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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reformulations dans l'enseignement supérieur : discours du professeur et prises de notes des étudiants : analyse d'enregistrements d'enseignants de sciences du langage avec ou sans supports technologiques / Reformulations in higher education : speech teacher and students taking notes : analysis of records of teachers linguistics with or without technological support

Roquelaure, Marie-France 25 September 2014 (has links)
Notre étude a pour objet de décrire les formes et les fonctions des reformulations de l’enseignant et leur influence sur les prises de notes des étudiants dans l’enseignement supérieur. Les reformulations y occupent une place importante. A l’Université, l’exposé magistral est le mode de communication principal (Bouchard et Parpette, 2007, 2009). Parmi les diverses formes de reformulations (Gülich, Kotschi, 1987), l’exemplification et la définition constituent des moyens fréquemment utilisés pour faire comprendre la terminologie propre à la discipline. Le travail vise à aborder l’exemplification et la définition par une analyse des enregistrements vidéo des cours de quatre enseignants s’adressant à des étudiants de première année de Sciences du langage pour leur transmettre un même contenu. Le corpus que nous nous proposons d’analyser est composé de huit séances encadrées par deux enseignants expérimentés et par deux enseignants débutants. Les enseignants s’appuient sur différents supports pédagogiques : supports technologiques (PowerPoint) ou traditionnels (polycopiés et inscription au tableau). Sur la base des travaux de Coltier (1988) et en nous référant à la typologie de Riegel (1990) et Rebeyrolle (2000), nous allons tenter de caractériser et de comprendre de quelle manière les exemples et les définitions peuvent contribuer aux processus de construction et de traitement des savoirs chez les étudiants via leur prise de notes. L’étude de la reformulation dans l’enseignement supérieur nous permet, par la proposition de nouvelles catégories d’analyse, d’affiner les modèles d’analyse théorique de la définition et des exemples utilisés et de dégager les spécificités du discours enseignant à l’université. / Our study aims at describing shapes and functions of the reformulation made by the teachers, as well as their influence on the students’ notes in higher education. At the University, lectures are the primary mode of communication (Bouchard and Parpette, 2007, 2012). Reformulations occupy an important place. Among the various forms of reformulations (Gülich and Kotschi, 1987), exemplification and definition are frequently a mean to get through the terminology used in the discipline. This thesis aims to address the use of exemplification and definition via an analysis of videotapes of four classes speaking to first year Linguistics students that convey the same content. The corpus that we want to analyze consists of eight sessions supervised by two experienced teachers and two novice teachers. Teachers rely on different teaching materials: technological media (PowerPoint) or traditional handouts and use of the blackboard. Based on the work of Coltier (1988) and referring to Riegel (1990) and Rebeyrolle (2000)’s typology, we will try to characterize and understand how the examples and definitions can contribute to the construction and processing of knowledge among students through their notes’ taking. The study of the linguistic phenomenon of reformulation in higher education, through the proposal of new categories of analysis, allow us to propose new categories of analysis, refine the theoretical analysis of the definition and examples, and to identify specifics in the discourse of University teachers. It may also provide first year students and University teachers training with guidance.

Couleur et nuancier, territoires et fonctions : analyse poïétique de l'échantillonnage de la couleur par les manufactures, l'industrie et le commerce / Colour and color chart, territories and functions : poïetical analysis of the sampling mode by manufacters, industry and commerce

Varichon, Anne 03 December 2011 (has links)
La couleur est omniprésente dans nos quotidiens, mais sa représentation par le marketing fait apparaître aujourd’hui un double paradoxe : d’une part le recours à une rhétorique publicitaire invoquant des caractéristiques de la couleur qui sont précisément niées par sa fabrication industrielle, et d’autre part, la multiplication de l’image du nuancier dans des conditions d’impression qui s’opposent aux fonctions d’exemplification qu’il est sensé assumer. Cette thèse se propose de mettre en évidence, grâce aux outils de la poïétique, les mutations qu’a connu la construction de la pensée de la couleur par les manufactures, l’industrie et le commerce depuis le milieu du XIXème siècle en interrogeant ses divers modes d’échantillonnage, le nuancier notamment, tels qu’ils ont été instaurés par ses producteurs. Mais l’échantillonnage de la couleur est ici envisagé comme une interface d’expression maximum entre les producteurs et commerçants de couleur et ceux auxquels il est destiné : il relève de conduites créatrices spécifiques, il en génère aussi.L’objectif de ce travail est de parvenir à mesurer l’évolution respective des divers types d’information apportés, et donc communiqués, par le nuancier. La recherche s’ancre dans un corpus de documents sur lequel est appliqué une grilled’analyse permettant dans un premier temps de mettre en évidence les cinq territoires d’information qui ont été identifiés dans l’échantillonnage de la couleur, puis d’en explorer les caractéristiques quantitatives et qualitatives. Des concepts opératoires ont ainsi pu être élaborés pour cerner précisément deux conduites créatives distinctes : celle générant le nuancier et celle générant le recueil d’échantillons. L’amplitude chronologique de cette recherche ainsi que le parti-pris de laisser au terrain la possibilité de déployer toute sa richesse a imposé ses limites à l’entreprise. Celle-ci devait poser le cadre et les principaux repères d’un sujet encore peu exploré et élaborer des outils conceptuels aptes à être réutilisés. Une évaluation de la pertinence de la méthode, des outils et des concepts mis en oeuvre a été effectuée. Ses résultats sont encourageants puisqu’ils montrent que la recherche entreprise est féconde pour déceler les enjeux dont le nuancier, entre industrie et individu, est partie prenante. Elle a mis en évidence que l’analyse du nuancier, entité riche de ce dont elle résulte et de ce qu’elle induit, peut être employée pour contribuer à décrypter la société contemporaine. Il s’agira de prolonger cette première étape par de nouvelles investigations sur l’échantillonnage de la couleur. / Colour is omnipresent in our daily lives, but its representation in today’s marketing shows a double paradox: on the one hand, the use of advertising rhetoric, invoking characteristics of color – the same being manifestly denied by the manufacturing industry, and on the other hand, the multiplication of the image of color chart – but under printing-conditions that are opposed to the functions of exemplification it is supposed to fulfill. Using tools from poietic, this thesis intends to demonstrate what kind of changes manufacturers, industry and commerce has gone through in terms of construction of theidea of colour since the mid-nineteenth Century by questioning its various sampling modes, in particular how the color chart was introduced by manufacturers. Sampling of colour is here considered as an interface of maximum expression betweencolour producers and traders and those for whom it is intended: it originates from specific creative conducts - which it also generates. The purpose of this work is to measure the evolution of each type of provided - and obviously communicated - information through the color chart. The research is anchored to a body of documentation, upon which an analytical grid isapplied, first of all in order to define the five fields of information the colour sampling has allowed for. It also enables one to explore their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Thus it has been possible to develop operational concepts in order to define precisely two distinct creative lines: one generating the color chart and the other generating the sample collection. The chronological amplitude of this research and the prejudice to let the field maintain its ability to display all its treasures, has imposed its own limitations to this research. It has defined the framework and the main landmarks of a - until now - poorly explored subject and developed the conceptual tools capable of being re-used. An evaluation has been performed on the adequacy of the methodology, the tools and on implemented concepts. The results are encouraging as they show that the undertaken research has successfully identified the issues the color chart, the rich entity of where it comes from and what it leads to can contribute to deciphering contemporary society. The purpose is to extend this first step by carrying out new investigations on the sampling of color.

The Priming Effects Of Media Frames In Regard To News Images And Stereotypes Held By Hispanic Audiences

Morris, Meredith 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study applies priming, framing, and exemplification theories to examine the ways in which photos published with a news story influenced readers’ judgments about the ethnicities of the people receiving emergency hunger services. Of particular interest were the perceptions of Caucasian respondents about minorities, and Hispanic perceptions about African Americans and other Hispanics. A sample of 506 college students was randomly assigned to read one of three versions of an online news article about emergency hunger services in Central Florida. One version included two photographs of African American adults receiving food at a food bank. The second version included two photographs of Hispanic adults receiving food at a food bank. The third version was text-only and included no photographs. All three articles included base-rate statistics of ethnicities using emergency hunger services. Results showed images influence the way Caucasians and Hispanics perceive those people suffering from hunger. Key findings included that Caucasians in the study were susceptible to Hispanic primes, which altered their views on their perceptions about the number of Hispanics receiving emergency food services. However, Caucasians’ perceptions of African Americans did not change. Additionally, Hispanic participants were affected by primes in such a way that limitations on societal advancement were perceived more strongly than those of the Caucasian participants. The difference between Caucasians’ stereotypes regarding African Americans and Hispanics is an interesting development. The role of priming stereotype in relation to social issues is discussed

Exemplification in Newspapers: A Content Analysis and Case Studies

Weaver, Dustin A. 22 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

L'imagerie morale italienne (v.1315 - v.1415) : figurer et personnifier les vertus selon les ordres mendiants et les communes toscanes. / The Italian Moral Imagery (c.1315-c..1415) : Represent and personify Virtues according to the Mendicant Orders and the Tuscan Communes

Cosnet, Bertrand 24 September 2011 (has links)
L’imagerie morale connaît un essor considérable dans la péninsule italienne entre 1315 et 1415. Les ordres mendiants, notamment les franciscains, les dominicains et les augustins, sont les principaux promoteurs du renouveau de ce thème. Intégralement tournés vers l’étude et la propagation de la morale, ces trois ordres entrent en concurrence les uns avec les autres sur la question des vertus. Chez les laïcs, les villes mettent en œuvre une imagerie cohérente dressant le portrait de communes vertueuses destinée à légitimer les gouvernements et à dénoncer les régimes tyranniques. À partir d’un corpus iconographique riche (plus de 700 images), l’étude des vertus et des vices se propose de dégager la fonction et la signification des personnifications dans l’art italien à la veille de l’époque moderne. L’analyse des images met à jour les notions qui travaillent les figurations des vertus : les procédés artistiques consistant à figurer des valeurs morales ; la dimension édifiante et mnémonique des personnifications ; les échos et les écarts entre les personnifications et les exemplifications ; le phénomène de vulgarisation de la morale par l’image. / The moral imagery knows an exceptional development in the Italian Peninsula between 1315 and 1415. The mendicant orders, in particular the Franciscans, the Dominicans and the Augustinians, are the main instigators of the revival of this theme. Completely turned towards the study and the propagation of morality, these three orders are in competition on the matter of virtues. Among the laymen, cities initiate a coherent imagery drawing the portrait of virtuous communes intended to legitimate the governments and to denounciate the tyrannical systems. From a large iconographic corpus (more than 700 pictures), the study of virtues and vices intends to find the function and the meaning of personifications in the Italian art on the eve of Modern history. The analysis of pictures brings to light the notions that underlie the representation of virtues: the artistic processes consisting in representing moral values; the edifying and mnemonic dimension of personifications; the echos and gaps between personifications and exemplifications; the popularization phenomenon of ethics by the picture.


Rice, Robert George 01 January 2018 (has links)
Two studies were performed to research potential exemplification effects throughout various stages of natural disasters. Exemplification theory (Zillmann, 1999, 2002) promotes the use of exemplars, media examples, because of their potential ability to motivate risk related information seeking and their possible influence in optimizing protective action (Zillmann, 2006). Study one examined potential exemplification effect differences between various stages of natural disasters. Study two was designed to test for differences in trust, perceptions of severity, and intentions to volunteer depending on the organization type supplying related exemplars in social media. Results indicate that exemplification effects do not differ depending on disaster stage. However, exemplification effects do depend on the source of the exemplars. Furthermore, differences in perceptions of trust were detected between the two organizations providing the exemplars. And, intentions to volunteer vary depending on the current disaster stage. Specific findings, related theoretical implications, and practical suggestions are discussed.

Studies in knowledge representation : modeling change - the frame problem : pictures and words

Janlert, Lars-Erik January 1985 (has links)
In two studies, the author attempts to develop a general symbol theoretical approach to knowledge representation. The first study, Modeling change - the frame problem, critically examines the - so far unsuccessful - attempts to solve the notorious frame problem. By discussing and analyzing a number of related problems - the prediction problem, the revision problem, the qualification problem, and the book-keeping problem - the frame problem is distinguished as the problem of finding a representational form permitting a changing, complex world to be efficiently and adequately represented. This form, it is argued, is dictated by the metaphysics of the problem world, the fundamental form of the symbol system we humans use in rightly characterizing the world. In the second study, Pictures and words, the symbol theoretical approach is made more explicit. The subject Is the distinction between pictorial (non-linguistic, non-propositional, analogical, "direct") representation and verbal (linguistic, propositional) representation, and the further implications of this distinction. The study focuses on pictorial representation, which has received little attention compared to verbal representation. Observations, ideas, and theories in AI, cognitive psychology, and philosophy are critically examined. The general conclusion is that there is as yet no cogent and mature theory of pictorial representation that gives good support to computer applications. The philosophical symbol theory of Nelson Goodman is found to be the most thoroughly developed and most congenial with the aims and methods of AI. Goodman's theory of pictorial representation, however, in effect excludes computers from the use of pictures. In the final chapter, an attempt is made to develop Goodman's analysis of pictures further turning it into a theory useful to AI. The theory outlined builds on Goodman's concept of exemplification. The key idea is that a picture is a model of a description that has the depicted object as its standard model. One consequence Is that pictorial and verbal forms of representation are seen less as competing alternatives than as complementary forms of representation mutually supporting and depending on each other. / digitalisering@umu

The Effect of Gay Visual Exemplars on Issue Perceptions in Newspaper Reports

Atwell, Anita 21 August 2008 (has links)
Visual implicit propositioning suggests that exemplars can activate stereotypes regarding social group members, affecting how individuals may perceive issues presented in a news format. This experiment sought to test the main tenet of visual implicit propositioning by examining how gay exemplars affect social estimate perceptions associated with the mortgage crisis and support for programs that would help homeowners refinance their mortgages. One hundred and ninety heterosexual college students read a news story featuring recent the mortgage crisis with a gay male couple, a heterosexual couple or a house and reported their perceptions related to various social groups. Gay exemplars did not affect social estimate perceptions, but did affect support for programs that would help homeowners refinance their homes. Attitudes towards gay males was examined as a moderating variable, however, this study did not find that these attitudes moderated the relationship between the exemplar presented and social estimates or support for programs.

The use of emotion in health related messages: employing the exemplification theory to explain the MMR-autism debate

Thanji, Faith Muthoni January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Journalism and Mass Communications / Curtis B. Matthews / Health communication messages have been found to have a significant positive impact on audiences. However, numerous situations exist in which the general population is exposed to information from non-credible sources. This initial exposure can often bias or impact subsequent searching for more information. Vaccinations have been considered effective as a result of the number of lives that have been saved by preventing life threatening diseases. However there is also a growing group of anti-vaccine sources. The rise of the internet has resulted in the growth of numerous unqualified anti-vaccine sources. Nearly 70% of the health information that people find on the internet is from non-credible sources. These messages often take the form of videos in which a person who makes a passionate claim about the side effects of vaccines uses personal experiences (exemplars). These exemplars are used to counter the volumes of scientific and clinical research which show the effectiveness of vaccinations (base-rate information). This study manipulates the usage of passionate and dispassionate exemplars and base-rate information by simulating a real-world situation. Passionate exemplars were the most likely to create fear in our audience. Increasing the passion of our base-rate presenters exhibited both positive and negative side effects.

Exploring a teacher's selection and use of examples in Grade 11 probability multilingual classroom

Sibanda, Mlungisi 19 January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the WITS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Science Education). Johannesburg 2015 / Using qualitative methods, this study reports on the selection and use examples in Probability by a teacher in a multilingual mathematics classroom where learners learn in a language which is not their first or home language. The study involved one teacher together with his Grade 11 multilingual class in a township school in Ekurhuleni South Johannesburg. Data was collected through audio-visual recording of four lessons. In addition two one-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teacher. Data was analysed using Rowland‘s (2008) categories of exemplification alongside Staples' (2007) conceptual model of collaborative inquiry mathematics practices. In the study it emerged that it is important for teachers to select examples by considering the context, ability of the example to be generalised, consistency in the use of symbols, syllabus requirements and accessibility. It also emerged that the selection of examples together with the accompanying mathematical practices has the potential to support or impede the learning of mathematics. In particular the findings revealed that the practice of ‗guiding the learners with the map‘ declines the cognitive level of examples and hence impedes learning. Code- switching and re-voicing were most frequently used practices seen in the findings with the use of code-switching encouraging full participation of the learners. The study recommends that methodology courses offered at tertiary institutions to pre-service teachers should include the selection, how to select or design and use examples in multilingual classrooms e.g. what constitutes a good example and how to maintain the cognitive level of an example. The study also recommends that more research needs to be done on effective mathematical practices that may be used to implement worked-out examples in multilingual classrooms.

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