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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling and control of an electrode system for a three-phase Electric Arc Furnace

Peens, Marius 12 April 2007 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the control of the electrical energy input to a three-phase electric arc furnace (EAF). Graphite electrodes are used to convert electrical energy into heat via three-phase electric arcs. Constant arc length is desirable as it implies steady energy transfer from the graphite electrodes to the metallic charge in the furnace bath. With the charge level constantly changing, the electrodes must be able to adjust for the arc length to remain constant. In this dissertation electric arc current is used as the control variable. This is the most often used control variable in the electric arc furnace industry and implies fast adjustments of short circuits between the electrode tips and the metallic charge. The motivation behind the modelling of the electrode system for a three-phase electric arc furnace is to extend an existing EAF model developed at the University of Pretoria. The existing model investigates the control of the electric arc furnace process itself and it is assumed that the applied electrical energy input is constant. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control as well as Model-Predictive-Control (MPC) is applied to the electrode system. Time delays on the outputs of the hydraulic actuators makes it necessary to include approximations of time delays on the outputs of the linear model, which is needed for controller design. A well known general control problem is followed in this dissertation. All models are derived from first principles, and complete controller design is carried out. Most available literature lack in at least one of these fields. / Dissertation (MEng (Electronic Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Incorporação de energia na vida útil de uma colhedora autopropelida de cana-de-açúcar / Energy embodiment in life cycle of a self-propelled sugarcane harvester

Mantoam, Edemilson José 23 November 2011 (has links)
A questão energética é um dos principais desafios do século XXI. Por outro lado, os aspectos geopolíticos e ambientais, são fontes de preocupação para o modelo econômico atual. O Brasil é um país que apresenta vantagens em relação ao mundo em termos de utilização de fontes renováveis de energia. Desde 2007 os produtos da cana-de-açúcar assumiram o primeiro lugar na oferta de energia renovável. A análise de energia é necessária para o gerenciamento de recursos naturais limitados, para abastecer, com as mais diversas alternativas de biomassa, uma população mundial em constante crescimento. Essa análise identifica as práticas de produção e quantifica sua eficiência sob o ponto de vista energético, determinando a energia incorporada nas etapas do processo de produção. Estudos de energia incorporada em máquinas agrícolas são escassos. A participação do setor sucroalcooleiro na matriz energética do Brasil, fornecendo energia renovável a partir da biomassa tem aumentado. Devido à energia consumida no processo, ser produzida a partir dos seus próprios resíduos, avaliar as formas pelas quais a energia é demandada é vital para se determinar a viabilidade energética dessa fonte. Esse estudo visa determinar a energia incorporada em colhedora autopropelida de cana-de-açúcar. Foram avaliadas duas colhedoras, denominadas Máquina 1 equipada com rodas e pneus e Máquina 2 equipada com esteiras metálicas, fabricadas por uma companhia localizada na região de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para cada colhedora foi contabilizado o consumo dos insumos (diretos e indiretos) utilizados na fase de montagem, bem como, o consumo dos insumos utilizados na fase de manutenção e reparo. Os dados de consumo dos insumos foram processados apresentando os fluxos de materiais utilizados, os quais foram multiplicados pelo seu índice de energia incorporada, resultando na energia incorporada nos insumos. Os resultados demonstram que a Máquina 2 apresentou maior energia incorporada (204,3 MJ kg-1) do que a Máquina 1 (202,6 MJ kg-1) durante o ciclo de vida útil, isso foi influenciado diretamente pelo rodante utilizado pela máquina 2. A energia incorporada na mão-de-obra requerida para desempenhar a atividade de montagem foi baixa comparada com as outras categorias de energia. O aço carbono foi o insumo que obteve a maior representatividade de consumo. A energia incorporada indiretamente nos insumos foi baixa comparada com as verificadas nos demais insumos. Em termos de consumo de energia incorporada, a Máquina 1 é melhor que a Máquina 2, porém esta última propicia menores danos ao canavial, fato esse que pode compensar sua maior demanda energética ao longo de seu ciclo de vida. / The energy subject is one of the main challenges of 21st century. The geopolitical and environment aspects, they are concern sources to the current economic model. Brazil presents advantages in comparison to the world due to the use of renewable energy. Since 2007, products from the sugarcane have assumed the first place as a renewable source in the Brazilian energy matrix. Energy analysis is necessary in order to monitor of scarce natural resources, to supply, with the most several biomass alternatives, a world population in constant growth. This analysis identifies the production practices and quantifies their efficiency in the energy point of view, determining the embodied energy in the steps of the production process. Studies of embodied energy in agricultural machinery are rare. The participation of the sugarcane sector in the Brazilian energetic matrix has increased. Due to the energy consumed in their processes it is interesting to quantify these input flows in order to monitor the energy feasibility of this source. This study aimed to determine the embodied energy in the self-propelled sugarcane harvester. Two models were evaluated, so called: Machine 1 equipped with wheels and tires; and Machine 2 equipped with metallic tracks, manufactured by a company located at Piracicaba region, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For every harvester, the consumption of the input (direct and indirect) used in the assembly phase, was accounted, and also the consumption of the input used in the maintenance and repair phase. The consumption data of the inputs were processed presenting the materials flows used, which they were multiplied by their embodied energy indices, resulting in the embodied energy required by the production system. The results show that Machine 2 presented higher embodied energy (204.3 MJ kg-1) than the Machine 1 (202.6 MJ kg-1) during their life cycle and this was influenced directly by the rolling used by the Machine 2. The embodied energy by demanded by labor in the assembly activity was low compared with the other categories of energy. The steel carbon represented the input with the highest consumption. The incorporated energy indirectly in the input was low compared with the verified on the other inputs. In terms of embodied energy consumption, Machine 1 is better than Machine 2, although the latter may cause less damage to the sugarcane rattons which can compensate the higher energy demand in its life cycle.

Influência da dissipação de energia na cinética da flotação aniônica direta de apatita em meio básico. / The influence of energy input on the kinetics of anionic apatite flotation in basic medium.

Testa, Francisco Gregianin 31 August 2016 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o efeito de dissipação de energia (energy input) sobre a cinética de flotação de apatita em meio básico (pH 10,5) utilizando oleato de sódio (40 mg/L e 80 mg/L) como coletor. Uma célula de flotação com agitação promovida por grades oscilantes (OGC - Oscilating Grid Flotation Cell), desenvolvida especialmente para avaliação do efeito de energia dissipada na flotação, foi adotada para o estudo devido à célula apresentar uma turbulência praticamente isotrópica, enquanto que as células mecânicas convencionais de flotação geram regiões com diferentes níveis de turbulência, visto que, próximo ao rotor a turbulência é muito maior que nas regiões mais afastadas. A agitação gerada pelo impelidor interfere em todos os sub-processos da flotação: colisão entre bolhas e partículas, adesão e destacamento (detachment). A macroturbulência na célula de flotação suspende as partículas no interior da célula, enquanto a microturbulência dispersa as bolhas e promove as colisões entre as bolhas e as partículas. Todos estes fenômenos podem influenciar a cinética do processo. Além disso, pelo fato das partículas muito grossas (+150µm) e finas (-44µm) de apatita apresentarem recuperações mais baixas do que uma faixa de tamanho ótimo, é importante estudar a influência da dissipação de energia na cinética dessas partículas. Os resultados mostraram que a cinética de flotação de apatita é fortemente influenciada pela dissipação de energia, pelo tamanho das partículas e pela concentração de coletor (ângulo de contato). As partículas finas (-44µm) exigem um elevado nível de energia (2 kW.m-3), devido ao aumento das frequências de colisão entre bolhas e partículas, esse aumento de energia não destruiu o agregado bolha/partícula para fração fina. Por outro lado, a cinética de flotação de partículas grossas (+150µm) foi fortemente afetada pelo aumento da energia transferida, os maiores valores da constante cinética para os grossos foram obtidos com o menor nível de dissipação de energia testado (0,1 kW.m-3), qualquer aumento na turbulência apresentou uma redução na taxa de flotação de no mínimo 40%, devido à destruição do agregado de partículas/bolha. O efeito da hidrofobicidade da apatita foi avaliado através de testes de flotação com duas concentrações de coletor (40 e 80g/L). A alta concentração de coletor (80g/L) apresentou resultados mais elevados de constante cinética para todos os níveis de dissipação de energia e para qualquer tamanho de partícula. Estes resultados evidenciam a influência da hidrofobicidade na adesão e na estabilidade do agregado partícula/bolha. / This thesis investigates the effect of energy dissipation (also called energy input) on the flotation kinetics of apatite in basic medium (pH10.5) with sodium oleate (40mg/L and 80mg/L) as collector. A special equipment called Oscillating Grid Flotation Cell (OGC) was adopted because the movement of the grids inside OGC creates a near isotropic turbulence, whereas the conventional mechanical flotation cells generate regions with different levels of turbulence: the intensity of turbulence is strongly higher close to the impeller and is very low far from it. The agitation created by the impeller influences all flotation sub process: particle/bubble collision, adhesion and detachment. Macroturbulence promotes the particle suspension inside the cell, whilst microturbulence disperses the bubbles and promotes collisions between bubbles and particles. All these phenomena influence the kinetics of the process. Moreover, because very coarse (+150µm) and fine (-44µm) particles of apatite show lower recovery than an optimum size range, it is important to study the influence of energy input on the kinetics of these sort of particles. The results showed that flotation kinetics of apatite is strongly influenced by the energy input, particle size and collector concentration (contact angle). Fine particles (-44µm) require high energy input (2 kW.m-3) probably to promote collision and the increase of energy input did not destroy the bubble/particle aggregate. Conversely, the flotation kinetics of coarse particles (+150µm) was strongly affected by energy input: 0,1 kW.m-3 promoted high flotation rate, but increasing the energy input to any higher level the flotation kinetics exhibits a clear decay, probably due to the destruction of the aggregate particle/bubble. The effect of hydrophobicity is evaluated testing two collector concentrations. With high collector concentration the flotation rate increased for all levels of energy input, these results evidenced the influence of hydrophobicity on the attachment and stability of the aggregate particle/bubble.

Incorporação de energia na vida útil de uma colhedora autopropelida de cana-de-açúcar / Energy embodiment in life cycle of a self-propelled sugarcane harvester

Edemilson José Mantoam 23 November 2011 (has links)
A questão energética é um dos principais desafios do século XXI. Por outro lado, os aspectos geopolíticos e ambientais, são fontes de preocupação para o modelo econômico atual. O Brasil é um país que apresenta vantagens em relação ao mundo em termos de utilização de fontes renováveis de energia. Desde 2007 os produtos da cana-de-açúcar assumiram o primeiro lugar na oferta de energia renovável. A análise de energia é necessária para o gerenciamento de recursos naturais limitados, para abastecer, com as mais diversas alternativas de biomassa, uma população mundial em constante crescimento. Essa análise identifica as práticas de produção e quantifica sua eficiência sob o ponto de vista energético, determinando a energia incorporada nas etapas do processo de produção. Estudos de energia incorporada em máquinas agrícolas são escassos. A participação do setor sucroalcooleiro na matriz energética do Brasil, fornecendo energia renovável a partir da biomassa tem aumentado. Devido à energia consumida no processo, ser produzida a partir dos seus próprios resíduos, avaliar as formas pelas quais a energia é demandada é vital para se determinar a viabilidade energética dessa fonte. Esse estudo visa determinar a energia incorporada em colhedora autopropelida de cana-de-açúcar. Foram avaliadas duas colhedoras, denominadas Máquina 1 equipada com rodas e pneus e Máquina 2 equipada com esteiras metálicas, fabricadas por uma companhia localizada na região de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para cada colhedora foi contabilizado o consumo dos insumos (diretos e indiretos) utilizados na fase de montagem, bem como, o consumo dos insumos utilizados na fase de manutenção e reparo. Os dados de consumo dos insumos foram processados apresentando os fluxos de materiais utilizados, os quais foram multiplicados pelo seu índice de energia incorporada, resultando na energia incorporada nos insumos. Os resultados demonstram que a Máquina 2 apresentou maior energia incorporada (204,3 MJ kg-1) do que a Máquina 1 (202,6 MJ kg-1) durante o ciclo de vida útil, isso foi influenciado diretamente pelo rodante utilizado pela máquina 2. A energia incorporada na mão-de-obra requerida para desempenhar a atividade de montagem foi baixa comparada com as outras categorias de energia. O aço carbono foi o insumo que obteve a maior representatividade de consumo. A energia incorporada indiretamente nos insumos foi baixa comparada com as verificadas nos demais insumos. Em termos de consumo de energia incorporada, a Máquina 1 é melhor que a Máquina 2, porém esta última propicia menores danos ao canavial, fato esse que pode compensar sua maior demanda energética ao longo de seu ciclo de vida. / The energy subject is one of the main challenges of 21st century. The geopolitical and environment aspects, they are concern sources to the current economic model. Brazil presents advantages in comparison to the world due to the use of renewable energy. Since 2007, products from the sugarcane have assumed the first place as a renewable source in the Brazilian energy matrix. Energy analysis is necessary in order to monitor of scarce natural resources, to supply, with the most several biomass alternatives, a world population in constant growth. This analysis identifies the production practices and quantifies their efficiency in the energy point of view, determining the embodied energy in the steps of the production process. Studies of embodied energy in agricultural machinery are rare. The participation of the sugarcane sector in the Brazilian energetic matrix has increased. Due to the energy consumed in their processes it is interesting to quantify these input flows in order to monitor the energy feasibility of this source. This study aimed to determine the embodied energy in the self-propelled sugarcane harvester. Two models were evaluated, so called: Machine 1 equipped with wheels and tires; and Machine 2 equipped with metallic tracks, manufactured by a company located at Piracicaba region, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For every harvester, the consumption of the input (direct and indirect) used in the assembly phase, was accounted, and also the consumption of the input used in the maintenance and repair phase. The consumption data of the inputs were processed presenting the materials flows used, which they were multiplied by their embodied energy indices, resulting in the embodied energy required by the production system. The results show that Machine 2 presented higher embodied energy (204.3 MJ kg-1) than the Machine 1 (202.6 MJ kg-1) during their life cycle and this was influenced directly by the rolling used by the Machine 2. The embodied energy by demanded by labor in the assembly activity was low compared with the other categories of energy. The steel carbon represented the input with the highest consumption. The incorporated energy indirectly in the input was low compared with the verified on the other inputs. In terms of embodied energy consumption, Machine 1 is better than Machine 2, although the latter may cause less damage to the sugarcane rattons which can compensate the higher energy demand in its life cycle.

Kukurūzų siloso masės panaudojimas biodujų gamyboje / Possibility to use maize silage in biogas plants

Ambrazas, Egidijus 13 June 2005 (has links)
The work is directed for one of alternative energy resources – renewable sources of energy. The main task is to examine potential produce biogas out of maize silage. The object of analyses was a biogas plant operated on different organic wastes in the pigs farm of UAB “Lekeciai”. The technologies of biogas production and energy input were analysed in this work. Acording to empirical equations there were developed an estimation methodology of energy consumption in biogas plant. A Energy consumption of technological equipment and energy consumption of maize silage has been investigated and determined. Energetic potential of maize silage have been investigated during experiments. Energetic efficiency of biogas plant given different composition of organic wastes has been determined. Have been estimated efficient of producing biogas out of silage maize.

Influência da dissipação de energia na cinética da flotação aniônica direta de apatita em meio básico. / The influence of energy input on the kinetics of anionic apatite flotation in basic medium.

Francisco Gregianin Testa 31 August 2016 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o efeito de dissipação de energia (energy input) sobre a cinética de flotação de apatita em meio básico (pH 10,5) utilizando oleato de sódio (40 mg/L e 80 mg/L) como coletor. Uma célula de flotação com agitação promovida por grades oscilantes (OGC - Oscilating Grid Flotation Cell), desenvolvida especialmente para avaliação do efeito de energia dissipada na flotação, foi adotada para o estudo devido à célula apresentar uma turbulência praticamente isotrópica, enquanto que as células mecânicas convencionais de flotação geram regiões com diferentes níveis de turbulência, visto que, próximo ao rotor a turbulência é muito maior que nas regiões mais afastadas. A agitação gerada pelo impelidor interfere em todos os sub-processos da flotação: colisão entre bolhas e partículas, adesão e destacamento (detachment). A macroturbulência na célula de flotação suspende as partículas no interior da célula, enquanto a microturbulência dispersa as bolhas e promove as colisões entre as bolhas e as partículas. Todos estes fenômenos podem influenciar a cinética do processo. Além disso, pelo fato das partículas muito grossas (+150µm) e finas (-44µm) de apatita apresentarem recuperações mais baixas do que uma faixa de tamanho ótimo, é importante estudar a influência da dissipação de energia na cinética dessas partículas. Os resultados mostraram que a cinética de flotação de apatita é fortemente influenciada pela dissipação de energia, pelo tamanho das partículas e pela concentração de coletor (ângulo de contato). As partículas finas (-44µm) exigem um elevado nível de energia (2 kW.m-3), devido ao aumento das frequências de colisão entre bolhas e partículas, esse aumento de energia não destruiu o agregado bolha/partícula para fração fina. Por outro lado, a cinética de flotação de partículas grossas (+150µm) foi fortemente afetada pelo aumento da energia transferida, os maiores valores da constante cinética para os grossos foram obtidos com o menor nível de dissipação de energia testado (0,1 kW.m-3), qualquer aumento na turbulência apresentou uma redução na taxa de flotação de no mínimo 40%, devido à destruição do agregado de partículas/bolha. O efeito da hidrofobicidade da apatita foi avaliado através de testes de flotação com duas concentrações de coletor (40 e 80g/L). A alta concentração de coletor (80g/L) apresentou resultados mais elevados de constante cinética para todos os níveis de dissipação de energia e para qualquer tamanho de partícula. Estes resultados evidenciam a influência da hidrofobicidade na adesão e na estabilidade do agregado partícula/bolha. / This thesis investigates the effect of energy dissipation (also called energy input) on the flotation kinetics of apatite in basic medium (pH10.5) with sodium oleate (40mg/L and 80mg/L) as collector. A special equipment called Oscillating Grid Flotation Cell (OGC) was adopted because the movement of the grids inside OGC creates a near isotropic turbulence, whereas the conventional mechanical flotation cells generate regions with different levels of turbulence: the intensity of turbulence is strongly higher close to the impeller and is very low far from it. The agitation created by the impeller influences all flotation sub process: particle/bubble collision, adhesion and detachment. Macroturbulence promotes the particle suspension inside the cell, whilst microturbulence disperses the bubbles and promotes collisions between bubbles and particles. All these phenomena influence the kinetics of the process. Moreover, because very coarse (+150µm) and fine (-44µm) particles of apatite show lower recovery than an optimum size range, it is important to study the influence of energy input on the kinetics of these sort of particles. The results showed that flotation kinetics of apatite is strongly influenced by the energy input, particle size and collector concentration (contact angle). Fine particles (-44µm) require high energy input (2 kW.m-3) probably to promote collision and the increase of energy input did not destroy the bubble/particle aggregate. Conversely, the flotation kinetics of coarse particles (+150µm) was strongly affected by energy input: 0,1 kW.m-3 promoted high flotation rate, but increasing the energy input to any higher level the flotation kinetics exhibits a clear decay, probably due to the destruction of the aggregate particle/bubble. The effect of hydrophobicity is evaluated testing two collector concentrations. With high collector concentration the flotation rate increased for all levels of energy input, these results evidenced the influence of hydrophobicity on the attachment and stability of the aggregate particle/bubble.

The Energy Balance of Jatropha Plantation in Sun BiofuelFarm in Central Mozambique

Soares, Castro António January 2017 (has links)
Jatropha constitutes one of promising species suitable for providing oil for biodiesel production. So, looking for good practice and sustainable use of energy during Jatropha cultivation and lack of information about Jatropha in Mozambique, this study pretends to estimate the energy balance in Jatropha plantation in Sun biofuel farm, by calculating the energy indicators based on a life cycle approach in Sun Biofuel farm located in Manica province, Central Mozambique. Energy balance is a tool which can help to calculate all energy indicators in order to evaluate and analyse the energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental benefits. This study estimated the indicator of energy balance namely: energy input is the sum of all energy used during the process of Jatropha cultivation and oil production, energy output is the amount of energy produced, Net energy value can be calculated subtracting the energy output from the energy input, Energy productivity is the division of Jatropha produced by the respective input energy, specific energy is the division of energy input by Jatropha seed output and energy ratio is the energy output divided by energy input. Also data was collected on the farm of Sun Biofuel to estimate the sustainability of agricultural production of the company. The Jatropha production in Sun Biofuel farm (SBF) absorbed around 28 579 MJ/ha of energy during the production and 121 820 MJ/ha of energy gain as result of the all production. The total energy input was direct energy with 77% and Indirect energy with 23% used in Jatropha farm, and also the total energy input was divided into renewable with 26% and non-renewable with 74% of its contribution. The results revealed that the contribution of seed husks was (8%), woody products (38%), raw seed oil (30%), Shell (9%) and press cake (15%) of total energy output in Jatropha oil production farm. Net energy value (NEV), energy productivity, energy use efficiency and Specific energy was 93 241 MJ ha-1, 0.067 Kg MJ-1, 4.3 and 15.04 MJ Kg-1, respectively. According to these results the energy balance is positive and the energy use in Jatropha production is efficient.

The Energy Balance of Jatropha Plantation in Sun Biofuel Farm in Central Mozambique / The Energy Balance of Jatropha Plantation in Sun Biofuel Farm in Central Mozambique

António Soares, Castro January 2017 (has links)
Jatropha constitutes one of promising species suitable for providing oil for biodiesel production. So, looking for good practice and sustainable use of energy during Jatropha cultivation and lack of information about Jatropha in Mozambique, this study pretends to estimate the energy balance in Jatropha plantation in Sun biofuel farm, by calculating the energy indicators based on a life cycle approach in Sun Biofuel farm located in Manica province, Central Mozambique. Energy balance is a tool which can help to calculate all energy indicators in order to evaluate and analyse the energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental benefits. This study estimated the indicator of energy balance namely: energy input is the sum of all energy used during the process of Jatropha cultivation and oil production, energy output is the amount of energy produced, Net energy value can be calculated subtracting the energy output from the energy input, Energy productivity is the division of Jatropha produced by the respective input energy, specific energy is the division of energy input by Jatropha seed output and energy ratio is the energy output divided by energy input. Also data was collected on the farm of Sun Biofuel to estimate the sustainability of agricultural production of the company. The Jatropha production in Sun Biofuel farm (SBF) absorbed around 28 579 MJ/ha of energy during the production and 121 820 MJ/ha of energy gain as result of the all production. The total energy input was direct energy with 77% and Indirect energy with 23% used in Jatropha farm, and also the total energy input was divided into renewable with 26% and non-renewable with 74% of its contribution. The results revealed that the contribution of seed husks was (8%), woody products (38%), raw seed oil (30%), Shell (9%) and press cake (15%) of total energy output in Jatropha oil production farm. Net energy value (NEV), energy productivity, energy use efficiency and Specific energy was 93 241 MJ ha-1, 0.067 Kg MJ-1, 4.3 and 15.04 MJ Kg-1, respectively. According to these results the energy balance is positive and the energy use in Jatropha production is efficient.

Miesto nuotekų dumblo ir maisto atliekų perdirbimo į biodujas tyrimas / Research on the Conversion of Urban Sewage Sludge and Food Waste into Biogas

Pilipavičius, Vilmantas 02 June 2011 (has links)
Lietuvoje susidaro nemaži nuotekų dumblo kiekiai, kurių susidarymą sąlygoje gyventojų ir iš pramonės įmonių atitekančios nuotekos. Tinkamai paruoštas nuotekų dumblas, gali būti naudojamas kaip trąša žemės ūkyje ir kaip kuras energetikoje (tiesiogiai ar kaip žaliava biodujų gamybai). Dumblą apdoroti ir išgauti energiją galima įdiegiant bioreaktorius. Darbo tikslas: ištirti nuotekų dumblo ir maisto atliekų mišinio anaerobinio perdirbimo į biodujas galimybes ir įvertinti jų energinį potencialą. Remiantis empirinėmis formulėmis, parašyta maisto atliekų ir jų paruošimo energijos sąnaudų įvertinimo metodika. Atlikti skaičiavimai rodo, kad 6,95 MJ/t energijos sąnaudų patiriama perdirbant ir paruošiant maisto atliekas surinktas iš Kauno miesto ugdymo ir maitinimo įstaigų. Nustatyta, kad nuotekų dumblą perdirbanti biodujų jėgainė suvartoja 18,8 MJ tonai dumblo perdirbti į biodujas. Eksperimentinių tyrimų metu nustatyta maisto atliekų mišinio su nuotekų dumblu sudėtis, kurios sausosios medžiagos koncentracija siekia 6,3–6,4 %. / In Lithuania produced significant quantities of sewage sludge, which is affected by population and industry wastewater usage. Appropriate treatment of sewage sludge can be used as fertilizers in agriculture, energy as a fuel (either directly or as feedstock for biogas production). The sludge treatment and energy production is the introduction of bioreactors. The purpose of this work: To investigate the use of sewage sludge and food waste into a mixture of biogas from anaerobic processing capabilities and assess its energy potential. The paper is written based on empirical formulas for food preparation and waste of energy consumption assessment methods. Performed calculations indicate that 6,95 MJ/t of energy costs incurred in processing and cooking of food waste in Kaunas city and school catering. It was found that sewage sludge processing in the biogas power plant consumes 18,8 MJ/t of energy. Experimental trials of food waste mixed with sewage sludge shows that total solids amounts to 6,3–6,4 %.

Advanced doping techniques and dehydrogenation properties of transition metal-doped LiAlH 4 for fuel cell systems

Fu, Jie 20 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Hydrogen is an efficient, carbon-free and safe energy carrier. However, its compact and weight-efficient storage is an ongoing subject for research and development. Among the intensively investigated hydrogen storage materials, lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4) is an attractive candidate because of its high theoretical hydrogen density (volumetric: 96.7g H2/l material; gravimetric: 10.6 wt.%-H2) in combination with rather low decomposition temperatures (onset temperature <100°C after doping). Although the reversible dehydrogenation of LiAlH4 must be carried out with the help of organic solvent, LiAlH4 can serve as single-use hydrogen storage material for various special applications, for example, hydrogen fuel cell systems. This thesis deals with transition metal (TM)-doped LiAlH4 aiming at tailored dehydrogenation properties. The crystal structure and morphology of TM-doped LiAlH4 is characterized by XRD and SEM respectively. The positive effects of four dopants (NiCl2, TiCl3, ZrCl4 and TiCl4) on promoting the dehydrogenation kinetics of LiAlH4 are systematically studied by thermal analysis. Based on the state of each TM chloride (solid or liquid), three low-energy-input doping methods (1. ball-milling at low rotation speed; 2. manual grinding or magnetic stirring; 3. magnetic stirring in ethyl ether) are compared in order to prepare LiAlH4 with the maximum amount of hydrogen release in combination with fast dehydrogenation kinetics. The dehydrogenation properties of the TM-doped LiAlH4 powders are measured under isothermal conditions at 80°C at a H2 pressure of 1 bar, which is within the operating temperature range of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, aiming at applications where the exhaust heat of the fuel cell is used to trigger the dehydrogenation of the hydrogen storage material. Furthermore, the mid-term dehydrogenation behavior of TM-doped LiAlH4 was monitored up to a few months in order to test its mid-term storability. In addition, the pelletization of TM-doped LiAlH4 is investigated aiming at a higher volumetric hydrogen storage capacity. The effects of compaction pressure, temperature and the H2 back-pressure on the dehydrogenation properties of TM-doped LiAlH4 pellets are systematically studied. Moreover, the volume change through dehydrogenation and the short-term storage of the TM-doped LiAlH4 pellets are discussed in view of practical applications for PEM fuel cell systems. / Wasserstoff ist ein effizienter, kohlenstofffreier und sicherer Energieträger. Jedoch die kompakte und gewichtseffiziente Speicherung ist ein permanentes Forschungs- und Entwicklungsthema. Unter den intensiv untersuchten Materialien für die Wasserstoffspeicherung ist aufgrund der hohen theoretischen Speicherdichte (volumetrisch: 96,7 g H2/L, gravimetrisch: 10.6 Gew.%-H2) in Kombination mit sehr niedrigen Zersetzungstemperaturen (Anfangstemperatur < 100°C nach Dotierung) Lithium Aluminiumhydrid (LiAlH4) ein vielversprechender Kandidat. Obwohl die reversible Dehydrierung von LiAlH4 mit Hilfe von organischen Lösungsmitteln durchgeführt werden muss, kann LiAlH4-Pulver als Einweg-Speichermaterial für verschiedene Anwendungen dienen, beispielsweise für Wasserstoff/Brennstoffzellensysteme. Diese Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit LiAlH4 dotiert mit Übergangsmetall, mit dem Ziel maßgeschneiderte Dehydrierungseigenschaften zu erreichen. Die Kristallstruktur und die Morphologie der mit Übergangsmetallen dotierten LiAlH4-Pulver wurden mit Röntgenbeugung (XRD) und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM) charakterisiert. Weiterhin wurde der positive Effekt der Dotanden auf die reaktionsfördernde Dehydrierung von LiAlH4 systematisch mit Hilfe thermoanalytischer Methoden untersucht. Für jedes Übergangsmetall, welches in Form von Übergangsmetallchloriden vorlag, wurden drei Dotierungsmethoden mit niedrigem Energieeintrag (Kugelmahlen mit geringer Rotations-geschwindigkeit, manuelles Schleifen/Magnetrühren, Magnetrühren mit Ethylether) verglichen, um LiAlH4-Pulver mit einer maximalen Wasserstofffreisetzungsmenge in Kombination mit einer schnellen Dehydrierungskinetik zu erzielen. Die Dehydrierung des dotierten LiAlH4-Pulvers wurde unter isothermen Bedingungen bei 80°C und einem H2-Druck von 1 bar gemessen, was im Bereich der Betriebstemperatur von PEM-Brennstoffzellen (Proton Exchange Membran) liegt. Dadurch sollen Anwendungen anvisiert werden, bei denen die entstehende Abwärme der Brennstoffzelle genutzt wird, um die Dehydrierung des Wasserstoffspeichermaterials auszulösen. Zudem wurde das Dehydrierungsverhalten des dotierten LiAlH4 bis zu einigen Monaten kontrolliert, um die mittelfristige Haltbarkeit zu testen. Weiterhin wurde die Pelletierung des mit Übergangsmetallen dotierten LiAlH4 mit dem Ziel untersucht, eine hohe volumetrische Speicherkapazität zu erreichen. Der Einfluss des Pressdrucks, der Dehydrierungstemperatur und des H2-Gegendrucks auf die Dehydrierungseigenschaften der mit Übergangsmetallen dotierten LiAlH4-Presslinge wurde systematisch analysiert. Außerdem wird die Volumenveränderung durch die Dehydrierung und die Kurzzeitspeicherung der mit Übergangsmetallen dotierten LiAlH4-Presslinge im Hinblick auf praktische Anwendungen unter Nutzung der Brennstoffzelle diskutiert.

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