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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architektura sociálně vyloučených - vězení s ostrahou v Brně / Architecture of socially excluded - Higher security prison in Brno

Kopytov, Daniil January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my dissertation is to create the architecture of socially excluded - Higher security prison in Brno. The object uses the areal of brownfield. The building is designed as a round hall strung with the volumes of different functions. The construction system is formed with using a concrete wall in the ground floor and the 1st floor, in the living towers supporting elements - columns of reinforced concrete. Housing is divided into two with sliding half floor. Color solution is mostly gray.

Práce učitele primární škole ve vyloučené lokalitě / Primary school teacher in an excluded location

Solovovová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The work of teacher in excluded localities with Romany pupils is demanding, it requires a high degree of resilience, adaptability, perseverance and resilience. Children growing up in an environment of social exclusion have acquired values, habits and behavior patterns that make it more difficult for them to integrate into the school environment. A teacher from an excluded location should understand the acting and behavior of Romany pupils and help these pupils to successfully master the educational process. The aim of my work is to find out the specifics of the teacher's work in the excluded locality. The qualitatively oriented research is focused on the problems, that teachers face from Roman pupils in their education in excluded localities, their opinions on the education of Romany pupils and on their motivation to educate these pupils in an excluded location. Data are obtained using semi-structured interviews with teachers from excluded localities. The conclusion of my work is a discussion of the research results, where the information from the professional literature is compared with my personal experience and the respondents' testimonies. Keywords Socially excluded locality, Romany, Romany pupil, parent, teacher, education

’’Det är en jäkla balansgång’’ : En intervjustudie med skolkuratorer om deras uppfattningar kring arbetet med ungdomskriminalitet / ‘’It’s a heck of a balance’’ : A interview study with school counselors about their perception of the work with juvenile delinquency.

Enlund, Sofia, Mait, Nani January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur skolkuratorer uppfattar sitt och sina skolors arbete med ungdomskriminalitet i särskilt utsatta områden. För att besvara frågeställningarna så genomfördes tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra kuratorer från tre skolor. För analysen av empirin valdes domänteori, handlingsutrymme, identitet och socialt utanförskap som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Analysen gjordes utifrån forskningsansatsen fenomenografi för att synliggöra deras uppfattningar och upplevelser, där arbetssätten var i fokus. Skolkuratorerna uppfattade brottslighet som en utmaning och att området försvårade arbetet då vissa elever inte känner sig som en del av samhället och riskerar att rekryteras av kriminella nätverk. De främsta arbetssätten för kuratorerna var relationsskapande, psykosocialt arbete, tillgänglighet och sociala kartläggningar. Kuratorerna menade att skolornas främsta strategier är samverkan med andra myndigheter, uppmärksamhet på skolfrånvaro och våldsförebyggande program. Tillgångar kuratorerna upplevde var vuxentäthet, kompetens och starka ledningar men de önskade mer tid och resurser. / This study’s purpose was to examine how school counselors perceive their own and their school’s work with criminality in excluded areas. To answer the study’s questions, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with counselors from three different schools. Domain theory, freedom of action, identity and social exclusion were the theoretical foundation for the analysis which was done with the research methodology phenomenography to highlight the counselor’s perceptions, with focus on their strategies. The counselors perceived criminality as a challenge and that the area made it difficult because of pupil’s risk of recruitment by criminal networks and their sense of not belonging. The counselors focused on relationship building, psychosocial work, availability and social mapping. They expressed that their school’s primary strategies were cooperation with other authorities, attentiveness on school absence and violence prevention. Assets the schools had were grownup density, competence and strong management but they wished for more time and resources.

Pohledy žáků ze sociálně rizikového prostředí na drogovou závislost / OPINIONS OF PUPILS FROM SOCIALLY RISK ENVIRONMENT REGARDING DRUG ADDICTION

Čtvrtečková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Children and young people rank among the most endangered social groups. Not only do they go through an important stage of personality formation which could be influenced by many factors, but this phase of personal development influences, to a certain extent, their future lives and the possibility of a fully-fledged social integration. At this stage, children and young people develop stronger perceptual sensitivity of either positive or negative outer factors. These factors can have a stronger impact on children and young people living in an environment which the majority society perceives not as standard, but as a socially excluded, and hence unwanted, locality. The group of children and young people, especially the ones from socially excluded localities, are very often affected by the use of addictive substances. There is a big risk, that members of the group will become regular users of addicted substances which generate further negative effects. The dissertation is focused on the use of addictive substances by children living in socially excluded localities. The aim of the thesis is not only to explain terms like a socially excluded locality, or addictive substance, but also to point out to an extent and kind of perception and knowledge of addictive substances on the part of the monitored group...

The False Appeal of Middle Knowledge: A Critique of Alvin Plantinga’s Commitment to Counterfactuals of Freedom

Crow, Frederick W., IV 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Stochastic Simulation of Multiscale Reaction-Diffusion Models via First Exit Times

Meinecke, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Mathematical models are important tools in systems biology, since the regulatory networks in biological cells are too complicated to understand by biological experiments alone. Analytical solutions can be derived only for the simplest models and numerical simulations are necessary in most cases to evaluate the models and their properties and to compare them with measured data. This thesis focuses on the mesoscopic simulation level, which captures both, space dependent behavior by diffusion and the inherent stochasticity of cellular systems. Space is partitioned into compartments by a mesh and the number of molecules of each species in each compartment gives the state of the system. We first examine how to compute the jump coefficients for a discrete stochastic jump process on unstructured meshes from a first exit time approach guaranteeing the correct speed of diffusion. Furthermore, we analyze different methods leading to non-negative coefficients by backward analysis and derive a new method, minimizing both the error in the diffusion coefficient and in the particle distribution. The second part of this thesis investigates macromolecular crowding effects. A high percentage of the cytosol and membranes of cells are occupied by molecules. This impedes the diffusive motion and also affects the reaction rates. Most algorithms for cell simulations are either derived for a dilute medium or become computationally very expensive when applied to a crowded environment. Therefore, we develop a multiscale approach, which takes the microscopic positions of the molecules into account, while still allowing for efficient stochastic simulations on the mesoscopic level. Finally, we compare on- and off-lattice models on the microscopic level when applied to a crowded environment.

Souvislost mezi sociálním prostředím a konvertitou k extremismu / Coherence between social environment and conversion to Extremism

Mikšíková, Renata January 2016 (has links)
The Graduation work "Coherence between social environment and conversion to extremism" sets forth an insight into the issue of extremism and socially excluded locations.The aim of the work was to find relations between these two notions. The extremist scene in the Czech Republic was described in details as well as the crime connected to extremism, and psychological expert account of extremist crime perpetrators. Further, the situation of socially excluded locations was introduced, their increase within recent years, and especially problems of children growing up in these locations. Also were mentioned possible mental deprivations, which may occur at children from these location. In the practical part, 37 directed interviews were carried out with Czech extremist parties (both right and left - wing) members. Based on these interviews a conclusion was reached, whether life in socially excluded location may influence an individual's eventual conversion to extremism.

Les acteurs et le développement local : outils et représentations. Cas des territoires ruraux au Maghreb / Actors and local development : tools and representations. Case of rural areas in the Maghreb

Boudedja, Karima 02 July 2013 (has links)
Les stratégies de développement agricole et rural destinées aux territoires longtemps marginalisés, dans les trois pays du Maghreb central (Algérie, Maroc et Tunisie), ont, peu à peu, connues une convergence notamment durant l’adoption des plans d’ajustement structurel. Ces trois pays ont alors opté, sous l’influence des organisations internationales et de la politique européenne de développement rural, pour les approches participatives puis pour l’approche territoriale. Les acteurs publics de développement local sont ainsi appelés à adopter de nouvelles approches et de nouveaux modes d’intervention dont la principale conséquence attendue est l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs civils. La construction collective de territoire devrait alors être possible. A travers le cas des acteurs de développement en charge de l’insertion économique des jeunes, cette recherche s’est attelée à démontrer que l’approche territoriale, adoptée dans ces territoires marginalisés, fait face aux représentations divergentes entre les acteurs de développement qu’ils soient publics ou civils et les jeunes, qui au-delà des conflits de génération, traduisent des ancrages territoriaux et des pratiques influencés par les représentations territoriales. Ce qui explique qu’actuellement, malgré une attention particulière, ces territoires, longtemps marginalisés, ne font pas l’objet de véritables projets de construction collective de territoire. Cette thèse met l’accent notamment sur ces représentations, leurs origines, leurs influences et les possibilités de leurs changements. / Strategies for agricultural and rural development designed for the too long excluded territories in the three central Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia), have gradually converged specialy during the adption of the structural adjustment programmes. These three countries have then opted, under the influence of international organizations and the European rural development policy, for the participatory approaches and later on for the territorial approach. Public actors of local development are expected to adopt new approaches and new methods of intervention, whose main expected result, is the emergence of new civil actors. In such a case, a collective construction of territories should be possible. In the light of the case of development actors responsible of the economic integration of young people, this research has sought to prove that the territorial approach adopted in these marginalized areas, faces the divergent representations of public and private development actors and the young people which, beyond generational conflicts, reflect territorial anchors and practices influenced by territorial representations. That explains why, currently, despite particular attention, these too long excluded territories are not subject to real collective construction territory projects. This thesis focuses particularly on these representations, their origins, influences and possibilities of changes.

Estudos experimentais em configuração a campo reverso no T.C.-I / Experimental Studies Configuration Reversed Field T.C.-I

Aramaki, Emilia Akemi 11 December 1992 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo experimental detalhado sobre a fase de formação da configuração a campo reverso, no dispositivo denominado T.C.-I da UNICAMP, com a utilização de dignósticos ópticos passivos em plasmas de hélio e hidrogênio. Para cada tipo de gás, os valores do campo de polarização, pré-ionização com temporização do crowbar e pressão de trabalho foram variados para estudar os mecanismos de formação da configuração reversa de campo, através dos diagnósticos da emissão do plasma, complementados com sondas elétricas e magnéticas, externas e internas. Para a obtenção das condições ótimas de operação da máquina, a chave crowbar, construída no próprio Laboratório de Plasma da UNICAMP, demonstrou ser bastante confiável para essa finalidade, pois o tempo entre o final da pré-ionização e o início da descarga principal era um fator importante para uma boa dinâmica de implosão, sem a interferência das oscilações da pré-ionização sobre a fase principal. Nas operações com o plasma de hélio, a melhor pressão de operação do gás foi de 18 mTorr, obtida através das intensidades da linha de HeII (4686 Â), fotodiodos, copo de Faraday e diagnósticos de fluxo excluído. Os valores típicos da densidade e temperatura obtidos foram de 3.2 x 1015cm-3 e 77 eV respectivamente . O raio da separatriz foi de 2.5 cm, durante 1.5us, decaindo rapidamente após a formação da CCR. As medidas espectrais de HeII e OII(4699Â) no plasma de hélio levaram às temperaturas iônicas de 73 a 180 eV, para uma varredura de pressão de 3.8 a 18 mTorr . Em alguns casos, parece provável ter ocorrido efeitos Stark devido a aquecimentos turbulentos atribuídos a campos elétricos microscópicos de 58 kV/cm. Nas operações com hidrogênio , basicamente todos os processos usados para o plasma de hélio foram mantidos. As linhas espectrais analisadas foram Ha, OII, NII, NIII, CIII, CIV e SiIV, tendo sido obtido, a partir das linhas de impurezas, temperaturas iônicas no centro do plasma , mais altas que as do plasma de hélio . Além disso, as temperaturas fornecidas pelas linhas de potencial de ionização mais altos, como o CIII, CIV, SiIV foram maiores que as obtidas com NII ou NIII. Nesta fase, a temperatura e densidades obtidas para a pressão de 3.3 mTorr foram respectivamente 220 eV e 2.9 X1015cm-3. Semelhantemente ao caso do hélio, algumas descargas apresentaram fenômenos prováveis de efeito Stark, tendo sido estimado um campo elétrico microscópico de 21.8 kV/cm . Verificou-se que a influência de sondas magnéticas no interior do plasma é bastante crítica, produzindo uma queda de temperatura de 235 eV para 139 eV na presença da sonda, quando medido com a linha do NIII e de 532 eV para 253 eV quando obtidas com linhas de CIII e SilV. O raio de separatriz estimado para a pressão de operação de 3.3 mTorr foi de 2.2 em com tempo de vida de 3.0 us. Foi ainda observado um novo modo de operação, com a obtenção de modos rotacionais n=4, observados usualmente em pressões de operação mais altas, de 6 a 35 mTorr. / A detailed experimental study of the formation phase in field reversed configuration device T.C.-I at UNICAMP has been carried out for the first time, using passive optical diagnostics on helium and hidrogen gas plasmas. For each type of gas, the values of bias polarization field, pre-ionization with crowbar timing and gas fill pressure have been varied to study field reversed configuration formation mechanism by using plasma emission diagnostics supported by magnetic and electric external and internal multi array probes. For the machine operation condition results, the use of crowbar switch, built at UNICAMP Plasma Laboratory, has shown very reliable operation, where the interval timing between the end of pre-ionization and main discharge phase played important role on good implosion dynamics with no influence of the pre-ionization bank RLC oscillation into the main phase. In the helium plasma operation, the best fill pressure of 18mTorr was obtained using HeII ( 4686Â) spectrum line, photodiode Faraday cup, IMACON, excluded flux diagnostics. The typical density and temperature estimated were 3.2x1015cm-3 e 75 eV respectively. The separatrix radius of 2.5 cm was obtained for 1.5us, decaying soon after the FRC formation. The spectral measurements of HeII, 0II (4699Â) in helium plasma have shown ion temperatures from 73 eV to 180 eV when the pressure is varied from 3.8 to 35 mTorr. In some cases, probable Stark effects due to turbulent heating during implosion also were observed, attributed to 58 kV/cm microscopic electric field. In the hydrogen plasma operation, basically all the process used in helium plasma also were carried out. The spectral line analyzed were Ha\' OII,NII, NIII, eIII, eIV, SiIV, having been obtained temperatures higher than helium plasma in the center of the plasma, using the impurities line. Furthermore, the ion temperatures from higher ionization potential lines (eIII, eIV, SiIV) were higher than temperatures obtained by NII or NIII lines. The average temperature calculated from NII and NIII spectral line was 220 eV and the density for hydrogen plasma was 15 -3 of 2.9 x 10 cm. The influence of internal magnetic probes was very critical, dropping the ion temperature from 235 eV to 139 eV in the presence of probe, when the temperature is calculated through NIII line or from 532 to 253 eV for eIII and SiIV line calculation. Like the helium plasma, in this case also one has been observed a probable Stark effect, attributed to 21.8 kV/cm microscopic electric field. The separatrix radius estimated for fill pressure of 3.3 mTorr was 2.2 cm with the life time of 3.0us interrupted by decaying of external field. We also observed a new plasma mode operation of n=4, usually present at high fill pressure, from 6 mTorr to 35m Torr.

Sociální práce v kontextu brzkého zakládání rodin v sociálně vyloučených lokalitách / Social Work in the Context of Early Formation of Family in Socially Excluded Localities

SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Marie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the social work in the context of early formation of family in socially excluded localities. In the first part of the thesis there is theoretical basis in which the basic terms are described and the main factors of social exclusion are distinguished. The second, empirical part, presents processed results which are chronologically divided into four consecutive chapters which follow the sequence of events directly connected with early parenting. Three-stage coding - open, axial and selective - was used. The aim of this work was to find out the reasons for adolescent girls living in socially excluded localities to start a family early, to summarize the opportunities of preventing the emergence of socially undesirable phenomena and to identify the key sources of support in managing child care. The main result of the research is finding out, that the most important influence on the circumstances connected to early parenting is undoubtedly the family and following its model. The mothers family and her partner are then the main sources from which can the young primiparas draw. The prevention of socially undesirable phenomena is adequate and appropriately mediated sexual education of underage girls and boys. Higher education can also be considered a protective factor. However the most important support of a young family does not consist in the amount and quality of social worker interventions but in the families the young parents come from. The families take care of the intergenerational transfer of childcare capacity and they are also involved in direct care to a great extent. So the family is on one hand a model due to which we can encouter higher birth rates of adolescent girls in socially excluded localities, on the other hand it can be considered the most valuable source of support for these girls. The present state can be considered looped and a solution is as uncertain as in the vicious circle of whole social exclusion.

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