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Speech motor control variables in the production of voicing contrasts and emphatic accentMills, Timothy Ian Pandachuck January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation looks at motor control in speech production. Two specific questions emerging from the speech motor control literature are studied: the question of articulatory versus acoustic motor control targets, and the question of whether prosodic linguistic variables are controlled in the same way as segmental linguistic variables. In the first study, I test the utility of whispered speech as a tool for addressing the question of articulatory or acoustic motor control targets. Research has been done probing both sides of this question. The case for articulatory specifications is developed in depth in the Articulatory Phonology framework of Haskins researchers (eg. Browman & Goldstein 2000), based on the task-dynamic model of control presented by Saltzman & Kelso (1987). The case for acoustic specifications is developed in the work of Perkell and others (eg Perkell, Matthies, Svirsky & Jordan 1993, Guenther, Espy-Wilson, Boyce, Matthies, Zandipour & Perkell 1999, Perkell, Guenther, Lane, Matthies, Perrier, Vick,Wilhelms-Tricarico & Zandipour 2000). It has also been suggested that some productions are governed by articulatory targets while others are governed by acoustic targets (Ladefoged 2005). This study involves two experiments. In the first, I make endoscopic video recordings of the larynx during the production of phonological voicing contrasts in normal and whispered speech. I discovered that the glottal aperture differences between voiced obstruents (ie, /d) and voiceless obstruents (ie, /t) in normal speech was preserved in whispered speech. Of particular interest was the observation that phonologically voiced obstruents tended to exhibit a narrower glottal aperture in whisper than vowels, which are also phonologically voiced. This suggests that the motor control targets of voicing is different for vowels than for voiced obstruents. A perceptual experiment on the speech material elicited in the endoscopic recordings elicited judgements to see whether listeners could discriminate phonological voicing in whisper, in the absence of non-laryngeal cues such as duration. I found that perceptual discrimination in whisper, while lower than that for normal speech, was significantly above chance. Together, the perceptual and the production data suggest that whispered speech removes neither the acoustic nor the articulatory distinction between phonologically voiced and voiceless segments. Whisper is therefore not a useful tool for probing the question of articulatory versus acoustic motor control targets. In the second study, I look at the multiple parameters contributing to relative prominence, to see whether they are controlled in a qualitatively similar way to the parameters observed in bite block studies to contribute to labial closure or vowel height. I vary prominence by eliciting nuclear accents with a contrastive and a non-contrastive reading. Prominence in this manipulation is found to be signalled by f0 peak, accented syllable duration, and peak amplitude, but not by vowel de-centralization or spectral tilt. I manipulate the contribution of f0 in two ways. The first is by eliciting the contrastive and non-contrastive readings in questions rather than statements. This reduces the f0 difference between the two readings. The second is by eliciting the contrastive and non-contrastive readings in whispered speech, thus removing the acoustic f0 information entirely. In the first manipulation, I find that the contributions of both duration and amplitude to signalling contrast are reduced in parallel with the f0 contribution. This is a qualitatively different behaviour from all other motor control studies; generally, when one variable is manipulated, others either act to compensate or do not react at all. It would seem, then, that this prosodic variable is controlled in a different manner from other speech motor targets that have been examined. In the whisper manipulation, I find no response in duration or amplitude to the manipulation of f0. This result suggests that, like in the endoscopy study, perhaps whisper is not an effective means of perturbing laryngeal articulations.
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De la cécité empathique transitoire à la prudence dans les soins. Au sujet de la contention lors des soins en pédiatrie / Emphatic blindness and caution in careLombart, Bénédicte 02 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge l’usage de la contention forte lors des soins en pédiatrie. Cette problématique soulève des questions philosophiques et éthiques qui s’inscrivent dans des pratiques quotidiennes de soins. Pourtant cette pratique, à laquelle se confronte fréquemment les soignants est relativement peu interrogée, voire banalisée.En effet, l’enfant effrayé ou douloureux peut se débattre et s’agiter au décours du soin et il arrive que plusieurs adultes le maintiennent pour poursuivre le geste. Un rapport de force s’installe alors entre soignants et enfant. Dans certains cas, la contrainte physique de l’enfant lors du soin s’apparente littéralement à de la violence. Le passage de l’usage légitime de la force à la violence illégitime n’est pas systématiquement identifié.Par ailleurs le fait de contraindre l’enfant de force confronte l’infirmier à un paradoxe : celui de faire mal à l’enfant pour son bien. Cela complique la perception de l’illégitimité de certaines contentions.Difficile voire impossible de renoncer à faire le soin et pourtant regrettable d’user de la contention forte à l’encontre d’un enfant malade. Une étude qualitative ancillaire à la réflexion philosophique été menée auprès de soignants de pédiatrie. L’objectif était d’interroger cette question du point de vue des soignants pour comprendre comment l’usage de la contention lors d’un soin en pédiatrie pouvait se transformer en un usage illégitime de la force. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que la contention était une pratique laborieuse, source de malaise mais le plus souvent vécue comme inévitable et influencée par les habitudes de l’équipe d’appartenance. (Ces résultats sont en annexe de la thèse) Le « bien de l’enfant » justifiait le recours à la force. On assistait à une hiérarchisation déontologique où la réalisation du geste technique subordonne le respect du rythme de l’enfant. L’analyse de la parole des soignants a mis en évidence : empathie et attention des soignants à l’égard de l’enfant mais à l’évocation de la contention l’enfant disparaissait du discours. Un peu comme si l’enfant disparaissait du « radar émotionnel » du soignant, le temps de la contention. Le concept de « cécité empathique transitoire » a été proposé pour caractériser le phénomène qui se produit lors d’une contention forte.La thèse explore les raisons qui conduisent les adultes qui soignent à disqualifier le refus de l’enfant en proposant une forme de réhabilitation de la parole de celui-ci. Le travail s’organise autour de développement des regards et des points de vue qui tantôt masquent tantôt rendent visibles une partie de la réalité : celle de l’enfant et celle du soignant. Les soignants sont tels les prisonniers de la caverne, otages de leurs illusions. L’espoir de maitriser l’inconstance de l’existence par la grâce de la biotechnologie semble les contraindre à sacrifier leur propre subjectivité. L’arraisonnement de l’enfant mais aussi du soignant à la technique est au cœur du débat qui émerge de la réflexion. Au fil du travail, émerge l’idée d’un entre-deux des différences, qui pourrait être un nouvel espace conceptuel où les différences entre l’enfant et les soignants se rassemblent dans l’espace de la contingence. Cet entre-deux ouvre sur de nouveaux possibles, invite à devenir prudent. La prudence aristotélicienne comme disposition pratique apporte de nouvelles perspectives à cette problématique. L’invitation à la délibération dans les soins ouvre sur une proposition concrète de déploiement de la notion de care appliquée plus spécifiquement au champ de la pédiatrie. / From transitional empathic blindness to caution during care. About physical restraint during nursing care in pediatric wardsThis thesis questions the use of strong physical restraint during pediatric care. The issue raises philosophical and ethical questions falling within daily practices of nursing acts. However, this custom to which nurses are frequently exposed is rather seldom questioned or is routinized.A child who is scared or in pain can struggle or jitter during the care and it happens that serval adults retrain the child in order to finish the treatment. It is a real power struggle between the nurses and the child. Sometimes, the child’s physical restraint is similar to violence. The step from using reasonable strength to using unfounded violence is not automatically identified.Moreover, the nurse restraining a child strongly faces a paradox: hurting a child for his wellbeing. This complicates the perception of the illegitimacy of some restraints.It is difficult if not impossible to forgo the treatment, but it is nevertheless unfortunate to use physical restraint on a sick child. A qualitative research backed by a philosophical reflection has been conducted among pediatric nurses. The aim was to probe the issue from the nurses’ point of view in order to understand how the use of physical restraint during a treatment in pediatric wards could lead to the use of unfounded strength. The result of the research highlighted that restraint was an unpleasant, cumbersome practice, but that it was often experienced as unavoidable and governed by the team’s habits. (The results of the research can be found in appendix) The “child’s wellbeing” justified the use of strength, like a kind of ethical prioritization, where achieving the technical act subordinated the respect of the child’s rhythm. Analyzing the nurses’ comments highlighted their empathy and attention to the child, but when talking about restraint, the child was no longer mentioned. It seemed the child disappeared from the nurse’s “emotional radar” during a physical restraint. The idea of “transitional empathy blindness” was suggested to characterize the phenomenon occurring during a strong physical restraint.The thesis also explores the reasons leading the adults in charge of the care to disqualify the child’s refusal by offering a means to resume the dialog with the child. The work is structured around the evolution of the attitudes and opinions that sometimes conceal the child’s and the nurse’s reality and sometimes make it visible. Nurses are like prisoners in a cave, hostages of their own illusions. The hope of mastering the fickleness of life thanks to biotechnology seems to force them to sacrifice their own subjectivity. Trying to subjugate the child but also the nurse to the technical act is food for thought. Throughout the work, the idea of an in-between differences stands out. It could lead to a new concept where the differences between the child and the nurses could meet in case of contingency. This in-between opens new possibilities and encourages caution. As practical measure, Aristotle’s principle of caution develops a new insight regarding this issue. The possibility of discussing nursing practices leads to a concrete proposal to spread the notion of care more specifically in the field of pediatrics.
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Pradinių klasių mokinių ir tėvų empatinio ryšio plėtojimo poveikis tarpusavio santykiams ir mokinių išgyvenimams / The effect of primary clasess' pupils' and parents' emphatic bond on their relationships and pupils' experiencesLesnickienė, Loreta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė literatūros šaltinių analizė apie šeimos struktūrą, santykių tipus, šeimos santykių įtaką vaiko socialinei raidai, empatinio ryšio įtaką tarpasmeniniams santykiams, prosocialiam elgesiui.
Iškelta hipotezė, kad tėvų ir vaikų empatinio ryšio plėtojimas, panaudojant Tėvų grupių metodiką, keičia šeimos tarpusavio santykius ir vaikų išgyvenimus, kurie atsispindi vaikų piešiniuose.
Tyrime dalyvavo 62 pradinių klasių mokiniai. Naudojama projekcinė H-T-P piešinių metodika ir atrinkta nedarnių šeimų grupė, kur 12 tyrimo dalyvių (7-11 metų amžiaus) išryškėjo psichologinių traumų žymės. Tų pačių, 12 respondentų, ištirti Šeimos piešiniu tarpusavio šeimoje santykiai. Tyrimo dalyvių tėvams (10 šeimų), pagal sudarytą Tėvų grupių programą pravedami dešimt užsiėmimų. Po pravestų Tėvų grupių užsiėmimų, piešia piešinius tie patys 12 respondentų, palyginama ar įvyko kokie pokyčiai šeimoje, ar sustiprėjo vaikų ir tėvų empatinis ryšys.
Svarbiausios išvados:
1. Literatūros šaltinių analizė atskleidė, kad buvo tyrimų, kuriuose autoriai tyrinėjo šeimos struktūrą, santykių tipus, šeimos santykių įtaką vaiko socialinei raidai, tačiau remiantis prieinamais literatūros šaltiniais ir atlikus jų turinio analizę galima teigti, kad nebuvo gilinamasi į tėvų ir vaikų empatinio ryšio plėtojimo galimybes.
2. Tų šeimų, kurių tėvai lankė visus Tėvų grupių užsiėmimus ir aktyviai dalyvavo užsiėmimuose, empatinis ryšys tarp vaiko ir tėvų pakito, tapo stipresnis. Šį pokytį paliudijo pokyčiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work is of theoretical analysis of literature sources about family structure, types of relations, influence of family relationships for the child’s social development and the influence of emphatic bond for the interrelations and pro-social behaviour.
A hypothesis has been raised, that development of the emphatic bond between parents and children by using the method of parent groups changes the family interrelations and children experiences that are reflected in drawings of the children.
62 pupils of primary school have participated in the research. The projection of H-T-P drawing method was used and non-harmonious families have been chosen, in which marks of psychological traumas were revealed for 7-11 year old 12 researched children. The family interrelations of the same 12 children were researched by using Family drawing method. For the parents of these children (10families) according to worked out Parents’ groups program there were 10 sessions guided. After these Parents’ group’s sessions, the same researched children draw paintings and the comparison is done if there are some changes in the family, or if the emphatic bond between parents and children got stronger.
Basic conclusions:
1. The analysis of literature sources revealed that there were researches where authors researched family structure, types of the relations, influence of family relations for the child’s social development but according to the analysis of the content of the accessible literature sources... [to full text]
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Negação anafórica no português brasileiro: negação setencial, negação enfática e negação de constituinte / Anaphoric negation in Brazilian Portuguese: sentential negation, emphatic negation and constituent negationAraújo, Rerisson Cavalcante de 25 June 2012 (has links)
Nesta tese, analiso, a partir do arcabouço teórico da gramática gerativa (Chomsky 1957 e outros), uma série de fenômenos relacionados à expressão da negação no português brasileiro (PB). Trato de quatro temas principais: (i) a distribuição dos marcadores negativos em diferentes contextos sintáticos; (ii) as formas de codificação da negação enfática; (iii) a negação de constituintes; (iv) e a determinação do escopo em sentenças com adjuntos. Os fenômenos examinados possuem duas propriedades em comum: (a) ao contrário do normalmente esperado para o PB, o marcador não se coloca à esquerda, mas à direita do elemento negado, em uma configuração [X(P) Neg]; (b) o marcador apresenta um requerimento anafórico, ocorrendo apenas em contextos em que o constituinte negado tenha sido previamente introduzido no discurso. A tese principal é que a ordem linear e anaforicidade são resultado de uma propriedade sintática básica: esses marcadores são gerados no CP e, portanto, apresentam sensibilidade a propriedades codificadas nesse sistema. Ao longo da tese, demonstro como essa sensibilidade se manifesta em diferentes fenômenos. Quanto à distribuição dos marcadores, mostro que o não pós-VP apresenta um série de restrições com propriedades ilocucionárias e sintáticas das sentenças em que ocorre. Argumento que essas propriedades são derivadas de o não pós-VP não ser um adjunto verbal nem a realização da polaridade sentencial, mas a realização de uma categoria funcional associada à confirmação e rejeição de proposições prévias, o que aproxima o não pós-VP de partículas como o yes e no do inglês ao invés de marcadores internos como not. Quanto à negação enfática, argumento que o não pós-VP do PB não é um recurso de ênfase ou reforço da negação pré-verbal enfraquecida. Proponho que o quantificador nada, aparecendo em posições não-argumentais, é que pode exercer as funções de negação enfática e de negação exclamativa (ou metalinguística). Quanto à negação de constituintes, mostro que, assim como na negação sentencial, o PB também pode exibir a configuração [X Neg] com a negação agindo sobre DPs, APs, PPs e AdvPs. Argumento que essa configuração só está disponível em contextos em que o elemento negado ocorra isoladamente ou em posição periférica da sentença, sendo proibido em contextos mediais. Defendo, então, que a configuração [X Neg] na negação de constituintes não é derivada por adjunção da negação à direita do elemento negado, mas pela ativação da mesma categoria (do CP) em que são gerados o não pós-VP e o marcador nada, com o constituinte não-oracional aparecendo no especificador dessa categoria, com apagamento opcional da estrutura sentencial abaixo da negação. Quanto ao escopo, analiso a interpretação da negação em sentenças com adjuntos verbais e com marcadores pré-verbais (em que há ambiguidade de escopo) e com marcadores pré-verbais e pós-VP (em que a ambiguidade se desfaz). Argumento contra a análise de ambiguidade nas relações de c-comando (cf. Huang 1982; Johnston 1994) e assumo a proposta de Hornstein & Nunes (2008) sobre a opcionalidade de atribuição de rótulo nas operações de adjunção. Proponho que a presença ou ausência de rótulo afeta as relações de escopo negativo ao tornar (ou não) o adjunto visível para o marcador negativo pré-verbal. / In this Dissertation, I analyze a set of phenomena related to the expression of negation in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). I deal with four main themes: (i) distribution of negative markers in different syntactic contexts, (ii) forms of encoding emphatic negation and (iii) constituent negations, (iv) and negative scope ambiguity in sentences with verbal adjuncts. These phenomena have two properties in common: (a) differently from what is normally expected in BP, the negative marker não is not placed at the left, but at the right of the negated constituent, in a configuration like [X(P) Neg]; (b) the marker has an anaphoric requirement and is acceptable only in contexts where the negated constituent has been previously introduced in the discourse or in the communicative context. The main hypothesis is that the linear order and the anaphoric requirement are the result of a syntactic property: these markers are generated in the CP and therefore are insensitive to properties encoded in the CPsystem. Throughout the thesis, I show how this sensitivity appear in different phenomena. As for item (i), I show that post-VP não shows a set of restrictions with discursive, illocutionary and syntactic properties of the sentences it occurs. I argue against proposals that analyze post- VP não as a verbal adjunct or the head of the sentential polarity category (PolP). I defend that post-VP não heads a functional category associated with confirmation and rejection of previous propositions and functions as English particles like yes and no rather than as internal markers as not. As for item (ii), I argue that post-VP não is not a form of emphasis or reinforcement of a weakened preverbal marker (in Jespersens 1917 sense). I propose that the negative quantifier nada, in non-argumental positions, is the marker responsible for emphatic negation and exclamative (or metalinguistic) negation in BP. As for item (iii), BP constituent negation behaves like sentential negation in allowing the configuration [X Neg], with the negative marker at the right of non-clausal phrases like DPs, APs, PPs and AdvPs. I show that [X Neg] is available only in contexts where negated XP occurs isolated or in a peripheral position of the sentence and is banned in medial positions. I argue then that [X Neg] in constituents negation also involves the category where post-VP não and non-argumental nada are generated, with the non-clausal constituent appearing in its specifier. As for item (iv), I examine the interpretation of negation over with verbal adjuncts in sentences with pre-verbal markers (which show scope ambiguity) and in sentences with both preverbal and post-VP markers (which show no scope ambiguity). I argue against Huang 1982 and Johnstons 1994 analyses, based on differences in c-command relations, and assume Hornstein & Nunes (2008) proposal on adjunction and labeling. I propose that the presence or absence of label in adjunctions affects scope relations in making verbal adjunct visible or invisible to negative marker.
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Negação anafórica no português brasileiro: negação setencial, negação enfática e negação de constituinte / Anaphoric negation in Brazilian Portuguese: sentential negation, emphatic negation and constituent negationRerisson Cavalcante de Araújo 25 June 2012 (has links)
Nesta tese, analiso, a partir do arcabouço teórico da gramática gerativa (Chomsky 1957 e outros), uma série de fenômenos relacionados à expressão da negação no português brasileiro (PB). Trato de quatro temas principais: (i) a distribuição dos marcadores negativos em diferentes contextos sintáticos; (ii) as formas de codificação da negação enfática; (iii) a negação de constituintes; (iv) e a determinação do escopo em sentenças com adjuntos. Os fenômenos examinados possuem duas propriedades em comum: (a) ao contrário do normalmente esperado para o PB, o marcador não se coloca à esquerda, mas à direita do elemento negado, em uma configuração [X(P) Neg]; (b) o marcador apresenta um requerimento anafórico, ocorrendo apenas em contextos em que o constituinte negado tenha sido previamente introduzido no discurso. A tese principal é que a ordem linear e anaforicidade são resultado de uma propriedade sintática básica: esses marcadores são gerados no CP e, portanto, apresentam sensibilidade a propriedades codificadas nesse sistema. Ao longo da tese, demonstro como essa sensibilidade se manifesta em diferentes fenômenos. Quanto à distribuição dos marcadores, mostro que o não pós-VP apresenta um série de restrições com propriedades ilocucionárias e sintáticas das sentenças em que ocorre. Argumento que essas propriedades são derivadas de o não pós-VP não ser um adjunto verbal nem a realização da polaridade sentencial, mas a realização de uma categoria funcional associada à confirmação e rejeição de proposições prévias, o que aproxima o não pós-VP de partículas como o yes e no do inglês ao invés de marcadores internos como not. Quanto à negação enfática, argumento que o não pós-VP do PB não é um recurso de ênfase ou reforço da negação pré-verbal enfraquecida. Proponho que o quantificador nada, aparecendo em posições não-argumentais, é que pode exercer as funções de negação enfática e de negação exclamativa (ou metalinguística). Quanto à negação de constituintes, mostro que, assim como na negação sentencial, o PB também pode exibir a configuração [X Neg] com a negação agindo sobre DPs, APs, PPs e AdvPs. Argumento que essa configuração só está disponível em contextos em que o elemento negado ocorra isoladamente ou em posição periférica da sentença, sendo proibido em contextos mediais. Defendo, então, que a configuração [X Neg] na negação de constituintes não é derivada por adjunção da negação à direita do elemento negado, mas pela ativação da mesma categoria (do CP) em que são gerados o não pós-VP e o marcador nada, com o constituinte não-oracional aparecendo no especificador dessa categoria, com apagamento opcional da estrutura sentencial abaixo da negação. Quanto ao escopo, analiso a interpretação da negação em sentenças com adjuntos verbais e com marcadores pré-verbais (em que há ambiguidade de escopo) e com marcadores pré-verbais e pós-VP (em que a ambiguidade se desfaz). Argumento contra a análise de ambiguidade nas relações de c-comando (cf. Huang 1982; Johnston 1994) e assumo a proposta de Hornstein & Nunes (2008) sobre a opcionalidade de atribuição de rótulo nas operações de adjunção. Proponho que a presença ou ausência de rótulo afeta as relações de escopo negativo ao tornar (ou não) o adjunto visível para o marcador negativo pré-verbal. / In this Dissertation, I analyze a set of phenomena related to the expression of negation in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). I deal with four main themes: (i) distribution of negative markers in different syntactic contexts, (ii) forms of encoding emphatic negation and (iii) constituent negations, (iv) and negative scope ambiguity in sentences with verbal adjuncts. These phenomena have two properties in common: (a) differently from what is normally expected in BP, the negative marker não is not placed at the left, but at the right of the negated constituent, in a configuration like [X(P) Neg]; (b) the marker has an anaphoric requirement and is acceptable only in contexts where the negated constituent has been previously introduced in the discourse or in the communicative context. The main hypothesis is that the linear order and the anaphoric requirement are the result of a syntactic property: these markers are generated in the CP and therefore are insensitive to properties encoded in the CPsystem. Throughout the thesis, I show how this sensitivity appear in different phenomena. As for item (i), I show that post-VP não shows a set of restrictions with discursive, illocutionary and syntactic properties of the sentences it occurs. I argue against proposals that analyze post- VP não as a verbal adjunct or the head of the sentential polarity category (PolP). I defend that post-VP não heads a functional category associated with confirmation and rejection of previous propositions and functions as English particles like yes and no rather than as internal markers as not. As for item (ii), I argue that post-VP não is not a form of emphasis or reinforcement of a weakened preverbal marker (in Jespersens 1917 sense). I propose that the negative quantifier nada, in non-argumental positions, is the marker responsible for emphatic negation and exclamative (or metalinguistic) negation in BP. As for item (iii), BP constituent negation behaves like sentential negation in allowing the configuration [X Neg], with the negative marker at the right of non-clausal phrases like DPs, APs, PPs and AdvPs. I show that [X Neg] is available only in contexts where negated XP occurs isolated or in a peripheral position of the sentence and is banned in medial positions. I argue then that [X Neg] in constituents negation also involves the category where post-VP não and non-argumental nada are generated, with the non-clausal constituent appearing in its specifier. As for item (iv), I examine the interpretation of negation over with verbal adjuncts in sentences with pre-verbal markers (which show scope ambiguity) and in sentences with both preverbal and post-VP markers (which show no scope ambiguity). I argue against Huang 1982 and Johnstons 1994 analyses, based on differences in c-command relations, and assume Hornstein & Nunes (2008) proposal on adjunction and labeling. I propose that the presence or absence of label in adjunctions affects scope relations in making verbal adjunct visible or invisible to negative marker.
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Částice v moderní vietnamštině / Particals in moder vietmese languageSlavická, Binh January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is concerned with particles in modern Vietnamese. Although Vietnamese particles form a small group of synsemantic words, they play a very important role in expressing the attitude of the speaker to the hearer/listener and to the message content as well as expressing grammatical and modal relationships within the sentence. The group includes particles positioned at the end of the sentence, particles appearing before a word as well as at the beginning of a phrase or a sentence. Despite their important function, particles in Vietnamese still are a scarcely explored topic. Particles have been explored usually as part of grammar books; so far, there are only few monographs on the topic of particles. Almost all works deal with a small number of particles and focus especially on those appearing at the end of the sentence. This work is concerned with particles at the end of the sentence as well as particles preceding a word, a phrase, or a sentence. It examines whether particles in Vietnamese are a part of speech at all; it sets forth criteria for classification of particles; it performs their analysis based on actual situations where they appear and describes their semantic characteristics; furthermore, it offers a chart of particles including their possible combinations. Besides, the...
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Performance Analysis and PAPR Reduction Techniques for Filter-Bank based Multi-Carrier Systems with Non-Linear Power Amplifiers / Réduction du PAPR pour les systèmes utilisant la modulation FBMC/OQAM en présence d’amplificateur de puissance non linéaireBulusu, Sri Satish Krishna Chaitanya 29 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a été effectuée dans le cadre du projet européen FP7 EMPHATIC (Enhanced Multicarrier Techniques for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications). Plusieurs universités européennes et deux partenaires industriels: THALES Communications Security et CASSIDIAN ont participé à ce projet. L'objectif de ce projet est de développer, d'évaluer et de démontrer les apports des techniques multi-porteuses avancées, permettant une meilleure utilisation des bandes de fréquences radio existantes en fournissant des services de données à large bande, en coexistence avec les services traditionnels à bande étroite. Le projet porte sur l'application de radiocommunications mobiles professionnelles (Professional Mobile Radio : PMR). L'idée principale de ce projet est d'analyser la viabilité des systèmes à large bande utilisant des bancs de filtres (Filter Bank Multi Carrier : FBMC) conjointement avec une modulation d'amplitude en quadrature avec décalage (Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation : OQAM) dans le cadre de la 5ème génération (5G) des systèmes radio-mobiles. La modulation FBMC-OQAM se positionne comme candidate potentielle pour les futurs systèmes de communication. Cette modulation avancée offre de nombreux avantages tels que l’excellente localisation fréquentielle de sa densité spectrale de puissance (DSP), une robustesse au bruit de phase, aux décalages de fréquence ainsi qu’à l’asynchronisme entre les utilisateurs. Ces atouts, la rendent plus attrayant qu’OFDM pour l’application PMR, la radio cognitive (CR) et la 5G. Cependant, comme toute autre technique de modulation muti-porteuses, FBMC-OQAM souffre d’un facteur de crête ou d’un PAPR (pour Peak to Average Power Ratio) élevé. Lorsque l'amplificateur de puissance (AP), utilisé au niveau de l’émetteur, est opéré proche de sa zone non-linéaire (NL), ce qui est le cas dans la pratique, la bonne localisation fréquentielle de la DSP du système FBMC/OQAM est sérieusement compromise, en raison des remontées spectrales. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de prédire l'étendue des remontées spectrales dans les systèmes FBMC-OQAM, introduites par la non-linéarité AP. Le deuxième objectif de ce travail est de proposer des techniques, pour les systèmes FBMC-OQAM, permettant la réduction du PAPR et la linéarisation de l’AP, afin d'atténuer les effets NL. L’utilisation des cumulants, a permis de prédire les remontées spectrales pour les signaux FBMC-OQAM après amplification NL. En outre, certains algorithmes de réduction du PAPR, basées sur des approches probabilistes et des techniques d'ajout de signaux, ont été proposés. La capacité de coexistence du système à large bande utilisant FBMC-OQAM avec des systèmes PMR à bande étroite en présence de PA a été analysée et il a été démontré que la coexistence est possible, à condition qu'il y est une bonne combinaison entre le recul du signal à l’entrée de l’AP (Input Back-Off : IBO), la réduction du PAPR et la linéarisation de l’AP. Enfin, une nouvelle technique de linéarisation de l’AP a été proposée pour le système FBMC-OQAM. / This thesis is part of the European FP7 EMPHATIC project (Enhanced Multicarrier Techniques for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications) including various European universities and two main industrial partners: THALES Communications Security and CASSIDIAN. The EMPHATIC objective is to develop, evaluate and demonstrate the capability of enhanced multi-carrier techniques to make better use of the existing radio frequency bands in providing broadband data services in coexistence with narrowband legacy services. The project addresses the Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) application. The main idea is to analyze the viability of broadband systems based on filter-bank multi-carrier (FBMC) clubbed with o ffset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) in the context of the future 5th Generation (5G) radio access technology (RAT). Increasingly, the FBMC-OQAM systems are gaining appeal in the probe for advanced multi-carrier modulation (MCM) waveforms for future communication systems. This advanced modulation scheme o ers numerous advantages such as excellent frequency localization in its power spectral density (PSD), a robustness to phase noise, frequency off sets and also to the multi-user asynchronism; making it more appealing than OFDM for PMR, cognitive radio (CR) and 5G RAT. However, like any other MCM technique, FBMC-OQAM suff ers from high PAPR. When the power amplifi er (PA) non-linearity, which is realistic radio-frequency impairment, is taken into account; the good frequency localization property is severely compromised, due to the spectral regrowth. The first objective of this PhD thesis is, to predict the extent of the spectral regrowth in FBMC-OQAM systems, due to the PA non-linearity. The second objective is to probe techniques for FBMC-OQAM systems, such as PAPR reduction and PA linearization, in order to mitigate the NL eff ects of PA. By cumulant analysis, spectral regrowth prediction has been done for FBMC-OQAM systems. Also, some algorithms for PAPR reduction, which are based on probabilistic approach and adding signal methods, have been proposed. The coexistence capability of the FBMC-OQAM based broadband system with the narrowband PMR systems in the presence of PA has been analyzed and it has been found that coexistence is possible, provided there is a symbiotic combination of PA Input Back-off (IBO), PAPR reduction and PA linearization. Finally, a novel PA linearization technique has been proposed for FBMC-OQAM.
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