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The Result of Her Experiment: Evelyn De Morgan's Spiritualist Message of a Hopeful DeathPaul, Mary Daylin 18 April 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The late Victorian artist Evelyn De Morgan's paintings have been analyzed and interpreted through the lens of her many stylistic influences by past critics and current art historians. This thesis seeks to restore 19th-century Spiritualism as the central influence on the subject matter and style of De Morgan's paintings. This is particularly true of works concerned with the struggles of mortal life and the moment of death, based on her anonymously published text The Result of an Experiment. Victorian mourning rituals, Spiritualism, and the writings of Swedenborg served to draw out the specific Spiritualist symbols within De Morgan's paintings. A detailed analysis of six paintings concerned with the path of mortal life and death revealed De Morgan's Spiritualist beliefs about a hopeful death after her experiment with spirit communication.
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Lord Cromer and his successors in Egypt : a study of the development from anti-colonial radicalism to liberal anti-imperialismMowat, Robert Case January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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An evening of American operas : an architectural approach to designBrunner, Stefan H. January 1994 (has links)
Considered apart from the concrete; general; theoretical; hence, difficult; ideal. 2. A summary of epitome; a generality, in law, a compendium; in logic, an abstract idea or term; in grammer, an abstract noun, as virtue, goodness, etc.* / Department of Architecture
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Perceptions of agency: Beliefs of four adolescent girls in high school as revealed through literature discussions.Curtis, Joan Scott 08 1900 (has links)
Published research suggests that cultural practices and institutional structures influence adolescent girls' engagement and achievement in school. This study was an attempt to further investigate that claim by describing the perceptions of agency held by four adolescent girls in high school. Members of the same English class, the girls volunteered to participate in three lunchtime meetings to discuss Evelyn Coleman's (2001) Born In Sin. Analysis of classroom observations, transcripts of audio recordings of the book discussions, and individual interviews yielded a more precise definition of agency than those used in previous research, including a view of agency as dialogic. In addition, four major themes describe these girls' agentic moves: (1) a temporal orientation, which connects the past, present, and future; (2) responsibility for positive and negative events; (3) strategic decision making; (4) negotiating with people in power. Implications of this study inform both teaching decisions and future research related to adolescent girls.
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Representations of adultery and regeneration in selected novels of Ford, Lawrence, Waugh and GreeneBratten, Joanna K. January 2002 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of how the themes of adultery and regeneration are interwoven and explored by selected English novelists in the first half of the twentieth century. It is essential to establish that Ford, Lawrence, Waugh and Greene do not adhere to the ‘archetypal' pattern of the adultery novel established in the nineteenth century and, in fact, turn that pattern on its head. Ford's The Good Soldier and Parade's End provide two differing perspectives. The first uses adultery as a metaphor for the disintegration of English society, mirroring the social disintegration that accompanied the First World War; Parade's End, however, presents an adulterous relationship as being a regenerative force in the post-war society. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover also uses an adulterous relationship as a means of addressing the need for social, and national, regeneration in the inter-war years. Waugh's A Handful of Dust presents a woman's adultery as the ruin of not only a good man, but also civilisation in general; Brideshead Revisited is more religious in tone and traces the spiritual regeneration of its central character, whose conversion, ironically, is made possible through his adulterous relationship. Similarly, Greene's The Heart of the Matter and The End of the Affair portray the process of spiritual regeneration; in both novels this movement towards salvation is intertwined with an exploration of adulterous love. The ultimate question probed in this thesis is how the twentieth century novel of adultery overturns the traditional literary approach to the subject. Adulterous unions and illegitimate children are no longer presented as being exclusively socially destabilising or subversive in these novels; most intriguingly significant is that, in some of these novels, the illegitimate child becomes a symbol of hope, and, indeed, of regeneration.
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The Utility of Linear Riparian Rainforest for Vertebrates on the Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands, North QueenslandHausmann, Franziska, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This study investigated the utility to vertebrates of upland linear riparian rainforest fragments on the Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands in the Australian Wet Tropics region, north Queensland. Similar linear fragments were selected, that varied in forest age and their connectivity to large areas of continuous forest:- (connected primary (N=6), isolated primary (N=5), connected secondary (N=6) and isolated secondary (N=7)). Primary sites had either never been cleared or only subject to selective logging, while secondary forest had been completely cleared and allowed to regenerate for at least 30 years. These linear fragments were contrasted with riparian sites within continuous forest sites (N=6 to 7), which were situated in State Forest or National Parks, and sites within the cleared matrix (pasture, N=6). Vertebrates surveyed were birds, ground-dwelling mammals and reptiles, particularly leaf-litter skinks. All surveys were conducted between September and December in 2001 and/or 2000. Chapter 2 investigates the effects of forest age, isolation and structural vegetation features on bird assemblages within linear riparian fragments of rainforest. Bird surveys and structural vegetation assessments were conducted within connected and isolated primary and secondary linear fragments, and compared with those of continuous forest habitat (N=6) and pasture. There were strong effects of forest age; all three types of primary rainforest had higher values than secondary rainforest for most measured attributes of vegetation structure (including canopy height and cover; and frequency of large-diameter trees, lianes, epiphytes, strangler figs; and woody debris), but lower frequencies of tree ferns and thorny scramblers. Sites within primary rainforest also had a greater frequency of many bird species across different guilds of habitat, feeding and movement. Assemblages of rainforest-dependent birds showed an effect of isolation, although its strength was less than that of forest age. Isolated fragments of primary rainforest differed significantly from continuous primary rainforest in their rainforest-dependent bird species assemblages (and had lower species richness), and isolated fragments of secondary rainforest differed from those that were connected. There was a significant association between the species composition of rainforest birds and some measured vegetation parameters across all sites, but not within primary or secondary sites. Vegetation differences did not explain the lowered frequency of several species in isolated fragments. Limited dispersal seems unlikely to be a main cause, and causal processes probably vary among species. Specialist rainforest species endemic to the Wet Tropics region showed stronger responses to present-day rainforest age and fragmentation than those not endemic. Variation in nest depredation levels associated with rainforest fragmentation (edge effects) is examined in Chapter 3. Artificial nests were placed in the forest understorey at seven edge sites where continuous forest adjoined pasture, seven interiors (about one kilometre from the edge), and six primary linear riparian forest remnants (50-100 m wide) that were connected to continuous forest. Four nest types were compared, representing different combinations of two factors; height (ground, shrub) and shape (open, domed). At each site, four nests of each type, containing one quail egg and two model plasticine eggs, were interspersed about 15 m apart within a 160 m transect. Predators were identified from marks on the plasticine eggs. The overall depredation rate was 66.5% of 320 nests' contents damaged over a three-day period. Large rodents, especially the rat Uromys caudimaculatus, and birds, especially the spotted catbird Ailuroedus melanotis, were the main predators. Mammals comprised 56.5% and birds 31.0% of identified predators, with 12.5% of unknown identity. The depredation rate did not vary among site-types, or between open and domed nests, and there were no statistically significant interactions. Nest height strongly affected depredation rates by particular types of predator; depredation rates by mammals were highest at ground nests, whereas attacks by birds were most frequent at shrub nests. These effects counterbalanced so that overall there was little net effect of nest height. Mammals accounted for 78.4% of depredated ground nests and birds for at least 47.4% of shrub nests (and possibly up to 70.1%). The main predators were species characteristic of rainforest, rather than habitat generalists, open-country or edge specialists. For birds that nest in the tropical rainforest understorey of the study region, it is unlikely that edges and linear remnants presently function as ecological population sinks due to mortality associated with increased nest depredation. The use of linear riparian remnants by small ground-dwelling mammals and reptiles (mainly leaf litter skinks), is reported in Chapter 4. Site types were continuous rainforest, connected and isolated linear fragments of both uncleared primary rainforest and secondary regrowth rainforest. Mammals were also surveyed in pasture sites. Neither reptile species richness nor abundance varied significantly among site types. Although mammal species richness varied significantly between site types, with isolated primary sites containing highest species richness, overall mammal abundance did not differ significantly among site types. Pasture sites differed significantly from all rainforest sites in their mammal species composition, and were dominated by the introduced house mouse (Mus musculus). This species was absent from all rainforest sites, which were characterised by moderate abundances of bush rat/Cape York rat Rattus fuscipes/leucopus, fawn-footed melomys Melomys cervinipes and giant white-tailed rat Uromys caudimaculatus. None of these species varied significantly in abundance among site types, although the giant white-tailed rat showed a trend (P=0.09) for reduced abundance in isolated secondary sites. A single reptile species, the prickly forest skink Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae, occurred in sufficient numbers for individual analysis, and its abundance varied significantly among the forested site types, being less abundant in all linear fragments than in continuous forest sites. The utility of linear riparian rainforest for vertebrates appears to be species-specific and involves many factors. However, overall, species endemic to the Wet Tropics (which are hence of the highest conservation significance) appear to be the most sensitive to fragmentation. These species were most likely to show altered abundances or frequencies of occurrence due to isolation, forest age, and habitat linearity. The ecology of species within this group warrants further investigation within fragmented and non-fragmented regions of the Tablelands. For many other vertebrates examined in this study, there appears to be sufficient functional connectedness between remnants on the Tablelands to minimise the effects of fragmentation. Nevertheless, the lower density of many of these species in pasture may indicate that their long-term persistence within the fragmented rainforest areas could benefit from the maintenance or establishment of habitat linkages. Certainly, if the current rainforest vegetation cover were further reduced, or if the land use in the matrix became more intensive, the establishment of specific habitat linkages could become more important as existing dispersal routes could be lost. It also appears that nest depredation levels are unlikely to limit the value of linear rainforest remnants and other small rainforest remnants as breeding habitat for birds (at least for understorey-nesting species), relative to more intact rainforest, in the study region.
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Modern noise : Bowen, Waugh, OrwellFeenstra, Robin E. (Robin Edward), 1972- January 2008 (has links)
The modern soundscape buzzes with noise. In the 1930s, telephones, radios, and gramophones filled domestic spaces with technological noise, while crowds shouting in the streets created political clamour. During the war in the 1940s, bombs and sirens broke through buildings and burst through consciousness. This dissertation examines the response of three British modernist writers to the cultural shifts brought about by technology and politics, which altered everyday experience and social relations. Elizabeth Bowen, Evelyn Waugh, and George Orwell represent noise in their fiction and nonfiction as a trope of power. Noise, as a palpable emblem of discontent and the acoustic unconsciousness of the period, infiltrates sentences and rearranges syntax, as in the invention of Newspeak in Nineteen Eight-Four. Noise cannot leave listeners in a neutral position. The "culture racket" of the 1930s and 1940s required urgent new ways of listening and listening with ethical intent. / Chapter One provides a reading of Elizabeth Bowen's audible terrains in her novels of the 1930s, where silences and sudden noises intrude on human lives. In Bowen's novels, technological noise has both comedic and tragic consequences. Chapter Two examines noise as a political signifier in The Heat of the Day, Bowen's novel of the blitz. Chapter Three takes up the significance of the culture racket to Evelyn Waugh's novels and travel writing of the 1930s; noise assumes a disruptive, if highly comedic, value in his works, an ambiguity that expresses what it means to be modern. Chapter Four examines Waugh's penchant for satirizing the phoneyness of contemporary culture---its political vacillations---especially in Put Out More Flags, set during the Second World War. Chapter Five considers Orwell's engagement with the emerging social and political formations amongst working, racial, and warring classes in the 1930s. Documenting noise in his reportage, Orwell sounds alarms to alert readers to the mounting social and political crises in his realist novels of the decade. Chapter Six argues that Orwell's final two novels of the 1940s, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, represent the politics of noise in as much as they announce the noise of politics in totalitarian futures. Noise demarcates the insidiousness of propaganda as it screeches from telescreens, the keynote in Big Brother's ideological symphony of domination. Noise, throughout Orwell's writing, signifies the struggle for power. In its widest ramifications, noise provides an interpretive paradigm through which to read Bowen's, Waugh's, and Orwell's fiction and non-fiction, as well as modernist texts generally.
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Medusa's Metamorphosis In Victorian Women's Art and PoetryMcConkey, Emily 08 November 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the figure of Medusa in the works of three Victorian women: the poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) and Christina Rossetti (1830-1894), and the artist Evelyn De Morgan (1855-1919). For many in an era that sought to categorize women according to rigid social boundaries, Medusa embodied all that is suspicious, dangerous, and alluring about women. But in subtle and unexpected ways, these three women reimagined the Medusa archetype and used it to explore female experience and expression, as well as the challenges and complexities of female authorship. In their works, Medusa, like other hybrid personae such as the mermaid and the lamia, became a figure through which to explore liminal spaces and slippery categories. I argue that these women prefigured the twentieth-century feminist rehabilitation of Medusa. I also suggest that this proto-feminist transformation of the myth draws, directly and indirectly, from the tradition of Ovid, the first poet to suggest that Medusa’s monstrosity resulted from her victimhood and that her power is not merely destructive, but also creative. My analysis contends that, contrary to common understanding, women were revisioning Medusa’s meaning well before the twentieth century.
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Modern noise : Bowen, Waugh, OrwellFeenstra, Robin E. (Robin Edward), 1972- January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Breaking Promises, Breaking Conventions; Post-Teleological Aesthetics in East and 21st-Century GermanyPreston, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
Recent German literature and film reflect (on) the loss of promise for both self and societal realization under not one but two ideological regimes: socialism and capitalism. The socialist utopia never arrived; was the capitalist meritocracy ever there? The guarantee of some kind of telos—an endpoint, a ‘good life,’ towards which everyday life was supposed to be going—has thus been frustrated on two historical fronts. I take this parallel as grounds for juxtaposition across historical, affective and aesthetic lines, investigating the waning of teleological promise in the final two decades of the GDR and the last twenty years of 21st century Germany. I present the ‘post-teleological’ as a concept for trans-ideological and cross-temporal comparison, offering a new lens through which to draw texts into unconventional comparative constellations. The questions that this concept raises are the following: how do literature and film translate the affective experience of ideology’s failing persuasive power as aesthetic experiences? How does a juxtaposition of disparate contexts further our understanding of individual works’ break with hegemonic conventions to deliver critique? And how do discrete formal strategies pass comment on the movement (or non-movement) of history?
I interrogate literary works by Brigitte Reimann, Irmtraud Morgner, Kathrin Röggla and Shida Bazyar, and films by Konrad Wolf, Evelyn Schmidt, Christian Petzold and Valeska Grisebach, to track the arc of ideological promise’s decline across both periods. I query what affective and aesthetic practices may follow the sense of stasis which accompanies the disappearance of an alternative to neoliberal capitalism.
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