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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rimarachin, Jorge Luis Diaz 11 April 2012 (has links)
The agricultural activities, without considering the potential and limitations on the land use, are a potential source of environmental degradation. This study proposed the environmental diagnose of the sub-basin Angasmarca river, in La Libertad region in Peru, using geoprocessing techniques. For the execution of the work were incorporated into a Geographic Information System (ArcGIS 9.2) data obtained by remote sensing (CBERS multispectral image and ASTER DEM G-2 digital elevation model), topographic maps, rainfall data, soil analyzes and thematic maps existing (geology, soils, ecology). From the morphometric characterization of the study area, we obtained the potential use of land (from the roughness coefficient) characterizing areas liable to degradation by environmental conflicts and identify areas susceptible to laminar erosion supported in Equation Universal Soil Loss (USLE). From the analysis of hydrologic conditions and soils of watersheds evaluated by the circularity index (CI), compactness coefficient (Kc) and form factor (Kf), the region is favorable to processes of runoff, but nevertheless not subject to floods. In the evaluation of potential soil use, it was found that 33.18% of the sub-basin is appropriate for agricultural practice, 52.12% for pasture, 9.45% for pasture/forestry and 5.25% for forestry. 50.88% (17963.53 ha) of the total area of the sub-basin is in use conflicts therefore requires adaptations that reduce environmental degradation. In the analysis of rainfall erosivity was found that the annual average value (EI30) is 4.762 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.year-1 (R factor), with a monthly average of the 396.8MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1. In the rainy season (October to April) was 4678.5MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1 (considered erosive) and the dry season (May to September) of 83.5MJ.mm.ha1.h-1 (considered non-erosive). Therefore the estimates soil losses upper than 97.82t.ha-1.year-1 area located in the watersheds with the greater slopes (88.88km²), however, the watersheds with the lowest soil loss area (mean 77.47t.ha-1.year-1 76.92 km2) area located on flatter land. The mathematical modeling performed in the Geographic Information System enabled the integration data of the estimates of erosion potential laminar and environmental assessment Physical- Conservationist, permitting spatialize areas the potential risk both conflicts of land use, erosion and environmental deterioration, the which allows to propose mitigation actions for areas that present the biggest problems. / As atividades agropecuárias, sem considerar as potencialidades e limitações quanto ao uso das terras, são uma fonte potencial de degradação do meio ambiente. O trabalho teve por objetivo fazer um diagnóstico ambiental na sub-bacia do rio Angasmarca, na Região La Libertad no Peru, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. Para a execução do trabalho foram incorporados a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (ArcGIS 9.2) os dados obtidos por sensoriamento remoto (imagem multiespectral CBERS e modelo digital de elevação ASTER G-DEM 2), cartas topográficas, dados pluviométricos, análises de solo e mapas temáticos existentes (geologia, solos, ecologia). A partir da caracterização morfométrica da área de estudos, obtivemos o uso potencial das terras (a partir do coeficiente de rugosidade), caracterizando áreas passiveis de degradação por conflitos ambientais e identificamos áreas susceptíveis à erosão laminar apoiado na Equação Universal de Perda de Solos (EUPS). Da análise das condições hidrológicas e de solos das microbacias avaliadas através do índice de circularidade (Ic), coeficiente de compacidade (Kc) e fator de forma (Kf), a região é favorável a processos de escoamento superficial, mas no entanto não sujeita a enchentes. Na avaliação do uso potencial do solo, constatou-se que 33,18% da área da sub-bacia apresenta-se apropriada para a prática agrícola, 52,12% para pastagem, 9,45% para pastagem/florestamento e 5,25% para florestamento. 50,88% (17.963,53ha) da área total da sub-bacia encontra-se em conflito de uso, portanto necessita de adequações que diminuam a degradação ambiental. Na análise da erosividade das chuvas verificou-se que o valor médio anual (índice EI30) da sub-bacia é de 4.762MJ.mm.ha-1.h- 1.ano-1 (fator R), com uma média mensal de 396,8MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1. Já para o período chuvoso (outubro a abril) foi de 4.678,5MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1 (considerado erosivo) e para o período seco (maio a setembro) de 83,5MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1 (considerado não erosivo). Portanto verificou-se que estimativas de perdas de solo superiores a 97,82t.ha-1ano-1, estão localizadas em microbacias de maiores declividades, totalizando 88,88km2 da área da sub-bacia, entretanto, as microbacias onde ocorrem menores perdas de solos (média de 77,47t.ha-1ano-1 - 76,92 km2), estão localizadas em terrenos mais planos. As modelagens matemáticas realizadas no Sistema de Informação Geográfica possibilitaram a integração de dados das estimativas do potencial de erosão laminar e da avaliação ambiental Físico- Conservacionista, permitindo espacializar às áreas de risco potencial tanto de conflitos de uso do solo, erosão e deterioração ambiental, o que permite propor ações mitigadoras para áreas que apresentam maiores problemas.

Globalización e insostenibilidad ecológica y social / Globalización e insostenibilidad ecológica y social

Guevara, Leonor 10 April 2018 (has links)
Through history of societies we may consider recent the fact that differences amongeconomic activities affect those that suffer polítical control. Previous invasions of the named discovery of America did not have involvement similar to those of the present interregionallinks.Sorne globalization indicators are visible from past to modero times and resulted from the continuous technological advances in the mass production of goods as well as in communications, massive migration of the labor force in search of places that offer better job opportunities, the relationship between world production and commercialization levels, and capital flow without regard of international borders. However, these conditions are not same neither for all regions nor for the members of all societies.The variations caused by the recent structure of the economic system make theeconomic geography to be further separare from politics, even at the heart of societies due to the fact that sorne social segments are more integrated with other territories rather than with their own.To participare in the world economy, there are new competitive challenges thathave significant effects on a nation's environmental policies, making them unacceptable beca use they disagree with its national interests. There is a need for the establishment of indexes to measure the sustainability of development, because different frameworks determine each of the three objectives-social, environmental and economic.If we want to achieve a better quality of life for everybody, induding the unborn, then  we  need  to  build  a  development  project  that  takes  human  needs  intoconsideration, without biodiversity loses and environmental deterioration. / A lo largo de la historia de los pueblos se puede considerar reciente el hecho de que la diferencia entre las actividades económicas afecte las de aquellos que sufren el control político de otros. Las invasiones previas al denominado descubrimiento de América no tuvieron las implicaciones que hoy tienen los vínculos interregionales, aunque no tengan  carácter  impositivo.Algunos de los indicadores de globalización desde ese primer momento hasta hoy se desprenden de los continuos avances tecnológicos tanto para la producción en grandes cantidades como para las comunicaciones; también, de las migraciones masi­ vas de población en busca de mayores y mejores oportunidades de vida que ofrecían los descubrimientos de nuevos territorios en el pasado y de oportunidades de empleo en la actualidad; de la relación entre la producción mundial y los niveles de comer­ cialización; y del movimiento de capitales a través de espacios sin fronteras. Sin em­ bargo, no es la misma situación para todas las regiones ni para todos los miembros de toda la sociedad.Las variaciones  provocadas por la reciente estructura del sistema económico ha­cen que la geografía económica coincida cada vez menos con la política aun al inte­ rior de los países, ya que ciertos segmentos de sus sociedades están más integradas con los de otros territorios que con los que administrativamente están más cercanos, hasta el punto de que, estando en el poder, han llegado a desreglar sus propios mercados y a abrir el comercio y el sector financiero en favor de las potencias económicas.Se considera que para lograr inserción en la economía mundial impuesta por la globalización, surgen nuevos retos en materia de competitividad, retos que tienen graves repercusiones sobre la política ambiental, hasta querer ganar competitividad a costa de ceder principios en ella. Esto resulta inviable no solo por oponerse a los intereses nacionales de mediano y largo plazo, sino también por contradecir acuerdos y compromisos internacionales establecidos.Una situación que facilita esa concepción es la falta de indicadores para medir la sostenibilidad del desarrollo, ya que cada uno de los tres objetivos -el social, el ambiental y el económico- se determinan con parámetros que no tienen un deno­minador  común  que permitan  una conversión universal.  Si se quiere mejor calidad de vida para todos -incluyendo a los que no han nacido- hay que plantear un proyecto de desarrollo que responda a las necesidades humanas, pero que no signifique pérdidas de biodiversidad ni deterioros ambientales irreversibles. En conclusión, se requiere dar un vuelco al anhelo globalizador con un modelo de desarrollo que cualifique la experiencia vital y que sea ecológicamente sostenible.

Formation of Sulphides in the Canadian High Arctic Large Igneous Province; Testing the Influence of Sedimentary Rocks / Bildandet av sulfider i den kanadensiskahögarktiska magmatiska provinsen: prövning av sedimentära bergarters inflytande

Hagerfors, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) form during short-lived pulses of extensive magmatic activity. LIPs are known for their ability to affect global climate as well as for their Ni-Cu-PGE ore potential. A key factor that controls the intensity of the climate impact of a LIP and its ore potential is the assimilation of volatile-rich sedimentary host rocks. Magmas of the High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP), exposed in the Arctic, intruded volatile-rich black shales, carbonates and evaporites in the Canadian Arctic Islands, offering a great opportunity for studying magma-sediment interaction. The purpose of this study is to test whether assimilation of sedimentary sulphide can promote sulphide immiscibility in magma and thus aid formation of Ni-Cu-PGE ore bodies. This is done by analysing sulphur isotopes in pyrite grains hosted in a HALIP dolerite sill, which was emplaced into black shale, by using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). Four dolerite samples are analysed; two coming from the lower contact margin of the sill, one from 60 cm into the sill and one sample from a basaltic vein at the upper contact margin of the sill. A total of 14 pyrite grains (n = 246 individual SIMS spot analyses) were analysed for their sulphur isotope ratios. The results of the SIMS analyses show that all analysed sulphides have highly negative δ34S values ranging from -19.5 to -5.7‰ (average δ34S = -8.2 ± 0.83‰, 2SD), which therefore differ largely from that of the primitive mantle (0 ± 1.8‰). In order to put our four analysed dolerite samples into a broader context, δ34S data of our sulphides are compared with whole-rock δ34S and δ18O data from Hare Fiord shale and dolerite samples. The δ34S values of the sulphide samples from the sill typically trend toward the negative sulphur isotope composition of the sulphides in the surrounding shale, and the shale surrounding the sill experiences a loss of 32S near the contact of the sill. This indicates that sedimentary light sulphur (32S) has been locally incorporated into the sill by the surrounding shale, resulting in negative δ34S values in the magmatic sulphides. Since sulphide immiscibility in the Hare Fiord sill was triggered by assimilation of sulphur from host rock shale, the igneous rocks of the HALIP may be prospective for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization, though more studies are needed. Furthermore, our results suggest that incorporation of crustal sulphur increased the volatile budget of HALIP magmas, which therefore could have contributed to a deterioration of the environmental conditions during the emplacement of the HALIP. / Stora magmatiska provinser (på engelska Large Igneous Provinces, LIPs) är vulkaniska event då enorma mängder magma avsätts över en väldigt stor yta under ett, i ett geologiskt perspektiv, kort tidsspann. Dessa stora vulkaniska utbrott har väckt stort intresse då de är samtida med flera av de största massutdöendena i jordens historia, men också för att en viss typ av sulfidmalm rik på nickel, koppar och platinametaller (Ni-Cu-PGE malmer) ofta förekommer i provinsernas magmagångar och magmakammare. En viktig faktor som till stor del avgör en magmatisk provins påverkan på klimatet och potentiella malmförekomster är inkorporering av sedimentära bergarter till magman som, när de hettas upp, kan frigöra gaser rika på svavel och kol. I Kanadas arktiska öar trängde magma tillhörande den högarktiska magmatiska provinsen (HALIP) in i svart skiffer, karbonater och evaporiter, som är sedimentära bergarter rika på flyktiga ämnen. Denna magmatiska provins erbjuder därför stora möjligheter till att studera interaktionen mellan magma och sedimentära bergarter. Syftet med denna studie är att testa om inkorporering av sedimentärt svavel kan främja bildandet av sulfidsmälta i magma och därigenom bidra till bildandet av sulfidmalmer. Detta görs genom att analysera svavelisotoper i sulfidmineral i prover från en magmagång, som trängde in i en skifferformation, tillhörande den högarktiska magmatiska provinsen i norra Kanada. Genom att analysera svavelisotopkvoten (δ34S) i sulfidmineral kan man få information om huruvida svavlet i mineralen är av sedimentärt ursprung (där skiffer generellt har negativa δ34S värden) eller om svavlet har δ34S värden liknande de från manteln (som har δ34S värden runt 0‰), vilket i så fall skulle innebära att magman inte har inkorporerat sedimentärt svavel. Genom att använda masspektrometri av typen SIMS analyseras totalt 14 sulfidmineralkorn (n = 246 individuella SIMS punkter) för deras svavelisotopkvoter. Resultatet av studien visar att alla analyserade sulfidmineral har mycket negativa δ34S värden mellan -19.5 och -5.7‰ (med ett δ34S medelvärde på -8.2 ± 0.83‰, två standardavvikelser). Genom att jämföra våra δ34S värden med δ34S och δ18O värden för andra prover från både magmagången och den omgivande skiffern kunde vi se att δ34S värdena för sulfidmineralen i de yttre delarna av magmagången har liknande negativa värden som den omgivande skiffern, och att δ34S värdena för skiffern närmast magmagången är mer positiva. Detta tyder på att sedimentärt svavel i kontakten mellan magmagången och skiffern har blivit inkorporerat i magman från den omgivande skiffern. Våra resultat tyder därför på att sulfidmineralen i våra prover från magmagången bildades genom assimilering av svavel från den omgivande skiffern. Detta innebär i sin tur att den kanadensiska högarktiska magma provinsen potentiellt kan vara en källa för sulfidmalm, även om ytterligare studier behövs. Dessutom visar våra resultat att inkorporering av sedimentärt svavel förmodligen ökade de vulkaniska gaserna i magman, vilket kan ha bidragit till klimatförändringar relaterade till den vulkaniska aktiviteten av den högarktiska magmatiska provinsen.

Disruption in place attachment: Insights of young Aboriginal adults on the social and cultural impacts of industrial development in northern Alberta

Spyce, Tera Unknown Date
No description available.

Disruption in place attachment: Insights of young Aboriginal adults on the social and cultural impacts of industrial development in northern Alberta

Spyce, Tera 11 1900 (has links)
People living in the north have been and will continue to be affected by increasing exploration and exploitation of the region's natural resources. To understand the human impacts a qualitative approach and sense of place, place attachment, and disruption in place theories were used to analyze the experiences of young Aboriginal adults in a Dene Tha' community in northwestern Alberta. The major finding of this study was that the young people developed deep attachments to their place; however, environmental, social, and cultural changes have altered life here and as a consequence many of the young people no longer want to remain living in their community. The results suggest that the Dene Tha' are being gradually displaced and their homeland is becoming increasingly unable to sustain them or their culture. The findings also indicate that gradual environmental deterioration can lead to profound social and cultural changes that should be considered before land use decisions are made. / Rural Sociology


Sampaio, Marcela Vilar 12 April 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The acceleration of the global economy and shifting demographic changes has caused an uncontrolled exploration of the worlds natural renewable and non-renewable resources. Not only have the levels of these resources decreased but so has the quality. In addition to these changes, the future development of natural ecosystems could also be compromised as they are finite. In order to establish a harmonious equilibrium between population, economic growth and natural resources, emerged the necessity of appraising under the view of the environmental economy, the economie value of environmental profits.Studies and techniques have been designed to help us understand such relationships. One model is known as the environmental Passive. This one is defined as group of real or potential debts that the man, the company or the property possesses with the nature for being in disconformity with relationship the legislation or proposed environmental procedures. The objective of evaluating and to quantifying the impacts that man is causing to the nature is to make that the value found be used to compensate the negative impacts. This study intended to develop a methodology which would be technical, scientific, useful and effective for quantification environmental passives in rural properties and, through the determination of the degree of deterioration of the Rural Property corresponding to the Micro basin, using the matrix of Leopold-Rocha methodology (2002); calculate the environmental passive as the result of the human actions that occured in a propertie in the Flowers Island - Porto Alegre - RS, applying the proposal methodology in this propriety grouping analisys of the achieved values in the environmental impact assessement, by WARD Method, using the statistic SAS SYSTEM 8.2, and do the cmparsion of the values obtained in the environmental passive. The real deterioration degree obtained by the Leopold-Rocha matrix reach 7,95%, this values demand urgent mitigation and compensatory mesures, for this percentage decrease, known that for rates under 10%, the environment is capable to recover. The price calculate of the Environmental Passive is R$ 81.606,72. In grouping analisys by the WARD method as resoult 2 distinct groups (A e B). The group A is compose by: Modification of the Regime and Transformation of the territory and construction with magnitude average (4,92%) e importance (8,45%), this is the group with more influent impacts. The environemental factors were separated in 3 distintc groups (A, B e C). The group A, Factors, present a magnitude (2,34%) and importance (3,76%), that values are the most higth, then this factor is suffer more impact than the outhers. In comparison the deterioration values of the environmental impact, the grouping analisys and the Passive, it may say that the actions with more impact were the one which had the high value of calculated Passive. Therefore this value should be used to revert caused impacts. / O acelerado crescimento econômico e demográfico em todo mundo levou a uma exploração descontrolada dos recursos naturais renováveis e não renováveis, gerando um comprometimento da qualidade e quantidade destes recursos, incapacitando o potencial de recomposição da natureza, al-terando assim, os ecossistemas. Para estabelecer um equilíbrio harmonioso entre crescimento popu-lacional, consumo e recursos naturais surgiu à necessidade de se avaliar, sob a ótica da economia ambiental, o valor econômico dos ativos de bens e serviços ambientais. Alguns métodos e técnicas de valoração ambiental já foram desenvolvidos, e uma delas é o passivo ambiental. Este se define como conjunto de dívidas reais ou potenciais que o homem, a empresa ou a propriedade possui com relação à natureza por estar em desconformidade com a legislação ou procedimentos ambientais propostos. O objetivo de se avaliar e quantificar os impactos que o homem vem causando na nature-za é fazer com que o valor encontrado seja utilizado para compensar tais impactos. Para isso este trabalho se propôs a desenvolver uma metodologia técnica, científica, útil e eficaz para a quantifica-ção de passivos ambientais em propriedades rurais e, através da determinação do grau de deteriora-ção da Propriedade Rural em relação à Microbacia, utilizando a Metodologia da Matriz de Leopold-Rocha (2002), calcular o passivo ambiental resultante das ações antrópicas ocorridas em uma Pro-priedade Rural, aplicando a metodologia proposta no trabalho, fazer análise de Agrupamento dos va-lores encontrados na avaliação de impacto, pelo Método WARD, com o pacote estatístico SAS SYS-TEM 8.2 e comparando-a com os valores do passivo ambiental encontrado. O grau de deterioração real obtido pela matriz de Leopold-Rocha foi de 7,95%, exigindo medidas compensatórias, para a di-minuição deste valor, uma vez que a taxa aceitável de deterioração na ambiência é de 10%. O valor do Passivo Ambiental a ser pago foi de R$ 81.606,72. Em a análise de agrupamento pelo Método WARD foi possível à separação das ações propostas em 2 grupos distintos (A e B). Constituem o grupo A: Modificação do Regime e Transformação do território e construções com média de magnitu-de (4,92%) e importância (8,45%), sendo o grupo de ações mais impactantes da microbacia. Tam-bém foi possível a separação de três grupos distintos para os fatores ambientais (A, B e C). O grupo A, de fatores apresentou magnitude (2,34%) e importância (3,76%), tendo este valor mais alto em re-lação aos demais. Isso significa que, este grupo de fatores sofreu maior impacto das ações sobre ele. Comparando-se tais valores de deterioração do impacto ambiental, análise de agrupamento e o valor do Passivo, pode-se dizer que as ações que mais impactaram a propriedade, foram as que tiveram maior valor de passivo ambiental calculado. Sendo assim este valor deverá ser utilizado para com-pensar tais impactos causados.

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