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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nelegální operace na kapitálových trzích / Illegal operation in the capital markets

Dryml, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis will deal with the illegal operations and practices which are carried on the capital market in the Czech Republic. Capital markets in the Czech Republic are relatively new financial market sector. Despite improving regulation and supervision law is being broken. The thesis defines the essential characteristics of illegal practices associated with investing in capital markets, focusing on the illegal practice of excessive trading. This thesis describes the relationship between the investor and the broker from initial contact to the moment of withdrawal of the license of a brokerage firm and next step of investor. During this process the thesis will pay attention to the broker fee, compare the fees for trading between selected dealers. At the end of this thesis, the author tries to propose solutions to the problem of illegal practice of excessive trading.

Aprendendo a lidar com a cólica do filho. / Learning on how to deal with the child´s colic.

Kosminsky, Fanny Sarfati 20 June 2005 (has links)
A cólica infantil, caracterizada por choro excessivo e inconsolável do bebê, é um problema comum no período inicial da vida, causando angústia e preocupação às mães. Apesar de ser uma manifestação comum, sua causa ainda é desconhecida. Assim, é necessário propor intervenções ao assistir as mães desses bebês, considerando as necessidades e dificuldades desta clientela no sentido de auxiliá-la a enfrentar e superar este problema. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a experiência materna de ter um filho com cólica no período precoce da vida. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e como referencial teórico para análise e interpretação dos dados, o Interacionismo Simbólico. O método de análise de conteúdo baseou-se em 12 discursos de mães que tinham ou tiveram filhos que sofreram de cólica no período inicial da vida e que freqüentavam o seguimento de puericultura e pediatria de um Centro de Saúde Escola, situado na zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista e observação do contexto, cuja análise permitiu compreender a experiência materna do fenômeno CONVIVENDO COM UM FILHO COM CÓLICA e a categoria central revelou-se como APRENDENDO A LIDAR COM A CÓLICA DO FILHO. O modelo teórico mostra que ter um filho com cólica é uma vivência angustiante e independe de ser mãe de primeiro filho. A compreensão da experiência materna de conviver com um filho acometido de cólica aponta para a necessidade dos profissionais reverem as práticas implementadas no manejo da cólica infantil. O acompanhamento do binômio mãe-filho por meio de atendimento de seguimento no mínimo até o terceiro mês de vida do bebê, incluindo atendimentos domiciliares e a promoção de estratégias de apoio implementadas pelos serviços de saúde podem contribuir para o estabelecimento saudável do vínculo mãe-filho. / The infantile colic, which is characterized by excessive and disconsolate baby’s cry, is a common problem during the initial period of life. It causes the mothers\' distress and worry. Although it is a common manifestation, its cause is still unknown. Then, considering these babies’ mothers’ needs and difficulties, it is necessary to propose an intervention while assisting them, in order to help them to face and overcome the problem. The aim of this study was to understand the experience of the mothers who had a baby with colic during the early period of life. The Theory Based on the Data was the qualitative approach used and the Symbolic Interaction was used as the theoretical reference to analyze and interpret the data. The method used to analyze the content was based on 12 speeches given by mothers who have or had their babies with colic during the initial period of life. These mothers attended the puerile and pediatric segment of a School Health Center located in the west zone of São Paulo city. The data were collected by interviews and observation of the context. The data analysis allowed the understanding of the maternal experience and the phenomenon is LIVING WITH A CHILD WHO HAS COLIC and the central category is LEARNING TO DEAL WITH THE CHILD’S COLIC. The theoretical model shows that having a baby with colic is a distressful experience and it does not matter if it is the mother’s first child or not. The understanding of the mother’s experience who has a child with colic points out that the professionals need to check the practices used while dealing with a child who has colic. The process of following the binomial mother-son by giving them assistance at least until the baby’s third month of life, including homecare and the promotion of supporting strategies implemented by the health services and contributing to the healthy establishment of the mother-child bond.

Onerosidade excessiva em acordo de acionistas / Excessive onerous in shareholdersagreement

Cury, Maria Fernanda Calado de Aguiar Ribeiro 07 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre o alcance da aplicação da teoria da onerosidade excessiva, prevista nos artigos 478 a 480 do Novo Código Civil, aos acordos de acionistas, tipo contratual cada vez mais presente na realidade empresarial brasileira. Especial atenção é dada ao fato de que o acordo de acionistas está inserido em um contexto marcado não só por um ambiente negocial e mercadológico sujeito a acontecimentos imprevisíveis que podem desequilibrar as prestações de forma excessivamente onerosa para uma das partes, mas também marcado por um equilíbrio na composição do conteúdo contratual e na alocação de riscos correspondente combinados pelas partes. Para isso, serão analisadas as questões relativas ao alcance da aplicação do mecanismo de reequilíbrio contratual mencionado em acordo de acionistas, à identificação do objeto do conteúdo contratual que contém o programa de alocação de risco e ao elemento-guia utilizado pela jurisprudência nesse sentido, uma vez que foi o uso desenfreado do reequilíbrio contratual que fez com que este fosse quase expulso da sistemática contratual durante o período clássico. A pesquisa apontou como elemento-guia autorizador da aplicação da onerosidade excessiva pelos órgãos judiciais estudados a conjunção da identificação dos critérios legais com a identificação do fato de a onerosidade excessiva estar além daquele risco implícito e da álea normal da natureza do negócio jurídico celebrado. Tais resultados apontam para uma criteriosa possibilidade de correção de desequilíbrio contratual compatível com a dinâmica e o ambiente dos acordos de acionistas / This work presents an investigation concerning the scope of application of the excessive onerous theory, provided in articles 478 to 480 of the Brazilian Civil Code, in the sharesholders agreement matter, a contractual type increasingly present in the Brazilian business reality. Special attention is given to the fact the sharesholders agreement is inserted in a context characterized not only by the negotial and market environment subject to unpredictable events that may disrupt the provision in an excessive onerous way to a relevant party, but also characterized by a balance in the composition of the content and of the contractual allocation of risks combined by the relevant parties. For this, we analyze the issues related to the scope of application of the mentioned contractual rebalancing mechanism in the shareholders agreement matter, to the identification of the contractual content object that contains the risk allocation program and to the guide-element used in the jurisprudence in this sense, since it was the umlimited use of contractual rebalancing that caused this was almost kicked out of the contractual systematically during the classical period. The survey pointed out as guide-element to the application of excessive onerous by the legal courts studied the association of the legal criteria identification with the identication of the fact that the excessive onerous being beyond that inherent and normal risk concluded of the nature of the legal business. These results point to the possibility of a careful correction of contractual imbalance compatible with the shareholders agreements dynamic and environment.

"Please help me" : excessive reassurance seeking as an interpersonal process in obsessive compulsive disorder and health anxiety

Halldorsson, Brynjar January 2015 (has links)
Excessive Reassurance Seeking (ERS) is an under-researched and poorly understood behaviour that resembles the compulsive behaviours that are typically seen in obsessional problems. ERS can be complex, persistent, extensive, debilitating and may dominate the interactions of those involved. In addition to resembling compulsive checking in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) it may have the effect of transferring responsibility to another person. However, it could be seen as a type of support. Both ERS and support are defined and key questions about these concepts are considered in five studies which examine ERS from the perspectives of non-clinical samples, sufferers of anxiety problems, caregivers and therapists. Study 1 qualitatively examines interpersonal components of ERS in OCD and identified the experience of frustration in caregivers as being particularly pervasive. Study 2 examines the diagnosis specific/transdiagnostic elements of ERS in OCD and health anxiety contrasted with support using mixed methods. Results revealed some limited diagnosis specificity of ERS. Strikingly, people with health anxiety did not seek support; reassurance seeking may be their default response. Study 3 uses a larger sample to quantitatively evaluate therapists’ perception of ERS and its treatment, with results suggesting that there is considerable room for improvement. Study 4 examined therapeutic intervention for ERS in treatment refractory OCD using a single case experimental design; Cognitive Behavioural Treatment (CBT) that focuses on treating ERS had beneficial effects. Study 5 tackled the diagnosis specific/transdiagnostic issues in a questionnaire by considering ERS across different anxiety problems. ERS may represent a final common pathway of multiple processes; some processes appear transdiagnostic; others may indicate disorder specificity. Overall, findings reveal the complexity of ERS and its likely nature as a safety-seeking behaviour which requires attention in treatment. Engendering support as an alternative to reassurance in CBT may be particularly promising.


Matig, Jacob J. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Situated within the context of college students’ excessive drinking behaviors, the current study drew from dissonance theory, self-consistency theory, and hypocrisy induction methodology to evaluate the utility of the Communication Theory of Identity within persuasive health message design. Specifically, it examined whether hypocrisy induction manipulations that focused participants on salient identity layers made them mindful of corresponding identity gaps, which in turn caused them to experience cognitive dissonance that they sought to resolve by reporting intentions to change their excessive drinking behavior. Participants (N = 279) completed an online experiment in which they were randomly assigned either to one of four treatment conditions (i.e., traditional hypocrisy, personal-enacted identity gap hypocrisy, relational-enacted identity gap hypocrisy, communal-enacted identity gap hypocrisy) or one control condition. When compared to those in the control condition, participants in the personal-enacted and communal-enacted identity gap hypocrisy conditions reported significantly lower future intentions to engage in excessive drinking. There were no significant differences across conditions, however, in terms of identity gap magnitude or level of cognitive dissonance. These findings are noteworthy, considering that identity gap magnitude was significantly positively related to levels of cognitive dissonance and significantly negatively related to future intentions to engage in excessive drinking. Analyses also explored potential moderating variables in this process, finding that issue involvement moderated the relationship between level of cognitive dissonance and future intentions to engage in excessive drinking, such that intentions were lowest when cognitive dissonance was high and issue involvement was low. Finally, analyses indicated that there was a significant association between experimental condition and level of state reactance, such that participants in the personal-enacted identity gap hypocrisy condition experienced significantly lower levels of state reactance than participants in other conditions. Moreover, there was a significant positive relationship between identity gap magnitude and level of state reactance. The theoretical and contextual implications of these results are discussed. Namely, these results affirm that making message recipients mindful of identity gaps can be a viable persuasive health message design strategy; however, they also suggest that more research is needed to understand how best to make message recipients mindful of identity gaps and how best to integrate identity gaps into persuasive health messages.

Advance water abatement in oil and gas reservoir

Sidiq, Hiwa January 2007 (has links)
The control of excessive water production in oil and gas producing wells is of increasing importance to the field operator, primarily when trying to maintain the survivability of a mature field from shut in. During the last two decades many chemicals have been studied and applied under the name of relative permeability modifier (RPM) to combat this problem. These chemicals were mostly bullheaded individually into the affected zones, consequently their application resulted in low to medium success, particularly in treating reservoirs suffering from matrix flow. It has been found that the disproportionate permeability reduction depends on the amount of polymer dispersed or absorbed by the porous rock. If single polymers are employed to treat excessive water production in a matrix reservoir they cannot penetrate deep into the formation rock because the polymer will start to build as a layer on the surface of the rock grains. As a result the placement of polymer into the formation will no be piston like and the dispersion over the rock pores will be uneven. To improve water shutoff technology a method of injecting chemicals sequentially is recommended provided that the chemical’s viscosity is increasing successively with the chemicals injected. / Experimentally confirmed, injecting chemicals sequentially provides better results for conformance control. The value of post treatment water mobility is conspicuously lowered by the method of applying injecting chemicals sequentially in comparison with the single chemical injection method. For instance, the residual resistance factor to water (Frrw) at the first cycle of brine flushing for this method is approximately five times higher than the Frrw obtained by injecting only one single chemical. Furthermore, for the second cycle of brine flushing Frrw is still higher by a ratio of about 2.5. In addition to this improvement residual resistance factor to oil Frro for this method is less than two which has been considered as the upper limit for conformance control in matrix reservoir. Accordingly injecting chemical sequentially can be applied for enhancing relative permeability modifier performance in matrix reservoir.

Mouvements gravitaires rapides de grandes masses rocheuses: Apports des observations de terrain à la compréhension des processus de propagation et dépôt. Application aux cas de La Madeleine (Savoie, France), Flims (Grisons, Suisse) et Köfels (Tyrol, Autriche)

Pollet, Nicolas 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les mouvements gravitaires rapides de grande ampleur mobilisent un versant rocheux (volume supérieur au million de m3) avec une cinétique élevée (>100 km.h-1). La méconnaissance des processus de transport à l'origine de la mobilité conduit à la nécessité d'études approfondies de terrain. Un certain nombre de structures figées, originelles, ou résultant du transport, ont été étudiées aux sites du glissement-avalanche de roches de La Madeleine, du glissement rocheux de Flims et du glissement rocheux de Köfels. Ces structures permettent de remonter aux processus de réduction granulométrique, quantifiée au site de La Madeleine, par comparaison de la blocométrie du massif rocheux en place et de la granulométrie des dépôts. Le continuum de transformations physiques et rhéologiques de la masse rocheuse conduit à l'évolution du mode de transport depuis le glissement rocheux jusqu'à l'avalanche de roches. La géométrie de la topographie de fond de vallée, les propriétés du substratum et les caractéristiques mécaniques du matériau rocheux limitent cette évolution.

Serological biomarkers, neuropsychiatric correlations and neuroimaging findings in epilepsy patients

Chang, Chiung-Chih 14 May 2012 (has links)
Purpose: Excessive day time sleepiness, sleep disorders and neurobehavior changes are common clinical observations in the patients with epilepsy. From literature review, they were highly related with epilepsy risk characteristics (age of onset, types or numbers of drugs, seizure frequency), co-morbidities or neuronal network changes. The serological biomarkers have been reported to reflect the phenomenon of seizure, while their correlations with neurobehavior changes were still not concluded. There were two purposes of this thesis. (1) To understand the relationship between sleep disturbance with day time performances (2) To understand the relationships between serological biomarkers, neurobehavior performances and neuronal networks in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Material and Methods: The study enrolled patients from epilepsy outpatient clinic. By using self-appreciated questionnaire (The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, The Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Euroqol Quality of Life Scale-5D), we collected the characteristics of sleep related behavior and life quality changes and explored the relationship with epilepsy risk characteristics. In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, we assessed the neurobehavior performances, measured the serological biomarkers (heat shock protein 70, S100£]protein, neuron specific enolase, brain derived neurotrophic factor, plasma and mitochondrial DNA) and brain magnetic resonance imaging. In statistical analysis, we compared the differences with age matched controls or performed correlation analysis among the parameters Result: One hundred and seventeen patients with epilepsy completed the sleep quality questionnaires. The results showed that 20 percent of patients had day time sleepiness, while the sleep disorder was prolong sleep latency and impaired sleep efficiency. In epilepsy characteristics, patients with complex partial seizure, intractable seizure or with multi-pharmacy were related with poor sleep quality. A total of 34 patients completed the serological, neurobehavior and brain magnetic resonance analysis. The results showed that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy had higher heat shock protein 70 and S100£]protein levels, while those with attacks more than twice per month had significant higher heat shock protein 70, S100£]protein and neuron specific enolase levels. Compared with the matched controls, the regions showing atrophy included hippocampus and parahippocampus, putamen, thalamus and supplementary motor areas. In correlation study, only heat shock protein 70 showed an inverse correlation with hippocampal volume (R square = 0.22, p = 0.007) after controlling for the effect of age. Conclusion: The study suggested that epilepsy risk characteristics, serological biomarkers, brain atrophic regions were important factors for day time sleepiness, sleep disturbances and neurobehavior changes in patients with epilepsy.

Implications of sleep disorders symptoms on school behavior, academics, and quality of life

Ax, Erin Elizabeth 01 June 2006 (has links)
Pediatric sleep problems are among the most common yet significant pediatric health issues faced by families. Sleep problems can impact social-emotional and academic functioning of schoolchildren. Once identified, pediatric sleep problems and disorders are treatable with effective and rapid behavioral and medical interventions. The purpose of the current study was to determine the prevalence rates of symptoms of sleep disorders in a diverse school-based sample as well as the relationship between symptoms of sleep disorders and school behavior, academic achievement, and quality of life. The present study examined the relationship between the independent variables of No Sleep Disorders symptoms and Sleep Disorders symptoms derived from the Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students, Children's Form (SDIS-C) and the dependent variables Externalizing and Internalizing scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2), Curriculum-based Measurement Re ading (R-CBM), Curriculum-based Measurement Math (M-CBM), PedsQL TM 4.0, and Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS). A Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to identify a significant difference between students with and without symptoms of sleep disorders on behavior, academics, and quality of life. Follow-up analyses using a modified Bonferroni adjustment determined significant differences between students with and without symptoms of sleep disorders on R-CBM, externalizing behaviors and internalizing behaviors. Medium effect sizes were reported for R-CBM, externalizing and internalizing behaviors and M-CBM. Very small effect sizes were found for PedsQL TM 4.0 and SLSS. Implications for School Psychologists and directions for future practice and research are discussed including understanding prevention, early identification and intervention, broadening the scope of school psychology training at the preservice and inservice levels and educating locally and nationall y.


Davis, Heather A. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Repeated excessive exercise (EE) fasting behavior, in the absence of binge eating and purging, are important eating disorder behaviors that are not captured by the current diagnostic system. Though they appear to be harmful and distressing for adults, little is known about these behaviors in youth. To begin to understand their development, I studied the course of the behaviors across the three years of middle school (n = 1,195). Both behaviors were present in middle school girls and boys, and youth progressed along different developmental trajectories of engagement in the behaviors. Youth involved in either behavior experienced elevated levels of depression and some forms of high-risk eating and thinness expectancies. Their distress levels did not differ from those of youth engaging in purging behavior or low levels of binge eating. EE and fasting behavior can be identified in the early stages of adolescence, youth differ in their developmental experience of these behaviors, and they are associated with significant distress very early in development.

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