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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ADAM30 et métabolisme de l'APP : implication dans le développement physiopathologique de la maladie d'Alzheimer / ADAM30 and APP metabolism : an involment in Alzheimer's disease physiopathological development

Letronne, Florent 17 December 2014 (has links)
L’accumulation cérébrale progressive de peptides amyloïdes générés à partir du clivage du précurseur du peptide amyloïde (APP) par les sécrétases est un mécanisme central de la maladie d’Alzheimer. C’est pourquoi, améliorer la compréhension de la régulation et de l’homéostasie du métabolisme de l’APP est devenu primordial. Partant de ce constat, nous avons supposé qu’une partie de la réponse pourrait être apportée par la caractérisation de nouveaux acteurs du métabolisme de l’APP. De part leurs rôles cruciaux dans le cerveau (développement, plasticité et réparations) et dans le métabolisme de l’APP (α-sécrétases), les ADAMs sont des protéines d’intérêt dont certaines fonctions ou rôles restent à déterminer. Précédemment, par une approche transcriptomique ciblant la famille des ADAMs dans des cerveaux de patients et de contrôles, ADAM30 a été retrouvée sous-exprimée dans le cerveau des patients atteints de la pathologie. Dans deux modèles cellulaires nous avions constaté que la sous-expression d’ADAM30 entraînait une augmentation de tous les produits du métabolisme de l’APP comme chez les patients. Le résultat opposé a été obtenu lors de la sur-expression d’ADAM30 dans ces cellules. Pour tenter de répliquer ces résultats dans un modèle plus proche de la physiopathologie humaine, nous avons développé un modèle de souris triples transgéniques surexprimant l’APPSweInd et ADAM30 de manière conditionnelle. Dans ce modèle nous avons observé et mesuré une diminution des dépôts amyloïdes dans le cerveau des souris exprimant ADAM30. Dans un second temps puisqu’il avait été montré au laboratoire qu’ADAM30 ne module pas l’activité des sécrétases et ne clive pas directement l’APP, nous avons cherché à déterminer les substrats d’ADAM30 dans le cadre du métabolisme de l’APP. Par une approche systématique nous avons pu déterminer que la Cathepsine D (CTSD) et l’Insuline Receptor Substrat 4 (IRS4) sont deux substrats potentiels d’ADAM30. Dans nos modèles cellulaires et de souris, nous avons pu constater qu’ADAM30 est capable de cliver et d’activer la CTSD. L’activité de la CTSD semble nécessaire pour l’action d’ADAM30 sur le métabolisme de l’APP. Nous avons pu déterminer que l’action spécifique d’ADAM30 pour la CTSD est dépendante de la séquence d’adressage au lysosome située dans l’extrémité C-terminale de l’APP. Comme la CTSD est une protéine Lysosomale, ADAM30 pourrait favoriser spécifiquement l’activation de la CTSD augmentant ainsi la dégradation de l’APP au sein de la voie endosome/lysosome. Ce mécanisme limiterait l’entrée de l’APP dans son métabolisme et donc la production de peptides amyloïdes. Afin de mieux comprendre la spécificité d’action d’ADAM30 pour la CTSD et l’APP, nous avons commencé à travailler sur le rôle potentiel d’IRS4 et la relation entre la voie de signalisation de l’Insuline et le métabolisme de l’APP. Nos travaux nous ont donc permis de mettre en évidence un nouvel acteur du métabolisme de l’APP, ADAM30, intervenant dans la régulation et la dégradation de ce dernier et ainsi d’améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes de régulations fins impliqués dans le processus physiopathologique de la maladie d’Alzheimer. / Progressive intra-cerebral accumulation of amyloid peptides formed after sequential cleavage of the amyloid peptide precursor (APP) by secretases , is a central mecanism for Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, a better understanding of APP regulation and homeostasy is now crucial. With this background, we postulate that the characterization of new actors in the APP metabolism could provide a more subtle understanding of this APP metabolism and trafficking. From their obvious implication in brain (development, plasticity and repair) and in APP metabolism (α-secretases), ADAMs (A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease) are an important protein proteins family which still have some undetermined function or role. Previously, a transcriptomic approach targeting ADAMs family bas been done at the laboratory on Alzheimer’s patient or control brains and found ADAM30 as under-expressed in Alzheimer’s patient brains. On cellular models, we confirmed that ADAM30 under-expression was associate with an increase in production/secretion of all the APP metabolim byproducts. Opposite results were found with ADAM30 over-expression. To replicate those results in another model closest to human pathophysiology, we have developed a triple transgenic mice model over-expressing APPSweInd and conditionally over-expressing ADAM30. In this model, we have observed and measured a decrease in amyloid deposits in mice brains over-expressing ADAM30. Secondly, because ADAM30 did not modulate secretase activities and did not cleave APP directly, we decided to determine ADAM30 substrats in the APP metabolism context. With a systematic approach, we have determined that Cathepsin D (CTSD) and Insulin Receptor Substrat 4 (IRS4) are two ADAM30 potential substrats. In our cellular models, we have found that ADAM30 is able to cleave and activate CTSD. This CTSD activity is required for ADAM30 action on APP metabolism. We have determined that ADAM30 specific action for CTSD is dependent on lysosome adressing sequence localised in APP C-terminal part. CTSD is a lysosomal protein and so ADAM30 would make CTSD specific activation easier. This mecanism would be able to increase APP degradation in endosome/lysosome pathway and reduce APP entry in its metabolism. To better understand ADAM30 specific action on CTSD and APP, we begin to investigate the potential role of IRS4 and the relation between insulin signaling pathway ans APP metabolism. Combined together, those data suggest that ADAM30 is a new APP metabolism actor, involved in an early APP regulation and degradation pathway dependent on lysosome activation. This study participate in a better understanding of the fine mecanism regulations involved in Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiological process.

Modulation of Cargo Transport and Sorting through Endosome Motility and Positioning

Höpfner, Sebastian 14 November 2005 (has links)
Utilizing various systems such as cell-based assays but also multicellular organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster and C.elegans, for example, the endocytic system has been shown to consist of a network of biochemically and morphologically distinct organelles that carry out specialized tasks in the uptake, recycling and catabolism of growth factors and nutrients, serving a plethora of key biological functions (Mellman, 1996). Different classes of endosomes were found to exhibit a characteristic intracellular steady state distribution. This distribution pattern observed at steady state results from a dynamic interaction of endosomes with the actin and the microtubule cytoskeleton. It remains unclear, however, which microtubule-based motors besides Dynein control the intracellular distribution and motility of early endosomes and how their function is integrated with the sorting and transport of cargo. The first part of this thesis research outlines the search for such motor. I describe the identification of KIF16B which functions as a novel endocytic motor protein. This molecular motor, a kinesin-3, transports early endosomes to the plus end of microtubules, in a process regulated by the small GTPase Rab5 and its effector, the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase hVPS34. In vivo, KIF16B overexpression relocated early endosomes to the cell periphery and inhibited transport to the degradative pathway. Conversely, expression of dominant-negative mutants or ablation of KIF16B by RNAi caused the clustering of early endosomes to the peri-nuclear region, delayed receptor recycling to the plasma membrane and accelerated degradation. These results suggest that KIF16B, by regulating the plus end motility of early endosomes, modulates the intracellular localization of early endosomes and the balance between receptor recycling and degradation. In displaying Rab5 and PI(3)P-containing cargo selectivity, a remarkable property of KIF16B is that it is subjected to the same regulatory principles governing the membrane tethering and fusion machinery (Zerial and McBride, 2001). Since KIF16B can modulate growth factor degradation, we propose that this motor could have also important implications for signaling. Importantly, KIF16B has provided novel insight into how intracellular localization of endosomes governs the transport activity of these organelles. The second part of this thesis describes the proof-of-principle of a genome-wide screening strategy aimed at gaining insights into the next level of understanding: How the spatial distribution of organelles is linked to their function in an experimental system which features cellular polarity, for example, a tissue or organ. The suitability of C. elegans as a model organism to identify genes functioning in endocytosis has been demonstrated by previous genetic screens (Grant and Hirsh 1999; Fares and Greenwald, 2001). Offering excellent morphological resolution and polarization, the nematode intestine represents a good system to study the apical sorting of a transmembrane marker. The steady state localization of such a marker is likely the result of a dynamic process that depends on biosynthetic trafficking to the apical surface, apical endocytosis and recycling occurring through apical recycling endosomes. Therefore, mis-sorting of this marker upon RNA-mediated interference will be indicative of a failure in one of the aforementioned processes. Furthermore, since it is still largely unclear why apical endosomes maintain their polarized localization, this screen will also monitor the morphology of this endocytic compartment using a second marker. Following image acquisition based on an automated confocal microscope, data can be analyzed using custom-built software allowing objective phenotypic analysis. The successful establishment of the proof-of-principle marks the current state-of-the-art of this large-scale screening project.

Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology as a Clue to Pathogenesis

Funk, Kristen E. 16 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Participação de proteínas da via secretória no tráfego e montagem do vírus sincicial respiratório / Participation of proteins in secretory route traffic and assembling of respiratory syncytial virus

Cardoso, Ricardo de Souza 11 March 2016 (has links)
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (HRSV) é o mais frequente agente patogênico da família Paramyxoviridae. Apesar de sua grande importância e impacto em saúde pública, alguns aspectos demandam elucidação. Entre eles, estão os mecanismos de tráfego intracelular de proteínas virais para o sitio de montagem. Baseado nisso, fizemos um estudo de imunofluorescência tentando contribuir para o entendimento da participação da via secretória no tráfego de proteínas estruturais de HRSV que não são glicosiladas: proteínas de matriz (M) e de nucleocapsídeo (N). Pudemos observar que essas proteínas seguem rota similar àquelas que são glicosiladas no Golgi, como a proteína de fusão (F). Ademais, as proteínas M e N, além de colocalizarem com proteínas celulares da via secretória, tais como trans-Golgi network-46 (TGN46) e sorting nexin-2 (SNX2), também influem no recrutamento de proteínas celulares para os corpos de inclusão virais, como mostrado no caso da proteína Glut1. Os dados indicam que proteínas M e N de HRSV seguem pela via endocítica inicial, acumulam-se em corpos de inclusão que seriam fábricas virais e, no caso de TGN46, podem ser incorporadas aos vírus em brotamento / Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the most relevant cause of respiratory infection in children worldwide. Despite its importance in public health, some aspects of the mechanisms of the trafficking of viral structural proteins remain unclear. In the present study, immunofluorescence was used to understand how the virus matrix (M) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, which are non-glycosylated , are addressed to inclusion bodies in Hep-2 cells (MOI=3). M and N proteins followed similar intracellular trafficking routes as compared to the glycosylated fusion (F) viral protein. Moreover, M and N proteins colocalized with two key elements of the secretory pathway: trans-Golgi network- 46 (TGN46) and sorting nexin-2 (SNX2). Viral proteins M and N appear to be involved in the recruitment of cell proteins at the formation of virus inclusion bodies, as shown for Glucose Transporter Type 1 (Glut1). The data suggest that HRSV M and N proteins follow the secretory pathway, initiating in early endosomes, as indicated by the co-localization with TGN46 and SNX2. In addition, these host cell proteins accumulate in inclusion bodies that are viral factories, and can be part of budding viral progeny. Therefore, HRSV M and N proteins, even though they are not glycosylated, take advantage of the secretory pathway to reach virus inclusion bodies. Confocal images suggest that SNX2, which is known for its membrane-deforming properties, could play a pivotal role in HRSV budding

Participação de proteínas da via secretória no tráfego e montagem do vírus sincicial respiratório / Participation of proteins in secretory route traffic and assembling of respiratory syncytial virus

Ricardo de Souza Cardoso 11 March 2016 (has links)
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (HRSV) é o mais frequente agente patogênico da família Paramyxoviridae. Apesar de sua grande importância e impacto em saúde pública, alguns aspectos demandam elucidação. Entre eles, estão os mecanismos de tráfego intracelular de proteínas virais para o sitio de montagem. Baseado nisso, fizemos um estudo de imunofluorescência tentando contribuir para o entendimento da participação da via secretória no tráfego de proteínas estruturais de HRSV que não são glicosiladas: proteínas de matriz (M) e de nucleocapsídeo (N). Pudemos observar que essas proteínas seguem rota similar àquelas que são glicosiladas no Golgi, como a proteína de fusão (F). Ademais, as proteínas M e N, além de colocalizarem com proteínas celulares da via secretória, tais como trans-Golgi network-46 (TGN46) e sorting nexin-2 (SNX2), também influem no recrutamento de proteínas celulares para os corpos de inclusão virais, como mostrado no caso da proteína Glut1. Os dados indicam que proteínas M e N de HRSV seguem pela via endocítica inicial, acumulam-se em corpos de inclusão que seriam fábricas virais e, no caso de TGN46, podem ser incorporadas aos vírus em brotamento / Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the most relevant cause of respiratory infection in children worldwide. Despite its importance in public health, some aspects of the mechanisms of the trafficking of viral structural proteins remain unclear. In the present study, immunofluorescence was used to understand how the virus matrix (M) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, which are non-glycosylated , are addressed to inclusion bodies in Hep-2 cells (MOI=3). M and N proteins followed similar intracellular trafficking routes as compared to the glycosylated fusion (F) viral protein. Moreover, M and N proteins colocalized with two key elements of the secretory pathway: trans-Golgi network- 46 (TGN46) and sorting nexin-2 (SNX2). Viral proteins M and N appear to be involved in the recruitment of cell proteins at the formation of virus inclusion bodies, as shown for Glucose Transporter Type 1 (Glut1). The data suggest that HRSV M and N proteins follow the secretory pathway, initiating in early endosomes, as indicated by the co-localization with TGN46 and SNX2. In addition, these host cell proteins accumulate in inclusion bodies that are viral factories, and can be part of budding viral progeny. Therefore, HRSV M and N proteins, even though they are not glycosylated, take advantage of the secretory pathway to reach virus inclusion bodies. Confocal images suggest that SNX2, which is known for its membrane-deforming properties, could play a pivotal role in HRSV budding

Unraveling Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase function in the yeast Golgi-endosomal system

Demmel, Lars 13 September 2005 (has links)
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, experiments with temperature-sensitive mutants of the PI4-kinase Pik1p revealed that the PI4P pool generated by this enzyme is essential for Golgi morphology and normal secretory function and that the PI4P pool at the Golgi represents a regulatory signal on its own. In order to function as a spatial and temporal regulator of membrane traffic, PI4P synthesis and turnover must be tightly regulated. It remains elusive which factors are involved in the targeting and regulation of Pik1p. Little is also known about PI4P binding proteins mediating the effects of this phosphoinositide on Golgi function. Since it has been shown that multiple pathways leave the Golgi towards the plasma membrane one can ask the question whether Pik1p and its product PI4P specifically control one pathway? Here we demonstrate an interaction of Pik1p with the 14-3-3 proteins Bmh1p and Bmh2p. Interestingly, overexpression of Bmh1p and Bmh2p results in multiple genetic interactions with genes involved in late steps of exocytosis and it affects the forward transport of the general amino acid permease Gap1p. The detected interaction depends on the phosphorylation state of Pik1p and Pik1p phosphorylation accompanies its shuttling out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm where presumably the binding to Bmh1/2p occurs. Therefore, we reason that these interactions might serve the sequestration of Pik1p away from the Golgi. This study reveals that Pik1p shows a strong effect on the delivery of Gap1p to the surface whereas the transport of exocytosis markers implicated in the direct Golgi-to-plasma membrane pathway are not significantly disturbed. Cells carrying a deletion of gga2 also show a strong defect in delivery of Gap1p to the surface. In addition, pik1-101 gga2[delta]double mutants display synthetic genetic and membrane transport phenotypes and recruitment of Gga2 to the TGN partially depends on functional Pik1p. Therefore, our results suggest a role of Pik1p in the TGN to endosome pathway.

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