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吸引外人直接投資決定因素---以世界四十五國為例馬昌璇, Ma, Chang-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
如何吸引外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment,以下簡稱FDI)一直是世界各國持續且既定的重點施政目標,因外資對解決資本缺乏及外匯短缺問題、技術及產品引進、創造貿易與就業機會、提振國內業者的投資意願與信心、促進經濟發展、加速金融與賦稅改革等方面均有顯著貢獻。
有鑑於此,本研究首次採用UNCTAD發展的外人直接投資績效指數(Inward FDI Performance Index,以下簡稱INDi),取代傳統以FDI做為衡量一國吸引外資能力的替代變數,另參考文獻歸納出吸引外資因素,輔以最小平方迴歸 (Original Least Square,OLS)、迴歸變異測量、殘差項序列自我相關及殘差項變異數不齊一存在的檢定與修正等步驟,對世界四十五國(另依開發程度區分為已開發國家及開發中國家)1999年至2001年之五大類(總體經濟環境、廠商成本、政府政策、勞動條件、基礎建設)共計11項變數進行實證分析,而獲致以下結論:
(一)各模型具顯著解釋能力的變數各不同,故在選擇吸引FDI參考指標 時,應依研究對象類型的不同,選取適當變數分析以減少偏誤。
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地主國吸引外人直接投資的決定性因素:跨國分析甘文光 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟成長之主因來自於資本之累積,故投資決定了成長,然而由於大部分的開發中國家缺少國內儲蓄,而外人直接投資便可挹注國內儲蓄的不足,有利於國內資本的累積,對被投資國的經濟成長具有很大的效果。因此,外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment,以下簡稱FDI)是決定一國經濟成長及財富累積的重要因素之一,故FDI數字的變化關乎一國經濟未來的成長,所以世界各國無不卯足全力釋出各項租稅減免及奬勵措施來吸引外資進入,而有鑑於台灣這些年的經濟大幅衰退肇因為投資大幅度負成長,為有效恢復我國經濟成長的動能,如何吸引外人直接投資便成為本文所欲探討之重點。
因此,本研究首次採用UNCTAD發展的跨國性指數(Transnationality Index,以下簡稱TNI),取代傳統以FDI做為衡量一國吸引外資能力的替代變數,另參考文獻歸納出吸引外資因素,對世界四十六國(另依開發程度區分為已開發國家及開發中國家)之1999年及2002年的四大類(總體經濟環境、政府政策、勞動條件、基礎建設)共計12項變數進行實證分析,而獲致以下結論:
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Spillover effects of Multinational Enterprises on domestic firms productivityZemoi, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Since the 1990s and the Swedish membership in the European Union in 1995, the presence of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) has increased radically in the Swedish economy. The objective with this study is to analyze MNEs effects in different regions within the Swedish manufacturing industry in terms of productivity. Is a region with more MNEs, more pro-ductive than a region with a lower share of MNEs? The theory claims that productivity spillovers of MNEs occurs through three channels namely, via R&D, increased competi-tion and transmission of technology. By observing 81 regions which consists of all 290 municipals in Sweden and taking the average value of productivity and the explanatory variables trough 1997-2004, a cross-sectional analysis is conducted. The results evidently showed signs of productivity spillovers of MNEs on local firms in the manufacturing in-dustry. Findings suggest that (1) a regions with higher share of MNEs did face a higher re-gional productivity. However the spillovers was not successfully absorbed by regions with a industry structure that was not dominated by a the manufacturing industry. (2) Larger re-gions, in terms of population, tend to show a lower productivity level compared to the av-erage levels of the rest of the regions, since their structure was dominated by the service sector. (3) Regions with small technological difference compared to the MNEs, tends to hold the skills and knowledge needed to efficiently exploit the productivity spillovers, hence MNEs influence on regional productivity was greater in these regions than regions with a lower level of technical capability.</p><p> </p>
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雙邊租稅協定對臺灣FDI之影響賴鈺庭 Unknown Date (has links)
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The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Gross Domestic Product Growth in Lithuania / Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų įtaka BVP augimui LietuvojeGolodenko, Olga 12 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to determine what type of causative relationship between FDI and GDP exists in Lithuania. The analysis includes assessment of the overall economic situation in the country, analysis of historical statistical data on FDI, overview of existing studies and regression analysis. The regression is performed in order to reveal the impact of various economic factors on GDP growth. The model in question includes such economic indicators as corruption perceptions level index, harmonized consumer price index, net export, foreign investments via liabilities and FDI. Firstly, Granger causality test is performed in order to see whether FDI Granger causes GDP. Then, after making corrections for sequences to be stationary, a regression is performed using ordinary least squares method. The results of the analysis show that there is no statistically significant impact of FDI on economic growth in Lithuania. Nevertheless, foreign investments of other type had a great influence on economic performance in the past several years. However, due to their nature economic growth could not be sustained. The reasons for FDI having no influence over the economic growth in Lithuania are seen in the fact of scarcity of the investments, country’s inability to attract foreign investors, corruption existence, and unstable taxing system. Recommendations are provided on the matter. / Darbo tikslas – nustatyti koks egzistuoja ryšys tarp tiesioginių užsienio investicijų (TUI) ir BVP augimo Lietuvoje. Darbe analizuojama dabartinė šalies ekonominė situacija, TUI statistiniai duomenys, apžvelgiama susijusi literatūra bei moksliniai straipsniai, atliekama regresinė analizė. Regresinės analizės tikslas – nustatyti kokią įtaką ekonominiam augimui daro į modelį įtraukti kintamieji. Į regresinį modelį įeina korupcijos lygio indeksas, suderintas vartotojų kainų indeksas, grynasis eksportas, kitos užsienio investicijos ir TUI. Pirmiausia atliekamas Grendžerio duomenų analizės testas, kuris nustato ar TUI gali dinamiškai paaiškinti BVP augimo tempus. Tuomet, atlikus laiko eilučių stacionarumo korekcijas, mažiausių kvadratų metodu įvertinama tiesinė regresija. Analizės rezultatai parodė, kad TUI neturi statistiškai reikšmingos įtakos ekonominiam augimui Lietuvoje. Tačiau kitos užsienio investicijos, pastaraisiais metais ekonominiam vystymuisi turėjo didelę įtaką, nors dėl jų pobūdžio, stabilus ekonomikos augimas nebuvo užtikrintas. Galima įvardinti pagrindines priežastis, dėl kurių TUI neturėjo įtakos ekonominiam augimui Lietuvoje – tai investicijų trūkumas, šalies nesugebėjimas pritraukti užsienio investuotojus, korupcija ir nestabili mokesčių sistema. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos rekomendacijos.
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Diagnostic, reconstruction et identification des défauts capteurs et actionneurs : application aux station d'épurations des eaux uséesMethnani, Salowa 17 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse propose une méthode générale de reconstruction de défauts. Cette méthode donne un aperçu sur le problème d'observabilité des entrées inconnues. Par la suite, une méthodologie de détection et d'isolation de défauts capteurs et actionneurs est proposée. Le schéma de FDI est basé sur une banque d'observateurs. L'implémentation de cette méthode pour un modèle ASM1 réduit conduit à une table de signature fortement localisante.La deuxième partie porte sur la problématique de " l'observation des systèmes non linéaires ". Le filtre de Kalman étendu (FKE) est l'un des observateurs les plus largement utilisé à cette fin. Cependant, la convergence de cet observateur n'est pas prouvée. Lorsque le FKE est appliqué à un système mis sous une forme canonique d'observabilité, il acquiert, des propriétés de convergence exponentielle globales. Cependant, ce dernier entraine une amplification de bruit. Afin de combiner l'efficacité d'un FKE en termes de lissage de bruit, et la réactivité d'un OKE grand gain face aux larges variations, [Boizot et al., 2010] ont proposé un observateur adaptatif. Ainsi, cet observateur est appliqué au système non-linéaire MIMO d'une station d'épuration biologique. Une étude comparative entre ces trois observateurs est menée afin de mettre en évidence la pertinence de l'observateur adaptatif.
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Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and local innovative capacityJaguli, Abd January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of various channels of technology spillovers on local innovative capacity at national and firm level. At national level, the thesis investigates the drivers of Malaysia‟s innovative capacity and the effect of international external sources on innovative capacity. At firm level, this thesis examines the impact of FDI on the innovation progress and studies whether multinational corporations (MNCs) can act as catalysts to stimulate local firms‟ innovation activities in Malaysia. Via a case study analysis at firm level, this thesis focuses on knowledge transfer through backward linkages established between MNCs and their local suppliers. Time series data analysis is conducted to provide empirical evidence of the effect of FDI spillovers on Malaysia‟s innovative capacity at national level. Additionally, a case-study approach is adopted to investigate the impact of vertical FDI spillovers on the innovation performance of local Malaysian firms. The key findings of the study reveal that export-related spillovers are positively associated with Malaysia‟s innovative capacity, whereas importrelated spillovers play a minor role in local innovation. The findings also indicate that there is no significant correlation between economic development and local innovation, which suggests that strong economic growth is not a necessary condition in order for Malaysia to enhance its local innovative capacity. The results suggest that there is strong evidence of the importance of foreign innovation activities to local innovative capacity at national level. In contrast, knowledge spillovers measured by FDI inflows have no significant impact on local innovative capacity. The results showed that FDI might be constrained by the fact that spillovers are more likely to take place through vertical relationships than horizontal relationships. At firm level, the study suggests that knowledge and technology can be diffused through high-quality and standard requirements imposed by MNCs, the assessment and feedback and training programmes offered by MNCs to local suppliers, as well as the production process itself. These results extend ii the existing literature on national innovative capacity and validate earlier theoretical and empirical research on vertical spillovers. The findings from the thesis also have important policy and managerial implications with regard to the impact of FDI on host developing countries.
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Foreign investment decision-making in transition economiesGolubeva, Olga January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to describe and explain the foreign investment decision process in the uncertain and turbulent environment of transition economy. By getting an in-depth understanding of how decision-making works in the environment of transition economy, the study intends to contribute to the development of business administration theory in the area of foreign investment decision-making, particularly its application in the turbulent and uncertain world. Theoretical ‘blocks’, elaborated on the basis of literature study, include the following concepts: the framework of transition economy; initial motivation (or reasons) of companies to make foreign direct investments (FDI); investigation of the investment climate and information collection methods; project evaluation and investment decision criteria; risk assessment factors and risk reduction measures. Transition economy is defined in the study as ‘a non-planned, non-market economy’ where the new emerging market institutions coexist with the bureaucracy and hierarchy inherited from the old administrative system. Investment projects, therefore, should probably be seen as being under institutional influence from both the local (i.e. transition economy) and the Western investor’s home country environments. The empirical data presented in the paper also shows that it is necessary to establish the relevant economic, legal, political and social institutions in order to attract FDI. The study further includes the analysis of the main components and features of transition economies and their influence on FDI decision-making. One of the results of the study is that FDI decision-making in transition economies is largely consistent with different theoretical approaches suggested in the literature. On the other hand, the empirical support obtained for different theoretical approaches is often questionable and opened to alternative interpretations. The presented project suggests that theoretical perspectives do not preclude each other, but rather have a complimentary character. The study attempts to contribute to the mainstream FDI theories through a firm-level approach based on the case studies. Two in-depth case studies are presented in the paper: Ericsson’s direct investments in Russia and Vattenfall’s investments in the Baltic countries. A formal questionnaire based on the parameters of theoretical ‘blocks’ was created and 25 top executives from Ericsson and Vattenfall who participated in FDI decision-making were surveyed. The empirical investigation took place during the period 1997 - 1998 with partial updating of the cases during the year 2000. The study shows that where companies confront stable environments, investment decision routines and procedures will be less necessary and important than where market uncertainty is high. The strong appreciation of the local business partners for properly done investment calculations increases the importance of capital budgeting in transition economies more than in developed market economies. Besides, traditional investment appraisal methods provide managers with an ‘objective’ or ‘materialistic’ feedback for the decision-making in the rapidly changing uncertain environment. On the other hand, the study emphasises the importance of strategy over financial techniques and argues that FDI decisions in transition economies should be based on methods consistent with the company’s long-term objectives. In case of permanent changes, new approaches as well as better co-ordination of traditional techniques with strategic, political, historical, geographical and cultural issues are required. Ericsson’ s direct investments in Russia are presented in the paper in connection with other factors: the company’s historical involvement in Russia, marketing strategy, human resource development, privatisation and restructuring of the telecommunication sector in Russia, etc. Nordic Electric Power Co-operation (Nordel), the EU’ s decision in 1996 to create an internal electricity market in Europe, Baltic ring study, future plans to privatise the energy companies in the Baltic countries, etc., are the framework to present the second case. An application of project evaluation and risk assessment techniques for broader and more complicated environments shows that investment decision-making is probably as much, if not more, a social, political and cultural technology as an economic one. The study argues then that the rational choice decision-making model often co-exists with alternative models elaborated in social science - limited rationality, political and garbage can. According to the empirical data, the investment decisions are largely based on intuition, business experience and judgement, personal contacts with representatives from the local country, and these investment criteria are inevitable and acceptable in a situation of total chaos and permanent change. The right chosen partner, for example, is one of the major criteria for the success of the investment project in a transition economy. One of the outcomes of this study is that the revitalised form of investment decision-making will differ rather markedly from much of what has gone before: less emphasis on the quantitative aspects of capital budgeting, more on the qualitative aspects of companies and investment environment. The project also argues that determinants, approaches and criteria of investment activity in transition economies are largely consistent with patterns observed in other parts of the world. A few specific environmental conditions of transition economies, however, are shown in the study to affect the pattern of FDI decision-making. The level of turbulence is still different compared to the developed market economies due to uncertainties and unpredictibilities associated with environment of transition economies. Other major differences are the large power distance with authoritarian leadership, strong hierarchy and bureaucracy as well as the vital role of personal contacts in transition economies. It is not clear, however, if these features of transition economies should be seen as inherited from the past communist system or as an alternative way to organise the economic actors through networks, a way that is natural and appropriate for the majority of Asian societies.
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Identification and fault diagnosis of industrial closed-loop discrete event systems / Identification et diagnostic des systèmes à événements discrets industriels en boucle ferméeRoth, Matthias 08 October 2010 (has links)
La compétitivité des entreprises manufacturières dépend fortement de la productivité des machines etdes moyens de production. Pour garantir un haut niveau de productivité il est indispensable de minimiser lestemps d'arrêt dus aux fautes ou dysfonctionnements. Cela nécessite des méthodes efficaces pour détecter et isolerles fautes apparues dans un système (FDI). Dans cette thèse, une méthode FDI à base de modèles est proposée.La méthode est conçue pour la classe des systèmes à événements discrets industriels composés d’une bouclefermée du contrôleur et du processus. En comparant les comportements observés et attendus par le modèle, il estpossible de détecter et d’isoler des fautes. A la différence de la plupart des approches FDI des systèmes àévénements discrets, une méthode basée sur des modèles du comportement normal au lieu de modèles descomportements fautifs est proposée. Inspiré par le concept des résidus bien connu pour le diagnostic dessystèmes continus, une nouvelle approche pour l’isolation des fautes dans les systèmes à événements discrets aété développée. La clé pour l’application des méthodes FDI basées sur des modèles est d’avoir un modèle justedu système considéré. Comme une modélisation manuelle peut être très laborieuse et coûteuse pour dessystèmes à l’échelle industrielle, une approche d’identification pour les systèmes à événements discrets enboucle fermée est développée. Basée sur un algorithme connu pour l’identification des modèles monolithiques,une adaptation distribuée est proposée. Elle permet de traiter de grands systèmes comportant un haut degré deparallélisme. La base de cette approche est une décomposition du système en sous systèmes. Cettedécomposition est automatisée en utilisant un algorithme d’optimisation analysant le comportement observé dusystème. Les méthodes conçues dans cette thèse ont été mises en oeuvre sur une étude de cas et sur uneapplication d’échelle industrielle. / The competitiveness of manufacturing companies strongly depends on the productivity of machinesand production processes. To guarantee a high level of productivity, downtimes occurring due to faults have tobe kept as short as possible. This necessitates efficient fault detection and isolation (FDI) methods. In this work,a model-based FDI method for the widely used class of industrial closed-loop Discrete Event Systems isproposed. The considered systems consist of the closed-loop of plant and controller. Based on the comparison ofobserved and modeled system behavior, it is possible to detect and to isolate faults. Unlike most known methodsfor FDI in Discrete Event Systems, this work proposes working with a model of the fault-free behavior ratherthan working fault models. Inspired by the concept of residuals known from FDI in continuous systems, a newapproach for fault isolation based on fault-free Discrete Event System models is developed. The key of anymodel-based diagnosis method is to have an accurate model of the considered system. Since manual modelbuildingcan be very difficult for large industrial systems, an identification approach for this class of systems isintroduced. Based on an already existing monolithic identification algorithm, a distributed adaptation isdeveloped which allows treating large, concurrent systems. The key of the proposed approach is an automaticdecomposition of a given closed-loop Discrete Event System using an optimization approach which analyzesobserved system behavior. The methods developed in this thesis are applied to a mid-sized laboratory system andto an industrial winder to show their scalability.
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Landlocked : En kvantitativ studie om landsbundenhetens effekter påafrikanska nationers välståndAbraha, Nadab January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka varför afrikanska landsbundna nationer är fattigareän afrikanska icke-landsbundna nationer. Adam Smith konstaterade redan 1776 i sinbok ”Nationernas välstånd” att en nations geografiska position har en betydelse för hur aktivman eventuellt kommer bli i den globala handeln. Sedan dess har forskning tagitlandsbundenhets negativa effekter alltför vedertaget. Studiens förklarande variabler är FDI,infrastruktur kvalité och export. Vidare inkluderas även kolonialhistoria, utbildning och skattsom kontrollvariabler. För att undersöka sambandet använder sig studien sig av multipelregressionsanalys genom OLS (ordinary least square) metod för att undersöka sambanden.Två av studiens hypoteser går i linje med resultat, att afrikanska landsbundna länder ärfattigare på grund av de har sämre infrastruktur och har lägre export men att effekten avlandsbundenhet kvarstod vid kontroll för FDI. Vid kontroll för nationer med liknandeinfrastruktur kvalité oavsett landsbundenhet – visar resultaten att infrastruktur kvalitén kankompensera de geografiska hindren.
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