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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optoelectronic properties of carbon-based nanostructures : steering electrons in graphene by electromagnetic fields

Hartmann, Richard Rudolph January 2010 (has links)
Graphene has recently become the focus of enormous attention for experimentalists and theorists alike mainly due to its unique electronic properties. However, the limited way in which one can control these properties is a major obstacle for device applications. The unifying theme of this thesis is to propose and thoroughly justify ways to control the electronic properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes by light or static electric and magnetic fields and to harness these properties for optoelectronic applications. A linearly polarized excitation is shown to create a strongly anisotropic distribution of photoexcited carriers in graphene, where the momenta of photoexcited carriers are aligned preferentially normal to the polarization plane. This effect offers an experimental tool to generate highly directional photoexcited carriers which could assist in the investigation of "direction-dependent phenomena" in graphene-based nanostructures. The depolarization of hot photoluminescence is used to study relaxation processes in graphene, both free standing and grown on silicon carbide. This analysis is extended to include the effect of a magnetic field, thereby allowing one to obtain the momentum relaxation times of hot electrons. The analysis of momentum alignment in the high frequency regime shows that a linearly polarized excitation allows the spatial separation of carriers belonging to different valleys. Quasi-metallic carbon nanotubes are considered for terahertz applications. They are shown to emit terahertz radiation when a potential difference is applied across their ends and their spontaneous emission spectra have a universal frequency and bias voltage dependence. It is shown that the same intrinsic curvature which opens the gap in the quasi-metallic carbon nanotube energy spectrum also allows optical transitions in the terahertz range. The exciton binding energy in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes is calculated and found to scale with the band gap and vanishes as the gap decreases, even in the case of strong electron-hole attraction. Therefore, excitonic effects should not dominate in narrow-gap nanotubes. Contrary to widespread belief, it is shown that full confinement is possible for zero-energy states in pristine graphene. The exact analytical solutions for the zero-energy modes confined within a smooth one-dimensional potential V = α/ cosh (βx) are presented. This potential provides a good fit for the potential profiles of top-gated graphene structures. It is shown that there is a threshold value of the characteristic potential strength α/β for which the first mode appears, in striking contrast to the non-relativistic case. A relationship between the characteristic strength and the number of modes within the potential is found. An experimental setup is proposed for the observation of these modes. The proposed geometry could be utilized in future graphene-based devices with high on/off current ratios.

Är det möjligt att göra det omöjliga? : En effektutvärdering av Arbetsförmedlingens Förberedande och orienterande utbildningar / Is it possible to do the impossible? : An effect evaluation of preparatory training

Wigren, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att utvärdera effekten av Förberedande och orienterande utbildning, vilket är en insats som ges till arbetssökande för att gynna framtida aktivitet inom arbetskraften. Insatsen är en av Arbetsförmedlingens största, och bedöms öka ytterligare framöver. En kombination av coarsened exact matchning samt propensity score matchning används för att försöka fastställa kausala effekter på individnivå med mikrodata från Arbetsförmedlingen och SCB. Deltagare som skrevs in hos Arbetsförmedlingen 2008 studeras och utfallen som tillämpas är inkomster och socialbidragstagande, vilka mäts 2010, 2011, 2012 respektive 2013. Resultaten visar att deltagare i insatsen generellt har sämre arbetsmarknadsutfall än jämförelsegruppen som består av öppet arbetslösa. Känslighetsanalysen visar att det kan finnas vissa problem med selektion, men dessa bedöms inte omkullkasta resultaten. Vidare fastställs att de skattade effekterna avtar med uppföljningstiden, vilket tyder på att det kan finnas inlåsningseffekter. En annan förklaring till att negativa effekter av deltagande kan uppstå är enligt den nationalekonomiska litteraturen att deltagande i insatsen signalerar något negativt till potentiella arbetsgivare, snarare än att insatsen bidrar med en produktivitetsökning för den arbetssökande individen.

An Exposition of Kasteleyn's Solution of the Dimer Model

Stucky, Eric 01 January 2015 (has links)
In 1961, P. W. Kasteleyn provided a baffling-looking solution to an apparently simple tiling problem: how many ways are there to tile a rectangular region with dominos? We examine his proof, simplifying and clarifying it into this nearly self-contained work.

A Plausibly Deniable Encryption Scheme for Personal Data Storage

Brockmann, Andrew 01 January 2015 (has links)
Even if an encryption algorithm is mathematically strong, humans inevitably make for a weak link in most security protocols. A sufficiently threatening adversary will typically be able to force people to reveal their encrypted data. Methods of deniable encryption seek to mend this vulnerability by allowing for decryption to alternate data which is plausible but not sensitive. Existing schemes which allow for deniable encryption are best suited for use by parties who wish to communicate with one another. They are not, however, ideal for personal data storage. This paper develops a plausibly-deniable encryption system for use with personal data storage, such as hard drive encryption. This is accomplished by narrowing the encryption algorithm’s message space, allowing different plausible plaintexts to correspond to one another under different encryption keys.

A Comparison of Some Continuity Corrections for the Chi-Squared Test in 3 x 3, 3 x 4, and 3 x 5 Tables

Mullen, Jerry D. (Jerry Davis) 05 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine whether chis-quared based tests for independence give reliable estimates (as compared to the exact values provided by Fisher's exact probabilities test) of the probability of a relationship between the variables in 3 X 3, 3 X 4 , and 3 X 5 contingency tables when the sample size is 10, 20, or 30. In addition to the classical (uncorrected) chi-squared test, four methods for continuity correction were compared to Fisher's exact probabilities test. The four methods were Yates' correction, two corrections attributed to Cochran, and Mantel's correction. The study was modeled after a similar comparison conducted on 2 X 2 contingency tables and published by Michael Haber.

Implementing a Class of Permutation Tests: The coin Package

Zeileis, Achim, Wiel, Mark A. van de, Hornik, Kurt, Hothorn, Torsten 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The R package coin implements a unified approach to permutation tests providing a huge class of independence tests for nominal, ordered, numeric, and censored data as well as multivariate data at mixed scales. Based on a rich and exible conceptual framework that embeds different permutation test procedures into a common theory, a computational framework is established in coin that likewise embeds the corresponding R functionality in a common S4 class structure with associated generic functions. As a consequence, the computational tools in coin inherit the exibility of the underlying theory and conditional inference functions for important special cases can be set up easily. Conditional versions of classical tests|such as tests for location and scale problems in two or more samples, independence in two- or three-way contingency tables, or association problems for censored, ordered categorical or multivariate data|can easily be implemented as special cases using this computational toolbox by choosing appropriate transformations of the observations. The paper gives a detailed exposition of both the internal structure of the package and the provided user interfaces along with examples on how to extend the implemented functionality. (authors' abstract)

Permutační testy statistických hypotéz / Permutation Tests of Statistical Hypotheses

Veselý, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
Title: Permutation Tests of Statistical Hypotheses Author: Zdeněk Veselý Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jana Jurečková DrSc., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Abstract: This thesis presents permutation tests concept. Permutation test is demonstrated as response to testing problems where it is inconvenient to make any deeper presumptions on data probability distribution. For some of these problems it is even the only exact solution. The construction of permutation test is described in the thesis as well as approach to search of the most powerful tests to specific alternatives. In the second part of the thesis there are comparisons of powers of parametric, permutation and rank test using simulations. The result is that power of parametric and permutation test are very similar most of the times and that confirms that permutation tests are useful tool for praxis. Keywords: Permutation tests, Exact tests, Hypothesis testing, Power of tests

Implementing a Class of Permutation Tests: The coin Package

Hothorn, Torsten, Hornik, Kurt, van de Wiel, Mark A., Zeileis, Achim January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The R package coin implements a unified approach to permutation tests providing a huge class of independence tests for nominal, ordered, numeric, and censored data as well as multivariate data at mixed scales. Based on a rich and flexible conceptual framework that embeds different permutation test procedures into a common theory, a computational framework is established in coin that likewise embeds the corresponding R functionality in a common S4 class structure with associated generic functions. As a consequence, the computational tools in coin inherit the flexibility of the underlying theory and conditional inference functions for important special cases can be set up easily. Conditional versions of classical tests - such as tests for location and scale problems in two or more samples, independence in two- or three-way contingency tables, or association problems for censored, ordered categorical or multivariate data - can be easily be implemented as special cases using this computational toolbox by choosing appropriate transformations of the observations. The paper gives a detailed exposition of both the internal structure of the package and the provided user interfaces. / Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics

Algoritmos exatos para problemas de spanner em grafos / Exact algorithms for spanner problems in graphs

Braga, Hugo Vinicius Vaz 14 December 2018 (has links)
Seja (G,w,t) uma tripla formada por um grafo conexo G = (V,E), uma função peso não-negativa w definida em E e um número real t >= 1, chamado de fator de dilatação. Um t-spanner de G é um subgrafo gerador H de G tal que para cada par de vértices u, v, a distância entre u e v em H é no máximo t vezes a distância entre u e v em G. Quando H é uma árvore, dizemos que H é uma árvore t-spanner. Nesta tese focamos o problema da árvore t- spanner de peso mínimo (cuja sigla em inglês é MWTSP), definido a seguir. Dada uma tripla (G,w,t), encontrar uma árvore t-spanner em G de peso mínimo. É sabido que MWTSP é NP-difícil para cada t > 1 fixo. Propomos duas formulações lineares inteiras para MWTSP, baseadas em arborescência, de tamanho polinomial no tamanho de G. A formulação que possui variáveis representando distâncias entres os pares de vértices apresentou resultados melhores na prática. Também abordamos o problema de t-spanner de peso mínimo (cuja sigla em inglês é MWSP), cuja entrada é a mesma do MWTSP e cujo objetivo é encontrar um t-spanner de peso mínimo. Mesmo para grafos com peso unitário, MWSP é NP-difícil para cada t >= 2 fixo. Tratamos este problema de duas formas. Propomos uma formulação linear inteira para o MWSP que possui um número exponencial de restrições, mas cujo problema da separação para o programa linear relaxado correspondente é polinomial no tamanho de G. Apresentamos também uma implementação de um algoritmo de branch-and-price para o MWSP baseado numa formulação linear inteira proposta por Sigurd e Zachariasen (2004). Exibimos resultados de experimentos realizados com as duas formulações para o MWTSP e também com o algoritmo de branch-and-price para o MWSP. / Let (G, w, t) be a triplet consisting of a connected graph G = (V, E) with a nonnegative weight function w defined on E, and a real number t >= 1. A t-spanner of G is a spanning subgraph H of G such that for each pair of vertices u,v, the distance between u and v in H is at most t times the distance between u and v in G. If H is a tree then we call it a tree t-spanner of G. We address the Minimum Weight Tree Spanner Problem (MWTSP), defined as follows. Given a triplet (G, w, t), find a minimum weight tree t-spanner in G. It is known that MWTSP is NP-hard for every fixed t > 1. We propose two ILP formulations for MWTSP, based on arborescences, of polynomial size in the size of G. The formulation that has variables representing distances between pairs of vertices has shown to be better in practice. We also address the Minimum Weight t-Spanner Problem (MWSP) that has the same input as MWTSP and seeks for a minimum weight t-spanner in G. Even for unweighted graphs, it is known that MWSP is NP-hard for every fixed t >= 2. We approach this problem in two ways. We propose an ILP formulation for MWSP that has an an exponential number of restrictions but we show that the separation problem for the corresponding relaxed linear program can be solved in polynomial time in the size of G. We also present a branch-and-price algorithm for MWSP based on an ILP formulation proposed by Sigurd and Zachariasen (2004). We show results on the computational experiments with both formulations for MWTSP and also with the branch-and-price algorithm that we implemented for MWSP.

Resident Student Perceptions of On-Campus Living and Study Environments at the University of Namibia and their Relation to Academic Performance

Neema, Isak 29 April 2003 (has links)
This study measures resident student perceptions of on-campus living and study environments at the University of Namibia campus residence and their relation to student academic performance. Data were obtained from a stratified random sample of resident students with hostels (individual dormitory) as strata. Student academic performance was measured by grade point average obtained from the university registrar. Student perceptions of living and study environments were obtained from a survey. Inferences were made from the sample to the population concerning: student perceptions of the adequacy of the library and campus safety, and differences in perceptions between students living in old-style and new-style hostels. To relate student perceptions to academic performance, a model regressing GPA on student perception variables was constructed. The principal findings of the analyses were that (1) Student perceptions do not differ between old and new hostels; (2) There is an association between time spent in the hostel and the type of room, ability to study in room during the day and the type of room, ability to study in room at night and the type of room, time spent in hostel and number of times student change blocks, ability to study in room at night and availability of study desk in room, ability to study in room at night and availability of study lamp in room, effectiveness of UNAM security personnel and safety studying at classes at night and also between effectiveness of UNAM security personnel and student perception on whether security on campus should remain unchanged respectively; (3) Mean GPA differs with respect to the type of room, ability to study in room during the day, time spent in hostel, number of times student change blocks, current year of study, time spent on study, students who are self-catering, sufficiency of water supply in blocks and also with students who are enrolled in Law and B.Commerce field of study and with students receiving financial support in the form of loans. (4) The variables found to be significant in the regression model were Law field of study, double rooms, inability to study in room during the day and self-catering respectively.

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