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Traditional Chinese Medicine extracts exert angiogenic and protective effects towards human endothelial progenitor cells: from cellular function to molecular pathwayTang, Yubo 02 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Despite intense research efforts, the repair of large bone defects is still not satisfactory and remains a major challenge in Orthopaedic Surgery. In this context bone tissue engineering has emerged as a promising strategy. However, one of the fundamental principles underlying tissue engineering approaches is that newly formed tissue must maintain sufficient vascularization to support its growth. Thus an active blood vessel network is an essential pre-requisite for scaffold constructs to integrate within existing host tissue. Currently, great efforts are made to address this problem employing transplantation of vascular cells and loading of appropriate biological factors.
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are a heterogeneous subpopulation of bone marrow mononuclear progenitor cells with potential for differentiation to the endothelial lineage and thus vasculogenic capacity. However, clinical studies reported that with the increase of age, increased susceptibility to apoptosis and accelerated senescence may contribute to the numerical and functional impairments observed in EPCs, which may lead to a reduced angiogenic capacity and an increased risk of vascular disease. Hence attention has increasingly been paid to enhance mobilization and differentiation of EPCs for therapeutic purposes.
A large body of evidence indicates that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a plethora of herbs and herbal extracts are effective in the treatment of vascular diseases such as chronic wounds, diabetic retinopathy and rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, it seems rational to explore these medicinal plants as potential sources of novel angiomodulatory factors.
In this thesis we demonstrated that treatment with TCM herbal extracts promote cell growth, cell migration, cell-matrix and capillary-like tube formation of BM-EPCs. Among these TCM extracts, Salidroside (SAL) and Icariin (ICAR) incubation increased VEGF and nitric oxide secretion, which in turn mediated the enhancement of angiogenic differentiation of BM-EPCs. A mechanic evaluation provided evidence that SAL stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K), as well as phosphorylated ERK1/2, which is associated with the cell migration and tube formation. Furthermore, a pilot in vivo study showed that SAL has the potential to enhance bone formation in a murine femoral critical-size bone defects model.
Another new finding of the present study is that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced cytotoxicity is counteracted by TCM extracts. We found that SAL, Salvianolic acid B (SalB) and ICAR significantly abrogated H2O2-induced cell apoptosis, reduced the intracellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH) expression, and restored the mitochondrial membrane potential of BM-EPCs. Our data suggest that this protective effect of SalB is mediated by the activation of mTOR, p70S6K, 4EBP1, and by the suppression of MKK3/6-p38 MAPK-ATF2 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways after H2O2 stress. In addition, the investigation also demonstrates that ICAR owns the ability to inhibit apoptotic and autophagic programmed cell death via restoring the loss of mTOR and attenuation of ATF2 activity upon oxidative stress.
Based on the outcomes of the present work, we propose SAL, SalB and ICAR as novel proanigiogenic and cytoprotective therapeutic agents with potential applications in the fields of systemic and site-specific tissue regeneration including ischaemic disease and extended musculoskeletal tissue defects.
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Traditional Chinese Medicine extracts exert angiogenic and protective effects towards human endothelial progenitor cells: from cellular function to molecular pathwayTang, Yubo 26 May 2014 (has links)
Despite intense research efforts, the repair of large bone defects is still not satisfactory and remains a major challenge in Orthopaedic Surgery. In this context bone tissue engineering has emerged as a promising strategy. However, one of the fundamental principles underlying tissue engineering approaches is that newly formed tissue must maintain sufficient vascularization to support its growth. Thus an active blood vessel network is an essential pre-requisite for scaffold constructs to integrate within existing host tissue. Currently, great efforts are made to address this problem employing transplantation of vascular cells and loading of appropriate biological factors.
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are a heterogeneous subpopulation of bone marrow mononuclear progenitor cells with potential for differentiation to the endothelial lineage and thus vasculogenic capacity. However, clinical studies reported that with the increase of age, increased susceptibility to apoptosis and accelerated senescence may contribute to the numerical and functional impairments observed in EPCs, which may lead to a reduced angiogenic capacity and an increased risk of vascular disease. Hence attention has increasingly been paid to enhance mobilization and differentiation of EPCs for therapeutic purposes.
A large body of evidence indicates that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) a plethora of herbs and herbal extracts are effective in the treatment of vascular diseases such as chronic wounds, diabetic retinopathy and rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, it seems rational to explore these medicinal plants as potential sources of novel angiomodulatory factors.
In this thesis we demonstrated that treatment with TCM herbal extracts promote cell growth, cell migration, cell-matrix and capillary-like tube formation of BM-EPCs. Among these TCM extracts, Salidroside (SAL) and Icariin (ICAR) incubation increased VEGF and nitric oxide secretion, which in turn mediated the enhancement of angiogenic differentiation of BM-EPCs. A mechanic evaluation provided evidence that SAL stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K), as well as phosphorylated ERK1/2, which is associated with the cell migration and tube formation. Furthermore, a pilot in vivo study showed that SAL has the potential to enhance bone formation in a murine femoral critical-size bone defects model.
Another new finding of the present study is that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced cytotoxicity is counteracted by TCM extracts. We found that SAL, Salvianolic acid B (SalB) and ICAR significantly abrogated H2O2-induced cell apoptosis, reduced the intracellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH) expression, and restored the mitochondrial membrane potential of BM-EPCs. Our data suggest that this protective effect of SalB is mediated by the activation of mTOR, p70S6K, 4EBP1, and by the suppression of MKK3/6-p38 MAPK-ATF2 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways after H2O2 stress. In addition, the investigation also demonstrates that ICAR owns the ability to inhibit apoptotic and autophagic programmed cell death via restoring the loss of mTOR and attenuation of ATF2 activity upon oxidative stress.
Based on the outcomes of the present work, we propose SAL, SalB and ICAR as novel proanigiogenic and cytoprotective therapeutic agents with potential applications in the fields of systemic and site-specific tissue regeneration including ischaemic disease and extended musculoskeletal tissue defects.
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Research on thermal modification of African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina [K. Schumann] Lin) in terms of woven strand board (WSB) product development in EthiopiaStarke, Robert 17 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
’African Bamboo PLC’ has the vision to become the first and the leading bamboo-based floorboard producer in Africa with export markets in Europe and America. African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina), common in the highlands of Ethiopia, was used to develop woven strand board (WSB) products. Research on thermal modification was part of the product development.
Samples were mainly collected in Tetechia (6°33‘ 34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2,650-2,700 m a.s.l.), located in the Sidama region. Three culms each of two, three, four and five years of age were harvested. Samples were taken from the middle of each internode to determine the moisture content and density. Samples used to assess the effects of thermal modification were cut next to them. Further test specimens from different areas and other species such as the lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica) were also investigated.
The thermal treatment was applied in a kiln with steam as an inert blanket to reduce oxidative processes. Eight modifications were performed at temperatures of 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C and 220 °C, at durations of three or five hours each. Mass loss, sorption behaviour, impact resistance, resistance to indentation and contents of chemical components were analysed for the modified and unmodified samples.
Yushania alpina is a thin-walled bamboo with a maximum diameter of 6 cm, moisture content of up to 150 % and densities of between 0.5 g/cm² and 0.8 g/cm². Moisture content, diameter and wall thickness decreased from the bottom to the top of the culms, whereas density increased. Two year old bamboo had the lowest and three year the highest density.
The mass loss followed an exponential trend, with about 2 % loss at 160 °C and 16 % at 220 °C. This mainly reflected the degradation of hemicellulose, which was fully removed at 220 °C. Extractive contents, at less than 5 %, fluctuated. Lignin amounted to 30 % and increased appreciably. Cellulose reached contents of about 45 % and decreased slightly at high temperatures. The chemical change, which was based more on the temperature than on the duration of treatment, influenced the sorption behaviour and mechanical properties most of all. The equilibrium moisture content was reduced by between 10 % to 40 %, depending on the climate and modification temperature chosen. This reduction stabilised between temperatures of 200 °C and 220 °C. The impact resistance of untreated bamboo was 3.8 J/cm², compared to only 1.4 J/cm² for modified samples. Resistance also differed between samples from the outer and inner part of the culm in the transverse section. The resistance to indentation declined also. Unmodified samples had 47 N/mm², compared to only 20 N/mm² for strongly modified samples.
The results of the analysis and the experience gained indicate that temperatures between 180 °C and 200 °C, held for three hours, lead to the best results for woven strand board production using Ethiopian highland bamboo. / ’African Bamboo PLC’ setzt sich zum Ziel, als erstes Unternehmen Holzwerkstoffe aus Bambus nach Europa und Amerika zu exportieren. Afrikanischer Hochgebirgsbambus (Yushania alpina), welcher vor allem im Hochland von Äthiopien vorkommt, wurde dazu verwendet ”woven strand boards” (WSB) zu entwickeln. Untersuchungen zur thermischen Modifizierung waren dabei Bestandteil der Produktentwicklung.
Die dafür notwendigen Bambusproben wurden hauptsächlich in Tetechia (6°33‘34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2650-2700 m ü. NN), einem Dorf in Sidama, entnommen. Es wurden dazu je drei Bambushalme der Altersklassen zwei, drei, vier und fünf Jahre geerntet. Proben für die Bestimmung von Holzfeuchte und Dichte wurden in der Mitte jedes Internodiums entnommen. Diese spielten als Referenzprobe eine große Rolle. Neben den Referenzprobekörpern wurden die jeweiligen Stücke für die thermische Behandlung heraus gesägt, wobei dies nach einer bestimmten Systematik erfolgte. Neben den Proben aus Tetechia wurden für die Untersuchungen zudem Proben aus anderen Gebieten und von einer anderen Art, dem Tieflandbambus (Oxytenanthera abyssinica), hinzugefügt.
Die thermische Modifizierung erfolgte unter Wasserdampf, welcher oxidative Prozesse verhinderte. Insgesamt erfolgten acht Modifizierungen bei Temperaturen von 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C und 220 °C und einer jeweiligen Haltezeit von drei oder fünf Stunden. In Anbetracht der unbehandelten und behandelten Proben wurden der Masseverlust, die Bruchschlagarbeit, der Eindruckswiderstand und die chemische Zusammensetzung analysiert.
Yushania alpina ist ein dünnwandiger Bambus mit Durchmessern bis zu 6 cm, Holzfeuchten bis 150 % und Dichten zwischen 0,5 g/cm² und 0,8 g/cm². Holzfeuchte, Durchmesser und Wandstärke verringerten sich mit der Halmhöhe, wobei die Dichte hingegen anstieg. Zweijähriger Bambus hatte die geringsten und dreijähriger Bambus die höchsten Dichten.
Der Masseverlust folgte einem expontiellem Verlauf mit Werten von 2 % bei 160 °C und 16 % bei 220 °C. Er widerspiegelte den Abbau der Hemicellulose, welche bei 220 °C schon nicht mehr vorhanden war. Exktraktgehalte fluktuierten mit Werten unter 5 %. Der Ligningehalt lag bei ungefähr 30 % und stieg merklich an. Der Cellulosegehalt erreichte Werte von etwa 45 %, wobei die Cellulose bei höheren Temperaturen leicht abgebaut wurde. Die chemischen Veränderungen, welche maßgeblich von der angewandten Temperatur statt der Behandlungsdauer beeinflusst wurden, wirkten sich auf das Sorptionsverhalten und mechanische Eigenschaften aus. Je nach ausgesetztem Klima und erfolgter Modifikation wurde die Ausgleichsfeuchte der Proben um 10 % bis 40 % reduziert. Die Abnahme der Ausgleichsfeuchte stabilisierte sich im Temperaturbereich von 200 °C bis 220 °C. Die Bruchschlagarbeit des unbehandelten Bambus betrug 3,8 J/cm², die des behandelten nur 1,4 J/cm². Die Bruchschlagarbeit variierte unabhängig von der Modifikation zwischen dem inneren und äußeren Abschnittes innerhalb des Halmquerschnitts. Der Eindruckswiderstand nahm mit der thermischen Behandlung ebenfalls ab. Unbehandelte Proben hatten 47 N/mm², während die modifizierten Proben nur noch 20 N/mm² aufwiesen.
Anhand der Ergebnisse und erworbenen Erfahrungen lies sich schlussfolgern, dass Temperaturen zwischen 180 °C und 200 °C bei einer Haltezeit von drei Stunden für die thermische Modifizierung von Äthiopischem Hochlandbambus in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von ”woven strand boards” empfehlenswert waren.
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Research on thermal modification of African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina [K. Schumann] Lin) in terms of woven strand board (WSB) product development in EthiopiaStarke, Robert 11 September 2014 (has links)
’African Bamboo PLC’ has the vision to become the first and the leading bamboo-based floorboard producer in Africa with export markets in Europe and America. African alpine bamboo (Yushania alpina), common in the highlands of Ethiopia, was used to develop woven strand board (WSB) products. Research on thermal modification was part of the product development.
Samples were mainly collected in Tetechia (6°33‘ 34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2,650-2,700 m a.s.l.), located in the Sidama region. Three culms each of two, three, four and five years of age were harvested. Samples were taken from the middle of each internode to determine the moisture content and density. Samples used to assess the effects of thermal modification were cut next to them. Further test specimens from different areas and other species such as the lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica) were also investigated.
The thermal treatment was applied in a kiln with steam as an inert blanket to reduce oxidative processes. Eight modifications were performed at temperatures of 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C and 220 °C, at durations of three or five hours each. Mass loss, sorption behaviour, impact resistance, resistance to indentation and contents of chemical components were analysed for the modified and unmodified samples.
Yushania alpina is a thin-walled bamboo with a maximum diameter of 6 cm, moisture content of up to 150 % and densities of between 0.5 g/cm² and 0.8 g/cm². Moisture content, diameter and wall thickness decreased from the bottom to the top of the culms, whereas density increased. Two year old bamboo had the lowest and three year the highest density.
The mass loss followed an exponential trend, with about 2 % loss at 160 °C and 16 % at 220 °C. This mainly reflected the degradation of hemicellulose, which was fully removed at 220 °C. Extractive contents, at less than 5 %, fluctuated. Lignin amounted to 30 % and increased appreciably. Cellulose reached contents of about 45 % and decreased slightly at high temperatures. The chemical change, which was based more on the temperature than on the duration of treatment, influenced the sorption behaviour and mechanical properties most of all. The equilibrium moisture content was reduced by between 10 % to 40 %, depending on the climate and modification temperature chosen. This reduction stabilised between temperatures of 200 °C and 220 °C. The impact resistance of untreated bamboo was 3.8 J/cm², compared to only 1.4 J/cm² for modified samples. Resistance also differed between samples from the outer and inner part of the culm in the transverse section. The resistance to indentation declined also. Unmodified samples had 47 N/mm², compared to only 20 N/mm² for strongly modified samples.
The results of the analysis and the experience gained indicate that temperatures between 180 °C and 200 °C, held for three hours, lead to the best results for woven strand board production using Ethiopian highland bamboo. / ’African Bamboo PLC’ setzt sich zum Ziel, als erstes Unternehmen Holzwerkstoffe aus Bambus nach Europa und Amerika zu exportieren. Afrikanischer Hochgebirgsbambus (Yushania alpina), welcher vor allem im Hochland von Äthiopien vorkommt, wurde dazu verwendet ”woven strand boards” (WSB) zu entwickeln. Untersuchungen zur thermischen Modifizierung waren dabei Bestandteil der Produktentwicklung.
Die dafür notwendigen Bambusproben wurden hauptsächlich in Tetechia (6°33‘34‘‘ N 38°32‘25‘‘ W, 2650-2700 m ü. NN), einem Dorf in Sidama, entnommen. Es wurden dazu je drei Bambushalme der Altersklassen zwei, drei, vier und fünf Jahre geerntet. Proben für die Bestimmung von Holzfeuchte und Dichte wurden in der Mitte jedes Internodiums entnommen. Diese spielten als Referenzprobe eine große Rolle. Neben den Referenzprobekörpern wurden die jeweiligen Stücke für die thermische Behandlung heraus gesägt, wobei dies nach einer bestimmten Systematik erfolgte. Neben den Proben aus Tetechia wurden für die Untersuchungen zudem Proben aus anderen Gebieten und von einer anderen Art, dem Tieflandbambus (Oxytenanthera abyssinica), hinzugefügt.
Die thermische Modifizierung erfolgte unter Wasserdampf, welcher oxidative Prozesse verhinderte. Insgesamt erfolgten acht Modifizierungen bei Temperaturen von 160 °C, 180 °C, 200 °C und 220 °C und einer jeweiligen Haltezeit von drei oder fünf Stunden. In Anbetracht der unbehandelten und behandelten Proben wurden der Masseverlust, die Bruchschlagarbeit, der Eindruckswiderstand und die chemische Zusammensetzung analysiert.
Yushania alpina ist ein dünnwandiger Bambus mit Durchmessern bis zu 6 cm, Holzfeuchten bis 150 % und Dichten zwischen 0,5 g/cm² und 0,8 g/cm². Holzfeuchte, Durchmesser und Wandstärke verringerten sich mit der Halmhöhe, wobei die Dichte hingegen anstieg. Zweijähriger Bambus hatte die geringsten und dreijähriger Bambus die höchsten Dichten.
Der Masseverlust folgte einem expontiellem Verlauf mit Werten von 2 % bei 160 °C und 16 % bei 220 °C. Er widerspiegelte den Abbau der Hemicellulose, welche bei 220 °C schon nicht mehr vorhanden war. Exktraktgehalte fluktuierten mit Werten unter 5 %. Der Ligningehalt lag bei ungefähr 30 % und stieg merklich an. Der Cellulosegehalt erreichte Werte von etwa 45 %, wobei die Cellulose bei höheren Temperaturen leicht abgebaut wurde. Die chemischen Veränderungen, welche maßgeblich von der angewandten Temperatur statt der Behandlungsdauer beeinflusst wurden, wirkten sich auf das Sorptionsverhalten und mechanische Eigenschaften aus. Je nach ausgesetztem Klima und erfolgter Modifikation wurde die Ausgleichsfeuchte der Proben um 10 % bis 40 % reduziert. Die Abnahme der Ausgleichsfeuchte stabilisierte sich im Temperaturbereich von 200 °C bis 220 °C. Die Bruchschlagarbeit des unbehandelten Bambus betrug 3,8 J/cm², die des behandelten nur 1,4 J/cm². Die Bruchschlagarbeit variierte unabhängig von der Modifikation zwischen dem inneren und äußeren Abschnittes innerhalb des Halmquerschnitts. Der Eindruckswiderstand nahm mit der thermischen Behandlung ebenfalls ab. Unbehandelte Proben hatten 47 N/mm², während die modifizierten Proben nur noch 20 N/mm² aufwiesen.
Anhand der Ergebnisse und erworbenen Erfahrungen lies sich schlussfolgern, dass Temperaturen zwischen 180 °C und 200 °C bei einer Haltezeit von drei Stunden für die thermische Modifizierung von Äthiopischem Hochlandbambus in Bezug auf die Entwicklung von ”woven strand boards” empfehlenswert waren.
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