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Att omfamna systemet eller att avvisa det : En komparativ analys av Brideshead Revisited och Maurice utifrån intersektionen kön, klass och sexualitet / To embrace the system or to reject it : A comparative analysis of Brideshead Revisited and Maurice focusing on the intersection between gender, class and sexualityHolm, Natalie January 2024 (has links)
Under 1900-talet publicerades två romaner som skilldrade homoerotiska relationer under den Edwardianska perioden delvis utspelade i universitetsmiljö, Brideshead Revisited av Evenlyn Waugh och Maurice av E.M Forster. Men trots likheter i handling och karaktärsarketyper har de båda romanerna djupt skillda perspektiv på den miljö och de ideologiska system romanerna båda skilldrar. Genom en närläsning av romanerna som utgår från kattegorierna klass, kön, sexualitet och intersektionen mellan dem framgår verkens ideologiska skillnader tydligt. Waugh skilldrar en miljö han sörjer har försvunnit och inte kan återkomma, en tydlig överklassmiljö, där de aristokrater som lever i den är de enda som kan förstå värdet av konst och kultur. På grund av detta blir den arbetarklass som vardagen på godset Brideshead är beroende av i en form av tystnadens politik helt avhumaniserad, och ses som funktioner snarare än subjekt. Det finns inte heller plats att ifrågasätta de möjligheter kvinnan har i systemet, utan fokus lägs istället på att visa hur den moderna borgarklassen bör förvalta arvet från aristokratin. I Forsters roman kritiseras istället samma system och genom karaktären Maurice roll som både förtryckare och förtryckt öppnar romanens ideologi för en diskusion om intersektionalitet. Här väljer den moderna borgarmannen att avsäga sig sin roll i systemet snarare än att förvalta det. / During the 20th century two novels depiciting homoerotic relationships in an Edwardian university setting were published, Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waigh and Maurice by E.M Forster. But despite the similarities in plot and characters the two novels show two very diferent perspectives on the idological systems they depict. Through reading the novels through the lenses of gender, class, sexuality and the intersection between them it is evident that the ideology at the heart of the novels differ greatly. Waught depicts a time and place which he mourns the loss of, where the aristocrats who live in it are the only ones who can understand art and culture, but are doomed in the modern world. With this worldview the servants who are responible for the day to day opperations of the countryhouse Brideshead are dehumanised in a politic of silence, where they are seen as functions, as opposed to subjects. Nor is there space to question the role of women in this system, as focus is on showing how the modern urban man must keep the aristocratic worldview alive. The same system which is upheld and tressured in Waughs novel is criticized in Forsters, and thoguht the roll of Maurice as booth oppressed and opressor the idology of the novel opens for a conversation about intersectionality. Here the same man who upholds the aristocratic system in Brideshead choses to reject it.
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Memory, music and displacement in the minor memoirs of Evelyn Crawford, Ruby Langford Ginibi and Lily BrettBreyley, Gay Jennifer. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wollongong, 2005. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references: leaf 224-250.
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Die Abwesenheit des Weiblichen : Epistemologie und Geschlecht von Michel Foucault zu Evelyn Fox Keller /Frietsch, Ute. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Freie Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 2001. / Literaturverz. S. 227 - 236.
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From Arcadia to Heroism: The Progression of the Protagonists in Evelyn Waugh's <em>Decline and Fall</em>, <em>A Handful of Dust</em> and <em>Brideshead Revisited</em>.McInturff, Tammy J. 01 May 2001 (has links)
This study is an examination of the protagonists in Evelyn Waugh's Decline and Fall, A Handful of Dust, and Brideshead Revisited. The purpose of this study is to show how each novel displays the same type of character progressing towards heroism. This type of heroism is explained by using Carol Pearson's The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By. Using Pearson's archetypes to discuss these protagonists gives one a better understanding of the characters and their development as they move towards self-knowledge.
The introduction explains the term hero and gives a brief review of Pearson's book. Chapters two, three and four are each devoted to one of the specified novels and contain an examination of how the protagonist progresses through Pearson's archetypes. Chapter five is the conclusion, which summarizes this study and states the usefulness of archetypes in understanding the development of a character, as well as the importance of taking the heroic journey.
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Disruption and disappointment: relationships of children and nostalgia in British interwar fictionTaylor, Elspeth Anne 01 May 2011 (has links)
Children in modernist literature have been largely ignored in critical study; an odd oversight, since children in Victorian and contemporary literature have been sources of rich material for literary critics. In novels published from 1930 until 1934, Wyndham Lewis, Virginia Woolf, and Evelyn Waugh address the relationships between children/childhood and nostalgia in The Apes of God (Lewis), The Waves (Woolf), and A Handful of Dust (Waugh). Their complicated and often conflicting depictions of childhood and desire for the past reveal children's overlooked importance in British modernism, as well as a lack of singularity in the manifestations of children and nostalgia that is crucial to contemporary understandings of both terms.
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Boekenwijsheid filosofie, literatuur en politieke oordeelsvorming /Boenink, Marianne. January 2000 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Engels.
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An African in Paris ... and New York and Rome Bernard Dadié and the postcolonial travel narrative /Nicole, Cesare. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Villanova University, 2007. / English Dept. Includes bibliographical references.
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America and the Americans in postwar British fiction an imagological study of selected novelsDitze, Stephan-Alexander January 2004 (has links)
Zugl.: Vechta, Hochsch., Diss., 2004
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Cromer and the Egyptian nationalists, 1882-1907Sayyid-Marsot, Afaf Lutfi January 1963 (has links)
No description available.
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Beyond Sins and Symptoms: Suffering in Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead RevisitedMiller, Sarah Elizabeth 18 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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