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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utility-Scale Solar Power Plants with Storage : Cost Comparison and Growth Forecast Analysis

Pragada, Gandhi, Perisetla, Nitish January 2021 (has links)
Renewable energy for energy production, like Solar, is turning out to be very pertinent in today's world [1]. It is very clear that Solar Energy is going to emerge as one of the key sources of energy in future. Moreover, the storage option is going to play an essential role to the future deployment of solar power plants. Concentrated solar power plants with thermal storage, photovoltaic plants integrated with battery energy storage, and hybrid plants are attractive solutions to obtain a stable and dispatchable energy production. Investors or policymakers usually find it challenging to come up with the most feasible solar storage technology because they need to consider techno-economic feasibility, and at the same time, from a market or administrative perspective as well. So, this thesis study will address the key problem which is aimed at investors or policymakers since there is a need to choose the best solar storage technology at a utility level in future based on so many attributes. The thesis project was carried out in two phases which includes forecast modelling & estimations and techno-economic assessment of virtual plants. These two phases helped to address various questions in relation to the problem statement of this study. The entire thesis study broadly covered seven countries spanning across four major regions around the world. The first phase of the thesis, forecast modelling estimations shows how the seven countries will look in future (2020 – 2050) with respect to installed capacity and costs for PV, CSP, and BESS technologies. Some major results from phase 1 include, in low-cost estimates, China will remain to be the market leader in PV & CSP by 2050. In U.S.A and India, the installed costs of PV are projected to decline by 70% by 2050. By 2050, the installed costs of Solar Tower technology are estimated to drop by about 65% in China and Spain. In U.S.A, the prices of BESS technology are likely to fall by around 58 – 60 % by 2050. In the second phase of thesis study, a techno-economic evaluation of virtual plants addressed the aspects which are to be considered for a solar project if it is deployed in future across seven specific countries. Results from this analysis helps investors or policymakers to choose the cheapest solar storage technology at a utility level across seven specific countries in future (2020 – 2050). Key results from this analysis show that, in the U.S.A, by 2050, PV+BESS will be the cheapest storage technology for 4 – 10 storage hours. Addition of another renewable technology will add up more viability to the comparison. In China, Hybrid will be the cheapest storage technology for 4 – 8 hrs by 2050. There is huge potential for deployment of CSP & hybrid plants in future than PV. In South Africa, CSP will be the cheapest storage technology by 2050 for 4 – 10 hours of storage. It is assumed that deployment of BESS projects at utility level starts from 2025 in South Africa. Beyond this, market forces analysis was carried out which offers insights especially for the policymakers of how various drivers and constraints are influencing each solar technology across the specific countries in future. Overall, the entire thesis study provides guidelines/insights to investors or policy makers for choosing the best solar storage technology in future at a utility scale for a particular country. / Förnybar energi för energiproduktion, liksom Solar, visar sig vara mycket relevant i dagens värld [1]. Det är mycket tydligt att solenergi kommer att framstå som en av de viktigaste energikällorna i framtiden. Dessutom kommer lagringsalternativet att spela en väsentlig roll för den framtida distributionen av solkraftverk. Koncentrerade solkraftverk med värmelagring, solcellsanläggningar integrerade med batterilagring och hybridanläggningar är attraktiva lösningar för att få en stabil och skickbar energiproduktion. Investerare eller beslutsfattare brukar tycka att det är utmanande att komma på den mest genomförbara solcellstekniken eftersom de måste överväga teknikekonomisk genomförbarhet, och samtidigt, ur ett marknads- eller administrativt perspektiv också. Så denna avhandlingsstudie kommer att ta itu med nyckelproblemet som riktar sig till investerare eller beslutsfattare eftersom det finns ett behov av att välja den bästa solenergilagringstekniken på en användningsnivå i framtiden baserat på så många attribut. Avhandlingsprojektet genomfördes i två faser som inkluderar prognosmodellering och uppskattningar och teknikekonomisk bedömning av virtuella anläggningar. Dessa två faser hjälpte till att ta itu med olika frågor i samband med problemstudien i denna studie. Hela avhandlingsstudien omfattade i stort sju länder som sträcker sig över fyra stora regioner runt om i världen. Den första fasen i avhandlingen, prognosmodelleringsuppskattningar visar hur de sju länderna kommer att se ut i framtiden (2020 - 2050) med avseende på installerad kapacitet och kostnader för PV-, CSP- och BESS -teknik. Några viktiga resultat från fas 1 inkluderar, i lågkostnadsuppskattningar, att Kina kommer att vara marknadsledande inom PV och CSP år 2050. I USA och Indien beräknas de installerade kostnaderna för PV minska med 70% år 2050. Av 2050 beräknas de installerade kostnaderna för Solar Tower -teknik sjunka med cirka 65% i Kina och Spanien. I USA kommer priserna på BESS -teknik sannolikt att sjunka med cirka 58 - 60 % år 2050. I den andra fasen av avhandlingsstudien behandlade en teknikekonomisk utvärdering av virtuella anläggningar de aspekter som ska övervägas för ett solprojekt om det används i framtiden i sju specifika länder. Resultaten från denna analys hjälper investerare eller beslutsfattare att välja den billigaste solenergilagringstekniken på en användningsnivå i sju specifika länder i framtiden (2020 - 2050). Viktiga resultat från denna analys visar att i USA, år 2050, kommer PV+BESS att vara den billigaste lagringstekniken på 4 - 10 lagringstimmar. Tillägg av en annan förnybar teknik kommer att öka jämförbarheten. I Kina kommer Hybrid att vara den billigaste lagringstekniken i 4-8 timmar fram till 2050. Det finns en enorm potential för distribution av CSP & hybridanläggningar i framtiden än PV. I Sydafrika kommer CSP att vara den billigaste lagringstekniken år 2050 för 4 - 10 timmars lagring. Det antas att distributionen av BESS -projekt på verktygsnivå börjar från 2025 i Sydafrika. Utöver detta genomfördes marknadskravsanalys som ger insikter speciellt för beslutsfattarna om hur olika drivkrafter och begränsningar påverkar varje solteknik i de specifika länderna i framtiden. Sammantaget ger hela avhandlingsstudien riktlinjer/insikter till investerare eller beslutsfattare för att välja den bästa solenergitekniken i framtiden i en nyttoskala för ett visst land.

Optimal Control of An Energy Storage System Providing Fast Charging and Ancillary Services / Optimal styrning av ett energilager som tillhandahåller snabbladdning och systemtjänster

Völcker, Max, Rolff, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, we explore the potential of financing a fast charging system with energy storage by delivering ancillary services from the energy storage in an optimal way. Specifically, a system delivering frequency regulation services FCR-D Up and FCR-D Down in combination with energy arbitrage trading is considered. An optimization model is developed that could be implemented operationally and then used in a Monte-Carlo simulation to estimate the net present value of the system for four identified cases at three different energy market price scenarios. The main modeling approach is to formulate the system as a state-space model serving as the foundation for model predictive control, with the delay between decision and delivery of the frequency regulation services incorporated as a part of the system state. The optimization of the system is implemented using a dynamic programming approach with a time horizon of 48h, where the choice of admissible controls is optimized for computational efficiency. The result shows that the system could profitable under optimal operation, but it is heavily dependent on the size of the grid connection, future price levels for ancillary services, and the nature of fast-charging demand. As such, the business case and profitability should be evaluated with a specific use case in mind. The developed model showed relatively good computational efficiency for operational implementations with a run time for one iteration of the optimization problem of 15 seconds. The model could therefore be used as the foundation for future research within the specific field and for similar control problems considering delayed controls and stochastic demand. Several proposed improvements and suggested areas of future research are proposed. / I den här uppsatsen utforskar vi huruvida det är finansiellt lönsamt att leverera snabbladdning från ett energilager samtidigt som energilagret används för att leverera systemtjänster på ett optimalt sätt. Mer specifikt undersöks ett potentiellt system som levererar frekvensregleringstjänsterna FCR-D Up och FCR-D Down samt energiarbitragehandel. Vi utvecklar en optimeringsmodell som kan implementeras i ett fysiskt system och använder sedan modellen i en Monte-Carlo-simulering för att estimera nuvärdet av fyra olika systemkonfigurationer för tre olika prisscenarion. Den huvudsakliga modelleringsmetoden är att formulera systemet som en tillstånds-rum modell, som sedan används som grund för modellprediktiv styrning, där fördröjningen mellan beslut och leverans av frekvensregleringstjänster inkluderas som en del av systemets tillstånd. Optimeringen av systemet implementeras med en dynamisk programmeringsmetodik med en tidsram på 48 timmar, där valet av tillåtna kontroller optimeras för beräkningseffektivitet. Resultatet visar att systemet kan vara lönsamt under optimal drift, men det är starkt beroende av storleken på nätanslutningen, framtida prisnivåer för systemtjänster och typen av snabbladdningsbehovet. Därför bör lönsamheten utvärderas för varje specifikt fall. Den utvecklade modellen visade relativt god beräkningseffektivitet för praktiskt implementation med en körtid för en enskilt iteration på 15 sekunder. Modellen kan därför användas som grund för framtida forskning inom området och för liknande problem inom optimal styrteori som involverar fördröjda kontroller och stokastisk efterfrågan. Flera föreslagna förbättringar och områden för framtida forskning föreslås.

Study of FACTS/ESS Applications in Bulk Power System

Zhang, Li 27 November 2006 (has links)
The electric power supply industry has evolved into one of the largest industries. Even though secure and reliable operation of the electric power system is fundamental to economy, social security and quality of modern life, the complicated power grid is now facing severe challenges to meet the high-level secure and reliable operation requirements. New technologies will play a major role in helping today's electric power industry to meet the above challenges. This dissertation has focused on some key technologies among them, including the emerging technologies of energy storage, controlled power electronics and wide area measurement technologies. Those technologies offer an opportunity to develop the appropriate objectives for power system control. The use of power electronics based devices with energy storage system integrated into them, such as FACTS/ESS, can provide valuable added benefits to improve stability, power quality, and reliability of power systems. The study in this dissertation has provided several guidelines for the implementation of FACTS/ESS in bulk power systems. The interest of this study lies in a wide range of FACTS/ESS technology applications in bulk power system to solve some special problems that were not solved well without the application of FACTS/ESS. The special problems we select to solve by using FACTS/ESS technology in this study include power quality problem solution by active power compensation, electrical arc furnace (EAF) induced problems solution, inter-area mode low frequency oscillation suppression, coordination of under frequency load shedding (UFLS) and under frequency governor control (UFGC), wide area voltage control. From this study, the author of this dissertation reveals the unique role that FACTS/ESS technology can play in the bulk power system stability control and power quality enhancement in power system. In this dissertation, almost all the studies are based on the real system problems, which means that the study results are special valuable to certain utilities that have those problems. The study in this dissertation can assist power industry choose the right FACTS/ESS technology for their intended functions, which will improve the survivability, minimize blackouts, and reduce interruption costs through the use of energy storage systems. / Ph. D.

Insuring the future : Improving the Insurance process by Identifying Risks in Battery Energy Storage Projects / Försäkrar framtiden : Förbättring av försäkrings processen genom Identifiering av risker i batteri energi lagrings projekt

Kabir, Sabina, Sharan, Viveka Vishi January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis investigates the risks associated with Battery Energy Storage (BESS) projects to improve the insurance process for BESS projects in Sweden, aligning with the global shift towards renewable energy as mandated by the Paris Agreement. The primary objective of this report is to develop guidelines for small enterprises entering the BESS market, focusing on risk identification and stakeholder objectives to improve the insurance process. Some risks identified were a lack of knowledge and experience, unsatisfactory suppliers, and policy and regulatory uncertainties. Utilizing a system engineering approach, the study investigates the interactions and communication between stakeholders, including project developers, insurance brokers, and insurers. The research is conducted through interviews with these stakeholders and a comprehensive literature review. The findings highlight challenges in communication during the insurance process and identify key factors that project developers should consider to ensure smoother interactions, such as providing more detailed information about the requirements to receive insurance. The study reveals the unique challenges posed by the novelty of BESS technology in Sweden. It suggests that a standardized and improved insurance process for BESS projects can accelerate the adoption of renewable energy technologies. The study is delimited to the Swedish context, acknowledging that insurance market mechanisms and BESS technology implementations vary across different countries. The theoretical contributions include an analysis of insurance for BESS projects and an overview of the current insurance products available in the Swedish market. The practical contributions include a guideline for new BESS project developers with considerations they can take to ensure a smoother insurance process for their projects. / Denna masteruppsats undersöker de risker som är förknippade med projekt för batterienergilagringssystem (BESS) för att förbättra försäkrings processen för BESS-projekt i Sverige, i linje med den globala övergången till förnybar energi enligt Parisavtalet. Huvudmålet med denna rapport är att utveckla riktlinjer för småföretag som går in på BESS-marknaden, med fokus på riskidentifiering och intressenternas mål för att förbättra försäkrings processen. Några identifierade risker var bristande kunskap och erfarenhet, otillfredsställande leverantörer och osäkerheter i policy och regelverk. Genom att använda Systems Engineering undersöker denna studie interaktionerna och kommunikationen mellan intressenter, inklusive projektutvecklare, försäkringsmäklare och försäkringsbolag. Forskningen genomförs genom intervjuer med dessa intressenter och en omfattande litteraturstudie. Resultaten belyser utmaningar i kommunikationen under försäkrings processen och identifierar viktiga faktorer som projektutvecklare bör beakta för att säkerställa smidigare interaktioner, såsom att tillhandahålla mer detaljerad information om kraven för att få försäkring. Studien avslöjar de unika utmaningar som den nya BESS-tekniken medför i Sverige. Den föreslår att en standardiserad och förbättrad försäkrings process för BESS-projekt kan påskynda införandet av förnybar energiteknik. Studien är begränsad till den svenska kontexten och erkänner att försäkringsmarknadens mekanismer och BESS-teknikens tillämpningar varierar mellan olika länder. De teoretiska bidragen inkluderar en analys av försäkringar för BESS-projekt och en översikt över de nuvarande försäkringsprodukterna som finns tillgängliga på den svenska marknaden. De praktiska bidragen inkluderar riktlinjer för nya BESS-projektutvecklare med överväganden dekan ta för att säkerställa en smidigare försäkrings process för sina projekt.

Photovoltaic Power Production and Energy Storage Systems in Low-Voltage Power Grids / Solcellsproduktion och energilagringssystem i lågspänningselnät

Häggblom, Johan, Jerner, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, photovoltaic (PV) power production have seen an increase and the PV power systems are often located in the distribution grids close to the consumers. Since the distributions grids rarely are designed for power production, investigation of its effects is needed. It is seen in this thesis that PV power production will cause voltages to rise, potentially to levels exceeding the limits that grid owners have to abide by. A model of a distribution grid is developed in MathWorks MATLAB. The model contains a transformer, cables, households, energy storage systems (ESS:s) and photovoltaic power systems. The system is simulated by implementing a numerical Forward Backward Sweep Method, solving for powers, currents and voltages in the grid. PV power systems are added in different configurations along with different configurations of ESS:s. The results are analysed, primarily concerning voltages and voltage limits. It is concluded that addition of PV power production in the distribution grid affects voltages, more or less depending on where in the grid the systems are placed and what peak power they have. It is also concluded that having energy storage systems in the grid, changing the power factor of the inverter for the PV systems or lowering the transformer secondary-side voltage can bring the voltages down. / På senare tid har det skett en ökning i antalet solcellsanläggningar som installeras i elnätet och dessa är ofta placerade i distributionsnäten nära hushållen. Eftersom distributionsnäten sällan är dimensionerade för produktion så behöver man utreda effekten av det. I det här arbetet visas det att solcellsproduktion kommer att öka spänningen i elnätet, potentiellt så mycket att de gränser elnätsägarna måste hålla nätet inom överstigs. En modell över lågspänningsnätet skapas i MathWorks MATLAB. Modellen innehåller transformator, kablar, hushåll, energilager och solcellsanläggningar. Systemet simuleras med hjälp av en numerisk Forward Backward Sweep-lösare som beräknar effekter, strömmar och spänningar i elnätet. Solcellanläggningarna placeras ut i elnätet i olika konfigurationer tillsammans med olika konfigurationer av energilager. Resultaten från simuleringarna analyseras främst med avseende på spänningen i elnätet utifrån dess gränser. De slutsatser som dras i arbetet är att solcellsproduktion kommer att påverka spänningen, mycket beroende på var i elnätet anläggningarna placeras och storleken hos dem. Det visas också att energilager, justering av effektfaktor hos solcellsanläggningarna eller en spänningssänkning på transformatorns lågspänningssida kan få ner spänningen i elnätet. / <p>LiTH-ISY-EX--19/5194--SE</p>

Modélisation, vieillissement et surveillance de l'état de santé des condensateurs films utilisés dans des applications avioniques / Modeling, ageing and health monitoring of metallized film capacitors used for aeronautic applications

Makdessi, Maawad 24 April 2014 (has links)
Le domaine aéronautique connait de nos jours un engouement sans précédent autour de l’avion plus électrique. L’importance du nombre d’équipements électriques est à un tel point que l’amélioration de leur fiabilité devient incontournable. Actuellement, les composants passifs occupent 75 % des éléments électroniques utilisés en avionique dont la moitié correspond à des condensateurs. Ces derniers doivent donc répondre aux exigences environnementales avioniques assez contraignantes. C’est dans ce contexte que nous nous sommes intéressés particulièrement à l’étude des condensateurs à technologie film utilisant le polypropylène ou le polyester comme diélectrique. Afin de mieux comprendre le comportement fréquentiel de cette technologie, deux modèles fins de condensateurs films ont été développés, permettant ainsi de suivre les évolutions de leurs grandeurs électriques dans des conditions cohérentes avec l’application. Dans un deuxième temps, l’effet des contraintes en tension et en température constantes a été étudié sous la forme de facteurs d’accélération du vieillissement. Cela a été établi par l’intermédiaire de plusieurs essais, permettant d’établir les lois d’évolutions temporelles des paramètres électriques des condensateurs. Comme ces contraintes constantes ne sont pas toujours représentatives des conditions réelles d’utilisation, les cinétiques de dégradation ont été comparées à celles où les condensateurs sont sollicités par de fortes ondulations de courant, seules ou associées à une tension continue. Enfin, la dernière partie de notre travail expose l’utilisation des données expérimentales issues des essais de vieillissement dans un objectif de diagnostic en ligne. Les techniques utilisées assurent l'analyse de la dégradation de ces composants, étape essentielle dans la prédiction de l’état de santé des condensateurs en ligne / Nowadays, aeronautic research field is moving towards a more electric aircraft. Although this evolutionary path offers many advantages from a financial and ecological point of view, the increased power source usage sets additional constraints on the different electrical systems used onboard. Currently, passive components occupy 75% of the overall electronic equipments used in avionics, whose 50% corresponds to capacitors. Consequently, these latter must be able to withstand the harsh avionic operating conditions. In this thesis we were particularly interested in the study of metallized film capacitors technology using polyester or polypropylene as dielectric. A first approach consisted on the modeling of these components as function of frequency in order to study the evolution of their electrical parameters under consistent avionic stresses. These models were also developed on the purpose of tracking the degradation of the capacitors parameters over time. This operation was done by the means of accelerated floating ageing tests, where capacitors were subjected to different constant voltages and temperatures. Original capacitance ageing laws were thus proposed based on the identification of voltage and temperature degradation kinetics. However, since traditional floating ageing tests, do not reflects the normal ageing of the component, degradation kinetics of metallized films capacitors under high ripple currents, alone or combined with a DC voltage across the devices terminals where also studied, and the associated failure mechanisms were identified. A final step consisted on the health monitoring of metallized film capacitors online based on the experimental ageing data

Caractérisation et modélisation de composants de stockage électrochimique et électrostatique / Characterization and modeling of electrochemical and electrostatic storage components

Devillers, Nathalie 29 November 2012 (has links)
Dans le domaine aéronautique, l'optimisation du rendement énergétique global, la réduction des masses embarquées et la nécessité de répondre aux besoins énergétiques croissants conduisent à développer de nouvelles technologies et méthodes pour générer l'énergie électrique à bord, pour la distribuer, la convertir et la stocker. Dans cette thèse, des éléments de stockage de l'énergie électrique sont caractérisés dans l'optique d'être modélisés. Parmi les différents systèmes de stockage, présentés dans un état de l'art préliminaire, sont retenus les supercondensateurs et les accumulateurs électrochimiques Lithium-ion polymère, considérés respectivement comme des sources de puissance et d'énergie, à l'échelle de l'application. Ces moyens de stockage sont caractérisés par chronopotentiométrie à courant constant et par spectrométrie d'impédance électrochimique. Les essais sont éffectués dans des conditions expérimentales, définissant le domaine de validités des modèles, en cohérence avec les contraintes de l'application finale. Différents modèles sont alors développés en fonction de leur utilisation : des modèles simples, fonctionnels et suffisants pour la gestion globale d'énergie et des modèles dynamiques, comportementaux et nécessaires pour l'analyse de la qualité du réseau. Ils sont ensuite validés sur des profils de mission. Pour disposer d'un système de stockage performant et en adéquation avec les besoins énergétiques de l'aéronef, une méthode de dimensionnement est proposée, associant des composants de stockage complémentaires. Un gestion fréquentielle des sources est mise en oeuvre de manière à minimiser la masse du système de stockage. / In aeronautics, the optimization of the global energetic efficiency, the reduction of the embedded weight and the need to meet the growing energetic requirements lead to develop new technologies and methods to generate electrical energy, to distribute it, to convert it and to store it aboard. In this thesis, electrical energy storage systems are characterized with a view to be modeled. Among varied storage systems, presented in an introductory state of the art, ultracapacitors and Lithium-ion polymer secondary batteries are studied. These components are considered respectively as power and energy sources, in regards to the application scale. These storage systems are characterized by chronopotentiometry at constant current and by electrochemical impedance spectrometry. Tests are carried out in experimental conditions which define the validity area of modeling, in relation with the application constraints. Different models are developed according to their future use : simple models, which are functional and sufficient for the global energy management, and dynamics models, which are behavioral and necessary for the analysis of the network quality. Then, they validated thanks to mission profiles. Finally, to dispose of an efficient storage system that meets the energetic requirements of the aircraft, a sizing method is suggested by combining complementary storage systems. An energy management based on frequency approach is implemented in order to minimize the storage system weight.

Small Signal Stability Analysis of a Power System with a Grid Connected Wind Powered Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG)

Balibani, Siva Kumar January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Small signal oscillation has been always a major concern in the operation of power systems. In a generator, the electromechanical coupling between the rotor and the rest of the system causes it to behave in a manner similar to a spring mass damper system. Following any disturbance, such as sudden change in loads, actuations in the output of turbine and faults etc. it exhibits an oscillatory behaviour around the equilibrium state. The use of fast acting high gain AVRs and evolution of large interconnected power systems with transfer of bulk power across weak transmission links have further aggravated the problem of these low frequency oscillations. Small oscillations in the range of about 0.1Hz to 3.5Hz can persist for long periods, limiting the power transfer capability of the transmission lines. These oscillations can be reduced by incorporating auxiliary controllers on generator excitation system. Power System Stabilizers (PSSs) were developed to produce additional damping by modulating the generator excitation voltage. Designing effective PSS for all operating conditions especially in large interconnected power systems still remains a difficult and challenging task. More and more power electronic based controllers have been and will be used in power systems. Many of these controllers such as Static Var Compensators (SVCs), Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs) and Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFCs) etc., are incorporated in power transmission networks to improve its operational capability. In addition, some of the energy storage systems such as Battery Energy Storage systems (BESS), Super conducting Magnetic Energy Storage System (SMES) as well large non-conventional energy sources are also increasingly being integrated with the power grid. With large integration of these devices, there is a significant impact on system stability, more importantly on small signal oscillatory instability of the power system. This thesis primarily focuses on impact of such devices on small signal oscillatory stability of the power systems. More specifically in this thesis small signal stability analysis of a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system with a grid connected wind powered Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) has been presented. A SMIB system has been purposely chosen so that general conclusions can be obtained on the behaviour of the embedded STATCOM/Energy Source (ES) system on system stability. With a better understanding of the impact of such a system it would be probably possible to analyze more complicated multimachine power system and their impact on system stability. Small signal model of the complete system which comprises the generator, transmission network, inter connecting STATCOM, the wind power generator and all associated controllers has been developed. The performances of the system following a small disturbance at various operating conditions have been analyzed. To obtain quantitative estimates of the damping and synchronizing torques generated in the system, expressions for damping and synchronizing torque clients have been developed. With these analyses, the relative impact of the STATCOM and STATCOM with ES on system performance have been assessed. It is shown that with active and reactive power modulation capabilities effective and efficient control of small signal oscillations in power systems can be achieved.

DC-DC Converter for Fast Charging with Mobile BESS in a Weak Grid : Enabling remote charging and increased efficiency with less resource intensity / DC-DC-omvandlare för snabbladdning med mobilt batterienergilagringssystem i svaga elnät : Möjliggör laddning och ökad effektivitet med mindre resursintensitet på avlägsna platser

Medén, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
With the increase of electric vehicles (EVs) on the roads the availability of charging infrastructure becomes more important. Today it is relatively straightforward to install fast chargers in areas with strong power grid connections, such as in urban areas. However, in areas with less available electrical power, the grid is considered to be a weak grid, typically in remote areas, which limits charging speeds. Local peak shaving can be implemented with battery energy storage systems (BESS) to support faster charging at these locations by increasing available power when needed. As the majority of the power is supplied by the BESS there are noticeable conversion losses when converting from the BESS DC voltage to AC in the grid and then back to DC through the fast charger. This thesis investigates DC/DC converters to charge EVs directly from a BESS DC bus by regulating the voltage to the level of the EV, while also supporting safe simultaneous charging capability. It was done through understanding relevant standards’ requirements, converter review, as well as design and simulation of the interesting topologies. The converters selected to simulate were the Buck-Boost and the Dual-Active Bridge (DAB). After analysing the efficiency result in combination with industry requirements, it was concluded that one DAB per output is the preferred option in most use cases. This would potentially also reduce the material usage and carbon footprint of this type of infrastructure compared to the current solution. Furthermore, some suggestions were made for improving the design of DAB converter before making a prototype for real testing. / Denna avhandling har undersökt hur en snabbladdares effektelektronik för en mobil batterienergilagringssystem kan designas för att ladda två elbilar samtidigt. För att göra detta har systemkrav från relevanta standarder sammanställts och olika snabbladdares kapacitet undersökts. Därefter har olika DC/DC-omvandlare identifierats i ändamål att välja ut de mest lämpade för att uppfylla funktionen. De utvalda omvandlarna designades iterativt och simulerades med i verktyget PLECS för att kunna jämföra hur vardera omvandlare presterade under olika scenarior och med olika transistorer. Resultat och slutsatser från detta arbete är att galvanisk isolering krävs mellan de två elbilarna samt att två Dual-Active Bridge (DAB) omvandlare är den mest lämpade utifrån effektivitet, kapacitet och materialanvänding. Det finns även flera områden att fortsätta arbetet på för att förbättra designen och testa med en prototyp.


JUAN PABLO LEAL GONZALEZ 11 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O planejamento da expansão da transmissão (PET) visa identificar novos reforços para a rede, permitindo uma conexão tecnicamente adequada entre demanda e geração de energia elétrica, ambas previstas para um determinado horizonte de planejamento. Um bom plano de expansão deve garantir o equilíbrio entre os custos de investimento e operação, mantendo um nível satisfatório de segurança no fornecimento de energia elétrica. Entretanto, a identificação de bons planos de expansão para o PET tem se tornado uma tarefa cada vez mais difícil. Isso se deve, principalmente, às características e dimensões dos sistemas atuais, a não linearidade e natureza combinatória do problema de otimização e às incertezas presentes nos dados. Os erros de previsão, a indisponibilidade de equipamentos e a disponibilidade dos recursos naturais são parâmetros que variam de forma aleatória e inserem um alto grau de incerteza nos sistemas elétricos, o qual aumenta proporcionalmente com o horizonte de planejamento. Uma das incertezas mais relevantes a ser gerenciada nas próximas décadas será a capacidade de geração oriunda de fontes renováveis, em particular as eólicas, devido à sua grande variabilidade. A utilização de dispositivos de armazenamento permitirá melhor aproveitamento dessas fontes e, portanto, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais capazes de considerar tais dispositivos no problema PET. Esta dissertação apresenta uma nova metodologia de apoio ao problema PET inserindo armazenadores de energia elétrica para aumentar o aproveitamento de fontes renováveis no sistema. Isso, respeitando as restrições de segurança da rede, acompanhando à curva de demanda e levando em consideração as variáveis operativas destes dispositivos. A possibilidade de incluir sistemas de armazenamento de energia elétrica é avaliada através de uma análise custo-benefício. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a um sistema teste, submetido a diversas condições operativas, e os resultados obtidos são amplamente discutidos. / [en] The transmission expansion planning (TEP) aims at identifying new reinforcements for the network, allowing a technically adequate connection between demand and generation of electric energy, both foreseen for a given planning horizon. A good expansion plan must ensure a balance between investment and operating costs, while maintaining a satisfactory level of security of the electric energy supply. However, identifying good expansion plans for TEP has become an increasingly difficult task. This is mainly due to the characteristics and dimensions of the current systems, the nonlinearity and combinatorial nature of the optimization problem, and the uncertainties present in the data. Forecasting errors, equipment unavailability, and the availability of natural resources are parameters that vary in a random way and insert a high degree of uncertainty in the electrical system, which proportionally increases with the planning horizon. One of the most relevant uncertainties to be managed in the upcoming decades will be the generation capacity from renewable sources, particularly wind power, due to its great variability. Storage devices will allow better use of these sources and, therefore, it becomes necessary to develop computational tools capable of considering such devices in the TEP problem. This dissertation presents a new methodology to support the TEP problem by inserting electric energy storage to increase the use of renewable energy in the system, while respecting the security restrictions of the network, following the demand curve and taking into account the operational variables of these devices. The possibility of including electric energy storage systems is evaluated through a costbenefit analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to a test system, subject to various operating conditions, and the obtained results are widely discussed.

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