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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evoluční ekologie rodu Geosmithia / Evolutionary ecology of the genus Geosmithia

Veselská, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
7 Abstract The genus Geosmithia Pitt (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) belongs to fungi living in symbioses with bark beetles. Its original strategy is association with phloeophagous bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae). The Geosmithia shows strong affiliation to vector (bark beetles) worldwide and the spectrum of host plants is delimitated by niche of vector. The genus includes the specialists to family Pinaceae, but also the generalists with wide range of host plants mainly belonging to broad-leaved trees. G. morbida changed its ecology from saprotrophic to pathogenic way of life and causes decline of Junglans nigra in the USA. Characteristics which allow its pathogenesis are not known. Another derived strategy, which occurred at least twice independently, is association with the ambrosia beetles. The ambrosia beetles create galleries in xylem with low nutritive value, and thus they cultivate ambrosia fungus, on which they are entirely nutritively dependent. The ambrosia fungi share convergent phenotype which leads to large terminal conidia and to ability of yeast growth. This master thesis is focusing on study of the features, which are important for individual ecological groups: the specialists to family Pinaceae, the pathogene, the ambrosia fungi and the generalists. It is becoming apparent that the most...

Analysis of Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein (SREBP) dependent regulation of gaseous signaling and cell biology during fungal biofilm development in <i>Aspergillus nidulans</i>

Rajasenan, Shobhana January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of control of the invasive plant, <i>Phragmites australis</i>, on microbes and invertebrates in detritus

Kennedy, Emmalisa 18 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Využití vybraných molekulárních metod k metabolické charakterizaci průmyslově významných kvasinek / Use of some molecular techniques to metabolic characterization of industrially significant yeasts

Kostovová, Iveta January 2021 (has links)
Karotenoidy, ergosterol a mastné kyseliny jsou velmi žádané látky využívané v krmivářském, potravinářském a kosmetickém průmyslu. Konvenční zdroje mastných kyselin a karotenoidů jsou závislé na sezónních podmínkách, geografické poloze a na dostupnosti zemědělské půdy, což znesnadňuje pokrýt jejich neustále se zvyšující spotřebu. Velmi slibným řešením je mikrobiální produkce výše uvedených látek pomocí karotenogenních kvasinek, které jsou schopny simultánně produkovat karotenoidy, mastné kyseliny i ergosterol. Předložená disertační práce je zaměřená na molekulární a metabolickou charakterizaci karotenogenních kvasinek a na jejich potenciál pro průmyslové aplikace. Proto první experimentální části práce jsou zaměřeny na kvasinky druhu R. mucilaginosa a R. toruloides, jejich produkční vlastnosti, vliv nutričního stresu a různých zdrojů uhlíku, jakými byly xylóza a glycerol. Kromě podrobné charakterizace jejich produkčních vlastností, byly tyto kmeny také charakterizovány molekulárními metodami, zahrnující sekvenční analýzu ITS1, ITS2 a D1/2 ribozomálního operonu a analýzu mini a mikrosatelitních sekvencí M13 a GTG5. Druh R. toruloides je známý jako vynikající producent mastných kyselin, a proto se v poslední době stal cílovou karotenogenní kvasinkou pro vývoj nástrojů pro jeho genetickou manipulaci. V této práci byly úspěšně připraveny geneticky modifikované klony kmene R. toruloides, nesoucí nadměrně exprimované geny pro diacylglycerol acyltransferázu (DGA1) a glycerol-3-fosfát dehydrogenázu (GPD1). Produkce mastných kyselin u modifikovaných klonů nebyla ve srovnání s původním kmenem vyšší. Proto byla další část práce zaměřená na přípravu nadprodukčních mutantních kmenů připravených náhodnou mutagenezí. Kombinace limitace dusíkem a inhibice produkce karotenoidů vedla k úspěšné selekci robustních mutantních kmenů s nadprodukcí karotenoidů vykazující rezistenci vůči difenylaminu. Poslední část práce se zabývá produkčními vlastnostmi méně známých druhů karotenogenních kvasinek náležící do řádů Sporidiobolales a Cystofilobasidales, ve srovnání s relativně dobře prostudovanými karotenogenními druhy R. toruloides a P.rhodozyma. V této studii byly nejlešími producenty mastných kyselin kmeny S.metaroseus CCY 19-6-20 a C. macerans CCY 10-01-02. Nejlepší producent karotenoidů, kmen R. mucilaginosa CCY 19-04-06, navíc produkoval lykopen, který představoval více než 80 % celkového množství karotenoidů produkovaných tímto kmenem.

Stereoselective synthesis and hormonal activity of novel dafachronic acids and naturally occurring steroids isolated from corals

Saini, Ratni, Boland, Sebastian, Kataeva, Olga, Schmidt, Arndt W., Kurzchalia, Teymuras V., Knölker, Hans-Joachim January 2012 (has links)
A stereoselective synthesis of (25S)-Δ1-, (25S)-Δ1,4-, (25S)-Δ1,7-, (25S)-Δ8(14)-, (25S)-Δ4,6,8(14)-dafachronic acid, methyl (25S)-Δ1,4-dafachronate and (25S)-5α-hydroxy-3,6-dioxocholest-7-en-26-oic acid is described. (25S)-Δ1,4-Dafachronic acid and its methyl ester are natural products isolated from corals and have been obtained by synthesis for the first time. (25S)-5α-Hydroxy-3,6-dioxocholest-7-en-26-oic acid represents a promising synthetic precursor for cytotoxic marine steroids. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.


Kortany M. Baker (13775098) 14 September 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Fungal pathogens are an increasing threat to humans, plants, and animals worldwide. Death and disease caused by fungal pathogens results in the loss of over 1.5 million lives, 12 million tons of crops, and even entire species every year. <em>Candida </em>species are the leading cause of invasive fungal species lead by <em>Candida albicans, </em>and <em>Candida glabrata </em>in second. <em>Candida glabrata </em>intrinsically has a low susceptibility to azole treatment, and multidrug resistant isolates are becoming more common. Additionally, new emerging <em>Candida </em>species have been found, and most clinical isolates are resistant to one or more drugs. There is a critical need to better understand drug resistance and pathogenesis to generate new therapies. </p> <p>Drug resistance can be caused by several different genetic factors, but until recently epigenetic factors have been frequently overlooked. Epigenetic research has revolutionized the treatment and detection of many cancers. And now, early research has shown epigenetic mechanisms play a role in drug resistance and pathogenesis in fungal species. Limited resources exist to combat fungal infections and understanding the epigenetic mechanisms that contribute to drug resistance and pathogenicity will provide new drug targets for future treatment.</p> <p>Previous publications from the Briggs’ lab showed Set1-mediated histone H3K4 methylation was necessary for proper ergosterol homeostasis and Brefeldin A resistance. One of the three classes of antifungals, azoles, target the ergosterol pathway. The ergosterol connection resulted into this thesis project, investigating the role of Set1-mediated histone H3K4 methylation in drug resistance and pathogenicity in <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, </em>and <em>Candida auris. </em>This research was the first to characterize the Set1 complex in <em>C. glabrata </em>and show it is the sole histone H3K4 methyltransferase in <em>C. glabrata </em>and <em>C. auris. </em>Additionally, it shows loss of <em>SET1 </em>in <em>C. glabrata </em>and <em>C. auris </em>reduces pathogenicity and alters drug efficacy. Interestingly, although the loss of <em>SET1</em> seems to cause a similar pathogenic defect in all three <em>Candida </em>species, the role Set1 plays in drug efficacy including which drug and severity varies amongst species and isolates. Altogether, this research project provides new possible drug targets for fungal treatment and knowledge added to the scientific community on the role of epigenetics in fungal pathogens. </p>

Immunochemical and chromatographic methods for two anthropogenic markers of contamination in surface waters

Carvalho, Jose Joao 08 December 2011 (has links)
Koffein (1,3,7-Trimethylxanthin) und Coprostanol (5beta-cholestan-3beta-ol) wurden im Berliner Oberflächenwasser nachgewiesen. Ihre Konzentrationen korrelierten mit dem Verunreinigungsgrad der Proben, was nahelegt, dass sie sich als Marker für menschliche Aktivität eignen. Bemerkenswerterweise wurde Koffein in jeder einzelnen Oberflächenwasserprobe oberhalb der Bestimmungsgrenze von 0,025 µg/L gefunden. Um Oberflächenwasserproben in größeren Serien zu untersuchen, war die Entwicklung zweier neuer Methoden erforderlich: ein Immunoassay, basierend auf einem monoklonalen Antikörper für Koffein und eine dispersive flüssig-flüssig Mikroextraktionsmethode (DLLME), gefolgt von Flüssigkeitschromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (LC-MS/MS) für Coprostanol. Der entwickelte Koffein-Immunoassay zeigt die beste je erhaltene Nachweisgrenze für Koffein (0,001 µg/L), erlaubt Hochdurchsatz-Analysen und erfordert keine Probenvorbereitung. Der Assay wurde auch erfolgreich für die Messung von Koffein in Getränken, Haarwaschmitteln, Koffeintabletten und menschlichem Speichel angewendet. Antikörper gegen Coprostanol sind nicht kommerziell erhältlich. Eine neue Strategie Anti-Coprostanol-Antikörper zu generieren wurde erarbeitet, die eine analoge Verbindung – Isolithocholsäure (ILA) – als Hapten verwendet, mit der eine Gruppe von Mäusen immunisiert wurde. Ein polyklonales Anti-ILA-Serum wurde produziert, welches Coprostanol bindet, aber die niedrige Affinität erlaubte nicht den Aufbau eines Immunoassays, der die Messung von Umweltkonzentrationen des Anayten (im Bereich ng/L) zulässt. Spezifische Anti-ILA-Immunglobuline G wurden auch in den Faeces der Mäuse gefunden. Coprostanol wurde in den Wasserproben durch die Verwendung einer neuentwickelten LC-MS/MS-Methode unter APCI-Ionisation (atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation) gemessen. Konzentrationen oberhalb von 0,1 µg/L wurden nach Voranreicherung der Probe mittels DLLME bestimmt. / Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) and coprostanol (5beta-cholestan-3beta-ol) were detected in samples of Berlin’s surface water. Their concentrations correlated with the contamination status of the samples, suggesting their usefulness as markers of human activity. Remarkably, caffeine concentrations were always well above the limit of quantitation of 0.025 µg/L. In order to screen surface water samples in larger series, the development of two novel methods was required: a monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay for caffeine and a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) method, followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for coprostanol. The caffeine immunoassay developed shows the best analytical limit of detection (LOD) obtained so far for caffeine (0.001 µg/L), allows high-throughput analysis, and does not require sample pre-treatment. The assay was also successfully employed to measure caffeine in beverages, shampoos, caffeine tab-lets, and human saliva. Antibodies to coprostanol are not commercially available. A new strategy to generate anti-coprostanol antibodies was elaborated using an analogous com-pound as hapten – isolithocholic acid (ILA) – and immunizing a group of mice. A polyclonal anti-ILA serum was produced, which binds coprostanol but the low affinity did not permit setting up an immunoassay to measure environmental concentrations of the analyte (in the range of ng/L). Specific anti-ILA immunoglobulin G were also found in the faeces of the immunized mice. Coprostanol was quantified in the water samples using a newly developed LC-MS/MS method using atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI). Concentrations above 0.1 µg/L were determined after sample preconcentration using DLLME. This extraction method also proved to be successful for enrichment of coprostanol-related compounds such as cholesterol, cholestanol, cholestanone, ergosterol, and stigmasterol.

Fenhexamid : mode d’action et résistance chez le complexe d’espèces Botrytis SPP., responsable de la pourriture grise de la vigne / Fenhexamid : mode of action and resistance in the complex of species Botrytis spp., responsible for grey mould disease

Billard, Alexis 28 January 2011 (has links)
La lutte chimique est la principale méthode utilisée pour contrôler les maladies causées par les champignons phytopathogènes. Dans certains cas, desphénomènes de résistance envers les fongicides se développent au sein despopulations, altérant parfois l’efficacité des molécules. La compréhension du moded’action des fongicides et des mécanismes de résistance sous-jacents participe à élaboreret à adapter des stratégies de management anti résistance ; et ainsi permettre depérenniser la durée de vie des molécules. Le fenhexamid est un fongicide récent (BayerCropScience, 2000), avec un mode d’action unique. Il est le seul fongicide commercialisébloquant l’étape de C4-déméthylation de la biosynthèse de l’ergostérol. Plusieurs typesde résistance (naturelle et acquises) ont été détectées dans les vignobles européens chez lecomplexe d’espèces Botrytis spp. responsable de la pourriture grise de la vigne. Lestravaux développés durant la thèse s’inscrivent dans l’objectif de la caractérisation dumode d’action et de l’élucidation des mécanismes de résistance. Le premier axe s’estattaché à la caractérisation fonctionnelle de deux gènes impliqués dans la C-4déméthylation de la biosynthèse de l’ergostérol : le gène erg27 codant la 3-céto réductase,cible du fenhexamid, et le gène erg28 codant une protéine qui interagirait en partie avecla 3-céto réductase. Concernant la résistance au fenhexamid, il a été démontré que, pargénétique inverse, les mutations détectées dans le gène erg27 de différents types d'isolatsrésistants issus du vignoble (phénotypes de résistance HydR3- et HydR3+) conféraient larésistance. Par ailleurs, une analyse de fitness du phénotype le plus préoccupant(phénotype HydR3+) a été réalisée en conditions contrôlées sur des souches isogéniquesartificielles afin d’apporter une réponse sur la persistance possible de ces souches auvignoble. Une méthode fine de quantification moléculaire de ces mêmes isolats aégalement été mise au point pour faciliter le suivi de leur évolution et de la persistancedes populations naturelles à l’échelle des vignobles. Cette nouvelle méthode, nomméeASPPAA PCR, exploite le polymorphisme nucléotidique du gène erg27, à l’origine de larésistance. Enfin, la résistance naturelle au fenhexamid de l’espèce apparentée à Botrytiscinerea, appelée Botrytis pseudocinerea a été élucidée. La résistance au fongicide de cetteespèce a été expliquée par la combinaison de modifications de cible (mécanismeminoritaire) et d’une dégradation du fongicide par un cytochrome P450 nomméCyp68.4 (mécanisme majeur). Il s’agit de la première identification et caractérisationgénétique d’un mécanisme de résistance à un fongicide conférée par un processus dedétoxification chez un champignon phytopathogène. / Chemical control is the main method used to control diseases caused byphytopathogenic fungi. In some cases, the resistance phenomena towardfungicides occur within fungal populations, which might alter practicalefficiency of molecules. Understanding modes of action of fungicides andunderlying resistance mechanisms participate to the development and adaptationof management strategies against resistance, and thus help to sustain the life ofmolecules. Fenhexamid is a recent fungicide (Bayer CropScience, 2000), with aparticular mode of action. It is the only fungicide marketed blocking the C4-demethylation step of ergosterol biosynthesis. Several types of resistance (naturaland acquired) were detected in European vineyards in the Botrytis spp speciescomplex, causing grey mold disease. This work focused on the characterization ofthe mode of action and the elucidation of resistance mechanisms. The first aspectinvestigated the functional characterization of two genes involved in the C4-demethylation of ergosterol biosynthesis. The erg27 gene potentially encoding the3-keto reductase which is the fenhexamid target and the erg28 gene encoding aprotein that interact in part with the 3-ketoreductase. Concerning fenhexamidresistance, we shown by reverse genetics that mutations detected in the erg27 genefrom different resistant isolates from the vineyards (phenotypes HydR3- andHydR3+) confer resistance. Furthermore, a fitness analysis under controlledconditions on the most worrying resistant phenotype (HydR3+) was performed onisogenic artificial strains in order to predict the possible persistence of these strainsin vineyards. A fine molecular method to quantify these isolates was developed tofacilitate the follow-up of evolution and persistence of resistant populations in thevineyard. This new method, named ASPPAA PCR is based on the nucleotidepolymorphism of the erg27 gene, responsible for fenhexamid resistance. Finally,the natural resistance to fenhexamid of the related species to Botrytis cinerea, B.pseudocinerea, was elucidated. Fungicide resistance of this species is explained bythe combination of target site modifications (minor mechanism) and fungicidedegradation mediated by a cytochrome P450 named Cyp68.4 (major mechanism).This is the first characterization of a genetic resistance mechanism to a fungicideconferred by detoxification in a phytopathogenic fungus.

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