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Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijų mokytojų, patiriančių skirtingą streso lygį, emocinio išsekimo, socialinės frustracijos bei emocinio atsparumo palyginimas / Comparison of Kaunas and Punskas gymnasium teachers, affected by different kinds of stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and emotional hardinessBludzis, Arunas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: stresas, socialinė frustracija, emocinis išsekimas, emocinis atsparumas mokytojų darbe.
Tyrimo problema.
Daugelis mokslinių tyrinėjimų patikimai identifikuoja specifinius mokymo proceso stresorius ir jų neigiamą poveikį mokytojų sveikatai bei gerovei. Mokytojo darbe svarbu tai, kad dėl socialinės frustracijos keičiasi psichinį stresą išgyvenančio žmogaus elgesys, atsiranda nesąmoningos reakcijos į stresorių (nesąmoningi psichologinės gynybos mechanizmai, dirbtini autoriteto palaikymo būdai ar streso „kaukės“). Mokslinių tyrimų apžvalga leid��ia teigti, kad sąmoningi streso įveikimo būdai turi būti siejami su patiriamo streso atpažinimu – tai leidžia kontroliuoti stresinių įvykių poveikį ir ugdyti atsparumą stresui. Atsparumą stresui darbe didina žmogaus pasitenkinimas darbu, taip pat pakankamas savigarbos lygis. Mokslinėje literatūroje nėra pateikiama kompleksinių tyrimų, susijusių su stresu mokytojų darbe.
Šio tyrimo pagalba buvo siekiama mokytojų patiriamo streso lygį analizuoti sąryšyje su socialine frustracija, emociniu išsekimu, taip pat įvertinti tiriamųjų emocinio atsparumo lygį.
Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti ir įvertinti Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijose dirbančių mokytojų patiriama stresą, socialinę frustraciją, emocinį išsekimą bei emocinį atsparumą.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Įvertinti Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijose dirbančių mokytojų patiriamo streso lygį, socialinę frustraciją, emocinį išsekimą bei emocinį atsparumą.
2. Palyginti Kauno ir Punsko mokytojų patiriamo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work’s subject: stress, social frustration, emotional exhaustion, emotional hardiness in teachers’ work.
So far there is no nonfiction literature which would present complex research concerning stress at teachers work. Numerous researches helped to explore only the level of stress but not stress itself. While doing this research I was trying to explain what are the reasons of experienced stress levels and what kind of consequences cause it.
A lot of scientific researches credibly identify specific teaching process of stressor and there’s negative affection on teachers health and welfare. Psychical process of stress develops syndrome of emotional exhaustion theory. In teachers’ work important is that emotional frustration changes psychical stress at affected person and unmeant reaction to stressor. Deliberate options of overcoming stress concerns with identification of it, which let us to control stressful events effect and training hardiness of stress. On the way of changing people’s behavior reaction to stress in interpersonal relations it is important to form their self-respect. Hardiness of stress at work higher person’s pleasure of his/her job.
Purpose of the research – to examine and evaluate teachers of Kaunas and Punskas gymnasiums affected by stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and emotional hardiness.
1. Evaluation of teachers working in Kaunas and Punskas gymnasiums affected by different levels of stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and... [to full text]
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Investigating Childhood Emotional Maltreatment, Adult Attachment, and Mindfulness as Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms and Emotional ProcessingEnglish, Lianne 13 September 2012 (has links)
Childhood emotional maltreatment is associated with damaging consequences, although relatively little is known about the mechanisms underlying its effects. This dissertation investigated the concurrent influences of adult attachment and mindfulness on internalizing symptoms and emotional processing in young adults with and without a history of emotional maltreatment. Study 1 revealed that a sequential mediation model, with adult attachment orientations as first-step mediators and mindfulness as a second-step mediator, fit the data better than a simultaneous mediation model. In addition, moderation analyses revealed that high self-reported levels of mindfulness protected against the development of internalizing symptoms, even in at-risk individuals. Study 2 replicated these findings in a new sample, while also extending the results beyond a self-report outcome, using behavioural measures of emotional processing. Emotional maltreatment, adult attachment, and mindfulness predicted the amount of perceptual information required to correctly identify fearful faces and the amount of interference demonstrated in response to positive and negative emotional words. Cumulatively, these findings suggest that childhood emotional maltreatment can disrupt attachment relationships and encumber the development of mindfulness, contributing to internalizing symptoms and the biased processing of emotional information. However, alternative outcomes are possible, given the presence of high levels of mindfulness and secure attachment representations. This has implications for clarifying developmental theories and evaluating clinical interventions that may mitigate the negative effects of childhood emotional maltreatment.
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Emocinės leksikos vartojimas grožinėje prozoje (lyginamoji analizė) / The use of emotional vocabulary in prose fiction (comparative analysis)Domeikienė, Monika 20 November 2012 (has links)
Žodžiai, kurie perteikia ne tik sąvoką, bet ir žadina vienokius ar kitokius jausmus, nuotaiką – gėrėjimąsi, pritarimą, gailestį, piktinimąsi ir kita, vadinami emocine leksika. Daugiausia remiamasi teoriniais bei tiriamaisiais šių kalbininkų darbais: J. Macienės (2005); A. Paulauskienės (1994), A. Gudavičiaus (2000; 2007), Jakaitienės (1980; 2010), Pikčilingio (2010) ir kt. Šio darbo objektas yra dviejų šiuolaikinių romanų: Lauros Sintijos Černiauskaitės „Kvėpavimas į marmurą“ (2010) ir Romualdo Granausko „Kenotafas“ (Vilnius, 2005), emocinė leksika. Ją sudaro daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių deminutyvai (jų semantika bei daryba) ir emocijų įvardijamoji leksika. Viena darbo dalis skirta teoriniams nuostatoms išnagrinėti, kita dalis – tiriamoji. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kuo panaši ir kuo skiriasi šių dviejų prozininkų romanų emocinė leksika. Dėmesys skiriamas išnagrinėti šių romanų deminutyvų semantines grupes, jų vartojimą bei darybą ir emocijų įvardijamąją leksiką, kuri smulkiau skirstyta į vertinamąją ir nevertinamąją leksiką. Šio darbo pagrindiniai uždaviniai yra surinkti ir išanalizuoti abiejų romanų daiktavardžių bei būdvardžių deminutyvus, išnagrinėti jų darybą, reikšmę, vartojimą; aptarti ir palyginti abiejų romanų daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių deminutyvų semantines grupes; išanalizuoti ir palyginti emocijų įvardijamosios leksikos žodžius; apibendrinti rastų daiktavardžių ir būdvardžių demintutyvų bei emocijų įvardijamosios leksikos vartosenos ypatumus. / Words that convey not only the concept, but also evoke some feelings and mood – delight, support, compassion, angriness and other are called emotional vocabulary. The object of this work is the emotional vocabulary of two modern novels: „Breathing into Marble“(2010) by Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė and „Cenotaph“(2005) by Romualdas Granauskas. It consists of diminutives of nouns and adjectives (their semantics and composition) and emotional identification vocabulary. One part of this work is devoted to analyze theoretical aspects and the other part is exploratory: J. Macienės (2005); A. Paulauskienės (1994), A. Gudavičiaus (2000; 2007), Jakaitienės (1980; 2010), Pikčilingio (2010) ir kt. The purpose of this work is to find out emotional vocabulary similarities and differences between these two prose writers‘novels. The attention is paid to analyze semantic groups of these two novels‘diminutives, usage of them and emotional identification vocabulary that is further divided to evaluative and non evaluative vocabulary. The main targets of this work are to collect and analyze the formation, meaning, usage of diminutives of both novels‘nouns and adjectives and to compare them; to discuss and compare the diminutives‘semantic groups of both novels‘nouns and adjectives; to analyze and compare emotional identification vocabulary words; to summarize usage peculiarities of founded nouns‘ and adjectives‘ diminutives and emotional identification vocabulary.
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The relationship between emotional intelligence and burnout of Police Constable Officers of the SAPS in the Western Cape.Dette, Edwina Judith. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between the emotional intelligence and burnout levels of police constables of the South African Police Service<br />
(SAPS) in the Western Cape. The field work of constables includes situations in which police officers need to make quick decisions involving life and death.</p>
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Reactions and Responses to the Diagnosis of a Progressive Hearing Loss in AdultsLight, Katrina Jane January 2009 (has links)
Being given the diagnosis of a disability generally affects an individual's emotional state, however, this has not previously been investigated with respect to audiology and the diagnosis of hearing loss. The first aim of this study was to describe some of the common initial reactions to the diagnosis of hearing loss (HL). An awareness of these emotional reactions will aid audiologists in counselling their patients. Counselling occurs at the time of the diagnosis and throughout the aural rehabilitation process. However, counselling tuition is currently not provided for audiology students at New Zealand universities and there are few professional development courses for practicing audiologists. The second aim of this study was to evaluate current audiological counselling services and ascertain the impact on patients' decisions to get hearing aids (HAs). To accomplish these aims, 27 adults who had been newly-diagnosed with a HL completed an initial reaction questionnaire, partook in an interview which followed up on the questionnaire, and subsequently completed a second questionnaire at least three weeks later. There were two versions of the second questionnaire, depending on whether they had chosen to have HA(s) fitted. The results found that the common emotions reported were a sense of loss, sadness and resignation, as well as relief. Furthermore, an individual's level of optimism tended to decrease in response to the hearing test result. The ratings of the audiological counselling services were positive and seemed not to significantly influence the individual with respect to their decision to purchase HAs. The two areas of audiological counselling which could be improved related to how the audiologist explained the HL, particularly in relation to the individual's life, and also the provision of information to patients prior to the fitting of the HA. In addition to the data that was collected in relation to these aims, information was collected with respect to patients' perceptions of their HL prior to the hearing test, their interpretation of the hearing test results, and also how the patient's significant other responded to the diagnosis. The information from this study will be useful for equipping audiologists, both new graduates and those with more experience, to provide optimal audiological care for their patients.
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Om drömmar, hallucinationer och emotioner: Samvarierar emotionellt tillstånd dagtid med upplevelser nattetid? / About dreams, hallucinations and emotions: Do daytime emotions covary with nighttime experiences?Almcrantz, Caroline, Norrsjö, Josefine January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Dėmesio mirksėjimo efektas: individualūs skirtumai / Attentional blink: individual differencesGulbinaitė, Rasa 23 June 2014 (has links)
Dėmesio mirksėjimo efektas – tai plačiai žinomas reiškinys dėmesio tyrimuose. Jis atspindi dėmesingo informacijos apdorojimo ribas, kadangi greitai (10 stimulų per sekundę dažniu) toje pačioje regos lauko vietoje pateikus stimulų seką dažniausiai žmonės nepastebi ir/ arba neatsimena antrojo reikšminio stimulo. Tai įvyksta tuo atveju, kai šis pasirodo 200-500 ms intervale nuo pirmojo reikšminio stimulo pateikimo. Neseniai Martens ir kolegos (2006) nustatė, jog kai kuriems žmonėms dėmesio mirksėjimo efektas nepasireiškia, jie buvo pavadinti „nemirksinčiais“. Manoma, kad individualius skirtumus lemia nevienodai efektyvus gebėjimas iš nereikšmingos informacijos srauto išsirinkti reikšmingą. Šiame darbe siekta patikrinti, ar individuali darbinės atminties talpa, tiriamojo emocinė būsena ir tiriamojo asmenybės bruožai turi įtakos dėmesio efekto išreikštumui. Naudojant parametrizuotą dėmesio mirksėjimo efekto analizės būdą, nustatyta, kad didesnė darbinės atminties talpa sąlygoja mažesnį dėmesio mirksėjimo efektą. Šie rezultatai patvirtina nuomonę, kad dėmesio mirksėjimo efektas yra darbinės atminties talpos ribotumo pasekmė. Taip pat nustatyta, kad tiriamojo emocinio sužadinamumo būsena yra susijusi su dėmesio mirksėjimo efekto stiprumu, o asmenybės bruožai – su trukme. / The attentional blink is a well-known phenomenon in the study of attention. It reflects the impaired ability to identify the second of two targets presented in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of events if it appears between 200 and 500 ms after the first target. Recently Martens et al. (2006) reported that about 5% of the population (referred to as “non-blinkers”) shows little or no attentional blink under conditions in which most people (“blinkers”) do show. It is proposed that aforementioned differences are determined by individual differences in efficiency of ignoring irrelevant information. Thus, the aims of this master’s thesis were to investigate the impact of working memory capacity, emotional state and personality traits on attentional blink effect. Using parameterized attentional blink analysis method, based on curve fitting, the negative correlation between the size of attentional blink and working memory capacity was revealed. These findings support the idea that individual processing limitations and working memory play a key role in attentional blink. Also it was demonstrated that emotional arousal has impact on the strength of attentional blink and personality traits have effect on the span of attentional blink.
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Confirming the factor structure of the 41-item version of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale / Salemon Marais BesterBester, Salemon Marais January 2012 (has links)
The research on Emotional Intelligence (EI) has advanced considerably over the past 20 years
because of the construct’s scientific and practical relevance. However, in South Africa, a
measurement instrument of EI that is valid, reliable, standardised, has a consistent factor
structure, in a homogeneous working sample and that can be utilised for research and practical
purposes is still elusive. EI plays a fundamental role in the quality of service rendered by nurses
(Murphy & Janeke, 2009). According to Ogillska-Bulik (2005) the ability to manage one’s own
emotions, while having the ability to identify others' emotions, is very important in the nursing
environment. The Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) has been found as a reliable brief
scale for measuring trait EI (Schutte & Malouff, 1998). However, there are different results
regarding the factor structure of the S.
The first objective of this research study was to conceptualise EI and the factor structure of the
SEIS through a literature review. Salovey and Mayer (1990) define EI as a mental ability
pertaining to the relationship between emotion and cognition. Other researchers’ definition of EI
states that EI is the ability to be conscious of one’s emotions, to evaluate and develop one’s
emotions to assist thinking, to comprehend emotions and emotional information, and to manage
emotions to sustain emotional and intellectual development in oneself (Bar-On, 2000; Goleman,
1998; Salovey & Mayer 1997). Murphy and Janeke (2009) state it is important that reliable and
valid measures of EI must be used in the workplace. Numerous research has been done on the
most appropriate, valid and reliable approach for the measurement of EI (Petrides & Furnham,
2000; Van Rooy & Viswesvaran, 2005). The SEIS is the leading brief scale for measuring EI
(Petrides & Furnham, 2000). However, there are problems with its factor structures. To
summarise: a) Schutte et al. (1998) report a unifactorial structure for the SEIS,
b) Austin, Saklofske, Huang, and McKenny (2004) report a three-factor structure.
c) Petrides and Furnham (2000); Ciarrochi, Chan, and Bajar (2001); Ciarrochi, Chan,
Caputi, and Roberts (2001) and Saklofske, Austin, and Minski (2003) report a four-factor
d) Jonker and Vosloo (2009) reported a six-factor structure.
The second objective of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the 41-item version
of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale within a South African nursing environment by
means of a confirmatory factor analysis. A quantitative research design was used in this study. A
cross-sectional survey design was used for this study. An availability non-probability sample
(N = 290) was taken from hospitals in the Gauteng and North-West Provinces of South Africa.
The Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale was applied as measuring scale. An exploratory factor
analysis (principal component analysis) was performed on the data. The data did not fit a unifactor,
two-factor or three-factor model based on the model of Austin, Saklofske, Huang, and
McKenney (2004). The data fitted the original model of Emotional Intelligence of Mayer and
Salovey (1990), best explaining 58.52% of the variance. The results supported a five-factor
structure of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale. The five factors were named: Emotion
Utilisation; Emotion Management; Emotion Awareness; Emotion Perceiving and Emotion
Recommendations were made for future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Confirming the factor structure of the 41-item version of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale / Salemon Marais BesterBester, Salemon Marais January 2012 (has links)
The research on Emotional Intelligence (EI) has advanced considerably over the past 20 years
because of the construct’s scientific and practical relevance. However, in South Africa, a
measurement instrument of EI that is valid, reliable, standardised, has a consistent factor
structure, in a homogeneous working sample and that can be utilised for research and practical
purposes is still elusive. EI plays a fundamental role in the quality of service rendered by nurses
(Murphy & Janeke, 2009). According to Ogillska-Bulik (2005) the ability to manage one’s own
emotions, while having the ability to identify others' emotions, is very important in the nursing
environment. The Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) has been found as a reliable brief
scale for measuring trait EI (Schutte & Malouff, 1998). However, there are different results
regarding the factor structure of the S.
The first objective of this research study was to conceptualise EI and the factor structure of the
SEIS through a literature review. Salovey and Mayer (1990) define EI as a mental ability
pertaining to the relationship between emotion and cognition. Other researchers’ definition of EI
states that EI is the ability to be conscious of one’s emotions, to evaluate and develop one’s
emotions to assist thinking, to comprehend emotions and emotional information, and to manage
emotions to sustain emotional and intellectual development in oneself (Bar-On, 2000; Goleman,
1998; Salovey & Mayer 1997). Murphy and Janeke (2009) state it is important that reliable and
valid measures of EI must be used in the workplace. Numerous research has been done on the
most appropriate, valid and reliable approach for the measurement of EI (Petrides & Furnham,
2000; Van Rooy & Viswesvaran, 2005). The SEIS is the leading brief scale for measuring EI
(Petrides & Furnham, 2000). However, there are problems with its factor structures. To
summarise: a) Schutte et al. (1998) report a unifactorial structure for the SEIS,
b) Austin, Saklofske, Huang, and McKenny (2004) report a three-factor structure.
c) Petrides and Furnham (2000); Ciarrochi, Chan, and Bajar (2001); Ciarrochi, Chan,
Caputi, and Roberts (2001) and Saklofske, Austin, and Minski (2003) report a four-factor
d) Jonker and Vosloo (2009) reported a six-factor structure.
The second objective of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the 41-item version
of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale within a South African nursing environment by
means of a confirmatory factor analysis. A quantitative research design was used in this study. A
cross-sectional survey design was used for this study. An availability non-probability sample
(N = 290) was taken from hospitals in the Gauteng and North-West Provinces of South Africa.
The Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale was applied as measuring scale. An exploratory factor
analysis (principal component analysis) was performed on the data. The data did not fit a unifactor,
two-factor or three-factor model based on the model of Austin, Saklofske, Huang, and
McKenney (2004). The data fitted the original model of Emotional Intelligence of Mayer and
Salovey (1990), best explaining 58.52% of the variance. The results supported a five-factor
structure of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale. The five factors were named: Emotion
Utilisation; Emotion Management; Emotion Awareness; Emotion Perceiving and Emotion
Recommendations were made for future research. / Thesis (MCom (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Die bevordering van sosiaal-emosionele ontwikkeling by die graad 1-leerder deur middel van 'n musiekondersteuningsprogram / Linda-Mari ViljoenViljoen, Linda-Mari January 2007 (has links)
This research is about the enhancement of the Grade 1 learner's social and
emotional development through a music support programme. The aim of this
research was to determine how a music support programme could enhance the
social and emotional development of Grade 1 learners through a music support
programme. To achieve this goal, data were gathered through a literature study and
empirical study. The empirical study was performed by way of semi constructed
interviews with the Grade 1 learners' teacher to assemble the empirical data. The
results indicated that the Grade 1 learners manifested social and emotional
difficulties and that the music support programme was effective for those learners'
social and emotional development. Recommendations from the study include: • schools should consider a music support programme on a permanent basis. • The community must be introduced to the music support programme because the concept is still unknown. • To help children with social-emotional behavioural problems, schools can raise a fund that will help these learners to develop through a music support programme. • Schools and/or a music support presenter can give parental guidance and can set up a programme for parents. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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