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Development of a Notational Analysis System for Selected Soccer Skills of a Women's College TeamThomas, Camille 19 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to develop a notational system to evaluate passing, dribbling, first touch, and individual defensive skills as they relate to success during women's soccer games and to develop a statistical model to weight the importance of each skill on creating scoring opportunities. Sequences of skills in 10 Division I intercollegiate women's soccer games were coded using well defined performance scores and outcomes. The notational analysis system was highly reliable as demonstrated by high test-retest Spearman's correlations (>0.98) between the first and second notation of 3 games for all four skills. The importance scores calculated from a Bayesian model demonstrated that dribbling (0.0127) was the most important skill on creating scoring opportunities, followed by first touch (0.0079), passing (0.0075), and individual defense (0.0050). The notational system developed by this study provides coaches with reliable and objective information in order to improve the specificity of practices and to prepare individuals for optimal performance.
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The Effects of the Type of Skill Assessment on the Motivation of Students in Physical EducationJohnson, Tyler Gene 27 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to (1) examine the effects of criterion-referenced (i.e., Programmed Practice Sheet or PPS) and norm-referenced (i.e., standardized) skill assessments on the situational motivation of junior high school physical education students (N = 507), (2) determine if student task and ego dispositions could be affected by the type of skill assessment administered, and (3) determine if having choices of skill level affects student situational motivation and perception of autonomy support. Student situational motivation, task and ego disposition, and sense of autonomy were assessed using the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS), Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ), and the Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Autonomy (SRQ-A). Results revealed significant differences between the criterion-referenced/choice Group 4 and the norm-referenced/no choice Group 1 as follows: Group 4 (a) had a greater sense of identified regulation, (b) had a lesser sense of external control, and (c) was less amotivated than Group 1. Significant gender by group interactions were found, thus indicating that girls were more affected by test type than boys. Girls in Group 4 (a) felt a lesser sense of external regulation, (b) had a greater sense of identified regulation, and (c) were more intrinsically motivated than girls in Group 1. Also, girls in Group 4 (a) felt a greater sense of identified regulation and (b) were more intrinsically motivated than girls in the norm-referenced/choice Group 2. These findings provide some evidence that using criterion-referenced skill assessments, like the PPS, and offering choices of skill level may enhance student situational motivation during skill assessment. No significant differences were found in student task and ego disposition and perception of autonomy support.
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Whole-Body Vibration Compared to Traditional Physical Therapy in Individuals with Total Knee ArthroplastyJohnson, Aaron W. 22 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study was to compare total knee arthroplasty (TKA) rehabilitation with and without whole-body vibration (WBV) to 1) understand if WBV is a useful treatment during TKA rehabilitation to increase quadriceps strength and function, and 2) to investigate the effect of WBV on quadriceps voluntary muscle activation. Subject and Methods. Individuals post TKA (WBV n=8, control n=8) received physical therapy with and without WBV for four weeks. Quadriceps strength and muscle activation, function, perceived pain, and knee range of motion were measured. Results. No adverse side effects were reported in either group. There was a significant increase in strength and function for both groups (P<0.01). There was no difference pre to posttest between groups for strength, muscle activation, or pain (Hotelling’s T2=0.42, P=.80) or for function (F=0.54, P=0.66). Discussion and Conclusion. In individuals with TKA, WBV showed equal strength and function improvement to physical therapy directed progressive resistive exercise. Influence of WBV on muscle activation remains unclear, as initial muscle activation was near established normal quadriceps levels and remained so post treatment.
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Emotional Health and Weight Gain: A Prospective Study of Middle-Aged WomenBahr, Ann 13 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which risk of gaining weight or body fat is affected by emotional health in women. A secondary objective was to determine the influence of age, baseline weight and body fat, physical activity (PA), energy intake, and changes in PA and energy intake, on the relationship between emotional health and gains in weight and body fat. The study was a prospective cohort investigation over 20 months of 256 healthy, non-obese females (age: 35-45 y, BMI < 30 kg/m2). All subjects were assessed for several variables using objective measurements at baseline and again at 20 months. Emotional health was assessed using the General Well-Being Schedule. Body fat percentage was indexed using the Bod Pod. PA was measured objectively using MTI (CSA) accelerometers, and energy intake was measured using weighed, 7-day food records. The results of the study demonstrated that risk of gains in weight and body fat were no greater in depressed women compared to their counterparts. However, 171 (66.8%) subjects demonstrated less than positive (LTP) emotional health at baseline, and 37.4% of these subjects gained weight during the 20-month study. Conversely, 85 (33.2%) subjects had positive emotional health at baseline, but only 23.5% gained weight over the investigational period. With no variables controlled, women with LTP emotional health had 59% greater risk of weight gain over the study period than women with positive emotional health (RR 1.59, 95% CI = 1.04-2.44). Women with LTP emotional health were at no greater risk of gains in body fat percentage than women with positive emotional health (RR 0.96, 95% CI = 0.70-1.33). After adjusting for each potential confounder individually, risk of gaining weight or body fat did not change. However, after adjusting for all of the potential confounders simultaneously, risk of weight gain was weakened (RR 1.43, 95% CI = 0.93-2.21). These results seem to demonstrate that middle-aged women with LTP emotional health may be at increased risk of gaining weight compared to women with positive emotional health.
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An Accurate VO2max Non-exercise Regression Model for 18 to 65 Year Old AdultsBradshaw, Danielle I. 19 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to develop a regression equation to predict VO2max based on non-exercise (N-EX) data. All participants (N = 100), aged 18-65 years old, successfully completed a maximal graded exercise test (GXT) to assess VO2max (mean ± SD; 39.96 mL∙kg-¹∙min&sup-1; ± 9.54 mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹). The N-EX data collected just before the maximal GXT included the participant's age, gender, body mass index (BMI), perceived functional ability (PFA) to walk, jog, or run given distances, and current physical activity (PA-R) level. Multiple linear regression generated the following N-EX prediction equation (R = .93, SEE = 3.45 mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹, %SEE = 8.62): VO2max (mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹) = 48.0730 + (6.1779 x gender) - (0.2463 x age) - (0.6186 x BMI) + (0.7115 x PFA) + (0.6709 x PA-R). Cross validation using PRESS (predicted residual sum of squares) statistics revealed minimal shrinkage (Rp = .91 and SEEp = 3.63 mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹); thus, this model should yield acceptable accuracy when applied to an independent sample of adults (aged 18-65) with a similar cardiorespiratory fitness level. Based on standardized β-weights the PFA variable (0.41) was the most effective at predicting VO2max followed by age (-0.34), gender (0.33), BMI (-0.27), and PA-R (0.16). This study provides a N-EX regression model that yields relatively accurate results and is a convenient way to predict VO2max in adult men and women.
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Plasma Volume and Albumin mRNA Expression in Exercise Trained RatsBexfield, Nathan Alex 28 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction- Exercise-induced plasma volume (PV) expansion is typically associated with an increase in plasma albumin content. Increased hepatic albumin synthesis, a transcriptionally regulated process, is thought to contribute to the increase in albumin content. Objective- We tested the hypothesis that exercise training induces an increase in albumin gene expression in relationship to the increase in PV. Methods and Results- 40 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing between 245-350 grams were randomly assigned to one of four groups: cage control (CC); sham exercise 10 min/day at 48% VO2max (NE); continuous exercise training, 60 min /day at 72% VO2max (LI); and high intensity, intermittent exercise training, 8 bouts of 4 min at 98% VO2max followed by 5 min at 48% VO2max (HI). The training period lasted for two weeks with 12 training sessions with equalized training volumes in the exercise groups. 24 hours after the last training session the rats were anesthetized and a jugular catheter was placed for collecting blood samples during PV determination by a dilution of a labeled-albumin molecule (Texas Red albumin). The liver and red quadriceps (RQ) muscle tissue was then removed, flash frozen, and stored for later analysis. The training protocol produced a significant increase in RQ citrate synthase activity (p < 0.05). PV increased in proportion to the exercise intensity (p < 0.05) averaging 23.6 ± 2.7 ml•kg-1 body weight in the CC group and 26.6 ± 1.3 ml•kg-1 body weight in the HI group. Albumin mRNA expression determined by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) increased 2.2 ± 0.1 and 2.9 ± 0.2 fold following LI and HI exercise training, respectively. Conclusion- These data support the hypothesis that, during exercise-induced PV expansion, albumin gene expression is increased and contributes to an increase in plasma albumin content and PV.
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Children's Perceptions of the FITNESSGRAM Fitness TestSampson, Barbara Boone 24 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
FITNESSGRAM is a battery of fitness tests that assess if a child's fitness level is, according to a health standard, enough to be considered healthy. These tests include the five components of health-related fitness: aerobic endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Students are not compared to each other, but to health fitness standards specific to their age and gender that indicate good health. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify children's perceptions of FITNESSGRAM and determine if self-administration of this fitness test provides a positive experience for the students. Specifically, this study evaluated (a) students' perceptions of FITNESSGRAM, administered in a self-testing format, (b) children's understanding of the purpose of fitness testing, and (c) what effect participation in FITNESSGRAM had on students' perceptions of their personal health. This study used questionnaires (n = 78), and follow-up individual interviews (n = 45) to identify students' perceptions of FITNESSGRAM. Results using the constant comparative method identified four main categories: (a) administration of fitness testing, (b) the purpose of fitness testing, (c) components of fitness testing, and (d) overall influence of fitness testing. Findings showed that children clearly understood the importance and role of fitness testing, felt successful and were pleased with their results, preferred doing the tests with a partner or by themselves, and thought the fitness test was fun.
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A Correlational Study: The Relationship Between Physical Activity Levels, Physical Self-Worth, and Global Self-Worth in High School Physical Education StudentsEyre, Ashley Danelle 05 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between physical activity levels, physical self-worth, and its sub-domains; (a) skill, (b) body attractiveness, (c) fitness and conditioning, and (d) strength, and overall global self-worth in high school students. One-Hundred and sixty-seven students (male = 66;female = 101) from the western United States, ages 13-18, participated in this study. Each participant completed a minimum of four days of physical activity (PA) data collection and completed the self-worth questionnaire. Pedometers were used to collect PA levels, calculating mean step counts, and the Children and Youth Physical Self-Perception Profile (CY-PSPP) was used to determine physical self-worth (PSW) and global self-worth (GSW) scores. Results showed a small but positive relationship between physical self-worth and PA level (r = 0.19, p < 0.01), with no relationship shown between PA level and GSW. Physical activity level was significantly correlated with skill and body attractiveness (p < .02). Quartile analyses of mean step count confirmed a significantly higher PSW in the top three quartiles compared to the bottom quartile. In summary, this study found that PA levels is positively associated with PSW and its two sub-domains of body attractiveness and skill, but PA levels did not show a significant relationship with GSW.
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Physiological Differences between Land and Water Treadmill RunningRife, Rachel Kemp 21 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To determine if water treadmill running with (WTR-S) or without water shoes (WTR-NS) could produce similar cardiorespiratory responses as land treadmill running (LTR). Design and Setting: A repeated measures design was used to assess the differences between LTR and WTR-S and WTR-NS. All testing was done in either a research laboratory or an athletic training hydro-therapy room. Subjects: Eighteen trained runners (9 men and 9 women) volunteered for this study. All 18 subjects participated in three running conditions. Measurements: Treadmill speed, HR, and SF were assessed at four exercise intensities representing 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of land VO2max for all three running conditions. Results: WTR with and without water shoes produces similar cardiorespiratory responses to LTR. The VO2/HR relationship showed that at a HR of 150 bpm, VO2 was significantly less (p < 0.0001) when running on a land treadmill (34.66 ml/kg/min) compared to a water treadmill with shoes (37.51 ml/kg/min) and without shoes (37.21 ml/kg/min) were nearly identical. At a HR 150 of bpm, the VO2 in males (40.52 ml/kg/min) was 8.12 ml/kg/min higher than that of their female (32.40 ml/kg/min) counterparts. At a treadmill speed of 6 mph, stride frequency during LTR was 23.6 steps/min greater (p < 0.0001) than WTR-S and 21.8 strides/min greater than WTR-NS. VO2 was on the average 4.12 ml/kg/min higher (p < 0.0001) during WTR-S compared to WTR-NS running condition at the same treadmill speed. Conclusion: Statistical analysis indicated that 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of land VO2max was achieved in the water. Therefore, WTR can be used during rehabilitation of athletes unable to fully weight bear to prevent deconditioning. Wearing the AQinc water running shoe increases the metabolic demand by 4.12 ml/kg/min at any given water treadmill speed. Gender differences existed in the absolute HR/VO2 relationship but not in the relative HR/VO2 relationship among the three running conditions.
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Not by Commandment or Constraint: The Relationship Between the Dietary Behaviors of College-aged Latter-day Saints and Their Interpretation of the Word of WisdomJorgensen, Rick B. 10 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Latter-day Saints are recognized throughout the world by their peculiar dietary code known as the Word of Wisdom. It is accepted by the Church as revelation and contains both proscriptions and prescriptions. Different levels of interpretation, understanding and observance of the principles in the Word of Wisdom make it a unique Latter-day Saint religious health code. The study population consists of college-aged male and female members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Brigham Young University and a Latter-day Saint student stake affiliated with Utah Valley University. A questionnaire was conceptualized, designed and validated over a one year rigorous process. The responses of 720 participants were evaluated using frequency distributions and measures of central tendency. The t statistic was used for testing the null hypothesis of equality of means between independent groups and computed using approximate degrees of freedom from Satterhwaite's approximation when the variances between the two groups are unequal. Logistic regression was used with the stepwise option to identify demographic variables associated with selected interpretation variables. Two-sided tests of significance were based on the 0.05 level against a null hypothesis of no association. Participants generally interpret and comply with the proscriptions in the Word of Wisdom. Participants can identify the prescriptions, but actual behaviors are far below scientific and government recommended minimums. The interpretations and behaviors of this sample provide valuable insights for those interested in the Word of Wisdom and its connection to the standards of the Church.
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