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<b>Investigating Unsteadiness in a Low-Pressure Turbine Stage using Constant Temperature Anemometry</b>Adam C Moeller (18462006) 29 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In this thesis, an experimental procedure for assessing unsteady fluctuations in flow velocity inside an annular low pressure turbine test facility using constant temperature anemometry is established. This procedure is then applied to two test cases in order to validate the methodology and build expertise with the measurement techniques involved. The results of these experiments appear to be reasonable and in good agreement with the body of literature documenting such cases. After the procedure is validated, the experiments in the annular test section are conducted and the results are processed according to the same methodology as previous. The results provide spatial and temporal understanding of the flow at a plane downstream of the blade row. The uncertainties of measured quantities are computed and the experimental results are contextualized with a comparison to a numerical study. The body of work is assessed to determine whether the research objective has been met and recommendations for future studies are given.</p>
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Transport de fluides miscibles à propriétés physiques variables en cellule Hele-Shaw.Comparaisons entre simulations numériques et mesures par LIF / Variable physical properties miscible fluids transport in Hele-Shaw cell. Comparison between numerical simulations and LIF measuresMainhagu, Jon 01 July 2009 (has links)
L'étude décrite dans cette thèse porte sur l'injection ponctuelle d'une solution saline au sein d'une cellule dite de Hele-Shaw, afin de caractériser le comportement dispersif d'un polluant en milieu poreux. L'approche expérimentale employée est basée sur l'implémentation originale d'un dispositif de Fluorescence Induite par Laser (LIF) dans la cellule. La mise en place d'un protocole de mesure efficace permet de mener une analyse quantitative des résultats expérimentaux. En outre, en appliquant la méthode des moments, il est possible de caractériser avec précision le comportement dispersif de la zone de mélange de la solution injectée. Parallèlement aux expériences, à l'aide du code numérique FRIPE, les injections ont été simulées numériquement. L'analyse quantitative a été appliquée à ces dernières. Une comparaison poussée des résultats expérimentaux et numériques a donc été effectuée, du point de vue qualitatif mais aussi sur l'expression de la dispersion du panache de la zone de mélange de la solution / The study described in this thesis is about punctual injection of a saline solution inside a "Hele-Shaw cell" in order to characterize the dispersive behavior of a pollutant in porous media. The chosen experimental approach is based on the setup of an original Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) in the Hele-Shaw cell. The setting of the experimental apparatus allows quantitative data reduction of the experimental results. Moreover the "Moments Method" studied precisely the solution mixing dispersive behavior. Using the numerical code FRIPE the same injections have been simulated. The same quantitative data reductions have been applied to the numerical results. This led to an extensive comparison of the numerical and the experimental results, qualitatively but also of the dispersion in the mixing area of the injected solution
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Experimental Investigation of Transition over a NACA 0018 Airfoil at a Low Reynolds NumberBoutilier, Michael Stephen Hatcher January 2011 (has links)
Shear layer development over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a chord Reynolds number of 100,000 was investigated experimentally. The effects of experimental setup and analysis tools on the results were also examined.
The sensitivity of linear stability predictions for measured separated shear layer velocity profiles to both the analysis approach and experimental data scatter was evaluated. Analysis approaches that are relatively insensitive to experimental data scatter were identified. Stability predictions were shown to be more sensitive to the analysis approach than to experimental data scatter, with differences in the predicted maximum disturbance growth rate and corresponding frequency of approximately 35% between approaches.
A parametric study on the effects of experimental setup on low Reynolds number airfoil experiments was completed. It was found that measured lift forces and vortex shedding frequencies were affected by the end plate configuration. It was concluded that the ratio of end plate spacing to projected model height should be at least seven, consistent with the guideline for circular cylinders. Measurements before and after test section wall streamlining revealed errors in lift coefficients due to blockage as high as 9% and errors in the wake vortex shedding frequency of 3.5%.
Shear layer development over the model was investigated in detail. Flow visualization images linked an observed asymmetry in wake velocity profiles to pronounced vortex roll-up below the wake centerline. Linear stability predictions based on the mean hot-wire profiles were found to agree with measured disturbance growth rates, wave numbers, and streamwise velocity fluctuation profiles. Embedded surface pressure sensors were shown to provide reasonable estimates of disturbance growth rate, wave number, and convection speed for conditions at which a separation bubble formed on the airfoil surface. Convection speeds of between 30 and 50% of the edge velocity were measured, consistent with phase speed estimates from linear stability theory.
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Experimental Investigation of Transition over a NACA 0018 Airfoil at a Low Reynolds NumberBoutilier, Michael Stephen Hatcher January 2011 (has links)
Shear layer development over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a chord Reynolds number of 100,000 was investigated experimentally. The effects of experimental setup and analysis tools on the results were also examined.
The sensitivity of linear stability predictions for measured separated shear layer velocity profiles to both the analysis approach and experimental data scatter was evaluated. Analysis approaches that are relatively insensitive to experimental data scatter were identified. Stability predictions were shown to be more sensitive to the analysis approach than to experimental data scatter, with differences in the predicted maximum disturbance growth rate and corresponding frequency of approximately 35% between approaches.
A parametric study on the effects of experimental setup on low Reynolds number airfoil experiments was completed. It was found that measured lift forces and vortex shedding frequencies were affected by the end plate configuration. It was concluded that the ratio of end plate spacing to projected model height should be at least seven, consistent with the guideline for circular cylinders. Measurements before and after test section wall streamlining revealed errors in lift coefficients due to blockage as high as 9% and errors in the wake vortex shedding frequency of 3.5%.
Shear layer development over the model was investigated in detail. Flow visualization images linked an observed asymmetry in wake velocity profiles to pronounced vortex roll-up below the wake centerline. Linear stability predictions based on the mean hot-wire profiles were found to agree with measured disturbance growth rates, wave numbers, and streamwise velocity fluctuation profiles. Embedded surface pressure sensors were shown to provide reasonable estimates of disturbance growth rate, wave number, and convection speed for conditions at which a separation bubble formed on the airfoil surface. Convection speeds of between 30 and 50% of the edge velocity were measured, consistent with phase speed estimates from linear stability theory.
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An experimental study of the spread of buoyant water into a rotating environmentCrawford, Thomas Joseph January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines previously unresolved issues regarding the fluid dynamics of the spread of buoyant water into a rotating environment. We focus in particular on the role that finite potential vorticity and background turbulence play in determining the flow properties. When water of an anomalous density enters into an oceanic basin, gravity-driven surface flows can be established as a result of the density difference. These flows are often of a sufficiently large scale that the dynamics are affected by the Coriolis force arising from the rotation of the earth. This causes the formation of a large outflow gyre near to the source which feeds into a propagating gravity current that is confined to the coast. Previous experimental work in this field has sought to simplify the problem through the use of a point source and a quiescent ambient. We extend this work to provide a better representation of the real-world flow by introducing a source of finite depth and background turbulence to the rotating ambient. This study seeks to answer three key questions that are critical to the understanding of the flow behaviour in this scenario. First, what is the effect of the finite potential vorticity of the outflow on the properties of the outflow vortex and the boundary current? Second, what role does the presence of the the outflow vortex play in determining the behaviour of the current? Third, what is the effect of background turbulence on the flow properties? To carry out the investigation, experiments were conducted in the laboratory and compared with a theoretical description of the flow. The currents are generated inside a rotating tank filled with saltwater by the continuous release of buoyant freshwater from a source structure located at the fluid surface. A horizontal source of finite depth is used to introduce finite potential vorticity into the outflow. The impact of background turbulence is examined by introducing an oscillating grid into the rotating tank. We find that the finite potential vorticity of the outflow plays an important role in determining the flow properties for sufficiently low Rossby and Froude number. As the value of these parameters is increased a zero potential vorticity model is able to capture the key elements of the flow behaviour. The outflow vortex is found to act as a time-varying source to the boundary current, with the current velocity fixed by the vortex velocity field. The vortex vorticity is seen to decrease with time, while the vortex radius continues to increase at late times despite the vortex having reached a limiting depth, which enables potential vorticity to be conserved and the current to be supplied with a non-zero velocity. Finally, the structure of the background turbulence is found to be key in determining the effect that it has on the flow properties, with different behaviours observed for three-dimensional and quasi- two-dimensional turbulence.
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Experimental pressure loss analysis in a mini tube for a fully developed turbulent airflow. : Mini channels of lengths 22.5 mm to 150 mm in length with a constant diameter of 1.5 mmGhosh, Soumen January 2022 (has links)
The cooling systems in a gas turbine are especially important as the turbine blades and vanes are exposed to extreme temperatures. The relatively cool air is extracted from the compressors and fed to the turbines to cool the turbine blades. The manufacturing of these blades and channels used to cool is especially complicated using conventional manufacturing techniques. Additive Manufacturing (AM) gives the designer much more freedom to design core components. The AM technique currently explored is the Selective Laser Melting process (SLM). The surface area is exposed to the cooling airflow by using lattice structures which can be manufactured at relative ease using AM. This thesis will provide some insights into using AM parts for the cooling, by analyzing the pressure drop that could be expected from superalloys that are manufactured using AM. The surface roughness is an inherent property of the AM components therefore it would be interesting to analyze a turbulent flow through AM channels (CM247LC and INCONEL 939). The thesis deals with turbulent flows as the airflow used for cooling in the gas turbine is most likely turbulent. The friction factor (Darcy–Weisbach friction factor) is used to relate the impact of the surface roughness to the pressure drop. The results from the previous experiments are contrasted as the flow in the previous experiments was assumed to be fully developed but in reality, it was not. And the accuracy of the previous results to the actual fully developed flow will shed some light on the feasibility of the flow analysis techniques used in the previous experiments. It is found that the previous experimental results for the CM247LC TPs have good agreement with current experimental results but INCONEL 939 exhibits significant deviation. The possible reasons for the deviations are directly linked to the assumptions made to calculate the minor losses. The Test Pieces (TP) analyzed in this thesis have varying length to diameter (L/D) ratios and the impact of the variation of different L/D ratios is analyzed along with varying pressure ratios. Where the flow resistance increases with an increase in L/D and pressure ratio. The technique to accommodate the compressibility of the airflow is also explored in this thesis. Finally, reasons for the manifestation of anomalies are discussed. The probability of the compressibility effects of the airflow on the anomalies was found to be quite high, and concluding remarks are provided.
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Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities of liquid metal contained between rotating spheres and cylindersOgbonna, Jude 25 October 2024 (has links)
Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities are responsible for geo- and astrophysical phenomena such as reversals of the geomagnetic field, sunspots, solar flares, and accretion disk dynamics. Two particular types of these instabilities were experimentally investigated in rotating spherical and cylindrical apparatus using the eutectic alloy GaInSn as a working fluid. The spherical apparatus, Hydromagnetic Experiment with Differentially Gyrating sphEres HOlding GaInSn (HEDGEHOG), was used to investigate the magnetised spherical Couette (MSC) flow for a range of the imposed axial magnetic field corresponding to Hartmann numbers of 0 to 40 and for a Reynolds number of 1000. A wave with an azimuthal wavenumber of 2 was observed at a Hartmann number of 0, which changed its azimuthal wavenumber to 3 at Hartmann numbers of 5 and 10. For Hartmann numbers between 10 and 22.5, the experimental flow displayed no temporal dependence, since the MSC flow was in its base state. In the remainder of the investigated range of Hartmann numbers, rotating waves with azimuthal wavenumbers of 2, 3, and 4 manifested, with some dependence on whether the Hartmann numbers were fixed or continuously varied. For the magnetised Taylor-Couette (MTC) flow investigated using the Potsdam ROssendorf Magnetic InStability Experiment (PROMISE), thermal convection was found to influence the azimuthal magnetorotational instability (AMRI) in two major ways. Firstly, it reduced the critical Hartmann number required for the onset of AMRI. Secondly, it broke the symmetry of the AMRI travelling waves so that they either travelled upwards or downwards depending on the direction of the radial heat flux.
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Μελέτη αντλητικών φαινομένων σε ιατροβιολογικές εφαρμογές, μέσω αλληλεπίδρασης ροής ρευστού και κίνησης σώματος / A study of pumping phenomena for biomedical applications by means of fluid flow interaction with a moving bodyΜανόπουλος, Χρήστος 11 January 2010 (has links)
Φαινόμενα άντλησης με ή χωρίς βαλβίδες εξετάζονται πειραματικά και θεωρητικά μέσω κυλινδρικών εύκαμπτων αγωγών. Το φαινόμενο της άντλησης ρευστού χωρίς βαλβίδες μελετάται πειραματικά σε κλειστό βρόχο αποτελούμενο από δύο αγωγούς, έναν εύκαμπτο και έναν άκαμπτο. Αναπτύσσεται μη μηδενική μέση χρονικά παροχή ρευστού όταν διεγείρεται τμήμα του εύκαμπτου αγωγού σε συγκεκριμένες συχνότητες και πλάτη διέγερσης. Η διέγερση επιτυγχάνεται μέσω συμπίεσης και αποσυμπίεσης του εύκαμπτου αγωγού από έναν κατάλληλο παλινδρομικό μηχανισμό. Εξετάζονται τέσσερις παράμετροι επιρροής του φαινομένου, η συχνότητα, το μήκος, το πλάτος και η θέση της διέγερσης. Καταγράφονται τα σήματα μέτρησης της παροχής στο μέσον του άκαμπτου αγωγού, οι τιμές της στατικής πίεσης στα άκρα του άκαμπτου αγωγού και η κατακόρυφη μετατόπιση της πλάκας συμπίεσης. Επιπλέον, προσδιορίζεται η παραμόρφωση της εγκάρσιας διατομής του ελαστικού αγωγού στην περιοχή της διέγερσης, κατά τη συμπίεση και αποσυμπίεσή του για διάφορα πλάτη διέγερσης. Τα αποτελέσματα φανερώνουν την ανάπτυξη ροής προς μία κατεύθυνση με την αύξηση της συχνότητας διέγερσης. Η ροή αυτή μεγιστοποιείται όταν η συχνότητα διέγερσης ταυτίζεται με την ιδιοσυχνότητα του υδραυλικού κυκλώματος. Η μέση χρονικά παροχή αυξάνει καθώς το σημείο διέγερσης απομακρύνεται από το μέσον του εύκαμπτου αγωγού και επίσης με την αύξηση του πλάτους ή του μήκους διέγερσης.
Θεωρητικά το φαινόμενο της άντλησης χωρίς βαλβίδες μελετάται μέσω της ανάπτυξης ενός κατάλληλου ψευδο-μονοδιάστατου μοντέλου που επιλύεται αριθμητικά, θεωρώντας ξανά κλειστό βρόχο ενός εύκαμπτου και ενός άκαμπτου αγωγού. Οι εξισώσεις του μοντέλου διαμορφώνονται με την ολοκλήρωση των εξισώσεων ροής (συνέχειας και ορμής) επί της εγκάρσιας διατομής του κλειστού βρόχου, θεωρώντας αξονοσυμμετρική ροή ασυμπίεστου ρευστού με σταθερό ιξώδες. Χρησιμοποιείται επίσης μία καταστατική εξίσωση που σχετίζει την αναπτυσσόμενη πίεση με την μεταβαλλόμενη εγκάρσια διατομή του βρόχου, έχοντας υποθέσει λεπτά ελαστικά τοιχώματα αγωγών με γραμμικές παραμορφώσεις. Επιλύεται αριθμητικά μη γραμμικό σύστημα μερικών διαφορικών εξισώσεων υπερβολικού τύπου, μέσω τριών αριθμητικών σχημάτων: Lax-Wendroff, MacCormack, και Dispersion Relation Preserving (DRP), το οποίο παρουσιάζει και την υψηλότερη ακρίβεια. Οι τρεις άγνωστες συναρτήσεις που υπολογίζονται στο χώρο και το χρόνο είναι η εγκάρσια διατομή του κλειστού κυκλώματος, η αναπτυσσόμενη εσωτερική πίεση του ρευστού και η ταχύτητά του. Σε κάποιο σημείο του εύκαμπτου αγωγού η περιοδική διέγερση προκαλεί κατευθυνόμενη ροή του ρευστού υπό συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες. Όταν η διέγερση απομακρύνεται από το μέσον του εύκαμπτου αγωγού, αναπτύσσεται διαφορά φάσης μεταξύ των κυματομορφών της πίεσης στα σημεία σύνδεσης των δύο αγωγών. Η κυματομορφή της πίεσης που προηγείται είναι αυτή που διαμορφώνεται στο σημείο σύνδεσης των δύο αγωγών που είναι πιο κοντά στη διέγερση. Με αύξηση του πλάτους ή του μήκους του διεγειρόμενου τμήματος του κλειστού κυκλώματος, η μέση χρονικά παροχή αυξάνει και μεγιστοποιείται στην ιδιοσυχνότητα του συστήματος. Μεταβάλλοντας τη συχνότητα διέγερσης στο πεδίο μακριά της συχνότητας συντονισμού, εμφανίζονται τοπικά ακρότατα της συνάρτησης της μέσης χρονικά παροχής με τη συχνότητα, τα οποία αναδεικνύουν τον περίπλοκο χαρακτήρα του φαινομένου της άντλησης χωρίς βαλβίδες. Τα αποτελέσματα του μοντέλου παρουσιάζουν την ίδια συστηματικότητα με τα αντίστοιχα του πειράματος, διατηρώντας τα περισσότερα χαρακτηριστικά και τάσεις στις μεταβολές.
Κατά το πρώιμο στάδιο κύησης του εμβρύου το αίμα κυκλοφορεί προς μία κατεύθυνση στο πρωταρχικό κυκλοφορικό σύστημα του εμβρύου, παρότι οι βαλβίδες απουσιάζουν. Το παραπάνω θεωρητικό μοντέλο επιλύεται με αριθμητικά δεδομένα από τη φυσιολογία του εμβρύου, γι’ αυτό το πρώιμο στάδιο κύησης, χρησιμοποιώντας τη μέθοδο DRP 4ης τάξης ακρίβειας στο χώρο και το χρόνο. Το μέγεθος της μέσης παροχής του αίματος εξαρτάται από τους εμβρυϊκούς καρδιακούς παλμούς και το βαθμό συστολής του αρχέγονου καρδιακού σωλήνα. Η αντλητική ικανότητα του κυκλοφορικού συστήματος του εμβρύου εκφράζεται με τη μέση παροχή αίματος ως συνάρτηση των καρδιακών παλμών και του βαθμού συστολής του αρχέγονου καρδιακού σωλήνα. Το φαινόμενο της άντλησης με βαλβίδες μελετάται πειραματικά μέσω ενός ανατάξιμου εύκαμπτου αγωγού, ο οποίος συμπιέζεται από ένα μηχανισμό δίχρονης περισταλτικής αντλίας. Μία πρότυπη συσκευή έχει σχεδιαστεί και κατασκευαστεί, ώστε να αναλυθεί η συμπεριφορά και να εξαχθούν οι χαρακτηριστικές καμπύλες της δίχρονης περισταλτικής αντλίας. Περισταλτικές αντλίες αυτού του τύπου χρησιμοποιούνται στην ιατρική σε εφαρμογές παρεντερικής διατροφής, άντλησης του αίματος και ειδικότερα σε έγχυση φαρμάκων. Για την κατασκευή της πρότυπης αντλίας, σχεδιάστηκε και κατασκευάστηκε ένας καινοτομικός μηχανισμός εκκεντροφόρου άξονα, ο οποίος επιτυγχάνει σταθερό ρυθμό έγχυσης. Η πειραματική διάταξη αποτελείται από δύο δεξαμενές υπερχείλισης που συνδέονται μέσω ενός σωλήνα ελαστικού σιλικόνης. Το όλο σύστημα πληρώνεται με αποσταγμένο νερό και η άντληση επιτυγχάνεται από τη μία δεξαμενή στην άλλη με κατάλληλη προοδευτική συμπίεση ενός τμήματος του ελαστικού αγωγού μέσω του μηχανισμού της αντλίας. Η παροχή μετράται ζυγίζοντας τη δεξαμενή κατάθλιψης, η οποία είναι τοποθετημένη σε δυναμοκυψέλη γι’ αυτό το σκοπό. Για χαμηλές συχνότητες λειτουργίας η έγχυση είναι σχεδόν ομαλή χωρίς πάλμωση. Επίσης, η παροχή εξαρτάται κυρίως από τη συχνότητα περιστροφής του άξονα της αντλίας και μεγιστοποιείται γύρω από την ιδιοσυχνότητα της συσκευής. / Valveless and valvate pumping phenomena are investigated experimentally and theoretically through cylindrical distensible tubes. The phenomenon of valveless pumping is studied experimentally in a loop consisting of two tubes, a soft and a hard one filled with salted water. A non zero mean flow-rate is established via a reciprocating flat plate mechanism compressing and decompressing a portion of the flexible tube with a controllable frequency and depth of compression. Four parameters of the problem were examined, namely the frequency of the oscillating plate, its length, the depth of compression and the location where the tube is compressed. Four signals were simultaneously recorded, namely the flow-rate at the mid length of the hard tube, the static pressure at the tube’s ends and the displacement of the oscillating plate. Also, the tube cross-sectional area was measured versus the displacement of the oscillating plate for various values of the maximum depth of compression. Analysis of the obtained data showed that a unidirectional flow is established increasing the frequency of compression and it maximizes when the compression frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the hydraulic loop. The mean value of the flow-rate increases when the point of compression moves far from the mid length of the flexible tube, when the length of the reciprocating plate increases and when the depth of compression increases.
Additionally, the development of a theoretical model of valveless pumping and its numerical solution is presented, applied for the case of the closed hydraulic loop, consisting of a flexible and a rigid tube. The integration of the governing flow equations (continuity and momentum), over the tube cross-sectional area results in a quasi-one-dimensional unsteady model, considering axisymmetric flow of incompressible fluid with constant viscosity. There was also used a constitutive state equation, relating pressure and cross-sectional area, and assuming that the deformations of the thin-walled tubes are purely elastic. A system of nonlinear partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type is solved numerically, employing three finite difference schemes: Lax-Wendroff, MacCormack, and Dispersion Relation Preserving (DRP), the last being the most accurate one. Three functions in time and space are calculated, the cross-sectional area of the closed loop, the building up internal pressure and the velocity of the fluid inside the loop. A periodic compression and decompression of the flexible tube causes a unidirectional flow, under certain conditions. When the excitation takes place far from the midlength of the flexible tube, a phase difference between the pressures at the two edges of each tube is developed, being in advance the one that is closer to the excitation area. Increasing the tube occlusion or the length of the excited part of the loop the mean flow rate increases and maximizes at the natural frequency of the loop. Varying the excitation frequency both above and below the resonance frequency, local flow rate extremes appear, manifesting the complex character of the valveless pumping phenomenon. The simulated results maintain most of the characteristics found in the experiment.
During early embryonic life, blood circulates in one direction through the primitive circulatory system, in spite of the complete lack of valves. The above mathematical model described the coordinated fashion of the blood circulation in the circulatory system of the embryo. The one-dimensional model is analysed numerically and solved with the DRP scheme, which is of fourth order accurate in time and space. The mean blood flow-rate depends on the embryonic heart rate and the contraction grade of the primordial heart tube. The pumping activity of the embryo circulatory system is shown by presenting the mean blood flow-rate as a function of embryonic heart rate for several contraction grades of the primordial heart tube.
Furthermore, the phenomenon of valvate pumping is studied experimentally through a resilient tube, compressed by a two-cycle peristaltic pump mechanism. A prototype device was designed and manufactured in order to analyze the behaviour and reveal the characteristic curves of such a pump. This kind of pump can be used in medicine for nutrition, pumping blood and especially for drug infusion therapies. Concerning the manufacturing of this prototype device, an innovative mechanism was applied, regarding the camshaft of the pump, in order to achieve constant infusion flow-rate in time. The experimental set-up consists of two rigid overflow vessels filled with distilled water, communicating via a silicone rubber tube. Pumping is achieved from one vessel to the other by inducing a progressive deformation (shrinkage) on a segment of the silicone rubber tube through the pump. The flow-rate is measured by weighing the fluid-receiver vessel, which is placed on a single point load-cell platform. At low pumping frequencies the flow-rate is almost steady. Also it is shown that the flow-rate is mainly dependent on the rotating frequency of the pump and maximizes when the excitation frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the device.
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