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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emerging Technologies in Language Pedagogy: Language Learners' Perceptions through the Lenses of Innovation Diffusion and User Intention Theories

Polat, Mustafa January 2016 (has links)
Recently, it has been admitted by many researchers that students today are "digital natives" who already utilize several different technologies everyday with different purposes. Furthermore, while there is a plethora of research about learners' perceptions in language pedagogy, there is a paucity of information and research that could move beyond generic perception studies especially regarding new technologies. Accordingly, educators are still concerned not only with how to encourage EFL learners to adopt emerging technologies that could be invaluable in their language learning processes, but also with how to keep students interested in what they are learning. Thus, an understanding beyond students' perceptions with a purposive focus on their approach to technology by also exploring factors that have an influence on their adoption of emerging technologies is the key to knowing how to motivate students to integrate new technologies, and how to keep students interested in the learning process. Therefore, the purpose of this study was three-fold: to identify language learners' approaches to technologies; to examine their attitude toward emerging technologies with a focus on their familiarity, actual use, intentions and perceptions; and finally to analyze the factors and relationships among these factors that best predict language learners' intentions and decisions to use emerging technologies. The study specifically aimed to explore the following emerging technologies: (a) social networking, (b) mobile learning, and (c) digital games as major emerging technologies of today with also a focus on other emerging technologies: (a) augmented reality, (b) wearable technologies, (c) virtual assistants, (d) massive online open courses, (e) 3D printing and (f) online language learning platforms. This mixed methods study benefitted from multiple disciplines, and presented several different perspectives to achieve its aim. The data were obtained through a survey, open-ended questions, and semi-structured interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. In addition, structural equation modeling was utilized and path analysis was employed to draw on two complementary frameworks: innovation diffusion theory (Rogers, 2003), especially its application in technology adopter categories (TACI) (Dugas, 2005), and the decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB) (Taylor & Todd, 1995), which was adapted for this research. The qualitative data was analyzed through thematic content analysis, and used to triangulate and affirm what the quantitative data was showing. The findings indicated that technology adopter categories were normally distributed among EFL learners at a public and a private university in Turkey. Although most EFL learners were quite familiar and confident with major emerging technologies, they were not very familiar with minor emerging technologies. As for an awareness of the benefits of all listed emerging technologies, the study revealed that EFL learners' awareness is quite high; however, it was also found that participants' intention to use these emerging technologies and their actual use were very low. Finally, the results showed that the adapted DTPB was useful in explaining much of the variance in the intention to integrate technology into language learning processes by EFL learners, and attitude was the most important predictor and factor of behavioral intention. Given these findings, this research aims to contribute to the literature in innovation diffusion, user adoption and language pedagogy by offering several theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical implications and directions for future research and applications.

"Say It Fast, Fluent and Flawless" : formulaicity in the oral language production of young foreign language learners

Gheitasi, Parvin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis reports on a study, which investigated the process of early foreign language learning in a classroom context and the functions of multi-word units of language known as formulaic sequences in the oral language production of young foreign language learners. A classroom with 11 students in the age range 9 to 11 years was observed and video recorded for 16 sessions (90 minutes per session). The observations were accompanied by two elicitation tasks. 10 sessions out of the 16 sessions of the collected speech samples were transcribed chronologically. In the next step, formulaic sequences were identified based on pre-established criteria, which were further developed during the analysis. The data was analyzed in order to identify the functions of formulaic sequences in learners’ oral language production in addition to the inter-learner variations in the application of formulaic sequences for different functions. The results revealed evidence of incidental learning of formulaic sequences from input; the language input provided instances for the learners to learn multi-word units. In addition, formulaic sequences played different roles in the language production of the learners. These sequences helped young language learners to overcome their lack of knowledge, to improve their fluency, and to enjoy some language play. Formulaic sequences were used as a strategy to economize effort on processing and also to buy time for processing. The findings of the study suggested that language users might introduce dis-fluency in the production of their sequences in order to buy time for further processing. Moreover, the data provided examples illustrating communicative functions of formulaic sequences where the use of formulaic sequences was affected by the relationship between the speaker and listener. The analysis revealed that although all the learners applied formulaic sequences in their language production, there was a great variation among individual learners in their intention and the extent of the application of formulaic sequences. Some learners used these sequences to be able to extend their utterances and produce more of the language, whereas other learners used them to avoid further language production. In sum, it seemed that individual learners' different personalities, needs or limitations served as explanation for the application of formulaic sequences in different contexts.

A Teoria das inteligências múltiplas no ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa na escola pública/

Ferrão, Marco Antonio Fonseca. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Douglas Altamiro Consolo / Banca: Vera Lúcia Teixeira da Silva / Banca: Marilei Amadeu Sabino / Resumo:Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar como a teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas (IM), proposta por Howard Gardner, pode auxiliar na elaboração e implementação de práticas de ensino em língua inglesa na escola pública. Um aspecto importante dessa proposta é considerar as diferentes habilidades e capacidades dos alunos, e suas variadas manifestações como produtos valorizáveis, no contexto desses alunos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa-ação com uma classe do primeiro ano do ensino médio de uma escola pública estadual. Durante dois semestres foram adaptadas e desenvolvidas atividades didáticas baseadas na teoria das IM, nesse contexto. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um inventário de inteligências, questionários, diários e observações por parte do professor-pesquisador, e gravações de aulas. Apresentam-se as bases teóricas pertinentes às IM e à Abordagem Comunicativa, utilizada na condução das aulas, a metodologia de pesquisa, exemplos das atividades aplicadas, os resultados obtidos e as reflexões a partir dos dados coletados. No contexto investigado, este estudo se volta para possíveis soluções de problemas encontrados na prática do professor, na expectativa de, ao promover a discussão e reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica, criarem-se condições de aprimoramento e desenvolvimento de novas e melhores estratégias de ensino de língua estrangeira. / Abstract: This research study aimed at investigating how the Multiple Intelligences theory (MI), proposed by Howard Gardner, can help de design and implementation of teaching practices in English language teaching in public schools. An important aspect of this proposal is to consider the students' different skills and capacities, and their many manifestations as valuable products in the students' context. An action-research project was conducted with a first-year class of a state high school in Brazil, for two semesters. Didactic activities were adapted, on the basis of the MI theory, and used in that context. Data were collected by means of an inventory of intelligences, questionnaires, diaries and observations made by the teacher-researcher, and lessons were recorded. The theoretical bases of the MI theory and of the Communicative Approach, followed during the lessons, are presented here, as well as the research methodology, examples of the class activities, the results of the study and a reflection about the data. In the context investigated, this study focuses on possible solutions for the problems faced in the teacher's work and, by promoting reflection and discussion about pedagogical practices, expects to create conditions for better teaching conditions and the development of new and better strategies for the teaching of foreign languages. / Mestre

Representações de cultura em livros didáticos de português língua estrangeira e inglês língua estrangeira: entrecruzamentos de aspectos dos discursos fundadores das nações brasileira e estadunid / Representations of culture in textbooks of Portuguese as a foreign language and English as a foreign language: an interweaving of aspects of the founding discourses of Brazil and the United States

Fernandes, Glaucia Roberta Rocha 02 October 2018 (has links)
Propomo-nos, neste trabalho, analisar as representações de cultura veiculadas em três livros didáticos (LDs) de inglês como língua estrangeira (EFL) e três de português como língua estrangeira (PLE). Objetivamos observar os possíveis efeitos de sentido dessas representações para realizarmos um estudo comparativo das ideologias constitutivas dos discursos examinados a fim de promover a reflexão dos sujeitos envolvidos nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira no que diz respeito às questões culturais e identitárias relacionadas a esses materiais. Para cumprir o objetivo deste estudo, apoiamo-nos tanto em abordagens discursivas (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) quanto nos campos da Sociologia (BAUMAN, 1999) e Estudos Culturais (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considerando a diferença histórica do desenvolvimento das línguas inglesa e portuguesa e a reconfiguração do mundo pós-colonial com a intensificação do fenômeno da globalização (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), do qual faz parte o discurso multiculturalista, pôde-se perceber que, devido à disseminação ostensiva do inglês como língua franca ou língua internacional, tende-se a minimizar nos livros de EFL a inserção de elementos culturais explícitos especificamente relacionados à cultura estadunidense, ainda que se abordem em quantidade outras culturas. Em contrapartida, foi observada nos livros de PLE presença significativa de elementos culturais brasileiros explícitos em variados tipos de atividades. As análises dos LDs apontaram para o entrecruzamento dos discursos fundadores das nações estadunidense e brasileira com o discurso didático-pedagógico. Contudo, em virtude da diferença no desenvolvimento dos dois países e na disseminação das línguas inglesa e portuguesa, foram observados não apenas funcionamentos discursivos diversos, mas representações de cultura que colaboram na criação de imaginários díspares. Se, por um lado, sobressaem nos livros de PLE representações que evocam mistério, perigo, exotismo, misticismo, sedução e alegria, além de imagens de riqueza e exuberância tanto cultural quanto natural e linguística; por outro lado, os livros de EFL representam a cultura do Outro como diferente, supersticiosa, exótica, intolerante, menos civilizada e necessitada, ao passo que aos EUA vinculam-se imagens de excelência, tolerância, altruísmo, desenvolvimento e liberdade. / In this study, we proposed to analyze the representations of culture conveyed in three textbooks of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and three of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL). Our aim was to observe the possible effects of meaning in these representations to perform a comparative study of the ideologies that constitute the discourses examined in order to promote the reflection of the subjects involved in the processes of teaching and learning a foreign language with regard to the cultural and identity issues related to these materials. To achieve the aim of this study, we relied on discursive approaches (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) as well as approaches from the fields of Sociology (BAUMAN, 1999) and Cultural Studies (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considering the historical difference in development between the English and Portuguese languages and the reconfiguration of the postcolonial world with the intensification of the globalization phenomenon (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), in which the multiculturalist discourse plays a role, it was found that, due to the ostensible dissemination of English as a lingua franca or international language, there is a tendency to minimize the inclusion of explicit cultural elements specifically related to US culture, even though references to other cultures are plentiful. On the other hand, we found a significant presence of explicitly Brazilian cultural elements in various types of activities in the PFL books. The analyses of the textbooks revealed an interweaving of the founding discourses of the US-American and Brazilian nations with the didacticpedagogical discourse. Nevertheless, due to the differences in the development of the two countries and in the dissemination of the English and Portuguese languages, we not only observed different discursive functioning, but also representations of culture that collaborate in the creation of disparate notions. Where, on the one hand, the PFL books feature representations that evoke mystery, danger, exoticism, mysticism, seduction and joy, in addition to images of cultural, natural and linguistic richness and exuberance, on the other hand, the EFL books represent the culture of the Other as different, superstitious, exotic, intolerant, less civilized and destitute, while associating images of excellence, tolerance, altruism, development and freedom with the United States.

O inglês da EJA para a vida: letramentos sociais e escolares refletidos / English from Adult Education to life: social and school literacies reflected

Landim, Denise Silva Paes 07 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho é fruto de uma pesquisa qualitativa-interpretativa, de cunho etnográfico, que visou compreender as relações entre letramentos escolares e letramentos sociais entre alunos de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). A coleta de dados ocorreu em duas comunidades escolares, localizadas na cidade de São Paulo, com suas respectivas professoras, por meio da observação de aulas, entrevistas formais e informais e questionários. Para compreender as relações entre letramentos escolares e sociais no contexto investigado, baseamos nossas análises nos estudos de letramentos novos letramentos, multiletramentos, letramento crítico (KALANTZIS e COPE, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2013; GEE, 2004; KRESS 2003, 2011; LANKSHEAR e KNOBEL, 2007, 2011; LEMKE 2010; MONTE MÓR, 2006, 2007, 2013; MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2011) que levam em conta os efeitos educacionais das mudanças sociais, culturais, econômicas e políticas advindas da globalização e da cultura midiática e digital. As análises apontaram, neste contexto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), marcadamente sensível a questões de marginalização social dos sujeitos por ela atendidos, para tanto distanciamentos e quanto aproximações entre ambos os tipos de letramento, evidenciando as relações conflituosas entre as concepções e as práticas pedagógicas observadas. / This qualitative-interpretative research, with ethnographic elements, aimed at investigating the relations between school literacies and social literacies in Adult Education . Its data was collected in two school communities, in the city of São Paulo, with their respective teachers, through class observation, formal and informal interviews and questionnaires. In order to understand such relations in the targeted context, we based our analyses in the literacies studies new literacies, multiliteracies, critical literacies (KALANTZIS e COPE, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2013; GEE, 2004; KRESS 2003, 2011; LANKSHEAR e KNOBEL, 2007, 2011; LEMKE 2010; MONTE MÓR, 2006, 2007, 2013; MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2011), which take into consideration educational effects towards the social, cultural, economic and political changes resulting from globalization and media and digital culture. Our analysis pointed that, especially in the context of Adult Education, markedly sensitive to issues of social marginalization of the subjects it serves, there are both distance and approximation of the two types of literacies, highlighting conflicted relations between pedagogical concepts and practices which were observed.

Representações de cultura em livros didáticos de português língua estrangeira e inglês língua estrangeira: entrecruzamentos de aspectos dos discursos fundadores das nações brasileira e estadunid / Representations of culture in textbooks of Portuguese as a foreign language and English as a foreign language: an interweaving of aspects of the founding discourses of Brazil and the United States

Glaucia Roberta Rocha Fernandes 02 October 2018 (has links)
Propomo-nos, neste trabalho, analisar as representações de cultura veiculadas em três livros didáticos (LDs) de inglês como língua estrangeira (EFL) e três de português como língua estrangeira (PLE). Objetivamos observar os possíveis efeitos de sentido dessas representações para realizarmos um estudo comparativo das ideologias constitutivas dos discursos examinados a fim de promover a reflexão dos sujeitos envolvidos nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira no que diz respeito às questões culturais e identitárias relacionadas a esses materiais. Para cumprir o objetivo deste estudo, apoiamo-nos tanto em abordagens discursivas (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) quanto nos campos da Sociologia (BAUMAN, 1999) e Estudos Culturais (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considerando a diferença histórica do desenvolvimento das línguas inglesa e portuguesa e a reconfiguração do mundo pós-colonial com a intensificação do fenômeno da globalização (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), do qual faz parte o discurso multiculturalista, pôde-se perceber que, devido à disseminação ostensiva do inglês como língua franca ou língua internacional, tende-se a minimizar nos livros de EFL a inserção de elementos culturais explícitos especificamente relacionados à cultura estadunidense, ainda que se abordem em quantidade outras culturas. Em contrapartida, foi observada nos livros de PLE presença significativa de elementos culturais brasileiros explícitos em variados tipos de atividades. As análises dos LDs apontaram para o entrecruzamento dos discursos fundadores das nações estadunidense e brasileira com o discurso didático-pedagógico. Contudo, em virtude da diferença no desenvolvimento dos dois países e na disseminação das línguas inglesa e portuguesa, foram observados não apenas funcionamentos discursivos diversos, mas representações de cultura que colaboram na criação de imaginários díspares. Se, por um lado, sobressaem nos livros de PLE representações que evocam mistério, perigo, exotismo, misticismo, sedução e alegria, além de imagens de riqueza e exuberância tanto cultural quanto natural e linguística; por outro lado, os livros de EFL representam a cultura do Outro como diferente, supersticiosa, exótica, intolerante, menos civilizada e necessitada, ao passo que aos EUA vinculam-se imagens de excelência, tolerância, altruísmo, desenvolvimento e liberdade. / In this study, we proposed to analyze the representations of culture conveyed in three textbooks of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and three of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL). Our aim was to observe the possible effects of meaning in these representations to perform a comparative study of the ideologies that constitute the discourses examined in order to promote the reflection of the subjects involved in the processes of teaching and learning a foreign language with regard to the cultural and identity issues related to these materials. To achieve the aim of this study, we relied on discursive approaches (FOUCAULT, 1970; PÊCHEUX, 1975; ORLANDI, 2008) as well as approaches from the fields of Sociology (BAUMAN, 1999) and Cultural Studies (BHABHA, 1994; HALL, 1992). Considering the historical difference in development between the English and Portuguese languages and the reconfiguration of the postcolonial world with the intensification of the globalization phenomenon (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005), in which the multiculturalist discourse plays a role, it was found that, due to the ostensible dissemination of English as a lingua franca or international language, there is a tendency to minimize the inclusion of explicit cultural elements specifically related to US culture, even though references to other cultures are plentiful. On the other hand, we found a significant presence of explicitly Brazilian cultural elements in various types of activities in the PFL books. The analyses of the textbooks revealed an interweaving of the founding discourses of the US-American and Brazilian nations with the didacticpedagogical discourse. Nevertheless, due to the differences in the development of the two countries and in the dissemination of the English and Portuguese languages, we not only observed different discursive functioning, but also representations of culture that collaborate in the creation of disparate notions. Where, on the one hand, the PFL books feature representations that evoke mystery, danger, exoticism, mysticism, seduction and joy, in addition to images of cultural, natural and linguistic richness and exuberance, on the other hand, the EFL books represent the culture of the Other as different, superstitious, exotic, intolerant, less civilized and destitute, while associating images of excellence, tolerance, altruism, development and freedom with the United States.

Atividade de inglês ou atividade em inglês: contando histórias na sala de aula de língua estrangeira

Klein,Viviane dos Santos 31 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:12:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 31 / Nenhuma / Contar histórias faz parte do nosso dia-a-dia. Em casa, na escola, na fila do banco, na sala de espera do consultório médico, sempre tem alguém com uma história para contar. O que possibilita que esse evento social seja levado a cabo é a participação tanto do narrador quanto da audiência. Se não houver alguém nos escutando, prestando atenção, construindo significado junto conosco quando contamos uma história, não há história! Contar histórias é, portanto, uma atividade co-construída pelos seus participantes. Adquirimos a linguagem inteiramente pela interação social e é através da nossa participação em atividades comunicativas com membros mais capazes, no nosso ambiente sociocultural, que aprendemos o que é necessário para fazer parte desse mesmo ambiente. Partindo do pressuposto de que a aquisição de linguagem, então, se dá através de interação social e que contar histórias é um evento social, co-construído pelos seus participantes, esta pesquisa observou como ocorre esse evento social em uma sala de aula de / Telling stories is part of our everyday lives. At home, at school, standing in line in a bank, in a doctor’s waiting room, there is always somebody who has a story to tell. What makes it possible for this social event to take place is the participation of both the narrator and the audience. If there is not somebody else listening, paying attention, constructing meaning with us when we tell a story, there is no story! Telling stories is, therefore, an activity co-constructed by its participants. According to Vygotsky, we learn a language entirely through social interaction and it is through our participation in communicative activities with more proficient members of our sociocultural background that we learn what it takes for us to be part of this social group. Assuming we learn a language through social interaction and telling stories is a social event, co-constructed by its participants, this research observed how this social event takes place in a foreign language classroom (English). The focus of this res

Uso de música para o ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira em um ambiente baseado em corpus

Delfino, Maria Claudia Nunes 12 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-18T12:45:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Claudia Nunes Delfino.pdf: 2241256 bytes, checksum: 04bbc90497f2d7e483be4836064048af (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T12:45:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Claudia Nunes Delfino.pdf: 2241256 bytes, checksum: 04bbc90497f2d7e483be4836064048af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Popular music has been used as a tool in the teaching of foreign language for a long time (Bertóli-Dutra, 2014), but music is usually seen as an extra material to be applied when the teacher has some free time during the class or as an extracurricular activity. However, in the research reported here, we argue instead that popular music can be the central element in language teaching; indeed, in our proposal, all language teaching activities were based on popular music and on texts that draw on topics related to popular music. At the same time, our goal was not to teach “pop song” English, but current spoken English. To meet this goal, the analysis of the song lyrics was used as a starting point for the materials. The main corpus used in the project was a pop song lyrics corpus (CoEL), composed of around 150,000 words from 585 British and American lyrics from pop songs performed by the following artists: Beatles, Bon Jovi, Maroon 5 and Bruno Mars. A reference corpus (COCA, ca. 520M words) was also used as support material. A list of criteria for designing the exercises was created and implemented. The corpus was tagged for over 200 different linguistic characteristics using the Biber Tagger. The features were then counted with the Biber Tag Count program, which also calculated the position of each song and artist along each of the five major dimensions of register variation for English (Biber, 1988). Exercises were designed and used involving collocations, keywords, register variation, among other major linguistic themes. A journal was kept by the teacher during the lessons, and interviews of the students were conducted, both as ways of throwing light onto the process of learning English in a corpus-based environment / A música popular tem sido usada como uma ferramenta no ensino de língua estrangeira há muito tempo (Bertóli-Dutra, 2014), mas a música geralmente é vista como um material extra a ser aplicado quando o professor possui tempo livre durante a aula ou como uma atividade extracurricular. Entretanto, na presente pesquisa mostramos que a música popular pode ser o elemento central no ensino de línguas; na verdade, na presente proposta, todas as atividades de ensino foram baseadas em músicas populares e em textos que tratam de assuntos relacionados à música popular. Ao mesmo tempo, nosso objetivo, não foi ensinar inglês de música, mas o inglês falado. Para atingir esse objetivo, a análise das letras das músicas foi usada como ponto de partida para a confecção dos materiais. O corpus de estudo utilizado nesta pesquisa foi o Corpus of English Lyrics (CoEL), composto de aproximadamente 150 mil palavras, de 585 letras de música das bandas Beatles, Bon Jovi e Maroon 5, e do cantor Bruno Mars. Um corpus de referência (COCA, com 520 milhões de palavras) também foi usado como material de apoio. Uma lista de critérios para o desenvolvimento dos exercícios foi criada e implementada. O corpus foi etiquetado com mais de 200 características linguísticas diferentes com auxílio do programa Biber Tagger. As características foram então contadas com o programa Biber Tag Count, que também mapeou a posição de cada música e artista ao longo das cinco dimensões principais de variação de registro da língua inglesa (Biber, 1988). Os exercícios foram elaborados com o uso de colocações, palavras-chave e variação de registro, entre outros recursos. A fim de ampliar a compreensão sobre como se dá o processo de ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira em um ambiente baseado em corpus, um diário reflexivo foi mantido pela professora durante as aulas, e foram realizadas entrevistas com os alunos

Teacher development in a community of practice in southern Brazil

Kirsch, William January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation study explored the practices that foster teacher development in a community of practice (Wenger, 1998, 2010) of teachers of English as an Additional Language in a large federal university in the south of Brazil. The community is part of a big internationalization effort in Brazilian universities, named Languages without Borders (LwB). In summary, the goal of the program is to teach additional languages for university students, faculty and staff. For that, the local LwB center has fifteen student teachers, from sophomore to senior year, who are pursuing a teaching certification in English as an Additional Language. Although the community has teaching as its end goal, and not teacher development, teacher development has emerged as an epiphenomenon, for student teachers need to learn how to teach in order for the community’s goals to be attained. The objective of this study was to observe, describe and analyze the practices that foster professional development for these student teachers in order to understand in what ways (and if) the experiences in their everyday life of the community become professional learning. While previous research has shown that communities of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998) can be sites of learning, and has explored communities among teachers and students in a variety of contexts, there is a scarcity of studies about community among these additional language teachers (Costa, 2013; Merril, 2016) With the theoretical framework of Practice Theory (Wenger, 1998; Young, 2009; Ortner, 1983), this interpretative study (Erickson, 1990) examined history-in-person interviews with focal participants as well as intensive participant observation – recorded in the form of field notes, audio recordings and photographs – and collection of artifacts. The research participants consist of fifteen student teachers, two former student teachers, three Fulbright English Teaching Assistants, and two of the three coordinators of the program at this university. Out of these, five student teachers were chosen for the interviews. Results revealed that this community has both formal and informal practices that cultivate teacher development. The formal practices are planned by the coordinator and enacted in weekly pedagogical meetings, and include practices such as microteaching, workshops and lectures. The informal practices emerge from teachers’ everyday interactions in the teachers’ room, and include practices such as sharing materials, requesting help, sharing classroom stories, sharing specialized concepts and literature in the field of AL teaching, and planning classes together. In conclusion, the landscape of practices that student teachers experience throughout their trajectory in the program helps them develop as teachers through the profession (Nóvoa, 1992) and integrate both technical and practical aspects of the job.

Políticas e planejamento do ensino médio (integrado ao técnico) e da língua estrangeira (inglês): na mira(gem) da politecnia e da integração / Policies and planning of the high school (integrated into technical) and of the (english as a) foreign languange: in the sight/mirage of the polytechnic and integration.

Bezerra, Daniella de Souza 13 December 2012 (has links)
Em resposta ao Decreto n° 5.154/04 e à Lei n° 11892/08, os Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFs), resgataram a opção de ofertar cursos de Ensino Médio Integrado à Educação Profissional Técnica (EMIEPT). Partindo da hipótese de que a proposta de integração circunscrita a essa forma de articulação entre EM e EPT devia implicar de alguma forma em uma constituição idiossincrática das dimensões do ensino de seus componentes curriculares, recorre-se à história, aos construtos teóricos e às políticas curriculares com vistas a apreender como o que é historicizado, almejado e prescrito (deveria) impacta(r) a materialização desse conjunto na elaboração da dimensão do planejamento curricular dos cursos de EMIEPT e do planejamento de ensino do Componente Curricular Língua Estrangeira-Inglês (CCLEI). Para tanto, este estudo se caracteriza como exploratório e descritivo (GIL, 1996) e faz uso das pesquisas bibliográfica e documental (CELLARD, 2008). No total, são analisados, quali-quantitavamente (FLICK, 2009), sessenta e duas matrizes curriculares, vinte e dois planos de cursos e quatorze ementários, os quais foram catalogados nos sítios eletrônicos de IFs. Os resultados da análise bibliográfica evidenciam que o EMIEPT 1) se singulariza pelos fundamentos filosóficos, epistemológicos e pedagógicos oriundos da concepção de educação omnilateral e politécnica e de escola unitária baseada no programa de educação de Marx (e Engels) e de Gramsci, pelos fundamentos de currículo integrado e pela missão de escamotear a dualidade de classes brasileira via superação da dualidade histórica entre formação geral e formação profissional; 2) tem seus fundamentos hibridizados no âmbito das recentes políticas curriculares de modo que o horizonte da politecnia acaba ficando a cargo das próprias instituições que o adota(re)m e 3) e o CCLEI podem se sincronizarem caso os objetivos linguísticos e instrumentais se conjuguem com os objetivos educacionais (específicos) o que pode ser feito à luz da abordagem de letramento crítico (BRASIL, 2006) integrada (ou não) às outras abordagens de ensino de línguas hegemônicas no Brasil. Já os resultados da análise documental mostram que o que é almejado e prescrito tanto para o EMIEPT quanto para o CCLEI não está sendo incorporado pelos planejamentos curricular e de ensino, respectivamente. No que tange ao planejamento curricular, vê-se que a maioria dos planos de cursos investigados não delimitou objetivos e organização curriculares que apontem para a politecnia por meio da integração entre formação geral e formação profissional. Já os planejamentos de ensino do CCLEI se furtam, majoritariamente, do compromisso com os objetivos educacionais de formação humana integral bem como da integração de seus conhecimentos com os outros de formação geral e com os de formação técnica. Esses documentos foram de fato influenciados por variáveis relacionadas às, também duais, tradições de ensino de línguas estrangeiras no Brasil, quais sejam, as abordagens estrutural, comunicativa e instrumental. Conclui-se enfatizando o papel da adesão das comunidades escolares no que tange ao necessário aprofundamento nos construtos subjacentes ao EMIEPT de modo a poder materializar nas dimensões de ensino o que é almejado e prescrito com vistas a romper ao que foi historicizado. / In response to the Decree 5.154/04 and to the Law 11.892/08, the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IFs), rescued the option of offering courses to High School Integrated to the Technical Education (HSITE). Assuming that the proposed integration restricted to this form of relationship between HS and TE should result in a somewhat idiosyncratic constitution of the teaching dimensions of its curriculum components, it is resorted to history, to the theoretical constructs and to the curriculum policies in order to grasp how what it is historicized, desired and required (should) impact the materialization of this set in the drafting of the HSITE curricular planning and the teaching planning of one Curriculum Component-English as a Foreign Language English (CCEFL) . Therefore, this study is characterized as exploratory and descriptive (GIL, 1996) and makes use of bibliographical and documentary researches (CELLARD, 2008). In total, sixty-two grade sheet, twenty-two courses´ plans and fourteen syllabi are analyzed qualitative and quantitatively (FLICK, 2009), which came from the websites of the IFs. The results of the literature review showed that the HSITE 1) distinguishes itself by its epistemological, pedagogical and philosophical foundations on the omnilateral and polytechnic education and on the unitary school based on the education program of Marx (and Engels) and Gramsci, on the grounds of the integrated curriculum and by its mission of concealing the Brazilian duality of classes via overcoming the historical duality between general education and vocational training, 2) has its foundations hybridized within the recent curriculum policies so that the horizon of the polytechnic is left to the institutions which adopt it 3) and CCEFL can be synchronized if the linguistic and instrumental goals are combined with the educational goals (specific) what can be done in the light of the critical literacy approach (BRAZIL, 2006) integrated (or not) to other hegemonic approaches in language education in Brazil. The results of the documentary analysis showed that what is both desired and required by the HSITE and by the CCEFL are not being incorporated by the curriculum and teaching plannings, respectively. With regard to the curriculum planning, it is seen that most of the surveyed courses´ plans are not delimited objectives and curricular organizations which point to the polytechnic through the integration between general education and vocational training. Yet, most teaching CCEFL´s plannings is not commitment to the educational objectives of integral human formation as well as to integrating its knowledge to others from general education and from the technical training. These documents were in fact influenced by variables related to the, also dual, traditions of foreign language teaching in Brazil, namely, structural, communicative and instrumental approaches. It is concluded by emphasizing the role of the accession of school communities regarding to the need to deepen the constructs underlying the HSITE in order to materialize the dimensions of teaching to what is desired and required in order to disrupt what has been historicized.

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