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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Machine learning-assisted image analysis and metabarcoding for monitoring of plankton in the seas surrounding Sweden / Maskininlärningsbaserad bildanalys och DNA-streckkodning för övervakning av plankton i svenska havsområden

Garefelt, Karin January 2023 (has links)
I miljöövervakningen av haven runt Sverige har manuell mikroskopi av plankton länge varit den huvudsakliga tekniken för att övervaka växtplanktonbestånden och algblomningar. Nya tekniker utvärderas, men det är inte känt hur resultaten från de nyare teknikerna relaterar till varandra. Två tekniker som utvärderas av SMHI, flödesmikroskopi och DNA-streckkodning, har inte tidigare jämförts i litteraturen. Båda teknikerna har dock jämförts med traditionell mikroskopi. I det här projektet har provserier för DNA-streckkodning och automatiserad mikroskopi med Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) samlats in parallellt under en expedition i Egentliga Östersjön, Öresund, Kattegatt och Skagerrak. En bildklassificerare konstruerades med ett konvolutionellt neuronnät, som användes för att klassificera bilderna som tagits med IFCB:n. Resultaten från IFCB:n jämfördes med dem från DNA-streckkodning av 18S rRNA-genen. Jämförelsen visade stark korrelation mellan klassificeringen av bilder och DNA-streckkodning för vissa kiselalger (R>0.8), men teknikernas resultat skilde sig också åt i många fall. Skillnaderna kan studeras för att hitta svagheter i de båda teknikerna och utveckla dem vidare. / In environmental monitoring of the seas around Sweden, manual counting with microscopy is used to monitor the plankton communities and algal blooms. New techniques are currently being evaluated, including imaging flow cytometry and DNA metabarcoding, but it is not known how results from the different techniques relate to one another. Previous work has not compared imaging flow cytometry with metabarcoding, although both methods have been compared to traditional microscopy. In this project, samples for DNA metabarcoding and imaging flow cytometry with the Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) have been collected in parallel in the Baltic Proper, Öresund, Kattegat, and Skagerrak. To be able to process the large number of images from cytometry, an image classification algorithm based on convolutional neural networks and transfer learning was developed, which was used to classify the images collected. The results were compared to those obtained with 18S rRNA metabarcoding of the protist community. This new approach of comparing imaging flow cytometry with metabarcoding resulted in a strong (R>0.8) correlation for some diatom taxa, but discrepancies between the technologies were also observed. The discrepancies can be further studied to identify weaknesses in both techniques and refine them further.

Optimization of sterilization method for cultivation of filamentous fungi on lemon waste

Conradsson, Oliver, Ljungberg, David January 2023 (has links)
Consumption of citrus fruits and citrus juice production creates wastes, which could be valorized by using it for cultivating fungi. Before cultivation, the medium needs to be sterilized though autoclavation. Larger volumes used when autoclaving requires longer heating cycles and therefore runs the risk of degrading the medium to a greater extent. This research examines the effects of the volume lemon waste medium used while sterilizing. The aim is to find the largest volume still providing good growth for the filamentous fungus used, Rhizopus Delemar. Lemon waste was provided by Herrljunga Musteri AB and was pre-treated at 45°C for 2h. The liquid was strained and autoclaved in different volumetric series ranging from 200 – 10 000 mL, that was then used in 200 mL shake flask cultivations.  A scale up in two 3,5 L bubble column reactors was also performed from the 10 000 mL autoclaved medium, after not observing severe impacts on growth. Testing was done by weighing biomass and HPLC analysis of sugars. The yield of the biomass in the shake flasks ranged from 0,11 – 0,14 g/g sugars and the biomass concentration ranged between 2,4 - 3,0 g/L. Overall, the volume of autoclavation seems to not too be of great concern when cultivating R. Delemar on lemon waste medium in the analyzed ranges.

Coagulant Protein from plant materials: Potential Water Treatment Agent

Bodlund, Ida January 2013 (has links)
Access to fresh water is a human right, yet more than 780 million people, especially in rural areas, rely on unimproved sources and the need for finding ways of treating water is crucial. Although the use of natural coagulant protein in drinking water treatment has been discussed for a long time, the method is still not in practice, probably due to availability of material and limited knowledge. In this study, about hundred different crude extracts made from plant materials found in Southern India were screened for coagulation activity. Extracts of three Brassica species (Mustard, Cabbage and Cauliflower) were showing activity comparable to that of Moringa oleifera and were further investigated. Their protein content and profile were compared against each other and with coagulant protein from Moringa. Mustard (large) and Moringa seed proteins were also studied for their effect against clinically isolated bacterial strains. The protein profiles of Brassica extract showed predominant bands around 9kDa and 6.5kDa by SDS-PAGE. The peptide sequence analysis of Mustard large identified the 6.5kDa protein as Moringa coagulant protein (MO2.1) and the 9kDa protein band as seed storage protein napin3. Of thirteen clinical strains analysed, Moringa and Mustard large were proven effective in either aggregation activity or growth kinetic method or both in all thirteen and nine strains respectively. To my knowledge this is the first report on the presence of coagulant protein in Brassica seeds. Owing to the promising results Brassica species could possibly be used as a substitute to Moringa coagulating agent and chemicals in drinking water treatment. / <p>QC 20121214</p>

Optimizing the nitrogen removal in leachate treatment during continuous-flow biological treatment (KBR) / Optimering av kvävereningen i lakvatten under kontinuerlig biologisk rening (KBR)

De Luca, Leandra Anali January 2021 (has links)
Användandet av deponier är en av de vanligaste metoderna för avfallshantering globalt. Trots insatser som gjordes för att förbjuda hushållsavfall i deponier under millennieskiftet, deponier skapade innan restriktionerna är fortfarande en risk för miljön. Under 2014 öppnade SÖRAB en kontinuerlig biologisk reningsanläggning (KBR-anläggning) på Löt Avfallsanläggning för att hantera lakvatten från en gammal deponi som under en tid fylldes med hushållsavfall. Sedan dess har SÖRAB arbetat med att förbättra KBR-anläggningen. Målet med denna studie är att utforma en driftstrategi för KBR-anläggningen för att förbättra kvävereningen vid låga temperaturer. Ett antal laborativa försök genomfördes, såsom den mikrobiella konsortiets livsduglighet i lakvattnet och tillväxten i både rumstemperatur och vid 4°C, bioaugmentation genom att berika den mikrobiella cellkulturen som redan finns i lakvattnet och hur detta förbättrar kvävereningen i jämförelse med tillsatser av den kommersiella bakterieblandningen ClearBlu Environmental och andra externa kolkällor. Resultaten från dessa laborativa försök påvisade komplett nitrifikation i både rumstemperatur och 4°C i berikat lakvatten från KBR-anläggningens L2A bassäng efter fem dagar. Försöket visade även på syresatt denitrifikation. Dessutom påvisades komplett denitrifikation inom fem dagar, vid rumstemperatur i lakvatten från anläggningens L2B bassäng. Under efterföljande pilotförsök påvisades möjligheten till upplivandet av den biologiska kvävereningen genom berikningen av den mikrobiella cellkulturen i lakvattnet. I ett pilotförsök då lakvatten från L2B bassängen berikades, komplett denitrifikation skedde under en anaerob fas på 16 dagar samt nitrifikation och aerob denitrifikation under ett påföljande 17 dagar lång aerob fas. Ett annat pilotförsök då lakvatten från L2A bassängen berikades påvisade både aerob och anaerob nitrifikation, då ammoniumrening skedde i både den syresatta och syrefria fasen. Tillsatsen av nutrient broth (näringsbuljong) kan påverka KBR-anläggningen, vilket kväver vidare studier. Resultatet från detta projekt tydligt påvisar att kvävereningen i KBR-anläggningen kan förbättras genom att berika den redan närvarande mikrobiella kulturen. / Landfilling has been one of the most popular methods of handling waste globally. Despite the efforts made to stop the disposal of household waste during the turn of the millennia, the landfills formed before these restrictions are still at risk for causing harm to the environment. In 2014, SÖRAB opened a continuous-flow biological treatment (KBR) facility in Löt to treat the leachate produced in one of their older landfills, once filled with household waste. Since then, SÖRAB has been working on improving the treatment facility. The aim of this the study is to find a suitable process to enhance the nitrogen removal at low temperature. Several laboratory scale experiments were performed, such as viability of microbial consortia in the leachate and growth at room temperature and at 4°C, testing bioaugmentation by enriching the microbial cell culture in the leachate and their efficiency in removing nitrogen, compared to the commercial cell culture ClearBlu Environmental and carbon source addition. The results displayed complete nitrification at both room temperature and 4°C in bioaugmented, enriched leachate originating from the L2A basin of the KBR facility, after five days. These trials also suggested the occurrence of aerated denitrification. Complete denitrification within five days was seen at room temperature in bioaugmented, enriched leachate from the L2B basin of the same facility. The ensuing pilot scale trials proved the possibility to revive the biological nitrogen removal by microbial cell culture enrichment. In one pilot in which leachate from the L2B basin was enriched, complete denitrification in the anaerobic phase consisting of 16 days occurred, along with some nitrification and aerated denitrification in the 17 day long aerated phase that followed. Another pilot scale trail in which leachate from the L2A basin was enriched, both aerobic and anaerobic nitrification occurred, as ammonium removal occurred in both the aerated and unaerated phases. The addition of nutrient broth might influence the KBR system which needs further study. The results from this project clearly demonstrate that nitrogen removal in the KBR facility could be enhanced using a culture naturally present in the facility.

Nanobiotechnology Enabled Environmental Sensing of Water and Wastewater

Kang, Seju 13 January 2023 (has links)
Many environmental compartments are acknowledged transmission routes for infectious diseases, antibiotic resistance, and anthropogenic pollution. The need for environmental sensing has consistently been stressed as a means to minimize public health threats caused by such contaminants. Many analytical detection techniques have been developed and applied for environmental sensing. However, these techniques are often reliant upon centralized facilities and require intensive resources. For these reasons their use can be challenging under resource-constrained conditions characterized by poor water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. In this dissertation, we developed biotechnology- and/or nanotechnology-advanced analytical tools for environmental sensing that have potential for future application in regions with poor WASH services. First, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and nanopore sequencing were applied to develop assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, in wastewater samples. Second, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) was applied for environmental detection of a range of analytes. Gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based SERS substrates were fabricated by droplet evaporation-induced aggregation on a hydrophobic substrate. These SERS substrates were then applied for the detection of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and other environmental contaminants (e.g., dye or hydrophobic organic contaminants). In a separate study, Au nanostructured SERS substrates were fabricated and applied for pH sensing in a range of environmental media. Finally, the environmental impact of an AuNP-based colorimetric detection assay was assessed via life cycle assessment. / Doctor of Philosophy / Environmental sensing is an important means to intervene against public health threats of infectious diseases and environmental contaminants. However, currently available analytical tools for environmental samples often require intensive resources that are not available in low- and middle-income countries. In this dissertation, we developed biotechnology and/or nanotechnology advanced analytical tools for environmental sensing that have potential future application applied under resource-constrained conditions. First, we applied loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and nanopore sequencing to develop detection assays for SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, in wastewater samples. Second, we applied surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to develop assays for environmental analytes. We fabricated SERS substrates by evaporation-induced aggregation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) on a hydrophobic substrate and applied these for the detection of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and other environmental contaminants. In addition, Au nanostructured SERS substrates were fabricated and applied for pH sensing in a range of environmental media. Finally, we used life cycle assessment to quantitatively evaluate the environmental impacts of an AuNP-based sensing applications.

Tratamento da água residuária de matadouro utilizando um sistema constituído de reatores com biofilme / Treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater using a system consisting of reactors with biofilm

Erlon Lopes Pereira 30 January 2014 (has links)
O aumento na produção de carne bovina aumentou a concentração e volume dos resíduos líquidos produzidos durante seu beneficiamento, conhecidos como água residuária de matadouros (ARMV). Isso vem estimulando o desenvolvimento de processos que operem em alta carga com alta eficiência para seu tratamento. Visto o exposto, objetivou-se avaliar um sistema de tratamento para a ARMV operando em condições anaeróbia/aeróbia/anóxica de forma conjugada visando a remoção de matéria orgânica, nutrientes e toxidade. As unidades que compunham o sistema estudado eram três reatores com biofilme denominados: Reator Anaeróbio Híbrido (RAH), Reator Aeróbio de Leito Móvel (MBBR) e Reator Anóxico com Biofilme (RAB). A ARMV in natura era coletada em um frigorífico e matadouro bovino do vale do Paraíba e caracterizada em termos físicos, químicos e toxicológicos a nível agudo e crônico. O experimento durou aproximadamente 370 dias, operando sob variações de carga orgânica. A coleta ao longo do sistema foi feita semanalmente e as amostras caracterizadas em termos físico-químicos e toxicológicos tanto a nível agudo quanto crônico. Nos reatores RAH, MBBR e RAB foram realizadas testes hidrodinâmicos em condições abiótico e biótico, respectivamente. Com os dados obtidos nas três fases estudadas foram levantados os parâmetros cinéticos de crescimento da biomassa dispersa, além da caracterização microbiológica da mesma e do biofilme. Os resultados obtidos com base na caracterização físico-química e toxicológica da ARMV, in natura, revelaram altas concentrações em toda série de sólidos, de ácidos voláteis totais, alcalinidades, macro e micronutrientes, matéria orgânica em termos de DBO520°C e DQO nas formas total, solúvel e particulada e também de COD. Apresentou-se como um efluente extremamente tóxico a nível agudo para os organismos, bactérias P. putida e E. coli e microcrustaceo D. similis, e extremamente tóxico a nível crônico para os organismos, microcrustaceios C. silvestri e C. dúbia, bactérias E. coli e P putida e alga P. subcaptata. Com base nos testes toxicológicos, concluiu-se que os microcrustaceos e algas foram mais sensíveis as toxinas da ARM testada que as bactérias. O reator RAH operando sob choques orgânicos demonstrou ótimo desempenho operacional. As cargas orgânicas (COV) aplicadas ao RAH foram 608,9; 3.030,4 e 9.581,5 mg L-1 d-1 em termos de DQO para as fases I, II e III, estatisticamente diferente entre si. Apresentando para as três fases eficiências estatisticamente iguais. O reator MBBR operando sob choques orgânicos demonstrou ótimo desempenho operacional. As cargas orgânicas (COV) aplicadas ao MBBR foram 286,5; 2085,2 e 3889,6 mg L-1 d-1 em termos de DQO para as fases I, II e III, estatisticamente diferente entre si. Apresentando para as fases I, II e III eficiências de 76,9%; 60% e 81%, respectivamente, e estatisticamente iguais. Conclui-se com a pesquisa realizada que os reatores RAH e MBBR foram capazes de absorver choques orgânicos e hidráulicos submetidos a biomassa mantendo-se em altos valores de eficiência. O reator MBBR também apresentou bom desempenho no processo de nitrificação com eficiências de 61,2%; 68,1%; 50,7% para as fases I, II e III, respectivamente. A concentração média de OD de 3 mg L-1 mantida no MBBR apresentou-se acima do suficiente. O reator RAB operando sob choques orgânicos demonstrou ótimo desempenho operacional. As cargas orgânicas (COV) aplicadas ao RAB foram 194,9; 1769,1 e 2230,6 mg L-1 d-1 em termos de DQO para as fases I, II e III, estatisticamente diferente entre si. As fases I, II e III apresentaram eficiências de 70,7%; 46,4% e 69,8%, respectivamente, e estatisticamente, iguais entre as fases I e III. Em termos de toxidade, os parâmetros estudados nas fases I e II, mostraram-se ideais para remoção de toxidade, sendo que no final de ambas a ARM tratada apresentou-se livre de toxidade a nível agudo e crônico. Os reatores RAH, MBBR e RAB demonstraram ótimo desempenho hidrodinâmico e cinético. Concluiu-se que o sistema anaeróbio/aeróbio/anóxico estudado foi eficiente no tratamento da ARMV, aliando condições de fácil monitoramento, rapidez no processo e ótimo desempenho. / Development in bovine meat production has increased volume and concentration of liquid residues produced during their improvement, known as slaughterhouses wastewaters (SW). This fact has been stimulating the develpment of processes operating in highly charge and efficience for their treatment. As seen, we focused to develop a treatment system for the SW operating in a anaerobic/aerobic/anoxic condition in a conjugated form, aiming the remotion of organic matter, nutrients and toxicity. The units evolving the studied system were three biofilms reators named: Anaerobic Hibrid Reactor (AHR), Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR), and Anoxic Biofilm Reactor (AnBR). The SW in natura was collected in the slaughterhouse of the Paraíba Valley, and were characterized in physical, chemical and toxically in a highly sharp and cronically levels. The experiment has lasted for 370 days, operating under organic load rate (OLR). The withdraws along the system were done weekly and the samples were characterized in physical-chemical and toxicological terms and in both sharp and cronical ways. Hidrodinamic tests were realized in reactors AHR, MBBR and AnBR in abiotic and biotic condictions, repectivelly. With the data obtained in the three studied phases, knetics parameters were collected for the dispersal biomass, besides its biofilm and biomass characterization. The results, based on SW physico - chemical and toxicological characterization, showed high concentrations in all solids series, in total volatic acids, alcalinity, macro and micro nutrients, organic matter in terms of BOD520°C and COD in their solute and particulate forms and also in DOC. It was presented as highly toxix effluent in a sharp level for organisms, bacteria P. putida ans E. coli, and D. similis microcrustacean. And extremely toxic to organisms chronic C. silvestri and C. dúbia microceustacean and P. subcaptata algae. According with toxicological tests it was concluded that the microcrustaceos and a algae were more sensitive to the SSW toxines than bacteria. The AHR reator operating under organic shocks showed excelent operational development. The OLR applied to the AHR were 608.9; 3,030.4 and 9,581.5 mg L-1 d-1 in terms of COD for the phases I, II, III, statiscally different among it, showing for the three phases scores of 76,9%; 60% and 81%, respectivelly, and the same, statistically speaking. We may conclude with this research that the AHR and AMBR reators were capable to absorb hidraulic and organic shocks submitted to biomass keeping high levels of efficiency. The MBBR reator has shown also a good performance in nitrification process, scoring 61.2%; 68.1%; 50.7% in effectiveness for phases I, II and III, respectively. The average DO concentration of 3 mg L-1 maintained in MBBR showed over sufficience. The AnBR reator under organic shocks showed highly operational performance. The OLR applied to AnBR were 194.9; 1,769.1 e 2,230.6 mg L-1 d-1 in terms of COD for the phases I, II, III statistically different among them. The phases I, II, III presented efficiences of 70.7%; 46.4% and 69.8%, respectively, and statiscally the same between phases I and III. In terms of toxicity, the studied parameters in phases I and II showed to be ideal to remove the toxicity from both sharp and chronical levels. The reators AHR, MBBR and AnBR showed excelent hidraulic and kinetic performances. We may conclude that the studied anaerobic/aerobic/ anoxic system was efficient in the treatment of SW, joining, easy feasible conditions, velocity in processing and high performance.

Tratamento da água residuária de matadouro utilizando um sistema constituído de reatores com biofilme / Treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater using a system consisting of reactors with biofilm

Pereira, Erlon Lopes 30 January 2014 (has links)
O aumento na produção de carne bovina aumentou a concentração e volume dos resíduos líquidos produzidos durante seu beneficiamento, conhecidos como água residuária de matadouros (ARMV). Isso vem estimulando o desenvolvimento de processos que operem em alta carga com alta eficiência para seu tratamento. Visto o exposto, objetivou-se avaliar um sistema de tratamento para a ARMV operando em condições anaeróbia/aeróbia/anóxica de forma conjugada visando a remoção de matéria orgânica, nutrientes e toxidade. As unidades que compunham o sistema estudado eram três reatores com biofilme denominados: Reator Anaeróbio Híbrido (RAH), Reator Aeróbio de Leito Móvel (MBBR) e Reator Anóxico com Biofilme (RAB). A ARMV in natura era coletada em um frigorífico e matadouro bovino do vale do Paraíba e caracterizada em termos físicos, químicos e toxicológicos a nível agudo e crônico. O experimento durou aproximadamente 370 dias, operando sob variações de carga orgânica. A coleta ao longo do sistema foi feita semanalmente e as amostras caracterizadas em termos físico-químicos e toxicológicos tanto a nível agudo quanto crônico. Nos reatores RAH, MBBR e RAB foram realizadas testes hidrodinâmicos em condições abiótico e biótico, respectivamente. Com os dados obtidos nas três fases estudadas foram levantados os parâmetros cinéticos de crescimento da biomassa dispersa, além da caracterização microbiológica da mesma e do biofilme. Os resultados obtidos com base na caracterização físico-química e toxicológica da ARMV, in natura, revelaram altas concentrações em toda série de sólidos, de ácidos voláteis totais, alcalinidades, macro e micronutrientes, matéria orgânica em termos de DBO520°C e DQO nas formas total, solúvel e particulada e também de COD. Apresentou-se como um efluente extremamente tóxico a nível agudo para os organismos, bactérias P. putida e E. coli e microcrustaceo D. similis, e extremamente tóxico a nível crônico para os organismos, microcrustaceios C. silvestri e C. dúbia, bactérias E. coli e P putida e alga P. subcaptata. Com base nos testes toxicológicos, concluiu-se que os microcrustaceos e algas foram mais sensíveis as toxinas da ARM testada que as bactérias. O reator RAH operando sob choques orgânicos demonstrou ótimo desempenho operacional. As cargas orgânicas (COV) aplicadas ao RAH foram 608,9; 3.030,4 e 9.581,5 mg L-1 d-1 em termos de DQO para as fases I, II e III, estatisticamente diferente entre si. Apresentando para as três fases eficiências estatisticamente iguais. O reator MBBR operando sob choques orgânicos demonstrou ótimo desempenho operacional. As cargas orgânicas (COV) aplicadas ao MBBR foram 286,5; 2085,2 e 3889,6 mg L-1 d-1 em termos de DQO para as fases I, II e III, estatisticamente diferente entre si. Apresentando para as fases I, II e III eficiências de 76,9%; 60% e 81%, respectivamente, e estatisticamente iguais. Conclui-se com a pesquisa realizada que os reatores RAH e MBBR foram capazes de absorver choques orgânicos e hidráulicos submetidos a biomassa mantendo-se em altos valores de eficiência. O reator MBBR também apresentou bom desempenho no processo de nitrificação com eficiências de 61,2%; 68,1%; 50,7% para as fases I, II e III, respectivamente. A concentração média de OD de 3 mg L-1 mantida no MBBR apresentou-se acima do suficiente. O reator RAB operando sob choques orgânicos demonstrou ótimo desempenho operacional. As cargas orgânicas (COV) aplicadas ao RAB foram 194,9; 1769,1 e 2230,6 mg L-1 d-1 em termos de DQO para as fases I, II e III, estatisticamente diferente entre si. As fases I, II e III apresentaram eficiências de 70,7%; 46,4% e 69,8%, respectivamente, e estatisticamente, iguais entre as fases I e III. Em termos de toxidade, os parâmetros estudados nas fases I e II, mostraram-se ideais para remoção de toxidade, sendo que no final de ambas a ARM tratada apresentou-se livre de toxidade a nível agudo e crônico. Os reatores RAH, MBBR e RAB demonstraram ótimo desempenho hidrodinâmico e cinético. Concluiu-se que o sistema anaeróbio/aeróbio/anóxico estudado foi eficiente no tratamento da ARMV, aliando condições de fácil monitoramento, rapidez no processo e ótimo desempenho. / Development in bovine meat production has increased volume and concentration of liquid residues produced during their improvement, known as slaughterhouses wastewaters (SW). This fact has been stimulating the develpment of processes operating in highly charge and efficience for their treatment. As seen, we focused to develop a treatment system for the SW operating in a anaerobic/aerobic/anoxic condition in a conjugated form, aiming the remotion of organic matter, nutrients and toxicity. The units evolving the studied system were three biofilms reators named: Anaerobic Hibrid Reactor (AHR), Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR), and Anoxic Biofilm Reactor (AnBR). The SW in natura was collected in the slaughterhouse of the Paraíba Valley, and were characterized in physical, chemical and toxically in a highly sharp and cronically levels. The experiment has lasted for 370 days, operating under organic load rate (OLR). The withdraws along the system were done weekly and the samples were characterized in physical-chemical and toxicological terms and in both sharp and cronical ways. Hidrodinamic tests were realized in reactors AHR, MBBR and AnBR in abiotic and biotic condictions, repectivelly. With the data obtained in the three studied phases, knetics parameters were collected for the dispersal biomass, besides its biofilm and biomass characterization. The results, based on SW physico - chemical and toxicological characterization, showed high concentrations in all solids series, in total volatic acids, alcalinity, macro and micro nutrients, organic matter in terms of BOD520°C and COD in their solute and particulate forms and also in DOC. It was presented as highly toxix effluent in a sharp level for organisms, bacteria P. putida ans E. coli, and D. similis microcrustacean. And extremely toxic to organisms chronic C. silvestri and C. dúbia microceustacean and P. subcaptata algae. According with toxicological tests it was concluded that the microcrustaceos and a algae were more sensitive to the SSW toxines than bacteria. The AHR reator operating under organic shocks showed excelent operational development. The OLR applied to the AHR were 608.9; 3,030.4 and 9,581.5 mg L-1 d-1 in terms of COD for the phases I, II, III, statiscally different among it, showing for the three phases scores of 76,9%; 60% and 81%, respectivelly, and the same, statistically speaking. We may conclude with this research that the AHR and AMBR reators were capable to absorb hidraulic and organic shocks submitted to biomass keeping high levels of efficiency. The MBBR reator has shown also a good performance in nitrification process, scoring 61.2%; 68.1%; 50.7% in effectiveness for phases I, II and III, respectively. The average DO concentration of 3 mg L-1 maintained in MBBR showed over sufficience. The AnBR reator under organic shocks showed highly operational performance. The OLR applied to AnBR were 194.9; 1,769.1 e 2,230.6 mg L-1 d-1 in terms of COD for the phases I, II, III statistically different among them. The phases I, II, III presented efficiences of 70.7%; 46.4% and 69.8%, respectively, and statiscally the same between phases I and III. In terms of toxicity, the studied parameters in phases I and II showed to be ideal to remove the toxicity from both sharp and chronical levels. The reators AHR, MBBR and AnBR showed excelent hidraulic and kinetic performances. We may conclude that the studied anaerobic/aerobic/ anoxic system was efficient in the treatment of SW, joining, easy feasible conditions, velocity in processing and high performance.

Strategic negotiations towards sustainabilityfor entrepreneurs

Hurry, Jovin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to find out what it takes for entrepreneurs to negotiate strategically in order to ultimately influence systemic change towards sustainability. It focuses on the challenges sustainability entrepreneurs face as they negotiate their twin objectives of social mission and positive cashflow during their collaborative processes. To answer this purpose, I conducted a participatory action research with the entrepreneurs at Hubs Westminster, King’s Cross and Islington in London. The Hub is a global community of people from every profession, background and culture working to tackle the world's most pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) was used as a lens for the overall research while the Seven Elements Theory of Negotiation targeted the negotiation process. The thesis demonstrates that some core challenges need to be addressed in the entrepreneur’s preparation for their negotiation; and that entrepreneurs can intentionally favourably position themselves through their strategic actions in their attempt to meet the need to combine economic objectives with concerns about social responsibility and environmentalism. The implication of the thesis lies in better awareness on how to aim at creative outcomes during collaborations. Its originality lies in shedding light in this niche and rarely touched combination of sustainability, entrepreneurship and negotiation.


Jose Fernando Waimin (13222980) 10 August 2022 (has links)
<p>Microbes play key roles in processes that shape the world around us having direct impact in crop  production,  food  safety,  digestion,  and  overall  health.  Developing  tools  to  monitor  their activity in-situ is the key towards better understanding the true impact of microbial activity in these processes and, eventually, harnessing their potential. Many conventional techniques for microbial activity assessment require sample collection, expensive benchtop equipment, skilled technicians, and   destructive   sample   processing   which   makes   their   adaptation   for   in-situ   monitoring cumbersome. The need for technologies for in-situ monitoring has led to the development of many sensordesigns,  capable  of  detecting  single  strains  of  bacteria  to  low  limits  of  detection  (LOD). These designs, however, are limited to their complex manufacturing procedures, cost, and delicacy which makes them difficult to implement outside of a laboratory setting into harsh environments.</p> <p>In  the  last  25  years,  impedimetric  sensing  methods  have  been used  as  powerful  analytical tools  to  characterize  the  degradation  and  dissolution  of  polymers.  Known  for  their  robustness, these techniqueswere mainly used for characterizing polymer’s properties as corrosion-protective layers on metals. At the time, someresearchers pondered onthe potential use of this technique for biosensing  applications.In  this  thesis,  the  ability  of  monitoring  microbial  activity  in-situ  was explored by  integratingdifferent  bioresponsive  polymers  with  low-cost electronic  impedimetricplatformsand assessing their degradation kinetics in response to microbes</p> <p>This  novel  use  of  impedimetric  sensing  methods  and  approach  towards  microbial  activity sensing was systematically studied in different  areas including  agriculture, food packaging, and healthcare.  Microbes,  the  good,  the  bad,  and  the  ugly,  were  studied  within  their  ecosystems  to demonstrate  the  ability  of  using  the  described  systems  in  in-situ  monitoring.  In  agriculture, polymer  degradation  was  successfully  correlated  to  the  concentration  of  decomposing  bacteria directly in soil. In food packaging, spoilage of chicken samples was successfully detected within their package through a non-reversible system. In healthcare, a wireless and electronic-free wound monitoring  system  capable of  detecting  early  onset  of  infection  while  delivering  therapeutics without the need of external actuation was achieved. Further developments of this technology will present the key towards monitoring microbial activity in-situ in a large scale, providing solutions to  humanity’s  toughest  upcoming  challenges  including  food  production,  food  safety,  and healthcare.</p>

Effect of substrate types on fermentation of mixed cultures to produce volatile fatty acids / Effekt av substrattyper för fermentering av blandade kulturer för att producera flyktiga fettsyror

Sehgal, Jayant January 2022 (has links)
Innovativa teknologier, produkter och processer krävs på grund av marknadens ökande behov av bioprodukter med låga koldioxidavtryck. Idén att producera flyktiga fettsyror via biologiska processer, främst genom anaerob fermentering med blandkulturer, har återupplivats på grund av den omfattande exploateringen av oljeresurser. Målet för denna studie var att utvärdera kvaliteten och livskraften för produktion av flyktiga fettsyror från enkla substrat. Flyktiga fettsyror-generering undersöktes i ett satsvis syrafermenteringssystem för tre enkla substrat (olja, stärkelse, och gelatin). Vi visade att ett initialt surt pH var fördelaktigt för acidogenes och den totala genereringen av flyktiga fettsyror för alla tre substraten. Den högsta produktionseffektiviteten av flyktiga fettsyror uppnåddes och flyktiga fettsyror genomgick evolutionär utveckling med blandad kulturfermentering som kördes vid ett initialt surt pH på 5,0. 7933,08 mg COD/L smörsyra producerades från stärkelse vid pH 3,87 på dag 15, vilket var den högsta nivån. Smörsyra och ättiksyra var de dominerande produkterna i det initiala sura pH-värdet 5. Alla tre substraten i batch-reaktorer visade högt produktionsutbyte av ättiksyra och smörsyra. Vid lågt initialt pH var propionsyra den vanligaste syratypen i olja. / Innovative technology, products, and processes are required because of the market's rising need for bioproducts with low carbon footprints. The concept of producing volatile fatty acids (VFAs) via biological processes, primarily through anaerobic mixed culture fermentation, has been revived because of the extensive exploitation of oil resources. The goal of this study was to evaluate the quantity and efficiency of VFA production from simple substrates. The generation of VFA was examined using a batch type acid fermentation system for three simple substrates (oil, starch, and gelatin). We showed that an initial acidic pH was advantageous for acidogenesis and the total generation of VFAs for all three substrates. The VFA production efficiency was achieved and underwent evolutionary development with mixed culture fermentation (MCF)  tests running at an initial acidic pH of 5.0. 7933.08 mgCOD/L butyric acid were produced from starch at pH 3.87 at day 15, which was the highest level. Butyric and acetic acids were the predominant products in the initial acidic pH 5. All the three substrates in reactors showed high VFA production yield of acetic acid and butyric acid. At low initial pH, propionic acid was the most prevalent acid type in oil.

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