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Vector Bundles Over Hypersurfaces Of Projective VarietiesTripathi, Amit 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we study some questions related to vector bundles over hypersurfaces. More precisely, for hypersurfaces of dimension ≥ 2, we study the extension problem of vector bundles. We find some cohomological conditions under which a vector bundle over an ample divisor of non-singular projective variety, extends as a vector bundle to an open set containing that ample divisor.
Our method is to follow the general Groethendieck-Lefschetz theory by showing that a vector bundle extension exists over various thickenings of the ample divisor.
For vector bundles of rank > 1, we find two separate cohomological conditions on vector bundles which shows the extension to an open set containing the ample divisor. For the case of line bundles, our method unifies and recovers the generalized Noether-Lefschetz theorems by Joshi and Ravindra-Srinivas.
In the last part of the thesis, we make a specific study of vector bundles over elliptic curve.
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On the Conjugacy of Maximal Toral Subalgebras of Certain Infinite-Dimensional Lie AlgebrasGontcharov, Aleksandr January 2013 (has links)
We will extend the conjugacy problem of maximal toral subalgebras for Lie algebras of the form $\g{g} \otimes_k R$ by considering $R=k[t,t^{-1}]$ and $R=k[t,t^{-1},(t-1)^{-1}]$, where $k$ is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and $\g{g}$ is a direct limit Lie algebra. In the process, we study properties of infinite matrices with entries in a B\'zout domain and we also look at how our conjugacy results extend to universal central extensions of the suitable direct limit Lie algebras.
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Extensions of the normal distribution using the odd log-logistic family: theory and applications / Extensões do normal distribuição utilizando a família odd log-logística: teoria e aplicaçõesAltemir da Silva Braga 23 June 2017 (has links)
In this study we propose three new distributions and a study with longitudinal data. The first was the Odd log-logistic normal distribution: theory and applications in analysis of experiments, the second was Odd log-logistic t Student: theory and applications, the third was the Odd log-logistic skew normal: the new distribution skew-bimodal with applications in analysis of experiments and the fourth regression model with random effect of the Odd log-logistic skew normal distribution: an application in longitudinal data. Some have been demonstrated such as symmetry, quantile function, some expansions, ordinary incomplete moments, mean deviation and the moment generating function. The estimation of the model parameters were approached by the method of maximum likelihood. In applications were used regression models to data from a completely randomized design (CRD) or designs completely randomized in blocks (DBC). Thus, the models can be used in practical situations for as a completely randomized designs or completely randomized blocks designs, mainly, with evidence of asymmetry, kurtosis and bimodality. / A distribuição normal é uma das mais importantes na área de estatística. Porém, não é adequada para ajustar dados que apresentam características de assimetria ou de bimodalidade, uma vez que tal distribuição possui apenas os dois primeiros momentos, diferentes de zero, ou seja, a média e o desvio-padrão. Por isso, muitos estudos são realizados com a finalidade de criar novas famílias de distribuições que possam modelar ou a assimetria ou a curtose ou a bimodalidade dos dados. Neste sentido, é importante que estas novas distribuições tenham boas propriedades matemáticas e, também, a distribuição normal como um submodelo. Porém, ainda, são poucas as classes de distribuições que incluem a distribuição normal como um modelo encaixado. Dentre essas propostas destacam-se: a skew-normal, a beta-normal, a Kumarassuamy-normal e a gama-normal. Em 2013 foi proposta a nova família X de distribuições Odd log-logística-G com o objetivo de criar novas distribuições de probabildade. Assim, utilizando as distribuições normal e a skew-normal como função base foram propostas três novas distribuições e um quarto estudo com dados longitudinais. A primeira, foi a distribuição Odd log-logística normal: teoria e aplicações em dados de ensaios experimentais; a segunda foi a distribuição Odd log-logística t Student: teoria e aplicações; a terceira foi a distribuição Odd log-logística skew-bimodal com aplicações em dados de ensaios experimentais e o quarto estudo foi o modelo de regressão com efeito aleatório para a distribuição distribuição Odd log-logística skew-bimodal: uma aplicação em dados longitudinais. Estas distribuições apresentam boas propriedades tais como: assimetria, curtose e bimodalidade. Algumas delas foram demonstradas como: simetria, função quantílica, algumas expansões, os momentos incompletos ordinários, desvios médios e a função geradora de momentos. A flexibilidade das novas distrições foram comparada com os modelos: skew-normal, beta-normal, Kumarassuamy-normal e gama-normal. A estimativas dos parâmetros dos modelos foram obtidas pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Nas aplicações foram utilizados modelos de regressão para dados provenientes de delineamentos inteiramente casualizados (DIC) ou delineamentos casualizados em blocos (DBC). Além disso, para os novos modelos, foram realizados estudos de simulação para verificar as propriedades assintóticas das estimativas de parâmetros. Para verificar a presença de valores extremos e a qualidade dos ajustes foram propostos os resíduos quantílicos e a análise de sensibilidade. Portanto, os novos modelos estão fundamentados em propriedades matemáticas, estudos de simulação computacional e com aplicações para dados de delineamentos experimentais. Podem ser utilizados em ensaios inteiramente casualizados ou em blocos casualizados, principalmente, com dados que apresentem evidências de assimetria, curtose e bimodalidade.
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Přenos a zobrazení videa v prohlížeči pro záznam pracovní plochy / Processing and Streaming Video in Browser for Screen RecordingSvačina, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
Aim of the thesis is to design and implement unique service based on the newest technologies in web apps fi eld which allows screen recording followed by P2P distribution between participating users using web browser only. Thesis deals with the analysis of modern and coming technologies which allow practical implementation of such a service. It involves obtaining access to the screen source data, its recording, transforming and transmission over the network followed by playing on the other side. Recorded videos are adapted for part by part use in a player with seeking capability. Distributed architecture for data exchange between peers using peer-to-peer connection based on hybrid P2P VoD network provides scalability of the solution. The player allows obtaining the necessary parts of the videos from the current watchers with smooth video playback experience during ongoing transmissions whilst allowing arbitrary video shifting. In consideration of early stages of development or experimental support for some of the APIs needed for this work, research into browsers' support with discussion on realistic applicability nowadays is always performed.
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Knihovna znovupoužitelných komponent a utilit pro framework Angular 2 / Library of Reusable Components and Utilities for the Angular 2 FrameworkBranderský, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Táto práca sa zaoberá vytvorením knižnice znovapoužiteľných komponent a utilít určené na použitie v dátavo-intenzívnych aplikáciach. Jednou typickou komponentou pre také aplikácie je tabuľka, ktorá je považovaná za hlavnú komponentu knižnice. Pre zaistenie vysokej kohezie sú všetky ostatné komponenty a utility sú s nou úzko prepojené. Výsledná sada komponent je použiteľná deklaratívným spôsobom a umožnuje rôzne konfigurácie. Uživateľské rozhranie je tiež prizpôsobené na dátovo-intenzívne aplikácie s rôznymi prvkami.
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Grafické rozhraní pro deskové hry na platformě Android / Graphical Interface for Board Games on Android PlatformKasper, Valter January 2015 (has links)
This work presents a design and implementation of graphic user interfaces for board games. The objects of the investigation were various types of board games and graphic effects for virtual board game scene. We have developed a user interface design for different games. In the following sections the OpenGL ES library and its application to the Android platform are characterized. We explored the possibility of implementation in the native code. We have developed a system for plug-ins that allows implementing game logic in scripting language and defining the virtual scene for board game in XML language.
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Akcelerace vektorových a krytografických operací na platformě x86-64 / Acceleration of Vector and Cryptographic Operations on x86-64 PlatformŠlenker, Samuel January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study and subsequently process a comparison of older and newer SIMD processing units of modern microprocessors on the x86-64 platform. The thesis provides an overview of the fastest computations of vector operations with matrices and vectors, including corresponding source codes. Furthermore, the thesis is focused on authenticated encryption, specifically on block cipher AES operating in Galois Counter Mode, and on a discussion of possibilities of instruction sets for cryptographic support.
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Relationen mellan designkvalitet och designintention : En tillämpning av design quality evaluation (DQE) i påbyggnadsprojekt / The relation between design quality and design intention : An application of design quality evaluation (DQE) in vertical extensions of buildingsJohansson, Emanuel January 2021 (has links)
Påbyggnation är en typ av hållbar stadsutveckling som blir allt vanligare i Sverige. Ett av de gemensamma målen vid påbyggnation, likt andra byggprojekt, är att uppnå en viss förbestämd kvalitet. Designkvalitet kan ses som en del av kvalitetsmålet. Problemet är att designkvalitet är svårdefinierat, ändå finns det ett behov av att mäta och hantera den här typen av värde, dels för kunden och samhället, dels för representanter i design- och byggprocessen. För att tillgodose behovet kan en utvärdering av designkvalitet vara en möjlig lösning. Ett av de senaste verktygen för detta är design quality evaluation (DQE) wheel, utvecklat av Eilouti (2020). Verktyget kan användas för att dra lärdom av projekt vilket blir särskilt viktigt i mindre utforskade områden, till exempel påbyggnation. Frågan är: hur uppnås designkvalitet? Forskning indikerar att arkitekten spelar en central roll. Arkitekten är den aktör som genom sina designintentioner ska se till att kundens mål och behov uppfylls. Däremot finns det få empiriska stöd för kopplingen mellan designintention och designkvalitet. Därför är det relevant att undersöka hur begreppen förhåller sig till varandra. Undersökningen kan ge insikt i hur designkvalitet uppnås, främst genom ökad förståelse för hur arkitektens designintentioner påverkar det slutliga resultatet. För att säkerställa att designintentioner leder till uppnådd designkvalitet pekar forskning på att intentionerna måste kopplas till mätbara resultat. DQE kan vara en lösning som erbjuder dessa mätbara resultat. Examensarbetets syfte är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur designkvalitet uppnås genom att undersöka relationen mellan designkvalitet och designintention. Undersökningen möjliggörs genom en tillämpning av DQE. Verktyget kan erbjuda den struktur som behövs för att erhålla arkitektens utvärdering av designkvalitet och ta reda på bakomliggande designintentioner. För att uppnå syftet används två primära metoder: först en litteraturundersökning, sedan en fallstudie. I den första delen jämförs och kontrasteras olika teoretiska synsätt på designkvalitet och designintention. Därefter föreslås en definition av begreppen som blir gällande i arbetets kontext. Arbetets andra del innebär en djupdykning i sju olika påbyggnadsprojekt där uppdragsansvarig eller handläggande arkitekt intervjuas. Intervjuerna genomförs för att erhålla arkitektens utvärdering av designkvalitet och ta reda på bakomliggande designintentioner. Resultatet analyseras i tre steg för att kunna dra slutsatser om relationen mellan designkvalitet och designintention. Litteraturundersökningen resulterar i två föreslagna definitioner. (Se avsnitt 3.1.4 respektive 3.3.4 för fullständiga definitioner.) Designkvalitet används i regel för att beskriva en byggnads goda egenskaper med avseende på design. Begreppet är svårdefinierat på grund av dess subjektiva karaktär och därmed omöjliga separation från personliga, samhällsenliga och kulturella förutsättningar. Designintention är en designers beskrivning av mål, syften eller orsaker bakom designrelaterade beslut. Designintentioner skapas utifrån en designers tolkning av kundens prioriterade mål. Resultatet blir därför en kombination av designerns och kundens värderingar. Fallstudien visar att estetik, stads- & miljömässig lämplighet samt identitet & karaktär är de parametrar som prioriteras högst av arkitekterna. Samma parametrar leder även till högst designkvalitet i arkitekternas utvärderingar. Resultatet talar för att arkitekternas prioriterade designintentioner tenderar att resultera i uppnådd designkvalitet. Det betyder att relationen mellan designkvalitet och designintention existerar och att arkitekten är nyckelpersonen i sammanhanget. Analysen indikerar att relationen utgörs av en problemlösande process där arkitekten ansvarar för att säkerställa att designintentionerna leder till uppnådd designkvalitet. Processen är känslig eftersom den påverkas av kundens vilja och arkitektens förmåga att tillämpa sina designintentioner i praktiken. Examensarbetet belyser vikten av arkitektens arbete från intention till slutlig produkt eftersom det kan främja designkvalitet i den färdiga byggnaden. Avgränsningen till påbyggnadsprojekt bidrar till att vidga tillämpningsområdet för designkvalitet och designintention. Tillämpningen av DQE var en förutsättning för examensarbetets genomförande. Däremot kan det argumenteras för att verktyget gör större nytta som diskussionsunderlag än för att kvantifiera designkvalitet. / Vertical extensions of buildings are a type of sustainable urban development with increasing occurrence in Sweden. One of the commonly held goals when vertically extending a building, as in other construction projects, is to achieve a certain pre-determined quality. Design quality can be seen as a part of the quality goal. The problem is that design quality is difficult to define, still there is a need for measuring and managing this type of value, not only for the client and society, but also for actors within the design and building process. To satisfy the need an evaluation of design quality might be a possible solution. One of the most recent tools for this is the design quality evaluation (DQE) wheel, developed by Eilouti (2020). The tool can be used to learn lessons from a project which is especially important in less researched areas, e.g. vertical extensions of buildings. The question is: how is design quality achieved? Research indicates that the architect plays a crucial role. The architect is the actor who through their design intentions should ensure that the clients’ goals and needs are fulfilled. However, there are few empirical studies supporting the connection between design intentions and design quality. That is why it is relevant to examine how these concepts relate to one another. The examination can provide insight into how design quality is achieved, mainly by increased understanding of how the architects’ design intentions are affecting the result. To ensure that the design intentions lead to achieved design quality research imply that the intentions must be connected to testable outcomes. DQE might be a solution providing these testable outcomes. The purpose of this master thesis is to contribute with increased understanding of how design quality is achieved by examining the relation between design quality and design intention. The examination is enabled due to the application of DQE. The tool can offer a structure for acquiring the architect’s evaluation of design quality and finding out the underlying design intentions. To achieve the purpose two primary methods are being used: first a literature review, then a case study. The first part compares different theoretical viewpoints on design quality and design intention. Thereafter two definitions are proposed which are applicable within the context of this thesis. The second part takes a deeper dive into seven different vertical extension projects where each responsible architect is interviewed. The interviews are conducted to acquire the architect’s evaluation of design quality and to find out the underlying design intentions. The results are analysed in three stages in order to make conclusions about the relation between design quality and design intention. The literature review results in two proposed definitions. (See section 3.1.4 and 3.3.4 for the complete Swedish definitions.) Design quality is often used to describe a building’s good properties regarding design. The concept is difficult to define because of its subjective nature and therefore impossible separation from personal, societal, and cultural conditions. Design intention is a designer’s description of goals, purposes or reasons behind design related decisions. Design intentions are based on a designer’s interpretation of the client’s prioritised goals. The result is therefore a combination of the designer’s and the client’s values. The case study shows that aesthetics, urban & environmental fit, and identity & character are the parameters which the architects prioritise the highest. The same parameters lead to the highest design quality according to the architects’ evaluations. The results show that the architects’ prioritised design intentions tend to lead to achieved design quality. This means that the relation between design quality and design intention exists and that the architect is the key person in this context. The analysis indicates that the relation consists of a problem-solving process where the architect is responsible of ensuring that the design intentions lead to achieved design quality. The process is sensitive because it is affected by the client’s will and the architect’s ability to apply their design intentions in practise. This thesis highlights the importance of the architect’s work from intention to product because it can favour the design quality of the finished building. The demarcation to vertical extensions of buildings contribute to widen the areas of applicability for design quality and design intention. The application of DQE was a prerequisite for the realisation of this thesis. However, it can be argued that the tool is better used as a basis for discussion rather than to quantify design quality. / Timber on Top
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Bayesian and classical inference for extensions of Geometric Exponential distribution with applications in survival analysis under the presence of the data covariated and randomly censored /Gianfelice, Paulo Roberto de Lima. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Antonio Moala / Abstract: This work presents a study of probabilistic modeling, with applications to survival analysis, based on a probabilistic model called Exponential Geometric (EG), which o ers great exibility for the statistical estimation of its parameters based on samples of life time data complete and censored. In this study, the concepts of estimators and lifetime data are explored under random censorship in two cases of extensions of the EG model: the Extended Geometric Exponential (EEG) and the Generalized Extreme Geometric Exponential (GE2). The work still considers, exclusively for the EEG model, the approach of the presence of covariates indexed in the rate parameter as a second source of variation to add even more exibility to the model, as well as, exclusively for the GE2 model, a analysis of the convergence, hitherto ignored, it is proposed for its moments. The statistical inference approach is performed for these extensions in order to expose (in the classical context) their maximum likelihood estimators and asymptotic con dence intervals, and (in the bayesian context) their a priori and a posteriori distributions, both cases to estimate their parameters under random censorship, and covariates in the case of EEG. In this work, bayesian estimators are developed with the assumptions that the prioris are vague, follow a Gamma distribution and are independent between the unknown parameters. The results of this work are regarded from a detailed study of statistical simulation applied to... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de modelagem probabilística, com aplicações à análise de sobrevivência, fundamentado em um modelo probabilístico denominado Exponencial Geométrico (EG), que oferece uma grande exibilidade para a estimação estatística de seus parâmetros com base em amostras de dados de tempo de vida completos e censurados. Neste estudo são explorados os conceitos de estimadores e dados de tempo de vida sob censuras aleatórias em dois casos de extensões do modelo EG: o Exponencial Geom étrico Estendido (EEG) e o Exponencial Geométrico Extremo Generalizado (GE2). O trabalho ainda considera, exclusivamente para o modelo EEG, a abordagem de presença de covariáveis indexadas no parâmetro de taxa como uma segunda fonte de variação para acrescentar ainda mais exibilidade para o modelo, bem como, exclusivamente para o modelo GE2, uma análise de convergência até então ignorada, é proposta para seus momentos. A abordagem da inferência estatística é realizada para essas extensões no intuito de expor (no contexto clássico) seus estimadores de máxima verossimilhança e intervalos de con ança assintóticos, e (no contexto bayesiano) suas distribuições à priori e posteriori, ambos os casos para estimar seus parâmetros sob as censuras aleatórias, e covariáveis no caso do EEG. Neste trabalho os estimadores bayesianos são desenvolvidos com os pressupostos de que as prioris são vagas, seguem uma distribuição Gama e são independentes entre os parâmetros desconhecidos. Os resultad... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre
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Från juice till halloumi : Vilka faktorer påverkar fristående varumärkesförlängningar? / From juice to halloumi : which factors affect independent brand extensions?Eriksson, Andreas, Hayling, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en djupare förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar fristående varumärkesförlängningar bland företag inom dagligvaruhandeln. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer används för att samla in empiriska data. Intervjuerna har genomförts med anställda på tre olika företag inom dagligvaruhandeln. Analysen av empiriska data har genomförts med hjälp av abduktiv metod med inspiration från grundad teori. Slutsatsen i denna studie är att det finns ett flertal påverkande faktorer vid fristående varumärkesförlängningar, bland annat konsumenters och återförsäljares innovationsförmåga, användningen av ambassadörer vid kommunikation och lansering samt att innovativa konsumenter inte nödvändigtvis kan ses som illojala mot varumärken. Den faktor som studien visar har störst påverkan vid en fristående varumärkesförlängning är förlängningens varumärkesrelevans. Studiens presenterar även en modell för påverkande faktorer vid fristående varumärkesförlängningar. Denna studie bidrar till en djupare förståelse ur ett företagsperspektiv för de påverkande faktorerna vid fristående varumärkesförlängningar. Studien visar även att innovativa konsumenter som i allmänhet anses vara illojala mot varumärken efterfrågar förlängningsprodukter i större utsträckning om dessa marknadsförs av ambassadörer i sociala medier, samt att återförsäljare i vissa fall kräver att få ta del av företagens marknadsföringsstrategier vid presentation av en varumärkesförlängning. Studiens förslag till vidare forskning är att närmare utreda om ambassadörer påverkar slutkonsumenternas varumärkeslojalitet och underlättar mottagandet av varumärkesförlängningar, samt att utveckla den modell som vi har framtagit för påverkande faktorer vid varumärkesförlängningar och anpassa denna till olika branscher. / The aim of this study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of which factors affect independent brand extensions among companies in the fast-moving consumer goods market. This study applies a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews have been conducted to gather empirical data. The interviews have been conducted with employees from three different companies in the consumer goods market. The empirical data has been analyzed through an abductive method with inspiration from grounded theory. The conclusion of this study is that there are several affecting factors on independent brand extensions, inter alia, the level of innovation among consumers and retailers, the usage of ambassadors when communicating and launching the brand extensions and that innovative consumers isn´t generally disloyal to brands. The study also concludes that relevance of the extension to the core brands a particularly influential factor for independent brand extensions. The study also presents a model for factors affecting independent brand extensions. This study contributes to a deeper understanding, from a business perspective, of the affecting factors on independent brand extensions. The study also finds that innovative consumers who are generally considered to be disloyal to brands request extension products to a larger extent if the products are marketed by ambassadors in social media, and that retailers may want to receive information on the companies’ marketing plans when presenting a brand extension product. The proposal for further research is to investigate whether ambassadors influence consumer brand loyalty and facilitate the acceptance of brand extensions, and to further develop our model for affecting factors on independent brand extensions and adapt it to other sectors of business.
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