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Emocinė prekės ženklo dimensija elektroninėje erdvėje / Emotional branding dimension in the electronic environmentJankauskaitė, Laura 26 June 2014 (has links)
Aktualumas. Didėjant konkurencijos lygiui, informacijos srautui bei pirkėjų išrankumui, parduodančios produktą įmonės privalo taikyti įvairias rėmimo priemones, rasti naujų būdų, kaip efektyviai komunikuoti su klientais. Įmonės stengiasi įsitvirtinti vartotojo sąmonėje taip, kad produkto substitutai būtų tiesiog ignoruojami. Esant dabartinėms rinkos sąlygoms, daugumos prekių pasiūla viršija paklausą. Gamintojai siekdami parduoti pagamintą prekę ar teikiamą paslaugą, turi kovoti už kiekvieno pirkėjo pasirinkimą, įtikinti jį įsigyti produktą. Vartotojui atskirti produktus padeda prekių ženklai. Jie sukuria pridėtinę vertę produktui. Stiprus prekės ženklas turi stiprų emocinį ryšį su vartotoju. Šiame darbe bus nagrinėjama, kuo turi pasižymėti komunikacija su klientu, jog ji efektyviai veiktų jo emocijas. Problemos ištyrimo lygis. Emocinė prekės ženklo dimensija marketinge tiriama dar tik kelerius metus. Emocinė prekės ženklo dimensija elektroninėje erdvėje yra dar mažai ištirta sritis, tačiau sparčiai tobulėjanti kartu su elektroniniais prekių ženklais elektroninėje erdvėje. Darbo nagrinėjama problema. Esama nemažai literatūros, apie emocinį prekės ženklą. Taip pat yra rašoma apie elektroninį prekės ženklą. Tačiau literatūros apjungiančios šias dvi marketingo sritis rasti nepavyko. Elektroninė rinka turi labai didelį potencialą ir yra nuolat auganti, todėl yra reikalinga suprasti, kaip turi būti kuriama emociškai stipri prekės ženklo komunikacija elektroninėje erdvėje. Darbą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today‘s market is saturated and there is so much information about various products, that consumers do not react to it anymore. One of the way to reach and at the same time to affect consumer‘s mind is emotional branding. This field of marketing exists just for a few years, but now it is used by almost all well known brands. Internet is getting in to every field of life, commerce is one of them. There are some information about marketing on the internet, and some information about e-brands. Emotional branding on the internet is a new topic and there is not much information about it. This is the reason, why it was decided to choose „Emotional Branding Dimension in Electronic environment“ as a topic. Object of this work - Emotional branding dimension Goal of this work is to find out, how company could use emotional branding dimension in electronic environment to communicate with her customers. Theoretical model was created. To prove this model‘s validity there was created e-brand, e-shop, and blog. To improve this e-brand ware used other methods of research: 3 experiments, 2 surreys, 2 content analysis, 1 interview with experts. At the end of this paper theoretical model was improved. During research it was understood, that intercourse between company and consumer are not just a part of theoretical model, they exist in every part of it, where consumer gets and use information. Through emotional dimension company is affected by communication with consumers and finally by... [to full text]
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Vikten av att knyta emotionella band till konsumenter genom upplevelsebaserad marknadsföring i butik : Med sinnesmarknadsföring som ett verktygBlomberg, Karin, Reppen, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur man skapar en varumärkesstrategi som fungerar från affärsidé ner till köpsituation. Vad görs idag för att uppnå en ideal upplevelse i butik och vad är gängse synsätt på hur kommunikationen ska utformas i denna kanal? Vidare är syftet att få en djupare förståelse för hur begreppen Emotional Branding, Experience Branding och Sensory Marketing bör sammankopplas och vad det kan tillföra ett varumärke inom retail. Hur kan åtråvärda upplevelser inom dagligvaruhandeln, en plattform som bör fungerar som en förlängd arm till varumärkets strategi, bidra till att bygga starka och känsloladdade relationer till sina kunder? Metodologi: Studien utgår från ett hermeneutiskt synsätt, bygger på en kvalitativt kvalitativ forskningsmetod och har en deduktiv ansats. Studier av sekundärdata har först genomförts för att sedan undersöka empirin med hjälp av intervjuer som metod för datainsamling. Teori: Teorin bygger på en samling begrepp som förklaras och definieras – Brand, Branding, Emotional Branding, Experience Marketing, Sensory Marketing. Vidare kopplas begreppen till retaillandsskapet, som är en avgränsning för studien. Empiri: Empirin utgörs av en första del bestående av ett tidigare utfört exempel av en forskare med stora kunskaper inom ämnet, vilket ämnas ska kunna visa på hur begreppet Sensory Marketing kan fungera i praktiken och vad det kan bidra med. Andra delen av empiriavsnittet består av tio intervjuer, med informanter som kategoriseras antingen som marknadsföringsstrateger eller butikschefer inom dagligvaruhandeln. Detta för att få två olika synvinklar på ämnet. Analys: i analysen ämnar forskarna återkoppla empirin med teorin. Diskussion: i denna del diskuteras ämnet i ett vidare sammanhang. Slutsats: studien visar att de teoretiska begreppen som behandlas kan bidra med att stärka varumärket och knyta starkare band till konsumenter. Informanterna, uppdelat i marknadsföringsstrateger respektive butikschefer, är ense om att kunden söker mer än vad butiksmiljön erbjuder och att införlivandet av nya marknadsföringsmetoder inte sker, sinnesmarknadsföring specifikt i detta fall. Det tycks finnas ett gap där marknadsföringsstrategerna ser detta som en missad möjlighet och butikscheferna anser sig vilja utveckla upplevelsen men inte har kunskapen att göra detta.
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Los efectos del rebranding en la relación de la marca con sus consumidores: Caso Rosatel 2018 / The effects of rebranding on the relationship of the brand with the consumers: Case Rosatel 2018Espinoza Salvatierra, Daniela del Carmen 25 November 2019 (has links)
La investigación se enfoca en los efectos del rebranding de la marca Rosatel y evalúa las consecuencias que ha tenido en la relación con sus consumidores. También, examinar cómo el branding emocional se relaciona con sus efectos y con el comportamiento de los consumidores. Asimismo, identificar cómo los elementos gráficos fueron percibidos y sus respectivas condicionantes. La hipótesis se basa en que la implementación de los elementos gráficos ha generado efectos ambiguos los cuales se han visto reflejados en la relación con sus consumidores y en su corto periodo de duración.
Se realizó una investigación de clase mixta. Se utilizó una técnica cualitativa para encontrar características del fenómeno que estudia los efectos del rebranding en la relación con sus consumidores. Y también se empleó una técnica cuantitativa que buscaba recolectar información a través de encuestas online y físicas.
Los resultados demostraron que un bajo porcentaje de los consumidores reconocían el rebranding, en contraste con los que realizan sus compras presencialmente, ya que estos en su totalidad eran conscientes del cambio. Además, en un porcentaje mayor, consideraron que la renovación encajaba con el perfil de la marca, demostrando su fidelidad con esta, entre otros resultados relevantes.
Se concluyó que los efectos no fueron negativos en la relación con sus consumidores pues esto no afectó en sus decisiones de compra. El posicionamiento que posee la marca en la mente de los consumidores es lo suficientemente fuerte como para no afectar en las decisiones de compra de estos, a pesar que bajo una mirada profesional, la renovación posee deficiencias estéticas. / The research focuses on the effects of the rebranding of the Rosatel brand and assesses the consequences it has had on the relationship with its consumers. Also, examine how emotional branding is related to its effects and consumer behavior. Also, identify how the graphic elements were perceived and their respective conditions. The hypothesis is based on the fact that the implementation of the graphic elements has generated ambiguous effects which have been reflected in the relationship with its consumers and in its short duration.
A mixed class investigation was conducted. A qualitative technique was used to find characteristics of the phenomenon that studies the effects of rebranding on the relationship with its consumers. And a quantitative technique that sought to collect information through online and physical surveys was also used..
The results showed that a low percentage of consumers recognized rebranding, in contrast to those who make their purchases in person, since they were fully aware of the change. In addition, in a higher percentage, they considered that the renewal fit the profile of the brand, demonstrating its loyalty to it, among other relevant results.
It was concluded that the effects were not negative in the relationship with their consumers as this did not affect their purchasing decisions. The positioning that the brand has in the minds of consumers is strong enough not to affect the purchase decisions of these, despite the fact that under a professional look, renewal has aesthetic deficiencies. / Trabajo de investigación
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Reklam och konsument: En studie om emotionell och etisk marknadsföring inom kläd-varumärkes branschenVasquez, Isaac January 2013 (has links)
Med en ständig ökning av konkurrens mellan företagen blir den personliga relationen med kunden allt viktigare. Produktens funktion står inte längre i centrum då den har ersatts av idén kring varan. Kunderna söker ett högre värde i produkten och företagen måste sträva efter att tillfredsställa och beröra kundens emotioner för att framstå som attraktiv. Idag talas det därför mycket om emotionell marknadsföring. Detta arbete ligger till grund för att få en förståelse i hur emotioner styrs via reklam och hur en etisk ståndpunkt påverkar kunden. Till hjälp har jag använt mig av teoristudier, en egen design för en påhittad vår-kollektionskampanj, samt en kvalitativ enkätundersökning för att få ett verkligt perspektiv av hur en tänkbar målgrupp ser och reagerar på reklam i olika former.Genom att tala ett lättförstått språk som attraherar och samtidigt differentierar företaget från konkurrenter, kan värdefulla emotioner väckas för att skapa en personlig relation med kunden. En etisk ståndpunkt kan vara värdefull för att visa ett högre intresse än att tjäna pengar och på så vis framstå som mer mänskligt och komma närmare kunden. / With a constant growth of competition between companies the personal relation to the customer becomes more and more important. The function of the product is no longer at the center of attention as it has been replaced by the idea of the product.The customers seek a higher value in the product and the companies must strive to satisfy and touch the emotions of the customers to appear attractive. That is why today there is a lot of talk about emotional marketing.This work is focusing on how to gain understanding about how emotions are steered and directed by advertisements and how a ethical standpoint affects the customer. For my help I have used theory studies, an original design for an imaginary spring collection campaign and last but not least a survey to gain a real perspective of how a conceivable target group thinks and reacts to advertisements in different forms.By speaking a comprehendable language that attracts and at the same time differentiates the company from its competitors, valuable emotional connections can be created in order to produce a personal relation to the customer. An ethical standpoint can be valuable in order to show a higher cause than simply money-making. By doing so the company can appear as more human and thereby get a closer relation to the customer.
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Influence of Brand Name on Consumer DecisionHasan, Tanveer January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the present developing and modern day world, consumerism has dominated all the aspects of life. The life in the society follows the pattern of the capitalist culture where the human values have a different measure, ‘you are known by what you have not by what you are’.</p><p>This naturally leads to the life in a society where everyone wants to have a unique place in the society, by possessing the things which sets them apart from the rest of people in the society.</p><p>In present society and living way, the Brands not only represent the symbol of the company or product but to a larger extent define the general life of a person. What the person uses can reflect his taste of life, his status in the society, his economic background and many other things. This makes a deep connection between the company and its brand, with the consumer. In this two way relation both are dependent on each other for various different reasons.</p><p>In today’s time customers are very deeply connected to the brands. When they purchase any product like a car, mobile, items of daily need, brand name influence the consumer’s choice.</p><p>Some customers purchase the specific branded things just due to the brand name. Customers believe that brand name is a symbol of quality.</p><p>I found this interesting and wanted to find out whether brand name influences the consumer choice when they go for purchasing any product. I chose to for the specific product because</p><p>this is one of the products which got my attention because of many reasons.</p><p>Initially the car production was dominated by few companies and one or two countries. With the time, the market started to grow and once considered to be luxurious commodity, cars became a need</p><p>rather than a choice. This increased the demand and with that many more companies entered the arena to have their share of profit and exploit the growing market. This made the companies to put more efforts and money to creating brand awareness of their product.</p><p>With the Huge sum of money and effort invested by the companies to create the awareness of their brand in the market, many questions arise; does this really affect the purchasing decision</p><p>of the customer? Does the brand awareness somehow influence the sale of the product? Etc.</p><p>On the basis of these questions, I formulated my problem as follows:</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to create deeper consideration of what influence a brand name can have, when people go for purchasing, choose the products between different brands in automobile industry. Further I want to identify, if there is a connection between brands and the consumer decision making process.</p><p>I conducted this study based on theories and surveys. I analyzed the result of the survey in order to be able to draw conclusions and find answers to my problem.</p><p>I came to the conclusion that when consumer purchases a car, brand names influence his choice. Customers choose the well known branded car among other brands which are new or not so known.</p><p>The study shows that branded cars have a great place in consumer mind, when customers go for purchasing a car, they prefer to purchase a well known branded car. Customers do not want to try new or unknown branded cars because they have no much information about the</p><p>lesser known brand. Usually, people purchase well known branded cars because they might have heard before about brands or they have some information about them from other sources.</p><p>This makes customer feel more comfortable during the time of decision making as they are not so confident about the knowledge they have gathered about the other brands.</p><p>The consumers are very conscious about branded and unbranded cars because they have the view that branded cars are more reliable than unbranded car. This study also explains that customers trust the branded cars’ quality. Before purchasing a car people do not consider the lesser known brand car, as people are very attached to some specific brands. Some people are loyal to specific brands, over time they want to purchase the same branded car because the specific brand has satisfied the customer’s needs and in turn has gained the trust in the brand name.</p><p>I feel that the purpose of this study has been fulfilled to some extant. The theory describe that brand name has a power, which attracts the customers towards branded products. The reason</p><p>is that customer gets special connection with specific brands product and become the loyal with brand.</p>
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Emotional branding : fulfillment of people's needs: a laboratory experimentMaracic, Jagoda, Maracic, Spomenka January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The concept of emotional branding has not received much attention from the academic community. Emotional branding is a powerful and advantageous instrument. It links brand to the customers, makes customers identify themselves with the brand, adapts brand to customers’ way of life, and makes brand more reliable in customers´ eyes. Simply defined, emotional branding is about fulfilment of peoples’ needs.</p><p>This dissertation explores and analyses factors, which explain the concept emotional branding. After having reviewed the literature in the area of branding and emotions, the authors of the dissertation create an explanatory model. This model consists of four factors: Trust, Personality, Lifestyle, and Relationship. Four propositions are formulated in order to test the model. The suggested theory was tested in a laboratory experiment with a Multi-method qualitative study. The conclusion of the research conducted is that emotional branding, indeed, can be explained by four factors; Trust, Lifestyle, Personality, and Relationship.</p></p>
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Influence of Brand Name on Consumer DecisionHasan, Tanveer January 2008 (has links)
In the present developing and modern day world, consumerism has dominated all the aspects of life. The life in the society follows the pattern of the capitalist culture where the human values have a different measure, ‘you are known by what you have not by what you are’. This naturally leads to the life in a society where everyone wants to have a unique place in the society, by possessing the things which sets them apart from the rest of people in the society. In present society and living way, the Brands not only represent the symbol of the company or product but to a larger extent define the general life of a person. What the person uses can reflect his taste of life, his status in the society, his economic background and many other things. This makes a deep connection between the company and its brand, with the consumer. In this two way relation both are dependent on each other for various different reasons. In today’s time customers are very deeply connected to the brands. When they purchase any product like a car, mobile, items of daily need, brand name influence the consumer’s choice. Some customers purchase the specific branded things just due to the brand name. Customers believe that brand name is a symbol of quality. I found this interesting and wanted to find out whether brand name influences the consumer choice when they go for purchasing any product. I chose to for the specific product because this is one of the products which got my attention because of many reasons. Initially the car production was dominated by few companies and one or two countries. With the time, the market started to grow and once considered to be luxurious commodity, cars became a need rather than a choice. This increased the demand and with that many more companies entered the arena to have their share of profit and exploit the growing market. This made the companies to put more efforts and money to creating brand awareness of their product. With the Huge sum of money and effort invested by the companies to create the awareness of their brand in the market, many questions arise; does this really affect the purchasing decision of the customer? Does the brand awareness somehow influence the sale of the product? Etc. On the basis of these questions, I formulated my problem as follows: The purpose of this thesis is to create deeper consideration of what influence a brand name can have, when people go for purchasing, choose the products between different brands in automobile industry. Further I want to identify, if there is a connection between brands and the consumer decision making process. I conducted this study based on theories and surveys. I analyzed the result of the survey in order to be able to draw conclusions and find answers to my problem. I came to the conclusion that when consumer purchases a car, brand names influence his choice. Customers choose the well known branded car among other brands which are new or not so known. The study shows that branded cars have a great place in consumer mind, when customers go for purchasing a car, they prefer to purchase a well known branded car. Customers do not want to try new or unknown branded cars because they have no much information about the lesser known brand. Usually, people purchase well known branded cars because they might have heard before about brands or they have some information about them from other sources. This makes customer feel more comfortable during the time of decision making as they are not so confident about the knowledge they have gathered about the other brands. The consumers are very conscious about branded and unbranded cars because they have the view that branded cars are more reliable than unbranded car. This study also explains that customers trust the branded cars’ quality. Before purchasing a car people do not consider the lesser known brand car, as people are very attached to some specific brands. Some people are loyal to specific brands, over time they want to purchase the same branded car because the specific brand has satisfied the customer’s needs and in turn has gained the trust in the brand name. I feel that the purpose of this study has been fulfilled to some extant. The theory describe that brand name has a power, which attracts the customers towards branded products. The reason is that customer gets special connection with specific brands product and become the loyal with brand.
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Emotional branding : fulfillment of people's needs: a laboratory experimentMaracic, Jagoda, Maracic, Spomenka January 2009 (has links)
The concept of emotional branding has not received much attention from the academic community. Emotional branding is a powerful and advantageous instrument. It links brand to the customers, makes customers identify themselves with the brand, adapts brand to customers’ way of life, and makes brand more reliable in customers´ eyes. Simply defined, emotional branding is about fulfilment of peoples’ needs. This dissertation explores and analyses factors, which explain the concept emotional branding. After having reviewed the literature in the area of branding and emotions, the authors of the dissertation create an explanatory model. This model consists of four factors: Trust, Personality, Lifestyle, and Relationship. Four propositions are formulated in order to test the model. The suggested theory was tested in a laboratory experiment with a Multi-method qualitative study. The conclusion of the research conducted is that emotional branding, indeed, can be explained by four factors; Trust, Lifestyle, Personality, and Relationship.
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A Study Of ConsumersKarahanoglu, Armagan 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Product experience is a multi& / #8208 / dimensional user& / #8208 / product interaction, which includes the
user&rsquo / s emotional aspects. Emotional experience is a component of product experience
which comprises the emotions elicited by the brands and products of the brand. This
study investigates the relationship between brand and product emotions and the
qualities of products that evoke these emotions.
The presented study was mainly based on literature review and empirical study. First,
psychological background of emotions was reviewed to explain the process underlying
these emotions. Then, emotions of users were investigated from design and marketing
perspectives. The literature review was then supported by the data collected through
the findings of the empirical study.
The empirical study aimed at examining the relationship between emotions of users,
product qualities and brand of the product. One product of five different brands were
shown to the participants and each participant was asked to rate their emotions. Each
participant was shown one set of products (i.e. iron), and each set was consisted of
original (O), mixed (M) brand names or no brand name (N). The results of 105
participants were evaluated using statistical analyses and content analyses methods.
The data analyses were undertaken separately for each of the product groups, with the
findings for each group then being cross& / #8208 / compared using SPSS software. The aim was to
elicit information on possible relations between brands that form certain impressions
of, and emotions towards products bearing their brand name, plus the change in
negative/positive emotions associated with each iron across the three groups. The
results give valuable insights into the practical impact of branding, product identity and
product emotions. The study also extends the understanding of how branding affects
people&rsquo / s emotional responses to consumer products.
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Modelling the relationship between brand experience dimensions and the antecedents of happiness within the context of dining servicesAl Mandil, Karam January 2016 (has links)
Existing studies on happiness in consumer research argued that brands should contribute to consumers’ happiness through experiences, yet they have failed to discuss how individual brand experience dimensions could contribute to consumer happiness, leading to increased brand loyalty and price premium. Bridging brand experience and consumers’ orientation to happiness literature together, this thesis theoretically argues and empirically proves that brand experience could influence brand loyalty and price premium through the mediating effect of consumer happiness. Survey data collected from 1086 participants based on their restaurant dining experiences in the UK show that each brand experience dimension affects consumer behaviour outcomes differently. Relational brand experience contributes the most to happiness, brand loyalty and price premium, followed by emotional brand experience. The findings support the mediating role of happiness and its orientations between brand experience dimensions and consumer behaviour outcomes. Further, the result validates the three different orientations to happiness in a consumption context, and demonstrates that pleasure is the dominant route to happiness, compared to meaning and engagement. The thesis aids new light to existing understanding on brand experience and happiness. Marketers are recommended to focus their effort on delivering certain brand experience dimensions more effectively. For restaurant brand managers, relational and emotional brand experience dimensions are considered most important to acquire customers brand loyalty and price premium.
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