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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protiteroristická politika Evropské unie: realita nebo fikce? / EU Counterterrorism policy: reality or fiction?

Čiháková, Barbara January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out, whether the European Union is capable to propose and implement coherent, comprehensive, interoperable and robust counterterrorism measures in all the territories of member states. After the attacks in the USA and subsequently in Europe, the European politicians have started to discuss cooperation related to the fight against terrorism much more intensely. The question is, whether the newly adopted measures are effective and supported enough to have bigger impact on the global terrorism than those adopted at the national level.

Kritická analýza měnové politiky EU a její dopad na státy v eurozóně / Critical Analysis of Monetary Policy of the EU and its Impact on Countries in the Eurozone

Vavříková, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou měnové politiky v Evropské unii, respektive v Evropské měnové unii. Samotnému vzniku Evropské měnové unie předcházelo dlouhé období integračních procesů a je spojováno se dvěma mezníky. Prvním mezníkem byl vznik Evropské centrální banky, která představuje jednu z nejdůležitějších institucí a je zodpovědná za provádění jednotné měnové politiky v eurozóně. Druhým důležitým momentem bylo zavedení společné evropské měny, eura. Navzdory podstatným obchodním výhodám spojených s přijetím eura se brzy ukázalo, že jednotná měnová politika nemusí vyhovovat všem zemím kvůli jejich odlišným ekonomickým potřebám a schopnostem, které vyžadují různou měnovou politiku. Tato práce se soustředí na současnou ekonomickou situaci v eurozóně se zvláštním důrazem na otázku dluhové krize.

Připravenost institucí EU na zahraniční mise / Preparedness of the EU institutions on foreign missions

Novák, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce Pavel Novák, 2012 Abstrakt anglicky This work deals with institutional structure and processes of the European Union which operate in foreign missions of this international organization under Common Security and Defence Policy. On the basis of functional analysis of institutions there are described relevant institutions and theirs codified processes. Practical exercise is analyzed on chosen sample of two military operations and two civilian missions. Conclusion is drawn from founded problems of institutional character.

První britská žádost o vstup do EHS a její odraz v britském tisku (1961-1963): Příspěvek k dějinám Velké Británie ve 20. století / The First British Application to the EEC and it's Reflection in the British Press: Contribution to History of Great Britain in 20th Century

Nevrkla, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The First British Application to the EEC and it's Reflection in the British Press: Contribution to History of Great Britain in 20th Century: Summary In July 1961 applied British government lead by conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan for membership in the European Economic Community. The following two years of the Brussels negotiations aroused in British public opinion a growing amount of debates and discussions which dealt not only with the attitudes of the British to Europe and European integration but also with the development of Britain's policies, society and identity. Analysis of this public debates, which peaked at the time of de Gaulle's veto of the British application in January 1963, stands as the main topic in this diploma paper. First two chapters deal with response of the British public to the announcement of the application and examine the resulting debates in context of British internal development and home policies of Conservative, Labor and Liberal Party. The third bloc concentrates on the matter of the British membership in the Common Market with respect to the public perception of the development of the British defense policies and British military relations with France. Further on, the diploma paper focuses also on the main issues of the public debate on the European question in...

Politický marketing v EU: srovnání hnutí ANO a ALDE / Political marketing in the EU: comparing ANO and ALDE

Kordač, Adam January 2017 (has links)
Adam Kordač This master thesis analyses two levels of political communication and political marketing in the context of the European Union. The thesis gradually analyses main principles of political marketing, then analyses political movement ANO 2011 and then analyses its counterpart which is Alliance of liberals and democrats for Europe. The thesis is created under the pretext of two major theoretical political marketing and communication models. Those are the so-called "Plasser" model and Jennifer Lees-Marshment model. They analyse the situation from two viewpoints: Plasser analyses the historical development of political communication while Lees-Marshment looks to the differing aspects of contemporary parties. It is based on the principles of comparative analysis. It askes a question if the "europarties" are on the same level of development like the national counterparts while the hypothesis is that it is lagging behind.

Role Evropské rady v prelegislativní fázi evropského legislativního procesu / Role of the European Council in the pre-legislative stage of the EU legislative process

Hendrych, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis "The role of the European Council in the pre-legislative phase of the European legislative process" is to analyse position and influence of the European Council before proposing an official legislative proposal by the European Commission in the EU's legislative process. This pre-legislative phase of a designing of a European legislation is important, though informal. The aim of this master thesis it to find out how strong is the European Council in an agenda setting when it comes to a European legislation and to what extent the Commission is inspired or follows the European Council's conclusions when proposing a legislation. According to many authors who this thesis referring to and their research that this thesis follows, an importance and influence of the European Council has been growing a lot, recently. In their view, it has been happening primarily during serious political or economic crisis. The Commission's position as the only official proposer of a European legislation weakens in that moments while influence of the EU summits grows. The question is if it is true and how much we can really argue that during European crisis the EU's executive power is so weakened that it does not - without ex ante "permission" and ex ante "consultation" with the summits - allow...

Vliv kvality institucionálního prostředí na úvěrovou aktivitu bank

Robková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the quality of the institutional environment. In particular, it examines the impact of institutional factors, bank indicators and macroeconomic shocks on the lending activity of commercial banks. The empirical analysis adopts a panel regression model with fixed effects. The data file contains data on 6,372 banks, obtained from the Bankscope database. The figures refer to the countries of the European Union in time period 2000-2014.

Příčiny a důsledky vícerychlostní Evropy

Žďárová, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify the causes of a multi-speed Europe and their effects on the EU functioning. Main interest is the study of the influence of institutional frameworks. Multi-speed Europe is against the idea of harmonized economic growth of countries which is an important factor for the Europe coordinati-on and its competitiveness. An increased level of the differences among countries could be the consequence of two speeds, it could lead to disintegration in extreme case. Therefore, it is interesting and important to address this issue. The thesis deals with the integration of the countries into the European Union and the actual problem of multi-speed Europe. Research of the causes and consequences of a multi-speed Europe is an essential part. Following part focuses on cluster analysis which aims to determine the similarity of the individual states of the European Union according to the identified causes. In order to sum the thesis up, the regression analysis is made which examines the direction and magnitude of the impact of all the individual causes on the economic growth.

Protekcionismus spotřební daně z alkoholických nápojů v zemích EU

Hýbl, David January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on excise duties of alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and other spirits in the European Union. Duties rates are explained using three regressive models of consumption, production of alcoholic beverages and economic level of Member states. None of the models confirms duties rates are related to consumption or production; on the other side excise duties raise in case of increasing economic level. There were identified few states with prerequisites for protectionism based on research of Member states. This regards beer in Czechia, Germany, Belgium and Lithuania; wine in case of Slovenia, Portugal and Italy; spirits in Cyprus. In these states are more advantageous conditions in consumption and production of alcoholic beverages, although unconsciously or unin-tendedly embedded, than among other Member states.

Konfrontace daňových a nedaňových nástrojů s dopadem na stav vozového parku v zemích EU

Tovaryšová, Pavla January 2019 (has links)
Tovaryšová, P. Confrontation of tax and non-tax instruments with an impact on the fleet in the EU. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The diploma thesis deals with the issue of general environmental road tax and accompanying non-tax environmental instruments used in the European Union countries. Based on the analysis of relevant adjustments in the European Union countries, the position of environmental instruments is identified in relation to the general environmental road tax. The recommendation should be formulated to determine the state of the vehicle fleet in the European Union.

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