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Adaptive Energy Management Strategies for Series Hybrid Electric Wheel LoadersPahkasalo, Carolina, Sollander, André January 2020 (has links)
An emerging technology is the hybridization of wheel loaders. Since wheel loaders commonly operate in repetitive cycles it should be possible to use this information to develop an efficient energy management strategy that decreases fuel consumption. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate if and how this can be done in a real-time online application. The strategy that is developed is based on pattern recognition and Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS), which together is called Adaptive ECMS (A-ECMS). Pattern recognition uses information about the repetitive cycles and predicts the operating cycle, which can be done with Neural Network or Rule-Based methods. The prediction is then used in ECMS to compute the optimal power distribution of fuel and battery power. For a robust system it is important with stability implementations in ECMS to protect the machine, which can be done by adjusting the cost function that is minimized. The result from these implementations in a quasistatic simulation environment is an improvement in fuel consumption by 7.59 % compared to not utilizing the battery at all.
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On-Engine Turbocharger Performance Considering Heat TransferAghaali, Habib January 2012 (has links)
Heat transfer plays an important role in affecting an on-engine turbocharger performance. However, it is normally not taken into account for turbocharged engine simulations. Generally, an engine simulation based on one-dimensional gas dynamics uses turbocharger performance maps which are measured without quantifying and qualifying the heat transfer, regardless of the fact that they are measured on the hot-flow or cold-flow gas-stand. Since heat transfer situations vary for on-engine turbochargers, the maps have to be shifted and corrected in the 1-D engine simulation, which mass and efficiency multipliers usually do for both the turbine and the compressor. The multipliers change the maps and are often different for every load point. Particularly, the efficiency multiplier is different for every heat transfer situation on the turbocharger. The heat transfer leads to a deviation from turbocharger performance maps, and increased complexity of the turbocharged engine simulation. Turbochargers operate under different heat transfer situations while they are installed on the engines. The main objectives of this thesis are: heat transfer modeling of a turbocharger to quantify and qualify heat transfer mechanisms, improving turbocharged engine simulation by including heat transfer in the turbocharger, assessing the use of two different turbocharger performance maps concerning the heat transfer situation (cold-measured and hot-measured turbocharger performance maps) in the simulation of a measured turbocharged engine, prediction of turbocharger walls’ temperatures and their effects on the turbocharger performance on different heat transfer situations. Experimental investigation has been performed on a water-oil-cooled turbocharger, which was installed on a 2-liter GDI engine for different load points of the engine and different heat transfer situations on the turbocharger by using insulators, an extra cooling fan, radiation shields and water-cooling settings. In addition, several thermocouples have been used on accessible surfaces of the turbocharger to calculate external heat transfers. Based on the heat transfer analysis of the turbocharger, the internal heat transfer from the bearing housing to the compressor significantly affects the compressor. However, the internal heat transfer from the turbine to the bearing housing and the external heat transfer of the turbine housing mainly influence the turbine. The external heat transfers of the compressor housing and the bearing housing, and the frictional power do not play an important role in the heat transfer analysis of the turbocharger. The effect of the extra cooling fan on the energy balance of the turbocharger is significant. However, the effect of the water is more significant on the external heat transfer of the bearing housing and the internal heat transfer from the bearing housing to the compressor. It seems the radiation shield between the turbine and the compressor has no significant effect on the energy balance of the turbocharger. The present study shows that the heat transfer in the turbocharger is very crucial to take into account in the engine simulations. This improves simulation predictability in terms of getting the compressor efficiency multiplier equal to one and turbine efficiency multiplier closer to one, and achieving turbine outlet temperature close to the measurement. Moreover, the compressor outlet temperature becomes equal to the measurement without correcting the map. The heat transfer situation during the measurement of the turbocharger performance influences the amount of simulated heat flow to the compressor. The heat transfer situation may be defined by the turbine inlet temperature, oil heat flux and water heat flux. However, the heat transfer situation on the turbine makes a difference on the required turbine efficiency multiplier, rather than the amount of turbine heat flow. It seems the turbine heat flow is a stronger function of available energy into the turbine. Of great interest is the fact that different heat situations on the turbocharger do not considerably influence the pressure ratio of the compressor. The turbine and compressor efficiencies are the most important parameters that are affected by that. The component temperatures of the turbocharger influence the working fluid temperatures. Additionally, the turbocharger wall temperatures are predictable from the experiment. This prediction enables increased precision in engine simulations for future works in transient operations. / QC 20120504
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Experimental Determination of Aeracoustic Sources in Low Mach Number Internal FlowsHolmberg, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, the in-duct experimental methods for determining aeroacoustic N-ports of in-duct elements are discussed and improved. The scattering matrix determination methods and the related wave decomposition methods are evaluated from measurements in an empty duct carrying a mean flow. The improvements of a new over-determination method for the source part of the N-port is studied using simulations and measurements; in quiescent air as well as measurements of the flow associated noise of a mixer plate, here a triangular plate inserted at an angle in a duct. The new method is shown to improve suppression of random errors while no improvement is achieved for bias errors. Further, the methods are applied in the study of two different aeroacoustic phenomena; one is the effect on the flow associated noise of the triangular plate achieved by varying the bending stiffness. For the most resilient plate tested, it is observed that when the Strouhal number of the flow noise coalesce with the Helmholtz number of a specific eigen-mode of the plate, the noise is drastically dampened. There is also a weaker broad band effect. The other phenomena studied is the amplification and attenuation obtained for sound waves propagating in a T-junction of rectangular ducts. It is found that by adding only 10% of inflow in the side branch relative to that in the main branch, the amplification is heavily increased. By adding another 10% the amplification is again similar to that of no side branch flow. Adding further flow lessens the effects still. / QC 20101118 / Experimental characterization of aero-acoustic sources
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The relationship between rolling resistance and tyre operating conditions, with a focus on tyre temperatureYdrefors, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from today’s increasing number of cars and trucks, are crucial in counteracting global warming. These efforts include the intent to reduce the effects of the resistive forces acting on the vehicle. Rolling resistance is one of these forces. A reduction in rolling resistance would aid in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also reducing the driving costs and increasing the driving range per charge for electric vehicles. This PhD research contributes to these efforts by the development of a rolling resistance measurement method on a flat track test equipment that avoids the curvature effects present in the standardised drum test. Another contribution is the development of a rolling resistance model that can describe the relationship between the tyre deformation and the forces acting on the tyre. The model is parametrised by results from the developed measurement method and is simple enough to be included in complete vehicle dynamicssimulations. In this thesis, the effects of different operational conditions, such as inflation pressure, tyre temperature, speed, load, road surface or tyre angles, are investigated and presented. The results from this investigation were used for the development of the measurement method for flat track test equipment. Tyre temperature is an important operating condition influencing rolling resistance and the proposed measurement method can be used to investigate rolling resistance at different tyre temperatures. The results obtained with the proposedmeasurement method, which are comparable to drum measurements performed under the same operating conditions, are used to parameterise the developed rolling resistance model. The model gives a good fit for the relationship between rolling resistance and tyre deformation. The measurement method and the model build a good platform for deeper investigations of rolling resistance and its connection to tyre temperature. / Arbete för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från det ökande antalet bilar och lastbilar är en viktig del i att motverka den globala uppvärmningen. Detta kan göras genom att reducera påverkan från de resistiva krafter som påverkar fordonet, med fokus på rullmotståndet. En minskning av fordonens rullmotstånd skulle medverka till att minska växthusgasutsläppen samt bidra till att reducera körkostnaderna och öka räckvidden per laddning för elbilar.Denna licentiatuppsats bidrar till detta genom att skapa en metod för rullmotståndsmätningar på plant underlag, för att kunna undvikakrökningseffekterna i den standardiserade trummätningen. Ett annatbidrag är en rullmotståndsmodell som beskriver växelverkan mellan däckdeformationer och däckkrafter. Modellen parametriseras med resultat från den framtagna mätmetoden och är tillräckligt enkel för att vara användbar i en komplett fordonsdynamiksimulering. I denna uppsats presenteras påverkan av olika driftsvillkor som däcktryck, däcktemperatur, hastighet, last, underlag och kurvatur. Dessa resultat nyttjades i utvecklandet av nämnda mätmetod för rullmotståndsmätningar på plant underlag. Däcktemperatur är ett viktigt driftsförhållande med stor påverkan på rullmotståndet och den föreslagna mätmetoden kan användas för att mäta rullmotstånd vid olika däcktemperaturer. Denna mätmetod användes sedan för att parametrisera indata till den utvecklade rullmotståndsmodellen. Det visade sig att modelldata avviker från uppmätt data för förhållandet mellan hjullast och däckdeformation på grund av modellgeometrin. Men modellen ger en god överenstämmelse för förhållandet mellan däckdeformation och rullmotstånd. Mätmetoden är, tillsammans med den föreslagna modellen, en bra bas för mer genomgående undersökningar av rullmotstånd och dess korrelation med däcktemperatur.
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On Evaluation and Modelling of Human Exposure to Vibration and Shock on Planing High-Speed CraftOlausson, Katrin January 2015 (has links)
High speed in waves, necessary in for instance rescue or military operations, often result in severe loading on both the craft and the crew. To maximize the performance of the high-speed craft (HSC) system that the craft and crew constitute, balance between these loads is essential. There should be no overload or underuse of crew, craft or equipment. For small high-speed craft systems, man is often the weakest link. The human exposure to vibration and shock results in injuries and other adverse health effects, which increase the risks for non-safe operations and performance degradation of the crew and craft system. To achieve a system in balance, the human acceleration exposure must be considered early in ship design. It must also be considered in duty planning and in design and selection of vibration mitigation systems. The thesis presents a simulation-based method for prediction and evaluation of the acceleration exposure of the crew on small HSC. A numerical seat model, validated with experimental full-scale data, is used to determine the crew's acceleration exposure. The input to the model is the boat acceleration expressed in the time domain (simulated or measured), the total mass of the seated human, and seat specific parameters such as mass, spring stiffness and damping coefficients and the seat's longitudinal position in the craft. The model generates seat response time series that are evaluated using available methods for evaluation of whole-body vibration (ISO 2631-1 \& ISO 2631-5) and statistical methods for calculation of extreme values. The presented simulation scheme enables evaluation of human exposure to vibration and shock at an early stage in the design process. It can also be used as a tool in duty planning, requirements specification or for design of appropriate vibration mitigation systems. Further studies is proposed within three areas: investigation of the actual operational profiles of HSC, further development of seat models and investigation of the prevailing injuries and health problems among the crew of HSC. / <p>QC 20150126</p>
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Sound propagation from sustainable ground vehicles : from aeroacoustic sources to urban noisePignier, Nicolas January 2015 (has links)
Transportation is the main source of environmental noise in Europe, with an estimated 125 million people affected by excessive noise levels from road traffic, causing a burden of noise related diseases and having a substantial economic impact on society. In order to reduce exposure to high levels of traffic noise, two approaches are the topic of extensive research: preventing sound from propagating from roads and railways using for example noise barriers, and reducing the sources of noise themselves. The second solution, which addresses directly the cause of the problem, requires improved design methods, with a more systematic resort to multi-functional design. Addressing cross-functions simultaneously reduces the number of design iterations and the high cost of prototyping. The work presented in this thesis aims at developing methods that can be used to design quieter vehicle concepts within a multi-functional approach, and is articulated around two main axis of research, aerodynamic sound generation and sound propagation. The first axis aims at performing an aeroacoustic analysis to predict aerodynamic sound sources. A hybrid method is used on the example of a type of submerged air inlet called a NACA duct, where the near-field flow is solved through detached eddy simulation (DES) and where the far-field acoustics is computed using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings integral. Results for the flow for various operating conditions are presented and validated against experimental data from the literature, with very good agreement. Far-field acoustic results are shown, exhibiting levels and components that are strongly dependent on the operating conditions. This analysis gives a framework for future aeroacoustic analysis in the project, and sets the path for the development of air inlets with improved aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics. The second axis focuses on the propagation of sound from a given source, moving in an urban environment. An approximate boundary method is presented, which relies on the Kirchhoff approximation applied to the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral equation. Using this approximation speeds up the computational time compared to using a regular boundary element method. The resulting expression is extended to account for multiple scattering through consecutive updates of the surface pressures, and for moving sources through the introduction of a retarded time and of a Doppler shift. Validation tests for this method are presented, from simple scatterers to a more realistic configuration, showing good agreement with analytical, experimental and simulated work. / Fordon är den främsta källan till bullerexponering i Europa med uppskattningsvis 125 miljoner människor som är utsatta för höga ljudnivåer från vägtrafik, vilket kan orsaka bullerrelaterade häsloproblem samt har en betydande ekonomisk effekt på samhället. För att minska exponeringen för höga ljudnivåer från fordon, finns det två angreppssätt som båda idag är ämne för omfattande forskning: att förhindra ljudutbredning från vägar och järnvägar (till exempel med hjälp av bullerskydd), samt att minska ljudnivån från olika bullerkällor. Den sistnämnda, som direkt riktar sig till problemets orsak, kräver förbättrade designmetoder med mer systematisk användning av multifunktionell design. Att hantera flera funktioner hos fordonet samtidigt minskar antalet designiterationer och den höga kostnaden för prototyper. Arbetet som presenteras i denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla metoder som kan användas för att utforma tystare fordonskoncept inom ramen för en multifunktionell strategi och fokuserar på två spår i forskningen: aerodynamisk ljudalstring och ljudutbredning från rörliga källor. Det första spåret i forskningen syftar till att utföra en aeroakustisk undersökning för att modellera aerodynamiska ljudkällor. En hybridmetod tillämpas på ett typ av nedsänkt luftintag, kallat NACA-intag, där källområdet i strömningen löses genom detached eddy simulation (DES) och akustiken i fjärrfältet beräknas enligt Ffowcs Williams och Hawkings integral. Resultat för strömningen för olika driftförhållanden presenteras och valideras mot experimentella data från litteraturen, med mycket god överensstämmelse. Resultat för det akustika fjärrfältet visas, vilket uppvisar nivåer och komponenter som är starkt beroende av driftförhållandena. Denna analys ger en ram för kommande analyser av aeroakustik inom projektet och visar vägen för utvecklingen av luftintag med förbättrade aerodynamiska och aeroakustika egenskaper. Det andra spåret i forskningsprojektet är inriktat på ljudets utbredning från en given källa som rör sig i en urban miljö. En approximativ randvärdesmetod presenteras som bygger på Kirchhoff approximation tillämpad på Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integralekvation. Med hjälp av denna approximation minskas beräkningstiden jämfort med vanlig boundary element method (BEM). Modellen utvecklas sedan för att kunna hantera flera reflektioner genom att det akustiska trycket på ytorna uppdateras för varje reflektion samt för att kunna hantera rörliga källor genom att introducera tidsfördröjningar och Dopplerförskjutning. Validering för denna modell presenteras, från enkla spridare till en mer realistisk urban konfiguration, som visar god överensstämmelse med analytiskt, experimentellt och simulerat data. / <p>QC 20151002</p>
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Wheel-rail contact modelling in vehicle dynamics simulationShahzamanian Sichani, Matin January 2013 (has links)
The wheel-rail contact is at the core of all research related to vehicle-track interaction. This tiny interface governs the dynamic performance of rail vehicles through the loads it transmits and, like any high stress concentration zone, it is subjected to serious damage phenomena. Thus, a clear understanding of the rolling contact between wheel and rail is key to realistic vehicle dynamic simulation and damage analyses. In a multi-body-system simulation package, the essentially demanding contact problem should be evaluated in about every millisecond. Hence, a rigorous treatment of the contact is highly time consuming. Simplifying assumptions are, therefore, made to accelerate the simulation process. This gives rise to a trade-off between accuracy and computational efficiency of the contact models in use. Historically, Hertz contact solution is used since it is of closed-form. However, some of its underlying assumptions may be violated quite often in wheel-rail contact. The assumption of constant relative curvature which leads to an elliptic contact patch is of this kind. Fast non-elliptic contact models are proposed by others to lift this assumption while avoiding the tedious numerical procedures. These models are accompanied by a simplified approach to treat tangential tractions arising from creepages and spin. In this thesis, in addition to a literature survey presented, three of these fast non-elliptic contact models are evaluated and compared to each other in terms of contact patch, pressure and traction distributions as well as the creep forces. Based on the conclusions drawn from this evaluation, a new method is proposed which results in more accurate contact patch and pressure distribution estimation while maintaining the same computational efficiency. The experience gained through this Licentiate work illuminates future research directions among which, improving tangential contact results and treating conformal contacts are given higher priority. / <p>QC 20130911</p>
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Efficient commuter craft for urban waterborne public transportationCheemakurthy, Harsha January 2021 (has links)
There has been a recent surge in interest in waterborne public transportation (WPT). Publictransport providers (PTP) are seeing its potential in complementing the existing transportnetwork and alleviating urban traffic congestion and pollution. But the adoption of WPTtoday is challenging due to a series of technical and implementation challenges. Thesechallenges include ferry procurement practices, local legislation and policies andenvironmental factors like winter ice. Several of these challenges can be alleviated if efficientferries can be made accessible off-the-shelf with a low manufacturing time and cost. Thethesis focuses on developing such a ferry concept based on modular design whose overalldimensions are standardized and internal arrangement is customizable towards operationalrequirements, with a focus towards sustainable and safe operations in ice.Starting with the characterization of WPT, ferry routes are broadly classified into three types.These routes are described with an operational requirements framework considering allrelevant stakeholder expectations. Then, overall dimensions of vessels representative ofWPT are deduced. Using these dimensions to standardize the overall dimensions, a modularferry concept is developed as an assembly of modules and submodules. The modules arepresented as standardized units having fixed dimensions and interfaces whose internalarrangements can be tailored to meet operational requirements. Design standardizationlowers costs and manufacturing time while internal customization favours tailoring the ferryconcept. One challenge associated with this for the PTP is the difficulty in choosingappropriate modules among multiple alternatives. This is overcome through thedevelopment of a ranking and selection method which benchmarks competing designs andhelps in decision making.In terms of technical challenges for the developed ferry concept, cities like Stockholmexperience freezing of water bodies during winter months. For reliable year-roundoperations that are safe and sustainable in terms of economy and environment, there is aneed for the development of lightweight and robust ice going hulls. This thesis lays thefoundation for the development of such hulls by studying the prevalent ice data and proposesa probabilistic method for estimating the design ice pressures.One must rely on probabilistic methods since most experimental studies are based on seaice whose mechanical properties are different from freshwater ice, which is typical for WPT.Traditionally, classification society rules like the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rules are usedfor first year light ice conditions which were developed for the Baltic Sea consideringicebreaker vessels. They work well in ensuring a safe design, but their performance forfreshwater ice, applied to commuter ferries have not been tested. Therefore, a probabilisticapproach is adopted where the unknown parameters are incorporated as random variables.The probabilistic method reduces the hull-ice interaction to a pressure and contact-arearelationship. With arctic datasets that closely match WPT conditions as the parent dataset,the probabilistic method is calibrated with exposure conditions for WPT to give the designpressure-area curve. The different uncertainties arising from operations in ice are studied using a statistical tool and the leading source of uncertainty is attributed to ice-loadprediction methods. This establishes the need for more robust methods for prediction of iceloads so that a lightweight, yet robust hull may be designed which is efficient in terms of fueleconomy and emissions.WPT presents a tremendous opportunity in complementing the existing transport network.With careful design and development of the modular ferry concept and its technicalchallenges, it would be easier for PTPs to adopt WPT globally. / De senaste decenniet har intresset ökat för kollektivtrafik på vatten (WPT).Kollektivtrafikleverantörer ser potential att minska trängsel och utsläpp och tillförakapacitet genom att utnyttja de urbana vattenvägarna. Men realiseringen har utmaningar,så väl tekniska som relaterade till regelverk och systempraxis. Dessa omfattar inköp av färjoroch upphandling av vattenburen trafik, lokal lagstiftning och policyer, miljöfaktorer ochdessutom isen vintertid. Flera av dessa utmaningar kan hanteras om effektiva färjor kangöras lättillgängliga med kort tillverkningstid till ett pris i paritet med övrig kollektivtrafik.Avhandlingen fokuserar på att utveckla ett färjekoncept baserat på modulär design medövergripande, standardiserade, dimensioner och med möjlighet att anpassa inredningenefter operativa krav.Efter karaktäriseringen av WPT klassificeras färjerutter i tre kategorier. Dessa rutterbeskrivs i ett operativt ramverk som beaktar relevanta intressenters förväntningar. Därefterbestäms de övergripande dimensionerna för WPT fartyg. Baserat på dessa utvecklas ettmodulärt färjekoncept som en sammansättning av moduler och delmoduler. Modulerna harstandarddimensioner och gränssnitt så att arrangemang kan skräddarsys för att uppfyllaaktuella operativa krav. En utmaning med det modulära färjekonceptet är svårigheten attbedöma vilken kombination av moduler som är bäst när det finns många möjligakombinationer som uppfyller en kravprofil. För att hantera detta utvecklas en rankningsochurvalsmetod för att kunna jämföra konkurrerande lösningar och därmed ge stöd i valetav design.En teknisk utmaning i städer som Stockholm är isen vintertid. För tillförlitlig trafik, åretrunt, som är både säker och hållbar, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt, finns det ett behov avutveckling av lätta och starka skrov som tål att operera i is. Avhandlingen närmar sigutvecklingen av sådana skrov genom att föreslå lämpliga isdata och en sannolikhetsbaseradmetod för att uppskatta dimensionerande isbelastningar.Is för nordiska WPT förhållanden är vanligtvis sötvattensis, vars mekaniska egenskaperskiljer sig från havsis. De flesta studier som beskriver isegenskaper är experimentella ochbaserade på havsis där man måste förlita sig på probabilistiska metoder för att ta hänsyn tillosäkerheter. Traditionellt används regler från klassificeringssällskap, som de finsk-svenskaisklassreglerna FSICR för första års isförhållanden vilket utvecklats för Östersjön ochisbrytande fartyg. Reglerna fungerar för att säkerställa en säker konstruktion men hur välde är anpassade för att dimensionera effektiva pendelfärjor i sötvattenis har inte utretts. Iavhandlingen antas ett probabilistiskt tillvägagångssätt där de okända parametrarna antassom slumpmässiga variabler. Den probabilistiska metoden förenklar interaktionen mellanskrov och is till ett förhållande mellan tryck och kontaktyta. Med publicerad data, som näramatchar WPT-förhållanden, som bas, kalibreras den probabilistiska metoden tillexponeringsförhållanden för WPT för att formulera den dimensionerande tryck-kurvan. Deolika osäkerhetsfaktorerna vid operation i is studeras med statistisk analys som visar att denfrämsta källan till osäkerhet är just förutsägelsen av isbelastningen. Detta fastställer behovet av mer robusta metoder för förutsägelse av isbelastningar så att ett lätt, men ändå starktskrov kan utformas som är effektivt med avseende på bränsleekonomi och utsläpp.WPT ger stora möjligheter att komplettera ett befintligt kollektivtrafik nätverk. Mednoggrann design och tillämpning av det modulära färjekonceptet kan det bli enklare att tatillvara möjligheterna runt om i världen.
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The relationship between rolling resistance and tyre operating conditions, with a focus on tyre temperatureYdrefors, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from today’s increasing number of cars and trucks, are crucial in counteracting global warming. These efforts include the intent to reduce the effects of the resistive forces acting on the vehicle. Rolling resistance is one of these forces. A reduction in rolling resistance would aid in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also reducing the driving costs and increasing the driving range per charge for electric vehicles. This PhD research contributes to these efforts by the development of a rolling resistance measurement method on a flat track test equipment that avoids the curvature effects present in the standardised drum test. Another contribution is the development of a rolling resistance model that can describe the relationship between the tyre deformation and the forces acting on the tyre. The model is parametrised by results from the developed measurement method and is simple enough to be included in complete vehicle dynamicssimulations. In this thesis, the effects of different operational conditions, such as inflation pressure, tyre temperature, speed, load, road surface or tyre angles, are investigated and presented. The results from this investigation were used for the development of the measurement method for flat track test equipment. Tyre temperature is an important operating condition influencing rolling resistance and the proposed measurement method can be used to investigate rolling resistance at different tyre temperatures. The results obtained with the proposedmeasurement method, which are comparable to drum measurements performed under the same operating conditions, are used to parameterise the developed rolling resistance model. The model gives a good fit for the relationship between rolling resistance and tyre deformation. The measurement method and the model build a good platform for deeper investigations of rolling resistance and its connection to tyre temperature. / Arbete för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från det ökande antalet bilar och lastbilar är en viktig del i att motverka den globala uppvärmningen. Detta kan göras genom att reducera påverkan från de resistiva krafter som påverkar fordonet, med fokus på rullmotståndet. En minskning av fordonens rullmotstånd skulle medverka till att minska växthusgasutsläppen samt bidra till att reducera körkostnaderna och öka räckvidden per laddning för elbilar.Denna licentiatuppsats bidrar till detta genom att skapa en metod för rullmotståndsmätningar på plant underlag, för att kunna undvikakrökningseffekterna i den standardiserade trummätningen. Ett annatbidrag är en rullmotståndsmodell som beskriver växelverkan mellan däckdeformationer och däckkrafter. Modellen parametriseras med resultat från den framtagna mätmetoden och är tillräckligt enkel för att vara användbar i en komplett fordonsdynamiksimulering. I denna uppsats presenteras påverkan av olika driftsvillkor som däcktryck, däcktemperatur, hastighet, last, underlag och kurvatur. Dessa resultat nyttjades i utvecklandet av nämnda mätmetod för rullmotståndsmätningar på plant underlag. Däcktemperatur är ett viktigt driftsförhållande med stor påverkan på rullmotståndet och den föreslagna mätmetoden kan användas för att mäta rullmotstånd vid olika däcktemperaturer. Denna mätmetod användes sedan för att parametrisera indata till den utvecklade rullmotståndsmodellen. Det visade sig att modelldata avviker från uppmätt data för förhållandet mellan hjullast och däckdeformation på grund av modellgeometrin. Men modellen ger en god överenstämmelse för förhållandet mellan däckdeformation och rullmotstånd. Mätmetoden är, tillsammans med den föreslagna modellen, en bra bas för mer genomgående undersökningar av rullmotstånd och dess korrelation med däcktemperatur.
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Artificial Neural Network in Exhaust Temperature Modelling : Viability of ANN Usage in Gasoline Engine ModellingNibras, Musa, Linus, Roos January 2022 (has links)
Developing and improving upon a good empirical model for an engine can be time-consuming and costly. The goal of this thesis has been to evaluate data-driven modelling, specifically neural networks, to see how well it can handle training for some static models like the mass flow of air into the cylinder, mean effective pressure and pump mean effective pressure but also for transient modelling, specifically the exhaust gas temperature. These models are evaluated against the classical empirical models to see if neural networks are a viable modelling option. This is done with five different types of neural networks which are trained. These are the feed-forward neural network, Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model network, layer recurrent network, long short term memory network and gated recurrent network.The inputs were determined by looking at more simple physical models but also looking at the covariance to determine the usefulness of the input. If the calculation time is small for the specific network, the neural network structure is tested and optimized by training many networks and finding the median/mean result for that specific test.The result has shown that the static models are handled very well by the most simple feed-forward network. For the exhaust temperature, both NARX and Layer recurrent network could predict and handle it well giving results very close to the empirical models and could be a viable option for transient modelling, on the other hand, Long short term memory, gated recurrent network and the feed-forward network had trouble predicting the exhaust gas temperature and returned bad results while training.
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