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Effets d'entrainements explicites et implicites sur l'acquisition de la syntaxe de l'anglais par des apprenants francophones : étude en potentiels évoqués / Effects of explicit and implicit trainings on the acquisition of English syntax by French learners : an event-related potentials studyPélissier, Maud 29 November 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous examinons l'effet de différentes conditions d'apprentissage sur l'évolution des mécanismes neurocognitifs utilisés par des apprenants francophones pour traiter l'anglais L2, grâce à des mesures comportementales (jugements d'acceptabilité) et électrophysiologiques (potentiels évoqués). Deux types d'entrainement reflétant deux situations d'apprentissage ont été comparés : en immersion (apprentissage implicite) ou par l'instruction (apprentissage explicite).Deux expériences ont été réalisées. Dans la première (E1), nous avons étudié l'effet des entrainements sur le traitement de violations morphosyntaxiques dont le fonctionnement était similaire ou conflictuel avec la L1. Dans la deuxième (E2), nous avons cherché à réduire le biais en faveur d'un traitement explicite induit par la présence de violations, en étudiant le traitement d'anomalies syntaxiques temporaires provoquées par la prosodie.Les résultats montrent des effets bénéfiques pour les deux types d'entrainement. L'apprentissage explicite présente un léger avantage pour le traitement de la structure conflictuelle, et a permis dans E2 de réduire l'impact des aptitudes individuelles. E1 a confirmé l'influence de l'attention portée à la correction grammaticale sur les réponses en potentiels évoqués. Dans E2, l'entrainement implicite était associé à un traitement plus rapide et plus automatique des incongruités.Ce travail confirme que les conditions d'apprentissage modifient le traitement de la L2 même dans un temps court chez des apprenants intermédiaires, mais souligne l'importance de réduire les biais en faveur d'un apprentissage explicite inhérents au paradigme EEG. / This work examines the effect of learning conditions on the evolution of the neurocognitive mechanisms used by French speakers to process a second language (English). We used behavioural (acceptability judgments) and electrophysiological (event-related potentials) measures. Two types of training were compared, designed to reflect two learning situations : through exposure (implicit learning) or instruction (explicit learning).Two experiments were conducted. In the first one (E1), we studied how our trainings affected the processing of morphosyntactic violations working in a similar or conflictual way in the L2 and L1 of our participants. In the second experiment (E2), we tried to reduce the bias towards explicit learning entailed by the presence of violations, by studying how learners process temporary syntactic anomalies triggered by prosody-syntax mismatches.Results show a beneficial effect for both types of training. Explicit learning proved to be slightly more effective in improving the processing of a coflictual structure. In E2 it reduced the impact of individual abilities. E1 confirmed that the level of attention to grammaticality affects the nature and amplitude of ERP components. In E2, implicit training was linked to a faster and more automatic processing of incongruities.This research confirms that learning conditions can affect L2 processing even in a short time and for intermediate learners, but underlines the importance of reducing the biases towards explicit processing that are inherent to the EEG violation paradigm.
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The efficacy of systematic, explicit literacy instruction in kindergarten and first gradeDean, Emily Ocker 15 May 2009 (has links)
This investigation examined the extent to which teacher implemented systematic, explicit instruction affected the literacy achievement of kindergarten and first grade students. Two cohorts of students in a southwestern United States school district were utilized for this study. Cohort 1 (n=94) received classroom literacy instruction from the state adopted basal reading series. Cohort 2 (n=96) received literacy instruction from the basal series and an additional reading program designed to systematically and explicitly teach phonological awareness, letter name identification, and the alphabetic principle. Each cohort was followed from the middle of kindergarten through the end of first grade. Kindergarten measures included the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) tests of phonological awareness, letter naming, letter sound knowledge, and listening comprehension, and were administered at the middle and end of kindergarten. At the beginning of first grade, TPRI phonological awareness, word reading, reading comprehension, and fluency were measured. Middle of year first grade variables were TPRI reading comprehension and fluency. End of the year first grade measures were TPRI word reading, fluency, reading comprehension, and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) word analysis, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling. A MANCOVA was conducted at each interval using English language learner status as the covariate. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to determine which variables best predicted end of first grade reading comprehension, word reading, and fluency. Results from the MANCOVA indicated that Cohort 2 outperformed Cohort 1 on kindergarten TPRI measures of phonological awareness, letter naming, and letter sound correspondences. Cohort 2 also performed better than Cohort 1 on first grade TPRI reading comprehension, fluency, and end of year word reading, however, there were no statistically significant differences on the ITBS measures. Conclusions and recommendations for further research and for practice are also discussed.
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The efficacy of systematic, explicit literacy instruction in kindergarten and first gradeDean, Emily Ocker 15 May 2009 (has links)
This investigation examined the extent to which teacher implemented systematic, explicit instruction affected the literacy achievement of kindergarten and first grade students. Two cohorts of students in a southwestern United States school district were utilized for this study. Cohort 1 (n=94) received classroom literacy instruction from the state adopted basal reading series. Cohort 2 (n=96) received literacy instruction from the basal series and an additional reading program designed to systematically and explicitly teach phonological awareness, letter name identification, and the alphabetic principle. Each cohort was followed from the middle of kindergarten through the end of first grade. Kindergarten measures included the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) tests of phonological awareness, letter naming, letter sound knowledge, and listening comprehension, and were administered at the middle and end of kindergarten. At the beginning of first grade, TPRI phonological awareness, word reading, reading comprehension, and fluency were measured. Middle of year first grade variables were TPRI reading comprehension and fluency. End of the year first grade measures were TPRI word reading, fluency, reading comprehension, and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) word analysis, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling. A MANCOVA was conducted at each interval using English language learner status as the covariate. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to determine which variables best predicted end of first grade reading comprehension, word reading, and fluency. Results from the MANCOVA indicated that Cohort 2 outperformed Cohort 1 on kindergarten TPRI measures of phonological awareness, letter naming, and letter sound correspondences. Cohort 2 also performed better than Cohort 1 on first grade TPRI reading comprehension, fluency, and end of year word reading, however, there were no statistically significant differences on the ITBS measures. Conclusions and recommendations for further research and for practice are also discussed.
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Directed forgetting in a proactive interference paradigmLittle, Jennifer C. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M. A.)--University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2006. / Title from PDF title page screen. Advisor: Robert R. Hunt; submitted to the Dept. of Psychology. Includes bibliographical references (p. 35-37).
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Design and Application of Discrete Explicit Filters for Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Turbulent FlowsDeconinck, Willem 24 February 2009 (has links)
In the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flows, there is a current need to compare and evaluate different proposed subfilter-scale models. In order to carefully compare subfilter-scale models and compare LES predictions to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) results (the latter would be helpful in the comparison and validation of models), there is a real need for a "grid-independent" LES capability and explicit filtering methods offer one means by which this may be achieved.
Advantages of explicit filtering are that it provides a means for eliminating aliasing errors, allows for the direct control of commutation errors, and most importantly allows a decoupling between the mesh spacing and the filter width which is the primary reason why there are difficulties in comparing LES solutions obtained on different grids. This thesis considers the design and assessment of discrete explicit filters and their application to isotropic turbulence prediction.
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Design and Application of Discrete Explicit Filters for Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Turbulent FlowsDeconinck, Willem 24 February 2009 (has links)
In the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flows, there is a current need to compare and evaluate different proposed subfilter-scale models. In order to carefully compare subfilter-scale models and compare LES predictions to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) results (the latter would be helpful in the comparison and validation of models), there is a real need for a "grid-independent" LES capability and explicit filtering methods offer one means by which this may be achieved.
Advantages of explicit filtering are that it provides a means for eliminating aliasing errors, allows for the direct control of commutation errors, and most importantly allows a decoupling between the mesh spacing and the filter width which is the primary reason why there are difficulties in comparing LES solutions obtained on different grids. This thesis considers the design and assessment of discrete explicit filters and their application to isotropic turbulence prediction.
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Sätt ord på dina tankar! : En kartläggning av fyra lärares verbala bemötande inom stöttning i explicit läsförståelseundervisningOdelius, Jenny, Gunnarsson, Hugo January 2016 (has links)
A study of four teachers´ verbal scaffolding in explicit reading comprehension Reading is an absolutely crucial skill to cope with everyday life in Sweden as well as other information societies. Therefore reading comprehension becomes the core of the entire educational system. Instruction in reading comprehension is to give pupils the opportunity for lifelong learning, but this important process will not come easy and natural for everybody. Reading instruction places greater demands on students as they move up the grades. In the lower grades teaching is centered on learning to read but there is a shift from the fourth or fifth grade, when students encounter more and more advanced texts and thereby need to acquire the skill of reading to learn. The current curriculum in Sweden states that teachers shall educate their pupils how to use efficient reading strategies when encountering new texts. Many scientific studies have shown that explicit reading strategy instruction is more advantageous than implicit. Despite this notion, implicit reading strategy instruction is predominant in Swedish schools. The purpose of this study is to examine how four teachers in Stockholm, scaffolds their pupils through explicit reading strategy instruction and how these teachers reflect on benefits and potential difficulties in their way of teaching. By analyzing the methods and models these teachers use and what problems they face, more teachers might learn new ways to approach this more effective way of teaching. Four teachers from three different schools in Stockholm were observed while teaching explicit reading strategy instruction. Focus was directed towards their use of scaffolding followed by interviews to find out what advantages and difficulties the teachers saw in their way of teaching. The result showed examples of different types of talk used in explicit reading instruction from the models En läsande klass and Chambers model for book talks. Depending on the model the teachers took on different roles in their way of scaffolding their pupils. All teachers invited the pupils to participate in conversations and to learn from each other’s thoughts. The two teachers’ only using En läsande klass saw no obstacles in using that method to scaffold their pupils in explicit reading strategy instruction, while the other two explained some difficulties.
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Är explicit undervisning nyckeln till ökad läsförståelse? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur fem lärare i F–3 beskriver sin undervisning i läsförståelse och lässtrategierHermansson, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Resultaten av de senaste PIRLS-undersökningarna visar att svenska elevers läsförståelse har försämrats under senare år. Enligt forskning bör undervisningen vara inriktad på lässtrategier för att elever ska utveckla läsförståelse. För att eleverna ska lära sig använda olika lässtrategier självständigt när de tolkar text och skapar mening behöver de undervisas explicit. Undervisningen bör vara strukturerad och varierad samtidigt som läraren stöttar eleverna och anpassar undervisningen efter deras individuella behov. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur lärare i F–3 undervisar i läsförståelse och lässtrategier för att se vilka förtjänster och brister som finns. Studiens metod är kvalitativ och för att samla in material har fem halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fem verksamma lärare, fyra klasslärare och en specialpedagog, fördelade på fyra olika skolor. Resultaten visar att lärare använder sig av olika undervisningsmetoder när de undervisar i läsförståelse, såsom en läsande klass, think-aloud, cirkelmodellen och Chambers modell för boksamtal. Det som tycks genomsyra lärarnas undervisning i läsförståelse är kommunikation, vilket är nära sammankopplat med studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt, det sociokulturella perspektivet. Enligt lärarna samtalar de mycket med eleverna om texter, och de verkar försöka anpassa undervisningen efter elevernas individuella behov genom att välja texter som eleverna har förkunskaper i och om. När de undervisar explicit tycks lärarna diskutera olika lässtrategiers nyttoanvändning genom att samtala om hur och varför olika lässtrategier är lämpliga att använda i olika sammanhang. Enligt lärarna erbjuds eleverna undervisning i olika gruppkonstellationer såsom arbete i helklass, halvklass, mindre grupper, parvis och enskilt. Lärarna tycks vara tydliga i sin undervisning för att eleverna ska bli medvetna om i vilket syfte de ska läsa. / <p>Svenska</p>
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"Enda regeln är att ingen ska vara ensam" : En kvalitativ studie om lärares kommunikation av lärobjekt och uppfattningar av betydelsefull kommunikation i undervisningen för Idrott och Hälsa.Thoresen, Jakob, Carlsson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Den förändrade kunskapssynen ställer nya och högre krav på lärares bedömning av elevers prestationer. Kriterier som karaktäriseras av beteende i form av närvaro eller att göra sitt bästa inryms således inte i skolämnets kunskapskrav för Idrott och hälsa eftersom de inte går att legitimeras som varken kunskap eller prestation. Dock visar forskning att elever har svårt att uppfatta relevanta kriterier för ämnet. Studier visar på att elever värderar beteendemässiga egenskaper framför de idrottsliga förmågorna, vilket direkt strider emot vad forskare och styrdokument anger som giltiga kriterier. Som konsekvens av detta problem betonar forskare vikten av att idrottslärare måste redogöra för lektionens lärobjekt för att reducera felaktiga uppfattningar hos elever. Studiens syfte var därmed att genom observationer undersöka vilka lärobjekt som kommuniceras explicit av lärare i undervisningen. Ett delsyfte var även att med kompletterande intervjuer jämföra resultatet med vad lärarna uppfattade som betydelsefullt att kommunicera. Studiens resultat omfattades av fem legitimerade lärare i Idrott och hälsa. Resultatet visade bland annat att tre av fem lärare explicit kommunicerade lärobjekt i undervisningen. Resultatet visade även att de lärare som ej kommunicerade lärobjekt i undervisningen endast kommunicerade lektionens innehåll, samt vikten av att förhålla sig till aktiviteternas regler och ett gott uppförande. Slutsatser från resultatet var att de lärare som nämnde betydelsen av att kommunicera prestationsbunden feedback även explicit kommunicerade lärobjekt i undervisningen.
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Tyst kunskap : "kunskap som inte går att googla eller slå upp i en bok"Lindberg, Emelie, Peacock, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att genom kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med elva anställda i två olika konsultföretag få en inblick i hur deras syn på tyst kunskap samt kunskapsöverföring av tyst kunskap såg ut. Vi har i uppsatsen redovisat de intervjuades uppfattningar och åsikter angående dessa ämnen, främst utifrån fyra infallsvinklar. Dessa är: hur informanterna ser på kunskap och tyst kunskap, informanternas syn på kunskapsöverföring av tyst kunskap samt de eventuella svårigheter informanterna ser med överföring av tyst kunskap. Vårt resultat visar att de intervjuade vid företagen är väl medvetna om kunskapsbegrepp och dess vikt för deras arbetssituation.
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