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Med dagens krav på att bygga mer energieffektivt, och att bygga mer hållbart, så är behovet stort att bygga med lågt U-värde för att sänka energibehovet. Att försöka göra byggnaden självförsörjande till bästa mån med hjälp av solceller är även viktigt. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa ett parti med integrerade solceller och lägre U-värde jämfört med ett standard elementfasadsparti som byggs i dagsläget, vilket i detta arbete jämförs mot ett parti från Bas Barkarby i Järfälla. Dagsljuskraven skall dock fortfarande uppnås för att partiet i verkligheten skall vara möjlig att bygga. Partiet är framtaget med hjälp av programvaran SchüCal vilket även ger data för U-värde. Detta nya parti ritas i Schücos system AF UDC 80. Programmet Calumen användes för att redovisa data för fönsterglaset. Energisimuleringarna för partiet utfördes genom IDA ICE baserade programmet ESBO där byggnaden placerades i Västerås och utfördes som ett typiskt kontorsrum. Uppskattningen av hur mycket energi solcellerna producerar togs fram genom EU:s program PVGIS. U-värdet på det framtagna partiet blev 0,254 W/m2K vilket är lägre än Barkarbys 0,522 W/m2K, med hjälp av ett extra invändigt isoleringsskikt på 70 mm. De integrerade solcellerna producerar 430,6 kWh per år och väderstreck. Detta resulterar i ett behov att köpa 133 kWh per år vid användning av det nya partiet vilket är lägre än Barkarbys behov på 733 kWh per år. / With today's demands to build in a more energy efficient and sustainable manner, there is a great need to build with a low U-value to reduce energy needs, and to try to make the building self-sufficient to the best extent possible with the help of solar cells. The purpose of the investigation is to create a lot with integrated solar cells and a lower U-value than a standard element facade that is being built today, which in this investigation is compared to a facade from Bas Barkarby in Järfälla. However, daylight requirements must still be met for the facade to be able to build it in practice. The facade is developed using the software SchüCal, which also provides data for U-value. This new facade is drawn in Schüco's system AF UDC 80. The program Calumen was used to report data for the window glass. The energy simulations for the facade were performed through the IDA ICE based program ESBO where the building was placed in Västerås and performed as a typical office room. The estimate of how much energy the solar cells produce was determined through the EU's PVGIS program. The U-value of the developed facade was 0,254 W/m2K which is lower than Barkarby's 0,522 W/m2K, with the help of an extra internal insulation layer of 70 mm. The integrated solar cells produce 430.6 kWh per year and facade direction. This results in a need to buy 133 kWh per year when using the new facade, which is lower than Barkarby's need of 733 kWh per year.
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Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Wooden Facade-system InspectionScharf, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of measuring movement, deformation and displacement in wooden façade-systems by terrestrial laser scanning. An overview of different surveying techniques and methods has been created. Point cloud structure and processing was explained in detail as it is the foundation for understanding the advantages and disadvantages of laser scanning. The boundaries of monitoring façades with simple and complex façade structures were tested with the phase-based laser scanner FARO Focus 3DS. In-field measurements of existing facades were done to show the capabilities of extracting defect features such as cracks by laser scanning. The high noise in the data caused by the limited precision of 3D laser scanners is problematic. Details on a scale of several mm are hidden by the data noise. Methods to reduce the noise during point cloud processing have proven to be very data-specific. The uneven point cloud structure of a façade scan made it therefore difficult to find a method working for the whole scans. Dividing the point cloud data automatically into different façade parts by a process called segmentation could make it possible. However, no suitable segmentation algorithm was found and developing an own algorithm would have exceeded the scope of this thesis. Therefore, the goal of automatic point cloud processing was not fulfilled and neglected in the further analyses of outdoor facades and laboratory experiments. The experimental scans showed that several information could be extracted out of the scans. The accuracy of measured board and gap dimensions were, however, highly depended on the point cloud cleaning steps but provided information which could be used for tracking development of a facade’s features. Extensive calibration might improve the accuracy of the measurements. Deviation of façade structures from flat planes were clearly visible when using colorization of point clouds and might be the main benefit of measuring spatial information of facades by non-contact methods. The determination of façade displacement was done under laboratory conditions. A façade panel was displaced manually, and displacement was calculated with different algorithms. The algorithm determining distance to the closest point in a pair of point clouds provided the best results, while being the simplest one in terms of computational complexity. Out-of-plane displacement was the most suitable to detect with this method. Displacement sideways or upwards required more advanced point cloud processing and manual interpretation by the software operator. Based on the findings during the study it can be concluded that laser scanning is not the correct methods for structural health monitoring of facades when the tracking of small deformations, especially deformations below 5 mm and defects like cracks are the main goal. Displacements, defects and deformations of larger scale can be detected but are tied to a large amount of point cloud processing. It is not clear if the equipment costs, surveying time and the problems caused by high variability of scans results based on façade color, shape and texture are in a positive relation to the benefits obtained from using laser scanning over manually surveying.
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Dům s pečovatelskou službou / Nursing homeJurajdová, Alžběta Unknown Date (has links)
The content of this diploma thesis is the design of a new boarding nursing home in Dolany. building with two floors and a residential attic. The main entrance to the building is located on the north side. On the first floor there is a spacious common room, two apartments (one belonging to the administrator of the building), technical room, room for maintenance and cleaning, storage, toilets, areas for nursing services and cellars. The second and third floors are accessible by internal stairs and elevators. Both floors have the same accessibility. In each of them there are a total of 7 apartments. the vertical load-bearing structures are made of ceramic masonry with a contact thermal insulation system. The roof structure consists of a gable roof with ceramic roofing. The project documentation was prepared in accordance with valid legal and technical regulations.
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Příprava realizace Universitního centra ve Zlíně / Realization preparation University Centre in ZlínRokosová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the preparation of the implementation of the University Centre in Zlín. The work includes building technology study and subsequent construction technology project. In this thesis, the aim was to determine the time, financial and material demands of the project, choose the optimum process of construction, ensure BOZP, make the proposal buildingsite for the individual stages, the calculation of costs of site preparation and select adequate mechanical the assembly. It was drafted fire assessments of buildings.
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Sportovní centrum / Sports centerLošonský, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is new building of sport center. This object is detached building, situated in flat terrain in Brno. Building has a basement and two floors. In the basement is technical facilities of the building and the technical rooms for pool water regulation. Building is divided for two parts. In the first one is swimming pool, dressing rooms, three shops, snack bar and office part of swimming pool. In the second part of building is climbing center, bar and freestyle center or the extreme sports. The object has rectangular plan , the skeleton of the building is made of timber constructions and roofed is by the flat roof.
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Polyfunkční dům / Polyfunctional buildingMichna, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
The assignment of my diploma thesis was to design a polyfunctional building. Function of the building is based on the requirements of the Land Use Plan Brno, cadastral zone Židenice. The aim of the design was to improve the quality of public space in the area by creating parks, urban parterre with services, parking and by bringing missing features to the area. The building is located in the centre of the plot. The main facade is oriented to the main street. Design creates new parking on the ground and in the underground garage. On the first floor are rentable spaces for commerce and services. At 2nd and 3rd floor are open space offices with the possibility of spatial variability solutions. Architectural expression of the building is simple, consisting as a compact mass with parterre subsided, useful in terms of energetical sustainability. The facade of the building is made as a combination of a transparent double skin facade and opaque ventilated facade with fibre cement panels. Structural system is a precast concrete frame with a cast-in-place reinforced concrete shear core. Foundation is made as a reinforced concrete pads and strips. Ceiling is made of a precast prestressed hollow core slabs.
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Facades: Projecting IdentitySpeer, Martin Fuller 01 January 2006 (has links)
A goal of environmental graphic design is to create identities that inform the public of a building's contents and occupants. The designer's use of recognizable exterior marks, symbols and signage dictates how well this information is communicated to prospective clients, visitors or observers. My creative project examines how informational environmental and graphic design can improve awareness and understanding of the mission of a building that was not constructed for its current social services use.
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Manutenção preventiva de revestimentos de fachada de edifícios: limpeza de revestimentos cerâmicos. / Preventive maintenance of building facades covering: cleaning ceramic covering.Resende, Maurício Marques 18 March 2004 (has links)
As atividades de manutenção, que dependem das decisões tomadas nas diversas etapas do processo de produção dos edifícios, têm por objetivo maximizar o desempenho de cada subsistema que o constitui. A manutenção de cada um destes subsistemas está associada a uma série de atividades programadas que devem prolongar sua vida útil a um custo compensador. Dentro deste contexto, a manutenção do revestimento de fachadas, em particular a limpeza dos revestimentos cerâmicos, reveste-se de grande importância uma vez que este subsistema não apenas está exposto a vários agentes de degradação, mas também está intimamente relacionado com a estética e a proteção do edifício. A pesquisa desenvolvida discute teoricamente os principais tipos de sujidades presentes nos revestimentos de fachada de edifícios e apresenta os principais métodos de limpeza destes revestimentos. Após o estudo teórico dos aspectos relacionados com a limpeza, aborda, por meio de estudo experimental de laboratório e de estudos de caso, a limpeza de revestimento cerâmico de fachada de edifícios. O trabalho demonstrou a necessidade da elaboração de uma norma técnica que aborde a especificação de métodos de limpeza de revestimentos de fachada, abrangendo procedimentos, produtos e técnicas. Além disso, notou-se a ineficácia de determinados produtos anti-pichação e de limpeza para determinadas condições de uso. / The maintenance activities, which depend on the decisions made in the several stages of the production process, aim to maximize the performance of each subsystem of building. The maintenance of each one of these subsystems is associated with a series of programmed activities that must draw out their service life in compensating cost. In this context, the maintenance of façade claddings, particularly, the cleaning of ceramic tiles claddings, assumes great importance, since this subsystem is not only exposed to some degradation agents, but it is also intimately related to the aesthetic and the protection of the building. This research theoretically emphasizes the main types of soiling existing in façade claddings of buildings and it presents the main methods of cleaning of these claddings. After the theoretical study of the aspects related to cleaning, it broaches, by means of laboratory experimental tests and case studies, the cleaning of ceramic tiles claddings in façades of buildings. This research discussed the necessity of the elaboration of a technical standard involving the specification of cleaning methods for façade claddings, including procedures, products and techniques as well. Moreover, it was noticed the inefficacy of certain anti-graffi i products and cleaning products in certain situations of use.
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Influência das características do peitoril no molhamento dos parâmetros próximos às janelas frente à chuva dirigidaZucchetti, Lais January 2016 (has links)
A umidade é um dos principais agentes causadores de manifestações patológicas no ambiente construído, e, a chuva dirigida, é uma das principais fontes de umidade que afetam a durabilidade das fachadas das edificações. Desta forma, métodos vêm sendo desenvolvidos como forma de avaliação, entre eles se encontram os experimentais que buscam avaliar este fenômeno a partir da realização de ensaios. A pesquisa é motivada pela constatação da quase inexistência de estudos experimentais de quantificação de chuva dirigida, bem como pela identificação da problemática relacionada ao manchamento e infiltração de água na área próxima às janelas. Sendo assim, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa é identificar, com base em testes de chuva dirigida, a influência das características de projeção, com variações de 50 mm e 120 mm, de inclinação, com valores de 6% e 20%, e engaste lateral do peitoril, sem engaste e com engates de 100 mm, no molhamento da área de fachada localizada próxima às janelas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da avaliação de nove modelos com dimensões 1,20m x 2,40m, sendo um modelo de referência sem peitoril, e outros oito englobando as diferentes configurações de projeção, inclinação e engastes laterais dos peitoris, em granito. As técnicas empregadas nas avaliações dos modelos foram a coleta de água da chuva nos paramentos dos modelos, registros de imagens termográficas por infravermelho, chuva colorida para identificação dos fluxos e registros fotográficos digitais A chuva simulada apresentava vazão total de 6 l/m, com diâmetros de gota que variavam de 0,86 mm – 1,45 mm com interceptação de velocidade de vento de 3,2 m/s, e, os testes foram desenvolvidos em quatro ciclos de 15 minutos de duração cada. Os resultados demonstraram que a utilização de prolongamentos laterais nos peitoris promoveram melhor desempenho dos modelos com relação ao descolamento da água da chuva das paredes, quando em comparação àqueles que não possuem esta configuração. Considerando a inclinação dos peitoris identificou-se que o valor de 6% permite, mesmo com a existência de um lacrimal na face inferior do peitoril, a percolação da água da chuva pela porção inferior deste elemento, com um gotejamento vertical. Nas configurações com 20% de inclinação do peitoril não se verifica este comportamento, contudo, o gotejamento ocorre no sentido da parede do modelo, direcionando parte do fluxo da chuva para a área localizada abaixo do peitoril, condicionando valores mais elevados de coleta de chuva. A projeção de 50 mm protege de forma menos eficiente as paredes dos modelos do molhamento pela chuva dirigida, gerando áreas protegidas menores e maiores valores de água coletada quando comparadas à projeção de 120 mm. / Moisture is one of the leading causes of pathological manifestations in buildings. Wind driven rain, is one of the main sources that affect the buildings facades durability. Thus, with the mean to evaluate this phenomenon, some experimental methods has been evaluated. The inexistence of experimental studies for wind driven rain quantification, motivated this research. Besides, this research aims to identify the staining and water seepage in the windows area problems. Thus, the main objective of this research is to identify, based on wind driven rain tests, the influence of geometrical characteristics of sills, in the wetness area located near windows. For this, there were developed sills with projection variations of 50 mm and 120 mm, inclinations of 6 % and 20 %, and sill without side extensions of window and 100 mm extensions. The experimental program contemplate the evaluation of nine wall models, with dimensions 1.20 m x 2.40 m, where a window were fixed and granite sills were installed, with the geometrical variations proposed. Simulated driving rain had total flow 6 l/m, with drop diameters ranging from 0.86 mm - 1.45 mm, with wind speed intercept of 3.2 m /s, and the tests were carried out in four cycles of 15 minutes each. There were collected rainwater on some controlled points of the walls models, besides infrared thermography images, colorful rain for identification of flows and digital photography. With the final results it was possible to conclude that the use of lateral extensions in windows sills promote better performance in the models, in relation to detachment of rainwater to the walls, when compared to sills without lateral extension. About sills inclination, it was found that the 6 % value results in a better behavior compared with 20% inclination. Finally, the windows sills with 120 mm protects more efficiently the models walls.
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Tecnologia de painéis pré-fabricados arquitetônicos de concreto para emprego em fachadas de edifícios. / The arquitectural precast concrete panel technology used in buildings facades.Oliveira, Luciana Alves de 17 October 2002 (has links)
A utilização de tecnologias construtivas inovadoras, como os painéis pré-fabricados arquitetônicos de concreto (PPAC), tem-se configurado prática frequente do mercado brasileiro por, potencialmente, contribuir para incrementar os níveis de industrialização dos processos de produção, bem como a qualidade do produto final a custos reduzidos. No Brasil, entretanto, não existem ainda normas ou manuais técnicos que balizem a utilização dessa tecnologia construtiva. Por isso, este trabalho sistematiza o conhecimento sobre a tecnologia de PPAC para emprego em fachadas de edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos, por meio da apresentação dos principais fatores que devem ser considerados nas fases de elaboração dos projetos de empreendimentos que utilizem os PPAC em suas fachadas. Fatores esses, que condicionam o desempenho e a eficiência do processo de produção das fachadas. Após o acompanhamento do processo de produção de dois empreendimentos que utilizaram PPAC em suas fachadas, constituindo os estudos de caso, conclui-se que a tecnologia de PPAC apresenta grande potencial para incrementar os níveis de industrialização do processo de produção do edifício, se a elaboração dos seus projetos ocorrer nas fases preliminares da concepção do empreendimento, em que suas funções e interfaces sejam consideradas. / The arquitectural precast concrete panel technology has frequently been used because of its probability of increasing the industrialization levels of the building process and also improve the building product quality. On the other hand, mostly in Brasil, there are no rules ou manual books which guide the utilization of this technology. In addition, this works aims to raise the knowledge about the arquitectural precast concrete panel used as cladding (APCP-PPAC in Portuguese). Therefore, this works presents some factors that must be considered in designs of building facades, using this kind of technology. After the analysis of one study case using APCP, it was concluded that APCP technology has a great potential of increasing the industrialization levels of the building process, if its designs are done as soon as possible and if its performance and interfaces are considered.
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