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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizacijos darbuotojų motyvacijos gerinimas Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos pavyzdžiu / Improvement of employee motivation in Kaunas County Governor’s Administration

Buškevičiūtė, Kristina 20 August 2008 (has links)
Darbuotojų motyvacijos klausimas yra aktualus ne tik privačiojo, bet ir viešojo sektoriaus organizacijoms. Vis dažniau akcentuojamas valstybinių įstaigų darbuotojų motyvacijos trūkumas, kas sąlygoja mažesnį veiklos efektyvumą, o tuo pačiu ir viso sektoriaus efektyvumą. Darbo tikslas – pateikti sprendimus Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos darbuotojų motyvacijai gerinti. Darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje atskleidžiama darbuotojų motyvacijos samprata, reikšmė, apžvelgiamos pagrindinės motyvacijos teorijos bei pagrindinės valstybinių organizacijų darbuotojų motyvavimo priemonės. Antrojoje darbo dalyje atlikta Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos darbuotojų motyvacijos analizė bei organizacijos darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimas. Tyrimui iškelta hipotezė - Kauno apskrities viršininko administracija susiduria su silpnos darbuotojų motyvacijos problema - buvo patvirtinta. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje remiantis antroje darbo dalyje atliktos analizės rezultatais, formuojami motyvacijos problemų sprendimai. / The problem of the research: attempt to improve activities of public institutions depends on ability successfully and rightly to motivate public service workers. The public institutions must find the methods to improve employees’ motivation, because only motivated employees can reach the aims of organization and improve the quality of public service offering. The main aim of this work is to analyse and to estimate motivation system in Kaunas County Governor’s administration, to appraise the possibilities of improvement of employee motivation ant to present the possible solutions of actual motivation problems in this organization. The overview on the motivation conception sources, analysis of importance of motivation is made in the first part of this work. Seeking for a better understanding, the main classical motivation theories’ features are overviewed. Kaunas County Governor’s Administration’s employee’s motivation is analysed in the second part of this work. A questionnaire research showed, that the main motivators are payment, social guarantees, good relationship with manager and colleagues, the right estimation process, possibilities of career in organization, the possibilities to raise qualification. A tested hypothesis is the following: the existing personnel motivation is weak in Kaunas County Governor’s Administration. This hypothesis was confirmed. In the third part the suggestions and the ways of solving employees’ motivation problems in this organization are... [to full text]

Restructurations et droit social / Restructuring and social law

Gadrat, Magali 09 December 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte économique instable, résultant notamment de la mondialisation des échanges, de la financiarisationde l’économie et de l’accélération des mutations technologiques, caractérisé de surcroît par l’apathie endémique de lacroissance économique française, la prospérité et la survie des entreprises dépendent de leur capacité à s’adapter enpermanence aux évolutions du marché pour pouvoir sauvegarder leur compétitivité, assurer leur développement etfaire face à une concurrence toujours plus vive. Si les restructurations sont indispensables pour assurer la pérennité desentreprises dont dépendent le maintien de l’emploi, le dynamisme du marché du travail et la création de richesse, ellesmettent fréquemment en péril les intérêts des salariés. Nombre d’entre elles menacent ainsi leur emploi et partant leursécurité économique et matérielle, mais également leurs droits collectifs qu’il s’agisse des avantages issus de leurstatut collectif ou de leur droit à participer à la détermination de leurs conditions de travail et à la gestion del’entreprise via leurs représentants, dont le mandat peut être affecté par une restructuration. Si ces opérations mettenten péril les intérêts des salariés et génèrent un coût social largement assumé par la collectivité nationale, le droit, enparticulier le droit social, ne peut remettre en cause les projets de restructuration. Ces décisions et leur mise en oeuvrerelèvent en effet de la liberté d’entreprendre des dirigeants de l’entreprise à laquelle le droit social ne saurait porteratteinte en s’immisçant dans leurs choix économiques et stratégiques. L’objet de cette étude est donc d’exposercomment, en dépit de son incapacité à influer sur les décisions de restructurations, le droit social tente d’en limiter lecoût social, en préservant au mieux les intérêts des salariés. / In an unsettled economic climate, the result in particular of globalisation of trade, the financialisation of the economyand accelerating technological change, further marked by the endemic apathy of French economic growth, theprosperity and survival of companies depend on their capacity to adapt constantly to market trends in order tosafeguard their competitiveness, to ensure their development and to stand up to ever increasingly harsh competition.Whilst restructuring is essential to ensure the long-term survival of companies, on which maintaining jobs, a dynamiclabour market and the creation of wealth all depend, it frequently endangers the interests of employees. Manyrestructuring operations thus threaten their employment and consequently their economic and material security, butalso their collective rights when it comes to advantages resulting from their collective status or their right to participatein determining their working conditions and in the management of the company through their representatives, whosemandate may be impacted by a restructuring operation. While such operations endanger the interests of employees andgenerate a social cost borne to a large extent by the national community, law, and in particular social law, cannotchallenge restructuring projects. Such decisions and their implementation fall within the purview of the freedom to actenjoyed by corporate managers that social law cannot in any way impede by interfering in their economic and strategicchoices. The purpose of this study is therefore to show how social law, despite its inability to influence restructuringdecisions, seeks to limit the social cost by preserving as best as possible the interests of employees.

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