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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Minor-closed classes of graphs: Isometric embeddings, cut dominants and ball packings

Muller, Carole 09 September 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Une classe de graphes est close par mineurs si, pour tout graphe dans la classe et tout mineur de ce graphe, le mineur est ́egalement dans la classe. Par un fameux th ́eor`eme de Robertson et Seymour, nous savons que car- act ́eriser une telle classe peut ˆetre fait `a l’aide d’un nombre fini de mineurs exclus minimaux. Ceux-ci sont des graphes qui n’appartiennent pas `a la classe et qui sont minimaux dans le sens des mineurs pour cette propri ́et ́e.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions trois problèmes à propos de classes de graphes closes par mineurs. Les deux premiers sont reliés à la caractérisation de certaines classes de graphes, alors que le troisième étudie une relation de “packing-covering” dans des graphes excluant un mineur.Pour le premier problème, nous étudions des plongements isométriques de graphes dont les arêtes sont pondérées dans des espaces métriques. Principalement, nous nous intêressons aux espaces ell_2 et ell_∞. E ́tant donné un graphe pondéré, un plongement isométrique associe à chaque sommet du graphe un vecteur dans l’autre espace de sorte que pour chaque arête du graphe le poids de celle-ci est égal à la distance entre les vecteurs correspondant à ses sommets. Nous disons qu’une fonction de poids sur les arêtes est une fonction de distances réalisable s’il existe un tel plongement. Le paramètre f_p(G) détermine la dimension k minimale d’un espace ell_p telle que toute fonction de distances réalisable de G peut être plongée dans ell_p^k. Ce paramètre est monotone dans le sens des mineurs. Nous caractérisons les graphes tels que f_p(G) a une grande valeur en termes de mineurs inévitables pour p = 2 et p = ∞. Une famille de graphes donne des mineurs inévitables pour un invariant monotone pour les mineurs, si ces graphes “expliquent” pourquoi l’invariant est grand.Le deuxième problème étudie les mineurs exclus minimaux pour la classe de graphes avec φ(G) borné par une constante k, où φ(G) est un paramètre lié au dominant des coupes d’un graphe G. Ce polyèdre contient tous les points qui, composante par composante, sont plus grands ou égaux à une combination convexe des vecteurs d’incidence de coupes dans G. Le paramètre φ(G) est égal au membre de droite maximum d’une description linéaire du dominant des coupes de G en forme entière minimale. Nous étudions les mineurs exclus minimaux pour la propriété φ(G) <= 4 et montrons une nouvelle borne sur φ(G) en termes du “vertex cover number”.Le dernier problème est d’un autre type. Nous étudions une relation de “packing-covering” dans les classes de graphes excluant un mineur. Étant donné un graphe G, une boule de centre v et de rayon r est l’ensemble de tous les sommets de G qui sont à distance au plus r de v. Pour un graphe G et une collection de boules donnés nous pouvons définir un hypergraphe H dont les sommets sont ceux de G et les arêtes correspondent aux boules de la collection. Il est bien connu que dans l’hypergraphe H, le “transversal number” τ(H) vaut au moins le “packing number” ν(H). Nous montrons une borne supérieure sur ν(H) qui est linéaire en τ(H), résolvant ainsi un problème ouvert de Chepoi, Estellon et Vaxès. / A class of graphs is closed under taking minors if for each graph in the class and each minor of this graph, the minor is also in the class. By a famous result of Robertson and Seymour, we know that characterizing such a class can be done by identifying a finite set of minimal excluded minors, that is, graphs which do not belong to the class and are minor-minimal for this property.In this thesis, we study three problems in minor-closed classes of graphs. The first two are related to the characterization of some graph classes, while the third one studies a packing-covering relation for graphs excluding a minor.In the first problem, we study isometric embeddings of edge-weighted graphs into metric spaces. In particular, we consider ell_2- and ell_∞-spaces. Given a weighted graph, an isometric embedding maps the vertices of this graph to vectors such that for each edge of the graph the weight of the edge equals the distance between the vectors representing its ends. We say that a weight function on the edges of the graph is a realizable distance function if such an embedding exists. The minor-monotone parameter f_p(G) determines the minimum dimension k of an ell_p-space such that any realizable distance function of G is realizable in ell_p^k. We characterize graphs with large f_p(G) value in terms of unavoidable minors for p = 2 and p = ∞. Roughly speaking, a family of graphs gives unavoidable minors for a minor-monotone parameter if these graphs “explain” why the parameter is high.The second problem studies the minimal excluded minors of the class of graphs such that φ(G) is bounded by some constant k, where φ(G) is a parameter related to the cut dominant of a graph G. This unbounded polyhedron contains all points that are componentwise larger than or equal to a convex combination of incidence vectors of cuts in G. The parameter φ(G) is equal to the maximum right-hand side of a facet-defining inequality of the cut dominant of G in minimum integer form. We study minimal excluded graphs for the property φ(G) <= 4 and provide also a new bound of φ(G) in terms of the vertex cover number.The last problem has a different flavor as it studies a packing-covering relation in classes of graphs excluding a minor. Given a graph G, a ball of center v and radius r is the set of all vertices in G that are at distance at most r from v. Given a graph and a collection of balls, we can define a hypergraph H such that its vertices are the vertices of G and its edges correspond to the balls in the collection. It is well-known that, in the hypergraph H, the transversal number τ(H) is at least the packing number ν(H). We show that we can bound τ(H) from above by a linear function of ν(H) for every graphs G and ball collections H if the graph G excludes a minor, solving an open problem by Chepoi, Estellon et Vaxès. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Construction and Visualization of Semantic Spaces for Domain-Specific Text Corpora

Choudhary, Rishabh R. 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Study on the Difference of Collagen Fibre Structure Caused by Epoxy Resin Embedding

Lu, Jianmei, Hua, Yuai, Zhang, Huayong, Cheng, Jinyong, Xu, Jing, Li, Tianduo 26 June 2019 (has links)
Content: The research on Collagen that possesses unique fibre structure are reported frequently. In this paper, the cross image of leather fibre of dried wet blue cowhide embedded with and without epoxy resin were investigated with micro computed topography(MCT). The images obtained by MCT of leather fibre are original status without any damage, while the embedded leather can emerge distortion because the fibre was fixed during the solidifying and immersing of the resin. In this research, 2357 images of leather fibre were investigated on wet blue leather(original fibre) and the same piece of leather embedded by epoxy resin(embedded fibre). The area ratio of the sections from the original fibre and the embedded fibre was examined for each image. The statistic results showed that the mode of area ratio of the original fibre section to the entire fibre section is 75%, and the mode of area ratio of the embedded fibre section to the embedded fibre entire section is only 48%. The mode of the area ratio of the original fibre is obviously higher than the mode of the area ratio of the embedded fibre, that is diverse with the anticipation of fibre swelling caused by resin. The reason might be the expansion of interval space among the fibre filled with epoxy resin, otherwise the conglutination of fibre caused by the evaporation of solvent(acetone used in embedding) in the course of the resion solidifying. Likewise, it can be the adhesion of the tiny fibre with the larger fibre that will diminish the area caculated. The factors will be studied further on embedding to achieve a method with minimum deformation on cross image of fibre. Take-Away: The area ratio of cross section on embedded fibre shrunk comparing with the original fibre, that is out of anticipation of the probable swelling created by resin.

Recommending Collaborations Using Link Prediction

Chennupati, Nikhil 27 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.


Yufang Sun (11243730) 01 September 2021 (has links)
<p>Embedding information into a printed image is useful in many aspects, in which reliable channel encoding/decoding systems are crucial due to the information loss and error propagation during transmission. So how to improve the transmission accuracy and control the decoding error rate under a predictable level is always crucial to the channel design.</p><p>The current dissertation aims to discuss the design and performance of a two-dimensional coding method for printed materials – Circular Coding. It is a general two-dimensional coding method that allows data recovery with only a cropped portion of the code, and without the knowledge of the carrier image. While some traditional methods add redundancy bits to extend the length of the original massage length, this method embeds the message into image rows in a repeated and shifted manner with redundancy, then uses the majority votes of the redundant bits for recovery.</p><p>We introduce the encoding and decoding system and investigate the performance of the method for noisy and distorted images. For a given required decoding rate, we model the transmission error and compute the minimum requirement for the number of bit repeats.</p><p>Also, we develop a closed form solution to find the the corresponding cropped-window size that will be used for the encoding and decoding system design.</p><p>Finally, we develop a closed-form formula to predict its decoding success rate in a noisy channel under various transmission noise levels, using probabilistic modeling. The theoretical result is validated with simulations. This result enables the optimal parameter selection in the encoder and decoder system design, and decoding rate prediction with different levels of transmission error.</p><p>We also briefly discuss two other projects: development of print quality troubleshooting tools and text line detection in scanned pages.</p>

Sentiment analysis of movie reviews in Chinese

Zhang, Jun January 2020 (has links)
Sentiment analysis aims at figuring out the opinions of the users towards a certain service or product. In this research, the aim is at classifying the sentiments of users based on the comments they have posed on Douban movie website. In this thesis, I try two different ways to classify the sentiments: with the first one classifying comments into five classes of ratings from 1 to 5, and with the second one classifying comments into three classes of ratings: negative, neutral and positive. For the latter, the ratings of 1 and 2 are grouped as negative, the ratings of 3 neutral and the ratings of 4 and 5 positive. First, Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is used as the feature extraction technique for machine learning algorithms. Chi Square and Mutual Information are used for feature selection. The selected features are fed into different machine learning methods: Logistic Regression, Linear SVC, SGD classifier and Multinomial Naive Bayes. The performance of models with feature selection will be compared with the performance of models without feature selection for 5-class classification as well as 3-class classification. Also, fastText and Skip-Gram are used as embedding methods for deep learning algorithms LSTM and BILSTM. FastText will also be used for both embedding as well as being a classifier. The aim is to compare different machine learning and deep learning algorithms using different vectorization methods to see which model performs the best regarding both 5-class and 3-class classification. The two classification strategies will be compared with each other in terms of error analysis. The aim is to figure out the similarities and differences of misclassifications made by two different classification strategies.

Development of an Efficient Methodology for Modeling Parasitic Effects within a Broadband Test Circuit / Développement d'une méthodologie efficace pour la modélisation des effets parasitaires dans un circuit de test large bande

Hamze, Kassem 06 November 2018 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse traitent de l'élaboration d'une méthodologie efficace pour la modélisation des effets parasites dans une carte en large bande de fréquence. La réduction du «Time to Market» pour la conception des produits RF et hyperfréquences nécessite le développement d'une méthode efficace de caractérisation et de modélisation pour mieux prendre en compte les erreurs incluses dans la carte de test.Les principaux résultats concernent les contributions suivantes :- Mise au point des standards de calibrage innovateur pour caractériser et modéliser les effets parasites inhérent au modèle.- Élaboration d'une nouvelle approche basée sur une technique de calibrage TRL et une méthode d’élimination efficace de ces effets.- Application aux dispositifs différentiels lors de l'utilisation du calibrage TRL dans le cas de plusieurs ports.La nouvelle approche proposée pour le calibrage et le de-embedding est appliquée à un dispositif actif qui est actuellement utilisé dans l'industrie. Les résultats de mesure d’un dispositif inclus dans une carte de test ont été comparés à des mesures calibrées à l’aide d’une carte d’évaluation comportant des standards TRL.Cette étude a été prolongée avec le calibrage TRL multi-port pour être utilisé pour la bande large des dispositifs comme les dispositifs différentiels. / The work of this thesis deals with the developing of an efficient methodology for modeling parasitic effects within a broadband board. Reducing “Time to Market” for the design of RF and microwave products necessitates the development of an efficient characterization and modeling methodologies for better calibrating the errors embedded within the test board.Main results concern the following contributions:- Development of an innovative calibration standards to characterize and model the parasitic effects embedded within the model.- Elaboration of a new approach based on a TRL calibration technique and de-embedding method effective to de-embed these effects.- Application on differential devices upon using multi-port TRL calibration.The new proposed approach for calibration and de-embedding is applied to an active device which is being in use in industry nowadays. The measurement result of the device within a load board has been compared to a calibrated measurement using an evaluation board that include TRL standards.This study has been extended with multi-port TRL calibration to be used for large variety of devices like the differential ones.

Váhové prostory funkcí invariantní vůči přerovnání a jejich základní vlastnosti / Weighted rearrangement-invariant spaces and their basic properties

Soudský, Filip January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we shall provide the reader with results in the field of classical Lorentz spaces. These spaces have been studied since the 50's and have many applications in partial differential equations and interpolation theory. This work includes five papers. First paper studies the properties of Generalized Gamma spaces. Second paper provides an alternative proof of normability characterization of classical Lorentz spaces. The third paper discus conditions of linearity and quasi-norm property of rearrangement-invariant lattices. The following paper gives a characterization of normability of Gamma spaces. And finally the last paper characterizes the embeddings between Generalized Gamma spaces. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Will Svenska Akademiens Ordlista Improve Swedish Word Embeddings?

Ahlberg, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
Unsupervised word embedding methods are frequently used for natural language processing applications. However, the unsupervised methods overlook known lexical relations that can be of value to capture accurate semantic word relations. This thesis aims to explore if Swedish word embeddings can benefit from prior known linguistic information. Four knowledge graphs extracted from Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) are incorporated during the training process using the Probabilistic Word Embeddings with Laplacian Priors (PELP) model. The four implemented PELP models are compared with baseline results to evaluate the use of side information. The results suggest that various lexical relations in SAOL are of interest to generate more accurate Swedish word embeddings.

A Framework for the Discovery and Tracking of Ideas in Longitudinal Text Corpora

Mei, Mei 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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