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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh dřevostavby rodinného domu

Rutta, Šimon January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design a log house construction project meeting the needs of a four/five person family. The initial chapters describe a variety of up to date wooden building construction systems. Analysing their characteristics, a construction project for the wooden building is designed including the building envelope in three different modifications: frame wooden building with diffusion closed structure, frame wooden building with diffusion-opened structure, massive wooden building. For each structure of building envelope is then performed thermal technical assessment, all of which variants are designed so that the heat transfer coefficient structure was the same for each part of the structure of individual systems. The second part of the thesis deals with the investigation of the construction project itself making use of one of the above mentioned construction systems. The last part is focused on setting a price for each structure of building envelope separately.

Změny chemicko-fyzikálních parametrů vybraných přítoků údolní nádrže Orlík / Changes in physico-chemical parameters of the Orlik reservoir selected tributaries

ZELENKOVÁ, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is determination of concentration of dissolved solids in water and seasonal changes in surface water chemistry for specific affluents of Orlík water reservoir. Water samples were collected on regular basis and analysed in a laboratory during one season (November 2014 - November 2015). The thesis is focused on monitoring of changes in phosphate and nitrate concentrations, in particular. The results of analysis indicate that measured concentrations of substances at monitored locations reflect generally measured data within the region. Concentrations of NO3-N peak in winter to early spring seasons, therefore seasonal changes do occur; differences between locations have not been proven statistically. As for the parameter PO4-P within locations downstream pond systems no significant statistic differences were identified. Values of PO4-P concentration are not primarily associated with agricultural activities but rather with local sources existing within the catch basin. It has been concluded from testing water quality upstream and downstream fish ponds that pond management had no impact on quality of water within the monitored locations in 2015; respectively no additional phosphor and nitrogen load was imposed on Orlík water reservoir

Epigenetické regulační faktory CTCF a SMARCA5 kontrolují expresi hematopoetického transkripčního faktoru SPI1 v buňkách akutní myeloidní leukémie a myelodysplastického syndromu. / Epigenetic factors CTCF a SMARCA5 control expression of hematopoietic transcription factor SPI1 in cells of acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome.

Dluhošová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) can both activate as well as inhibit transcription by forming chromatin loops between regulatory regions and promoters. In this regard, Ctcf binding on the non-methylated DNA and its interaction with the Cohesin complex results in differential regulation of the H19/Igf2 locus. Similarly, a role for CTCF has been established in normal hematopoietic development; however its involvement, despite mutations in CTCF and Cohesin complex were identified in leukemia, remains elusive. CTCF regulates transcription dependently on DNA methylation status and can if bound block interactions of enhancers and promoters. Here, we show that in hematopietic cells CTCF binds to the imprinting control region of H19/Igf2 and found that chromatin remodeller Smarca5, which also associates with the Cohesin complex, facilitates Ctcf binding and regulatory effects. Furthermore, Smarca5 supports CTCF functionally and is needed for enhancer-blocking effect at imprinting control region. We identified new CTCF-recognized locus near hematopoietic regulator SPI1 (PU.1) in normally differentiating myeloid cells together with members of the Cohesin complex. Due to DNA methylation, CTCF binding to the SPI1 gene is reduced in AML blasts and this effect was reversible by DNA methylation inhibitor 5-azacitidine.

Fosfor v biomase půdních mikroorganismů a její odhad pomocí extrakčně-fumigační metody / Microbial biomass phosphorus measured by extraction-fumigation method

ČAPEK, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess posible sources of unacuracy in measurement of soil microbial phosphorus by extraction-fumigation method. The biggest one is the correction for sorption in two forest soils of watershed Plešné lake and Čertovo lake and one waterlodged soil. We also tried to assess the correction factor (Kp) for these soils, but we were unsuccesful. We would like to assess extractability of phosphorus sorbed during fumigation and assess Kp factor in future. Therefore we set up an appropriate methodology.

Förändring är det enda konstanta : Vilka faktorer triggar konstruktivt beteende i förändringsarbete? / Change is the only constant : What triggers constructive behaviour in change processes?

Linderoth, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
Sett till samhället i helhet samt till hela branscher och sektorer är förändring konstant. Dessutom är ett känt problem att förändring kan skapa motstånd hos individer och grupper. Eftersom människan är grunden i alla organisationer innebär det att en av de stora utmaningarna i förändringsarbete är att få stöd från organisationen. Samtidigt har det inom beteendevetenskapen identifierats ett stort antal faktorer som influerar människors beteende. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att identifiera och förklara vilka påverkbara faktorer som triggar konstruktivt beteende i förändringsarbete. Teorigrunden är forskning och litteratur inom beteendevetenskap och organisationsförändring vilket initialt har gett till följd att sex faktorer har valts ut. Utifrån den referensramen har en fallstudie av ett omfattande förändringsarbete i en stor statlig organisation genomförts med totalt fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med enhetschefer, samt en kvalitativ intervju med en extern specialistkonsult inom förändringsledning. Dessutom har en tidigare studie i form av en medarbetarundersökning använts med över 1,000 respondenter från 2013 och 2015. Fallföretaget är Xmentor Management AB med fokus på när deras kund Trafikverket införde Nationell och Regional Operativ Ledning. Slutsatserna visar att de sex faktorer som har identifierats i litteraturstudien har möjlighet att trigga konstruktivt beteende i förändringsarbete. Dessutom är tre av faktorerna möjliga att påverka i hög grad. Uppsatsens tre viktigaste rekommendationer är att maximera belöningar på individnivå, att skapa effektiv kommunikation som i god tid och med upprepning kommunicerar till alla i organisationen, samt att erbjuda möjlighet till medskapande för de anställda. / In terms of society as a whole and in industries and whole sectors; change is constant. Additionally, a known problem is that change may create resistance among individuals and groups. Since people are the foundation of all organisations it means that one of the major challenges of change management is to get supportive behaviour from the organisation. At the same time behavioural sciences has identified numerous factors that influence people's behaviour.  The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify and explain factors that are possible to influence and which triggers constructive behaviour in change processes. The theory foundation consists of research and literature in behavioural sciences and change management which initially resulted in six selected factors. Based on that frame of reference a case study of an extensive change process has been conducted with a total of four interviews with heads of units, as well as one interview with an external consultant in change management. In addition, employee surveys with data from more than 1,000 respondents from 2011, 2013 and 2015 has been used. The case company is Xmentor Management AB with focus on when their customer Trafikverket, the Transport Administration of Sweden, created National and Regional Operational Management.  The findings show that the six selected factors are able to trigger constructive behaviour in change processes. Three of the factors are also possible to influence to a great extent. The three main conclusions are to maximize rewards on an individual level, to create effective communication to everyone in the organization, as well as to offer the possibility of co-creation.

Antikoagulační faktory a příjem krve u monogeneí čeledi Diplozoidae / Anticoagulation factors and blood uptake by monogeneans of the family Diplozoidae

Skipalová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
For the successful food intake by organisms that feed on blood is essentials presence of antihaemostatic molecules such as vasodilators, anticoagulant molecules and apyrases., Although members of family Diplozoidae (Heteronchoinea) are blood-feeding parasites on the gills of the fish, these molecules, that could disrupt host hemostasis, have not yet been identified. Thus, the aim of this study was to find molecules with potential anticoagulant activity in homogenates of whole worm bodies and excretory/secretory products of the members of family Diplozoidae. Furthermore perform bioinformatics analysis of sequences obtained from transcriptom project of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea: Diplozoidae) and selected proteins (protein domain) then expressed in a recombinant form. We tested inhibitory activity in excretory-secretory products and homogenates of members family Diplozoidae towards coagulation factors IIa and Xa and their specific fluorogenic with 4 negative and 1 positive results. From the results of two transcriptome analysis we discovered three protein families of potential anticoagulants - annexins, serpins and Kunitz-domain proteins. For further analyses we focused on the Kunitz protein family. These proteins contain one or more structurally related active domains which are able to...

Vlastnosti expresních vektorů pro Corynebacterium glutamicum a jejich využití při studiu faktorů sigma RNA polymerasy / Characteristics of expression vectors for Corynebacterium glutamicum and their use for studies of sigma factors of RNA polymerase

Dvořáková, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to characterize chosen expression vectors used in biotechnologically important bacterial species, Corynebacterium glutamicum, and to test their use in studies of promoter activity control by sigma factors of RNA polymerase. Different properties of these vectors (level of expression of the cloned gene, leaky expression without inducer, dependence of expression level on inducer concentration and cell population homogeneity) were found by determination of expression level of the model gfpuv gene by fluorescence intensity assay of the produced protein and by gfpuv-expressing C. glutamicum cell population analysis using flow cytometry. The vector pEC-XT99A was chosen for testing the bi-plasmid system for assignment of a sigma factor to the chosen promoter. Although the level of expression provided by pEC-XT99A was not high, the vector showed no leaky expression, expression from the vector was comparable for a wide range of IPTG concentrations and the cell population was homogenous concerning the gene expression. Using pEC-XT99A from which individual stress sig genes were expressed, the σD factor was clearly assigned to the up-to-now unknown Pcg0420 promoter. Another vector for isolation and purification of C. glutamicum proteins was used to express the C. glutamicum sigM gene and to...

Regulace exprese Ms1, sRNA z Mycobacterium smegmatis / Regulation of expression of Ms1, a sRNA from Mycobacterium smegmatis

Páleníková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Bacteria are exposed to various environmental conditions during their growth. They have to cope with rapid changes in temperature, lack of nutrition, etc. To survive, bacteria alter their gene expression. One type of regulation of gene expression is regulation by small RNAs (sRNAs). In bacteria, a well-studied sRNA is 6S RNA that binds to the RNA polymerase holoenzyme. However, 6S RNA has not been identified in several bacterial species. Mycobacteria are a genus that probably does not have 6S RNA. Instead, Mycobacterium smegmatis possess another sRNA - Ms1. Ms1 structurally resembles 6S RNA and indeed it was first identified as a 6S RNA structural homologue. However, Ms1 binds to RNAP devoid of any sigma factor, and, therefore, is significantly distinct from 6S RNA. This work describes regulation of expression of Ms1. DNA fragments of different length from the region upstream of the Ms1 gene were prepared. These fragments were fused to the lacZ reporter gene and their activity was tested in different growth phases and under stress. This allowed identification and characterization of the core promoter sequence and regulatory sequences that might interact with transcription factor(s). Promoter activity increased with increased length of the promoter fragment and after transition into stationary...

Kritické faktory implementace BI v nekomerční sféře / Critical Success Factors of Business Intelligence Implementation in the Non-commercial Sector

Jelínek, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to create a list of critical success factors (CSF) of Business Intelligence implementation in the non-commercial sector and check this list in practice on real projects. Part of the thesis is also the summary of all specifics and differences of BI implementation in public sector and the view of usage possibilities of BI in this sector in relationship on already implemented projects in the Czech Republic so and abroad. The thesis is composed of theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part is focused on problems related to this area, especially analyses the present state of BI in public sector and features specifics and differences related to BI implementation in this area. Further also describes all significant critical success factors of BI implementation in general. Practical part is then aimed on particular verification of Business Intelligence CSFs on real projects realized in non-commercial sector inside of the Czech Republic. As a main tool for obtaining needed and objective information were used managed interviews with competent deputies of submitter (customer) and supplier of particular BI solution. The main contribution of this thesis is determination of differences, but also consistent components of Business Intelligence implementation in non-commercial sector compared to private sector with emphasis on critical success factors. Significant is also the comprehensive view of possibilities and advantages of BI usage in public sector, created by analysis of already implemented projects. These achieved results can be utilized by future (and contemporary) suppliers and submitters of BI projects, but also of other projects from information science area.

Kritické faktory implementace IS v SME / ritical success factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Skřivánek, Václav January 2008 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is "Critical success factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises" Firstly, the terms enterprise resource planning system, small and medium sized enterprise and critical factor are defined. Part of this thesis is also dedicated to the importance of those systems in small and medium sized enterprises and the supply of products on the market is described as well. The importance of enterprise resource planning systems for this segment of customers is still growing and the number of products offered is quite wide. Customers have unambiguously preferred Czech solutions. Next part of the thesis contains critical factors literature search -- analysis of two studies. Conceptual model of critical factors is made on the basis of findings and comparison of those two studies. The relevance of this model is verified by the analysis of case studies of enterprise resource planning system implementations in small and medium sized enterprises. These case studies were downloaded from websites of system vendors. On the basis of new findings, new model was designed. Each critical factor is described in each part of the thesis to help understand under which circumstances it was used. Finally, the model is assessed.

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