions of DGA as a way how to derive some computable invariants of Legendrian knots. Finally, we will find equivalence classes of graded 2-dimensional irreducible representations for a certain Legendrian knot. i
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Untersuchung von neuartigen Supraleitern mit Hilfe der THz-SpektroskopieFischer, Theo 27 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit werden niederfrequente optische Messungen an vier neuartigen Supraleitern vorgestellt. Im Bereich von 100 GHz bis 3 THz zeigen die vier untersuchten Systeme – LuNi2B2C, Ba(Fe0,9Co0,1)2As2, T’-Pr2CuO4 und Si:Ga – ein sehr unterschiedliches Verhalten. Die beiden erst genannten Supraleiter sind Mehrbandsupraleiter, bei denen die Cooper-Paarkopplung unterschiedlich für verschiedene Fermiflächen ist. T’-Pr2CuO4 ist ein undotierter Kupratsupraleiter, der nach bisheriger Lehrmeinung nicht existieren dürfte. Mit THz-Spektroskopie konnte erstmals die Bildung einer Meißner-Phase in T’-Pr2CuO4 mit optischen Methoden beobachtet werden. Eine gewisse Sonderstellung nimmt Si:Ga als amorpher Supraleiter ein. Si:Ga wird durch Ionenimplantation von Gallium in einen Siliziumwafer hergestellt. Es besteht die Hoffnung, mit Si:Ga halb- und supraleitende Logikblöcke in großem Maßstab auf einem Chip vereinen zu können, da die Ionenimplantation mit den Produktionsprozessen der Halbleiterindustrie kompatibel ist.
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Untersuchung von neuartigen Supraleitern mit Hilfe der THz-SpektroskopieFischer, Theo 14 December 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden niederfrequente optische Messungen an vier neuartigen Supraleitern vorgestellt. Im Bereich von 100 GHz bis 3 THz zeigen die vier untersuchten Systeme – LuNi2B2C, Ba(Fe0,9Co0,1)2As2, T’-Pr2CuO4 und Si:Ga – ein sehr unterschiedliches Verhalten. Die beiden erst genannten Supraleiter sind Mehrbandsupraleiter, bei denen die Cooper-Paarkopplung unterschiedlich für verschiedene Fermiflächen ist. T’-Pr2CuO4 ist ein undotierter Kupratsupraleiter, der nach bisheriger Lehrmeinung nicht existieren dürfte. Mit THz-Spektroskopie konnte erstmals die Bildung einer Meißner-Phase in T’-Pr2CuO4 mit optischen Methoden beobachtet werden. Eine gewisse Sonderstellung nimmt Si:Ga als amorpher Supraleiter ein. Si:Ga wird durch Ionenimplantation von Gallium in einen Siliziumwafer hergestellt. Es besteht die Hoffnung, mit Si:Ga halb- und supraleitende Logikblöcke in großem Maßstab auf einem Chip vereinen zu können, da die Ionenimplantation mit den Produktionsprozessen der Halbleiterindustrie kompatibel ist.
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Supraconductivité non conventionnelle et impuretés locales dans les semi-métaux de LuttingerGodbout, Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente les résultats sur l’étude de la supraconductivité et de la réponse à des
impuretés locales électrique et magnétiques des semi-métaux de Luttinger. Ces semi-métaux
correspondent à des matériaux tri-dimensionnels dont la relation de dispersion électronique
est caractérisée par des bandes quadratiques qui se touchent, en présence d’un fort couplage
spin-orbite caractérisé par une pseudo-spin-3/2.
Expérimentalement, certains semi-métaux de Luttinger supraconducteurs possèdent une
température critique ne pouvant être expliquée par les théories conventionnelles (BCS) se référant
principalement au mécanisme des phonons. Le volet supraconductivité de notre travail
s’intéresse à la résolution numérique de l’équation d’Eliashberg, une théorie microscopique
de la supraconductivité, avec interactions Coulombiennes écrantées comme mécanisme d’appariement
des paires de Cooper. Nos résultats concernant la température critique montrent
une dépendance linéaire avec la température de Fermi du matériau et nous constatons un
accord entre température critique expérimentale et de notre modèle pour divers semi-métaux
de Luttinger à base de bismuth, comme YPtBi, YPdBi, LuPtBi et LuPdBi.
La réponse en densité de charge et spin à des impuretés locales électriques et magnétiques
est aussi étudiée à température nulle analytiquement et à température non-nulle numériquement
et est comparée aux résultats connus du gaz d’électron libre et des semi-métaux de
Dirac. Contrairement à ces dernier, une réponse magnétique anisotropique est observée pour
les semi-métaux de Luttinger et la susceptibilité magnétique de spin résultante se trouve être
diamagnétique. Un Hamiltonien d’interaction entre deux impuretés magnétiques médié par le
mécanisme RKKY, l’interaction entre des impuretés magnétiques obtenue par l’intermédiaire
des électrons libres du matériau, est aussi présenté et discuté pour différents semi-métaux.
Cette interaction par couplage RKKY pourrait être à l’origine de phases magnétiques exotiques,
comme dans le cas du pyrochlore Pr2Ir2O7.
Nous terminons en soulignant les explorations possibles concernant nos résultats, en
ajoutant ou modifiant des termes brisant une symétrie dans l’Hamiltonien initial. / In this master thesis, I review my work on the superconductivity and on the inhomogeneities
induced by impurities in Luttinger semimetals. Luttinger semimetals are characterized by a
quadratic band-touching between electron and hole bands, at a time-reversal-invariant point
of the Brillouin zone, and that describes effectively pseudo-spin 3/2 fermions.
The superconductivity in some Luttinger semimetals can be peculiar due to the increase
of the optical dielectric constant through interband excitations. For example, in YPtBi, the
superconducting critical temperature is at odds with theoretical expectations from the BCS
theory where Cooper pairs are induced by lattice vibrations, the phonons. We thus explore
another mechanism of superconductivity, through the microscopic theory of Eliashberg that
we solve numerically and where Cooper pairs are induced by the screened Coulomb interaction.
In particular we compute the critical temperature and show that it scales linearly with
the Fermi temperature of electrons, and compare our results to experimental observations.
The multiple bands in Luttinger semimetals also affect the inhomogeneities in charge
and in spin due to a charged or a magnetic impurity. We mainly study this phenomenon at
zero temperature through analytical calculations and explore the influence of temperature
numerically. We compare our results with inhomogeneities in a normal and in a Dirac electron
gas. In particular, our results indicate that Luttinger semimetals tend to be diamagnetic on
the contrary to normal and Dirac electron gases. We also derive the effective Hamiltonian of
two magnetic impurities, where their mutual interaction is mediated by conduction electrons,
also known as the RKKY mechanism. This interaction by RKKY coupling could be at the
origin of exotic magnetic phases, as in the case of the pyrochlore Pr2Ir2O7.
We finish by highlighting possible explorations of our results, by adding or modifying
terms in the initial Hamiltonian.
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