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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre trabalho e educação das crianças no setor de jóias e bijuterias em Limeira

Locali, Tammy Ticiane 30 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:39:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3935.pdf: 5120650 bytes, checksum: 0f437306fd607a72ed102f6342189c08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-30 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Child labor has been often presented to society through family labor, being that, in the city of Limeira, it gained repercussion after the publication of the dissertation written by Marcos Antonio Libardi Ferreira (2005) entitled 'Estudos de risco à saúde do trabalhador e ao meio ambiente na produção de joias e bijuterias em Limeira-SP', which denounced the existence of six thousand children between the ages of eleven and sixteen years old working in the sector. This situation has showed itself recurrent, mainly in families which have found themselves obligated to assign services to their children, so they can raise funds and meet at least their basic necessities. The investigation project 'Um estudo sobre a atividade das crianças no setor de joias e bijuterias em Limeira', aims to fill an existent gap in the educational area, due to the fact that there are not researches referring to the theme in the sector of semi-jewels in Limeira, county which is considered the Brazilian capital of veneers and being few the jobs which give emphasis to the symbolic, cultural and historical aspects of this type of research. In order to answer the leading questions, this work is based on a whole theoretical structure, coming from a literary background about the subject and having a more empirical character which will be verified by questionnaires with formal and informal questions, clarifying how the process of production of the pieces is given, besides semi-structured interviews with students from Emeief Professora Maria Apparecida de Luca Moore, located at the Parque Residencial Aeroporto in Limeira, school that assists children who work with semi-jewels inside their homes, in order to verify their labor conditions, searching for gathering as much information as possible about these conditions and the consequences of this labor inside and outside the classroom. / O trabalho infantil tem sido apresentado à sociedade muitas vezes por meio do trabalho em família. No entanto, na cidade de Limeira, o trabalho infantil ganhou repercussão após a dissertação de Marcos Antonio Libardi Ferreira (2005) ser publicada. Intitulada Estudos de risco à saúde do trabalhador e ao meio ambiente na produção de joias e bijuterias em Limeira-SP , seu autor denuncia a existência de seis mil crianças, entre onze e dezesseis anos, trabalhando no setor. Tal situação tem se mostrado recorrente, principalmente entre famílias que se veem obrigadas a passar trabalho aos filhos, para que, assim, possam angariar fundos e suprir as necessidades básicas da família. A investigação Um estudo sobre trabalho e educação das crianças no setor de joias e bijuterias em Limeira", tem como objetivo preencher uma lacuna existente na área da educação, uma vez que não existirem pesquisas referentes ao tema, no setor industrial de semijoias em Limeira - município que é considerado a capital brasileira das joias folheadas -, e que poucos são os trabalhos que dão ênfase aos aspectos simbólicos, culturais e históricos desse tipo de pesquisa. Para responder as questões norteadoras, este trabalho será fundamentado, teoricamente, a partir de uma base literária que trate sobre o tema e terá um caráter mais empírico, por meio de questionários com perguntas formais e informais, esclarecendo como se dá o processo de produção das peças, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos da Emeief Professora Maria Apparecida de Luca Moore, localizada no Parque Residencial Aeroporto, na cidade de Limeira, que atende crianças que executam o trabalho com joias em casa. Os questionários e as entrevistas visam verificar as condições de trabalho dessas crianças em seus domicílios, buscando coletar o maior número de informações sobre suas condições de trabalho e as consequências desse trabalho dentro e fora de sala de aula.

Var går gränsen? : tillämpning av 4:4 miljöbalkens geografiska begränsningar / Practical use of the geographic delimitations of the 4:4 Environmental Code

Ingelmark, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda tillämpningen av 4:4 miljöbalkens geografiska begränsning. Lagparagrafen reglerar riksintresseområde för ”högexploaterad kust” där endast fritidshusbebyggelse får komma till stånd undantagsvis och då ifall de utgör komplettering till befintlig bebyggelse eller ifall fritidshusbebyggelsen utgör en naturlig avrundning till ett redan bebyggt område. Kustområdena som denna lagparagraf reglerar anger specifikt vissa ortsnamn, men är ändå inte tydlig med vilka geografiska gränser som faktiskt gäller, exempelvis hur långt in i landet ett kustområde sträcker sig. Så var går gränsen? I detta arbete behandlas i urval fyra rättsfall, spridda över tiden avseende exploatering i riksintresseområde där 4:4 MB har varit en central paragraf i fråga. Rättsfallen avser samtliga tiden från det att miljöbalken vann laga kraft 1998. Ett av dessa rättsfall utföll så att 4:4 MB inte ansågs vara tillämpligt och frågan hänvisades tillbaka till kommunen för vidare handläggning. Därmed är det inte klarlagt ifall det genomfördes någon sorts exploatering i fallet i slutändan. Vad jag generellt finner i rättsfallen är att rättsinstanserna oftast dömer så att någon exploatering inte tillåts, men att sakägarna som för ärendena inför domstol är inte kommunerna utan privatpersoner som bor i de aktuella områdena. I studien kontaktades ett antal länsstyrelser och kommuner för att få en tydligare bild av hur 4:4 MB tillämpas. Kommunerna som studerats i arbetet har olika mycket hantering av 4:4 MB. Vissa kommuner har stort tryck på exploatering i kustområden medan andra har mindre efterfrågan, och mängden ärende med anknytning till 4:4 MB verkar samvariera med exploateringsintresset. Något som flera företrädare för kommunerna i studien tar upp i de genomförda intervjuerna är avsaknaden av sorts mall eller liknande som förtydligar vad för värden som regelverket avses skydda, definitioner av ord i lagen så som ”tätort” och ”fritidsbebyggelse”, och vad det är för utveckling av områdena som eftersträvas. Av de valda länsstyrelsernas informationsutgivning, på deras respektive hemsidor framgår det oftast ungefärligt samma sak angående riksintressen. Det som brukar tas upp, med avseende på 4 kapitlet MB eller allmänt riksintresse, är en återgivning av lagtexten, en hänvisning till var detta regelverk är tillämpligt i länet och därefter en avslutning med hänvisning till en GIS-karta. Tillämpningen av 4:4 MB skiljer sig åt mellan länsstyrelser och kommuner. Vad de flesta länsstyrelser och kommuner verkar ha gemensamt är att de använder sig av ett GIS-skikt. Kommunerna som studerats i arbetet har olika mycket hantering av 4:4 MB. Detta beror på att, liksom länsstyrelser, exploateringstrycket varierar och därmed mängden ärende med 4:4 MB varierar. För vidare forskning anser jag att ett förtydligande av 4 :4 MB är nödvändig. Vidare bör en inventering ske om de nu i lagrummet reglerade områdena är aktuella att klassa som riksintresse. Även definition av andra ord i 4:4 MB skulle vara önskvärt, så som en definition av ”tätort” respektive ”fritidsbebyggelse”, samt ett förtydligande avseende vilka värden som staten avser skydda. Sammanfattningsvis tillämpas lagparagrafen hos länsstyrelser och kommuner idag med stor grund i ett GIS-skikt och med stöd i tidigare ärenden. Dock förfaller varken länsstyrelser eller kommuner någon helt klar bild avseende vilka värden som ska skyddas och kan därmed inte vara helt säkra på var den geografiska avgränsningen bör vara. Dock verkar den geografiska avgränsningen inte vara det största problemet med 4:4 MB, utan definitioner av uttryck exempelvis ”tätort” och ”fritidshus” och vilka värden som lagstiftaren syftar till att bevara. / This study aims to investigate the practical use of the 4:4 Environmental Code in Sweden. The paragraph regulates national interest areas of high-exploited coast where only vacation buildings exceptionally may be constructed and in that case the vacation buildings must make a complement to the already existing settlement or they must make a natural rounding to an already built area. The coastal areas this paragraph regulates specifies some location name s, but it is still not clear which geographical limits to apply. For example, how far inland does the coastal area extends. Where is the limit? In this work four legal cases are treated. These cases are within the field of exploitation in the national interest area where 4:4 Environmental Code have been a key paragraph. All the legal cases refer to the time after the Environmental Code became legally valid in 1998. One of these legal cases showed that the 4:4 Environmental Code was not applicable and the question was sent back to the municipality for further processing. Thereby it is not clear if there was any exploitation in the case in the end. What I generally find in the legal cases is that the courts often sentence so that there is no exploitation, but that it is private individuals which live in the current area, that take the case to court and not the municipality. In this study, county governments and municipalities were contacted to get a better understanding of how 4:4 Environmental Code is used. The municipalities that where studied in this work have some very different management of 4:4 Environmental Code. Some municipalities have a lot of pressure on exploitation in coastal areas while other municipalities have less pressure, and the amount of errands with connection to 4:4 Environmental Code seems to match the exploitation interest. Something that several representatives of the municipalities bring up in the conducted interviews is the lack of some sort of template or something similar that clarifies the values the Code intend to protect, definitions of word in the law such as “urban area” and “vacation building”, and what development is being sought. In general, the information regarding the national interests available on the websites of the chosen county governments respectively, is the same. What is usually brought up, regarding the fourth chapter in the Environmental Code or generally about national interest s, is a rendering of the paragraph, a reference to where in the county this paragraph is applicable and thereafter a closure with another reference to a GIS-map. The county governments and the municipalities apply 4:4 Environmental Code differently. What the most county governments and municipalities seem to have in common is their use of the GIS-map. The studied municipalities in this work have many different managements of 4:4 Environmental Code. This is because, as in the case with the county governments, that the pressure on exploitation varies and thereby does the amount of errands about 4:4 Environmental Code vary as well. For further research, I consider that a clarification of the 4:4 Environmental Code is necessary. Furthermore, there should be an inventory to see if the paragraph’s regulated areas are still current enough to be classified as national interest areas. Also the definition of other words in 4:4 Environmental Code would be desirable, such as a definition of “urban area“ and “vacation building“, and as well as a clarification of what values the Swedish state intends to protect.  In conclusion, the paragraph is applied today at the county governments and municipalities with a great support of a GIS-map and other previous errands. However, neither the county governments or the municipalities seems to have a totally clear picture regarding what values that are supposed to be protected and can therefore not be completely sure about where the geographical delimitation should be. But the geographical delimitations do not seem to be the greatest problem about the 4:4 Environmental Code, but definitions of expressions for instance “urban area“ and “vacation building “, and which values that the legislature aims to preserve.

Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans : modalities of use, fishing efficiency and potential management / Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons (DCP) des océans Atlantique et Indien : utilisation, efficacité de pêche et potentialités de gestion

Maufroy, Alexandra 30 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis le milieu des années 1990, l’utilisation de Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons (DCP), des objets artificiels spécifiquement mis à l’eau pour agréger des bancs de poissons, est devenue de plus en plus importante pour la pêche au thon tropical à la senne. Cette utilisation massive des DCP, qui s’accompagne d’une utilisation massive de dispositifs de suivi comme les balises GPS et les balises échosondeurs, est aujourd’hui source d’inquiétude pour les stocks de thons, les prises accessoires mais aussi pour le fonctionnement des écosystèmes pélagiques. Cependant, les modalités d’utilisation des DCP et des balises GPS qui servent à les suivre restent mal connues, ce qui complique considérablement l’évaluation et la gestion des impacts de ces pratiques de pêche. Afin d’améliorer les connaissances actuelles de la pêcherie, les positions des balises GPS utilisées par les 3 armements français dans les océans Atlantique et Indien, constituant une part significative des DCP utilisés dans ces deux océans, ont été analysées. Ces données ont été combinées avec des multiples sources d’information : les livres de bord, les trajectoires VMS des senneurs français ainsi que des entretiens avec les patrons français. Elles nous permettent de mieux comprendre les stratégies de mise à l’eau des DCP et des balises, d’estimer le nombre d’objets flottants utilisés par les flottes de senneurs dans les océans Atlantique et Indien, de mesurer la contribution des DCP et des navires auxiliaires à l’efficacité de pêche des senneurs, d’identifier des destructions potentielles d’habitats par les DCP échoués and pour finir de proposer des solutions de gestion pour la pêcherie. Les résultats montrent une grande saisonnalité dans les mises à l’eau des deux océans, une croissance rapide du nombre de balises GPS au cours des 7 dernières années puisqu’elle est multipliée par 4.2 dans l’Océan Indien et 7 dans l’Océan Atlantique, des dommages possibles causés à des écosystèmes côtiers fragiles avec une probabilité d’échouage de l’ordre de 10% et finalement une augmentation de l’efficacité de pêche entre 2003 et 2014 de l’ordre de 3.8-18.8% dans l’Océan Atlantique et 10.7%-26.3% dans l’Océan Indien. Les entretiens avec les capitaines des senneurs soulignent la nécessité d’une gestion plus efficace de la pêcherie, avec entre autres l’instauration de quotas, une régulation de la capacité de la flotte de senneurs et un meilleur suivi des navires auxiliaires. Les résultats obtenus constituent les premières étapes nécessaires à une meilleure gestion de la pêche sous objet flottant / Since the mid 1990s, the use of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) by purse seiners, artificial objects specifically designed to aggregate fish, has become an important mean of catching tropical tunas. In recent years, the massive deployments of dFADs, as well as the massive use of tracking devices on dFADs and natural floating objects, such as GPS buoys, have raised serious concerns for tropical tuna stocks, bycatch species and pelagic ecosystem functioning. Despite these concerns, relatively little is known about the modalities of GPS buoy tracked objects use, making it difficult to assess and manage of the impacts of this fishing practice. To fill these knowledge gaps, we have analyzed GPS buoy tracks provided by the three French fishing companies operating in the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans, representing a large proportion of the floating objects monitored by the French fleet. These data were combined with multiple sources of information: logbook data, Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) tracks of French purse seiners, information on support vessels and Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) of purse seine skippers to describe GPS buoy deployment strategies, estimate the total number of GPS buoy equipped dFADs used in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, measure the contribution of strategies with FOBs and support vessels to the fishing efficiency of tropical tuna purse seiners, identify potential damages caused by lost dFADs and finally to propose management options for tropical tuna purse seine FOB fisheries. Results indicate clear seasonal patterns of GPS buoy deployment in the two oceans, a rapid expansion in the use of dFADs over the last 7 years with an increase of 4.2 times in the Indian Ocean and 7.0 times in the Atlantic Ocean, possible damages to fragile coastal ecosystems with 10% of GPS buoy tracks ending with a beaching event and an increased efficiency of tropical tuna purse seine fleets from 3.9% to 18.8% in the Atlantic Ocean over 2003-2014 and from 10.7% to 26.3% in the Indian Ocean. Interviews with purse seine skippers underlined the need for a more efficient management of the fishery, including the implementation of catch quotas, a limitation of the capacity of purse seine fleets and a regulation of the use of support vessels. These results represent a first step towards better assessment and management of purse seine FOB fisheries.

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