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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The variable popularity of the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald

Kinney, John Cummings, 1934- January 1957 (has links)
No description available.

Strawson and Wittgenstein : the no-ownership argument.

Reigel, Thomas J. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

L'autofiction th??orique chez Virginie Despentes, Wendy Delorme et Beatriz Preciado: un genre trouble

Landry, Vincent January 2013 (has links)
La th??orie queer et l???autofiction th??orique, un statut g??n??rique qui recouvre plusieurs ??crits postmodernes, sont intimement li??es au renouveau f??ministe et ?? la r??sistance envers un essentialisme r??ducteur impos?? tant par le patriarcat que par un f??minisme lib??ral. En red??finissant leurs rapports ?? la th??orie et ?? l???action, certaines ??crivaines f??ministes de la nouvelle vague explorent les nombreuses possibilit??s offertes par le discours postmoderne du soi. Consid??rant l?????mergence de la th??orie queer comme un moment charni??re de l?????volution du f??minisme, la pr??sente recherche interroge les transformations survenues au cours des derni??res d??cennies en ce qui a trait ?? la bicat??gorisation du genre (litt??raire et sexuel) et ?? la refonte des identit??s (sexe/genre/sexualit??) ?? travers trois ??uvres repr??sentatives du genre litt??raire qu???est l???autofiction th??orique : King Kong th??orie (2006) de Virginie Despentes, Insurrections! en territoire sexuel (2009) de Wendy Delorme et Testo Junkie (2008) de Beatriz Preciado. Avec un cadre d???analyse poststructuraliste, regroupant la th??orie des scripts de la sexualit?? (Gagnon), les th??ories f??ministes de la performativit?? et du queer (Butler, Bourcier et Halberstam) ainsi que les th??ories de l???autofiction (Doubrovsky, Colonna et Lejeune), cette ??tude vise ?? ??valuer, sur un horizon postmoderne, les effets de l???autofiction th??orique sur la construction des rapports identitaires sexe/genre/sexualit?? des auteures/personnages/narratrices et, r??ciproquement, les effets de l'identit?? queer sur l???acte d?????criture f??ministe. Comme l???autofiction th??orique est un genre litt??raire tr??s r??cent, l???un des objectifs de cette recherche ??tait d???abord de le d??finir. Pour y parvenir, il fallait dresser la g??n??alogie du genre, invoquant ainsi la fiction th??orique d'??crivaines f??ministes qu??b??coises des ann??es 1970 et 1980 telles que Nicole Brossard et Louise Dupr??, et en ??tablir les caract??ristiques dominantes, soit la radicalit?? du discours, la pr??pond??rance des micropolitiques queer et l???utopie du devenir-Autre. L???objectif de l???analyse litt??raire du corpus choisi ??tait d???identifier, dans un premier temps, les voies emprunt??es par les autofictionnaires pour marquer leur s??paration du discours h??t??ropatriarcal dominant et de statuer, dans un second temps, des effets r??ciproques de leur performativit?? et de leur ??criture. Apr??s un chapitre th??orique situant pr??cis??ment l???autofiction th??orique au sein du paradigme postmoderne et du renouveau f??ministe, les trois ??uvres du corpus sont ??tudi??es ind??pendamment dans un second chapitre o?? l???analyse approfondie de celles-ci montre un ??clatement des dyades esprit/corps et r??flexion/??motion par une valorisation de l???exp??rience culturelle de genre. L???objectivit?? th??orique et la subjectivit?? de l???expression de soi s???unissent dans une exp??rience concr??te tant de l???alt??risation des femmes que d???une vision queer du monde. Les discours des trois autofictionnaires constituent ni plus ni moins des voies de contestation des discours h??g??moniques ??? tant sur un plan th??orique que pragmatique ??? alliant ainsi d??construction radicale et projet utopique. C???est d???ailleurs cet esprit de contradiction oxymorique qui constitue l???une des particularit??s pr??pond??rantes de ce discours proposant une pens??e queer positive qui comble un certain vide laiss?? par la d??construction postmoderne.

Functional specialization and religious diversity : Bernard Lonergan's methodology and the philosophy of religion

Halse, Scott January 2008 (has links)
Religious diversity has become a central topic in the philosophy of religion. This study proposes a methodological approach to the topic by exploring the division of tasks set out by Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984). Lonergan’s methodological framework, which he called functional specialization, provides a generic differentiation of tasks, each of which is central to the overall project of understanding religious diversity. This thesis explores the relevance and utility of functional specialization as a methodological approach to religious diversity in the philosophy of religion. [...] / La diversité religieuse est aujourd’hui une préoccupation centrale dans l’étude de la philosophie des religions. Cette étude propose une démarche méthodologique en explorant la division des tâches mise de l’avant par Bernard Lonergan (1904- 1984). La méthodologie employée par celui-ci, qu’il nomma « spécialisation fonctionnelle», permet d’établir une séparation générique des tâches, chacune d’elles jouant un rôle important dans la compréhension globale de la diversité religieuse. Cette étude illustré la pertinence et l’utilité de la spécialisation fonctionnelle en tant qu’approche méthodologique dans la philosophie des religions, et particulièrement dans l’étude de la diversité religieuse. [...]

Insight, learning, and dialogue in the transformation of religious conflict : applications from the work of Bernard Lonergan

Bianchi Melchin, Derek. January 2008 (has links)
A wealth of recent scholarship has focused on interreligious dialogue as a resource for the transformation of religious conflicts. Such studies often mention the importance of discoveries or 'insights' as key factors in successful dialogue processes. However, few authors have devoted sustained attention to understanding how insights contribute to transforming conflict dynamics during interfaith dialogues. / The present study draws on the cognitional theory of Canadian philosopher Bernard Lonergan as a framework for exploring the significance of insights in interreligious dialogue processes. The study begins with an overview of representative perspectives on learning in interfaith dialogue and conflict transformation. Following this, I offer a detailed analysis of Lonergan's work on insight in understanding, judgment, and practical learning, highlighting the important role that insights play in structuring interpretation and communication in dialogue situations. / Drawing on Lonergan's theoretical framework, I explore how insights are implicated in shaping communication in dialogues between religious actors, both in the development of conflicts, as well as in their transformation. Using case studies from dialogues involving Christians, Muslims, and Jews, I examine how mistaken insights can contribute to sustaining relationships of threat among parties in religious conflicts. I then examine how dialogue processes can act as catalysts for the emergence of new and more accurate insights that transform parties' understanding of the conflict. By helping parties correct mistaken interpretations and discover alternate ways of communicating, such insights can often play an important role in facilitating shifts from hostile patterns of interaction to more cooperative forms of engagement. / Throughout, I explain how Lonergan's work offers significant advances over existing discussions of insight and its role in conflict transformation processes. His approach identifies a range of different types of insights, and thus facilitates an analysis of the different roles insights can play in structuring communication at different phases of dialogue processes. It also permits a more developed exploration of the various cognitional and environmental conditions that facilitate or frustrate the occurrence of insights in dialogue situations. His work thus constitutes an important resource for theorists and practitioners seeking a better understanding of the cognitive dynamics that contribute to the transformation of interreligious dialogue processes.

Social Class and Status in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

Fälth, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera påverkan av social klass och status i F. Scott Fitzgeralds roman The Great Gatsby med Max Webers teori om klass och status som utgångspunkt. Detta sker genom analys av karaktärernas relationer och beteende ur ett perspektiv där klass och status är centralt. Resultatet visar hur klass och status påverkar karaktärernas beslut, relationer och liv. Det leder till ett oundvikligt slut för Jay Gatsbys och Daisy Buchanans kärleksaffär samtidigt som konsekvenserna av karaktärernas handlingar påverkas av deras klasstillhörighet.

Control Techniques for Uncore Power Mangement in Chip Multiprocessor Designs

Xu, Zheng 16 December 2013 (has links)
In chip-multiprocessor (CMP) designs, when the number of core increases, the size of on-chip communication fabric and data storage grows accordingly and therefore the chip power challenge is exacerbated. This thesis work considers the power management for networks-on-chip (NoC) and the last level cache, which constitute the uncore in CMP designs. NoC is regarded as a scalable approach to cope with the increasing demand for on-chip communication bandwidth. The last level cache is shared among all cores. The focus of this work is on the control techniques for uncore dynamic voltage and frequency scaling. A realistic but not well-studied scenario is investigated. That is, the entire uncore shares a single voltage/frequency domain, as opposed to separated domains in most of previous works. One appealing advantage here is that data packets no longer experience the interfacing overhead across different voltage/frequency domains. The classic PI (Proportional and Integral) control method is adopted due to its simplicity, flexibility and low implementation overhead. This thesis research outcome includes three parts. First, stability of the PI control is analyzed. Second, a model-assisted PI control scheme is proposed and studied. The model assist is to address the problem that no universally good reference point exists for the control. Third, the windup issue for the PI control is investigated. Full architecture simulations are performed on public benchmark suites to validate the proposed techniques. The result show 76% energy reduction with less than 6% performance degradation compared to constantly high voltage/frequency for uncore.

Ectromelia Virus Encodes A Novel Family Of Ankyrin/F-box Proteins That Manipulate The SCF Ubiquitin Ligase And NF-κB Activation

van Buuren, Nicholas J. Unknown Date
No description available.

Signal processing techniques for radar based subsurface and through wall imaging

Morales, Jorge M Unknown Date
No description available.

Structural basis of TraD and sbmA recognition by TraM of F-like plasmids

Wong, Joyce JW Unknown Date
No description available.

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