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La dichotomie entre le centre et la périphérie dans "Le Ventre de l'Atlantique" de Fatou DiomeAgnevall, Paula January 2007 (has links)
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To live deliberately or to conquer an island of despair : A comparative analysis of the depictions of man's relationship with nature in Walden and Robinson Crusoe as grounded in the works' protagonistsLagergren, Erika January 2007 (has links)
This essay researches how the literary personae H. D. Thoreau and Robinson Crusoe develop during and by their respective sojourns in nature as evinced in Walden and Robinson Crusoe. Thoreau and Crusoe come to spend time in nature for different reasons but since they both face similar challenges the two narratives are comparable. The objective is to analyse how the protagonists view nature and what impact their closeness to nature has in terms of their expressed thoughts, actions and emotional life. The approach consists of a comparative and contrastive close reading of the narratives so as to disclose the most important moments, events and thoughts forwarded in the respective texts for later analysis. What is stated or implied in the narratives are thus interpreted as the genuine views and reactions of the protagonists and hence analysed as such. Moreover the close reading is informed by both psychoanalytical literary theory and ecocritical theory. The approach is thematic and concentrates on several themes or challenges both Thoreau and Crusoe encounter during their habitation in nature. This division of the narratives makes it easier to isolate the moments and events that are the most relevant to the protagonists as regards their views of nature and their development while living in it. During his stay at Walden Pond Thoreau does not just preoccupy himself with the practical challenges a life in nature poses but also to a large degree the philosophical questions those challenges raise in him. Thoreau comes to discover an interconnectedness between man and nature which depends on the willingness to simplify life, rid oneself of the act of consumerism and really devote oneself to attending to one’s surroundings. Crusoe, for his part, is terrified by the unknown environment and possible threats it poses to him but decides to survive and does so by making sure his basic needs of shelter and food as well as his dream of becoming a wealthy colonial master are met. The aims of this study are to examine how the two protagonists view nature and how and in what ways their respective stays in nature change them. They both clearly develop throughout the narratives and return to civilization with greater inner abilities and strengths than before. Thoreau, for instance, keeps and deepens his feeling of interconnectedness with nature during his stay at Walden Pond while Crusoe’s perceived dislike of nature is mitigated when he understands how to make it useful to his cause. The time they spend in nature allows the protagonists to think about, and perhaps revise their attitudes towards it and find ways to incorporate nature, and what they have learned while living in it in their lives and mindsets.
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Läxor i förhållande till kunskap, individualisering och hemförhållande. : En jämförande studie mellan två skolor.Andersson, Madeleine, Källberg, Ylva, Lidqvist-Johansson, Catrin January 2006 (has links)
Läxor i förhållande till kunskap, individualisering och hemförhållande. En jämförande studie mellan två skolor / Homework comparing to knowledge, individualize and home background. A comparing study between two schools.
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Die humanitäre Hilfe von Amnesty International und des Roten Kreuzes während des Balkankrieges in den 90-er JahrenKrizanovic, Dijana January 2007 (has links)
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Flerspråkighet- en tillgång eller en börda? : En studie om elevers och lärares attityder till flerspråkighetNilsson, Maria, Karlsson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
Sammandrag Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares och flerspråkiga elevers attityder till flerspråkighet. Studien går ut på att jämföra unga och vuxna flerspråkiga elever och lärare vid två olika skolformer i den svenska skolan. Undersökningen består av intervjuer med lärare och elever. Studien omfattar fyra elever och en lärare från grundskolans senare år och fyra elever och en lärare från den kommunala vuxenutbildningen. Vår undersökning visar på att det inte är några större skillnader mellan attityderna hos elever i grundskolans senare år och hos elever i den kommunala vuxenutbildningen. Attityderna skiljer sig inte heller mellan de olika lärarna.
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Attityder till ämnet svenska som andraspråk : Intervjuer med lärare och elever på en grundskola i år 7-9 om deras syn på sv2-ämnets roll, status och organisationAlfredsson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka attityder till ämnet svenska som andraspråk i år 7-9 bland sv2-elever och svensk- och sv2-lärare i en svensk grundskola i Kronobergs län. Jag undersöker även om det finns någon skillnad i attityder hos de olika lärarna beroende på ämneskompetens. Undersökningen består av datainsamlingar baserade på intervjuer med sex lärare och tolv elever. Själva undervisningen i sv2 upplevs av lärarna som övervägande positiv. Det är utvecklande för eleven att läsa sv2, men undervisningen får dock inte isoleras för mycket från ordinarie klass. Samtliga lärare har påpekat att det finns brister inom ämnet sv2. Ämnet har låg status, det saknas en lokal kursplan och det brister även i lärarsamarbete. Vidare ges inte information om ämnet sv2 till berörda elever och föräldrar. Trots alla brister påpekar dock lärarna vikten av undervisning i sv2. Studien visar att eleverna är positivt inställda till ämnet sv2 eftersom de lär sig behärska det svenska språket. Eleverna i undersökningen upplever inte ämnet som segregerande. I undersökningen framgår det inte att eleverna skulle ha sämre framtidsutsikter för att de har läst sv2. Eleverna menar att sv2 har förbättrat deras språkliga förmåga och därmed även deras chanser att lyckas ute i arbetslivet. Nyckelord: sv2-elever, sv2-lärare, sv2, attityder
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“I’d got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it” : Moral Dilemmas in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn In the Light of R. W. Emerson’s “Self-Reliance”Larsson, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
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Engelska ord i elevers svenska texterBergdahl, Nina January 2006 (has links)
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Zu einigen Entwicklungstendenzen im heutigen Deutsch : Beobachtungen anhand der PressespracheLundin, Lena January 2006 (has links)
Några språkliga utvecklingstendenser inom tyska språket har belysts. Beläggen är hämtade ur tyska tidsskrifter bl a Der Spiegel. Följande begrepp har behandlats; Ausklammerung, Ausgliederung, Weil-Sätze - die Wortfolge samt zur Struktur der irrealen Vergleichssätze.
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Metaphors and Terminology in Social Science : A translation and an analysisHelleklev, Caroline January 2006 (has links)
This essay deals with the translation and analysis of a text on human rights. The analysis focuses on terminology, figures of speech, idiomatic expressions and oblique translation (modulation). The core of the essay concerns terminology and metaphors (or figures of speech), with the last two parts complementing the first two. For the terminology part Victor H Condé (1999) is the main source, when dealing with figures of speech both George Lakoff & Mark Johnson (1980) as well as Christine Alm-Arvius (2003) are the sources used. In the third part the theoretical source is Rune Ingo (1991), and in the last part Vinay & Darbelney’s (Munday 2003) ideas on modulation are discussed. The source text was rich in metaphors. For this reason it proved very interesting and illuminating to discover how many metaphors that we (or at least the translator) may be unaware of that we use every day. In the text there were both easy-to-spot metaphors, for example half-digested medieval ideas, as well as the ones that are more hard to find, for example on what foundations do rights rest. It was the terminology that posed the biggest challenge during the translation process. However, several of the terms are used in almost the same form and manner in the two languages, two examples are policy (policy) and regime (regim). The challenge here was if a term was used in the same manner in English as in Swedish and in such cases the Swedish Parliament’s website www.riksdagen.se was very useful. Another challenge has been idioms and expressions since it was sometimes hard to find good translations for them and many times the whole context was the key to finding out the author’s intent. An example of this is keep both feet firmly planted on the ground which was translated into som försöker vara så verklighetsknutet som möjligt. Keywords: translation, human rights, figures of speech, terminology, modulation
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