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Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction at the public owned National Alcohol and Liquor FactoryTessema, Tibebe Zeleke 20 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to analyze whether perceived customer service directly related to customer satisfaction regarding the National Alcohol & Liquor Factory (NALF) customers in Addis Ababa. The findings of the study indicated that five service quality dimensions were positively related to overall service quality and are indeed drivers of service quality which in turn has an impact on customer satisfaction. The study findings also indicated that all the standardized coefficients relating the service quality dimensions to overall service quality and to customer satisfaction have the expected positive sign and are statistically significant.
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Assessing environmental sanitation in Urban setting of Duken Town, EthiopiaMohammed, Abdulwahid Idris 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the environmental sanitation conditions with regard to water, sanitation, waste management and personal hygiene of households of Dukem town in Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study design was used to conduct the research. A total of 391 households had participated in the study. Majority of households had access to improved source of drinking water. The mean per capita per day water consumption of the households was low. Two-thirds of households had improved toilet facilities. Availability of improved waste management was grossly inadequate. Two-thirds of households had washed hands after visiting toilet. Generally households had good domestic environmental sanitation conditions but it also emerged that the households were deprived from full range of access to the most essential environmental sanitation services. Therefore, the inadequate level of service to the study area could be seen as opportunity for further focused improvements towards universal access to improved environmental sanitation. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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The relationship between inflation and economic growth in EthiopiaAbis Getachew Makuria 14 July 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to empirically assess the relationship between inflation
and economic growth in Ethiopia using quarterly dataset from 1992Q1 to 2010Q4. In
doing so, an interesting policy issue arises. What is the threshold level of inflation for the
Ethiopian economy? Based on the Engle-Granger and Johansen co-integration tests it is
found out that there is a positive long-run relationship between inflation and economic
growth. The error correction models show that in cases of short-run disequilibrium, the
inflation model adjusts itself to its long-run path correcting roughly 40% of the
imbalance in each quarter. In addition, based on the conditional least square technique,
the estimated threshold model suggests 10% as the optimal level of inflation that
facilitates growth. An inflation level higher or lower than the threshold level of inflation
affects the economic growth negatively and hence fiscal and monetary policy
coordination is vital to keep inflation at the threshold. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)
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Strategies in the teaching of Geography in higher education preparatory secondary schools of EthiopiaMohammed Ayalew Hassen 03 1900 (has links)
Education systems are currently undergoing transformational changes throughout the world and one of these changes is a shift from a philosophy of positivist paradigm to constructivist paradigm of teaching. Accordingly, constructivists claim children actively construct their knowledge rather than absorb information spoken to them by teachers. Therefore, the constructivist teaching of Geography places emphasis on the fact that learners should think more, understand and responsible for their own learning. This study thus focused on the practice of constructivist methods in the teaching of Geography at preparatory secondary schools of Ethiopia.
Geography is colourful and an outdoor oriented subject in which learners could get good opportunities to construct their knowledge through various in-and-out of school activities. Thus, constructivist methods are useful for Geography learners to develop their intellectual capacity for life-long learning and for generic skills such as critical thinking, information processing, problem solving, decision-making, etc. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the merits and reasons for teacher dominance in the pedagogy of Geography and to suggest learner-centered teaching strategies in the context of constructivist principles on learners’ learning activities to liberate them from passive learning pedagogy.
The study was confined to six Higher Education Preparatory Secondary Schools out of 20 preparatory schools of the South Wollo Administrative Zone of Amhara state of Ethiopia. It employed mixed-method approaches (qual-quant) and descriptive survey design. The target population for this study was 1053 Social Science learners and 12 Geography departmental heads and teachers. Among 1053 learners 199 learners were sampled through random sampling technique. But all Geography teachers and departmental heads were taken as the main participants through purposive sampling techniques. Semi-structured interviews, observation, documents and questionnaire were the main data collection instruments for the study. Data that were collected through interviews, observation and open-ended questionnaire were analysed inductively using narrations and descriptions through words, phrases and statements, whereas the data collected from documents were organised in the form of tables and analysed via percentage and mean. However, data that were collected through close-ended questionnaires were edited, coded, classified, tabulated and organised in the form of tables havebeen analysed through frequency, percentage and mean via SPSS software. Based on the analysed data, findings were depicted.
The findings of the study revealed that Geography is a unique discipline and its syllabus was prepared in line with the country’s education policy which encourages constructivist approaches of teaching. However, majority of teachers frequently practice traditional teaching methods. Moreover, the study also identified that lack of teachers’ professional training about the practice of a variety of learner-centered methods and continuous assessment techniques, lack of experience about learner-centered teaching methods both on the part of teachers and learners, low interest and commitment on the part of teachers, teachers’ failure to utilise teaching materials, placing of less competent learners in the Social Science stream, learners’ low interest to learn and incapability to learn through learner-centered methods, learners’ low engagement in the teaching activities, learners’ disturbance, shortage of time, absence of plasma TV transmission and shortage of resources such as school facilities, instructional media, reference books, Geography room, department room, pedagogical center, lounge and scarcity of budget were considerable hindrances on the implementation of Geography syllabus through the constructivist approaches of teaching methods. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made to the concerned bodies to alleviate the hindrances and to encourage the practice of constructivist teaching methods and making the learners free from teachers’ dependency. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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The relationship between parenting style, self-regulated learning and academic achievement in selected primary schools in EthiopiaTigist Merha Tsemrekal 11 1900 (has links)
The main research question was What are the relationships between parenting style, self-regulated learning (SRL) and the academic achievement of selected (upper) primary school students in Ethiopia? The following specific research questions were formulated:
• What are the views of the students on the parenting styles, and on parental acceptance and control, the cognitive strategies they use, and their self-regulated learning?
• What is the relationship between parenting style and SRL?
• What is the relationship between parenting style and academic achievement?
• What is the relationship between SRL and academic achievement?
• Does SRL moderate the relationship between parenting style and academic achievement?
In this study a correlational design was used, but it was also exploratory and descriptive. Data were collected by means of a self-report questionnaire, while the academic achievements of the students were derived from official records. The questionnaire was completed by 477 randomly selected students from two classes in each of five schools in Hawasa, Ethiopia. The analysis of the data was done by means of descriptive, correlation, and ANOVA tests. The major findings included the following:
Most of the children experienced acceptance by their parents, in particular from their female parents/guardians. The best levels of acceptance were, for example, “When I get a poor grade at school, my parents encourage me to try harder”, or “I can count on my parents to help me if I have some kind of a problem”, and “My parents keep pushing me to do my best in whatever I do”. However, it was found that the parents seldom spent time merely talking to their children. The female parents/guardians seemed to control their children more than the male parents/guardians, and were more involved with their children. The children, though, also believed that their parents/guardians did not really know how they spent their leisure time. More often the children perceived their parents as being neglectful. Regarding their cognitive strategies, the students particularly made use of memorization. The cognitive strategies of the children whose parents were authoritative were significantly better than those of the other children. When a student’s self-regulation increased, his/her cognitive strategies also increased, and when the cognitive strategies improved, so did the average achievement. The parents’ parenting styles were also significantly related to their children’s achievement, and were moderated by cognitive strategies as co-variants. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Tuberculosis case detection among HIV positive persons in a hospital in EthiopiaTedla Mezemir Damte 28 March 2014 (has links)
Collaborative TB/HIV management is essential to prevent and treat TB among
HIV-positive TB patients, and to ensure that HIV-positive TB patients are
detected and treated appropriately.
This quantitative, descriptive, contextual study identified problems encountered
during the implementation of TB case detection among HIV-positive individuals in
one Ethiopian hospital. During December 2012, 300 checklists were completed
about HIV-positive patients’ TB/HIV collaborative management, as reflected in
their files.
Only 60.2% of HIV-positive patients, who should have received Isoniazid
preventive treatment (IPT), were placed on this treatment. X-rays and laboratory
examinations of sputum samples were not done according to the Ethiopian
guidelines. Most TB patients’ initial screening was done by nurses, not doctors,
and included only symptom screening without CD4 count considerations.
Managers and healthcare personnel should improve IPT, especially for those
with early HIV infection and timely effective treatment for those suffering from TB,
before complications arise / Health Studies / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Empowering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in EthiopiaTegene, Rebekah January 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACT This thesis investigates innovative entrepreneurship in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The thesis is guided by the National Innovation Systems theory, where innovation is seen as result of interactions and learning between different institutions or actors. The objective was to investigate how conducive is the national system of innovation of Ethiopia in the perception of entrepreneurs and how relevant is the innovation policy of Ethiopia is to innovative entrepreneurship. A field study was conducted in order to collect empirical data through semi-structured interviews, observations and participation. Most of the interviews took place in the innovation hub iceAddis with most of the sample focusing on entrepreneurs that were members there. The results of the field study show that the national system of innovation of Ethiopia is not particularly conducive nor developed to empower to innovative entrepreneurs. Moreover, the policy although very ambitious does not explicably aim to empower entrepreneur. Other goals of the policy could have had spillover effects on entrepreneurs but they were not yet attained in the perception of innovative entrepreneurs. Keywords: Ethiopia, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, ICT, National Systems of Innovation
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The USSR and Afro-Marxist regimes : the path to the Treaties of Friendship and Co-operationSimpson, Mark S. C. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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Wolaitta evangelists : a study of religious innovation in southern Ethiopia, 1937-1975Balisky, Emon Paul January 1997 (has links)
This study presents the religious dynamics of the Wolaitta Kale Heywet Church through the work of her evangelists in southern Ethiopia from 1937-1975 and seeks to determine why there has been such phenomenal growth within the Wolaitta church and, through the agency of her evangelists, church development in southern Ethiopia. Other writers associated with the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) have attempted to explain this rapid growth during the Italian occupation (1936-1941) and subsequent years. Through a varied investigation of the historical, political, religious and socioeconomic situation of Wolaitta, this study attempts to bring further understanding and insight to the work of mission. Chapter One provides historical background on southern Ethiopia. The advance of Christianity into the South was through the instrumentality of the so-called Solomonic Northern kings together with the Orthodox Church evangelists in the 15th and 16th centuries. Historical documents produced by Ethiopians as well as Europeans who were in contact with the South are used. Several maps, portraying southern Ethiopia by European travelers, geographers and missionaries, prove helpful in attempting to understand the location and dislocation of the former Kingdom of Damot. Wolaitta oral history furthermore incorporates Damot far into the South. A brief linguistic survey of the languages of southern Ethiopia reveals the stability of the ethnic groups in the South for over one hundred and fifty years. A discussion of the numerous Wolaitta clans assists the reader in understanding the diversity contained within Wolaitta. It was from within this homogeneous grouping of clans that the Wolaitta Kingdom evolved in the middle of the 17th century.
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Impact of reducing loan by Ethiopian banks on their own performanceSemu, Zewdu Seyoum 05 May 2011 (has links)
This study intends to assess the impact of reducing or restricting loan disbursement on the performance of banks in Ethiopia.
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