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A comparative study of the verb structure in northern, central and southern Khoesan: the case of Ju/’hoansi, Naro and !XóõMotse-Mogara, Budzani Gabana 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This dissertation, deals with the verb structure found in Ju/̕hoansi, Naro and !Xóõ, which form part of the Northern, Central and Southern Khoesan respectively. Although previous studies have been conducted on these languages, no study has been done to date involving a detailed comparison of the structures in these languages. Thus, not much has been done in the area of syntax; particularly syntactical comparison. Previous studies ignored comparisons of grammatical categories and structures such as noun class markers, plural formation markers, tense and aspect markers and verbal extensions.
This dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 covers the language situation in Botswana. Chapter 2 is devoted to the literature review. Chapter 3 deals with the linguistic features found in the three languages. Chapter 4 covers the methodology and the theoretical framework adopted in the dissertation. The theoretical framework is
eclectic in nature, in other words, the study is largely descriptive. However, on occasion, some aspects of lexical functional grammar (LFG) are used. This theoretical framework is appealing as it best handles important aspects of the languages under consideration,
particularly the verb extensions. Chapter 5 describes the noun class system, highlighting the markers found in different noun classes. It also covers tense and aspect markers as well as the verbal extensions found in the three languages. Specifically, it is argued in this chapter that plural formation occurs in three ways; regular plurals, irregular plurals and neutral plurals.
The study reveals a close relationship between tense and aspect and the motion of the events, points of reference and moment of speech encoded in the verbs involved.
Adverbials can co-occur with the relevant tenses. Lastly, it is shown that verbal extensions do not just combine freely; they are subject to different kinds of sequential constraints.
Chapter 6 summarizes the main findings, highlighting the similarities and differences in the three languages. Naro is SOV while Ju/'hoansi and !Xóõ are SVO. Chapter 6 also indicates areas in these Khoesan Languages requiring further research. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Rekonstrukce historického objektu / Reconstruction of historic buildingStrnadová, Ludmila January 2014 (has links)
In my diploma thesis deals with the reconstruction of the parish. Unused areas of the building will serve as a day care center, lounge, apartments and offices for priests. Fara, which I have chosen is located in the Pardubice region in the spa town of Lázně Bohdaneč. Fara is located northeast of the local church, which is situated in the center square. This is a two-storeyed building with attic space. The roof is hipped with a stencil asbestos cement roofing.
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On the Unramified Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture and its generalizationsLuo, Yufan 08 December 2023 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht Galois-Erweiterungen von Zahlkörpern und die Unverzweigte Fontaine-Mazur-Vermutung für p-adische Galois-Darstellungen und deren Verallgemeinerungen. Wir beweisen viele grundlegende Fälle der Vermutung und liefern einige nützliche Kriterien zur Überprüfung. Darüber hinaus schlagen wir mehrere verschiedene Strategien vor, um die Vermutung anzugreifen und auf einige spezielle Fälle zu reduzieren. Wir beweisen auch viele neue Ergebnisse der Vermutung im zweidimensionalen Fall. Als Anwendung beweisen wir die Endlichkeit der unverzweigten Galois-Deformationsringe unter der Annahme eines speziellen Falles der Vermutung und geben einige Gegenbeispiele zur sogenannten Dimension-Vermutung für Galois-Deformationsringe unter der Annahme der Vermutung. / This thesis studies Galois extensions of number fields, and the Unramified Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture for p-adic Galois representations and its generalizations. We prove many basic cases of the conjecture, and provide some useful criterions for verifying it. In addition, we propose several different strategies to attack the conjecture and reduce it to some special cases. We also prove many new results of the conjecture in the two-dimensional case. As an application, we prove the finiteness of unramified Galois deformation rings assuming a special case of the conjecture, and we give some counterexamples to the so-called dimension conjecture for Galois deformation rings assuming the conjecture.
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Fire behaviour of blind-bolted connections to concrete filled tubular columns under tensionPascual Pastor, Ana María 15 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] Concrete filled steel tubular columns have many advantages in terms of bearing capacity, aesthetics, execution and fire resistance, thanks to the collaborative work of both materials steel and concrete. The effort made in the last decades to rise a high understanding of their behaviour subjected to different loads and assuming multiple variations has resulted in the wide spread of its use between the designers. Nonetheless, how to solve the connection with I-beams is still a handicap and requires a specific study.
One of the most common and popular solution to connect open section steel beams (I-beams) to open section steel columns are endplate connections. In the cases of columns with hollow section, special fastenings are needed, which are able to be tightened from one external side and are denominated blind-bolts. Nowadays, there are several fastener systems that allow these types of connections. The characterization of their response and their capacity to support different loads is the objective of several investigations, where the geometrical definition and the material properties are crucial parameters.
Despite the promising results of these connections at room temperature regarding their capability to resist bending moments, their performance is un-known at high temperatures. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is the study of the tensile behaviour of blind-bolts in endplate connections to concrete filled tubular columns at elevated temperatures and subjected to bending moment.
Primarily, the research comprises the understanding of the pure thermal transfer problem. The temperature distribution through the connection section is obtained experimental and numerically. The thermal parameters that characterize the connections response are determined through the calibration of the numerical models with the experiments. Secondly, the blind-bolt capacity under pull out and at high temperatures is under analysis. During the fire the temperature increases while connection transmits loads from the beam to the column, the objective of this dissertation is to know how the mechanical response of the pulled blind-bolts changes under these conditions. Thus, the study of the material properties dependent on the temperature and their effect on the connection response is covered by the investigation. Furthermore, the influence of the concrete and the type of fastener is a highlighted aspect through the thermal and the fire analysis.
Finally, the reliability of these connections to comply with requirements of 30 minutes fire exposure before the collapse is evaluated.
As a result, valuable Finite Element models able to simulate the thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour of the connection are developed, providing useful behavioural patterns of the blind-bolts. Among the main conclusions, it is noted the temperature reduction due to concrete core in concrete filled columns compared to hollow sections, in the exposed bolt surface means 100ºC less. Conversely, a longer bolt shank of the fastener system embedded in concrete has a negligible effect on the temperature of the resistant part of the bolt. Regarding the fire capacity, the concrete core in the steel tube columns presents significant benefits in terms of fire resistance time and connection stiffness. Besides, the bolt anchorage enhances the stiffness at elevated temperatures, however, the failure of the shank next to the bolt head causes that the anchorage does not mean an improvement on the fire time resistance. / [ES] Las columnas tubulares de acero rellenas de hormigón presentan múltiples ventajas en términos de capacidad de carga, estética, ejecución y resistencia al fuego, gracias a la acción combinada de acero y hormigón. El esfuerzo realizado en las últimas décadas por conocer su comportamiento frente a diferentes cargas y bajo distintos parámetros ha dado lugar a una amplia difusión de su uso entre los diseñadores. No obstante, la forma de resolver la conexión con vigas de sección en I sigue siendo un hándicap y requiere un estudio específico.
Una de las soluciones más comunes y populares para conectar las vigas de acero de sección abierta (vigas I) a columnas de acero de sección abierta es la conexión con chapa de testa, que en el caso de sección hueca requiere de tornillos especiales denominados tornillos ciegos, puesto que reciben el par de apriete desde una cara de la sección. En la actualidad existen diversos sistemas de fijación que permiten este tipo de conexiones y cuya respuesta y caracterización es objeto de numerosas investigaciones. En este sentido, la definición geométrica de la unión y las propiedades de los materiales son parámetros cruciales en el rendimiento de la conexión.
La presente tesis analiza el comportamiento de los tornillos ciegos en el área traccionada de conexiones de placa de testa a columnas tubulares de acero rellenas de hormigón sometidas a momentos de flexión y a elevadas temperaturas. Las prestaciones de esta solución constructiva para la unión viga-columna tubular, junto con la ausencia de datos relacionados con su comportamiento en situación de incendio la convirtió en el objetivo del trabajo.
En primer lugar, la investigación aborda el problema de transferencia de calor, analizando experimental y numéricamente la distribución de temperaturas en la sección de la conexión. En esta parte del estudio se obtienen los parámetros térmicos que caracterizan la respuesta térmica de la conexión a través de la calibración de los modelos numéricos con los datos experimentales. En segundo lugar, se realiza el estudio de la capacidad de los tornillos ciegos para soportar cargas de tracción en situación de incendio, es decir, se analiza cómo cambia el comportamiento de la conexión con sus características alteradas debido a las altas temperaturas. El estudio de las propiedades del material en función de la temperatura y su efecto sobre la respuesta de la conexión constituyen una parte importante de la investigación. Además, se evalúa la influencia del hormigón y el tipo de elemento de sujeción tanto en el comportamiento mecánico como termo-mecánico de la conexión.
Por último, se estudia la capacidad de las uniones para cumplir con requerimientos de exposición al fuego de 30 minutos previamente al colapso.
Como resultado de este trabajo se obtuvieron modelos de elementos finitos capaces de simular la conexión térmica y termo-mecánicamente, proporcionando patrones de comportamiento de gran utilidad en el diseño de las mismas. Entre las principales conclusiones, se observó la reducción de la temperatura en los tornillos gracias al núcleo de hormigón en columnas de hormigón lleno en comparación con secciones huecas, que ya en la superficie expuesta del tornillo se cuantificaba en 100ºC menos. Por el contrario, los elementos de fijación que presentaban mayor longitud de vástago de tornillo embebida en el hormigón, no generaban un efecto significativo sobre la temperatura de la parte resistente del perno. En cuanto a la capacidad resistente frente a fuego, el núcleo de hormigón supuso una mejora en términos de rigidez y de tiempo de resistencia al fuego. Sin embargo, el fallo de los pernos en una sección próxima a la superficie expuesta redujo el efecto esperado del anclaje del tornillo, que si bien implicaba una mayor rigidez de la conexión, no parecía mejorar el tiempo de resistencia a fuego. Finalmente se planteó la necesidad de / [CA] Els pilars tubulars d'acer omplerts de formigó (CFT) presenten molts avantatges en termes de capacitat de carrega, estètica, execució i resistència al foc, gràcies a l'acció combinada de l'acer i el formigó. L'esforç realitzat en les darreres dècades per conèixer el seu comportament enfront a diferents càrregues i sota distints paràmetres ha donat lloc a una amplia difusió del seu ús entre el dissenyadors. No obstant això, la manera de resoldre la connexió amb bigues de secció en I, continua sent un handicap i requereix d'un estudi específic.
Una de les solucions més comuns i populars per a connectar les bigues d'acer de secció oberta (bigues I) a columnes d'acer de secció oberta és la connexió amb 'chapa de testa', que en el cas de la secció buida requereix de perns especials denominats perns cecs perquè es rosquen des d'una cara de la secció. En l'actualitat existeixen diversos sistemes de fixació que permeten aquest tipus de connexions, la resposta i caracterització dels quals es l'objectiu de nombroses recerques. En aquest sentit, la definició geomètrica de la unió i les propietats dels materials son paràmetres crucials en el rendiment de la connexió.
Aquesta tesi analitza el comportament dels perns cecs en l'àrea traccionada de connexions de 'chapa de testa', a pilars tubulars d'acer omplerts de formigó, sotmeses a moments de flexió i a elevades temperatures. Les prestacions d'aquesta solució constructiva per a la unió biga-pilar tubular junt amb l'absència de dades relacionades amb el comportament en situació d'incendi, la van convertir en l'objectiu d'aquest treball.
En primer lloc, la recerca aborda el problema de transferència de calor, analitzant tant experimental com numèricament la distribució de temperatures en la secció de la connexió. En aquesta part de l'estudi, s'obtenen el paràmetres tèrmics que caracteritzen la resposta tèrmica de la connexió mitjançant el calibratge del models numèrics amb les dades experimentals. En segon lloc, es realitza l'estudi de la capacitat dels perns cecs per a suportar càrregues de tracció en situació d'incendi, es a dir, s'analitza com canvia el comportament de la connexió amb les seues característiques alterades degut a les altes temperatures. L'estudi de les propietats del material en funció de la temperatura i el seu efecte en la resposta de la connexió formen també part de la recerca.
Un contingut important d'aquest treball consisteix en determinar l'influencia del formigó i el tipus d'element de fixació tant en el comportament mecànic com termo-mecànic de la connexió.
Per últim, s'estudia la capacitat de les unions per a complir amb els requeriments d'exposició al foc de 30 minuts prèviament al col·lapse.
Com a resultat d'aquest treball s'obtingueren models d'elements finits amb capacitat per a simular el comportament tèrmic i termo-mecànic de la connexió, proporcionant patrons de comportament de gran utilitat en el disseny. Entre les principals conclusions, es va observar la reducció de la temperatura en els perns gràcies al nucli de formigó en pilars omplerts de formigó en comparació amb el pilars buits, on ja en la superfície esposada del cargol es quantificava en 100 ºC menys. Pel contrari, els elements de fixació que presentaven major longitud de embeguda en el formigó, no generaven un efecte significatiu en la temperatura de la part resistent del pern. En quant a la capacitat resistent davant del foc, el nucli de formigó va suposar una millora en termes de rigidesa i de temps de resistència al foc. Tanmateix, la fallada dels perns en una secció pròxima a la superfície esposada va reduir l'efecte esperat de la fixació del pern, que si be implicava una major rigidesa de la connexió, no semblava millorar el temps de resistència al foc. Finalment, es va plantejar la necessitat de aprofundir en l'anàlisi incorporant un major rang de paràmetres. / Pascual Pastor, AM. (2015). Fire behaviour of blind-bolted connections to concrete filled tubular columns under tension [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53240
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Horizontal brand extensions : the key factors of successEngström, Ellinor, Svedman, Hanna January 2011 (has links)
Background: All brands need to keep moving and to keep building their stories by bringing new and exciting products or experiences. During the last twenty years, companies have been more and more convinced that their brands are among their most valuable resources and today we see an increasing trend of brand extension attempts, however with a significant number of failures, as well.The strategies of how a brand extension should be done, have been published in several books during the last decades. Despite of this, some companies still do not see the link between brand extension and business development. There seem to be a certain lack of knowledge and understanding of the underlying factors that affect a brand extension. In this study, we would therefore like to examine and identify these different factors in order to create a greater understanding of branding strategies.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to research, describe and analyse the nature of horizontal brand extensions in order to create a theory regarding the essential key factors to take into consideration before considering an extension. Based on the theory, the hypothesis will be tested empirically in order to strengthen- or reject it.Methodology: This study is made with a deductive approach, where the theoretical framework, based on previous presented theories, has led to the conformation of our hypothesis, which has later on been applied to the findings from the empirical researches in order to confirm or discard our hypothesis.The empirical basis consists of qualitative interviews with respondents from two companies with experience from horizontal brand extension: Craft of Scandinavia and Peak Performance.Conclusion: Our conclusion from this research is that for a horizontal extension to be successful it must:‐ Be a part of a brand with a clear brand image and plan, for the brand ‐ Fit the brand ‐ Live up to the original brand promise - Fit with the old associations and generate new, positive associations to the brand ‐ Have high perceived quality and trust in the mind of the customer- Be a part of a risk evaluation in order to limit the risks and obtain a more realistic view of the extension. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning
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The Role of Consumer Gender Identity and Brand Concept Consistency in Evaluating Cross-Gender Brand ExtensionsFrieden, Laura Rose 01 January 2013 (has links)
Cross-gender brand extensions are a developing and valuable strategy that has quickly grown to become a vital component of strategic communications management. The goal of this study is to gain a greater insight on what makes for a successful cross-gender brand extension. In order to expand upon the Basic Model of Brand Extension Evaluation (Doust & Esfahlan, 2012), this study examines how marketing factors, more specifically product positioning, combined with consumer gender roles and brand concept, affect how consumers evaluate cross-gender brand extensions. In the past gender and brand concept have been studied within cross-gender brand extension research. Yet, the present study focuses on gender roles, conceptualizing gender as levels of masculinity and femininity. The products featured were positioned as having either a symbolic or functional brand concept. The results from this study not only confirm that gender and gender roles are indeed two distinct concepts, but they also indicate that gender roles and brand concept have a significant effect on brand extension evaluations, especially when level of masculinity is a factor.
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A new invariant of quadratic lie algebras and quadratic lie superalgebrasDuong, Minh-Thanh 06 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we defind a new invariant of quadratic Lie algebras and quadratic Lie superalgebras and give a complete study and classification of singular quadratic Lie algebras and singular quadratic Lie superalgebras, i.e. those for which the invariant does not vanish. The classification is related to adjoint orbits of Lie algebras o(m) and sp(2n). Also, we give an isomorphic characterization of 2-step nilpotent quadratic Lie algebras and quasi-singular quadratic Lie superalgebras for the purpose of completeness. We study pseudo-Euclidean Jordan algebras obtained as double extensions of a quadratic vector space by a one-dimensional algebra and 2-step nilpotent pseudo-Euclidean Jordan algebras, in the same manner as it was done for singular quadratic Lie algebras and 2-step nilpotent quadratic Lie algebras. Finally, we focus on the case of a symmetric Novikov algebra and study it up to dimension 7.
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A new invariant of quadratic lie algebras and quadratic lie superalgebras / Un nouvel invariant des algèbres de Lie et des super-algèbres de Lie quadratiquesDuong, Minh thanh 06 July 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous définissons un nouvel invariant des algèbres de Lie quadratiques et des superalgèbres de Lie quadratiques et donnons une étude et classification complète des algèbres de Lie quadratiques singulières et des superalgèbres de Lie quadratiques singulières, i.e. celles pour lesquelles l’invariant n’est pas nul. La classification est en relation avec les orbites adjointes des algèbres de Lie o(m) et sp(2n). Aussi, nous donnons une caractérisation isomorphe des algèbres de Lie quadratiques 2-nilpotentes et des superalgèbres de Lie quadratiques quasi-singulières pour le but d’exhaustivité. Nous étudions les algèbres de Jordan pseudoeuclidiennes qui sont obtenues des extensions doubles d’un espace vectoriel quadratique par une algèbre d’une dimension et les algèbres de Jordan pseudo-euclidienne 2-nilpotentes, de la même manière que cela a été fait pour les algèbres de Lie quadratiques singulières et des algèbres de Lie quadratiques 2-nilpotentes. Enfin, nous nous concentrons sur le cas d’une algèbre de Novikov symétrique et l’étudions à dimension 7. / In this thesis, we defind a new invariant of quadratic Lie algebras and quadratic Lie superalgebras and give a complete study and classification of singular quadratic Lie algebras and singular quadratic Lie superalgebras, i.e. those for which the invariant does not vanish. The classification is related to adjoint orbits of Lie algebras o(m) and sp(2n). Also, we give an isomorphic characterization of 2-step nilpotent quadratic Lie algebras and quasi-singular quadratic Lie superalgebras for the purpose of completeness. We study pseudo-Euclidean Jordan algebras obtained as double extensions of a quadratic vector space by a one-dimensional algebra and 2-step nilpotent pseudo-Euclidean Jordan algebras, in the same manner as it was done for singular quadratic Lie algebras and 2-step nilpotent quadratic Lie algebras. Finally, we focus on the case of a symmetric Novikov algebra and study it up to dimension 7.
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Finite subgroups of the extended Morava stabilizer groups / Sous-groupes finis des groupes de stabilisateur étendus de MoravaBujard, Cédric 04 June 2012 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse est la classification à conjugaison près des sous-groupes finis du groupe de stabilisateur (classique) de Morava S_n et du groupe de stabilisateur étendu G_n(u) associé à une loi de groupe formel F de hauteur n définie sur le corps F_p à p éléments. Une classification complète dans S_n est établie pour tout entier positif n et premier p. De plus, on montre que la classification dans le groupe étendu dépend aussi de F et son unité associée u dans l'anneau des entiers p-adiques. On établit un cadre théorique pour la classification dans G_n(u), on donne des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes sur n, p et u pour l'existence dans G_n(u) d'extensions de sous-groupes finis maximaux de S_n par le groupe de Galois de F_{p^n} sur F_p, et lorsque de telles extensions existent on dénombre leurs classes de conjugaisons. On illustre nos méthodes en fournissant une classification complète et explicite dans le cas n=2. / The problem addressed is the classification up to conjugation of the finite subgroups of the (classical) Morava stabilizer group S_n and the extended Morava stabilizer group G_n(u) associated to a formal group law F of height n over the field F_p of p elements. A complete classification in S_n is provided for any positive integer n and prime p. Furthermore, we show that the classification in the extended group also depends on F and its associated unit u in the ring of p-adic integers. We provide a theoretical framework for the classification in G_n(u), we give necessary and sufficient conditions on n, p and u for the existence in G_n(u) of extensions of maximal finite subgroups of S_n by the Galois group of F_{p^n} over F_p, and whenever such extension exist we enumerate their conjugacy classes. We illustrate our methods by providing a complete and explicit classification in the case n=2.
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Získávání informací o uživatelích na webových stránkách / Browser and User Fingerprinting for Practical DeploymentVondráček, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to map the information provided by web browsers, which can be used in practice to identify users on websites. The work focuses on obtaining and subsequent analysis of information about devices, browsers and side effects caused by web extensions that mask the identity of users. The acquisition of information is realized by a designed and implemented library in the TypeScript language, which was deployed on 4 commercial websites. The analysis of the obtained information is carried out after a month of operation of the library and focuses on the degree of information obtained, the speed of obtaining information and the stability of information. The dataset shows that up to 94 % of potentially different users have a unique combination of information. The main contribution of this work lies in the created library, design of new methods of obtaining information, optimization of existing methods and the determination of quality and poor quality information based on their level of information, speed of acquisition and stability over time.
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