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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the clinical learning experience : voices of Malawian undergraduate student nurses

Msiska, Gladys January 2012 (has links)
Very little has been done to define the process of clinical learning in Malawi and yet anecdotal observations reveal that it is more challenging than classroom teaching and learning. This set the impetus for this hermeneutic phenomenological study, the aim being to gain an understanding of the nature of the clinical learning experience for undergraduate students in Malawi and to examine their clinical experiences against some experiential learning models (Kolb 1984; Jarvis et al 1998). The study setting was Kamuzu College of Nursing (KCN) and the sample was selected purposively and consisted of 30 undergraduate students who were recruited through volunteering. Conversational interviews were conducted to obtain students’ accounts of their clinical learning experience and an eclectic framework guided the phenomenological analysis. The study raises issues which relate to nursing education and nursing practice in Malawi. From an experiential learning perspective, the study reveals that clinical learning for KCN students is largely non-reflective. The study primarily reveals that the clinical learning experience is enormously challenging and stressful due to structural problems prevalent in the clinical learning environment (CLE). In some clinical settings the CLE appears hostile and oppressive due to negative attitudes which some of the clinical staff display towards KCN students. Consequently, students’ accounts depict emotionally charged situations which confront them and this illustrates that clinical learning for KCN students is an experience suffused with emotions. In literature issues on emotions are commonly discussed under emotional labour (Hochschild 1983) and I used the concept as a basis for my pre-understandings and interpreted the students’ accounts of their clinical learning experience against such a conceptual framework. What resonated from their narratives was the depth of the emotion work they engage in. This enabled me to arrive at a new and unique conceptualisation of clinical learning redefined in terms of emotional labour within the perspective of nurse learning in Africa. The findings are a unique contribution to the literature on emotions and provide essential feedback which forms the basis for improving clinical learning in Malawi.

Isovist Analysis as a Tool for Capturing Responses Towards the Built Environment

Dzebic, Vedran January 2013 (has links)
Experience of the built-environment is said to be dependent on visual perception and the physical properties of space. Scene and environmental preference research suggests that particular visual features greatly influence one’s response to their environment. Typically, environments which are informative and allow an individual to gain further knowledge about their surroundings are preferred. Although, such findings could be applied to the design process it is first necessary to develop a way in which to accurately and objectively describe the visual properties within an environment. Recently it has been proposed that isovist analysis could be employed to describe built-environments. In two experiments we examined whether or not isovist analysis can capture experience of real-world environments. In Experiment one we demonstrated that isovist analysis can be employed to describe experience of environment within a controlled, laboratory environment. In Experiment two we employed some of the methods of post-occupancy analysis to examine the robustness of the isovist approach and whether it would capture experience of a complex, real-world environment. The results of Experiment two suggest that isovist analysis could capture certain experiences, such as spaciousness, but failed to capture other responses. Regression analysis suggests that a large number of variables predicted experience, including previous experience with the building and the presence of other individuals. These findings suggest that experience of real-world, complex environments cannot be captured by the visual properties alone, but also highlight some of the other factors, such as presence of others and previous experiences may influence experience of built settings. Implications for the design processes are described.

Isovist Analysis as a Tool for Capturing Responses Towards the Built Environment

Dzebic, Vedran January 2013 (has links)
Experience of the built-environment is said to be dependent on visual perception and the physical properties of space. Scene and environmental preference research suggests that particular visual features greatly influence one’s response to their environment. Typically, environments which are informative and allow an individual to gain further knowledge about their surroundings are preferred. Although, such findings could be applied to the design process it is first necessary to develop a way in which to accurately and objectively describe the visual properties within an environment. Recently it has been proposed that isovist analysis could be employed to describe built-environments. In two experiments we examined whether or not isovist analysis can capture experience of real-world environments. In Experiment one we demonstrated that isovist analysis can be employed to describe experience of environment within a controlled, laboratory environment. In Experiment two we employed some of the methods of post-occupancy analysis to examine the robustness of the isovist approach and whether it would capture experience of a complex, real-world environment. The results of Experiment two suggest that isovist analysis could capture certain experiences, such as spaciousness, but failed to capture other responses. Regression analysis suggests that a large number of variables predicted experience, including previous experience with the building and the presence of other individuals. These findings suggest that experience of real-world, complex environments cannot be captured by the visual properties alone, but also highlight some of the other factors, such as presence of others and previous experiences may influence experience of built settings. Implications for the design processes are described.

Historiallinen puukaupunki suojelukohteena ja elinympäristönä:esimerkkeinä Vanha Porvoo ja Vanha Raahe. Osa 1

El Harouny, E. (Elisa) 09 December 2008 (has links)
Abstract The research is based on the historic wooden town as a cultural heritage site and as an everyday environment for its inhabitants. A cultural environment takes shape in interaction with people living it. In the preservation of a historic town finding a continuing balance between change and permanence has nevertheless become a challenging issue. This research examines the opportunities that a historic wooden town has of continued prosperity, taking as a starting point the safeguarding of its cultural environment as a good living environment. Empirical cases are Old Porvoo and Old Raahe. The significance of a historic wooden town as a living environment is examined in relation to the objectives of a heritage conservation as viewed by the authorities. Urban planning documents and personal interviews provide the research material. These depict the significance of a wooden town both as a place for living and as a cultural heritage site. Based on the holistic concept of man, the human-environment relationship is seen as one in which the individual has a chance for complete personal participation inseparable from the environment. Being content with the environment, the individual feels affinity to the options afforded and can make good use of them relatively independently. It is historically characteristic of wooden towns to be formed in a close interaction between the individual and the environment and to conform to real-life situations of its inhabitants. According to this research, this characteristic is also highly appreciated by the current inhabitants. It can also be seen as an important factor that guarantees the continuity of both a good living environment and the cultural-historical significance of these towns. Thus, the cultural-historical value can be seen as relating to the characteristic change of the environment as an expression of the human-environment relationship. Instead of material authenticity, of primary importance is the authenticity of a way of living coherent with the environment, which gains meaning when compatibility between people and their environment is found. Nevertheless, as the inhabitants’ sense of the qualities of the environment deepens, the need for material change decreases. Maintenance of the cultural environment is best sustained by humane way of life, made possible as the human-environment relationship deepens into holistic participation. The holistic preservation of the built environment means taking care of the whole – the mutual relationship between the individual and the environment. As humane work progresses in dialogue, it favours the unique quality of individuals and their personal life situations as the impulses of a culture. Holistic preservation can be further promoted by widening the expertise of cultural heritage in issues concerning human welfare, by co-operation between various administrative organs and also by strengthening the local communality. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimusasetelma perustuu historialliseen puukaupunkiin kulttuurihistoriallisesti arvokkaana suojelukohteena ja asukkaidensa arkiympäristönä. Kulttuuriympäristö muotoutuu vuorovaikutuksessa sitä elävän ihmisen kanssa. Sen suojelussa jatkuvuutta toteuttavan tasapainon löytäminen muutoksen ja säilyttämisen välille on muodostunut kuitenkin vaikeasti ratkaistavaksi kysymykseksi. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan historiallisen puukaupungin jatkuvuuden mahdollisuuksia lähtökohtana kulttuuriympäristön suojelu hyvänä elinympäristönä. Empiiriset kohteet ovat Vanha Porvoo ja Vanha Raahe. Historiallisen puukaupungin merkitystä nykyihmisen elinympäristönä on tuotu esiin suhteessa rakennussuojeluviranomaisten asettamiin tavoitteisiin. Kaupunkisuunnittelun asiakirjoihin ja haastatteluihin perustuva aineisto kuvaa puukaupunkiin liitettyä merkityksenantoa elettynä ja suojeltuna. Holistiseen ihmiskäsitykseen perustuen inhimillisenä ympäristösuhteena on pidetty yksilön mahdollisuutta kokonaisvaltaiseen osallisuuteen ympäristöstään erottamattomana. Kokiessaan elinympäristönsä hyväksi ihminen oivaltaa sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia mieltymyksiään vastaaviksi ja voi niitä myös hyödyntää ympäristöön suhteellisen omaehtoisesti suuntautuen. Ihmisen ja ympäristön välittömässä suhteessa muotoutuminen ja elämäntilanteisiin vastaava joustavuus on puukaupungille historiallisesti ominainen rakentumisen tapa ja tutkimuksen perusteella myös nykyasukkaiden arvostama ominaisuus. Sitä voidaan pitää jatkuvuuden tekijänä sekä hyvän elinympäristön että kulttuurihistoriallisen merkityksen kannalta. Kulttuurihistoriallinen arvo voi siten liittyä ympäristölle luonteenomaiseen muuttumisen tapaan ihmisen ja ympäristön välisen suhteen ilmaisuna. Materiaalisen autenttisuuden sijasta primääriä on ympäristölle ominaisen elämäntavan autenttisuus, joka saa merkityksensä ihmisen ja ympäristön yhteensopivuuden löytymisestä. Asukkaan oivaltavuuden kasvaessa ympäristön tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien suhteen tarve aineelliseen muuttamiseen kuitenkin vähenee. Kulttuuriympäristön suojelussa jatkuva ylläpito toteutuu aidoimmillaan elämäntapaan sisäistyneenä inhimillisen asumisen taitona, joka kehittyy ympäristösuhteen syventyessä kokonaisvaltaiseksi osallisuudeksi. Rakennetun kulttuuriympäristön holistinen suojelu merkitsee kokonaisuuden eli ihmisen ja ympäristön välisen suhteen hoitamista. Tasavertaisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa etenevänä ihmistyönä se suhtautuu suopeasti yksilölliseen ainutlaatuisuuteen ja henkilökohtaisiin elämäntilanteisiin kulttuurin tekijöinä. Holistista suojelua edistää kulttuuriperintöalan osaamispohjan laajentaminen ihmisen hyvinvointia koskevissa kysymyksissä, eri hallintokuntien välinen yhteistyö sekä paikkaan sitoutuneen yhteisöllisyyden vahvistaminen.

Historiallinen puukaupunki suojelukohteena ja elinympäristönä:esimerkkeinä Vanha Porvoo ja Vanha Raahe. Osa 2

El Harouny, E. (Elisa) 09 December 2008 (has links)
Abstract The research is based on the historic wooden town as a cultural heritage site and as an everyday environment for its inhabitants. A cultural environment takes shape in interaction with people living it. In the preservation of a historic town finding a continuing balance between change and permanence has nevertheless become a challenging issue. This research examines the opportunities that a historic wooden town has of continued prosperity, taking as a starting point the safeguarding of its cultural environment as a good living environment. Empirical cases are Old Porvoo and Old Raahe. The significance of a historic wooden town as a living environment is examined in relation to the objectives of a heritage conservation as viewed by the authorities. Urban planning documents and personal interviews provide the research material. These depict the significance of a wooden town both as a place for living and as a cultural heritage site. Based on the holistic concept of man, the human-environment relationship is seen as one in which the individual has a chance for complete personal participation inseparable from the environment. Being content with the environment, the individual feels affinity to the options afforded and can make good use of them relatively independently. It is historically characteristic of wooden towns to be formed in a close interaction between the individual and the environment and to conform to real-life situations of its inhabitants. According to this research, this characteristic is also highly appreciated by the current inhabitants. It can also be seen as an important factor that guarantees the continuity of both a good living environment and the cultural-historical significance of these towns. Thus, the cultural-historical value can be seen as relating to the characteristic change of the environment as an expression of the human-environment relationship. Instead of material authenticity, of primary importance is the authenticity of a way of living coherent with the environment, which gains meaning when compatibility between people and their environment is found. Nevertheless, as the inhabitants’ sense of the qualities of the environment deepens, the need for material change decreases. Maintenance of the cultural environment is best sustained by humane way of life, made possible as the human-environment relationship deepens into holistic participation. The holistic preservation of the built environment means taking care of the whole – the mutual relationship between the individual and the environment. As humane work progresses in dialogue, it favours the unique quality of individuals and their personal life situations as the impulses of a culture. Holistic preservation can be further promoted by widening the expertise of cultural heritage in issues concerning human welfare, by co-operation between various administrative organs and also by strengthening the local communality. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimusasetelma perustuu historialliseen puukaupunkiin kulttuurihistoriallisesti arvokkaana suojelukohteena ja asukkaidensa arkiympäristönä. Kulttuuriympäristö muotoutuu vuorovaikutuksessa sitä elävän ihmisen kanssa. Sen suojelussa jatkuvuutta toteuttavan tasapainon löytäminen muutoksen ja säilyttämisen välille on muodostunut kuitenkin vaikeasti ratkaistavaksi kysymykseksi. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan historiallisen puukaupungin jatkuvuuden mahdollisuuksia lähtökohtana kulttuuriympäristön suojelu hyvänä elinympäristönä. Empiiriset kohteet ovat Vanha Porvoo ja Vanha Raahe. Historiallisen puukaupungin merkitystä nykyihmisen elinympäristönä on tuotu esiin suhteessa rakennussuojeluviranomaisten asettamiin tavoitteisiin. Kaupunkisuunnittelun asiakirjoihin ja haastatteluihin perustuva aineisto kuvaa puukaupunkiin liitettyä merkityksenantoa elettynä ja suojeltuna. Holistiseen ihmiskäsitykseen perustuen inhimillisenä ympäristösuhteena on pidetty yksilön mahdollisuutta kokonaisvaltaiseen osallisuuteen ympäristöstään erottamattomana. Kokiessaan elinympäristönsä hyväksi ihminen oivaltaa sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia mieltymyksiään vastaaviksi ja voi niitä myös hyödyntää ympäristöön suhteellisen omaehtoisesti suuntautuen. Ihmisen ja ympäristön välittömässä suhteessa muotoutuminen ja elämäntilanteisiin vastaava joustavuus on puukaupungille historiallisesti ominainen rakentumisen tapa ja tutkimuksen perusteella myös nykyasukkaiden arvostama ominaisuus. Sitä voidaan pitää jatkuvuuden tekijänä sekä hyvän elinympäristön että kulttuurihistoriallisen merkityksen kannalta. Kulttuurihistoriallinen arvo voi siten liittyä ympäristölle luonteenomaiseen muuttumisen tapaan ihmisen ja ympäristön välisen suhteen ilmaisuna. Materiaalisen autenttisuuden sijasta primääriä on ympäristölle ominaisen elämäntavan autenttisuus, joka saa merkityksensä ihmisen ja ympäristön yhteensopivuuden löytymisestä. Asukkaan oivaltavuuden kasvaessa ympäristön tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien suhteen tarve aineelliseen muuttamiseen kuitenkin vähenee. Kulttuuriympäristön suojelussa jatkuva ylläpito toteutuu aidoimmillaan elämäntapaan sisäistyneenä inhimillisen asumisen taitona, joka kehittyy ympäristösuhteen syventyessä kokonaisvaltaiseksi osallisuudeksi. Rakennetun kulttuuriympäristön holistinen suojelu merkitsee kokonaisuuden eli ihmisen ja ympäristön välisen suhteen hoitamista. Tasavertaisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa etenevänä ihmistyönä se suhtautuu suopeasti yksilölliseen ainutlaatuisuuteen ja henkilökohtaisiin elämäntilanteisiin kulttuurin tekijöinä. Holistista suojelua edistää kulttuuriperintöalan osaamispohjan laajentaminen ihmisen hyvinvointia koskevissa kysymyksissä, eri hallintokuntien välinen yhteistyö sekä paikkaan sitoutuneen yhteisöllisyyden vahvistaminen.

L’« expérience publique de l’environnement » : une analyse des expérimentations au sein de deux espaces naturels protégés habités, en France et au Brésil / The “public experience of the environment" : an analysis of experimentations in two inhabited protected natural areas in France and Brazil / A “experiência pública do meio ambiente” : uma análise das experimentações em duas unidades de conservação habitadas, na França e no Brasil

Lago Marques, Manuelle 18 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a un double propos. Tout d’abord, elle cherche à identifier comment les expériences de protection de l’Environnement au sein d’Espaces naturels protégés habités (ENPH) peuvent se développer. Puis, elle examine, dans le contexte des démarches de conservation de la nature « ordinaire », de quelles manières « l’Environnement » peut organiser et intégrer les dynamiques sociales et politiques d’un territoire donné. Pour cela, nous avons effectué une série d’entretiens, de séjours d’observation, de recherches d’archives et une large revue de presse. En faisant appel à une histoire croisée des rapports locaux au milieu naturel et au milieu politique et de leur mobilisation lors du traitement d’une affaire contemporaine mettant en jeu les politiques de protection – à savoir, des infrastructures routières –, nous avons identifié des points de repère pour saisir les contextes de sens bâtis au sein de et par le biais du Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin (France) et de l’Aire de Protection environnementale de Guaraqueçaba (Brésil). À travers notre recherche, nous montrons l’importance des situations problématiques dans l’émergence d’« expériences publiques de l’Environnement », comprises par nous comme toute expérience dérivée de l’incorporation de l’enjeu environnemental dans différents champs d’interaction. Que ces expériences soient générées par des actions ou arènes publiques, qu’elles procèdent du ressenti de « troubles » ou d’une procédure enquête, elles deviennent publiques dans la mesure où (i) elles font de la « nature » un objet d’attention, d’action ou de débat et (ii) elles engagent la relation de différents « publics » à leurs « environnements ». Incorporant des enjeux à la fois internationaux, nationaux et locaux, les expériences « de l’Environnement » deviennent ainsi publiques et privées au fur et à mesure des expérimentations sociales, des déstabilisations et des réaménagements de ces espaces. / This thesis has a double purpose. First, it seeks to identify how the experiences of environmental protection can be developed within inhabited protected natural areas (ENPH). Then, it examines how the “Environment” can organize and integrate the social and political dynamics of the territories touched by approaches of conservation based on “ordinary” nature. To this end, we conducted a series of interviews, observation visits, archival research and a broad press review. By appealing to a cross history of local relationships with the natural and political environment and their mobilization in dealing with contemporary affairs involving protection policies – namely: the construction of roads – we have searched the benchmarks of how the contexts of meaning could be built within and through the Marais poitevin Regional Natural Park (France) and the Guaraqueçaba Environmental Protected Area (Brésil). Through our research, we show the importance of problematic situations – whether or not they result from nature conservation approaches – in the emergence of “public experiences of the Environment”, which is understood by us as any experience derived from the incorporation of the environmental issues into different fields of interaction. Whether these experiences are generated by public actions or arenas, whether they stem from the feeling of “troubles” or from a procedure of “inquiry”, they become public to the extent that (i) they make of “nature” an object of attention, action or debate and (ii) they involve the relationship of different “publics” to their “environments”. Incorporating international, national and local issues, “Environmental” experiences become public and private throughout the social experiments, and the processes of destabilization and reformulation of these protected areas. / Esta tese tem um duplo propósito. Primeiramente, ela busca identificar como as experiências de proteção do Meio Ambiente podem se desenvolver em Unidades de Conservação (UC) habitadas. Em seguida, ela procura examinar, no contexto de iniciativas de conservação de naturezas “ordinárias”, de que maneira o “Meio Ambiente” pode organizar e integrar as dinâmicas sociais e políticas de determinados territórios. Para tanto, efetuamos uma série de entrevistas, de estadias de observação, de pesquisa de arquivos e uma extensa revisão de documentos de imprensa. Recorrendo a uma história cruzada entre as relações locais ao meio natural e ao meio político, assim como a uma identificação da mobilização de tais relações quando do tratamento de problemas contemporâneos colocando em questão as políticas de proteção – a saber, a construção de estradas –, pudemos identificar como o Parque Natural Regional do Marais poitevin (França) e a Área de Proteção Ambiental de Guaraqueçaba (Brasil) orientaram a formação de sentido ambiental através de sua existência e de sua ação. Através nossa pesquisa, mostramos a importância da confrontação a situações “problemáticas” – que elas decorram ou não de atividades de conservação da natureza – para a emergência de “experiências públicas do meio ambiente”, compreendidas por nós como toda experiência derivada da incorporação da questão ambiental em diferentes campos de interação. Que estas experiências sejam geradas por ações ou arenas públicas, que elas resultem de “distúrbios” ou de um procedimento de “enquete”, elas tornam-se públicas na medida em que (i) elas fazem da “natureza” um objeto de atenção, de ação e de debate e (ii) elas envolvem a relação de diferentes “públicos” a seus “ambientes”. Incorporando questões ao mesmo tempo internacionais, nacionais e locais, as experiências do “Meio Ambiente” tornam-se assim públicas e privadas ao longo das experimentações sociais, assim como das desestabilizações e das reformulações de tais espaços.

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