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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso de grafos evolutivos no roteamento em redes dinâmicas: algoritmos, fluxos e limites / Using evolving graphs in routing of dynamic networks: algorithms, flows and bounds

Julian Geraldes Monteiro 13 July 2007 (has links)
O comportamento dinâmico das redes sem fio as torna muito peculiares e de difícil análise. No entanto, algumas destas redes, como as de sensores com funcionamento intermitente, redes periódicas ou cíclicas e as do sistema de satélites de órbita baixa têm um comportamento dinâmico relativamente previsível, pois as variações da topologia da rede no tempo são quase que determinísticas. Recentemente, um modelo teórico -- grafos evolutivos -- foi proposto com o intuito de capturar o comportamento dinâmico destas redes e formalizar algoritmos de roteamento de custo mínimo, além de outros. Os algoritmos e idéias obtidos com este modelo são teoricamente muito eficientes, mas, no entanto, antes deste trabalho não existiam estudos do uso destes modelos em situações práticas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a aplicabilidade da teoria de grafos evolutivos na construção de protocolos de roteamento eficientes em cenários realistas. Foram implementados dois protocolos de roteamento para redes móveis ad hoc baseados nos algoritmos de grafos evolutivos, são eles: Jornada que Chega Mais Cedo e Jornada Mais Curta. Extensivas simulações foram realizadas utilizando o simulador de redes NS2 e os resultados foram comparados com outros quatro protocolos clássicos para este tipo de rede: AODV, DSR, OLSR e DSDV. Os resultados preliminares mostram que este recente modelo tem muito potencial para ser uma ferramenta poderosa no desenvolvimento e análise de algoritmos para redes dinâmicas com comportamento previsível. No entanto, foram apontados alguns aspectos que precisam ser melhores estudados para que estes algoritmos possam ser utilizados em situações reais. / The assessment of routing protocols for wireless networks is a difficult task, because of the networks\' highly dynamic behavior and the absence of benchmarks. However, some of these networks, such as intermittent wireless sensors networks, periodic or cyclic networks, and low earth orbit satellites systems, have more predictable dynamics, as the temporal variations in the network topology are somehow deterministic, which may make them easier to study. Recently, a graph theoretic model -- the evolving graphs -- was proposed to help to capture the dynamic behavior of these networks, in view of the construction of least cost routing and other algorithms. The algorithms and insights obtained through this model are theoretically very efficient and intriguing. However, before this work there was no study on the use of such theoretical results into practical situations. Therefore, the objective of our work is to analyze the applicability of the evolving graph theory in the construction of efficient routing protocols in realistic scenarios. We use the NS2 network simulator to first implement two evolving graph based routing protocols: Foremost Journey and Shortest Journey, They are evaluated and compared to four major ad-hoc protocols: AODV, DSR, OLSR and DSDV. Interestingly, our experiments show that evolving graphs have all the potentials to be an effective and powerful tool in the development and analysis of algorithms for dynamic networks, with predictable dynamics at least. In order to make this model widely applicable, however, some practical issues still have to be addressed and incorporated into the model.

Pure Embedding of Evolving Objects

Leuthäuser, Max 12 May 2020 (has links)
Scripting languages are extraordinarily popular due to their very flexible object model. Dynamic extensions (i.e., adding, removing and manipulating behavior and state) allow for the evolution and adaption of objects to context changes at runtime. Introducing this flexibility into a statically typed, object-oriented language would improve programmability and separation of concerns beyond the level of what one could usually gain with inheritance, mixins, traits or manually adapted designpatterns. They often lead to object-schizophrenia or the need for hand-crafted, additional management code. Although there were already attempts bringing flexible objects into statically typed languages with the benefits of an explicitly crafted core calculus or type system, they need their own compiler and tooling which limits the usability, e.g., when dealing with existing legacy code. This work presents an embedding of dynamically evolving objects via a lightweight library approach, which is pure in the sense, that there is no need for a specific compiler or tooling. It is written in Scala, which is both a modern object-oriented and functional programming language. Our approach is promising to solve practical problems arising in the area of dynamical extensibility and adaption like role-based programming.

Detection of API and ABI Compatibility in Java / Detection of API and ABI Compatibility in Java

Rohovský, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá API a ABI kompatibilitou Java knihoven. Jsou popsány typy kompatibility a analyzovány změny API, které vedou k zdrojové či binárni nekompatibilitě. Dále je provedena analýza existujících nástrojů, které provádějí zjišťování nekompatibility. Vhodný nástroj z předchozí analýzy je vybrán a rozšířen. Na základě rozšířeného nástroje je vytvořena serverová aplikace, která poskytuje informace o kompatibilitě sledovaných knihoven.

Histoire évolutive des remaniements chromosomiques en liaison avec la mobilisation d'éléments transposables chez les téléostéens antarctiques Nototheniidae : la radiation adaptative du groupe " Trematomus " / Evolutionary history of chromosomal rearrangements linked with the mobilization of transposable elements within the Antarctic teleosts Nototheniidae : the adaptive radiation of the group “Trematomus”

Auvinet, Juliette 19 October 2018 (has links)
L’alternance de périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires durant les 20 derniers Ma a mené à des changements environnementaux répétés au niveau du plateau continental antarctique. C’est dans ce contexte que les téléostéens de la famille des Nototheniidae se sont adaptés et diversifiés à travers plusieurs vagues de radiations (dont les Trematominae), dominant l’Ichtyofaune australe. Parmi les Nototheniidae, le groupe « Trematomus » (genres Cryothenia, Pagothenia, Trematomus et Indonotothenia) est celui où l’on observe la plus grande diversité chromosomique, avec des nombres diploïdes de chromosomes allant de 24 à 58, impliquant de nombreux réarrangements ayant accompagné les spéciations. Nous avons cherché à caractériser ces remaniements chromosomiques. Avec un caryotype ancestral inféré de 2n = 48, une conservation des unités chromosomiques entre espèces, et une constance des tailles de génome, l’hypothèse de réarrangements structuraux sans polyploïdisation préalable est la plus probable. Afin de reconstruire l’histoire évolutive de ces événements, nous avons recherché les homologies chromosomiques interspécifiques. Ceci nous a permis de reconstituer les remaniements (majoritairement des fusions) que nous avons repositionnés sur la phylogénie résolue des « Trematomus ». Contrairement à ce qui a été publié pour le genre Notothenia, nos résultats suggèrent des acquisitions multiples et indépendantes. Les éléments transposables (ETs) peuvent être impliqués dans les remaniements chromosomiques par le biais de recombinaisons ectopiques. Ils participent alors à la diversification des lignées au cours de l’évolution. En raison de leur régulation épigénétique, leur mobilisation massive peut être induite en cas de variations environnementales importantes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à trois super-familles d’ETs (DIRS, Gypsy and Copia) dans ces génomes. Les DIRS1 ont montré des patrons d’insertions en points chauds dans les régions centromériques et péricentromériques. Etant donné leur mode de transposition décrit et leur propension à s’insérer dans des copies préexistantes, nous proposons un rôle des éléments DIRS1 comme facilitateurs des fusions observées lors de la diversification des « Trematomus ». / In the last 20 My, multiple glacial-interglacial cycles led to strong and repeated environmental changes on the Antarctic continental shelf. In this changing environment, nototheniid fishes diversified through several rounds of species radiation (one of which within Trematominae), and now constitute the dominant group in Antarctic teleosts. Among Nototheniidae, the group « Trematomus » (genera Cryothenia, Pagothenia, Trematomus and Indonotothenia) exhibits the highest chromosomal diversity, with diploid chromosome numbers ranging between 24 and 58, involving many rearrangements probably linked to speciation. We characterized the nature of these chromosomal repatternings. With an inferred ancestral state of 2n = 48 acrocentric chromosomes, a conserved number of chromosomal structural units, and a constancy of the genomes sizes we measured; the hypothesis of structural modifications is favored rather than a whole genome duplication associated to drastic reductions. In order to reconstruct an evolutionary scenario of such chromosomal rearrangements accompanying the trematomine diversification, we identified interspecific chromosomal homologies. This allowed us to reconstruct the rearrangements events (mostly centric and tandem fusions). We plotted them on a phylogeny we reconstructed based on our own ddRAD-seq data. Contrary to what was reported for the Notothenia, our results are in favor of independent acquisitions. Transposable elements (TEs) can lead to chromosomal rearrangements through ectopic recombination events, hinting at a role as drivers of specific-lineage diversification. Moreover, due to their epigenetic regulation, TEs can be mobilized when thermic changes occur. We focused on three retrotransposon superfamilies (DIRS, Gypsy and Copia) in nototheniid genomes. The DIRS1 showed unexpected accumulation patterns of insertion in the centromeric and pericentromeric regions. Given the mechanism of DIRS1 transposition and their tendency to sometimes insert on pre-existing copies (homing), we suggest a role of DIRS1 elements as facilitators of the fusions that occurred during the trematomine radiation.


[pt] Um modelo de previsão é uma ferramenta indispensável nos negócios, ajudando na tomada de decisões, seja a curto, médio ou longo prazo. Neste contexto, a implementação de técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina em modelos de previsão de séries temporais assume notória relevância, visto que o processamento da informação e a extração de conhecimento são cada vez mais exigidos de forma eficiente e dinâmica. Este trabalho desenvolve um modelo denominado Variable Step-Size evolving Participatory Learning with Kernel Recursive Least Squares, VS-ePL-KRLS, aplicado à previsão de preços do óleo diesel S500 e S10. O modelo apresentado demonstra uma melhor acurácia em comparação com os modelos análogos na literatura, sem perda de desempenho computacional para todas as séries temporais analisadas. / [en] A prediction model is an indispensable tool in business, helping to make decisions, whether in the short, medium, or long term. In this context, the implementation of machine learning techniques in time series forecasting models has a notorious relevance, as information processing and efficient and dynamic knowledge uncovering are increasingly demanded. This work develops a model called Variable Step-Size evolving Participatory Learning with Kernel Recursive Least Squares, VS-ePL-KRLS, applied to the forecast of weekly prices for S500 and S10 diesel oil, at the Brazilian level, for biweekly and monthly horizons. The presented model demonstrates a better accuracy compared with analogous models in the literature, without loss of computational performance for all time series analyzed.

NAVIGATING THE LIMINAL ZONE: Designing Future-Oriented Educational Environments

Kedari, Bhairavi Nitin 31 May 2024 (has links)
This thesis seeks to address emerging future questions by envisioning the future of educational architecture, considering the evolving dynamics between people, machines, and collaborative learning environments. While machines will play a significant role, human interaction, collaboration, and experimentation will remain indispensable for the exchange of ideas. As we look ahead, it is evident that students will require learning spaces that balance passive educational modes—such as lectures, seminars, research, and introspection—with hands-on exploration. These spaces will transcend traditional structures, embracing liminal zones that facilitate seamless transitions into professional or higher education spheres. In the dynamic landscape of 21st-century education, the convergence of technology, globalization, and evolving pedagogical paradigms presents both challenges and opportunities for educational institutions. This thesis endeavors to explore the transformative potential of high school architecture, centered around the concept of the liminal zone—a space that transcends conventional schooling. Our aim is to reconceptualize schools as vibrant hubs of innovation and intellectual exploration, equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and adaptability essential for success in a complex and interconnected world. At the core of our design philosophy lies a commitment to flexibility and adaptability, evident in features such as the Pod concept and informal collaboration spaces, ensuring that educational environments remain responsive to the evolving needs of learners and the demands of the future. / Master of Architecture / This research aims to shape the future of educational architecture by envisioning how learning spaces can evolve in response to changing dynamics between people, technology, and collaborative environments. While technology will play a significant role in education, human interaction, collaboration, and hands-on experimentation will remain crucial for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. As we move forward, it is clear that students will need learning environments that balance traditional educational methods—like lectures, seminars, and research—with practical, hands-on exploration. These new spaces will go beyond conventional classrooms, creating zones that seamlessly transition students into professional or higher education settings. The rapidly changing landscape of 21st-century education, influenced by technology, globalization, and new teaching methods, offers both challenges and opportunities for schools. This thesis explores how high school architecture can be transformed to meet these needs. It introduces the concept of the "liminal zone," a space that bridges traditional schooling and the future, encouraging innovation and intellectual exploration. Our goal is to redesign schools as vibrant centers of learning, where students can develop the skills and adaptability needed for success in a complex, interconnected world. Key to our design are flexible and adaptable features, such as the "Pod" concept and informal collaboration areas, ensuring that educational spaces can evolve with the changing needs of students and the demands of the future.

The changing nature of Israeli-Indian relations, 1948-2005

Gerberg, Yitshạḳ 03 1900 (has links)
The focus of this research is on the analysis of relations between Israel and India from 1948 to 2005. The State of Israel was established in 1948 but only on 18 September 1950 did India recognise Israel. Eventually, the two countries finally established full diplomatic relations on 29 January 1992. The research covers three specific timeframes and aims to clarify the factors that have affected and effected the relations between the two countries in terms of levels of analysis. The first timeframe (from 1948 to 1991) pertains to bilateral relations between the two countries before the establishment of diplomatic relations, including preindependence relations. India's foreign policy towards Israel reflected its selfinterest in the Middle East as well as its traditional sympathy with the Arabs and had been influenced by India's commitment to the Non-aligned Movement and the sentiments of the Indian Muslims. Eventually it was transformed into an anti- Israeli foreign policy. In the second timeframe, the change in bilateral relations between Israel and India in 1992 and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries are analysed by the Aggregative Model of Bilateral Foreign Relations Strategic Change. This analysis deals with the operational environment within which the Indian systemic foreign policy changed towards Israel. In the third timeframe, the evolving bilateral relations between India and Israel from 1992 to 2005 are analysed in terms of the Oscillated Diplomacy Model. Consecutive Indian governments in power had an influence on the volume of Indian diplomacy towards Israel as well as the direction of the relations between the two countries. Furthermore, three types of mutual national strategic interests, namely, joint strategic interests, common strategic interests and discrepant strategic interests, influenced the operational diplomacy of both countries. In essence, Israeli-Indian relations from 1948 to 1991 were characterised by partial and consistent pro-Arab and anti-Israeli foreign policy. In 1992, a significant diplomatic change occurred when India and Israel established full diplomatic relations. Since then bilateral relations have evolved continually in a positive manner concentrating on the convergence of strategic interests of the two countries. / International Politics / D.Litt. et Phil. (International Politics))

Extracting group relationships within changing software using text analysis

Green, Pamela Dilys January 2013 (has links)
This research looks at identifying and classifying changes in evolving software by making simple textual comparisons between groups of source code files. The two areas investigated are software origin analysis and collusion detection. Textual comparison is attractive because it can be used in the same way for many different programming languages. The research includes the first major study using machine learning techniques in the domain of software origin analysis, which looks at the movement of code in an evolving system. The training set for this study, which focuses on restructured files, is created by analysing 89 software systems. Novel features, which capture abstract patterns in the comparisons between source code files, are used to build models which classify restructured files fromunseen systems with a mean accuracy of over 90%. The unseen code is not only in C, the language of the training set, but also in Java and Python, which helps to demonstrate the language independence of the approach. As well as generating features for the machine learning system, textual comparisons between groups of files are used in other ways throughout the system: in filtering to find potentially restructured files, in ranking the possible destinations of the code moved from the restructured files, and as the basis for a new file comparison tool. This tool helps in the demanding task of manually labelling the training data, is valuable to the end user of the system, and is applicable to other file comparison tasks. These same techniques are used to create a new text-based visualisation for use in collusion detection, and to generate a measure which focuses on the unusual similarity between submissions. This measure helps to overcome problems in detecting collusion in data where files are of uneven size, where there is high incidental similarity or where more than one programming language is used. The visualisation highlights interesting similarities between files, making the task of inspecting the texts easier for the user.

Barnets religionsfrihet – en villkorad rättighet? : En filosofisk undersökning utifrån FN:s barnkonvention

Klasson Sundin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation uses philosophical tools to examine the child’s right to freedom of religion within the context of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and other international human rights instruments. Article 14 of the CRC establishes the right of the child to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. It also establishes the right of the child's parents to guide and support the child in its exercise of the right to freedom of religion, while adjusting this support according to the child's evolving capacities. The emphasis of the study is on how to understand the child as, on the one hand, agent and subject in the exercise of this right and, on the other, dependent on parental support and guidance. For this purpose, the theoretical underpinnings of the child’s right to freedom of religion are examined with a particular focus on the conceptualization of this right in relation to children. With the text of the CRC as a starting point, different theories on rights, autonomy and religion are analyzed in order to find those compatible with both aspects of Article 14: the child as agent and the child as dependent. Theories that demand fully developed cognitive abilities in order to be a moral agent and a rights holder are rejected, as are theories in which the parents are the sole decision-makers on the basis of their own view of what is in the child's interests. In the same way, conceptions of religion in purely cognitive terms, or not taking into account dimensions of practice and observance accessible to children, are rejected. The conclusion drawn from the analysis is that relational conceptualizations of rights and autonomy and multi-dimensional conceptualizations of religion are best served to include both aspects of the child's right to freedom of religion. In viewing all humans, adults and children alike, as both active agents and vulnerably dependent on others, these conceptualizations challenge traditional views on rights and autonomy, and modern views of religion. In the final chapter, aspects of these relational conceptions are put together into a relational, mutuality-oriented model of the child's right to freedom of religion.

Lecture de l’heure et incapacités intellectuelles : Cahier des Charges d’un cadran évolutif

Robichaud, Paul 11 1900 (has links)
La présente étude s’inscrit à l’intérieur du programme de recherche mené par le Groupe DÉFI Apprentissage (GDA) de l’Université de Montréal. Notre projet avait pour buts de réaliser les deux premières phases précédant la conception d’une ressource pédagogique qui offrira à l’enfant (6 à 12 ans qui a des incapacités intellectuelles) et à son entourage un dispositif temporel évolutif pour l’initier à la lecture de l’heure et à la gestion des activités de son horaire quotidien à l’âge approprié. Depuis quelques années, maints organismes tels que l’American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) , la Classification internationale des déficiences, incapacités et handicaps (CIDIH) de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et des sports du Québec (MELS) ainsi que le Réseau international sur le processus de production du handicap (RIPPH) soutiennent que les chercheurs doivent s’attarder aux composantes impliquées dans l’interaction Personne-Milieu pour concevoir des stratégies d’intervention auprès de diverses populations qui éprouvent des limitations. Notre recherche adoptera cette démarche en s’appuyant sur les assises suivantes : cadre méthodologique (analyse de la valeur pédagogique), cadre conceptuel (écologie de l’éducation et processus de production du handicap) et cadre technologique (ergonomie). / The present study is part of an ongoing research program which has been undertaken by the « Groupe DÉFI Apprentissage (GDA) » at « l’Université de Montréal ». Our precise mandate was to complete the two initial phases preceding the conception of a pedagogical ressource that will offer to a child (6 to 12 years old with intellectual disabilities) and to his immediate surrounding an evolutionary temporal device that will initiate him, at the appropriate age, to time telling and to daily schedule management. In recent years, a number of organizations such as the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR), the World Health Organization (WHO) the Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport du Québec (MEL) and the Réseau International sur le Processus de Production du Handicap (RIPPH) have recommended that researchers should take into account the components involved in the Person-Environment interaction when they are studying intervention strategies that could be used by people with various limitations. Our research has adopted this ecological approach and it will be supported by the following foundations: methodological approach (pedagogical value analysis), conceptual approach (educational ecology) and technological approach (ergonomics).

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