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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crescimento, nutrição mineral e eficiência do uso da água em povoamento de eucalipto fertilizado com fontes alternativas ao KCl / Growth, mineral nutrition and water use efficiency of a Eucalyptus plantation fertilized with alternative sources to KCl

Fábio Henrique Silva Floriano de Toledo 22 February 2017 (has links)
A fertilização potássica em plantações de eucalipto gera aumento de produtividade em até 120%. Além disso, o K desenvolve funções fisiológicas relacionadas à regulação hídrica da planta, como a regulação osmótica, a fotossíntese e o processo de abertura e fechamento dos estômatos. Devido ao elevado custo do KCl, amplamente utilizado em plantações florestais, a quantidade de estudos empenhados em identificar fontes alternativas de K tem adquirido maior relevância, como por exemplo ensaios conduzidos com rocha fonolito. Esta rocha passou a despertar elevado interesse por apresentar inúmeras reservas minerais espalhadas pelo país e por conter K e micronutrientes além de elementos benéficos como o Na e o Si. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a substituição do KCl por NaCl ou fonolito em povoamento de eucalipto. Para isso, foram mensurados: i) o fornecimento, estoque e ciclagem de K, Na e Si via produção de folhedo e; ii) as relações hídricas e a eficiência do uso da água (EUA) pelas árvores de Eucalyptus. A fertilização com fonolito aumentou a quantidade de Na trocável no solo aos 22 meses após o plantio (2 mmolc DM-3 a mais que o Controle), proporcionando maiores estoques do elemento na parte aérea das árvores (61% superior ao Controle), culminando em altas deposições de Na por meio da serapilheira. A rocha apresentou discretos aumentos nos teores foliares de K aos 22 meses após o plantio (14%). A utilização de NaCl promoveu aumentos nos teores de Na nas folhas e demais compartimentos aéreos e intensificou a ciclagem de Na via produção de folhedo. Devido ao alto déficit hídrico apresentado durante o primeiro ano de estudo, o crescimento das árvores foi similar entre todos os tratamentos. A fertilização com fonolito proporcionou maior consumo de água, elevou o índice de área foliar (IAF) e o crescimento do tronco (volume e biomassa), acarretando em EUA similar às plantas fertilizadas com KCl. A utilização de NaCl, apesar de acarretar um menor consumo de água, proporcionou EUA igual às plantas fertilizadas com KCl. A utilização do fonolito e do NaCl como fontes alternativas ao KCl pode propiciar adequado suprimento de íons K e Na para a cultura do eucalipto, propiciando mesma produção de madeira em relação a fertilização convencional. / Potassium fertilization in Eucalyptus plantations generates an increase of productivity by up to 120%. In addition, the K develops physiological functions related to hydrological plant control, such as the osmotic adjustment, photosynthesis and the process of stomatal opening and closure. Due to the high cost of KCl, widely used in plantations, the amount of researches to identify K alternative sources has acquired greater importance, such as the tests conducted with phonolite rock. This rock has arouse great interest because it presents several mineral reserves around the country and contains K and micronutrients as well as beneficial elements like Na and Si. The aim of this study was to evaluate the replacement of KCl by NaCl or phonolite in Eucalyptus stand. It was measured: i) the supply, storage and cycling of K, Na and Si via litterfall production and, ii) the water relations and water use efficiency (WUE) by Eucalyptus trees. Fertilization with phonolite increased the amount of exchangeable sodium in the soil at 22 months after planting (2 mmolc dm-3 above the Control), providing higher stocks of the element in the tree shoot (61% higher than the Control), culminating at high Na deposition through litterfall. Rock showed small increases in K foliar concentration at 22 months after planting (14%). The use of NaCl promoted increases in Na concentration in the leaves and other aerial compartments and intensified Na cycling through leaflitter production. Due to the high water deficit presented during the first year of this study, the growth of trees was similar for all the treatments. Fertilization with phonolite provided greater water consumption, increased the leaf area index (LAI) and stem growth (volume and biomass), resulting in WUE similar to plants fertilized with KCl. The use of NaCl, despite to lead a smaller water consumption, provided WUE equal to plants fertilized with KCl. The use of phonolite and NaCl as KCl alternative sources could provide adequate supply of K and Na ions for Eucalyptus cultivation, providing equal wood production when compared to conventional fertilization.

Fertilidade e frações de fósforo em solos sob povoamentos monoespecíficos e mistos de Eucalyptus e Acacia mangium / Fertility and phosphorus fractions in soils under monospecific and mixed stands of Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium

Tiago de Oliveira Godinho 22 April 2015 (has links)
O plantio consorciado com leguminosas arbóreas fixadoras de nitrogênio (N) pode incrementar a produtividade das árvores de eucalipto. A dinâmica do fósforo (P) em ecossistemas naturais e manejados é estabelecida, em grande parte, pelas interações do nutriente com as fases inorgânica e orgânica no solo e com os microrganismos. Portanto, pesquisas detalhadas sobre a dinâmica e a disponibilidade do P requerem a separação e a identificação das diferentes frações do nutriente no solo. A razão teórica do uso de plantios consorciados com leguminosas é propiciar maiores teores de N e P, em decorrência da maior qualidade e diversidade vegetal. Isso permitiria o incremento nos teores de carbono total (Ct), nitrogênio total (Nt), P e uma menor relação C/N e C/P, favorecendo a rápida ciclagem dos nutrientes e, consequentemente, o melhor desenvolvimento do eucalipto. Com o intuito de esclarecer o efeito dos plantios mistos na modificação da fertilidade e das frações de P no solo, este estudo integra os seguintes objetivos: i) avaliar a fertilidade do solo; ii) avaliar as frações de P no solo; iii) determinar as relações entre as frações de P no solo e atributos físicos e químicos do solo; iv) compreender o efeito da fertilidade e das modificações das frações do P no solo, na produtividade dos plantios. O estudo foi realizado em quatro áreas experimentais, localizadas nos municípios de Itatinga, Bofete e Luiz Antônio/SP, e em Santana do Paraíso/MG. Foi avaliada a produtividade dos povoamentos puros de eucalipto ou acácia e o misto entre as duas espécies e os solos sob esses tratamentos. Foram coletadas amostras de solo em duas profundidades (0 - 5 e 5 - 10 cm), sendo determinados os teores de macro, micronutrientes, Ct, Nt, as frações de P e a granulometria. O curto período de consórcio entre as espécies não permitiu verificar se houve tendência no incremento dos teores dos nutrientes e nas frações de P. No entanto, para os plantios que estavam na segunda rotação de cultivo sob os mesmos tratamentos, as diferenças foram maiores, indicando que, com os anos de cultivo consorciados este acréscimo dos teores dos nutrientes e nas frações de P possam ser mais significativos. A percentagem de P orgânico (Po) em relação ao P total do solo variou entre 16 e 36%, desconsiderando o P residual, a percentagem de Po, variou entre 22 e 60%. Correlações significativas e positivas foram encontradas entre os atributos e as frações de P no solo, com a produtividade das culturas. Esses resultados indicam melhor manutenção nutricional nos plantios que contém a A. mangium (Acácia e Misto), pela capacidade de melhorar a fertilidade do solo e, ainda, aumentar a diversidade das culturas. A não correlação do crescimento da A. mangium com as frações lábeis de P e a correlação positiva de seu crescimento com as frações moderadamente lábeis e não lábeis sugerem que a espécie é capaz de absorver o P oriundo de frações não prontamente disponíveis. O eucalipto teve alta competição com a A. mangium nos plantios mistos, principalmente nas áreas experimentais de clima mais ameno (Itatinga, Bofete e Luiz Antônio), acarretando em menor crescimento da A. mangium. / The intercropping planting with nitrogen-fixing species can enhance the productivity of eucalyptus plants. The dynamics of P in natural ecosystems is established and managed, in large part, by interactions of inorganic and organic phases of soil nutrient and soil microorganisms. Therefore, detailed research on the dynamics and the availability of phosphorus (P) require separation and identification of the different forms of the nutrient in the soil. The theoretical reason for using intercroping with leguminous plant is to provide higher levels of nitrogen (N) and P, due to the higher quality and plant diversity. This would allow an increase in the total carbon (Ct), total nitrogen (Nt) and P levels, and a smaller C/N and C/P ratios, favoring a rapid cycling of nutrients and, consequently, better development of eucalyptus. Given the above, in order to clarify the effect of mixed plantings in fertility change and P fractions in the soil, this study includes the following objectives: i) to evaluate soil fertility; ii) evaluate the P fractions in soil; iii) determine the relationship between P fractions in soil and physical and chemical properties of the soil; iv) understand the effect of fertility and changes in P fractions in soil, on the productivity of plantations. The study was conducted in four experimental areas, located in the municipalities of Itatinga, Bofete and Luiz Antônio/SP, and Santana do Paraíso/MG. Productivity of single eucalyptus or acacia plantations and mixed between the two species and soils under these treatments was evaluated. Soil samples were collected at two depths (0 - 5 and 5 - 10 cm), and where were determined contents of macro, micronutrients, Ct, Nt, P fractions and particle size. The consortium short period allowed between species not verify whether there was a trend in increasing the nutrient content and the fractions of P. However, for the crops that were in the second rotation cultivation under the same treatment, the differences were higher, indicating that with the years of intercropping this increase in the levels of nutrients and in the P fractions can be more significant. The percentage of organic P (Po) in relation to the total P soil varied between 16 and 36% excluding the residual P, the proportion Po varied between 22 and 60%. Significant positive correlations were found between the attributes and the fractions of P in soil with crop yields. These results indicate better nutritional maintenance on crops containing the A. mangium (Acacia and Mixed), the ability to improve soil fertility and also increase the diversity of crops. The non-correlation of the growth of A. mangium with the labile fractions of P and the positive correlation of growth with the moderately labile and non-labile fractions suggest that the species is able to absorb the P derived fractions not readily available. Eucalyptus had high competition with A. mangium in mixed plantings, especially in experimental areas of milder weather (Itatinga, Bofete and Luiz Antonio), resulting in lower growth of A. mangium.

Faixas e períodos de controle de plantas daninhas e seus reflexos no crescimento do eucalipto. / The weed control strip in rows and the weed control periods and its effects at the eucalyptus growth.

Toledo, Roberto Estevão Bragion de 10 July 2002 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos das faixas de controle das plantas daninhas sobre o crescimento do eucalipto foram conduzidos dois ensaios localizados nos municípios de Três Lagoas, MS (julho de 1996 a agosto de 2000) e de Brotas, SP (fevereiro de 1997 a março de 2001). Os tratamentos experimentais destes ensaios constaram de dois grupos: (i) grupo I: faixas fixas de controle durante os 12 meses iniciais, a: 0, 25, 50, 100, 125 e 150 cm de cada lado da linha de plantio do eucalipto; e, (ii) grupo II faixas crescentes de controle, a: 25 a 150, 25-50-150, 50-125-150, 100-125-150, 100 a 150 e 125 a 150 cm. Aos 49 meses após o plantio dessas áreas, foi constatado que as plantas de eucalipto que cresceram nas parcelas com faixas de controle fixas iguais a 100 cm ou crescentes superiores a 50 cm nos três primeiros meses, respectivamente, mostraram-se superiores, em diâmetro medido à altura do peito (D.A.P.), altura, volume e incremento médio anual de madeira (I.M.A.). Já com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos dos períodos de controle das plantas daninhas sobre a produtividade do eucalipto foram conduzidos três ensaios localizados nos municípios de Três Lagoas, MS (janeiro de 1997 a março de 2001), Brotas, SP (fevereiro de 1997 a fevereiro de 2001) e Piratininga, SP (agosto de 1991 a maio de 1999). Nos ensaios de Três Lagoas, MS e Brotas, SP, os tratamentos consistiram de diferentes períodos de convivência e de controle das plantas daninhas na cultura divididos em dois grupos. No primeiro, a convivência iniciava no plantio e estendia até 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168, 252 e 364 dias. No segundo, a convivência iniciava aos 0, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168 e 252 dias e estendia até os 364 dias. Para Três Lagoas, MS, o período total de prevenção à interferência (PTPI) foi de 180 e 210 dias, quando se considera a redução de 5 e 2% no volume de madeira aos 50 meses após o plantio, respectivamente. No entanto, para Brotas, SP, o PTPI foi de 60 dias, considerando-se 5% de redução em volume de madeira aos 24 meses após o plantio. Todavia, pode-se questionar o efeito da interferência das plantas daninhas distribuídas irregularmente na área de Brotas, SP e sugerir a hipótese de recuperação das plantas de eucalipto a partir de 48 meses, bem como o potencial alelopático dos restos culturais do eucalipto. Em Piratininga, SP, os tratamentos consistiram de diferentes períodos de convivência e de controle das plantas daninhas na cultura do eucalipto divididos em dois grupos. No primeiro, a convivência iniciava no plantio e era estendida até 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168, 278 e 360 dias. No segundo, a convivência iniciava aos 0, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168 e 278 dias e era estendida até 364 dias. O PTPI foi de 79 dias quando se analisa o volume de madeira (m 3 .ha -1 ) aos 78 meses após o plantio (colheita da cultura). / This research has been carried out in areas of Eucalyptus sp in Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil (from July 1996 through August 2001) and Brotas, São Paulo State, Brazil (from February 1997 through March 2001), to evaluate the effects of weed control strip variations at the Eucalyptus growth. The experiments consisted of two treatments: group 1 - with constant width control strips have been kept throughout the first 12 months, i.e., at 0, 25, 50, 100, 125 and 150 cm on both sides of the Eucalyptus row and, group 2: with an increasing of the width control strips has been adopted along the experimental period, i.e., at 25 to 150, 25-50-150, 50 at 150, 50-125-150, 100-125-150, 100 to 150 and 125 to 150 cm on both sides of the Eucalyptus row. After 49 months that areas were planted it was checked that the Eucalyptus plants that had grown as in the constant and as in increasing width control strips, equal to or higher than 100 and 50 cm, respectively has showed a higher diameter, height plant, volume and annual average increment of the wood. These results have led to the conclusion that the control minimum strip width should be 100 cm on the both sides of the Eucalyptus row in order to keep it the weed interference. This research has been carried out in Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil (from January 1997 through March 2001) and Brotas, São Paulo State, Brazil (from February 1997 through 2001) and Piratininga, São Paulo State, Brazil (from August 1991 through May 1999), with the purpose study of a studying about the effects of the weed interference at the Eucalyptus sp growth. In Três Lagoas and in Brotas the treatments have consisted of in the different extensions and the different time limits of the weed control periods. The weed control periods have been divided in to two groups. At the first one, the weed control periods have been since the Eucalyptus plantation to 28, 56, 112, 140, 168, 224, 252 and 364 days. At the second group, the weed control period has begun at 0, 28, 56, 112, 140, 168, 224 and 252 days after the plantation and has finished at the end of the 364 days. To assure the crop productivity in Três Lagoas it was necessary to keep a weed control period in a range of 180 and 210 days after plantation, in that case it should consider a reduction of 5% at the wood volume in the 50 months after the plantation. However, in Brotas area it was necessary to keep the weed control plantation in a range of 60 days of to consider the wood volume throughout 24 months after the plantation. However, it might ask about question the effects of the weed interference in a case of a low density and in a weed irregular distribution in that area, suggesting improvement at the quality of the Eucalyptus plants in a range of 48 months after the plantation the allelophatic potential from the Eucalyptus mulching as well. In Piratininga the treatments have consisted of different extensions and time limits of the weed control periods. The weed control periods has been since the Eucalyptus plantation to 28, 56, 112, 140, 168, 224, 278 and 360 days. At the second group the weed control period has begun in a range of 0, 28, 56, 112, 140, 168, 224 throughout 278 days after the plantation and has finished at the end of the 364 days. It has been necessary to keep a weed control period in a range of 79 days after the plantation throughout 78 months, in that case it should consider reduction of 5% at the wood volume.

Efeito do espaçamento e arranjo do plantio do eucalipto na capacidade operacional e custo da colheita com colhedora florestal / The effects of spacing and arrangement of eucalypt plantations on operational capacity and costs of a forest harvester

Martins, Ruben Jacques 17 February 2009 (has links)
A escolha do espaçamento de plantio tem como objetivo inicial proporcionar para cada árvore o espaço suficiente para se obter o crescimento máximo com melhor qualidade e menor custo. Do ponto de vista da colheita mecanizada, o aumento da densidade da floresta implica diretamente na redução do volume individual das árvores, ocasionando também uma redução da capacidade produtiva do harvester.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes espaçamentos e arranjos do plantio de povoamentos de eucalipto sobre a capacidade e custo operacional da colheita com harvester. A coleta de dados de produtividade do harvester foi feita em condições reais de operação, em dois povoamentos de eucalipto com diferentes espaçamentos: 6,0; 7,5; 9,0; 12; e 18 m2 por árvore, além do uso de um simulador de colheita. Usando-se os valores das variáveis espaçamento (E), volume médio (VM), diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e altura (H) aplicou-se um teste de regressão stepwise e se fez uma correlação para medir a participação dessas variáveis na capacidade operacional. Os custos operacionais dos equipamentos foram determinados através de um método contábil proposto pela FAO. O volume médio (VM) por árvore explicou 88 % da capacidade operacional da colhedora florestal e o espaçamento (E) afetou 8,5 %, sendo que o maior espaçamento é a causa do maior volume individual. Conseqüentemente, o custo da operação de colheita de árvores com harvester foi menor naqueles tratamentos com maior espaçamento. Os tratamentos simulados podem ser utilizados como reais para este tipo de comparação, dado que os tratamentos usando o simulador seguem a mesma tendência que a colheita real, ou seja, a maior espaçamento, maior volume individual por árvore e por tanto maior capacidade operacional do harvester. A maior proporção de tempo médio do ciclo de colheita por árvore foi o tempo de traçamento em condições de trabalho real, sendo que no caso da simulação da colhedora o maior tempo do ciclo foi de descasque-desgalhe. O modelo empírico apresentado pode ser uma ferramenta válida para predição de capacidade operacional do harvester. / Plantation spacing selection has the primary object of assigning each tree enough space in which maximum growth and best quality can be attained with a minimum cost. From the harvest standpoint, an increase in stand density directly implies a decrease of individual tree volume, reducing also harvester productive capacity. The objective of this research is to assess the effects of several initial spacing and arrangement in eucalypt plantations on production capacity and operational capacity and costs of forest harvester. Real operational data were collected from two eucalypt plantations at different initial spacing, viz. 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 12 and 18 m2 per tree. Simulation data were obtained from forest harvester simulator. Using spacement (E), mean tree volume (MV), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H) values, a stepwise regression test procedure was run, and correlations computed in order to measure their participation in operational capacity. Operational costs were computed with accounting method proposed by FAO. Mean tree volume (MV) explained 88% of forest harvester operational capacity. Spacement (E) affected 8.5% of harvester operational capacity; wider spacements were related to higher individual tree volumes. Harvesting operation costs were lower in wider spaced treatments. Simulated treatments can be used as in field conditions. Treatments under simulated conditions and real conditions had the same results: the wider the spacement, more individual volume tree and higher harvester operational capacity. The higher time of the harvest cycle was the cross-cutting operation in real conditions and the debarked and delimbing in simulated conditions. The empirical model can be a valid tool to predict the harvester operational capacity

Fuel moisture and fuel dynamics in woodland and heathland vegetation of the Sydney Basin

Pippen, Brendan Gerard, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The vegetation of the Sydney Basin, Australia, is highly flammable and subject to a wide range of fire regimes. Sclerophyllous shrubs and sedges are common and in some vegetation types up to 70 % of fuel consumed during a fire can be live. Research into fire behaviour and fuel dynamics has been minimal. To address this issue this thesis investigated the principal factor affecting the ease of ignition and rate of combustion of individual fuel particles and fuel beds in bushfires: dead fine fuel moisture (FFM). Two common Sydney Basin vegetation types, eucalypt woodland and heathland, each with a history of problematic fire management, were measured in the field for diurnal fluctuations in FFM following rain, under conditions similar to when prescribed burns are conducted. The FFM components of current operational fire behaviour models were found to be inadequate for predictions of FFM and fire behaviour under these conditions. The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of five fuel types from the field site was investigated in a laboratory study. An existing function describing EMC as a function of temperature and relative humidity was evaluated and found to be very accurate for these fuels. Two FFM predictive models incorporating this function were evaluated on the field data and the laboratory results were shown to be applicable to the estimation of FFM in the field. One model gave very accurate predictions of FFM below fibre saturation point, but its accuracy was reduced when screen level conditions were used instead of those measured at fuel level. A recent process-based model that accounts for rainfall showed promise for predicting when fuel is < 25 % FFM. Systematic problems with the radiation budget of this model reduced the accuracy of predictions and further refinement is required. Live fine fuel moisture content (LFMC) of common heathland shrubs and sedge was investigated over two years and found to be both seasonal and influenced by phenology. LFMC minima occurred in late winter and spring (August to October), and maxima were in summer (December to February) when new growth was recorded. The dominant near-surface fuel in mature heath was sedge. It was found to have little seasonal variation in its??? percentage dead but the percentage dead maxima occured at the same time as the LFMC minima of shrubs and sedge in both years. Simple instantaneous models for duff moisture content in woodland and heathland and LFMC and the percentage dead sedge in heathland were developed. The information gained by this study will form the basis for future development of fuel moisture models for prescribed burning guidelines and fire spread models specific to the vegetation communities of the Sydney Basin.

Fuel moisture and fuel dynamics in woodland and heathland vegetation of the Sydney Basin

Pippen, Brendan Gerard, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The vegetation of the Sydney Basin, Australia, is highly flammable and subject to a wide range of fire regimes. Sclerophyllous shrubs and sedges are common and in some vegetation types up to 70 % of fuel consumed during a fire can be live. Research into fire behaviour and fuel dynamics has been minimal. To address this issue this thesis investigated the principal factor affecting the ease of ignition and rate of combustion of individual fuel particles and fuel beds in bushfires: dead fine fuel moisture (FFM). Two common Sydney Basin vegetation types, eucalypt woodland and heathland, each with a history of problematic fire management, were measured in the field for diurnal fluctuations in FFM following rain, under conditions similar to when prescribed burns are conducted. The FFM components of current operational fire behaviour models were found to be inadequate for predictions of FFM and fire behaviour under these conditions. The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of five fuel types from the field site was investigated in a laboratory study. An existing function describing EMC as a function of temperature and relative humidity was evaluated and found to be very accurate for these fuels. Two FFM predictive models incorporating this function were evaluated on the field data and the laboratory results were shown to be applicable to the estimation of FFM in the field. One model gave very accurate predictions of FFM below fibre saturation point, but its accuracy was reduced when screen level conditions were used instead of those measured at fuel level. A recent process-based model that accounts for rainfall showed promise for predicting when fuel is < 25 % FFM. Systematic problems with the radiation budget of this model reduced the accuracy of predictions and further refinement is required. Live fine fuel moisture content (LFMC) of common heathland shrubs and sedge was investigated over two years and found to be both seasonal and influenced by phenology. LFMC minima occurred in late winter and spring (August to October), and maxima were in summer (December to February) when new growth was recorded. The dominant near-surface fuel in mature heath was sedge. It was found to have little seasonal variation in its??? percentage dead but the percentage dead maxima occured at the same time as the LFMC minima of shrubs and sedge in both years. Simple instantaneous models for duff moisture content in woodland and heathland and LFMC and the percentage dead sedge in heathland were developed. The information gained by this study will form the basis for future development of fuel moisture models for prescribed burning guidelines and fire spread models specific to the vegetation communities of the Sydney Basin.

A comparative study of the flora and fauna of exotic pine plantations and adjacent, indigenous eucalypt forests in Gippsland, Victoria

Friend, Gordon Ray Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The introduction and establishment of a new and markedly different environment within a long established natural system provides an excellent opportunity to study the principles of adaptation and colonisation by native species. In Australia, an example is furnished by the conversion of large areas of native eucalypt forests to mono-cultured plantations of Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata). The principal aim of this study was to assess which species of native mammals, birds and higher plants are able to utilise or occupy such plantations. Successional aspects of community structure, and colonisation in pine forest systems, were investigated by considering stands of different ages. A variety of adjacent native eucalypt forests provided controls and indicated the range of potential colonisers. Various habitats in both forest types were studied with regard to potential nest sites and availability of food, in order to determine those habitats most favourable for mammals and birds. The effect, on wildlife, of clearing eucalypt forests, but leaving forest remnants along gullies, was also assessed.

Development of a tree delineation algorithm for application to high spatial resolution digital imagery of Australian native forest

Culvenor, Darius Samuel January 2000 (has links)
The automated Tree Identification and Delineation Algorithm (TIDA) was developed for application to high spatial resolution digital imagery of Australian native eucalypt forest. The algorithm is based on contiguous, threshold-based spatial clustering of pixels and was designed to cope with the complex asymmetric crowns typical of eucalypts. / To facilitate systematic algorithm evaluation, a forest scene simulation model was created for the simulation of visually realistic remotely sensed images. The model is based on the principles of ray-tracing and the geOll1etric description of scene objects and background. The model simulates the appearance of a forest scene viewed and illuminated from specific directions and under known atmospheric conditions. The distinctive 'modular' structure of eucalypts was represented by modelling crowns as small (branch-scale) spheroids distributed over a larger spheroidal envelope. / Using the simulation model, TIDA performance was evaluated in terms of forest structure (canopy cover, crown cover and canopy structural variability) and the remote sensing environment (view zenith angle, solar zenith angle and aerosol optical thickness). Prior to the evaluation, a methodology was developed for objectively estimating the optimum spatial resolution for TIDA application in a given image. The methodology was based on incremental Gaussian smoothing and exploited TIDA's sensitivity to changes in image spatial resolution. This process demonstrated the importance of individual crown cover, rather than crown size, as the main factor determining the optimum spatial resolution for tree delineation. / Results indicate that TIDA is most suited for application in forests with high canopy cover and high crown cover. The structural complexity of forest canopies, represented by the diameter and overlap of crowns and tree height, had a relatively small impact on TIDA performance. Increasing view zenith angle consistently caused a decrease in TIDA performance. A small phase angle between the sun and sensor produces optimum TIDA performance when both canopy and crown cover is high. As crown or canopy cover decrease, high positive and negative sun zenith angles yield superior TIDA results by decreasing the brightness of the background relative to the canopy and improving the identification of tree peaks. For both dense and sparse canopies, back-scattered radiation from the forest canopy was more suited to automated tree crown delineation than forward-scattered radiation. Imagery acquired under an optically thick atmosphere was found to increase TIDA performance compared to scene illumination under strong direct light. The advantage stemmed from a strengthening of the relationship between geometric and radiometric crown shape. / Through an awareness of limitations imposed by the remote sensing environment, the potential for manipulation of image characteristics, and preferential selection of acquisition conditions, TIDA performance can be optimised to suit various structural forest types. Canopy cover, crown cover, view zenith angle, sun zenith angle, background brightness and image spatial resolution are key criteria in assessing the suitability of automated tree crown delineation as an image interpretation procedure.

Efeito do espaçamento e arranjo do plantio do eucalipto na capacidade operacional e custo da colheita com colhedora florestal / The effects of spacing and arrangement of eucalypt plantations on operational capacity and costs of a forest harvester

Ruben Jacques Martins 17 February 2009 (has links)
A escolha do espaçamento de plantio tem como objetivo inicial proporcionar para cada árvore o espaço suficiente para se obter o crescimento máximo com melhor qualidade e menor custo. Do ponto de vista da colheita mecanizada, o aumento da densidade da floresta implica diretamente na redução do volume individual das árvores, ocasionando também uma redução da capacidade produtiva do harvester.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes espaçamentos e arranjos do plantio de povoamentos de eucalipto sobre a capacidade e custo operacional da colheita com harvester. A coleta de dados de produtividade do harvester foi feita em condições reais de operação, em dois povoamentos de eucalipto com diferentes espaçamentos: 6,0; 7,5; 9,0; 12; e 18 m2 por árvore, além do uso de um simulador de colheita. Usando-se os valores das variáveis espaçamento (E), volume médio (VM), diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e altura (H) aplicou-se um teste de regressão stepwise e se fez uma correlação para medir a participação dessas variáveis na capacidade operacional. Os custos operacionais dos equipamentos foram determinados através de um método contábil proposto pela FAO. O volume médio (VM) por árvore explicou 88 % da capacidade operacional da colhedora florestal e o espaçamento (E) afetou 8,5 %, sendo que o maior espaçamento é a causa do maior volume individual. Conseqüentemente, o custo da operação de colheita de árvores com harvester foi menor naqueles tratamentos com maior espaçamento. Os tratamentos simulados podem ser utilizados como reais para este tipo de comparação, dado que os tratamentos usando o simulador seguem a mesma tendência que a colheita real, ou seja, a maior espaçamento, maior volume individual por árvore e por tanto maior capacidade operacional do harvester. A maior proporção de tempo médio do ciclo de colheita por árvore foi o tempo de traçamento em condições de trabalho real, sendo que no caso da simulação da colhedora o maior tempo do ciclo foi de descasque-desgalhe. O modelo empírico apresentado pode ser uma ferramenta válida para predição de capacidade operacional do harvester. / Plantation spacing selection has the primary object of assigning each tree enough space in which maximum growth and best quality can be attained with a minimum cost. From the harvest standpoint, an increase in stand density directly implies a decrease of individual tree volume, reducing also harvester productive capacity. The objective of this research is to assess the effects of several initial spacing and arrangement in eucalypt plantations on production capacity and operational capacity and costs of forest harvester. Real operational data were collected from two eucalypt plantations at different initial spacing, viz. 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 12 and 18 m2 per tree. Simulation data were obtained from forest harvester simulator. Using spacement (E), mean tree volume (MV), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H) values, a stepwise regression test procedure was run, and correlations computed in order to measure their participation in operational capacity. Operational costs were computed with accounting method proposed by FAO. Mean tree volume (MV) explained 88% of forest harvester operational capacity. Spacement (E) affected 8.5% of harvester operational capacity; wider spacements were related to higher individual tree volumes. Harvesting operation costs were lower in wider spaced treatments. Simulated treatments can be used as in field conditions. Treatments under simulated conditions and real conditions had the same results: the wider the spacement, more individual volume tree and higher harvester operational capacity. The higher time of the harvest cycle was the cross-cutting operation in real conditions and the debarked and delimbing in simulated conditions. The empirical model can be a valid tool to predict the harvester operational capacity

Progresso da ferrugem (puccinia psidii) em monocultivo de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla e em plantios consorciados com Acacia mangium / Rust process (Puccinia psidii) in Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla monoculture and in combined plantations with Acacia mangium

Pieri, Cristiane De 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane de Pieri (pieri_cris@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-09T18:15:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Definitivo-2.pdf: 1589058 bytes, checksum: 2412924b9d45b8f28e962983596d6592 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Lucia Martins Frederico null (mlucia@fca.unesp.br) on 2018-01-15T11:17:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pieri,c_dr_bot.pdf: 1589058 bytes, checksum: 2412924b9d45b8f28e962983596d6592 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-15T11:17:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pieri,c_dr_bot.pdf: 1589058 bytes, checksum: 2412924b9d45b8f28e962983596d6592 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A cultura do eucalipto é uma das mais importantes do Brasil, constituindo-se em fonte de energia renovável e madeira, além de importantes processos agroindustriais para produção de celulose, papel entre outros. O eucalipto é infectado por uma diversidade de patógenos, principalmente fungos, desde o viveiro até em plantios adultos. O modelo de produção predominante é o monocultivo, adensado e intensamente adubado (adubação de base e duas a três coberturas). Em espécies/clones de eucalipto suscetíveis à Puccinia psidii, a ocorrência de epidemias é observada em condições climáticas favoráveis. Dessa forma, espera-se que o plantio consorciado com uma ou mais espécies não hospedeiras, a intensidade desta doença deva ser menor, devido a barreira física criada e dificulte a disseminação das estruturas reprodutivas do referido patógeno, diluindo o inóculo. Da mesma forma, o aumento do espaçamento também pode dificultar o estabelecimento do patógeno e, um plantio consorciado com uma espécie arbórea leguminosa que permita a fixação biológica de nitrogênio pode levar a redução da aplicação de adubos na forma química devido a ciclagem de nutrientes no sistema. Diante do exposto, os objetivos deste estudo foram: comparar o monocultivo de um clone oriundo da hibridação entre Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla e o cultivo do mesmo consorciado com a leguminosa Acacia mangium, com e sem adubação, em dois espaçamentos, quanto a intensidade da ferrugem e, crescimento das plantas (altura, diâmetro a altura do peito, volume e biomassa). Dentre os fatores testados, o uso da adubação no plantio foi o de maior relevância, afetando a intensidade da doença, bem como as variáveis de crescimento avaliadas. Até os dois anos de idade as plantas de acácia ocupam o estrato inferior quando consorciadas com o eucalipto, com isso não estabeleceram uma barreira física eficiente para o patógeno. O mesmo efeito não foi observado com o aumento do espaçamento. Apesar da maior intensidade da doença nos arranjos adubados, as plantas tiveram maior incremento em altura, volume e biomassa. Quanto ao consórcio, a acácia não foi eficaz como barreira física ao agente causal da ferrugem. / The eucalypt cultivation is one of the most important in Brazil, constituting in source of renewable energy and wood, as well as important agro-industrial processes for the cellulose production, paper and others. The eucalypt is infected by a variety of pathogens, mainly fungus, from the plant nursery to adult cultivation. The predominant production model is the monoculture, densely one and intensively fertilized (basic fertilization and two to three coverages).In eucalypt species/clones susceptible to Puccinia psidii, the occurrence of epidemics is observed in favorable climate conditions. Thus, it is expected that the combined cultivation with one or more non-host species, the intensity of this disease should be lower, due to the physical barrier created not to facilitate the dissemination of the reproductive structures of this pathogen, diluting the inoculum. Similarly, the increased spacing cannot also facilitate the pathogen establishment and a combined cultivation with a leguminous arboreal species allowing the biological fixation of nitrogen can lead to the reduction of the fertilizer application in chemical form due to the cycling of nutrients in the system. Based on the above, the objectives of this study were: to compare the monoculture of a clone from the hybridization between Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla and the same combined cultivation with the leguminous Acacia mangium, with and without fertilization in two spacing, about the rust intensity and the plant growth ( height, diameter at breast height, volume and biomass). Among the factors tested, the use fertilization at the cultivation was the most relevant, affecting the disease intensity, as well as the variables of the evaluated growth. Up to the age of two, acacia plants are on the lower layer when combined with eucalypt, thus failing to establish an efficient physical barrier for the pathogen. The same effect was not observed with increasing spacing. Despite the greater intensity of the disease in the fertilized arrangements, the plants had a greater increase in height, volume and biomass. About the combined cultivation, acacia was not effective as a physical barrier to the causative agent of rust. / 2013/10700-0

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